Best Blind Playthrough? (Youtube)
I'm currently playing this game and it's a whole alot of fun. I also enjoy watching other peoples blind reactions to an episode I just played, however it's so hard to find a good blind reactor...sometimes they don't feel "interested" in the game their playing.
Can anyone recommend me any good Youtuber's who are playing this game blind? Who feel very interested in this game able to understand the jokes/feel very shoked when something happens?
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Whenever I want to watch a playthrough of a Telltale game, I just go to Cryaotic. He comes off as very interested in story games, and has genuine reactions
Cryaotic is good, though he doesn't talk that much. Personally, I love watching SwingPoynt's play-throughs as well as GoldGloveTV's, because a lot of the time their commentary is quite funny and they seem really interested in the story.
I might check out SwingPoyny, he seems very funny
do you know if those ones you recommend know anything about the Borderlands universe? (it also really adds to the reaction is they know, some of the hidden jokes or old characters that appear aka Zer0 and such.)
Goldy does but not SwingPoynt - he's completely new to Borderlands, he didn't even know who Jack was.
Funny, I watch both SwingPoynt and GoldGlove playthroughs aswell :P Those two are probably the best for TFTB reactions
Then I'll watch Episode 1 of Swing and Gold. Who ever get's the best first impression from me I'll watch that one
even then I might just check both of them out. It's also fun seeing someone get into the universe for the first time.
I think SwingPoynt is such an under-rated youtuber - he's always so happy and funny and silly
And I love Goldy and his cat too 
Hope you enjoy
I feel like guudeboulderfist has a really good playthrough of TFTB. His telltale playthroughs are all really good in my opinion. Even though I'm not a huge fan of his other content.
Along with what Scooby said, I believe I heard Cry say he played the first Borderlands and tried playing the second but didn't like it, however he did say, at the end of Episode 3 of TFTBL, that this was the best episodic game out there now.
Cryaotic is cool.
GoldGloveTV is kinda annoying. He clearly overreacts and talks wayy too much, and half of his attention is always on his live chat and thanking the people who subscribed or whatever. Ruins both his own and the watcher's immersion in the game.
I don't find him annoying, he makes me laugh
also I've come across way worse play-throughs than his - some of them make me wonder why even bother playing the game if they're literally just going to respond to the chat 90% of the time. But Goldglove really likes TFTB, so he doesn't pay so much attention to the stream, which is nice 
Dekon gets really into the story and is really entertaining to watch but only if you don't mind the talking and panicking.
Yogcast Hannah and ImmortalHD for me, although the latter is taking his sweet fucking time uploading Episode 4.
I love Goldy he's my favorite lmao. It's sad he and Ally broke up, but oh well....
I know, he tried to hide it but you could tell it made him really sad
I'm just sweating through my eyes....
I watch Cry, SwingPoynt, Immortalhd, GoldGloveTV, and Yabaecip. Although Immortal takes forever to get the episodes out. xD
But he does know Brick and Mordecai
I enjoy watching SwingPoynt, GoldGloveTV, Infernokun and GameoverEnt play this game. My favourite is SwingPoynt.
So....yea watch GoldGlove he's the best, you won't regret it.
"Ooo dat boob crack" - Goldy 2015
Oh, yeah, he does.
When I check my subscriptions and I don't see Episode 4:
I know what you mean, I look for it almost everyday after an episode releases and see CounterStrike or nothing at all I'm like:
Dekon. God, that boy is so into it...
S-same... ;_;
goldy! my man!
I hear that Cipyaar guy does a really good blind play-through....
He's really into Telltale.
Cryaotic and GoldGlove have to be my favorites. Their reactions are priceless.
SpiderBite from NextGenTactics is pretty entertaining also. He's the first guy that I went to for a playthrough of the first episode of TWD.
I've really been enjoying GameoverEnt's playthrough. Also Dekon and Yogscast Hannah.
I keep wondering if farfromsubtle will get around to playing it. It seems like the sort of game they'd really like and I like watching their reactions to interactive story games. But, they haven't played it yet.