Just realized how geographically ****d i would be in the event of a Zombie Apocolypse

I live in the UK, right in the CENTER of it !!! people who live on coastal towns and seaside resorts have the best chance, zombies can only come from one way and if you get a boat you have all that water to escape into. Even if i escaped my town Its a long way to any coast's. Its not like America with its big vast open wilderness that you can vanish into, its a VERY small country that is dangerously overpopulated! lol plus NO GUNS! ...... i bet people in the UK in TWD world are having a worse time.
How about you? whats your setup like?
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I live in Miami, the most populated city in Florida. im screwed. but I feel really bad for people in china!
lol i forgot about China ..............
I live in the UK too, but near a small village and the woods.Wonder if I would have a higher chance of surviving, even if minimal?
you probly have more chance than someone in china.
Live in Perth Australia, pretty good for me to be honest only 22 million people in a place as big as Australia
I live in Romania,a small country...I dunno,not THAT many people and...Well,a lot of places you could just VANISH.Like the church,for example.
I live in the city as well. Everyone of us had this problems. Maybe dudes who lived in some village had better chances but...that's not a guarantee
Plus you got them Huntsman spiders....they scare me more than walkers! lol
I live in Finland so I have a chance to survive because this is a pretty small country and here is a lot of forest.
The best thing is that you would not even be allowed to defend yourself in the UK. And even if you try, the best thing you can come across is a water pistol for adults.
I live in Beijing, you may think it's bad, but at least we've got pollution as cover! I'm invisible!
I Live in Argentina. If I stay in the capital city, I dont stand a chance against zombies. The good thing is that there are lots of small villages where you will be able to starve to death.
Were is Beijing dude?
I live in a country which's overall population is about 9 million (almost less than NY lol), so i don't think there would be many zombies
I guess many of us would survive... we've played TWD season 1
Omg, the city I live in has almost that many people...
Which also means I'm pretty screwed...
22 million ppl in one city?....
9 million zombies is a lot of zombies
Yeah, don't forget India too. The place is packed.
Metropolitan area anyway...
Just looked it up, there are 12 cities with populations over 20 million...
I ment 22 million in the whole of Australia, Perth has like 2 million
romania is actually not a small country azlyn
Compared to most others,it kinda is.
I live in Norway only 5 million people live here so my chances of survival aren't to small.
I live near the south coast of the UK in Kent, in a fairly smaller town. I'd probably be okay, aside from having no guns.
by population we are seven or eight in europe
Really?Well,i didn't know THAT,but i know that we don't have the biggest country,as in,land.You know.
I used to live in Denver and had my escape route planned in case of any pandemic disaster, I'd hop in my car and disappear into the mountains at first sign. I have since moved to New Mexico in a small town outside of Espanola. If anything were to happen, the only reason I'd leave this place is to find my sister/mother back in Colorado. My house is, quite literally, in the middle of nowhere right now, and is the perfect set up to sit for a good while.
really. and yes we're not a big country, but neither a small one
Im pretty set
Have some shrimps on the barbie.. invite the zombies over for a big feast
explain to them this has all been a misunderstanding between the humans and zombies.. and we can all get along just fine
.... and then id become a zombie
I live in Sweden so i have no idea what my plan would be cause its trees everywhere
I'm from the USA, so that means we can have guns. And my family does. If nothing else, that will be an advantage over most of the worlds population.
Island of Montreal, almost 2 million people live on the island itself, nevermind the people that commute in. itd be very hard to escape, very few boats, bridges and a tunnel that take an hour to drive across in rush hour. Only chance would be to hunker down in a suburb and wait for everyone else to die, then hoof it across a bridge
I'm from the UK and live on the coast and right next to a harbour. Lucky me i guess? haha
I live in Sweden on the west coast with only half a mile to the sea and we have a big ass boat and i got myself a Katana for weapon. I think my chances are really good, but i need guns. Lots of guns.
I live in a very red state. I could just sit back and let everyone else take care of it.
you are a ninja? Than you must be a pro surviver. Lets join forces!
I live 2 hours away from the coast 30 MINUTES AWAY FROM THE FREAKING UK FUCK