What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • Daniel

    "You've never drove before in your life?" Daniel says, slightly concerned by this. "Just... nevermind, so long as you get us away from there I'm sure it'll be fine."

  • Han

    Han looks around, he spots Anna, he goes over to her. "Hey my name is Han, you might of seen me around at Crawford, so I am wondering why did you leave?".

  • edited March 2014


    I put my bag on the ground. I was saddened at Aarons death, even if I barely knew the guy.

    I refilled my handgun and put the safety on, I used some bullets in the attack.

    Phoenix was driving and I really hope we can find some sort of camp to sleep in.

  • Phoenix

    "Yeah.. I just.. never got around to it.." Phoenix says to Daniel, trying to avoid telling him about his life before the outbreak. But Phoenix decides against it, since he needs to be honest with his group.

    "Well.. to be honest.. I've been homeless... for years.. years before the dead rose..." He waits a minute v\before speaking again. "Don't you guys ever think how crazy it is, that all the people you see, that are dead, were bitten? It just doesn't seem logical, that there are that many, that were bitten." Phoenix says, trying to make small talk.

    But little does he know, that you turn, even if you aren't bitten. Who's going to break the news to him...?

  • edited March 2014


    "Hate to break it to you, but you come back no matter how you die. Bitten or not, I've seen it. This guy, killed all my friends and Brother. I was out scavenging, when I came back most of them were Walkers. He had shot them all. That's why there's so many of them Motherfuckers." Theo said to Phoenix.

    The group was silent after Theo's confirmation. They were all Infected, just like every other Survivor in the World. "We're all Infected." Theo said. The group looks at each other with disbelief, they now knew that when you die, you come back regardless.

  • Phoenix

    "We're all infected." Phoenix's eyes open wide. His mind was spinning around in circles, thoughts going through his mind. "My- My mom....She was the only one there for me.. while I was on the streets... I wonder if she's still alive.." Phoenix says, shedding a tear.

    The others continued talking. But one thing was still left on his mind.Is she alive?

  • Ivy

    Ivy was still upset about Aaron, but she had to keep going.

    "Will Aaron become one?" asked Ivy, but Molly responded saying "No, he was shot in the head; the brain."

  • edited March 2014


    Damn. I had a sneaking suspicion about not having to be bitten but I told myself no, I guess I should listen to myself more.

    "So...it doesn't matter how we die? It's only if you destroy the brain that you don't turn?" I ask, seeing several people nod.

    "Damn...." I say, now knowing how the infection spread so quickly.

  • You don't have to immediately meet us, think of a character, introduce it in a short prologue, and just try to mix him into the current situation.
    I'm sure you can do it ;)

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Argh, how exactly would I bring my character into the fold? Not the best at this sort of thing.

    edited March 2014


    Lauren is sitting in the seat near Phoenix, wiping all of the blood off of her katana, she had to keep it clean so if she had to amputate someone, it wouldn't infect him with the walker blood left on it. "God damn it, we just got there!" She said to Phoenix, while cleaning her katana. She then stands up and speaks "Can I have your attention please?" she says, as the people start to slowly look at her.

    "Thank you, my name is Lauren Reed, and the man driving the RV is Phoenix Ward, we'd like to accompany you to wherever you may be headed. I think that in order to survive in this.. fucked up world, we need to stick together, I give you my word that me and Phoenix will do nothing to harm your group, in fact, we were looking for a group like this for a long time. Assuming you want to stick with us and accompany us to where we're headed, I think we should hear suggestions of where we should go. try to recall anything you may know about a safe-zone you heard of, or a safe place you think would be fit for a big group. Thank you for your time."

    NOTE: Randomz I hope it's okay that I gave you a last name, I wanted it to sound more important, tell me if you want to change it.

  • Ivy

    Ivy wanted to learn how to shoot better. She walked to the other side of the RV and found Daniel. "Um... can you teach me how to shoot some time?"

  • Molly

    "I think I heard a rumor about Wellington being safe... or... safer."

  • Daniel

    "We could try for some of the bigger cities up North. If anywhere was going to be protected, maybe have a back-up plan at least, it would be places like D.C or New York. I know Atlanta was overrun, but maybe..." A moment after saying this, Ivy approached him. "Um... can you teach me how to shoot some time?"

    It wasn't exactly a bad idea for her to know how to fire a gun, and after a moment of internal deliberation, Daniel decided that it was better than her asking someone else. As far as he knew, most of these people had only learned how to use a firearm after the turn. "Well... sure, once we find somewhere safe, I'd be happy to," he said with a faint smile. That girl was a survivor for sure.

  • Paul

    Paul and a small group had been watching the camp from the treelines. Been there for an hour, maybe two when the herd came. Figured they'd swoop in and take everything those fuckers had when the guy in the RV came. They didn't leave much behind... It wouldn't be enough.

    "What do we do now?" It was Zeke, a scrawny kid who they'd picked up later, after the St. Johns.

    "Ain't got much choice," Paul said, "we follow 'em. Macon's done for, and if we're gonna be movin' on, might as well fuck up these motherfuckers before we do." They all seemed to agree with this plan.

  • edited March 2014


    Han looked around, After hearing Ivy he started to think about teaching Hal to shoot a gone since Hal has never killed a zombie. He thought to himself. Maybe I shouldnt teach him, I cant imagine leaving him alone just for a few seconds against a horde, what happens if he accidently shoots himself, or forgets how to press the trigger...or maybe the gun is just too heavy. I just cant do it.. Han starts to tense up and his face gets red. "You stay right here Hal." He gets up and goes to wash his face.

  • Lauren

    Lauren hears Ivy talking to Daniel and goes to her, bends over to her height and puts a smile on her face, "I actually saw you shooting a walker a couple minutes ago, you got a talent kid! But I'm sure that it won't hurt if your father will teach you a little more about guns, it's a big responsibility".

  • Ivy

    "Thanks... Daniel." Ivy said.

    Ivy was a shy kid, but that didn't matter anymore. One of the two people who cared about her most had died, and she knew that could happen to her at any moment. She pulled Aaron's climbing axe out from the holster on her back. "Hmm... It's heavy..." she said, wondering how she would make use of it. Molly could use it, maybe. "I'll see later.."

  • edited March 2014

    Zyphon, when you can you need to update the OP. Aaron isn't alive, some characters are missing and the story is behind.

  • "Hmm... It's heavy..." That's what she said.

    Sorry but I had to.

    Ivy "Thanks... Daniel." Ivy said. Ivy was a shy kid, but that didn't matter anymore. One of the two people who cared about her most ha

  • (>-> It's not like with Lee and Clem.... Why does everyone assume that whoever Ivy is currently talking to is her parent?)

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Lauren Lauren hears Ivy talking to Daniel and goes to her, bends over to her height and puts a smile on her face, "I actually saw you sho

  • I know, I'm on it. I've just been busy with stuff.... things.

    Zyphon, when you can you need to update the OP. Aaron isn't alive, some characters are missing and the story is behind.

  • Alt text

    Zyphon posted: »

    I know, I'm on it. I've just been busy with stuff.... things.

  • XD I was hoping someone would post that.

  • I think Lauren is like the only one who assumed that... and Frankie. WOW WOMEN

    Zyphon posted: »

    (>-> It's not like with Lee and Clem.... Why does everyone assume that whoever Ivy is currently talking to is her parent?)

  • Procrastination things?

    Zyphon posted: »

    I know, I'm on it. I've just been busy with stuff.... things.

  • edited March 2014

    everyone nvm what i said plz continue with you're stuff

  • edited March 2014

    you wasted time arguing with doctor and sticking up for kenny with dumb reasons about moustache. each to his own.

    edit: I enjoy writing, and it's fun to do it interactively with others. what you did in my opinion was a waste of time.

    nickybello posted: »

    everyone nvm what i said plz continue with you're stuff


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    "Hmm... It's heavy..." That's what she said. Sorry but I had to.

  • that's different why waste time if there's already a sequel from season 1? this is something that is useless i waste time on usefull thing's like standing up to a dickhead starting calling you names

    you wasted time arguing with doctor and sticking up for kenny with dumb reasons about moustache. each to his own. edit: I enjoy writing, and it's fun to do it interactively with others. what you did in my opinion was a waste of time.

  • No, see... this isn't a waste of time. I enjoy writing, and like i said above, it's more fun with others.

    No, you don't waste time on useful things, you waste time swearing at random dicks and sticking up for fictional characters with random reasons... don't call something I do useless and call something you do that's equally useless useful.

    nickybello posted: »

    that's different why waste time if there's already a sequel from season 1? this is something that is useless i waste time on usefull thing's like standing up to a dickhead starting calling you names

  • I had to... I'm sorry..

    Alt text


  • This is not a sequel, it's a different story in the same universe.

    nickybello posted: »

    that's different why waste time if there's already a sequel from season 1? this is something that is useless i waste time on usefull thing's like standing up to a dickhead starting calling you names

  • edited March 2014

    I know, Frankie assumed that Molly was Ivy's mom, which makes sense I suppose... and Lauren assumed that Daniel was Ivy's dad, but I don't think they look anything alike, and also Daniel should be the odd man out seeing as he's from the north. Plus, he's barely spoken to Ivy.

    I think Lauren is like the only one who assumed that... and Frankie. WOW WOMEN

  • edited March 2014


    No, see... this isn't a waste of time. I enjoy writing, and like i said above, it's more fun with others. No, you don't waste time on use

  • edited March 2014

    No, you know, just... stuff... things... It doesn't make sense... well, it can make sense.


    Procrastination things?

  • We're not doing a sequel to Season 2 though, these are all our original character except for a few crossover things.

    Also, it's not like we're trying to write a sequel to season 2. It's fun, and we all enjoy writing.

    nickybello posted: »

    everyone nvm what i said plz continue with you're stuff

    edited March 2014

    Wow, troll much? you had there a comment saying how useless this thread is and you change it to "enjoy"

    EDIT: Changed it again, how nice.

    nickybello posted: »

    everyone nvm what i said plz continue with you're stuff

  • Alt text

    Zyphon posted: »

    No, you know, just... stuff... things... It doesn't make sense... well, it can make sense.

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