What Comes After(A Walking Dead Fan-Fic)



  • edited March 2014

    You did come onto our thread and insult what we're doing.

  • says the guy how mature of you you're the problem because you call people name's but no doc was not a problem only me huh? and he even started it i hate people like you too bitch

  • edited March 2014


    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Wow, troll much? you had there a comment saying how useless this thread is and you change it to "enjoy" EDIT: Changed it again, how nice.

  • I know, I hate when people do that. It's the worst form of trolling because other people saw what they put there in the first place. :p

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Wow, troll much? you had there a comment saying how useless this thread is and you change it to "enjoy" EDIT: Changed it again, how nice.

  • First, you are seriously stupid. I never said it was just you, I said Doctor was just as much to blame, maybe I was wrong because you're clearly an idiot.

    Secondly, you just proved my point. You're immature. You come on to this thread and start insulting what we do when you do stuff that is equally pointless, then you get all bitchy about me standing up for what I do, so I retaliate. Now you're responding by just insulting me and calling me a bitch. If you're going to insult me, learn to spell and learn some grammar.

    nickybello posted: »

    says the guy how mature of you you're the problem because you call people name's but no doc was not a problem only me huh? and he even started it i hate people like you too bitch


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  • Maturity 101 by nickybello.

  • edited March 2014

    Well, since you just said that you're going to troll people, we could flag you for trolling and then the joke will be on you. :p

  • he showed his true form... my work here is complete.

  • [removed]

    Zyphon posted: »

    Well, since you just said that you're going to troll people, we could flag you for trolling and then the joke will be on you.

  • [removed]

    Zyphon posted: »

    Well, since you just said that you're going to troll people, we could flag you for trolling and then the joke will be on you.

  • edited March 2014

    Yes! Meme war!




    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • edited March 2014

    Well now we came report you for being offense. How smart of you. (As far as I know, there's no rule against sarcasm)

  • yeah... you just gave me proof of harassment and trolling. thanks.

  • edited March 2014

    yeah calling me asshole ain't an harrasment then flagged you too btw

  • Oh by the way, it's updated.

    Zyphon, when you can you need to update the OP. Aaron isn't alive, some characters are missing and the story is behind.

  • Well Lauren has been with the group for like an hour? It's a fair assumption.

    Zyphon posted: »

    I know, Frankie assumed that Molly was Ivy's mom, which makes sense I suppose... and Lauren assumed that Daniel was Ivy's dad, but I don't t

    edited March 2014


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    Last one is just for fun.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Yes! Meme war!

  • no it's not... you responded to me with an uneeded insult, so i retaliated. you then called me a bitch and then you said FUCK YOU.

    you deserve to be flagged, troll.

    nickybello posted: »

    yeah calling me asshole ain't an harrasment then flagged you too btw

  • you brought this on yourself i did not call you guy's name's i only said why u guys wasting time with this noooo you had to feel offended and react and start this whole conversation by saying that i wasted time on other stuff by making me say i did this and that nice going there and you started calling me name's not me

    yeah... you just gave me proof of harassment and trolling. thanks.

  • Cool.

    Zyphon posted: »

    Oh by the way, it's updated.

  • No... you asked a question... I responded.

    You decided to respond with an insult. You called me a pain in the ass for no fucking reason, so I called you an asshole. You were offensive first.

    nickybello posted: »

    you brought this on yourself i did not call you guy's name's i only said why u guys wasting time with this noooo you had to feel offended an

    edited March 2014

    guy's = guy + is.

    name's = name + is.

    You are one smart gentleman.

    nickybello posted: »

    you brought this on yourself i did not call you guy's name's i only said why u guys wasting time with this noooo you had to feel offended an

  • edited March 2014

    bullshit i said why u guys wasting time with this then you responded about me wasting my stuff with doc then i responded saying i waste time on a dickhead that calles me names then you said no i don't waste time then i said ok shhh ok sshhhh and i said you're a pain in my ass and that's not an insult then you said asshole and if you really think i started then you're blind as hell . i said bitch after you said asshole read carefully...YOU deserved to be flagged

    no it's not... you responded to me with an uneeded insult, so i retaliated. you then called me a bitch and then you said FUCK YOU. you deserve to be flagged, troll.

  • Yeah, okay, you're impossible to talk to. Calling me a pain in the ass is an insult. It's not my fault you're stupid. Not to mention, you've said a lot worse, like the straight up FUCK YOU!

    Yes, you deserve to be flagged. Troll.

    nickybello posted: »

    bullshit i said why u guys wasting time with this then you responded about me wasting my stuff with doc then i responded saying i waste time

  • This thread just turned into a big fuck fest...

  • edited March 2014


    No... you asked a question... I responded. You decided to respond with an insult. You called me a pain in the ass for no fucking reason, so I called you an asshole. You were offensive first.

  • Agreed. I'm gonna stop replying to the troll now, hopefully the mods will remove his comments.

    Twistee posted: »

    This thread just turned into a big fuck fest...

    edited March 2014

    btw, I'm screenshotting this and sending it to YGS, you need to learn some grammar man.

    EDIT: Sent.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    guy's = guy + is. name's = name + is. You are one smart gentleman.

  • hope they bann you too since you started calling me names not me :p

    Agreed. I'm gonna stop replying to the troll now, hopefully the mods will remove his comments.

  • That's a good choice, responding to him will just fuel him even more making him continue to run his mouth, leave him alone and he wont get the attention he wants and he will leave.

    Agreed. I'm gonna stop replying to the troll now, hopefully the mods will remove his comments.

  • You did ask a question... Of course I can't quote it because you edited your post, but you asked why we do it, so I answered.

    Yes, you did start this. You called me a pain in the ass for responding to your a question, so I retaliated. You also called me a bitch and said FUCK YOU. That's WAY more offensive than asshole. Anyway, i'm done replying to you. Please leave.

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    Twistee posted: »

    This thread just turned into a big fuck fest...

  • Ivy

    "He's... not my dad..."

  • Lauren

    "Oh, my bad! You do resemble him a bit." Lauren goes back to her sit, "Told you we'd find a group" she says with a smile.

    Ivy "He's... not my dad..."

  • Ivy

    Molly was pacing, probably thinking, so Ivy went to sit with Theo and Boateng.

    While she knew Theo couldn't have really done anything, she blamed Boateng. "It should've been Boateng." Ivy said angrily.

  • edited March 2014

    Just thought that you should know. But he harassed you in his Bio, but I do not think there is a way to report it

    edit: he changed it again, but it said something like. "I am going to get banned again because Martin the brit is a little bitch and got me angry.".

    You did ask a question... Of course I can't quote it because you edited your post, but you asked why we do it, so I answered. Yes, you di

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