Did ***** betray us?

Sasha's face doesn't look like one of distress or endangerment in the end, it looks like she's really guilty, pretty sad with a huge amount of guilt washed over her.

Did Sasha betray us?

EDIT: Someone already posted a theory about it on Reddit. https://www.reddit.com/r/telltale/comments/3hivly/tftb_ep4_spoilers_foreshadowing_and_treachery/



  • I really hope not, she's one of my favorite characters.

  • Maybe she did, or maybe it's actually a con.

  • edited August 2015

    I was thinking that also at the end the look on her face was ominous. I hope she won't be like Felix but Telltale can surprise us.

  • I... I kinda think she did. I mean, Sasha's lived on Pandora her entire life. To see this glamorous, rich lifestyle and even be suggested that she tried for a management role, I wouldn't be surprised if it got to her head.

  • I really hope so. Then I'll have a justifiable reason to want her dead.

  • I have a sinking feeling after getting betrayed by Yvette. At this point the only ones I trust are myself and Handsome Jack.

  • Felix's advice of never trusting anyone but yourselves is starting to ring true.

    Agreed. At this point I trust Rhys and Fiona of course, and Jack as a close second. Vaughn too, but there's no telling where he is.

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I have a sinking feeling after getting betrayed by Yvette. At this point the only ones I trust are myself and Handsome Jack.

  • i really thought that to! i was pissed off.... i was like, WTF! REALLLYYY????

  • I adore Sasha in either instance, but my immediately assumption was that she had sold them out - especially with both Sasha's and Fiona's differing reactions to seeing each other. It seemed like the pacing of that scene was specifically designed for a shocking reveal... and it's not really a shocking if Sasha has just been caught by Yvette. Sasha quickly looking away without explaining anything to Fiona was surprising, too. (Sasha was literally the last person in the entire cast I expected to be behind that corner with Gortys, so I was extremely shocked to see her standing behind Yvette.)

    For Fiona's sake, in some ways I hope Sasha didn't side with Yvette. (The situation could also be Sasha playing a long con and double-crossing Yvette.) That being said, Sasha wanting to leave Pandora has been a continuing plot point between the sisters, that was again highlighted in the newest episode in a very touching scene. I do think it's pretty compelling that Sasha, after finally getting to leave Pandora and enjoying the freedom of Helios, would be desperate enough to sell out Fiona so she doesn't have to go back. It also makes an interesting twist on the Felix/Sasha/Fiona dynamic, especially with how (understandably) hurt Sasha was over what Felix did to them. My poor girls.

  • Definitely seemed like it. I was really confused at first, Telltale was a little vague with their implications there.

  • Absolutely no way did she willingly sell you out, that would be shitty writing, a poor twist, and a huge out of character moment for Sasha if that's what happened. No, she was most likely just captured and maybe was forced into telling them, there's no way Sasha would sell out her own sister, especially to Hyperion, a company she outright loathes. Throughout this series, we see just how much Sasha cares for Fiona, why would it make any sense for her to throw her under the bus like that?

  • But here's the thing, it's Hyperion, a company she doesn't trust and outright loathes, she's expressed her hatred for Hyperion since the first episode, it wouldn't make any sense for her to betray you. A good chunk of this series has shown the bond that the two sisters have, clearly Sasha cares way too much for Fiona to do something like that to her, so I don't see why she would willingly betray us like that.

    I... I kinda think she did. I mean, Sasha's lived on Pandora her entire life. To see this glamorous, rich lifestyle and even be suggested that she tried for a management role, I wouldn't be surprised if it got to her head.

  • But she was a little interested on what Helios was like in episode 1 and it seems Sasha equally loathes Pandora and has been wanting to escape from it ever since she and Fiona were going after the 10 million dollars. I can imagine Sasha was probably forced into telling Yvette, she sure seems very regretful though.

    Absolutely no way did she willingly sell you out, that would be shitty writing, a poor twist, and a huge out of character moment for Sasha i

  • I'm sure she was just asking out of curiosity. And yes she loathes Pandora, but I would say she hates Hyperion more, and besides, why would she work for a company she hates, where she would have to look down at the planet she hates almost every day? That would be the most miserable job in the galaxy right there.

    J-Master posted: »

    But she was a little interested on what Helios was like in episode 1 and it seems Sasha equally loathes Pandora and has been wanting to esca

  • Who knows, maybe Telltale is just trying to make people theorize as I remember the days I didn't really trust Vaughn after episode 2 and now I'm starting to believe his story though that might change.

    I'm sure she was just asking out of curiosity. And yes she loathes Pandora, but I would say she hates Hyperion more, and besides, why would

  • I don't think so, I think she was caught. As for her look, she always had a defiant look on her face when poop hits the fan. I think it's her not going to give them the satisfaction of showing fear and remaining defiant to the end.

  • I hope she did. I don't even like her, so I'll take any chance I get to get the hell away from her.

  • But here's the thing, it's Hyperion, a company she doesn't trust and outright loathes, she's expressed her hatred for Hyperion since the first episode, it wouldn't make any sense for her to betray you.

    I really think she was persuaded, to be honest. Sure, she hates it, but that's because she was always at the receiving end. I think she's blindsided by not wanting to go back to that, and her horrible life on Pandora.

    A good chunk of this series has shown the bond that the two sisters have, clearly Sasha cares way too much for Fiona to do something like that to her, so I don't see why she would willingly betray us like that.

    You make a fair point, but I think that Sasha only betrayed Rhys, and that she asked them to spare Fiona so she could join Hyperion. Just a guess. But, again, she is a con-artist. This could all be an act to get a better angle on Hyperion and Yvette.

    But here's the thing, it's Hyperion, a company she doesn't trust and outright loathes, she's expressed her hatred for Hyperion since the fir

  • I know I'm totally sadistic, but I would actually love for this to happen. I think it's phenomenal story telling - I didn't see it coming at all - and I just think it would be so fitting with Borderlands overarching themes of trust and betrayal.

    Felix's words of warning would be all the more powerful, and Sasha's reaction to his betrayal would become the most hypocritical thing in the world (especially when combined with her selling her sister out specifically for the company she rebelled against her entire life).

    Borderlands typically shies away from neat endings, it deals with realistic characters with realistic flaws. Everything isn't just wrapped up in a neat little bow under the banner of something as benign as "family" or "friendship", it twists and bastardises those concepts - for a game that's essentially a crazy space western filled with the most absurd collection of characters, it's surprisingly real. Things aren't black and white in the real world, and they're sure as hell not on Pandora.

  • Sasha wouldn't betray Fiona, kind of open and shut.
    On another note: HOLY FUCKING SHIT I CALLED YVETTE AS A TRAITOR!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • You're right! There's absolutely no way Sasha would betray her own sister for Hyperion, a company that she despises. That would be like Ser Royland betraying his own house for a house that he absolutely despi- Oh wait....

    Absolutely no way did she willingly sell you out, that would be shitty writing, a poor twist, and a huge out of character moment for Sasha i


    AHA ...

    oh man...

    fayescarlet posted: »

    I have a sinking feeling after getting betrayed by Yvette. At this point the only ones I trust are myself and Handsome Jack.

  • I don't think so. When I saw her face I thought "wow she really feels sorry for screwing up the mission".

  • Highly doubt she'd betray us, especially at this point. After all the crap she gives Felix for what he did, I doubt she'd betray her sister for Hyperion of all things. I agree with SoMuchSass that her face gives me more of an idea that she's just feeling crappy about screwing up and getting caught.

  • Two different games, different writers. Plus, Royland isn't really family with any in Ironrath, Sasha is Fiona's sister, I just don't see it happening.

    No_username posted: »

    You're right! There's absolutely no way Sasha would betray her own sister for Hyperion, a company that she despises. That would be like Ser Royland betraying his own house for a house that he absolutely despi- Oh wait....

  • edited August 2015

    I know, I seriously doubt it will happen, I just felt like poking fun at that scene in Game of Thrones. For the record, I don't hate the traitor scene like most people do, though.

    Two different games, different writers. Plus, Royland isn't really family with any in Ironrath, Sasha is Fiona's sister, I just don't see it happening.

  • Neither do I to be honest, I thought it was pretty good and is not really one of my major complaints with the episode (even though Duncan was my traitor, not Royland).

    No_username posted: »

    I know, I seriously doubt it will happen, I just felt like poking fun at that scene in Game of Thrones. For the record, I don't hate the traitor scene like most people do, though.

  • tbh now I kinda regret telling them about Handsome Jack..... :D oh well....

  • If this is true, then it is a traitor reveal truly done well.

    At first, I thought that Sasha was simply captured, but you guys posts some interesting theories that put me in some new perspectives.

  • As others said, I just figured she had been busted alongside Fiona. I don't think she has it in her to be a traitor - not without much better reasoning, at least.

  • In one play through, she gets stabbed with a knife by Vallory to force Fiona into servitude, and if you give into Vallory's demands, Sasha actually chides you for it. When Rhys asks what's wrong with the two of them for thinking this way, Sasha simply responds:

    "We have principles."

    So no. I don't believe she is morally capable of betrayal. Sure, she may desperately want to leave Pandora, but she isn't willing to sell out others to do it...unlike a certain adoptive mentor.

  • edited August 2015

    My initial reaction was one of suspicion. But after seeing the "Rule Hyperion" ending, it couldn't possibly be her.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Why would she be standing side by side with her sister after just betraying them? And why would a look of anguish be on her face when hearing of Rhys taking over Hyperion, knowing fully well that she had just betrayed the group in a similar manner?

    She didn't betray them. I'm willing to place my money on Yvette checking the security cameras after Rhys left and recognizing Sasha as a non-employee, forcing her to give up Fiona's location, or face the consequences.

  • To quote Cindy Lauper 'Money changes everything'. It would be easy enough to see her seduced by the money, the life of looking down on Pandora...I don't thing she did, but I could understand it totally, especially considering where they had come from. She might do it thinking she could save Fiona by selling out Vaughn and Rhys.

    But here's the thing, it's Hyperion, a company she doesn't trust and outright loathes, she's expressed her hatred for Hyperion since the fir

  • it deals with realistic characters with realistic flaws

    enter image description here

    Realistic indeed.

    I know I'm totally sadistic, but I would actually love for this to happen. I think it's phenomenal story telling - I didn't see it coming at

  • Among video game and comic book villains Jack is one of the more complex and uniquely humanly flawed. We all have blind spots for our favorite stories, so don't make me bring up The Walking Ex Machina

    it deals with realistic characters with realistic flaws Realistic indeed.

  • No she didn't. I'm not even worried about it, since she would never betray her sister.

  • After thinking about it, she might've looked guilty because she got caught.

    To quote Cindy Lauper 'Money changes everything'. It would be easy enough to see her seduced by the money, the life of looking down on Pando

  • Well, of course that level of handsomeness is unrealistic by real-world standards, I assumed that was just a given!

    (I should have specified realistic characterisation, though).

    it deals with realistic characters with realistic flaws Realistic indeed.

  • I'm surprised more people haven't discussed it. It looked painfully obvious, as obvious as Yvette's betrayal early on in the season

  • Any number of reasons. Obviously Jack coming back to life is a big shocker to all, but Sasha seemed especially distressed that he had been working with Rhys, sure. I'd say Jack announcing himself would throw a big wrench in her plans, as she hadn't anticipated that from Rhys.

    My initial reaction was one of suspicion. But after seeing the "Rule Hyperion" ending, it couldn't possibly be her. Why would she

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