It is coming...
I wonder if we will get the key art or pics this week? Or if they would keep that secret in order not to spoi… morel stuff.
I think we will probably get the key art and some screenshots of episode 6 in a few days with a trailer with them... I hope...
On one hand I want to see some screenshots, but on the other, I want to play the episode without knowing.
Just like with Tales from the Borderlands finale.
That kinda a big reveal don't you think?
Personally I would prefer that I don't know what the North Grove looks like until we actually see it through Gared. It feels more personal that way.
It's usually a screenshot of a certain location (excluding EP3 that was one of Daenerys' dragons) kings landing, the wall, yunkai etc. Maybe the Ironwood grove? Or since the title is the ice dragon maybe it'll be North of the wall somewhere.
It's usually a screenshot of a certain location (excluding EP3 that was one of Daenerys' dragons) kings landing, the wall, yunkai etc. Maybe the Ironwood grove? Or since the title is the ice dragon maybe it'll be North of the wall somewhere.
Does anyone know how games are rated for example episode 6, did the people who rated it watch/play the episode first then gave it a rating or what do they do?
Does anyone know how games are rated for example episode 6, did the people who rated it watch/play the episode first then gave it a rating or what do they do?
Some are given early access to make sure the game meets the required standards in order to be released. I think Telltale got off lucky with Arthur's intestines being shown.
Does anyone know how games are rated for example episode 6, did the people who rated it watch/play the episode first then gave it a rating or what do they do?
Haha I honestly don't remember! But Iwan does do some fantastic improvisation.
Change the image to the game over death where Cersei's guard executes her and it's perfect!
no that's the face of justice
you are worse than me mate
No.... NO! Not these again!
Whenever I see him.
9 more days ;-;
Can't wait to make the Whitehills suffer
It is coming...
I wonder if we will get the key art or pics this week? Or if they would keep that secret in order not to spoil stuff.
I think we will probably get the key art and some screenshots of episode 6 in a few days with a trailer with them... I hope...
On one hand I want to see some screenshots, but on the other, I want to play the episode without knowing.
Just like with Tales from the Borderlands finale.
I actually can't resist seeing some screenshots about an episode so I just see them anyways, even though I spoil myself...
"All men learn to love Rodrik." xD
My brothers
Dies 5 seconds later.
"Iron from Ice, brother."
XD I'm awful
I'm awful too omfg... xD
Well, he did say that anything can be killed, including himself x3
I wonder what keyart they'd use?
I wonder about that too. I doubt it would be an Ice Dragon. Do you have any guesses?
Maybe the North Grove?
That kinda a big reveal don't you think?
Personally I would prefer that I don't know what the North Grove looks like until we actually see it through Gared. It feels more personal that way.
Then... um... what about corpses from House Forrester and House Whitehill?
It's usually a screenshot of a certain location (excluding EP3 that was one of Daenerys' dragons) kings landing, the wall, yunkai etc. Maybe the Ironwood grove? Or since the title is the ice dragon maybe it'll be North of the wall somewhere.
Maybe. it is just that every key arts has been something fans are familiar with.
It will be Ironrath for sure
The big question is, which would arrive first: winter, or episode 6?
I think the screenshots will mostly have Mira, Ryon, Talia and Elissa on them. Maybe people from Highpoint too.
oh and don't forget Gared
Kill it with fire!!!
Does anyone know how games are rated for example episode 6, did the people who rated it watch/play the episode first then gave it a rating or what do they do?
The tweet says: "Westeros has dangers around every corner."
I thought that as well but that would mean Telltale are sitting on their arses until the release date.
Some are given early access to make sure the game meets the required standards in order to be released. I think Telltale got off lucky with Arthur's intestines being shown.
There has been so many self-made tweets that I don't know what is official anymore. Is this one official?