So... Gared x Talia or Gared x Sylvi?



  • What about Ludd x Ryon?
    -grabs popcorn-

  • To be fair, as well as Ethan they also refer to Gared as a boy, (when Duncan suggests sending Gared to the wall" - "the boys done nothing wrong"

    So I think your Ethan and boy logic don't work in that sense.

    Jpork18 posted: »

    I thought of Talia and Ethan as 12-13, considering how Ethan is treated by the adult characters. They refer to him as a boy, so he is not close to 16, or they'd call him a man. Sylvi, I think is about the same age, maybe 13-14.

  • Ewww now that's wrong 47 year old on some 9 year old. Regaring Gared and Silvi\Thalia age won't matter much when their older but now might be an inappropriate time

    No_username posted: »

    What about Ludd x Ryon? -grabs popcorn-

  • Jon Snow is hotter than any female in the game.

    I like you.

    Sandflow posted: »

    Hot? How? Jon Snow is hotter than any female in the game. Your opinion is invalid.

  • edited September 2015

    I feel like a lot of people here haven't seen the show or read the books. Sure, it's considered pedophilia in our modern world, but during medieval times (in the GoT world AND in the real world) girls would get married at about age 12 and up, so it's nothing new, really.

  • How about Talia x Ramsay? Forresters need the support of house Bolton and Ramsay is a rather dashing fellow.

  • edited September 2015

    We're not in Game Of Thrones.

    SazukeEX posted: »

    Not in Game of Thrones.

  • It's only been that way for the last 100 years. Not even that Jerry Lewis, Elvis Presley, etc, etc. 18 is not the legal age in most of the world. In most of the EU it's 16, I think in some places it's even lower. Game of thrones is set in the middle ages, where this was even more common place. The books are full of under-age sex. Danaerys is 14 when she's sold to Drogo.

    Do you read the god forsaken books? Or even the god forsaken tv show? Perhaps a story set in the middle ages is just not for you if you can't separate current social rules from historic ones.

    Its still wrong on many levels, and 18 year old dating someone in mid teens? No just no, how dare you defend something as messed up as this.

  • You've actually got a point despite that Thalia would be 100% against this with the support of house Bolton d Forresters will flay the whitehill

    How about Talia x Ramsay? Forresters need the support of house Bolton and Ramsay is a rather dashing fellow.

  • edited September 2015

    Forced marriages were and are a thing, it's fine.
    I'm actually surprised Ramsay didn't kill Ludd the very instant he started his whining about justice or after Ludd called him a bastard or after Ramsay went all the way to Ironrath and left it weak, lordless, terrified and gave Ludd the only heir as a hostage, but Whitehill still failed to make Ironrath his. Maybe a little inspiration is all he needs.

    IshyDiamond posted: »

    You've actually got a point despite that Thalia would be 100% against this with the support of house Bolton d Forresters will flay the whitehill

  • To be fair Khal did marry Dany when she was 14

  • enter image description here

    No_username posted: »

    What about Ludd x Ryon? -grabs popcorn-

  • Is that what you told the police? ''But officer, in Games of Thrones she wouldn't be considered a child!''

    SazukeEX posted: »

    She isn't considered a child in Game of Thrones uniiverse.

  • What her family has done to hers? Yeah. I get that. I just think that he could be a wonderful husband, if given the chance.

    Not saying it isn't a problem, but still if she could look past his ugliness, she would have too many reasons not to want him.

  • It's cannon that Ramsay marries Sansa (or the girl pretending to be her). Ergo, he cannot marry Talia so it's silly to propose that pairing.

    How about Talia x Ramsay? Forresters need the support of house Bolton and Ramsay is a rather dashing fellow.

  • It's canon that he marries Jeyne Pool, Sansa's friend, pretending to be Arya. And he was married to lady Hornwood before to take her lands, but killed her in a few days, he can do that again, he isn't even a Bolton yet. That is besides dating this kennelmaster's daughter in the show and hunting other girls he mated with in both sources. He has quite a harem, that stallion.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    It's cannon that Ramsay marries Sansa (or the girl pretending to be her). Ergo, he cannot marry Talia so it's silly to propose that pairing.

  • Yeah

    Reconn posted: »

    Is that what you told the police? ''But officer, in Games of Thrones she wouldn't be considered a child!''

  • No i read the books and the tv show, and i think its fucked up in the book too, but i deal with it, i mean its just so fucked up, i shouldnt of made a big deal but its just wrong on many levels.

    Sarson posted: »

    It's only been that way for the last 100 years. Not even that Jerry Lewis, Elvis Presley, etc, etc. 18 is not the legal age in most of the w

  • Just because things like this exist in the ASOIAF universe, doesn't make it okay. This thread is creeping me out

  • enter image description here

    Just because things like this exist in the ASOIAF universe, doesn't make it okay. This thread is creeping me out

  • Reconn posted: »

    Is that what you told the police? ''But officer, in Games of Thrones she wouldn't be considered a child!''

  • edited September 2015

    Lol, all the people saying this is fucked up. They must have never had a taste of the real world. There's plenty worse than this.

  • And these funny western people, they talk about adult dude marrying a little girl like of the thing of the past. Did you figure out what the hell are they arguing about? About luve between G&T or about marrying them no matter what? I can't even tell.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Lol, all the people saying this is fucked up. They must have never had a taste of the real world. There's plenty worse than this.

  • I hope they don't bring out any romantic angle for either of the girls. It certainly is a thing in ASoIaF universe, but a game is more interactive and it would be very creepy and unsettling IMO, specially since both of the girls actually look like kids no older than 13-14.
    I have a hard time even picking the mildly flirty options when it comes to yeah, I really hope not.

  • Bueno Exellente! or something like that.

    TDF16 posted: »

    What comic is that?

  • Welcome to Game of Thrones ppl.

  • Yeah I'm guessing they're mistaking rhysha for rhyiona cuz every 50 comments for rhysha is like 500 for rhyiona

    You haven't seen the Rhyiona thread, I suppose. That thread gets more activity.

  • Ludd x Ryon x Ramsay or Gared x Potato x Bacon?

    darkfoxTM posted: »


  • edited September 2015

    Meant to reply on someone, not to post an entire comment.

    Just ignore this comment for now :P

  • More like Ludd x Ryon x Ramsay x Talia x Gared x Sylvi x Cotter x Potato x Bacon

    It's not a 3some but it's better :P

    Ludd x Ryon x Ramsay or Gared x Potato x Bacon?

  • Gangbang between a sack of potatos and Cotter.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    More like Ludd x Ryon x Ramsay x Talia x Gared x Sylvi x Cotter x Potato x Bacon It's not a 3some but it's better :P

  • When did I say I was offended by this ship?

    Brodester08 posted: »

  • Because it was unneeded, and we don't need to constantly be reminded how much of a horrible world the series takes place in? A little bit of crude content adds a good feeling to most viewers, but too much is just... bleh. I think we can all agree Meryn Trant's pedophilia reveal was way too much.

    why would be, it dosent count as a big deal in game of thrones universe

  • While I am quite aware there is plenty worse than this (nice generalization btw), I still think it's wrong. I'm confused here, do you feel that this is perfectly normal? In my opinion, just because there are things that are worse, doesn't make this less weird.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Lol, all the people saying this is fucked up. They must have never had a taste of the real world. There's plenty worse than this.

  • Gared is

    Reconn posted: »

    We're not in Game Of Thrones.

  • He hasn't married Sansa yet.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    It's cannon that Ramsay marries Sansa (or the girl pretending to be her). Ergo, he cannot marry Talia so it's silly to propose that pairing.

  • So, not many answered the question.

    Gared x Thalia or Gared x Sylvi?

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