Is ******* Death Really canon?

I made the same thread in the GBX forums but i wanted to post it here, too here too so i have a little more diversity in the opinions (hopefully)

I think it's well known, that there is a unused Audio file of Jack where he stated that he poisoned wilhelm, so the VH could kill him and take the power core. And a lot of people say that this is canon. So i asked my brother (because he is REALLY in to the Lore or Canon of videogames) if this is actually canon. He said and i quote: "If it's stated IN the actual game or was officially confirmed by the writers, then it's Canon. But if it's in the gamefiles but unused its not canon because it was never used so it never happened. It is unused for a reason."
What Do you think? Is he right or wrong.


  • your brother is absolutely right. Unused audio only means that something was planned to happen but never happened because it got scratched. Meaning that it was originally meant for Wilhelm to get poisoned by Jack, but that never happened. Of course, it COULD still have happened with the developers merely wanting to hide that fact, but as far as canon goes, as long as it isn't confirmed, it's not canon.

  • its canon it was confirmed in a IAMA on reddit

  • There were unused files that weren't put into the game. I believe the voice actor for handsome jack, or maybe it was one of the writers of the script... I can't remember.

    Anyway, one of those people confirmed that they forgot to officially put that line into the game explaining that Wilhelm was poisoned. Its implied at later points in the game but there isn't direct proof of it.

  • Well,this audio would have made sense,because it is really weird that a guy who kicked old vault hunters asses in new haven(which are at least lvl 32 by the end of the game) gets easily killed by a 15-19 lvl new vault hunters.

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