Did Nakayama edit Jack or is this even fully Nakayama's work?

We know from his skin mask that it is indeed Handsome Jack and not John. We also know that this Jack loves violence and murder.

However some key points.

Vasquez: I'll make sure they save some of your skin for me to use as a wallet.

Handsome Jack: That is Legitimately Creepy.

Handsome Jack; That's my Angel I don't like people [nakayama] knowing about her, but we're pretty tight. When this is done I'd like to go check on her if that's cool. [doesn't know she's dead]

Rhys: I want revenge on Vallory and Yvette for Starters.

Jack: Now THAT I can do. And then we'll go rescue Vaughn. [Jack had no reason to bring up vaughn at all when Rhys is talking about revenge]

Now keeping in mind somethings AI Jack knows would never have been shared with Nakayama [in the presequel when asked about family during the prototype AI creation he tells them to move onto another question. AI Jack shows kindness and compassion which was something Handsome Jack never did. HJ was a guy who was so insane he thought murdering children and murdering parents in front of their children with a spoon was shits and giggles. Handsome Jack never admitted anything he did was wrong while AI Jack admits "I know i've done some Ehhhh things ". It makes one wonder if perhaps AI Jack isn't a completely different entity then Handsome Jack. Perhaps "Since Jack died the Loader Bots have been getting smarter" ["I like to think we all have"] Perhaps the AI is evolving as well gaining compassion and remorse where Jack had none. And I do know if you refuse Hyperion, Jack goes nuts But keep in mind that betrayal was a trigger to the original Jack and the AI still has Jack's ego so he'd understandably snap if rejected even as a new being.


  • I remember reading some sort of theory that ai jack is like that because now he cant hurt or kill anyone, and can only talk to Rhys, so he kinda just goes back and looks at what he does and reflects on them

  • I personally think it's just because we get to see a different side to him than in BL2 (where he was our sworn enemy and the only contact we got with him was via ECHO) - maybe if we'd been working with him more we would have seen more of this side (kind of like in TPS).

    That and the fact he's totally playing us, once again...

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