I was just wondering if Sam&Max will get the new cinematic ToMI look and controls, or if it will stay the same as previous seasons?
I would be fine with either of them, because i found the ToMI mouse controls absolutely usable.
i would love to see them do this. Season 1 and 2 are pretty much identical and telltale has evolved since then so it would be nice to see them start from scratch and give sam and max a makeover.
I would imagine so because it's just the one engine they use (the Telltale Tool) for all their games, just with improvements & modifications with each passing series.
I think S&M Season Three is going to be much better engine-wise since Season Two. There have been not one, not two, but three changes to the engine in the time to make season three. Not to mention the upgrade from TOMI to S&M! The game will probably be the best looking telltale game yet.
ToMI is uses an updated version of the same engine as Sam & Max. S&M season 3 will surely incorporate all of those improvements and a few new ones. This has nothing to do with the controls though as engine and controls are unrelated.
I'll be okay as long as the ToMI mouse controls -aren't- ported over. I'd much rather click on the ground to tell Sam where to walk.
That, and I like the inventory to pop up by bumping the edge of the screen. If this irks some people, it could be a player preference. I also like how the inventory goes away as oppose to clutter half the screen, possibly while you're interacting with the environment.
I'd like to see the same controls as Seasons 1 & 2, and the inventory box on the bottom. (Though, I would like to be able to click E to open the inventory. (I kept trying to do it in ToMI.))
I'd like to see the same controls as Seasons 1 & 2, and the inventory box on the bottom. (Though, I would like to be able to click E to open the inventory. (I kept trying to do it in ToMI.))
'I' opens inventory in ToMI. Would love to see the Tales controls in season3, thought they worked really well way beyond expectations. Been replaying S&M and keep wanting to use keyboard for some reason =p after all these years as a die hard point+click fan im converted! Would like to see and updated inventory as I found i kept on accidentally clicking the brown box walking about (not that this will be a problem with Tomi controls). Cant wait for season 3, and looking forward to some lush, tomi style camera angles
Will S&M3 use the same click to walk interface as the previos seasons, or will there be (on XBLA) the ability to move the characters around with the thumbsticks?
Hey, I wasn't even aware they're working on S&M Season 3! That's great!
But I agree, please bring back the control scheme from Seasons 1+2. It's way better than the Monkey Island scheme (which isn't terrible, but not very pleasant either).
Why not just use a pop-up interface like in Full Throttle or CMI?
That even works well in a 2.5d ego perspective, as you can see in Normality Inc..
So it sure would also work in a third person 3d environment.
i will miss the point-and-click controls..if they sacrifice it for awesome choreography and complex scenery, then i can live with it though. if it's just to make the game more console friendly then my "mouse fetishist"-heart will probably bleed....buuut i will still buy it, since it will still be good.
Been replaying S&M and keep wanting to use keyboard for some reason =p after all these years as a die hard point+click fan im converted!
That's funny. A few days ago i started up a S&M episode and had the same, but with missing the mouse drag+move controls.
As long as they are gonna be there i'll be happy. I wouldn't mind adapting to P&C again but it would be strange to change from ToMI to S&M and back all the time, always wanting to use the wrong controls.
I like how you can use the arrow keys with ToMI. I don't really like the click-and-drag scheme. If they made Sam & Max WASDable, I'd be okay with it. Hehe, think I just made up a new word.
WASD + Mouse is the best control scheme I've ever used and going back to just straight point and click feels awkward, and my left hand feels left out and sad.
Is anyone actually using the drag-feature instead of walking with the keyboard in ToMI? That feels strange indeed.
So I would say, WASD walking can stay for anyone who likes it. There's nothing to loose since Sam & Max didn't use the keyboard anyways. But the game should be full point & click playable at the same time instead of drag-walking.
Yeah, I haven't quite got my head around the whole Arrows + Mouse thing yet (although I bet it's divine with the Wii Remote + Nunchuck), so I'm hoping Telltale includes the traditional "point & click to move" in addition to the Arrows + Mouse and the dragging mouse.
I do. Indeed I kept trying to drag Wallace and Gromit around.
Me too, but i was able to adapt to WASD. I found it less convenient though to have to balance the keyboard on my lap while trying to sit relaxed.
I even tried to drag in Sam & Max when i recently ran it.
As I see it, point & click, drag-move and WASD-move don't exclude each other and thus could coexist with ease. Would it be very hard to upgrade all games to have all of them available? I'm sure, that would make many people really happy.
that is true...it would be possible to have all three control methods in one game. there are reasons however, why point-and-click is no longer used. so. i assume, that season 3 will be much like tomi..
Then you could never play an rpg, an fps, or a platformer if you think these controls suck.
That's condascension with a C Pale Man - thing is I do play RPGs and FPSs, and other thing is TOMI ain't those - it's an adventure game - and I want controls here to be as simple as possible.
I maintain - TOMI's scheme is archaic and plain sucks, esp. compared to S&M.
I hope they keep the same interface for S&M Season 3 that they had in the first two seasons; though I'm sure they'll update the graphics a bit, like they did from Season 1 to Season 2. I also hope they keep the point and click. You can drag Sam to where the mouse is by holding down the left mouse key anyway. (Or at least you could in Season 2, it's been so long since I played Season 1 I don't remember if you could do it then or not.)
Control issues aside, I hope they reboot a bit and redo a lot of the assets and get things looking as nice as ToMI. Season 2 felt too much like an extension of Season One and I hope they rebuild a bit for Season 3.
That's condascension with a C Pale Man - thing is I do play RPGs and FPSs, and other thing is TOMI ain't those - it's an adventure game - and I want controls here to be as simple as possible.
I maintain - TOMI's scheme is archaic and plain sucks, esp. compared to S&M.
So you find the controls smooth, fluid, and excellent when playing an RPG or FPS, but completely unusable if it's an adventure game, where your movement barely matters?
Control issues aside, I hope they reboot a bit and redo a lot of the assets and get things looking as nice as ToMI. Season 2 felt too much like an extension of Season One and I hope they rebuild a bit for Season 3.
Hopefully the graphics level will be adjustable, with the lowest level on par with Season 2.
i would love to see them do this. Season 1 and 2 are pretty much identical and telltale has evolved since then so it would be nice to see them start from scratch and give sam and max a makeover.
That, and I like the inventory to pop up by bumping the edge of the screen. If this irks some people, it could be a player preference. I also like how the inventory goes away as oppose to clutter half the screen, possibly while you're interacting with the environment.
'I' opens inventory in ToMI. Would love to see the Tales controls in season3, thought they worked really well way beyond expectations. Been replaying S&M and keep wanting to use keyboard for some reason =p after all these years as a die hard point+click fan im converted! Would like to see and updated inventory as I found i kept on accidentally clicking the brown box walking about (not that this will be a problem with Tomi controls). Cant wait for season 3, and looking forward to some lush, tomi style camera angles
Exactly this.
Well, I hope there will still be mouse controls on PC. Otherwise... I guess the dream was nice while it lasted.
But I agree, please bring back the control scheme from Seasons 1+2. It's way better than the Monkey Island scheme (which isn't terrible, but not very pleasant either).
That even works well in a 2.5d ego perspective, as you can see in Normality Inc..
So it sure would also work in a third person 3d environment.
That's funny. A few days ago i started up a S&M episode and had the same, but with missing the mouse drag+move controls.
As long as they are gonna be there i'll be happy. I wouldn't mind adapting to P&C again but it would be strange to change from ToMI to S&M and back all the time, always wanting to use the wrong controls.
Look at the Spellborn result.
I lol'd.
So I would say, WASD walking can stay for anyone who likes it. There's nothing to loose since Sam & Max didn't use the keyboard anyways. But the game should be full point & click playable at the same time instead of drag-walking.
I do. Indeed I kept trying to drag Wallace and Gromit around. I agree that point and click is the best, but I'm comfortable with drags (*)
* especially if it involves Max dressing in doll cloths
Me too, but i was able to adapt to WASD. I found it less convenient though to have to balance the keyboard on my lap while trying to sit relaxed.
I even tried to drag in Sam & Max when i recently ran it.
Then you could never play an rpg, an fps, or a platformer if you think these controls suck.
That's condascension with a C Pale Man - thing is I do play RPGs and FPSs, and other thing is TOMI ain't those - it's an adventure game - and I want controls here to be as simple as possible.
I maintain - TOMI's scheme is archaic and plain sucks, esp. compared to S&M.
So you find the controls smooth, fluid, and excellent when playing an RPG or FPS, but completely unusable if it's an adventure game, where your movement barely matters?
Hopefully the graphics level will be adjustable, with the lowest level on par with Season 2.