[Episode 3 Spoilers] Characters Growth!

''I don’t make bets when I don’t know the outcome.''
- i really liked how telltale did that. one of the lessons that Athena gave Fiona. to always see the outcome before she act.. really like that although Fiona seem more advanced and possibly a vaulthunter, she didn't forget her beginning. she did not forget where she came from. and i love how she took Athena's advice and still remembers it.

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i love how as far as she came, she did not forget her old self. that's why i love the ''Future/present'' scenes. you can clearly tell how far Rhys and Fiona has grown, ot just appearance wise, but also how they act. yes, we see the ''Goofy'' side of them, but i can see Fiona/Rhys being more confidante than what they were before. i love when telltale do that! they don't shove it in your face, but its just natural. you can feel the growth. and the contrast when you go back and see what they were essentially, i love that. i cant wait for episode 4 to see more of that. i hope telltale continue on that. you know, we remember or notice the smaller details! <3

=Embrace the past!=

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“My one talent involves talking at people until they get confused.”

=Cherish the future!=

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THANK YOU! if you read so far, I would love to know how much the characters has grown since episode one! if you have a note, feel free to share! :) <3

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side note : plus who else like to call Fiona as FIO?! I know I do lol.

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