How many times do you play each episode?

I'm just curious if most of the fans stick to one path or try to change it up a little.

I try to play each at least 4 times, but even then, I know I'm missing dialogue options.

My Paths:
1. Good guy
2. Evil douche
3. Silence is a valid option (and often the most hilarious one)
4. Misc other choices

Sorry if this has been posted before. I'm kinda new here.


  • My playthroughs are:

    1) Canon:I just normally play it and see the outcome.

    2) Opposite:The opposite of every choice in the canon playthrough.

    3) Dream Save:I choose the best choices from every playthrough.

    4)J1N will remember that:Just miscellanous stuff.

  • edited September 2015

    With other Telltale games, I only ever did two playthroughs. But with Tales I've got all four save slots utilized! I want to hear as much of the hilarious dialog as possible. :D

    1- Canon Save (in which Rhys is bad, and Fiona is sometimes good and sometimes bad)

    2- Nice Save (everyone is friends!)

    3- Asshole Save (piss everyone off!)

    4- Silent Save (silence is a valid option... except for when it got me killed twice)

  • I'm the kind of person who replays the episodes like 2-3 times (probably 4 with the first two...) but mostly the same way. I just try to fix some decisions i'm not fully happy with sometimes :'D i want to play the perfect asshole characters and get most of the money and customization and all. I just enjoy the story and setting a lot and i like to replay the episodes just to enjoy them again the same way.. it's a little weird. But there are always months in between my playthroughs, at least. I usually replay episodes before the new ones come out.

  • Twice, one canon and the other with opposite choices. I'm planning a third one after all episodes are released. :P

  • First save: All my cannon choices

    Other 3: Me rewinding and doing stupid shit

  • Enough times if I think I've seen all actions/dialogue. 3-4 playthroughs. Then a true playthrough. I don't do this all immediately (not anymore anyway).

  • I have two different saves but I've only played all 4 episodes once. My 2nd save only has the first two episodes played.

  • I actually only play through all Telltale games once.

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