.landb files to txt for translation
I don't know if this goes here, and I don't know if can you help me neither ahaha, but one of you all know ho to extract the .txt files frome the .landb files of The Walking Dead season 2?
Any suggestions is appreciated! Thanks in advance
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I'd also like to know how to do it.
I've been wanting to do a few fan translations for a long time now.
Thank you man! Yu gave me everything i need! When I'm home i'll try this and let you know, but thanks anyway!
I' d want to translate te second ep in Italian, because the first was translated by Crybiolab. Anyway I' m not affiliated with them
Under moon and star, Praise Vivec!
Mi pare un'ottima idea!
Fammi sapere se ti serve una mano
I tried your metod but it unfortunatelly it doesn't work. It says me: "Incomplete input file number 0, can't read x bytes
Si, appena inquadro la situazione, potrei chiederti di testare la traduzione se vuoi
hmm i think you are doing something wrong
1.Open quickbms
2.select "landbtotxt" script
3.select landb files you want to translate
4.and it should work
I'm thinking the same, I will say step by step what I've done:
1) I've extracted "WalkingDead_pc_WalkingDead202_data.ttarch2" with ttarchext
2) Copied all english.landb files in one folder
3) Tried to extract the txt files with quickbms with no luck
What I'm doing wrong? Damn it's a few day that I can't figure it out
Perchè no! Potrei pure ridurti la mole di lavoro aiutandoti a tradurre qualcosetta semmai.
Se ti va aggiungimi su steam: stesso nick e avatar con Brancaleone da Norcia :P
are you using the correct script?
Yes, the landbtotxt.txt one. I' ve got an idea. What if you extract the txt from the landb files of the second ep, then you send me them I don' t know where, after that I'll send you the translated txt and finally you revert back to landb.
You surely help me a lot and if the translation works I give you the appropriate credit
So, are you in?
sure, but there is landb files in WD2_pc_WD202_Patch_EP2_all.ttarch2 too. not just WalkingDead_pc_WalkingDead202_data.ttarch2
but here data stuff
I say thank you by all the italian gamer of Twd when I've finished to translate all of them, I' ll be back
you may need to translate these as well , i unpacked them from "WD2_pc_WD202_Patch_EP2_all.ttarch2"
I don' t think so, are the same files you sent before. Anyways in short time I'm going to send you the env_lakewoodscellar.txt translated in private message, so I can test if all it's working
these are same files but you need to translate them anyway, "env_cabininterior"
by the way i dont think private messaging works very well in this forum , so you just might as well post it here
Man can you leave an email address? I just don' t want that someone steals our work. Anyway I finished the first txt
send it here
i may not be avaible ALL the time but i browse this forum pretty regularly
you sure you sent it ? i am not seeing it
i sent landb to you, but there is a good chance that you wouldn't see any difference because you need to translate the one in WD2_pc_WD202_Patch_EP2_all.ttarch2
I suggest you translate "ui_text_english.txt" , it will be pretty quick. When you able to move around as clementine, move your mouse scroll up and down see if it translated
Everythings works as it should and without translate the other file! Now I must adjust few things.
The problem now is the heading: how can I translate it?
Translate what ?
When Clementine run in the woods after she left Nick, the title of the ep " A House divided" comes ( Don' t let me take a screenshoot :P)
env_cabininterior.txt . im pretty sure.
nvm: oh shoot i misunderstood you , let me search it
i think this is it http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=04810839321691644482
unpacked them from WD2_pc_Menu_Patch_EP2_all.ttarch2
let me know if it works , i could be wrong though
Yes you misunderstood me, but I need chapters_english.txt anyway I'm translating some more file, I will screen the heading when I've done
all right then. isn't ui_menu_english.txt is what you need?
The first ep was already translated, but now they won't translate the second ep, so a few thins are already made
Who wont translate second ep?
Crybiolab,who translated the first ep and all the first season. Now they don' t respond to email, don't write in their facebook page, they seem vanished. But they did a great job Anyway I sent you the somee txt files and this is what i mean: http://i61.tinypic.com/2mww4np.jpg
i'm repacking them as we speak
lakecellar is missing and i explained it in email. it says "incomplete number 1 , cant read bytes 1". i repacked original lakecellar.txt but this one isn't working for some reason
Ok, i'll se what can I do too on lakecellar. Thanks
can you send me your current "env_lakewoodscellar_english.landb" file ? i'll try to fix this problem
that worked . i sent the repacked lakecellar to you