Is agnostic atheist the right word? I'm very skeptical of the idea of any kind of higher power, but I won't pretend to have any facts to back it up. For all I know, I'm wrong. I don't think anyone really can know.
I'm a Roman Catholic. I think religion is something that kind of completes a person. At least me. It's always there for me, and it makes me feel nice to believe someone somewhere is always watching over me. I despise those who use religion to advance an agenda, because I think that goes against the entire principle.
I greatly admire Islam. I think it is fascinating. It's a shame that horrors stem from it, but yet again basically every religion has done that at one point. Buddhism as well, I think is fantastic.
Growing up I just assumed there was a God.
I remember asking my parents when I was quite young, 'What happens when I die?' And they said that I go to heaven.
They also told me that Santa Claus comes and gives me presents, and that the Tooth Fairy comes and gets your teeth under your pillow.
But when I started to get older, they were fine with telling me that Santa Claus isn't real, neither the Tooth Fairy. But they continued with God. And now being 19 a lot more informed about it all. I can tell that they continued with it, because would you want to tell your little boy or girl that after they die, it's nothing? I mean Santa might not bring you presents, but you'll still get them. The Tooth Fairy won't bring you money, but you'll still get change. But after you die, I don't think they have an answer for it. So they have to settle with another fable so it won't upset their child.
Christian, though I never believed in God for him to give me hope or for him to do something for me like most people do. I don't believe that he's cruel because of the bad things in the world, since if you look at it, those are mostly human choices that cause most of the bad in this world to happen. I believe that God is mainly there just to decide who goes to Heaven and who goes to hell, for, afterlife purposes. Also as an explanation as to how this world started, since most other theories don't really make sense to me in the slightest
So I guess I'm not SUPER religious but I do believe in something so yeah.
I would follow ya'll but Satan and i have rough past and basically what happened is that he lost a bet for my soul so he's kind angry at me and i also have a cat.
I believe that God and the devil are the representation of good and evil. I believe we all have light and darkness within us, it's up to us which side we'll try to follow (not a Harry Potter's quote intended ). I don't believe someone could possibly ''burn in hell forever'' for not following what's written on a book. I don't believe there's someone dictating our lives. We reap what we sow. And if you ask me if I believe in god then: Yes, I do. I believe there's a god within me. But he won't solve all my problems, it's up to me to choose my own path. I believe in life after death, but not in heaven/hell. Also, my mom has introduced me to spiritism, which I like it very much.
I believe in God.
I am a Christian.
I believe in the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Exodus, and etc.
I also think that Jesus, and the things he taught, are just as applicable now, as they were two-thousand years ago.
But I don't think much of the Church.
And here's why: During the pedophilia scandal that rocked the Church some years ago, Pope Benedict, being more interested in protecting the reputation of the Church, as opposed to it's members, shuffled those sick perverts around from perish to perish, instead of turning over to the proper authorities, and thus giving them access to more victims.
I'm in no way trying to cause offense.
These are just things I have seen.
I believe in God.
I am a Christian.
I believe in the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Exodus, a… morend etc.
I also think that Jesus, and the things he taught, are just as applicable now, as they were two-thousand years ago.
But I don't think much of the Church.
And here's why: During the pedophilia scandal that rocked the Church some years ago, Pope Benedict, being more interested in protecting the reputation of the Church, as opposed to it's members, shuffled those sick perverts around from perish to perish, instead of turning over to the proper authorities, and thus giving them access to more victims.
I'm in no way trying to cause offense.
These are just things I have seen.
Uh, Would you like to explain your argument? How would you feel if someone who was "religious" or in a "cult," said negative things about something you felt strongly about IE Gay Rights.
What is a cult? Who decides what a cult is? You? Me?
I really liked it, but it's not for everone. Let me know when you finish it, I'd like to hear what you think (specifically in regards to how satan is depicted).
I really liked it, but it's not for everone. Let me know when you finish it, I'd like to hear what you think (specifically in regards to how satan is depicted).
Well, a cult is usually way smaller and is much more focused on using the followers for personal gain for something or someone. A good example for a cult would be the Heaven's Gate cult which that crazy bastard Applewhite started.
Religions and cults are stupid and need to die
Uh, Would you like to explain your argument? How would you feel if someone who was "… morereligious" or in a "cult," said negative things about something you felt strongly about IE Gay Rights.
What is a cult? Who decides what a cult is? You? Me?
Looking at my overall views and the way I go about my life, I think most people would say that technically I don't really follow any particular religion, though I usually just consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I honestly know very little about the Bible, and even then I don't necessarily believe everything that is written in it. That said, I definitely have faith, and it impacts my every day life.
Some people are turned away from believing in a higher power simply because of their questioning of religious establishments, and honestly, it doesn't make any sense to me. It's one thing to have doubt in regards to all of the different religions throughout the world, it's another to not believe in a higher power. These ideas do not have to be tied together. From my experience, when an atheist is asked why they are atheist, they tend to go straight to questioning religious establishments, and this really makes very little sense.
I believe in the almighty benevolent Flying Spaghetti Monster and i believe one day he'll take us all to the pasta heaven where everyone can eat free pasta and be protected by his beautiful noodly appendage.
Religions and cults are stupid and need to die
Uh, Would you like to explain your argument? How would you feel if someone who was "… morereligious" or in a "cult," said negative things about something you felt strongly about IE Gay Rights.
What is a cult? Who decides what a cult is? You? Me?
I believe in the almighty benevolent Flying Spaghetti Monster and i believe one day he'll take us all to the pasta heaven where everyone can eat free pasta and be protected by his beautiful noodly appendage.
Christian. I don't have a vendetta against atheists as I respect what they want to believe in, but I do have a problem with the whole notion that being a Christian somehow makes you an inept, stupid, piece of shit according to some atheists namely the young ones. I'm also not a huge fan of some atheists claiming every Christian is full of shit and shouldn't be respected at all and should be mocked and bullied, now I know atheists suffer this too from some Christians but I feel like too many times atheists try look like the victims even if they're the ones who started the fight and asked for a fight.
Christian. I don't have a vendetta against atheists as I respect what they want to believe in, but I do have a problem with the whole notion… more that being a Christian somehow makes you an inept, stupid, piece of shit according to some atheists namely the young ones. I'm also not a huge fan of some atheists claiming every Christian is full of shit and shouldn't be respected at all and should be mocked and bullied, now I know atheists suffer this too from some Christians but I feel like too many times atheists try look like the victims even if they're the ones who started the fight and asked for a fight.
Oh certainly, I'm just not a fan of the whole idea that EVERY Christian is a world destroying shitbag and EVERY Atheist is a smart, saint that understands everything. Both sides are VERY flawed in my eyes but I feel Atheists get too much of a free pass sometimes especially on the internet.
I am an atheist. My "beliefs" on life, the universe, and everything simply include that the universe is a natural neverending thing that came into being on its own, and we are a species that came into being because our planet was just the right distance from the Sun. Everything that comes after that (laws, religion, morality) is just stuff people came up with in their spare time to keep things from going apeshit every two seconds. Objectively speaking, they hold no real value, just like us. Human existence is finite, and how we classify reality is unimportant to the universe. One day we'll all be gone and the planet will vanish with the Sun, and that'll be that.
To sum up... everything just "is", until it's not. I'm sure there's a word for these beliefs, but I try to keep the labels to a minimum. Makes things simpler.
As for religions specifically, I find them to be fascinating documents of history, and reflections of the cultural beliefs of bygone eras, but nothing more. On a personal level, they are ultimately irrelevant to me. They receive neither respect nor derision from me. I reserve my derision for the useless bottom-feeding scumbags in this world who use them to spread hatred and to attain personal gain at the expense of others, and I give my respect to those who use them for love, bettering oneself, and treating others with kindness.
I hold that an individual has absolute rights to himself. If they were to be believing in religion, that is their prerogative and I have no say or right in it whatsoever
I, however, for one remain completely agnostic in my views of religion. I neither believe it correct or incorrect.
It's the vocal minority problem. On the internet especially, you get a ton of obnoxious atheists harassing Christians. You rarely hear from the cool atheists (who make up the overwhelmingly large majority of atheists), probably because they don't give a shit and have better things to do.
Oh certainly, I'm just not a fan of the whole idea that EVERY Christian is a world destroying shitbag and EVERY Atheist is a smart, saint th… moreat understands everything. Both sides are VERY flawed in my eyes but I feel Atheists get too much of a free pass sometimes especially on the internet.
I believe in the almighty benevolent Flying Spaghetti Monster and i believe one day he'll take us all to the pasta heaven where everyone can eat free pasta and be protected by his beautiful noodly appendage.
You know... I don't really truly know which religion I follow. Maybe I'm Christian(?). But I don't believe in everything the bible says, or at the least disagree with some things in it. Like I believe there's a god and a devil. The supernatural plane, and such. Not everything can be explained logically at first. Some things are meant to be unexplained in one place, and to be explained in the next. And I'm actually quite open about other things, like Greek gods, the Japanese gods, etc. Maybe our world is secretly like Skyrim sort of? But anyway, I'm less focused on religion (I will sometimes pray but really only for the ones I care about, I don't pray for myself much), and more focused on the world in front of me and I have the power to choose my path and outcome. I go by along this line "Life how you play is a game of cards. The cards you've been given, the cards of which have been removed, what's in your hand, how you play the game will affect the outcome of your life and those of close ties around you."
Aren't they the ones who dismember cats and dance around it for lucifer lmao
I'm Christian.
sign me up
Double that.
Have you read The Club Dumas? I love the way satan is loosely depicted in that book.
Is agnostic atheist the right word? I'm very skeptical of the idea of any kind of higher power, but I won't pretend to have any facts to back it up. For all I know, I'm wrong. I don't think anyone really can know.
So many fancy words.
I'm a Roman Catholic. I think religion is something that kind of completes a person. At least me. It's always there for me, and it makes me feel nice to believe someone somewhere is always watching over me. I despise those who use religion to advance an agenda, because I think that goes against the entire principle.
I greatly admire Islam. I think it is fascinating. It's a shame that horrors stem from it, but yet again basically every religion has done that at one point. Buddhism as well, I think is fantastic.
Growing up I just assumed there was a God.
I remember asking my parents when I was quite young, 'What happens when I die?' And they said that I go to heaven.
They also told me that Santa Claus comes and gives me presents, and that the Tooth Fairy comes and gets your teeth under your pillow.
But when I started to get older, they were fine with telling me that Santa Claus isn't real, neither the Tooth Fairy. But they continued with God. And now being 19 a lot more informed about it all. I can tell that they continued with it, because would you want to tell your little boy or girl that after they die, it's nothing? I mean Santa might not bring you presents, but you'll still get them. The Tooth Fairy won't bring you money, but you'll still get change. But after you die, I don't think they have an answer for it. So they have to settle with another fable so it won't upset their child.
I think at this moment, I'm agnostic-athiest.
Christian, though I never believed in God for him to give me hope or for him to do something for me like most people do. I don't believe that he's cruel because of the bad things in the world, since if you look at it, those are mostly human choices that cause most of the bad in this world to happen. I believe that God is mainly there just to decide who goes to Heaven and who goes to hell, for, afterlife purposes. Also as an explanation as to how this world started, since most other theories don't really make sense to me in the slightest
So I guess I'm not SUPER religious but I do believe in something so yeah.
I would follow ya'll but Satan and i have rough past and basically what happened is that he lost a bet for my soul so he's kind angry at me and i also have a cat.
I believe that God and the devil are the representation of good and evil. I believe we all have light and darkness within us, it's up to us which side we'll try to follow (not a Harry Potter's quote intended
). I don't believe someone could possibly ''burn in hell forever'' for not following what's written on a book. I don't believe there's someone dictating our lives. We reap what we sow. And if you ask me if I believe in god then: Yes, I do. I believe there's a god within me. But he won't solve all my problems, it's up to me to choose my own path. I believe in life after death, but not in heaven/hell. Also, my mom has introduced me to spiritism, which I like it very much.
I believe in God.
I am a Christian.
I believe in the stories of Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Noah's Ark, Sodom and Gomorrah, The Exodus, and etc.
I also think that Jesus, and the things he taught, are just as applicable now, as they were two-thousand years ago.
But I don't think much of the Church.
And here's why: During the pedophilia scandal that rocked the Church some years ago, Pope Benedict, being more interested in protecting the reputation of the Church, as opposed to it's members, shuffled those sick perverts around from perish to perish, instead of turning over to the proper authorities, and thus giving them access to more victims.
I'm in no way trying to cause offense.
These are just things I have seen.
I am an atheist. And if God was real I'd tear him a new one.
When thing like what you mentioned happen, it gives religion a really bad reputation.
Nope, but I just looked it up and I want to read it now. I'll buy it soon.
Uh, Would you like to explain your argument? How would you feel if someone who was "religious" or in a "cult," said negative things about something you felt strongly about IE Gay Rights.
What is a cult? Who decides what a cult is? You? Me?
I really liked it, but it's not for everone. Let me know when you finish it, I'd like to hear what you think (specifically in regards to how satan is depicted).
I'm a Christian. But I respect other people's views.
Sure thing
Well, a cult is usually way smaller and is much more focused on using the followers for personal gain for something or someone. A good example for a cult would be the Heaven's Gate cult which that crazy bastard Applewhite started.
Looking at my overall views and the way I go about my life, I think most people would say that technically I don't really follow any particular religion, though I usually just consider myself a non-denominational Christian. I honestly know very little about the Bible, and even then I don't necessarily believe everything that is written in it. That said, I definitely have faith, and it impacts my every day life.
Some people are turned away from believing in a higher power simply because of their questioning of religious establishments, and honestly, it doesn't make any sense to me. It's one thing to have doubt in regards to all of the different religions throughout the world, it's another to not believe in a higher power. These ideas do not have to be tied together. From my experience, when an atheist is asked why they are atheist, they tend to go straight to questioning religious establishments, and this really makes very little sense.
What's up with the edginess in this thread?
I believe in the almighty benevolent Flying Spaghetti Monster and i believe one day he'll take us all to the pasta heaven where everyone can eat free pasta and be protected by his beautiful noodly appendage.
a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
The majority of all religions, large or otherwise, are cults.
Can you introduce me to the principles of the Spaghetti Monster?
Yes, yes i can.
I'm agnostic too, I grew up in a Christian family, but not really a devoted one, so I had no problem expressing my belif.
It's funny how zealous some atheists are about their faith.
Christian. I don't have a vendetta against atheists as I respect what they want to believe in, but I do have a problem with the whole notion that being a Christian somehow makes you an inept, stupid, piece of shit according to some atheists namely the young ones. I'm also not a huge fan of some atheists claiming every Christian is full of shit and shouldn't be respected at all and should be mocked and bullied, now I know atheists suffer this too from some Christians but I feel like too many times atheists try look like the victims even if they're the ones who started the fight and asked for a fight.
I feel as if you're forgetting that's a collect few, and a lot of people with every belief is like that.
Oh certainly, I'm just not a fan of the whole idea that EVERY Christian is a world destroying shitbag and EVERY Atheist is a smart, saint that understands everything. Both sides are VERY flawed in my eyes but I feel Atheists get too much of a free pass sometimes especially on the internet.
I am an atheist. My "beliefs" on life, the universe, and everything simply include that the universe is a natural neverending thing that came into being on its own, and we are a species that came into being because our planet was just the right distance from the Sun. Everything that comes after that (laws, religion, morality) is just stuff people came up with in their spare time to keep things from going apeshit every two seconds. Objectively speaking, they hold no real value, just like us. Human existence is finite, and how we classify reality is unimportant to the universe. One day we'll all be gone and the planet will vanish with the Sun, and that'll be that.
To sum up... everything just "is", until it's not. I'm sure there's a word for these beliefs, but I try to keep the labels to a minimum. Makes things simpler.
As for religions specifically, I find them to be fascinating documents of history, and reflections of the cultural beliefs of bygone eras, but nothing more. On a personal level, they are ultimately irrelevant to me. They receive neither respect nor derision from me. I reserve my derision for the useless bottom-feeding scumbags in this world who use them to spread hatred and to attain personal gain at the expense of others, and I give my respect to those who use them for love, bettering oneself, and treating others with kindness.
I hold that an individual has absolute rights to himself. If they were to be believing in religion, that is their prerogative and I have no say or right in it whatsoever
I, however, for one remain completely agnostic in my views of religion. I neither believe it correct or incorrect.
What faith do these atheists hold?
The belief that there is no higher power.
I'm making a joke comparing the zeal of atheists to the zeal of religious fundamentalist.
Basically complete selfishness. So Ayn Rand.
It's the vocal minority problem. On the internet especially, you get a ton of obnoxious atheists harassing Christians. You rarely hear from the cool atheists (who make up the overwhelmingly large majority of atheists), probably because they don't give a shit and have better things to do.
You know... I don't really truly know which religion I follow. Maybe I'm Christian(?). But I don't believe in everything the bible says, or at the least disagree with some things in it. Like I believe there's a god and a devil. The supernatural plane, and such. Not everything can be explained logically at first. Some things are meant to be unexplained in one place, and to be explained in the next. And I'm actually quite open about other things, like Greek gods, the Japanese gods, etc. Maybe our world is secretly like Skyrim sort of? But anyway, I'm less focused on religion (I will sometimes pray but really only for the ones I care about, I don't pray for myself much), and more focused on the world in front of me and I have the power to choose my path and outcome. I go by along this line "Life how you play is a game of cards. The cards you've been given, the cards of which have been removed, what's in your hand, how you play the game will affect the outcome of your life and those of close ties around you."
Okay, but you do realize a lack of a belief is not a belief?