Gortys seemingly will end up in pieces again, but hopefully she's just back in stasis, and not offline. I'm assuming either or August or Vallory will die, but I can't see both dying. I'd be also be a bit disappointed if we spent four episodes getting back Jack to Helios (however unintentionally and reluctantly) for him to still not be around in Handsome Helios form for BL3.
I'm quite concerned by the Vaughn dialogue options if you agree to let Athena kill Cassius. You can tell him to either try to escape, or to stay with her. I feel like I'm dooming him a bit either way.
All the Sasha/Fiona ship/kill comments break my cold dead heart! Rhys is the common denominator here, why not kill off Rhys to be ship-war free? (Please note, if Rhys dies I will swan dive into a vat of alcohol to drink away my sorrows.)
Why would you people want anyone to die? Maybe it's just me who loves everyone in this game. Okay Vallory and Yvette deserves a punch in the face but that's it
Why would you people want anyone to die? Maybe it's just me who loves everyone in this game. Okay Vallory and Yvette deserves a punch in the face but that's it
I'm not part of those people who think you have to agree on everything to genuinely care about someone.
You can have an antagonistic relationship with someone and still fancy them. And to be fair Rhys isn't truly a dick on purpose, he says stuff without thinking so Sasha could also not make a big deal out of it.
As I said I still understand the frustration but I don't understand the reaction. It's the same for every story, and even worse when you don't actually have any choice (like basically 99% of all stories roughly). eg : I kinda liked the dc show arrow but I hated the god awful romances (my opinion), do you know what I did about it ? I didn't rant about it on the internet or create a petition or whatever, I just stopped watching the show.
My point is, if it bothers you that much that you can't enjoy the game any more, then stop playing. If you still enjoy it then it's not that big of a deal.
They aren't funny or cute (well, the garden scene was somewhat cute, but not because of the romantic undertones). There isn't any chemistry … morethere, I play my Rhys a certain way and it bothers me that my choices in regards to another character are ignored. Telltale Games are all about character relationships and story, you can be on good or bad terms with Jack depending on some choices and good or "meh" terms with Vaughn depending on other choices so I hate that it's "LOLOLOLOL ROMANCE. YOU TOUCHED HER ASS, TOLD HER THAT HER HOME SUCKS, SUPPORT A GENOCIDAL CORPORATION AND ARE FRIENDS WITH A DICTATOR THAT SHE HATES BUT LOLOLOLOL IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE ROMANCE!" No matter what you do with Sasha. I have no qualms with the option of romance, I don't like how blatantly forced it is.
"I hate Hyperion, it's literally the worst"
"Hyperion brings order"
"Ermagersh! Romance!"
You can have an antagonistic relationship with someone and still fancy them.
Well, you can have it of course. But making people watch it is a torture. This reminds me of Dragon age 2 romance system where we can have rivalry romances. And I personally always thought this system is a bs. Like... you don't respect your partner's views, you don't share their beliefs and even make fun of them - it would never work. And mind you, the topics people disagree on there are vital. It's not some petty disagreements over small things. It's just painful to watch at best and you will lose all respect for person who agrees to be in such a relationship at worst - because suddenly they abandon everything they respesent and stand for just for a chance to get laid. The situation in Tales is not that dire but close enough. We shouldn't have romantic scenes/moments (initiated by Sasha at least) if all we've done so far was insulting Sasha, her home planet and supporting Hyperion. This is just plain bs.
It doesn't bother me to the point where I will stop playing, but this is an issue. This is something the devs shoud've thought through but they haven't.
I'm not part of those people who think you have to agree on everything to genuinely care about someone.
You can have an antagonistic relati… moreonship with someone and still fancy them. And to be fair Rhys isn't truly a dick on purpose, he says stuff without thinking so Sasha could also not make a big deal out of it.
As I said I still understand the frustration but I don't understand the reaction. It's the same for every story, and even worse when you don't actually have any choice (like basically 99% of all stories roughly). eg : I kinda liked the dc show arrow but I hated the god awful romances (my opinion), do you know what I did about it ? I didn't rant about it on the internet or create a petition or whatever, I just stopped watching the show.
My point is, if it bothers you that much that you can't enjoy the game any more, then stop playing. If you still enjoy it then it's not that big of a deal.
Do you "Shippers" actually Rate an Episode by it's Romances? I mean i have nothing against a ship here and there but to be Honest, the Ship between Rhys and Sasha feels better than Rhys and Fiona. Rhyona would've Been just to Clechè.
Eh, has this been confirmed? Until it's been confirmed I will doubt it. It is a prediction, not a fact. They haven't given us the option to avoid it before, so I doubt they'll start in the last episode. I will love it if they do though.
I never said it made it unplayable, just some parts are cringeworthy. You can certainly get along with someone that you have an antagonistic relationship, I've no issue with a forced-friendship (like with Vaughn, but that's excusable because it's pre-existing) but a forced romance bugs me. The romances in DC were awful but Arrow was his own thing, the show didn't start with:
"Oliver Queen, billionaire (You)" or "This show is catered to how you watch"
"If you don't like it, leave" is a terrible argument in all things, anywhere, ever.
I'm not part of those people who think you have to agree on everything to genuinely care about someone.
You can have an antagonistic relati… moreonship with someone and still fancy them. And to be fair Rhys isn't truly a dick on purpose, he says stuff without thinking so Sasha could also not make a big deal out of it.
As I said I still understand the frustration but I don't understand the reaction. It's the same for every story, and even worse when you don't actually have any choice (like basically 99% of all stories roughly). eg : I kinda liked the dc show arrow but I hated the god awful romances (my opinion), do you know what I did about it ? I didn't rant about it on the internet or create a petition or whatever, I just stopped watching the show.
My point is, if it bothers you that much that you can't enjoy the game any more, then stop playing. If you still enjoy it then it's not that big of a deal.
You can have an antagonistic relationship with someone and still fancy them.
Well, you can have it of course. But making people watc… moreh it is a torture. This reminds me of Dragon age 2 romance system where we can have rivalry romances. And I personally always thought this system is a bs. Like... you don't respect your partner's views, you don't share their beliefs and even make fun of them - it would never work. And mind you, the topics people disagree on there are vital. It's not some petty disagreements over small things. It's just painful to watch at best and you will lose all respect for person who agrees to be in such a relationship at worst - because suddenly they abandon everything they respesent and stand for just for a chance to get laid. The situation in Tales is not that dire but close enough. We shouldn't have romantic scenes/moments (initiated by Sasha at least) if all we've done so far was insulting Sasha, her home planet … [view original content]
as long as Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha, and Gortys survive I'll be good. Hopefully Gortys is just offline and not dead because that thing is the best robot ever.
as long as Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha, and Gortys survive I'll be good. Hopefully Gortys is just offline and not dead because that thing is the best robot ever.
Do you "Shippers" actually Rate an Episode by it's Romances? I mean i have nothing against a ship here and there but to be Honest, the Ship between Rhys and Sasha feels better than Rhys and Fiona. Rhyona would've Been just to Clechè.
Ditto on the forced romance plot. I was disappointed with Yvette being the traitor but I saw it coming and don't feel it was on par with how… more bad the Duncan/Royland thing was (I don't think anything Telltale does will ever be THAT bad). But yeah, lunch leeches are always bad people 100% of the time without exception ever. Every bad person in history was a lunch leech (probably.)
"Hey Hess, I left my wallet back at Munich, can you cover for me?" -Adolf Hitler probably
Finch/Kroger - probably, plot wise they seem very expendable
Vallory - highly probably, only other major antagonist besides Jack and a Vault monster
Jack - probable, but I hope not. Borderlands wouldn't be the same anymore without him. Gearbox clearly doesn't want to let the character go, what with the PreSequel and including him in the post-BL2 Telltale game.
Sasha - highly unlikely
Vaughn - maybe (if so, probably contextual)
The Stranger - depends who s/he is and what their motives and goals are.
My guess is Finch and Kroger most likely...
Who I hope doesn't die is Handsome Jack...I will be very upset if they kill him off after spending most of the series to bring him back.
I think Loader Bot will probably die. I don't think August will die, I think he's gonna help the gang and then just leave on a good note. I think Vallory will do the same, but she's gonna die. I don't think we are gonna see Vaughn at all in the finale. And perhaps we are going to have to choose between whether to kill Rhys or not. Like, Handsome Jack says something like: "To kill me, you're gonna have to kill Rhys!" Then Fiona will have him at gunpoint and must decide.
as long as Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha, and Gortys survive I'll be good. Hopefully Gortys is just offline and not dead because that thing is the best robot ever.
I don't really have a feeling one way or the other for Fiona. I find Rhys much more fun to play as and I wouldn't be overly upset if Fiona died so I didn't list her.
Let me think:
* Loader Bot - maybe
* Gortys - possibly, price for summoning the vault?
* August - maybe
* Finch/Kroger - probably, p… morelot wise they seem very expendable
* Vallory - highly probably, only other major antagonist besides Jack and a Vault monster
* Jack - probable, but I hope not. Borderlands wouldn't be the same anymore without him. Gearbox clearly doesn't want to let the character go, what with the PreSequel and including him in the post-BL2 Telltale game.
* Sasha - highly unlikely
* Vaughn - maybe (if so, probably contextual)
* The Stranger - depends who s/he is and what their motives and goals are.
I think Loader Bot will probably die. I don't think August will die, I think he's gonna help the gang and then just leave on a good note. I … morethink Vallory will do the same, but she's gonna die. I don't think we are gonna see Vaughn at all in the finale. And perhaps we are going to have to choose between whether to kill Rhys or not. Like, Handsome Jack says something like: "To kill me, you're gonna have to kill Rhys!" Then Fiona will have him at gunpoint and must decide.
Honestly? I hope Sasha. Since the very first episode I just don't trust her, but they wouldn't kill her, with all the forced romance. Gortys got split up, and the stranger is just going to use Rhys and Fiona for their two pieces, wherever they went. Everyone else apart from Rhys and Fiona probably are going to die.
I think everything will depend on our choices, but I guess we will have the choice to kill: august, vallory, finch, kroger, yvette, vaughn, the stranger and maybe even sasha. so...the whole main-cast (genius). but if sasha dies, then only by accident, 'cause if rhys would've killed her, fiona would be much more pissed off than she already is. yvette is probably gonna try to talk her way out of the situation "nah, rhys, I was just acting, I would never want you to die!" and such stuff. and vaughn...he is probably already dead if you send him into the desert
Man, you can't doubt that - it's kind of a spoiler, that's why I used a spoiler tag. It's not my prediction, it's a fact.
Gortys seemingly will end up in pieces again, but hopefully she's just back in stasis, and not offline. I'm assuming either or August or Vallory will die, but I can't see both dying. I'd be also be a bit disappointed if we spent four episodes getting back Jack to Helios (however unintentionally and reluctantly) for him to still not be around in Handsome Helios form for BL3.
I'm quite concerned by the Vaughn dialogue options if you agree to let Athena kill Cassius. You can tell him to either try to escape, or to stay with her. I feel like I'm dooming him a bit either way.
All the Sasha/Fiona ship/kill comments break my cold dead heart! Rhys is the common denominator here, why not kill off Rhys to be ship-war free? (Please note, if Rhys dies I will swan dive into a vat of alcohol to drink away my sorrows.)
Why would you people want anyone to die?
Maybe it's just me who loves everyone in this game. Okay Vallory and Yvette deserves a punch in the face but that's it 
August will end up killing his mom, while Vaughn will stab Yvette or something.
I'm not part of those people who think you have to agree on everything to genuinely care about someone.
You can have an antagonistic relationship with someone and still fancy them. And to be fair Rhys isn't truly a dick on purpose, he says stuff without thinking so Sasha could also not make a big deal out of it.
As I said I still understand the frustration but I don't understand the reaction. It's the same for every story, and even worse when you don't actually have any choice (like basically 99% of all stories roughly). eg : I kinda liked the dc show arrow but I hated the god awful romances (my opinion), do you know what I did about it ? I didn't rant about it on the internet or create a petition or whatever, I just stopped watching the show.
My point is, if it bothers you that much that you can't enjoy the game any more, then stop playing. If you still enjoy it then it's not that big of a deal.
Well, you can have it of course. But making people watch it is a torture. This reminds me of Dragon age 2 romance system where we can have rivalry romances. And I personally always thought this system is a bs. Like... you don't respect your partner's views, you don't share their beliefs and even make fun of them - it would never work. And mind you, the topics people disagree on there are vital. It's not some petty disagreements over small things. It's just painful to watch at best and you will lose all respect for person who agrees to be in such a relationship at worst - because suddenly they abandon everything they respesent and stand for just for a chance to get laid. The situation in Tales is not that dire but close enough. We shouldn't have romantic scenes/moments (initiated by Sasha at least) if all we've done so far was insulting Sasha, her home planet and supporting Hyperion. This is just plain bs.
It doesn't bother me to the point where I will stop playing, but this is an issue. This is something the devs shoud've thought through but they haven't.
"You wanna know who's gonna die in the finale? Your mom."
"... My mom is dead."
Do you "Shippers" actually Rate an Episode by it's Romances? I mean i have nothing against a ship here and there but to be Honest, the Ship between Rhys and Sasha feels better than Rhys and Fiona. Rhyona would've Been just to Clechè.
Agreed, the shippers are getting annoying.
Your not alone. I also want Sasha to live.
I've got to say that I think that the casualties will be Finch, Kroger, Loaderbot, and Gortys.
Eh, has this been confirmed? Until it's been confirmed I will doubt it. It is a prediction, not a fact. They haven't given us the option to avoid it before, so I doubt they'll start in the last episode. I will love it if they do though.
I never said it made it unplayable, just some parts are cringeworthy. You can certainly get along with someone that you have an antagonistic relationship, I've no issue with a forced-friendship (like with Vaughn, but that's excusable because it's pre-existing) but a forced romance bugs me. The romances in DC were awful but Arrow was his own thing, the show didn't start with:
"Oliver Queen, billionaire (You)" or "This show is catered to how you watch"
"If you don't like it, leave" is a terrible argument in all things, anywhere, ever.
You summed up my feelings better than I did.
I hope not, but probably AI Jack. Unless they're setting him up to be the Borderlands 3 villain or something.
My guess is Finch and Kroger most likely...
Who I hope doesn't die is Handsome Jack...I will be very upset if they kill him off after spending most of the series to bring him back.
I have a horrible feeling Vaughn will and muh heart...
as long as Rhys, Vaughn, Sasha, and Gortys survive I'll be good. Hopefully Gortys is just offline and not dead because that thing is the best robot ever.
What about Loader Bot?
I want Sasha to die.
I love Loader Bot too, but I just think he's going to be an obvious kill.
I rarely ever ship characters in telltale games, but this game feels like there is a chance. Overall I thought this episode was the best one yet.
I was glad that they made Yvette the traitor, I never liked her.
Let me think:
He survived a self destruction.. He'll be stronger faster better and beautiful.
Someone feels my pain.
I think Loader Bot will probably die. I don't think August will die, I think he's gonna help the gang and then just leave on a good note. I think Vallory will do the same, but she's gonna die. I don't think we are gonna see Vaughn at all in the finale. And perhaps we are going to have to choose between whether to kill Rhys or not. Like, Handsome Jack says something like: "To kill me, you're gonna have to kill Rhys!" Then Fiona will have him at gunpoint and must decide.
No Fiona?
I don't really have a feeling one way or the other for Fiona. I find Rhys much more fun to play as and I wouldn't be overly upset if Fiona died so I didn't list her.
I feel like Finch and Kroger will go out together, they seem like bros to the end.
I was thinking that too, maybe we might have to sacrifice Rhys to stop jack? Wait no...that's just crazy... or is it?
Jack isn't in Rhys anymore but.
Honestly? I hope Sasha. Since the very first episode I just don't trust her, but they wouldn't kill her, with all the forced romance. Gortys got split up, and the stranger is just going to use Rhys and Fiona for their two pieces, wherever they went. Everyone else apart from Rhys and Fiona probably are going to die.
I think everything will depend on our choices, but I guess we will have the choice to kill: august, vallory, finch, kroger, yvette, vaughn, the stranger and maybe even sasha. so...the whole main-cast (genius). but if sasha dies, then only by accident, 'cause if rhys would've killed her, fiona would be much more pissed off than she already is. yvette is probably gonna try to talk her way out of the situation "nah, rhys, I was just acting, I would never want you to die!" and such stuff. and vaughn...he is probably already dead if you send him into the desert
Did you decide to self destruct him?
You monster.
Anyone but Rhys and Sasha, dont care for the rest.
i want one to die then the other goes apeshit and takes as many with him as possible
I just want Jack to die tbh.