i'm not the only one who likes fiona... right?

i'll probably will get punched in the face for this thread, but i don't feel as if anyone but me likes fiona.

when i go on tumblr there's rarely any content made of her (it's all just rhack) and i've seen two 'i don't like fiona' threads on here, which it's fine it's their opinion. but does anyone on here (and maybe a few who come from tumblr) like her? because i feel as if i'm the only one sometimes.

maybe i'm being bigoted because she's my all time fave? i'm sorry if i seem really whiny or annoying for making this thread. i just want to know if i'm not the only one ._.



  • You are not alone. I like Fiona too. :)

  • You are not alone. I like Fiona too.

  • I love her <3

  • Idk who would actually hate her? I am one of the guys who ship Sasha and Rhys but I like Fiona a lot as she is the character who brings action into the series. You are not alone pal and I believe that you are even in the majority ;)

  • Idk who would actually hate her?

    I rember seeing a comment saying "as the female character she's dragging the game down." Theres also people who hate her and sasha (this on tumblr) because all they want is rhack.

    Still i'm glad to see i'm not the only one :D

    cindaquil posted: »

    Idk who would actually hate her? I am one of the guys who ship Sasha and Rhys but I like Fiona a lot as she is the character who brings action into the series. You are not alone pal and I believe that you are even in the majority

  • i mean, who can resist this bootyful face?

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • I know someone who can't ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    i mean, who can resist this bootyful face?

  • I don't dislike her, but she's definitely my least favorite out of the four central characters.

  • Fiona's really cool, I like her :D

    I also like how she seems so much... younger, I guess, in episode 3 with Athena.

  • Fiona about to teach you all why she's the best

    enter image description here

  • My favorite character (sry rhys)

  • Nah I like Fiona too but she isn't my #1

  • edited September 2015

    I like her. She's not bad despite what some people say.

  • No, I like Fiona. Ten times more than any other character in Tales.

  • Nah, I'm with you all the way. Out of the four main characters, she's my absolute fave and the only one I really, honestly care about... okay, I care about Rhys but that's it.

  • I enjoy more playing with Rhys but Fiona is a great character too. I didn't like her as much in ep 1 but I have grown to like her since then. I adore her design and her voice. (such a great performance by Laura)

  • Hell Yeah! She's my fav.

  • You are the only one. Wouldn't see me crying a single tear if she were to spontaneously die.

  • W H Y ?

    Omg ur so rhack rn.

    You are the only one. Wouldn't see me crying a single tear if she were to spontaneously die.

  • enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    W H Y ? Omg ur so rhack rn.

  • Y r u so rhack. That is what i call u now.

    (i'm not serious btw... well about the 'u r so rhack' anyways)

  • enter image description here

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Y r u so rhack. That is what i call u now. (i'm not serious btw... well about the 'u r so rhack' anyways)

  • edited September 2015

    You're not. She's my favourite character in Tales.

  • Of course you aren't the only one, I like Fiona, I just prefer Rhys.

  • edited September 2015

    I dont hate her im just not fond of her. I prefer Rhys since hes better in every way.

  • Rhys is my favourite overall, but I don't think Fiona deserves the hate she gets from some. To me, she's getting really interesting now and if she does become a vaulthunter in BL3 I would definitely play as her :)

  • Same

    Rhys is my favourite overall, but I don't think Fiona deserves the hate she gets from some. To me, she's getting really interesting now and if she does become a vaulthunter in BL3 I would definitely play as her

  • You're definitely not the only one. I actually like almost every character in TftB, they're all amazing. :P

  • I prefer other characters, but I still think Fiona is pretty cool. I like her.

  • I dunno, i like Fiona but sometimes i feel like Rhys has a more fleshed out personality like Fi was added later to the story and they didn't have enough time to make her more interesting.

  • I love her, but I enjoy playing with Rhys more because his friendship with Vaughn is adorable and his elaborated plans are hilarious.

  • Loader Bot ftw

    Screw the humans lol

  • edited September 2015

    She is my favorite character, mainly because she's one of the rare characters in borderlands with Athena that give me the impression to care about the others (and also because of unlimited hotness level). And one of the another reasons why she is my favorite character is because she is the only character i fully trust.

  • I love Fiona, she's one of the best characters Telltale's created. <3

    I'm pretty sure most people in the Rhyiona thread love her too!

  • (and also because of unlimited hotness level).

    I like u already ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    In all seriousness tho, I agree with everything you just said :)

    Citronette posted: »

    She is my favorite character, mainly because she's one of the rare characters in borderlands with Athena that give me the impression to care

  • Fiona is my favorite! <3

    I love her xD (You guys know what I mean >_>)

  • edited September 2015

    Before episode 3 I wasn't a big fan of hers. I could relate to get but her personality and story were a little bland.

    After episode 3 her personality was livened up with cute quirks and extra humor, she opened up a bit about her insecurities, and had the interesting added story element of vault hunter training. She's definitely one of my favorites now.

  • I wouldn't say that I hate Fiona I just don't really have a vested interest in her what so ever. I enjoy the personalities of Rhys, Vaughn, and Sasha so much more that Fiona is just left rather flat to me. Plus Rhys has just been so much more fun to play as because he's got more things going on compared to Fiona.

    I don't hate her but I also wouldn't really care if she dies because I'm not that interested in her character.

  • I like her hat. I want one.

  • She is probably my Favorite female character. She is funny and smart!

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