Venatore - Interactive Story. Submissions closing soon.
Hiho everyone,
I decided to start my own Interactive story and I am really excited about that fact, as well as quite apprehensive, mainly because of English not being my native tongue. I will give my best though and hope you will enjoy reading it and being part of it as well.
The world story will be taking place in, is present world where darkness exists hidden away from humanity. Only rare group of people realize and know that there is not only them but as well much stronger and mystical creatures walking amongst them. Those supernatural beings can be a friend of foe, depending on their classification and personality. There is a secret worldwide organization formed up called "Venatores" to keep track on them and make them invisible for the rest of the world.
You are just a human, which is aware or not yet of their existence. Choice is yours in this matter. You want to be a member of the organization or soon to become one?
You cannot create supernatural character – but you can become one while story goes on. Decision will be up to me though. (Buuuu, it sucks! No boundaries, Mathea!)
Please be aware, that there is possibility of being eaten or torn apart by something and it can happen to your character.
Some of supernatural beings that can appear and their short descriptions:
- Demon - malevolent, sadistic spirit coming directly from hell. They can possess a human being to take control over them and walk the earth.
- Werewolf – human being that uncontrollably transforms into a wolf during a full moon. Human by day, wolf by full moon night.
- Vampire – no, they are not twilight style vampires, they are more classy ones, close to Ann Rice Chronicles vampires.
- Wendigo - demonic spirit believed to possess humans and turn them into cannibals.
- Mutants - abnormal creatures created by genetic or environmental mutations.
- Imp - Small, mischievous creatures who like to play pranks on people.
- Grim Reaper - The embodiment of death itself, the Grim Reaper comes to take your soul to the afterlife.
Doppelganger/Shapeshifter/Skin-walker – able to change its own apparition to different when necessary - from human to human or animal. Experienced and talented ones can as well transform into both - human and animals.
You can submit characters under link below - please be informed, that i will try to mention every character but not all will be major for the story - when there will be enough of them and i won't be able to mention them all, submission can be closed. I plan as well to prepare visualizations for most major characters.
Characters: (with links to pictures)
Introduced: Giovanni Scarpise, Aelia, Zackary Sania, Bastet LaGatta, Robert Sullivan, Ivan, Martha Sullivan, Stanislav Belan, Rebecca and David Redfern, Nathan Dallman, Magnus Prospero, Aaron, Takezo Matsugawa, Richard Sullivan, Armand Voclain
Deceased: Sergio Scarpise, Ashley Winterstone
Waiting for introduction: Jaghatai Dorn, Jensen Padalecki, Corvus Corax, Rogal El'Jonson, Lucifer Devi, Patrick Columbus
It was late summer evening in New York City. Radio was playing “Born to be wild” by Steppenwolf, accompanied by rain drops from outside. Giovanni was sitting in his shop with concentrated expression, fixing a broken TV for some older gentleman, who left it for service this morning. He always had this called golden hand for maintaining little screws, cables and electronics in different kinds of devices. On memory of his first successful disassemblement at age of 6, Giovanni’s face always lightens up with a crinkly eyed smile.
Time was passing extremely fast and Giovanni did not even realize, that it was already after midnight. “Yeah, I guess it is time for me to go home or I will be like a zombie tomorrow” he though, while putting his tools aside, standing up and turning off the radio. With an agile move of his hand, he covered the finished receiver with the foil - he felt satisfied with repairing it, even at cost of his sleep that night. Suddenly, he heard some male voice screaming – as Giovanni froze, the sound of the shout disappeared. “Damn, don’t tell me there is someone fighting outside, exactly in the moment I need to go home” he cursed under his nose. Surprisingly, the area went totally quiet – even the rain stopped. “What was that about? I am having delusions because of the late hour? Was it only in my head or what? Impossible, it was just outside”
As the notion ended in his mind, he heard some silent, alarming groans combined with munches. Giovanni’s hand instinctively jumped for the switch, turning off the light in the only room it was still on, and in which he was standing right now. The neighborhood was not known to be that bad, but it was still dangerous, especially in the night. His feet started to slowly move towards the window against his own will, just feeling like he needed to see what is going on out there, what is making such weird noise and who got beaten up. Giovanni crouched a bit, not to be visible if someone would look directly into the shop and approached the window close enough to be able to look carefully through – as he looked, he regretted that he did. What he saw, was at first a hallucination, but within seconds, the view was getting more real, same real as a mixture of blood with rain flowing down the sidewalk. There were something eating… his brother Sergio. Giovanni did not recognize the screaming voice at first but now connecting the puzzles he felt immediately nauseous. Sergio most probably was coming to check on him if he did not fall asleep while repairing, as it happened in the past many times. They had this special bond between them, even if they were so different – Giovanni shy and calm, underestimated by everyone while Sergio was outgoing, rebellious and mischievous most of his life – still, they truly cared and trusted each other.
The creature was surely enjoying Sergio’s guts, devouring them with those munching, irritating moans from his half opened body. The being was looking like human, but its head was almost hairless, its skin was grey and puckered and its eyes were red and full of hunger. “What the fuck?! Damn! Did I just scream that? No, no, nooo! It’s just in my head!” Giovanni closed his eyes, having a real storm in his mind. “I will open my eyes, and it will be not happening in real… nothing will be outside of my shop… and Sergio will be somewhere else, safe…” his blue-grey eyes opened slowly, just to close again in the next second, hearing a nearby gunshot and following it after the sound of a falling body. He was shivering in panic and made automatic squat on the floor. This was just so… impossible. He could not believe what was happening outside, and he was just meters away from that, behind the wall! It was Sergio out there and he was too paralyzed and terrified to make any move to revenge his dead brother. Guilt started to eat him up while realizing, that if he would end work faster tonight or if he would react on the scream, recognize it and act, Sergio would not be dead now. What if someone who just used a gun will come for him now, what if there is more than one person? Does he stand a chance? Crap! What, he will stab them with a screwdriver? “Gather up man! They did not see you, they have no idea you are here” he though and immediately got more courage, opening his wet eyes. Metallic sound appeared next like opening a sewer cover, then the sound of something dragged on the asphalt.
Giovanni could not resist, he needed to look what was happening there. Perhaps he will need to testify tomorrow, if the police will come to investigate the incident. On the other hand they won’t believe him saying, that some mutated thing ate his brother. His prediction was right, there was someone pulling a body of a dead creature and dropping it in the sewer, while the body of Sergio was still laying on the ground with his intestines dragged outside. The face of person was not visible, but it was surely a woman, maybe 5’4 feet tall. She wore a black leather suit and her hair was long in the color of chocolate. Giovanni’s eyes were opening more and more, tears were flowing down his cheeks, still not believing of what they have seen tonight. Heavy rain started again, cleaning the blood of Sergio from the sidewalk down into the nearby opened sewer. The mysterious woman turned around and looked directly at him. Her eyes were shining in the color of silver, almost white and were piercing through his skull. The woman’s face was pretty and gentle, but her skin was pale and reflective, contrasting with her red lipstick. She looked like 22 years old at most, about same age as Giovanni’s younger sister Maria. Now Maria was his only sibling. He could not stop looking into those eyes even if he wanted to, he felt like under a spell. Or no! He just did not want to stop looking. The woman had something in her which was not allowing him to stop. Was it her strange unusual eyes? Or her beautiful pale face? Or was it just the fact that he was not controlling himself anymore, after seeing what he did in the past 10 minutes, which seemed like hours and traumatized him enough to look with eyes full of terror? Or was it just a dream? His body started to feel numb and weak, eyelids slowly falling down but he was still looking at her light, silver eyes until all he saw was darkness.
No choice in the prologue, just an introduction...
Great start, can't wait to read more and am curious about the next steps :-D
Wow, poor Sergio (and his guts). It's a really nice read and the descriptions you made are great. I'll be waiting to continue reading your story.
Thanks! Indeed, poor Sergio... i felt sorry that i needed to do this to him, but it was required.
I recieved your submisson and it looks really interesting.
Hey, pleasure is mine to make you readers excited! Await more in incoming days.
Part 1
<Knock, knock, knock>
Giovanni’s eyes opened fast and he pulled himself up to see what woke him up. His eyes narrowed immediately from the rays of the morning sun coming inside the room.
<Knock, knock>
The doors of his workshop unexpectedly opened, followed by a sound of traditional bell which was mounted above them. “Excuse me, mister Giovanni, I did not know that the doors were not locked. I just wanted to see if my TV is already fixed, I wanted to watch the morning news on it…” the older man from yesterday appeared, looking with surprised face at Giovanni standing up from the floor. “Did you sleep on the floor in your own shop young boy? Are you having problems with money, that you don’t have where to live? What is happening with this country! In my times this was unthinkable…” he started his monologue, which gave Giovanni time to pull himself up, fix his hair and clean his face from the morning drool. “… or was it because of my broken TV that exhausted you so much that you felt down unconscious? Anyway, you deserve more money for your future sake…” Giovanni did not really listen so careful to the old man’s talk but was confused and tried to realize for how much time exactly he passed out. His eyes blinked a few times and looked at the wall clock, it was 6:30 AM. What this man is doing here so early? And damn, this old people, the shop is not even open for business hours yet. Thoughts of last night started to come back slowly to him as he felt his senses returning after sudden reveille. “… you cannot raise your family in your shop, mister Giovanni, think of it, listen to me and take care of your future or you will be alone in your late years like me…”. Word “family” took his attention. Sergio! He looked directly through the window on the sidewalk, which was dry clean and at the sewer which was closed and seemed untouched. Was it just a really bad dream he had from exhaustion as the old man mentioned? “Excuse me, do you even listen to me? Show some respect for an old man, giving you priceless life advices!” he mumbled impatiently starring at awkwardly looking Giovanni, trying to put pieces of the last night together.
“Yes… sorry… I just did not expect anyone at such an early hour, mister Novak. It seems that indeed I have fallen asleep on my own workshop floor. Don’t worry, I have where to sleep and it is not in my own shop… this today was just an unexpected incident.” he said, stretching his hurting neck and arms. Sleeping on this floor was the worst sleep he ever had. “Your TV is fixed and I will help you with it, from what I remember your apartment is not far from here and if I help you with it you should still catch your morning news.” The old man smiled gratefully “Thank you young man, you are really good person, helping me after I came so early and scolded you in same! It seems that there is still faith for the young generation…” he continued his talk, while Giovanni started to pack the receiver to be able to transport it safely. They both went out of the shop and after locking it up, Giovanni followed mister Novak to his house, helping him with setting up his TV for the morning news.
Morning news did not said about anything extraordinary happening in the town, which made Giovanni wonder about what he experienced. Perhaps it’s all this magazines he is reading in free time gave him such unnatural dreams. He took his phone and dialed Sergio mobile. “What’sss up! Hey, what do you want? Leave me alone, I am having best time of my life! But hey, if it is Giovanni, speak up, brother, for you everything!” – Answering machine said. Yeah, it was SO Sergio style. He is probably sleeping somewhere after whole night of drinking and doing other stupid things. If something would happened, his phone would be off, right? “Uhm, hey, it’s me Giovanni.” He started slowly. “Can you please call me back, when you will be up? I’m… worried. Hope you are okay brother. So… yeah. Call me immediately when you get this or better visit me in my shop. Ciao, see you later!” he disconnected and sighed while hiding his phone in the pocket of his cargo pants.
Whole day was passing quite slowly and Giovanni was as always working in his workshop – this time more intense, to take his doubting thoughts away of his head. Sergio was not calling back and not appearing at the shop doorstep. He left him few more voice messages but without any effect. He even called parents to ask if they heard something from him, same if their younger sister Maria did, but both sides gave him same answer – we did not heard from him in months, you are the one he is keeping contact with, don’t ask us when you know the answer. As sad it was, it was the truth. Sergio wanted to be independent too early and left house at age of 18. Parents disinherited unworthy and ungrateful after many rebellious actions son and told him to never come back. Giovanni was the only one who stood by his side and was supporting him financially and mentally when needed. Sergio was even sleeping sometimes on the couch at his small apartment.
He heard a doorbell and someone entering the shop. Did he again forgot to lock the shop down? It was already out of business hours for quite a while, the clock was showing 22:30 PM. Perhaps it was Sergio, that bastard, did he just picked up his own brother’s shop lock? Angry but in same relieved just by though that Sergio is all right, Giovanni left back room and entered main one. What he saw, was not Sergio but dark chocolate haired young woman in sunglasses. Isn’t it too late for wearing ones? He though, but did not want to be rude. “Sorry, but how did you exactly…” he started, but seeing her clothing he began to resemble that it was her last night. Giovanni’s mouth closed and just observed her walking to the counter. Her movements were silent and elegantly feminine. He gulped audibly when she finally reached to the wooden barrier between them. Did she come to kill him like this creature? What did she do with his brother’s body? Who the hell is she? Giovanni felt how his fists and teeth clenched. “Giovanni.” She said. Her voice was melodic and serious but he could hear some gentleness in it as well. “H-how do you know what my name is?” he asked with shaky voice, looking at her. She moved her hand slowly towards her back where it disappeared for a moment. Giovanni moved one step back hearing clicking sound from behind her. Does she have a gun with her tonight as well? Stupid though, why wouldn’t she have it! He felt sweat appearing on his forehead. “Don’t be afraid Giovanni, because if I would want to kill you, you would be already dead.” She added as she knew what he was thinking about. Her hand appeared again and the other one disappeared after it for short. “I will be straightforward with you Giovanni.” While speaking she placed two things on the counter. “Your brother Sergio is dead. You should be dead as well because of what you had seen last night.” His heart started to beat faster while he saw what items she placed in front of him. It was Sergio’s phone and wallet. “But…” her voice had changed for a very short but noticeable moment “… I give you opportunity to avenge him.” His eyes were fixed on his brother phone. Did she listen to his messages and decided to appear here feeling invited? Realizing that those things are mementos of his little brother made his contorted in pain. For the moment he did not even care about the fact that some kind of monster killer is standing just in front of him, making an offer about his own life. He reached for his brother’s wallet opening it. Yes, it was still there – their picture together from few years ago. They looked so happy, making stupid and funny faces. He wanted to be strong and not show emotions in front of stranger but he was too weak and devastated to hide what he felt. Giovanni started to cry leaning above the counter. Whole thinking process about the fact that last night was not real, vanished in the moment he saw this photography.
“This thing which killed your brother is called wendigo. They feed upon human flesh, attacking them in the darkness of the night. He was unlucky to be on their hunting zone in bad time. This is all he had on him.” She said with calm voice. “Don’t worry, he did not end in the sewer. I buried him because he did not deserve to end cremated like the wendigo did. You see, Giovanni, I am a member of an organization who is taking care of keeping this and many other supernatural things out of the streets, eyes or tongues of the regular human beings.” He raised his head and looked on her face. “You said you buried him? Where? Can you take me there? I want to say the goodbye… you know…” he started to bombard the woman with questions not caring so much how it presents him and how loud he is. Suddenly he felt cool finger on his lips and it was not his own. How… when did she? “Shhh...” she whispered, silencing him. He gulped remaining quiet. She took her sunglasses off and her silver eyes shined. “Join us and I will take you to his grave. I am giving you the opportunity to avenge him, not to die one day by one of those who killed your dear brother Sergio. Did I already tell you that you should be dead as well? You have seen too much, Giovanni Scarpise… and those beasts will smell it!”
Did he really have a choice here? Her finger slipped down his lips leaving chilly path behind. Should he really trust her? What if she will just use him as a bait to kill more of those “wendigo” beasts and she will throw his body down the sewer. Is she lying? Or is she saying the truth?
“What is the name of this organization you work for?” he asked trembling on his whole body. If he have a decision to make, he would at least want to know to whom he will be joining.
“We are Venatores.” She answered proudly with gentle, charming smile on her red lips.
1. Join Venatores
2. Decline joining Venatores
[Join Venatores] that was a very interesting first chapter, I am very curious how it will go on and what part Giovanni will play in that mysterious organisation. great job!
1. Join Venatores - I have a bad feeling that if he refuses her offer that another supernatural creature might knock on his door next, which could be deadly.
Anyway, this was a very nice start to the first chapter. I'm looking forward to the next parts
This is a hard choice. Decline the offer of a myesterious organisation that Giovanni has never heard of (as mentioned in this part, he may even be bait) or trust her with the opportunity to avenge?
In the end, I vote for Join Venatores, for Sergio.
**. Join Venatores** It's hard to say if they're the good guys or the bad guys .But i'll trust her and ...Let's see what happens
Hey guys, i am really happy that you enjoy it so far! I was uncertain if it will be in anyone interest, but seeing that you like it make me even more motivated!
Thank you for reading the story. :-)
1. Join Venatores
Thank you for writing it !
Vote is closed. Giovanni will join Venatores.
I can say that it was indeed good choice but as well i must admit that it was obvious one for which i apologize. Going further they will be more complicated and taking consequences from one side or another.
Expect next part about Bastet and Zackary today!
Part 2
Bastet’s dark green eyes were reading sentence after sentence from the veterinarian book she bought already some time ago, but did not have occasion to start reading it earlier. Next to her was standing e-nanny which she was using while looking after most needy pets after surgery and in very poor condition. She loved to learn new things and she was good at it. She played meanwhile with thin strands of her black hair, wrapping them around the finger. It was already dark outside in New York and she got so pulled into educating that she did not even realize that it has been already extra hours she is spending in work – anyway she didn’t mind to since this is the place she love to spend time in, surrounded by all those sweet animals who need her care and attention. She have some pets on her own in her apartment from animal shelter or found by the streets – her heart always breaks seeing abandoned ones.
After few minutes of relaxation she jumped scared in her chair hearing whining sounds from the nearby device, combined with dogs barking and cats hisses. It totally knocked her out of concentration since it seemed that all animals were alarmed by some reason. She closed the book and went to check what caused this commotion. Steps she was making was careful and as silent she could, not to scare animals even more that they already were. She felt draft of cold air blowing close to the floor freezing her ankles. Bastet decided to check first what the source of this chill was, since all doors and windows in the building should be closed.* “Everything is locked down as it should… why is here like in the cold storage room?”* she though after examining her surroundings and starting to have paranoid thoughts which were growing with listening to the stir of the animals. “Something is not okay… I better call the police” she though and with shaky hands she took her mobile phone dialing 911.
“Hello? My name is Bastet LaGatta. I think someone has broken into Abingdon Square Animal Clinic… all the animals are acting crazy but all doors are locked… and it is freezing out here… can someone please come in and check it out? Something is not right… I’ve never heard such anger from so many animals at once…” she whispered, slowly walking towards the source of the noise. In the moment she entered the room her jaw dropped slightly and forcing her finger to disconnect the call.
All animals were furiously expressing themselves towards the only one who was silent, motionless and starring just in front of him. “It is the dog who had a surgery today after being beaten down by some kids” Bastet resembled, looking at this whole situation more curious than horrified now. “Rocky, what is it buddy?” she asked the dog but without any result. “What is happening, is that because of medications he got? I’ve never seen reaction like that, he seem to be totally off” Bastet though, starting to rub her hands together and breathing the cold breath out. “All is good, buddy…” she started to walk towards his cage. Everything in the room started to shake suddenly and all whining caused by animals went silent, making them flee in the deepest corner of their shelters. Bastet thought that her heart will jump out of her chest any second now, not really understanding what is going on. Was it her brain playing games with her or was it reality? She made another few steps forward and the shaking strengthened. Rocky did not even move an inch, his eyes were only opening and closing, fixated on not likely existing point in front of him. Bastet stopped only three meters away from Australian Terrier and started to look around frightened, as items which were previously laying on any kind of surface started to levitate above them. Her breath greatly accelerated and skin became numb from cold. In front of her she saw transparent figure looking at her with eyes full of hatered. “THIS IS MY DOG AND I TAKE HIM WITH ME! NO ONE WILL EVER HURT US AGAIN!” teenage male voice echoed in the whole room, causing Bastet to cover her ears and scream her lounges out in fear. She felt invisible force hitting her strong enough, that her body flew away few meters back hitting the closed now doors loosing consciousness.
“Zack, there was a notification from a woman named Bastet LaGatta about disturbance in the Animal Clinic at Abingdon Square.” Said female voice coming out the radio “It’s in your region tonight. Go and check it out. It was told that doors are locked, so perhaps you will need to use force to get in. If you will need any support, do not hesitate to call forth”. Zackary noted the order and started the car. “Thanks Brenda, copied. Going there right now” he answered and drove off to the given location.
Zackary was a young police officer of age 23. He always wanted to be one, especially after his father mysterious disappearance 15 years ago. He is African American with dark brown, almost black, hypnotizing eyes, short black hair and trimmed beard. The day he passed tests and became police officer was the happiest day in his life so far and since that time he is taking his job very seriously, trying to save the world and people.
When he reached destination, he noticed that doors to the clinic was wide open, contradicting what Brenda told him on the radio. He carefully stepped out of his car moving towards the building, keeping a hand on the gun ready to use it any second – the moment he crossed the doorstep, he felt like he stepped into the earthquake zone accompanied by weird noise. “Why I did not see or hear anything from outside?” Zackary did not really understand what is going on in here but he knew, that there is a woman around which may need his help in such unexpected situation. He clenched his teeth trying to fight his fear, took deep breath and started to move forward to the epicenter – closer he got, louder the surroundings was and stronger the shaking. He recognized a male voice talking to someone. “Be gone, boy! There is no business for you in here anymore!” he heard, feeling how his uncertainty grew. How is it possible, that this man heard him in such noise and at this distance? He could not even see him yet. Zackary decided to remain silent, continuing his walk to the goal and passing by the nearest corner. Though open doors he saw in the distance a white haired man, standing with turned back and raised up hands. He had on him long black robe, detailed with unknown red patterns. “DON’T COME ANY CLOSER OR I WILL BE VERY MAD!” much louder voice echoed, causing Zackary’s ears to feel strong pain. “Who’s voice was that? I see a man, but his voice was totally different, this one sounded much younger” he analyzed, realizing that perhaps someone is hiding in field his view is not reaching yet. Feeling as brave as he could, Zackary entered the room as silent he could, taking quick view around it. First what took his attention was levitating around items which were not visible at first from the distance. Secondly an unconscious looking woman, seated against the wall near the door. Thrid were cages with animals which seemed to be horrified enough to crouch and not move or understandably fainted from the shaking earth. The last and surprisingly most creepy effect adding to all what was happening, was small dog, some kind of terrier, sitting like 4 meters away a white haired man, starring unnaturally in front of himself. Not moving, just blinking. Zackary realized that he must take some action before he will faint himself as those poor, hopefully not dead animals. His knees were shaking like a jelly and eyes were open as widest possible, experiencing biggest shock in his life. This was not his usual working day at all. Should he directly run towards the woman and help her? This could be too risky not taking care of the weirdo first. On the other hand he was terrified and even a though of running away appeared in his head. But there seemed to be third person in the room, why he is not seeing anyone? He had seconds before the mysterious man could notice him and react.
1. Shot the white haired guy
2. Help the woman
3. Run for your life
[Help the woman]
Those were two very interesting new entries, curious what happens next. First help the woman
compliment on that awesome part!
Help the woman Great Part !
To choose the faith of three lives? Well, [Help the woman]
(Shot the white haired guy), I kinda feel like that guy is bullett proof, but well ..Sill gonna try it
2. Help the woman
2. Help the woman
Running away is not an option for me and I have the bad feeling that the white-haired man won't be easy to take down, so I'll go with helping the woman first.
2. Help the woman I kinda doubt whoever (or whatever) this white-haired man is can be stopped by bullets. So let's not make him too angry and just try to help Bastet.
2. Help the woman
*Vote is closed! Zackary will help Bastet first.
Expect next part later today. It will be Robert Sullivan part.
Part 3
Bus in which Robert was traveling proved to be quite comfy. He was looking through the window most of his trip, analyzing and making plans for later. After all his spontaneous trip had a goal to reach – get more clues about murderer of his beloved grandfather, Richard. They were very close together, Robert always liked to visit him and listen to all great stories he was sharing. This special bond between them grew stronger with passing years until day, when visiting Rob found his grandpa dead on the floor of his own house. This devastated him a lot and he decided to find the one who did this, using the diary he luckily found in the pillaged crime scene before the police. Luckily… as well as surprisingly. Robert did not expect to find in there things, which before was for him only fairy tales. His grandfather seemed to be a member of organization called Venatores which was fighting and protecting outer - not suspecting anything like that - world. Not only that he was a member of such community, he was as well someone, who was called “Skin-Walker”, which meant that he was able to transform himself into a wolf. After reading the diary from cover to cover, Rob realized that stories, Richard was telling him in the past could be based on a real events. They were always supernatural and scary. Rob got used to them and threated them just like a common sci-fi, but now it all started to look more real. “Totally unbelievable, wonder if my father knew what father he had.”
When the vehicle finally stopped, Robert went out of it and helping himself with a GPS on his phone, he started walking towards destination. He found only one address in his grandfather diary and surprisingly it was in New York outskirts. It was not bad idea at all to go and check what he will find there. After 15 minutes of walk he was standing in front of a small barber shop. “Great.” He though. “All this road to reach grandfather’s favorite barber? Ehhh….” Loud sigh found its way up his throat. “Never mind, let me get a look” he decided, entering the shop. It was small and old fashioned but still classy looking interior with two shearing stations. He could as well see a sofa with a bookshelf standing next to it for awaiting their turns clients. Surprisingly, no one was present at the moment in the main room which gave Robert the opportunity to look around. He of course went towards the bookshelf, checking with fingers the spines of the books for some interesting titles. “Mythical reality”, “Believable and unbelievable”, “Secrets of the night” was few of them, which made Robert instantly more cautious. This kind of titled books would be rarely found in normal barber shop.
“Can I help you with something, young gentlemen?” He heard cheerful and warm, female voice. Robert immediately turned around, taking his hand away from the books. In front of him he saw small and very slim old lady. “Did you come to get a haircut?” she continued, smiling almost toothless. Her hands were visibly shaking, which made Robert think how the haircut would look after such handling.
“No ma’am, I came here in some very specific business…” he answered, respectfully bowing slightly his head towards the elder woman. Eighteen years in this world, and he was acting chivalrously as true gentlemen – sometimes he wondered why his mature mind is stuck in this young body. Granny’s eyes opened a bit more, same as her smiling, almost toothless mouth. “Oh, I see! I know why you are here!” She came closer to him and grabbed him by his black coat arm, pulling towards the doors to the back room. Robert totally did not expect that but he realized he made good impression on her. She was leading him through narrow corridor, decorated with very stylish and well done paintings. “Here we are!” she cooed, stopping near wooden, carved with some unknown patterns doors. “Go now, I must go back, I think we have another customer! You for sure know the way already!” as she told, she did, disappearing from his eyes. “This is totally not like I imagined it… what I am supposed to do now? What I will find behind the doors?” he asked himself, reaching for a handle.
What he found behind them was stone stairs leading down, lightened with a candles placed on a sides of them. Doubtful thoughts appeared in his head, disappearing same fast as they came. “Now or never. I have a feeling that this place will surprise me with something, which will totally bend my knees.” He thought, starting to go down, following the light. Unexpectedly stairs were not going only straight down but helically and the road was much longer than he expected. “I wonder, how deep beneath the ground I am now”. Finally, he reached similar looking door he entered by but those were having carved letter V on them. “Bingo.” He took a deep breath and opened them. The room he saw in front of him was looking quite similar designed as the main upstairs but having much more taste and antique furnishing. “If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Not bad Robert.” He said out loud, looking around with impressed face. “Excuse me?” he suddenly heard in front of him. He was so absorbed with admiring his surroundings that he did not even noticed a woman standing in front of him. She looked like in age of his mother, had blond wavy hair made into a stylish bun and what took his attention the most, heterochromatic eyes of blue and green same as he have. The only difference was that his color difference was only slightly visible while her was very easy to distinguish. “Can you please tell me who you are? We did not expect anyone today, especially at late afternoon.” Robert started to feel uncomfortable because of this situation. What is he supposed to tell her actually? He was so absorbed with all the atmosphere of this place that he did not even prepare some kind of story on his way downstairs. Now he had only two choices – make up some convincing, fake personality with knowledge he got from his grandfather diary or tell her the truth.
1. Lie
2. Tell her the truth
Sorry for such short part, days in the week are being quite busy for me and i am just exhausted. I promise that i will improve. :-)
2. Tell her the truth - I'm guessing these people didn't murder his grandfather or at least not as a whole, but if this is the lair of the Venatores, and since Richard was a member, I think they might be accepting of him. Hopefully, I mean. They've invited Giovanni after witnessing a supernatural creature kill his brother, so I would think that they would accept Robert as well, having blood relations with a member and all. And besides, lying only leads to the liar being revealed.
Lie I Don't trust them yet , they might be responsible of his grandfather's fate in some way
2. Tell her the truth
I fully trust the Venatores, for obvious reasons. Hope also brought up a few good points. In the long run, lying will only cause problems later on, or even worse, immediate problems if she does not buy the lie.
2. Tell her the truth
Finally a bit more of that mysterious organisation. I guess only with telling the truth he gets further :-)
2. Tell her the truth
I think you meant his grandfather. Robert father is alive.
Oh right ! Sry , i corrected that ^^
2. Tell her the truth
[Tell her the truth] It is hard to trust them, but the truth is better than a lie
Vote is closed. Robert will tell woman the truth
As most of you told, lying was not the best option, especially in this case.
Expect new part later today, it will be Bastet and Zackary story.
How you like it so far, guys? Any comments what could be better or what you don't like at all?
I like the way you tell the story and the different locations it takes place. As well the diversified characters :-D didnt see something that I wouldnt like so far. Keep up the great work!!!
Actually story so far is taking place in one city but perhaps it will change soon. Thank you for reading :-)
I definitely love this story! Your writing style is great and it flows really well. You have a lot of talent! I am also intrigued by the storyline so far and I love the whole idea of the story in general. Supernatural creatures always make for an exciting story. Finally, your pictures of the characters are terrific
As for things that could be better, there is only one small thing I can think off. It's mostly a minor nitpick, but at certain times you could use a few more paragraphs. Instead of four or five very large paragraphs per part, it would be a lot easier to read if you split the text up into a multitude of smaller paragraphs, similar in length to what you did in the beginning of Zackary's part. As I said, that is only a minor thing, but the only kind of criticism I can give. Aside from that, the story is awesome! I can't wait for the next part
You know Liquid, I was actually thinking recently that I should split text into more paragraphs because it looks not so good the way it is now. I will definitely try with newest part today, since it will be quite long. Thank you for highlighting it. :-)
I'm glad you enjoy the story, especially that mostly because of your writing in Forum of Thrones I decided to share my own with community. I must confess that I was searching idea for story for some time but finally I made a consensus with myself and decided to write about supernatural one.
Bastet and Zackary
Zackary knew what he needed to do. It was not an option to just run away, same as it was not an option to attack this man at first, perhaps he is not even enemy at all – if he would be he would not just stand there starring into that creepy terrier. He moved carefully towards the unconscious woman checking her pulse. She was surely pretty, at age of around 30 with pale skin and black straight hair. He felt her heartbeat, she was alive. He moved her in more safe position and loosen a bit her blouse so she can breathe easier.
“Good choice, officer” he heard suddenly, moving head towards the man “keep her down just in case this furious teenage ghost will want to throw those flying things around. I need her and she needs me, keep her safe.” His voice was strongly accented and very deep – Russian, perhaps? Zackary at first though that he overheard some words “Ghost? Did you say ghost?” he repeated.
“I AM NO GHOST! I CAME FOR ROCKY TO TAKE HIM HOME!” Again the unknown voice from nowhere, accompanied by stronger quake and painful noise in the ears. “Yes, it is a ghost. Assuming from your fast head and eye movements you don’t even see him. Such a shame, otherwise you could be good soldier” the man chuckled. “What? You did not even look in my direction, how can you tell? Soldier? Who told I want to be your soldier? I am police officer, damn it, man!” Zackary stressed out loud his opinion, starting to be more confused than before.
“I don’t need to see you to sense and hear you…” he said with irritated voice, slowly turning his head towards Zackary. His white hairs matched perfectly his milky, blind eyes. His face was showing traces of mature age and was covered in many, barely visible already scars. Zackary never saw such serious and strongly outlined face which was giving intense effect of experienced life. “What are you man, some kind of Daredevil or what?” Zackary asked, not even caring how it sounds from mouth of a police officer. Surely he was dealing with no ordinary person, but somehow he did not feel hostile aura from him.
“I’m Ivan, not any Daredevil whoever he is and I don’t like how you distract me from my work. I liked you more when your mouth was shut and pretending to breathe as silent as possible.” Zackary tensed a bit, biting his own tongue. He wanted to answer him back but he felt I would be bad idea. Good aura can always change in bad one after all, depending on environmental factors. He never met such odd persona before. Ivan turned his head back towards the dog cage.
“Boy, I know it must be hard for you to realize, but you are dead. I don’t know when it happened or how, but you are in shock, still thinking that you are alive.” Ivan started his monologue. “I understand that you are angry and scared in same out of some reason but there is no point in hurting people around. Look at this woman. She cared for your dog Rocky, tended his injuries when you most probably brought him to this clinic. Now she is unconscious because of you.” Shaking lessen a bit while Ivan words commented on the obvious situation. “Look around boy, this building is like paranormal activity zone, I guess your generation know this movie as horror story so stop being angry or it will be one day based on your behavior. No one from this room is or was danger for Rocky. You totally scared this young lady and gave her some physical and who knows if no mental damage. That is not great at all, because she is good at what she is doing and she can help other dogs and other animals in the future”.
Levitating items started to slowly fall down on their original places. “You say that, I am dead…? How… when… oh damn! Those idiots!” the ghost cursed. Shaking strengthened a bit again for few seconds after which disappeared totally. Teenage voice sounded devastated, denying out loud each word Ivan just told. Zackary felt like he is in some hidden camera or something, not seeing but only hearing things.
“They beaten down Rocky this morning on my eyes! I was so, so, SO angry! After taking him to the clinic I went back to place where it happened and they were still there! I was so, so, SO furious! I wanted to give them what they deserved after doing this horrible things to Rocky! Rocky was my best friend since ever! I wanted to do same things to them which they did to him! I jumped at them screaming… and… I felt piercing pain… and another one in different place… and another… and another one…” voice was breaking down and getting more and more silent. “They… killed me… I was too angry and stupid… why I did not go to the police but wanted to appoint a justice myself…?” he started to sob out loud and Zackary actually felt sorry for this boy, dead one or alive – it did not matter.
“People do stupid things without realizing the consequences, no matter the age. I’m sorry to hear that you were bullied, kid. I know how it is. I saw it and was fighting with it myself at early age.” Zack ventured and spoken calmly towards the dog, believing that the spirit is standing right there. “You just tell me where I can find those little sadists and I will give them what they deserve. You don’t worry anymore, they will regret what they did to you and your friend.” Ivan looked at Zackary and smiled. “Perhaps you are not that annoying and weak minded as I though, officer. Hey, boy” he directed his speech towards the ghost. “Listen to him, I believe he is serious. You see his face and eyes, believe it yourself. You will be able to depart in peace and stop wandering the earth.” Zackary thoughts were rushing towards his head. Moment ago it was for him cruel and stupid prank, but now he got a feeling that this was not prank but reality. Boy started to speak with weak, breaking voice describing the group which did this to him same as the place it happened. His body must be still somewhere there and even if not, tracks will allow police to locate him.
“Hey… I guess you want a companion on your adventure?” female, feeble voice echoed in the room. It was Bastet who was already awake for some time already, listening to this touching confession. Unlike Zackary, she saw the boy. He was around 16 years old with red hair and freckled face, his creamy hoodie was covered in blood from knife stabs he encountered. He had a baseball cap with name “Mike” written on it. “I’m sorry to tell you that, but Rocky won’t live for much longer, especially without you around. I know how strong the connection between human and animal can be and we can already see, that Rocky is barely standing. I did what I could and I believe he would make it if you would be still alive. “ Mike started to cry and she saw how he squatted in front of Rocky, carefully taking him in arms and starting to pet him gently. “You can go together. Choice is yours, Mike.” Mike looked at her with wet eyes, smiling through the tears. “Please do it. He was the only one in my life who ever cared about me. Not even my parents loved me so much, they were always busy, not seeing what I am going through…” Bastet stood up, leaning on the forearm of Zackary and started to walk towards a medicine cabinet. She took the syringe and started to fill it with some transparent liquid. As sad it was and shocking, she decided to go on and interact with the spirit, freeing it.
“He won’t be in pain, you can trust me.” She said almost whispering, approaching Rocky. Room was silent and surprisingly relaxed, which was totally opposite of what she found in here at the beginning of that scene. Bastet felt a cold touch on her hand. “I’m sorry for hitting you so hard before. I did not have control over myself. I did not know what is happening, I thought I am still alive and everyone around Rocky seemed hostile to me. I would never, ever hurt anyone, I feel ashamed.” Mike apologized, lowering his eyes in guilt. Bastet only smiled weakly in return, gently injecting the medicine into weakening second by second Rocky. This whole experience for sure was exhausting for dog as well. “Goodbye, find peace” told everyone one after another towards Mike with Rocky in his arms. Next minute Ivan and Bastet saw Rocky spirit leaving his mortal, dead body. Cool wind blew over their faces and hairs, dispelling fading figure of Mike and Rocky spirits away. Before dog corpse hit the ground, Ivan captured it swiftly.
“Man… are they gone?” Zackary asked unsteadily, since he could not see everything but only hear and feel the changing temperature in the room – it got warmer immediately. “Yes, they are gone. Good job doc, officer.” Ivan complemented both of them for their contribution bowing his head down. “This went actually very smoothly you know, usually it is not so easy to talk the ghost to disappear, especially the one who don’t realize he is dead…” He started but stopped out of a sudden, catching fainting Bastet in his arms. “I think she had too much today and hit was stronger than it seemed.”
Zackary touched his own head with still cold and gently shaking hand “I am not surprised, I don’t fully believe it myself, man… I mean… was it for real? Man… I could not see but heard and saw the things flying around!” Zackary started to walk forward and back, starting to analyze what he just experienced. “Believe what you want to, officer. I think the best you can do to decide if this was just a dream or reality is to go and find this boy and as you promised, deliver justice. You are good cop, I must say. I thought at first you will shoot me.” Ivan grinned funny, positioning Bastet more comfortable in his arms.
“I guess here is where out ways split. I will take her to some doctor and you do whatever you want.” Zackary wanted to stop him and take care of Bastet himself but he decided not to intrude in his plan.
“Hey Ivan, if I can call you this way - can you tell me one thing? How did you know what was happening in here and where to come?” Ivan smiled again with his funny looking and scary in same face. “No offence taken, officer. We have ears everywhere, even in police radio.” “We?” “Yes, we. We take care of such things as this boy Mike became and even worse things. We are the ones who really protect you people from the evil wandering this globe. Hey, officer. If you ever hear some dubious and inexplicable cases, call us.” He handed Zackary a card with just phone number on it together with an elegant single letter “V” above it. “And hey, I think I don’t need to mention that you better don’t talk out loud what you seen here, no one will believe you anyway” he bared his teeth and started to walk out of the room with unconscious, peaceful looking Bastet.
Zackary stood there for a couple more minutes, looking on the card in his hands. Does he really want to get friendly with such people? This night was crazy, total;y Paranormal Activity as Ivan said. He felt that it would be good to have such connections but what if this will only endanger him even more than he already is? Police officer job is very risky one already and he know that he cannot risk even more for sake of his younger, rebellious sister Sonia which is taking care for their old mother. Same about his older brother James who became father not long ago of little, beautiful girl Kate. His new “friends” could easily cause trouble. “What should I do?”
1. Destroy the business card
2. Keep the card just in case