Vaughn is most likely on our side

During when Rhysquez is talking to Yvette (the second time) she says "I tracked Rhys and Vaughn all across Pandora for you. I refused them supplies when they needed them.".

So unless Vaughn is a double crosser who got double crossed, then I'm pretty sure he's on our side.


  • I think Vaughn was genuine about lying to Vasquez to keep him away. He's got too many genuine broments way after Ep2 to be a liar.

    Not to mention Yvette and Vasquez both were betraying both Rhys and Vaughn. If you bro-out with Vaughn he acts angry and defiant to Vasquez, which makes Vasquez nearly kill him.

    Vaughn's not a traitor.

  • "That's bro, bro!"

    I think Vaughn was genuine about lying to Vasquez to keep him away. He's got too many genuine broments way after Ep2 to be a liar. Not to

  • I always had trust in my bro. I knew he would never betray me!

  • I'll admit I was skeptical to trust Vaughn again after the second episode, but I have to say that that feeling is long gone now, there's no doubt in my mind Vaughn is a true friend, the same can't be said about Yvette (seriously, fuck you).

  • What's great about the Yvette twist is that it was so unexpected, but made sense.

    However, it wouldn't make sense if our bro betrayed us.

    I'll admit I was skeptical to trust Vaughn again after the second episode, but I have to say that that feeling is long gone now, there's no doubt in my mind Vaughn is a true friend, the same can't be said about Yvette (seriously, fuck you).

  • The fact that it was both Vaughn and Yvette that helped Rhys become this sort of "perfect employee" that could elevate both of them along side him made me wonder if they actually cared about him at all. Vaughn was always a strange case for me; he is constantly fixated on the money aspect of the Vault. He seems to value Rhys as a friend, and they both go way back. I was waiting for the moment when greed would trump their relationship; and we haven't gotten to that moment yet.

    Yvette's betrayal worries me. She justified her choice by stating "They were dead the moment they went to Pandora." Clearly, when Rhys got demoted, her ticket to the top was extinguished. She couldn't care less. These Hyperion's are very pragmatic, ruthless people when it comes to power. They can be friendly; but they will not let it get in the way of what they want. My concern is that when Vaughn is faced with choosing between vast wealth or friendship...

  • Of course not, he's the broest of bros!

  • Regardless of what he was before, he's a Pandoran now. I honestly don't think Hyperion loyalties matter much to him anymore. Doesn't mean he wouldn't sell your friendship to save his hide in the future in true pandoran fashion of course :p

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