What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • I'm introducing a new character, well a bunch actually, but for only one needs a proper introduction.

    Paul Harvey was a supervisor at the local Save-lots before the world ended. He was quiet, and didn't have many friends before the turn, but afterwards... Him and several of his co-workers sort of blossomed. Or maybe all the drugs did that. Either way... Him and the rest of the bandits didn't really care what they did, they'd worked out a deal with the St. John's Dairy in the beginning, but that didn't last long after the first group from the Motor Inn ruined it. They drove them out, and just took whatever they wanted form any survivors passing through Macon.

    Some didn't agree with the way they were doing things though... Like Jolene. Gary was the leader of the bandits, but it was Paul who was responsible for what happened to her, her and her little girl. He didn't feel bad though. He felt... Invigorated by what he had done.

    Another group came through the Motor Inn a couple months later, and Gary was dead then. It was Paul who led the attack, but they were ready, and they took almost all of their supplies with them when they ran. For the past couple days, Paul and the rest of the bandits have been hunting them down.

    (Paul is actually a character form the game who was eventually scrapped, but his files are still in it, same as those for Jolene's daughter.)

  • Hal

    Hal looks around, he starts to see people, lots of them. And then he sees a dog. He starts to squeeze his hands tightly to not break into a panic. But he hears Molly start swearing and screaming and he loses it. He starts running around and starts to vicously scream while he knocks down a pot and a few cans of food.


    "Oh shit guys......WALKERS!" He pulls Hal by his side and begins to start defending the camp.

  • edited March 2014


    Daniel quickly put himself between Molly and Theo. "Molly, you've got to calm down! You've got every right to be angry, but what's done is done... Nothing's going to change that, and now we've got to handle this. You got medical supplies right? Maybe it's not to late!"

    Before she could reply though, Daniel heard the new guy shout. Walkers...

  • Molly

    Molly heard an scream about walkers. "I'll deal with you later, you piece of shit. We need to move. We'll hold off the walkers. Someone get Aaron and Ivy to safety. We need to relocate, quickly."

    Then Molly ran from the tent and charged at the walkers, killing 3 in the first 5 seconds


    Aaron was still losing a lot of blood, but he was conscious. He saw the walker that was about get Ivy. He picked up his gun and aimed at the head, but was so weak he missed and hit the neck. "Fuck..." He shot 3 more times, eventually hitting the head, but he attracted a few more walkers. He shot all but one, and that lone walker bit his only healthy leg. "NO!" screamed as he hit the walker with the axe that Aaron gave to her. "NO! AARON! NO! SOMEONE HELP! PLEAAAASE!"

  • edited March 2014


    The Camp starts defending eachother from the hoards of Walkers approaching them, some hear Aaron's cry for help but are to busy holding off the Walkers. Theo takes the Chain off Boateng and starts ripping Walkers bit by bit. Theo runs to Aaron and sees the Walker bite on his healthy leg. "Motherfucker!" Theo shouted.

    Theo leans down and aims the Gun to Aaron's head, and asks him, "You ready man?"

  • I'm going to come back for you guys.

    No... dude... you can't do that... We've been planning with the RV for such a long time, and you're just taking it...

  • Daniel

    Daniel drew his machete and revolver, ready to deal with the walkers. Wasting no time, he moved right into the middle of them, pushing all other thoughts to the back of his mind for the moment. The machete blade swung through the air, burying itself into the head of a walker, before pulling it out, he quickly aimed his revolver, and fired two shots at the two closest to him. both hit, giving him enough time to free his blade.

    They'd been surviving for months now, maybe even a year, though no one in their group was really keeping track of the days, and the only people still alive were those who had learned to deal with this world, or those close to people who knew how to deal with the world. Daniel had been on his own for a while before joining up with the rest of the group at the Motor Inn, and he'd still been dealing with walkers back in Macon. Walkers weren't a problem for him.

    Daniel let Molly deal with the walkers further away from camp, while he got rid of any who got too close. His machete blade flew with incredible speed, cutting into the rotting heads of the walkers he was close to., and his revolver made short work of the ones that were further away.

  • Han

    Han puts a bullet right through the walkers head with one hand with his rifle, he turns to look back at the boy who looked like he was going to die in a matter of seconds. He grabs Hal tightly and runs into the tent. "Hey, kid..." he hands Aaron some pills. "When you are ready for him to put you down..take these sleeping pills, you wont notice a thing and your group members wont have to look straight into your eyes while they shoot you."

    Han runs back out side and reloads his rifle, he continues shooting the long rifle with one hand, a skill that he needed to learn in order to ensure that Hal stays in his grip.

  • Ivy

    After Han walked away Ivy looked straight at Theo, grasping Aaron's climbing axe. "I wont let you kill Aaron." said Ivy, with tears streaming from her eyes.

    NOTE: Randomz, the RV would be due about now. It would surely help.

  • Theodore

    "Ivy, I have too. He won't feel anything, I promise." Ivy looks at Aaron nodding his head, telling her that it has to happen. Ivy goes to hold Aaron's hand, and gives him one last hug, then slowly walks out.

    Theo takes the safety off, "I'm sorry Aaron."

    Note: I refuse to say Motherfucker on such a sad part!

  • Molly

    Molly saw that Theo was about to shoot Aaron. "NO!" She shouted, running to them.

    Molly knew it had to be done...

    "Let me do it."

  • Ivy

    Ivy couldn't leave. She had to be with Aaron in his last moments. She ran back into the tent and watched Aaron taking the sleeping tablets.

    "Both of you. Keep Ivy safe... and you Ivy... be strong, for me." Aaron said weakly.

    Ivy looked at Molly. Then at Theo. Then at Aaron. "Don't go..." she said quietly. She hugged him and waited for what was about to happen. "I'll miss you..."

  • Theodore

    "Okay." Theo hands Molly the Pistol, she then aims at Aaron, her hand starts shaking, but she knew this was best for Aaron.

    Theo notices the Camp is trying to hold off the Walkers, but they keep coming. "You want me to stay?" Theo asks Molly.

  • Molly

    "N-" But she was cut off by Aaron. "Yes..."

    Molly began to cry. She clutched the gun tightly, aimed it at his forehead, and pulled the trigger.

    "I'm sorry."

    After some grieving with Ivy, Molly knew she had to leave. She had to help the camp. "Be strong Ivy, Aaron wanted you to go on."

    Theo reached out to Ivy, but Ivy moved away from him. "It's your fault. I wish it was you." Ivy said coldly, before turning back to Aaron.

  • Han

    "We got to leave. This place wont last any longer!"


  • edited March 2014


    Boateng pounces on a Walker saving Anna's Life, a few of the Group noticed how Agile and how deadly Boateng is towards Walkers, he then pounces another from behind. "Ivy, we gotta go!" Theo told Ivy, but Ivy didn't listen. She wanted to stay with Aaron's corpse. Ivy grabs Theo's pistol and aims it at him.

    "Ivy, put the Gun down..." Theo said with a nervous tone. "I'm sorry, things happen. Even if you don't want them too. But shooting me won't bring him back." Theo said, but Ivy continued to aim it at him. "Ivy..."

    She then pulls the Trigger... Killing a Walker sneaking up on Theo. Theo sighs out of relief, smiling at Ivy. "Lets go."

  • Ivy

    Ivy knows she has to follow Theo, but first...

    She grabs Aaron's pistol, his axe, and his pack. "Let's go..."


    Molly hears what Han says and knows he's right. "Fuck! They're everywhere!"

  • Theodore

    Ivy quickly follows up right behind Theo, Boateng is still ripping up Walkers like crazy. "Listen Ivy, stay close to me alright?" Theo tells Ivy. Theo then grabs his Knife, and helps with the Attack on the Camp.

    Boateng pounces on a Walker saving Hal, and immediately attacks another one. Theo grabs a Walker and stabs it, then right after throws his knife hitting another one. The Group is slowly becoming more tired after every kill... And more Walkers keep coming.

    Note: We can't really go any further since Randomz has the RV.

  • Ivy

    As the walkers keep coming, the group gets more tired.

    A walker jumps on Theo and tries to bite into his face. "IVY!"

    Ivy aims the gun at the walker... but doesn't shoot. He's the reason Aaron died...


    Ivy lowers the gun and looks away... "It's your fault..."

    Before the walker bites Theo, Boateng saves him. Ivy realises something. The reason that Aaron died was because Boateng bit his leg... he stopped him from being able to walk... Ivy raised the gun and pointed it at Boateng. Her eyes were streaming with tears. "It's your fault..."

  • Theodore

    Boateng knows when he's being threatened, he sees that Ivy is pointing a gun at him, and starts charging at Ivy. Theo gets up and grabs Ivy and covers her with his body, and Boateng backs up and continues to keep fighting.

    Theo gets off Ivy, and sees her crying. "It's alright Ivy." Theo leans to hug her, and surprisingly Ivy accepts and hugs Theo. Theo picks up Ivy and starts shooting at Walkers.


  • Ok now you're just copying Clementine, besides Ivy would be sad but how long did she know Aaron for like a week? If they only knew each other for that long she should only be sad but nowhere near how sad Clementine was with Lee.

    Ivy "Don't go. Please. Please Aaron. You saved me! Don't die!." Ivy was quietly talking and crying at the same time... she knew Aaron couldn't be saved but she refused to believe it. "You promised..." "Molly will take care of you, Ivy."

  • edited March 2014


    In the chaos of the walker attack, Elizabeth went to find Anna. She hadn't left form the camp, and was hiding. There was one dead walker near by, the one that boateng had killed.

    "Anna, why are you still here? Come on, we need to go, now!" she said, pulling on Anna's arm. She still didn't say anything, but wasn't exactly stopping Liz. The walkers just kept coming, it looked like all the noise at the camp over the past few days had drawn a herd...

  • edited March 2014

    What? He saved her from starving to death and took care of her.

    Fuck. I did absent mindedly copy lines from Clem. I'll edit that. But yes, she WOULD be just as sad.

    Edit: How do you know they've known her for a week? Regardless, Aaron took care of her, saved her from the attic, saved her from Boateng... the list goes on While I copied some lines,I strongly disagree about how sad she would be. She's not your character.

    TWD_25 posted: »

    Ok now you're just copying Clementine, besides Ivy would be sad but how long did she know Aaron for like a week? If they only knew each other for that long she should only be sad but nowhere near how sad Clementine was with Lee.

  • edited March 2014


    Will had pulled out his pistol and was defending the camp alongside the others. He looked around and saw many unfamiliar faces only recognizing Lauren, Hal, and Han. He heard Han yell that they had to leave and Will agreed but which way? Many walkers had fallen but every time one died two replaced it. The group needed to leave as soon as possible or else they would all get overrun...

    (Where is Pheonix, and Lauren?)

  • Lauren is at the camp, Phoenix has the RV.

    Will Will had pulled out his pistol and was defending the camp alongside the others. He looked around and saw many unfamiliar faces only

  • Phoenix

    He had been taking his time to find them. They're fine without me. Phoenix thought as he tries to remember the directions their camp was. But then, all of a sudden, he sees dozens, and dozens of walkers in front of him. "HOLY SHIT!" He yells, trying to drive through them.

    One of them makes a loud thud and a scream when he hits it. I really hope that's not human... He thinks, making it through the walkers.

    In a fast motion, he hurries out of the RV....

  • Sorry about the wait.

    Phoenix He had been taking his time to find them. They're fine without me. Phoenix thought as he tries to remember the directions their c

  • Ivy

    "A VAN!" Ivy screamed, jumping out of Theo's arms.


    Molly saw the van too. They knew the camp was doomed. It's the guy Lauren was with! "You stopped... that means... EVERYONE IN! WE'LL HOLD OFF THE WALKERS!" Molly yelled before sprinting to take on more walkers.

  • edited March 2014


    Han brings him and Hal in the Rv. Hal runs up to Pheonix and gives him a hug. "You came back! Your one of my heroes!".

    Han looks to Hal and see's that he is happy he says to himself Atleast Hal is happy, he wasnt this happy until he saw me back at our parents house..

  • Kieran

    "Get in the RV! I'll help take down some of these assholes!" I shout.

    I raise my handgun and shoot two walkers before stabbing a nearby walker.

    "There's too many!" I shout to Molly when I see her taking on more walkers.

  • Daniel

    Daniel saw Elizabeth and Anna making their way out of the camp, dodging the few stragglers that had been forgotten. He only had three bullets in the chamber of his revolver, hopefully it would be enough. He shot two walkers that looked as if may have grabbed them before they got out of the camp, and got into the RV. Daniel fired the last bullet at one close to the RV and then went in himself.

  • Ivy

    Ivy, Theo and Boateng ran to the RV, but while Theo and Boateng went inside, Ivy waited. "MOLLY! COME ON!"

    Molly heard the little girl and killed the last few around her, before running to help Kieran.

    "We've got to get in the RV, now!" Molly yelled.

    While she waited for Molly, Ivy looked towards the tent. "I wish we could have buried him..."

  • Will

    Will had run out of ammo and ran towards an RV. He got in and hoped that they could escape.

  • Kieran

    "Thanks!" I shout as I follow Molly's advice in getting in the RV.

    "GO GO GO" I shout as I hear the constant moan of walkers.

  • Ivy

    Ivy, despite only knowing him for a short while cared about Aaron. When she saw his death, it made her realise that maybe the world was just... doomed. She thought that since the walkers had basically killed Aaron, she could kill them.

    As Molly and Kieran ran into the RV, Ivy pulled out Aaron's pistol and shot a walker. She was too worried about missing the next shot, so she ran in.

    "Let's go!" screamed Molly.

  • Han

    Han who was in the RV saw Ivy kill a walker, He thought to himself.Damn, I think its about time I teach Hal how to kill a walker..I wonder how they managed to teach that girl.

  • edited March 2014

    Argh, how exactly would I bring my character into the fold? Not the best at this sort of thing.

  • Phoenix

    "GO GO GO!" A man said, just n the nick of time, the RV had already begun to get surrounded. Phoenix floors it out there.

    "I think I might start to begin liking groups..." Phoenix says looking at Lauren, laughing at the same time.

    "If your going to be riding in here, I have one rule.." Phoenix says to the group. "I'm driving... Never drown a vehicle in my life.. I love it already..."

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