EP5: The Vault of the Traveler- My Plot

This is a fan-made storyline for TFTBL ep 5. I hope you guys like it

The episode begins in the present with Rhys sitting with his head down while the Stranger and Fiona stare at him. The stranger says “You took over Hyperion?”. If Jack forced Rhys to do it, then Rhys will bring that up. Fiona will angrily say that Rhys betrayed them all. Rhys stays silent as the story reverts back to the past.

Rhys is sitting in Jack’s chair as Jack’s face is on the screen in front of him.

If Rhys rejected Hyperion
Jack will say that Rhys is doomed as President of Hyperion. “I can’t wait for you to see my new body” says Jack with a large grin on his face.

“The first thing i’m going to do is take those friends of yours to strangulation town"

“What? Why?” yells Rhys.
"Because you care about them. More than the one thing you wanted the most” exclaims Jack with a look of anger on his face. Jack's face disappears from the screen

If Rhys chose to rule Hyperion
Jack will say that Rhys will make a good Prseident of Hyperion. "But seriously you got to check out my new bod-ay." Rhys leaves the chair and looks out the window over to Elpis. "BLAM!" Suddenly a gunshot rings out, and a bullet flies into Rhys's hip. Rhys falls over, face first into the window.

Rhys turns around and sees August standing at the door, gun raised. "What are you doing!" yells Rhys.
"What are you doing, guy?" exclaims August. "You're supposed to grab the beacon, not take over the planet."
Jack come on the screen, scaring both August and Rhys. He admits that he is to blame for that.

"I'm also to blame for this..." says Jack, as almost 10 guards walk in, ready to shoot.

PoV switches over to Fiona

Fiona walks with Yvette, Sasha, Gortys and the guards. Yvette has Gortys, while Sasha and Fiona trail behind.
"What happened, Sash?"
"Yvette cornered me while I tried to get to the ground floor"
"So you sold out my location!" Fiona angrily snaps.
Then Sasha explains "I told her that I'm on her side, but once we shake off these guards... We're going to take her down"

Yvette takes them into a prison-like area and tell the guards to bock the exit. She tells Fiona to get in a cell. Fiona walks in and Yvette slams the gate.

PoV switches to the present (the playable character is Rhys)

The meteor shower has cleared up, so Fiona and Rhys are walking with the masked Stranger.
"Okay, where are you taking us!"
The Masked Stranger turns towards Rhys and says "You'll see, Rhysie"
Rhys ponders and thinks to himself, "Their's only one other person who's ever called me that; and his name is Jack".

Fiona starts to tell the story as the PoV switches back to the past.

"Watch her", Yvette says to the guards. She grabs Sasha to talk to her.

If Rhys revealed his identity to Yvette and/or chose to rule: "Where is Rhys." Yvette whispers to Sasha. "I don't know, but Fiona might," Sasha says, just loud enough for Fiona to hear.

If Rhys didn't do either of those choices: Yvette will ask Sasha if she can confirm the rumors that Handsome Jack might be back. Sasha points Yvette to the cell and tells her to ask Fiona

Yvette will tell the guards to wait outside of the prison area, but keeps one at the door. Yvette turns around for just enough time for Fiona to swipe it off of her. Sasha stands behind Yvette, realizing that this is their best chance to escape. Sasha puts out her hand, waiting for Fiona to make a choice:

Throw Sasha the key

Fiona tosses the key to Sasha and she unlocks the cell. Yvette turns around and sees the two girls walking towards her. Yvette goes for the tackle, but Fiona catches her and throws her into the cell gate. Sasha elbows Yvette in the head, knocking her out cold. Fiona locks the gate, leaving Yvette unconsious in the cell. They grab Gortys and go.

Throw Sasha the gun

Fiona throws the gun and Sasha catches it with one hand. Yvette turns around just as Sasha fires the bullet straight into Yvette's heart. Yvette chokes out a final sentence; "You and I are the same," while pointing at Sasha, before collapsing to the ground.
They grab Gortys and leave.

The following is non-determinant

Fiona and Sasha walk to to exit and see the guard standing there. The guard asks "Where's Yvette". "Because if she didn't let you leave, I'm supposed to shoot you". Fiona grins and says "I know what to do".

She creates a finger-gun with her hand and points it at the guard. "Back off or i'll shoot."

Sasha and the guard look at Fiona, they both say "umm..."

Fiona "shoots" the guard and he doesn't do anything. The guard says "what is the matter with you" and hits Fiona with his real gun. Sasha walks in the middle of them. Fiona gets up and has the option to either say that Yvette let them go, say that they know the President of Hyperion (Determinant), bribe the guard (if Fiona has enough money) or outsmart him. Either way he will let them go and they will leave. Fiona looks back, with a grin, before closing the elevator door.

Point-of-View switches over to Rhys

The guards point their guns at August. They can't see Rhys as he's hiding behind Jack's desk. Rhys secretly crawls to the chair and triggers the trapdoor. Rhys crawls to the trapdoor and looks over to the guards pointing their guns at August. "Should I bring him along" contemplates Rhys

Bring August along

Rhys yells "August come on!" August runs to the trapdoor and jumps in just as the guards fire, narrowly missing him. August thanks Rhys and they descend the trapdoor together. Rhys seesmthe broom holding up the door. "Where's Fiona"

Leave him behind

Rhys goes down the trapdoor by himself. As he descends the ladder, Rhys looks down to see Fiona not there and he is suddenly kicked down the ladder by August. Turns out he saw the trapdoor anyways and went down. "What is wrong with you" shouts August. Rhys hits the ground and August grabs him. They leave the ground floor to look for Fiona and Gortys.

The following is non-determinant regardless of your choice

Rhys and August walk to the room where Fiona destroyed the painting/statue in the previous episode. Rhys switches back to Rhys-quez. Fiona calls Rhys and he answers. She say they're going to the ship and to meet them there. Fiona says (over the phone) "oh no".

"Rhys, the ship is gone"

PoV switches to the present (Pc is Fiona)

The Stranger walks away as Rhys and Fiona remain restrained to a rock. He comes back holding Gortys's beacon, which is beeping with a green light on top. "What happened to Gortys?" The Stranger asks. Fiona looks down and a tear falls from her eye. The beacon shows a green arrow pointing north. The Stranger unbinds them so they can follow it. "Continue the story"

PoV switches back to Rhys

"What do you mean the ship is gone" stammers Rhys. "What do you think..." Fiona exclaims. Rhys and August reach the loading dock and see it empty. Fiona, Sasha and Gortys stand shocked. Suddenly Jack's voice booms.

"Have I taught you nothing, Rhysie" Jack says as he stands face-to-face with Rhys.

Sasha takes out her SMG and shoots Jack. He falls off the balcony. But then another Jack steps out. The real one. Sasha goes to shoot again, but Fiona stops her. "Let's hear what he has to say"

If Rhys chose to rule Hyperion:
"Here's the deal Rhys, now that I have this body, I don't need you anymore. I respect you, but I don't need you and your friends anymore. What I do need is the beacon, so if you give me Gortys and the beacon then I will let you and your friends leave without trouble. It's clear that you value Pandora more than Helios, so yeah... But I have your ship in the Hub of Heroism"
Rhys: "how do you get a ship in there"
Jack: "Shut up," "you know what, Fiona you decide because you are obviously the brains of this disappointment of a group"

If Rhys rejected Hyperion:
"Here's the deal Rhys, now that I have this body, I don't need you. I don't respect you and I never did. I need you and your friends either dead or out of MY planet. What I also need is the beacon, so if you give me Gortys and the beacon then I will let you and your friends leave without trouble (I might rough you guys up a little bit). It's clear that you value Pandora more than Helios, so yeah... But I have your ship in the Hub of Heroism"
Rhys: "how do you get a ship in there"
Jack comes up to Rhys and cuts off his hand (his non-robotic one) Rhys screams in pain and falls over. "You know what, Fiona you decide because you are obviously the brains of this embarrassment of a group and your buddy here is not capable of doing much."

Give Gortys to Jack

"I'm sorry" Fiona says to Gortys and hands her over to Jack. "I knew you were a smart one, Fiona" Gortys starts beeping and spinning, before saying goodbye to Rhys and Sasha. Gortys looks to Fiona and says "I trusted you" before being dragged away. Fiona will help Rhys (if Jack cut off his hand) and they will run to the Hub to retrieve the ship. They get in the ship and see Jack out front, but there's another Jack on the other side. Everyone is confused, until a grenade is thrown into the ship. "Take cover!" August yells. Everyone dives away as the explosion hits. Sasha starts the ship and the dust settles. Everyone is okay, except Gortys's pieces are all over the ship. She got caught in the explosion. The ship breaks through the walls of the Hub and they take off into space.

Refuse to give up Gortys

Fiona refuses and Jack says that Fiona is just as stupid as Rhys. "Light em' up" and multiples duplicates of Handsome Jack step out of the shadows. They all start firing, while Sasha fires back. Most of the Jacks are defeated, but Jack (the real one) tells them to keep fighting. Though one runs away. "Kay what?!" Jack mutters when he sees his supporter running for dear life. Sasha helps up Rhys and patches up his hand (determinant). Fiona and co. run to the Hub of Heroism and jump into the ship. The ship zooms off.

The following is non-determinant, regardless of your choice to give up Gortys.

The ship is flying with Fiona piloting. Sasha sits at the back, staring out the window. August stares at his feet. Gortys (if she is still alive) sits in the seat beside August. Everyone is silent. The Stranger interjects. "What happened to Finch and Kroger?" Fiona and Rhys look at each other. "Oops"

The story goes back to the past.

Rhys walks up to Sasha and sits down next to her. "I'm sorry, Sasha," "For everything that's happened to us. To you. And Fiona. And Vaughn. And everyone else caught up in this mess". Sasha pauses before eventually saying "Thanks Rhys. It's not necessary. But thanks." Rhys has the option to kiss her or leave her be.* If Rhys kisses her*, she will kiss him back. After pulling away, Sasha will smile at Rhys and he will leave. If he doesn't, then he will smile at Sasha. "Bye, Rhys" she says as he walks back to his seat.

PoV switches to Fiona

They enter the atmosphere of Pandora and suddenly a Hyperion missile hits the ship. If Gortys is still alive, then when the dust settles they see her parts falling out of the ship. The ship breaks open and they all fall out of the ship. Fiona hits the ground and groans in pain. She sees Rhys laying against a rock and stands up. He stands up as well. "Where's Sasha?" "This is all your fault, Rhys” Fiona screams out.

Rhys is taken aback, Fiona gazes at him. “Every single thing from the start is your fault. Everyone is either dead or broken or gone, Rhys. And it’s all because you got mad and wanted to One-Up Vasquez.”
Fiona punches Rhys in the gut, and he falls over. “Fiona, stop. I’m sorry about Gortys and Sasha, but you have to stop.” Fiona growls “Don’t mention Sasha!”.

*If Rhys took over Hyperion or didn’t tell Fiona about Jack: *She will be considerably angrier and mention that Rhys is a traitor. If he didn’t, she will stand cautiously away from Rhys and ball her hand into a fist.

Fiona starts to walk towards him, and Rhys pulls out the stun baton. Fiona grabs her Derringer and aims at Rhys. He dives and she fires a bullet. It misses. Rhys swings the baton, but Fiona kicks him in the face and the baton spins away.

PoV switches to Rhys

Rhys trips Fiona and she falls over, but she jumps back up and they fist fight. Fiona knocks him to the ground and starts kicking him. She has the option to kick him 0-4 times. He rolls to the stun baton and grabs it. He swings it into Fiona’s leg and she screams out in pain. Before Rhys can swing again, someone grabs his hand and punches him down. It’s Vaughn.

The PoV switches to the present (Pc is Rhys)

The Stranger stops walking and Fiona walks up beside him. Rhys trudges behind. Suddenly they stop and Fiona runs ahead “OhMyGod” she yells as she runs ahead. Rhys continues the story.

PoV switches to the past (The PC is Fiona)

Vaughn looks over them “What are you doing, guys?!” Cassius (determinant) will also walk up beside him. Fiona and Rhys stand up. If Vaughn was Vallory’s hostage, he will say that he escaped Vallory. Rhys will have the option to hug or bro-fist Vaughn. Vaughn will hug Fiona as well. He asks “Where’s Sasha?” Rhys and Fiona look down and say “we don’t know”. Suddenly a voice rings out “I do”. Rhys closes his eyes and says “Hello Vallory"

Vallory steps out, holding Sasha by the hair. “Give me the beacon”. Vallory creases her brow “Where’s the little robot.” Fiona smiles at Vallory and says that it’s over. If Cassius is with the group, Vallory whips out a pistol and shoots him. Vallory will point the gun at Sasha. Fiona karate kicks Vallory in the neck, killing her.

“Yeah, that didn’t happen” Rhys interjects. “Okay fine,” says Fiona.

Sasha bites Vallory's hand and Vaughn tackles her. Vallory pulls out a remote and presses the button. Five robotic guards stand up and start shooting. Rhys and Fiona get distracted by the guards and see Vallory holding Sasha, running to her vehicle. Vaughn throws a knife at Vallory and it hits her hand, pinning it to the car. “LOL” yells Vaughn. But Vallory pulls out the knife, jumps into the car and drives away. Vallory summons a Loader-Bot as she leaves, it fires at Rhys, but Vaughn jumps into the way, sacrificing himself for his best friends. Fiona uses the stun baton and shoves it into the Loader Bot’s neck. The Loader Bot grabs Fiona and throws her as far as he can. Rhys hold Vaughn as he dies. His final words are “Thanks for not leaving me, Rhys”. He has the option to give him a proper burial or leave his body there.

Give Vaughn a burial

Rhys lifts Vaughn’s body away from the wreckage and digs a hole using his hands. He place Vaughn’s body in there and picks up a nearby stone slate. He carves Vaughn’s name on the stone and places it at the head of the grave

Leave his body to go find Fiona

Rhys looks over Vaughn’s body in the fallout before slowly walking away.

The following is non-determinant, regardless of what you did with Vaughn’s body

Rhys is walking around yelling “Fiona”, “Where are you?” and “We can work this out” (The opening scene of Ep1), before the Stranger comes up to him and knocks him out.

“And that’s my story” says Rhys, in the present.

The Stranger says “So you guys never got to open the vault?” Rhys sighs “yeah”. "So if Gortys is dead, than I’m pretty sure I can kill you guys now.” He turns to shoot Rhys, but Rhys isn’t there. Suddenly Rhys kicks his ankle from behind and grabs the gun. The Stranger tries to get up, but Rhys hits him with the gun. “What do you want?” The Stranger asks.

“Take off your mask. Now"

“Fine,” he pulls off the mask. It’s Handsome Jack. Rhys goes to shoot him. “WAIT” “I’m not actually Jack, my name is Timothy. Timothy Lawrence.” Timothy explains how Jack hired him and tells Rhys he was the Jack duplicate that runs away during the fight at Helios, which is how he got that gun from Jack’s office. “Y’know the Gortys project isn’t finished, Rhys” “When Gortys was beeping and spinning the beacon, she was summoning the Vault"

Rhys is given the option to leave the Stranger there, or shoot him

Kill him
Rhys activates the Conference Call and shoots Timothy. Rhys slumps over against the rocks and closes his eyes, then stands up after taking the beacon. Rhys turns to find Fiona, running towards where he last saw her

Spare Him
Rhys looks down at Timothy and shuts off the Conference Call. He is given the option to knock him out or tie him up. Regardless of your choice, Timothy will remain there and Rhys will run off to find Fiona.

PoV switches to Fiona

Fiona is following the beacon directions, running as fast as she can. She gets to the vault and says “This is it. This is the Vault.” Fiona hears Rhys calling out. Fiona opens her mouth to yell to Rhys, but she closes her mouth. Fiona looks at the Vault, then at Rhys’s silhouette walking in the wrong direction.

Enter the Vault by yourself

Fiona will stay silent and Rhys will walk away from the Vault in another direction. Fiona will enter the Vault alone and close the door behind her. She turns around and her face changes expressions.

“Woah” she says. The camera pans behind Fiona’s back. The final shot shows Fiona’s back as she looks at the waves of Eridium, money and weapons.

Call out for Rhys

“Over here, Rhys,” Fiona shouts. Rhys looks over and runs toward her. “I found the Vault”.
Rhys runs in and his eyes immediately widen. Fiona’s face looks shocked as she turns to see the Vault’s treasures. The camera pans out and the game ends with a final shot of Fiona and Rhys’s backs as they looks on at the waves of Eridium, money and weapons.

The End

Post Credits Scene: Jack is seen working at his desk, when a Hyperion secretary walks in. “Do you need anything, Mr. President.” Jack looks up and replies “no, thank you Trish.” She walks off and Jack leans against his chair. The scene switches over to Pandora, where Rhys sits outside of the Vault. Fiona is seen fumbling with some weapons. Rhys looks up and sees a silhouette of a woman on a hill.


The End (for real this time)


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