Not sure but I think my first was in E1 at the motor inn from zombie beside RV. I pressed and I thought it was one hit kill. But Lee stabbed the zombie's stomach so I couldn't react in time and died. E3 bandits got me once. E4 I died in the shotgun screen because I didn't look up to shoot I just kept pulling my leg. So I probably died 3 or more times. Also I think I'm going to play the game again but try not to die .
@Lemoncakes If you actually took your time to click in his profile you would know that he posts alot in this forum and is a pretty nice guy, can i get my dollar now?
Viva you're like 3 steps behind the jokes in this thread and when you catch up you waste your energy running them into the ground, stop already. Posting Pro-tip: Learn to bump before you spike.
Is low $ a high givashit content or low givashit content?
Sorry if I'm being rude, for all I truly know one dollar could be all the money you have to your name.
Season 1: Brenda. I didn't call her a bitch, I just kept walking forward when she had the gun pointed at me. Only other time I died was at the Episode 3 train station, so at least I managed to survive the most badass action sequences (the belltower and the gauntlet).
Dude, I've seen you post pretty offensive and insensitive comments everywhere. Just chill, no need to be such a hardass. It's the internet, there's bound to be spelling and grammatical errors anywhere.
Viva you're like 3 steps behind the jokes in this thread and when you catch up you waste your energy running them into the ground, stop already. Posting Pro-tip: Learn to bump before you spike.
@Lemoncakes If you actually took your time to click in his profile you would know that he posts alot in this forum and is a pretty nice guy, can i get my dollar now?
Dude, I've seen you post pretty offensive and insensitive comments everywhere. Just chill, no need to be such a hardass. It's the internet, there's bound to be spelling and grammatical errors anywhere.
Season 1: The only time I have died was in Ep.3 when I couldn't shoot fast enough to kill that bandit with the blue bandana before he got a clear shot at me.
You didn't get see the set-up, Viva. I gave you a prime opportunity to rally and you didn't follow through.
That's fine. You can realize it and adapt, but persisting in the failed joke doesn't work.
Evolution is key.
Season 1, Episode 1 - The first time I died was at the motel when you're trying to solve the puzzle to get to the girl. I didn't hit the zombie with the screwdriver fast enough. ;(
Season 2, Episode 1 - A zombie got me during the struggle with Winston.
Edit: 400 Days, Bonnie - Dee killed me in the cornfield.
Ok back, now here's the breakdown of how you did terribly and the postmortem of your posting this go around: The TL;DR is you showed and then affirmed your saltiness through unverifiable personal attacks.
In the wake of your not getting a joke or finding the rhythm or being able to keep pace in posting, you lashed out in the same manner one would cry out fat, short, ugly, gay, what have you.
The allegation of "poor", however, is in particularly low taste as it ridicules people of a certain socioeconomic status who may exist in situations beyond their own control and additional shows a severe lack of empathy with the plight of the downtrodden. If you white-knight you've got to punch up, not down. Consequently I never engage in unverifiable personal attacks as a rule, I only work on what the evidence shows.
That you confirmed your desire to both be funny and mean, even going so far as to express a sense of "pride" in the pursuit, was the nail in the coffin. Try-hard attempts at humor are awful enough, but never admit a back-ended desire to spite as it tacitly admits you were perturbed to begin with, calls your argumentation and/or reasoning into question, and voids the match.
This doesn't get into the tired "yes my good man" style of extraneous faux sophistication as well as unnecessary colloquialisms but, really, at this point we're practically picking maggots out of a corpse.
Ok back, now here's the breakdown of how you did terribly and the postmortem of your posting this go around: The TL;DR is you showed and the… moren affirmed your saltiness through unverifiable personal attacks.
In the wake of your not getting a joke or finding the rhythm or being able to keep pace in posting, you lashed out in the same manner one would cry out fat, short, ugly, gay, what have you.
The allegation of "poor", however, is in particularly low taste as it ridicules people of a certain socioeconomic status who may exist in situations beyond their own control and additional shows a severe lack of empathy with the plight of the downtrodden. If you white-knight you've got to punch up, not down. Consequently I never engage in unverifiable personal attacks as a rule, I only work on what the evidence shows.
That you confirmed your desire to both be funny and mean, even going so far as to express a sense of "pride" in the pursuit, was t… [view original content]
Ok back, now here's the breakdown of how you did terribly and the postmortem of your posting this go around: The TL;DR is you showed and the… moren affirmed your saltiness through unverifiable personal attacks.
In the wake of your not getting a joke or finding the rhythm or being able to keep pace in posting, you lashed out in the same manner one would cry out fat, short, ugly, gay, what have you.
The allegation of "poor", however, is in particularly low taste as it ridicules people of a certain socioeconomic status who may exist in situations beyond their own control and additional shows a severe lack of empathy with the plight of the downtrodden. If you white-knight you've got to punch up, not down. Consequently I never engage in unverifiable personal attacks as a rule, I only work on what the evidence shows.
That you confirmed your desire to both be funny and mean, even going so far as to express a sense of "pride" in the pursuit, was t… [view original content]
I don't think I died at all in my first playthrough of Season 1. I did die on my second playthrough twice, however, once when telling Brenda, "Put the gun down, bitch!" Then when Lee leaps from the bell tower back to the hospital in episode 5 my game lagged at the start of the cutscene, and I couldn't move to grab the ledge. I died in season 2 at the walker in the shed part. I play on Ps3, and I put my controller on my lap after clicking the bandages, started scratching my legs, and the walker started attacking. I pulled my arms back to it quickly, but instead of swiftly grabbing the controller I swiftly sent it across the room, because my palm hit the analog sticks. I was then helplessly devoured.
I've never expressed a goal-oriented focus on being either funny or mean for the sake of it. That is low, desperate, wounded, base, and attention-seeking behavior that demeans the quality of a post.
I operate as an honest, righteous and upstanding user. Whatever discomfort or saltiness you experience in the wake of my forthright posting is as incidental as it is inconsequential. Take it inside of you and have your own spirit journey. One day with enough soul-searching you'll be able to strike the down the stilts that hold up your fortress of co-dependently arisen anger like Mel Gibson did that house with South Africans in it in LW2 I think.
Season 1 - When your about to start punching Andy didnt realise what you have to press on console (it had been A for every other thing, bow it was X and . After Andy started hitting me I just couldnt click in time and he beat me to death.
400 Days. I got Bonnie shot in the cornfield because I jumped into the light by mistake.
Season 2 - Non so far, I think closest was at the first part with Winston, wasnt expecting to have to move directionally.
You've admitted to being a troll numerous times. If I'm not mistaken an Internet troll posts mean, disrespectful, and crude things simply for the negative feedback.
I've never expressed a goal-oriented focus on being either funny or mean for the sake of it. That is low, desperate, wounded, base, and atte… morention-seeking behavior that demeans the quality of a post.
I operate as an honest, righteous and upstanding user. Whatever discomfort or saltiness you experience in the wake of my forthright posting is as incidental as it is inconsequential. Take it inside of you and have your own spirit journey. One day with enough soul-searching you'll be able to strike the down the stilts that hold up your fortress of co-dependently arisen anger like Mel Gibson did that house with South Africans in it in LW2 I think.
Empty castigations of "Troll" serve a liminal function designed to Other and is inherently exclusionary. It's a symptom of communities built on the puritanical frameworks of paranoia, fear, and a need for safety and convention that boarders on neurotic.
I troll to trawl, and I trawl to catch, and what is caught and revealed both to caster and the caught, so that all may be illuminated and laid bare in the high noon sun. Most of the revelations focus on the fact that a lot of people here are terrible posters, sure, but you have to start at ground zero.
You've admitted to being a troll numerous times. If I'm not mistaken an Internet troll posts mean, disrespectful, and crude things simply for the negative feedback.
It's raining on my vacation
What is it with you and calling people terrible posters? The hilarity that I found from the hypocrisy that radiates from your comments has long since worn off. If you must make negative comments to try and earn attention, then that makes you no better than the common troll.
I kind of understand people who use "your" incorrectly even if it's a tell-tale sign that you're a terrible poster but...really?
How do you screw this up twice but spell manage to spell "dying" right?
...Are you really so delusional as to think that of yourself? Lemoncakes, you've done nothing on this forum but be mean for the sake of it. Sure, your first post on this thread may have been just to grammar nazi, but you just had to add that he was a "terrible poster". For what purpose? Well, I'm sure that you think you were just being "truthful", but to a normal person, that is known as being mean for the sake of it. Making typos is fairly normal on the internet. In his case, english wasn't his first language. Sure, feel free to grammar nazi all you want, but you don't have to add a negative connotation to everything, it's just unnecessary.
I've never expressed a goal-oriented focus on being either funny or mean for the sake of it. That is low, desperate, wounded, base, and atte… morention-seeking behavior that demeans the quality of a post.
I operate as an honest, righteous and upstanding user. Whatever discomfort or saltiness you experience in the wake of my forthright posting is as incidental as it is inconsequential. Take it inside of you and have your own spirit journey. One day with enough soul-searching you'll be able to strike the down the stilts that hold up your fortress of co-dependently arisen anger like Mel Gibson did that house with South Africans in it in LW2 I think.
A dolla? Holla!!
I can get me a pack of gum for that chaching. ... almost.
PS: only a dollar? You must not have much faith in your opinion.
It scales with how much I honestly give a shit.
I'm feeding you antifreeze.
No you're feeding me knee-jerk attempts to be witty.
Is low $ a high givashit content or low givashit content?
Sorry if I'm being rude, for all I truly know one dollar could be all the money you have to your name.
Not sure but I think my first was in E1 at the motor inn from zombie beside RV. I pressed and I thought it was one hit kill. But Lee stabbed the zombie's stomach so I couldn't react in time and died. E3 bandits got me once. E4 I died in the shotgun screen because I didn't look up to shoot I just kept pulling my leg. So I probably died 3 or more times. Also I think I'm going to play the game again but try not to die
Nope, pretty sure it's antifreeze. That's what the container says.
@Lemoncakes If you actually took your time to click in his profile you would know that he posts alot in this forum and is a pretty nice guy, can i get my dollar now?
Viva you're like 3 steps behind the jokes in this thread and when you catch up you waste your energy running them into the ground, stop already. Posting Pro-tip: Learn to bump before you spike.
Season 1: Brenda. I didn't call her a bitch, I just kept walking forward when she had the gun pointed at me. Only other time I died was at the Episode 3 train station, so at least I managed to survive the most badass action sequences (the belltower and the gauntlet).
Season 2: None yet.
Dude, I've seen you post pretty offensive and insensitive comments everywhere. Just chill, no need to be such a hardass. It's the internet, there's bound to be spelling and grammatical errors anywhere.
Oh.. we were joking? I was being completely serious. I apologize for upsetting you in whatever way I did. (Was it the "you're broke" thing?)
You didn't get see the set-up, Viva. I gave you a prime opportunity to rally and you didn't follow through.
That's fine. You can realize it and adapt, but persisting in the failed joke doesn't work.
Evolution is key.
That you think "he posts a lot" and "is a pretty nice guy" matters means maybe I should've made the bet on you.
S1E4: Getting Lee's leg stuck in the stairs while trying to shoot back walkers. I took too much time trying to get Lee's leg out -.-
S2E1: After Winston's death, I screwed on one of the QTEs ;_;
Season 1: The only time I have died was in Ep.3 when I couldn't shoot fast enough to kill that bandit with the blue bandana before he got a clear shot at me.
Season 2: Haven't died yet, thank God.
Why dosen't it? C'mon, make up a funny answer, i'm bored.
Hannibal's on, you'll have to try to be funny and/or hurt my feelings in an hour.
You've got me thinking now....
I shall adapt.
I stand steadfast in my antifreeze play. I rather enjoyed that one
I shall log off with the proud feeling of having accomplished both.
Never heard of Hannibal. Based on Silence of the Lambs I take it?
Season 1: Episode 2: Brenda kept shooting me.
Season 1, Episode 1 - The first time I died was at the motel when you're trying to solve the puzzle to get to the girl. I didn't hit the zombie with the screwdriver fast enough. ;(
Season 2, Episode 1 - A zombie got me during the struggle with Winston.
Edit: 400 Days, Bonnie - Dee killed me in the cornfield.
My sister (who happens to be 19) died to the police officer in the very beginning of S1 E1. Yeah.. I almost died laughing.
Season 1, Episode 2: Same situation with you, when Danny pointed the gun at me.
Season 2, Episode 1: When I was in the shed and that zombie killed me after I dropped the bandages. I didn't know what to do for some reason, lol.
Ok back, now here's the breakdown of how you did terribly and the postmortem of your posting this go around: The TL;DR is you showed and then affirmed your saltiness through unverifiable personal attacks.
In the wake of your not getting a joke or finding the rhythm or being able to keep pace in posting, you lashed out in the same manner one would cry out fat, short, ugly, gay, what have you.
The allegation of "poor", however, is in particularly low taste as it ridicules people of a certain socioeconomic status who may exist in situations beyond their own control and additional shows a severe lack of empathy with the plight of the downtrodden. If you white-knight you've got to punch up, not down. Consequently I never engage in unverifiable personal attacks as a rule, I only work on what the evidence shows.
That you confirmed your desire to both be funny and mean, even going so far as to express a sense of "pride" in the pursuit, was the nail in the coffin. Try-hard attempts at humor are awful enough, but never admit a back-ended desire to spite as it tacitly admits you were perturbed to begin with, calls your argumentation and/or reasoning into question, and voids the match.
This doesn't get into the tired "yes my good man" style of extraneous faux sophistication as well as unnecessary colloquialisms but, really, at this point we're practically picking maggots out of a corpse.
Thought I'd hop and and see what you said before starting my day... it's way too early for a wall of us text that large.
Did.... did I just read
"That you confirmed your desire to both be funny and mean,"
Have you taken the time to read you own posts? xD
Season 1: The cop at the beginning
Season 2: None
I don't want to say. too embarrassing,
so I just going say "thumbs up everyone" and quickly exit...-_-
I don't think I died at all in my first playthrough of Season 1. I did die on my second playthrough twice, however, once when telling Brenda, "Put the gun down, bitch!" Then when Lee leaps from the bell tower back to the hospital in episode 5 my game lagged at the start of the cutscene, and I couldn't move to grab the ledge. I died in season 2 at the walker in the shed part. I play on Ps3, and I put my controller on my lap after clicking the bandages, started scratching my legs, and the walker started attacking. I pulled my arms back to it quickly, but instead of swiftly grabbing the controller I swiftly sent it across the room, because my palm hit the analog sticks. I was then helplessly devoured.
First fight. I did put bullet in a gun but then I missed... and about 5 deaths in Clem's house.
I've never expressed a goal-oriented focus on being either funny or mean for the sake of it. That is low, desperate, wounded, base, and attention-seeking behavior that demeans the quality of a post.
I operate as an honest, righteous and upstanding user. Whatever discomfort or saltiness you experience in the wake of my forthright posting is as incidental as it is inconsequential. Take it inside of you and have your own spirit journey. One day with enough soul-searching you'll be able to strike the down the stilts that hold up your fortress of co-dependently arisen anger like Mel Gibson did that house with South Africans in it in LW2 I think.
Season 1 - When your about to start punching Andy didnt realise what you have to press on console (it had been A for every other thing, bow it was X and
. After Andy started hitting me I just couldnt click in time and he beat me to death.
400 Days. I got Bonnie shot in the cornfield because I jumped into the light by mistake.
Season 2 - Non so far, I think closest was at the first part with Winston, wasnt expecting to have to move directionally.
The Brenda bug caused me to die quite often in Season 1
In Season 2, Clem got eaten by that waitress walker, because I didn't see the machete and tried to push the walker away
Btw, I am a true survivor by your definition
Season 1 - When you're walking to Brenda and Katjaa and she tells you to stop, I kept walking and she shot me O.o
Season 2 - The shed when you had to grab the hammer. My reaction time isn't very quick.
You've admitted to being a troll numerous times. If I'm not mistaken an Internet troll posts mean, disrespectful, and crude things simply for the negative feedback.
It's raining on my vacation
Empty castigations of "Troll" serve a liminal function designed to Other and is inherently exclusionary. It's a symptom of communities built on the puritanical frameworks of paranoia, fear, and a need for safety and convention that boarders on neurotic.
I troll to trawl, and I trawl to catch, and what is caught and revealed both to caster and the caught, so that all may be illuminated and laid bare in the high noon sun. Most of the revelations focus on the fact that a lot of people here are terrible posters, sure, but you have to start at ground zero.
What is it with you and calling people terrible posters? The hilarity that I found from the hypocrisy that radiates from your comments has long since worn off. If you must make negative comments to try and earn attention, then that makes you no better than the common troll.
...Are you really so delusional as to think that of yourself? Lemoncakes, you've done nothing on this forum but be mean for the sake of it. Sure, your first post on this thread may have been just to grammar nazi, but you just had to add that he was a "terrible poster". For what purpose? Well, I'm sure that you think you were just being "truthful", but to a normal person, that is known as being mean for the sake of it. Making typos is fairly normal on the internet. In his case, english wasn't his first language. Sure, feel free to grammar nazi all you want, but you don't have to add a negative connotation to everything, it's just unnecessary.