The Penultimate curse



  • Here use this : tosses gif

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    KCohere posted: »

    Really? I see negative comments and Im like, "Well, thats their opinion." It doesnt change how I feel.

  • Imo, TftB is the best Telltale game so far. So even if the quality is slightly lower in episode 4... that just means it should be on a level with the whole of TWD and TWAU! Which is a good thing, since I love them. Not as much as TftB, but still love 'em. :D

  • edited July 2015

    How is it that penultimate episodes are regarded to be the weakest? Is it because these episodes tend to be a set-up for the final episode? Or are there other reasons?

  • Could it be a weird form of Short Man Syndrome? The episode is short so everyone is angry?

  • Personally I loved penultimate episodes of TWD and TWAU. And I have no doubt that we're going to get another awesome episode now as well. TFTB is just so brilliant, I love it more than any other TT's game.

    Besides, we're going to Helios! This is like... this has to be epic!

  • I personally don't get the Janey hate. One of the key narrative features of TPS are its parallels to BL2 (in both character and story). Everything's the same, but different - a bizzaro-world (AKA Australian) version of a familiar setting.

    There are really obvious ones like Felicity paralleling Angel's betrayal by helping the Vault Hunters behind her master's back (with the added inversion of the fact that the one you think is a human is actually an AI, while the one you think is an AI is actually human), etc.

    But people seem to overlook the fact that Janey is literally the bizarro-world version of Scooter. They are identical in every way including their constant (and admittedly awkward) proclivity for hitting on women.

    The only difference is that Janey is female.

    People talk about her (or more specifically the writers) rubbing her sexuality in people's faces - but they forget that we have multiple missions in BL2 that deal with Scooter's relationships and sexuality. And he's just as forthright as Janey - hell, we have a mission tracking down his ex-girlfriend who preferred to become essentially a cannibalistic cult-wife than put up with his neediness! The guy hits on every female character in the game - INCLUDING his family members. If anything Janey is tame in comparison, yet her character constantly gets called out for pushing some type of agenda.

    I also believe the particular homophobia line you're referencing is when Janey's putting on an "American" accent and listing things she believes they say, once again playing with the bizzaro-world "us vs. them" dynamic (as an Aussie, this stuff works for me, but I know others weren't so receptive).

    As for the game's overarching "PC-ness" (such as the Torgue friendzone line), I always thought that it was part of the (tongue-in-cheek) humour, in the same way that swearing often gets bleeped/words like "freakin'" etc. are used. The Borderlands' universe is the most ruthless, cutthroat, downright terrifying place in the galaxy, where the most atrocious things happen every second of every day - the fact that these hardened, violent and bloodthirsty characters don't swear and are seemingly "PC" just adds to the absurdity of the place. It's a crazy place - and what's crazier than slaughtering millions? Being cool with gay people/women/other minorities while slaughtering millions.

    The one part of TPS that made me bristle. Jannie Sprigs would have been a great character without the PC pounding. Her calling Athena just t

  • I think that many players are maybe having a knee-jerk reaction to hearing anything remotely resembling the infamous SJW rhetoric, and Anthony Burch being a member of the team just raises their suspicions even more. (I have nothing against Burch, and really don't know much about him besides 'BL writer', but I know some people do).

    I mean, I never got that impression from TPS personally, and even if one does take those few lines at face value as some sort of social commentary, they're still just that - a few lines. So it's bizarre to me that for some people they would make them hate a character. Janey seemed pretty funny and friendly afaic. And besides, like I said - being outspoken against homophobes seems like a believable attitude for her to have, the same way slight chauvinism felt in-character for Jack. Neither offended me, they fit the characters' personalities well, and were mostly jokes anyway.

    I personally don't get the Janey hate. One of the key narrative features of TPS are its parallels to BL2 (in both character and story). Ever

  • edited July 2015

    The us versus them is what makes it a knee jerk reaction. She was saying it was an American thing to be homophobic, the racist hot dog ranting about Tuscacans in a southern accent. This is a world where gay relationships simply exist as normal part of life. BL2 had several gay characters and it really wasn't an issue for me one way or that other. They just were. However, if you have a desire to mock someone on gay rights, racism, or religion, it's cool to reach for the Southern US stereotypes. This isn't even earth for Pete's sake.
    You might feel the same if Janie was wearing a Crocodile Dundee hat and talking about throwing shrimps on the barbi while licking a cane toad.

    I personally don't get the Janey hate. One of the key narrative features of TPS are its parallels to BL2 (in both character and story). Ever

  • Personally, I'm not a fan of Janey, partly because for a franchise were most characters tend to be quirky in different ways, and Janey being super quirky started to annoy me. I also dislike the way her lesbianism is handled, it feels like its brought up several times just to constantly establish it. I also think the writers fail to see that they actually make her out to be a bit of a perv. Her partner died via kraggon but apparently is more than happy to move on from her death, she casually stalks Moxxi, and her interactions with Athena just make her come across as a bit... forceful? I think the most bizarre one is the side quest Nothing Is Never An Option, where she starts hitting on a woman she doesn't even meet in person, gets her number, and Athena doesn't mind it atall. It's bizarre, it's like they forgot she was meant to hook up with Athena and just makes her look like a douche.

    Scooter may be similar, but keep in mind, when Scooter is hitting on women, he is the butt of the joke. Scooter is the one who is unattractive to women, and is clearly not meant to get a date, whereas Janey is, and rather than it being for a joke, it's something that is constantly brought up just to reinforce the fact to the audience she is a lesbian. And I would bet money if a male character in TPS acted like Janey does, he would be called out for being a douchebag.

    The us versus them is what makes it a knee jerk reaction. She was saying it was an American thing to be homophobic, the racist hot dog ranti

  • actually for me it was GoT. no amount of sense would explain what happened in that episode.

    The weakest penultimate episode for me was the one in The Wolf Among Us. But usually the penultimate episode don't annoy me because there are usually great moments.

  • .................. Or four.

    BeastInside posted: »

    .... Or three.

  • edited July 2015

    Idk I don't think there really is a penultimate curse. the only one I hated was In Sheep's Clothing and that was just because it was pretty lackluster, especially after all that hype due to the ending of Episode 3. When I replayed Wolf Among Us, I didn't really mind it.

    Otherwise Amid the Ruins is meh for me, Around Every Corner is tied with Starved for Help for my favorite episode of Season 1, and A Nest of Vipers is like my favorite Telltale episode to date tbh.

  • You might feel the same if Janie was wearing a Crocodile Dundee hat and talking about throwing shrimps on the barbi while licking a cane toad.

    I'm not sure if 99% of the jokes go over non-Aussies' heads, but I can assure you that they're just as scathing about our culture as they are about the yanks.

    Also, you just described my weekend:

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    The us versus them is what makes it a knee jerk reaction. She was saying it was an American thing to be homophobic, the racist hot dog ranti

  • Most of the Australian inferences where missed. Unless it is obvious, Americans tend to. No koalas, Vegemite, or Crocodile Hunter jokes, and it will leave skid marks as it passes over. And it sounds like one hell of a weekend. I, myself, shot a deer will drinking a Budweiser in a pick-up. Good times.

    You might feel the same if Janie was wearing a Crocodile Dundee hat and talking about throwing shrimps on the barbi while licking a cane toa

  • I agree. TFTBL has been the exception so far! every episode has been great. :)

    Hasn't Tales so far proven to be the exception to the rule in almost every way? I don't know if it's the tonal changes (in particular the

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