I really hope vaughn is doing good. I told him to run, which seems maybe stupid as first, but as I thought about it gave him better chances. if he stayed, vallory would've kept him as hostage and probably torture him even more. and, at the end, she would have power over me using vaughn. can't let that happen.
and yes, jack being all emotional and stuff really got me. I don't wanna be near him when he finds out about angel. and I hope he does not find out about her last words...dude, I actually feel sorry for freaking handsome jack. I always kinda liked him, but this...this is different. what the heck is going on? those writers are awesome
Just played the episode.
Boy that episode was brilliant, I loved it. I'm so excited, I have so many feelings, I need to calm down, bu… moret for now I want to address a few things...
The opening sequence in the present time - Fiona is a Vault Hunter (!!!), Rhys trying to run from the Stranger (hilarious!).
The opening song was cool, had its 'space' feel to it.
Poor Scooter... 'Step three' is the only right thing to do there.
Yvette's betrayal was a bit disappointing, I don't know, maybe because it felt quite obvious and called for.
Face pizza - I'm super relieved it wasn't Vaughn's face after all. Overall action as Rhys/Vasquez was wonderful, I'm so glad we got to hear Patrick Warburton once again. Also gotta love that 'shootout' in the hall of Hyperion, I was laughing so freaking hard the whole time.
Gortys is still the cutest robot ever.
Not enough Vaughn... AT LEAST HE'S NOT DEAD, I'M SO HAPPY.
Handsome Jack talkin… [view original content]
I guess. It's just we hear so much about how she wants to leave Pandora + that lady in Hub of Heroism that offered her "promotion" or whatever it was that she offered.
My bets on captured, there's no way Sasha would betray her own sister to the company she loathes unless she's pulling a very elaborate con, so it's either that or she was captured.
Just played the episode.
Boy that episode was brilliant, I loved it. I'm so excited, I have so many feelings, I need to calm down, bu… moret for now I want to address a few things...
The opening sequence in the present time - Fiona is a Vault Hunter (!!!), Rhys trying to run from the Stranger (hilarious!).
The opening song was cool, had its 'space' feel to it.
Poor Scooter... 'Step three' is the only right thing to do there.
Yvette's betrayal was a bit disappointing, I don't know, maybe because it felt quite obvious and called for.
Face pizza - I'm super relieved it wasn't Vaughn's face after all. Overall action as Rhys/Vasquez was wonderful, I'm so glad we got to hear Patrick Warburton once again. Also gotta love that 'shootout' in the hall of Hyperion, I was laughing so freaking hard the whole time.
Gortys is still the cutest robot ever.
Not enough Vaughn... AT LEAST HE'S NOT DEAD, I'M SO HAPPY.
Handsome Jack talkin… [view original content]
lucky you. I forgot to add this game to steam, so I couldn't make screenis at all >.> have to take some the next time, but hey, at least then I know when the best moments will come ("It feels god to be the king")
I was really hoping Yvette wouldn't betray us, it had seemed like she was the obvious choice all along and lately I've been hoping for the nice guys to not turn out to be bad guys even though they always are(I'm looking at you, *cough cough spoiler cough *). I don't ship Fiona and Scooter because she never seemed into him, but after all he did... man, he really deserved step three. I was dreading his fate as soon as they went out to fix the ship together. Considering he already got punched in the face for her...dang it Scoots. I'm betting my money on him miraculously surviving for Borderlands 3 though. Hopefully. Stranger things have happened on Pandora.
In other news the opening was hilarious and great and Rhysquez was amazing. I really think they decided to put that in there just for Troy's Warburton impersonations haha! The shootout scene was SO WEIRD oh my goodness hahaha. And I want to know where that treasure map behind Jack's painting leads what the heck.
And in conclusion we have only one more episode left but there was a new Stranger hint: His clothes look familiar. Eh?
The opening sequence in the present time - Fiona is a Vault Hunter (!!!)
Wait... what? I just felt so overwhelmed when I played - I must've missed something.
It was something about a management position, but I'm still not buying it. She's shown numerous times her hatred for Hyperion, there's no way she would ever accept a job working for them. Plus, she wants to get as far away from Pandora as possible, why would she take a job where she would basically be looking at Pandora every day.
I guess. It's just we hear so much about how she wants to leave Pandora + that lady in Hub of Heroism that offered her "promotion" or whatever it was that she offered.
Wow. What can I say? Brilliant work as always. This is the first time my mind felt like it was physically going to blow during the credits.
On top of all the hilarity involving Rhysquez, the intro, the "shootout" and many other things, there was also the times of sadness.
I don't want to accept the death of Scooter, but it looks like he caught his final ride
Yvette betraying us was expected, but the manner in which she spoke of her "best friend" Rhys was unbelievable, I thought there would have at least been SOME sort of regret, but no. What a despicable f***ing walnut. At least we know that Vaughn is all well and good.
And that ending. I chose to refuse taking over Hyperion, and I may have just taken the world back into the dark ages in the process. Handsome Jack is out, and he is pissed.
I can't wait for the final episode. But, it WILL be the final episode. That's kind of upsetting...
With Rhys in the captain's chair keep your fingers crossed for Sasha, cause what could he do to her if she did betray them? I mean Yvette I would have Jack instruct me on the proper ways to deal with traitors and take notes kiddos, because Jack really doesn't like people who betray him.
You aren't the only one who cried for Scooter. As someone who's been playing since Borderlands 1 his death was an emotional kick in the gut for me. When I told him I wish we'd had more time together I wasn't speaking as Fiona but as a Borderlands fan who just wishes Scooter didn't have to catch his final ride so soon. All the memories, man... jumping over Piss Wash Gully... murdering Shorty... helping him write poems. Goddamnit.
Scooter's Catchin' a Ride in Heaven now with his buddy Roland.
And that, ladies and gentleman is Telltale's magnum opus...
Now I understand why Mikey was gushing about it so much, it really is standin… moreg ovation worthy. I have actual goosebumps.
And considering how phenomenal the emotional moments were (I got choked up talking to Janey and actually cried for Scooter), this episode had me laughing out loud more than any of the others. It's amazing how well they were able to capture and effortlessly shift between each end of the emotional spectrum.
Random thoughts:
* Goddamit, with Janey's introduction/relocation/TAKING OVER THE BUSINESS I should have seen the Scooter stuff coming but I didn't and it totally broke my heart. What a way to go out, though... (also, I do not want to be the person having to tell Moxxi and Ellie)!
* Hyperion's are officially my favourite people in the galaxy - that shoot out was honestly the funniest thing in the world, and such a great throwback to a tiny little … [view original content]
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech to whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech to whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
Two things!
What happens if you reject to rule Hyperion?
Also for those who worked with Jack through the whole game (like me) I'm so glad we got to ask about that picture with angel, but he thinks she is still alive @HandsomeJack
Wow. What can I say? Brilliant work as always. This is the first time my mind felt like it was physically going to blow during the credits.
… more
On top of all the hilarity involving Rhysquez, the intro, the "shootout" and many other things, there was also the times of sadness.
I don't want to accept the death of Scooter, but it looks like he caught his final ride
Yvette betraying us was expected, but the manner in which she spoke of her "best friend" Rhys was unbelievable, I thought there would have at least been SOME sort of regret, but no. What a despicable f***ing walnut. At least we know that Vaughn is all well and good.
And that ending. I chose to refuse taking over Hyperion, and I may have just taken the world back into the dark ages in the process. Handsome Jack is out, and he is pissed.
I can't wait for the final episode. But, it WILL be the final episode. That's kind of upsetting...
Stick a mask on Dameon Clarke and he could finally embody Jack to the fullest degree!
That is my greatest hope, that he becomes the Angel of the new games. I think it was telling (maybe with the right choices) that he admits he failed. Jack admitting he failed at something, that my friends is personal growth. Mr. Clarke is a pitch perfect jackass. Not that he is.....just saying he's a really good actor.
That might have been the funniest moment in the Episode for me. Dark, but I couldn't stop laughing. Jack even knows how to make face peeling hilarious.
I try to hate Jack but then I get scenes like this that make me laugh and I start thinking "Maybe we can be friends after all, you twisted sociopath." It's a love/hate thing.
I just had to share my favourite Jackapedia entry, because once again they were phenomenal, but this one in particular had me in a fit of gi… moreggles:
I won't post the rest because all you Fiona-trusters should have a Jack save purely for the lols!
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech to whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
This was an amazing episode! I had a feeling Telltale wouldn't disappoint me when it came to this series and I'm glad I was right. The penultimate curse has finally been broken!
For what I really liked:
The message you could leave for Scooter was amazing. As someone who loves anime, I immediately recognized the "See you later Space Cowboy" line from Cowboy Bebop and went with that.
Gortys, Gortys, Gortys, and Gortys.
The shootout...oh my god, can I just settle all my problems like that in real life?
The talk with Jack about his daughter Angel WAS SO HEARTBREAKING. Jack is an asshole but he still loves his daughter...Dammit man, I FEEL TEARS COMING ON!
As for choices:
I used the space cowboy line as Scooter's message
Vaporized the tour group
Ripped off the painting BECAUSE I COULDN'T HARM BUTT STALLION. Plus...I got a little something for doing that.
As Rhys, I regrettably didn't tell Fiona or Sasha about Jack.
I knocked Yvette out, NIGHT NIGHT.
I refused the offer, and this is where I started to regret not telling the group about Jack.
I rate it 9/10. One of the best episodes, probably the most funny one so far and I loved the movie line elements, like the 3 way chat with Rhys, Fiona and Sasha. Only question is, can you appease the Jack fanatics during the tour part, I seemed to do everything perfectly untill I got to the chair part where I failed. Seemed like a test of whatever you know the other borderlands games.
the moment that got me most (after scooter catching his final ride) was when jack was talking about angel and nisha. well, he wasn't really … moretalking about nisha, but the jack-a-pedia-article that only said "I miss my girlfriend"...how can I say, I could feel his desperation and desire. and angel...holy hell, the look on his face...I suddenly regret what I did in borderlands 2. you know me, I enjoyed the slaughering, the blood, but after seeing jacks face, I felt like the greatest asshole of all times, even thou that I dealed with a sadistic psychopath. this game-series...it says "look at me, I'm all bloody and funny!" and then it betrays you and kicks you in the feels while you're not looking!
It was something about a management position, but I'm still not buying it. She's shown numerous times her hatred for Hyperion, there's no wa… morey she would ever accept a job working for them. Plus, she wants to get as far away from Pandora as possible, why would she take a job where she would basically be looking at Pandora every day.
Yeah that was a hit below the belt, not that I ever did feel good about the whole Angel fight. So would have like to have seen that go another way. In Borderlands Jack is defiantly an ass, but so are we..and we hit way below the belt.
the moment that got me most (after scooter catching his final ride) was when jack was talking about angel and nisha. well, he wasn't really … moretalking about nisha, but the jack-a-pedia-article that only said "I miss my girlfriend"...how can I say, I could feel his desperation and desire. and angel...holy hell, the look on his face...I suddenly regret what I did in borderlands 2. you know me, I enjoyed the slaughering, the blood, but after seeing jacks face, I felt like the greatest asshole of all times, even thou that I dealed with a sadistic psychopath. this game-series...it says "look at me, I'm all bloody and funny!" and then it betrays you and kicks you in the feels while you're not looking!
the moment that got me most (after scooter catching his final ride) was when jack was talking about angel and nisha. well, he wasn't really … moretalking about nisha, but the jack-a-pedia-article that only said "I miss my girlfriend"...how can I say, I could feel his desperation and desire. and angel...holy hell, the look on his face...I suddenly regret what I did in borderlands 2. you know me, I enjoyed the slaughering, the blood, but after seeing jacks face, I felt like the greatest asshole of all times, even thou that I dealed with a sadistic psychopath. this game-series...it says "look at me, I'm all bloody and funny!" and then it betrays you and kicks you in the feels while you're not looking!
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech t… moreo whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
I didn't refuse but that's only cause I was using "Jack" save where I sided with him every time possible. But yep, next time in my canon playthrough I wouldn't let him plug anything to my head. Srsly, who would think it's a good idea?
This didnt happen during my playthrough, but you can somehow get the option to Kiss Scooter as Fiona (instead of "Step 3") before he.. goes.
hashtag Fiooter (Mikey Neumann, VO of Scooter, said we should use this as hashtag for talking about Fiona x Scooter)
Very intense Episode. I laughed, I cried (Scooter...) and more. Wonderful episode. Choices:
* Said goodbye by calling Scooter a Space C… moreowboy. RIP.
* Vaporized those raging douchebags in the tour group. As soon as I saw the option I couldn't not do it.
* Ripped the painting. I'm not a monster. I couldn't harm Butt Stallion.
* Told Fiona and Sasha about Jack, at last. And in light of the ending I'm glad I did...
* Zapped Yvette using Dumpy. Glad the little guy got to see some action.
* Rejected Hyperion. Jack... did not take kindly to that. That was terrifying.
And my favorite image, or should I say prompt icon

I have A LOT MORE, but I think that's enough.
They're both on Pandora but Rhys looks more... wealthy and he acts like he's kinda asking for forgivness. Emphasis on kinda.
I really hope vaughn is doing good. I told him to run, which seems maybe stupid as first, but as I thought about it gave him better chances. if he stayed, vallory would've kept him as hostage and probably torture him even more. and, at the end, she would have power over me using vaughn. can't let that happen.
and yes, jack being all emotional and stuff really got me. I don't wanna be near him when he finds out about angel. and I hope he does not find out about her last words...dude, I actually feel sorry for freaking handsome jack. I always kinda liked him, but this...this is different. what the heck is going on? those writers are awesome
I guess. It's just we hear so much about how she wants to leave Pandora + that lady in Hub of Heroism that offered her "promotion" or whatever it was that she offered.
Wait... what? I just felt so overwhelmed when I played - I must've missed something.
lucky you. I forgot to add this game to steam, so I couldn't make screenis at all >.> have to take some the next time, but hey, at least then I know when the best moments will come ("It feels god to be the king")
Okay, I'm off my high a bit so more thoughts:
I was really hoping Yvette wouldn't betray us, it had seemed like she was the obvious choice all along and lately I've been hoping for the nice guys to not turn out to be bad guys even though they always are(I'm looking at you, *cough cough spoiler cough *). I don't ship Fiona and Scooter because she never seemed into him, but after all he did... man, he really deserved step three. I was dreading his fate as soon as they went out to fix the ship together. Considering he already got punched in the face for her...dang it Scoots. I'm betting my money on him miraculously surviving for Borderlands 3 though. Hopefully. Stranger things have happened on Pandora.
In other news the opening was hilarious and great and Rhysquez was amazing. I really think they decided to put that in there just for Troy's Warburton impersonations haha! The shootout scene was SO WEIRD oh my goodness hahaha. And I want to know where that treasure map behind Jack's painting leads what the heck.
And in conclusion we have only one more episode left but there was a new Stranger hint: His clothes look familiar. Eh?
From what I've gathered it's determinant, but I don't know what triggers it yet.
It was something about a management position, but I'm still not buying it. She's shown numerous times her hatred for Hyperion, there's no way she would ever accept a job working for them. Plus, she wants to get as far away from Pandora as possible, why would she take a job where she would basically be looking at Pandora every day.
Wow. What can I say? Brilliant work as always. This is the first time my mind felt like it was physically going to blow during the credits.
On top of all the hilarity involving Rhysquez, the intro, the "shootout" and many other things, there was also the times of sadness.
I don't want to accept the death of Scooter, but it looks like he caught his final ride
Yvette betraying us was expected, but the manner in which she spoke of her "best friend" Rhys was unbelievable, I thought there would have at least been SOME sort of regret, but no. What a despicable f***ing walnut. At least we know that Vaughn is all well and good.
And that ending. I chose to refuse taking over Hyperion, and I may have just taken the world back into the dark ages in the process. Handsome Jack is out, and he is pissed.
I can't wait for the final episode. But, it WILL be the final episode. That's kind of upsetting...
I kissed him so he could go out Dr. Strangelove style with a smile on his face.
With Rhys in the captain's chair keep your fingers crossed for Sasha, cause what could he do to her if she did betray them? I mean Yvette I would have Jack instruct me on the proper ways to deal with traitors and take notes kiddos, because Jack really doesn't like people who betray him.
You aren't the only one who cried for Scooter. As someone who's been playing since Borderlands 1 his death was an emotional kick in the gut for me. When I told him I wish we'd had more time together I wasn't speaking as Fiona but as a Borderlands fan who just wishes Scooter didn't have to catch his final ride so soon. All the memories, man... jumping over Piss Wash Gully... murdering Shorty... helping him write poems. Goddamnit.
Scooter's Catchin' a Ride in Heaven now with his buddy Roland.
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech to whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech to whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
Jack doesn't look too put off by this does he?
Just wondering, why did you refuse? I did because I thought he'd betray me anyway once I plugged him in, so I thought I could try and stop him
Wait, what happens when you refuse deal?
If I had gotten that on my first playthrough I don't know if I could have kept playing. The scene was sad enough as it was
That is my greatest hope, that he becomes the Angel of the new games. I think it was telling (maybe with the right choices) that he admits he failed. Jack admitting he failed at something, that my friends is personal growth. Mr. Clarke is a pitch perfect jackass. Not that he is.....just saying he's a really good actor.
Jack takes you over, plugs into the system by controlling you and goes crazy. He's now controlling EVERYTHING
That might have been the funniest moment in the Episode for me. Dark, but I couldn't stop laughing. Jack even knows how to make face peeling hilarious.
I try to hate Jack but then I get scenes like this that make me laugh and I start thinking "Maybe we can be friends after all, you twisted sociopath." It's a love/hate thing.
You jack in (haha, get it? Jack In?), Jack gets into system. Things are creepy and he laughs a lot, but then he gives a long-winged speech to whole Hyperion and actually makes you a freaking President! You and him, ruling Hyperion together, man! Fiona and Sasha are shocked, Rhys is shocked, Jack is having time of his life.
This was an amazing episode! I had a feeling Telltale wouldn't disappoint me when it came to this series and I'm glad I was right. The penultimate curse has finally been broken!
For what I really liked:
As for choices:
I rate it 9/10. One of the best episodes, probably the most funny one so far and I loved the movie line elements, like the 3 way chat with Rhys, Fiona and Sasha. Only question is, can you appease the Jack fanatics during the tour part, I seemed to do everything perfectly untill I got to the chair part where I failed. Seemed like a test of whatever you know the other borderlands games.
He still thinks she is alive
Shit, am I glad I'm working WITH him and ruling together over those poor fucks instead of BEING poor fuck.
Oh that thing. I don't think it's determinant, it's just one of the dialogue options (which I didn't pick the first time so I had no idea).
That's probably true. It's just with all those betrayals I'm getting really paranoid.
Yeah that was a hit below the belt, not that I ever did feel good about the whole Angel fight. So would have like to have seen that go another way. In Borderlands Jack is defiantly an ass, but so are we..and we hit way below the belt.
But you know that she was the one who asked us to do it so...
But we probably shouldn't get our hopes up... just in case.
Obviously a completely relevant post.
One of my favourite moments of this episode:

I didn't refuse but that's only cause I was using "Jack" save where I sided with him every time possible. But yep, next time in my canon playthrough I wouldn't let him plug anything to my head. Srsly, who would think it's a good idea?
Very intense Episode. I laughed, I cried (Scooter...) and more. Wonderful episode. Choices:
This didnt happen during my playthrough, but you can somehow get the option to Kiss Scooter as Fiona (instead of "Step 3") before he.. goes.
hashtag Fiooter (Mikey Neumann, VO of Scooter, said we should use this as hashtag for talking about Fiona x Scooter)
Terrifying doesn't even begin to describe it.