Gortys or Claptrap
Which is your favorite robot Gortys or Claptrap, the funny little robot or the cute little robot.
PS: claptrap will probably be in TFTB episode 4.
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Which is your favorite robot Gortys or Claptrap, the funny little robot or the cute little robot.
PS: claptrap will probably be in TFTB episode 4.
My favorite robot... Loader Bot.
But between the two, I guess Claptrap by a little more. Both are awesome characters, but I did just play the Claptrap DLC a couple of days ago and I have a new found love for him. Sure he can be annoying at times, and a screw up, but he's still a good guy (like Ben from The Walking Dead) and he cares about his friends, even if they don't care about him and make fun of him.
Gortys is adorable, but Claptrap is the one who makes me laugh the most. Also I pity him. So he gets my pity vote.
Gortys. She's just too cute to resist.
Gortys, just Gortys. She is so lovely, cuddly and sweet.
Even tho he's annoying as Fxck I would choose claptrap. I love complicated characters, and with "claptastic voyage" he's more than a robot to me. He's Ann annoying robot with a human heart. After meeting gortys, I think that's how claptrap at heart is, if he's not been treated badly from jack and all the people around him really. Grotys is just cute, but nothing beyond that.. I think she needs more than 1 episode for me to get attached n' shxt lol
but for now, frag trap is my pick

Gortys wins by a hair
Claptrap. I don't care much for Gortys.
Claptrap after his dlc it showed how claptrap really feels and it brought the feels down
The forgotten son...
The tyrant's gift...
The one, the only...
Gortys. Also Loader Bot and Dumpy. Also is it weird that I ship Gorter Bot or Lortys ?
Gortys has taken over my heart.
I do hope we haven't seen the last of Dumpy, either. I wonder if he'll ever be able to talk!
Gortys by a mile. I absolutely despise Claptrap.
That pic with them both is so adorable gfhjgbdj
Vote for claptrap by me for reasons I explained before. Also if I'd be Rhys, as a cyborg, I'd really just have my own robot squad. Dumpy, LB, Claptrap and Gortys. A fucking dream team.