(?) ___ will remember that...

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

I haven't noticed too many people talking about this so i'm just going to bring it up... If you sit with Kenny in the lunch room scene, it never says "Luke will remember that..." but if you sit with Luke it says "Kenny will remember that...", I'm sure that was intentional and that is very terrifying. I didn't sit with Luke in my original playthrough because I thought it'd be nice to catch up with Kenny but then I did the opposite and noticed that little change. I don't know the significance of it but I am hoping telltale didn't just put it in there for shits and giggles.



  • edited April 2014

    ya.. I just thought that maybe luke wont have to remember that because he wont be around for long...NOOO NO NO NO! hes not going to die!

    ugghh... although he could... DARN IT

  • I hope Luke doesn't die but i'm sure telltale has... their plans. I suppose, since he's not loved by everyone yet, they will make his character do something so that the majority does love him then they'll kill him off.

    ya.. I just thought that maybe luke wont have to remember that because he wont be around for long...NOOO NO NO NO! hes not going to die! ugghh... although he could... DARN IT

  • edited April 2014

    I actually think Luke will understand if you sit with Kenny, since you are catching up. Kenny should understand if you sit with Luke, because you guys already talked and that's you group, but it's Kenny, he will hold anything against you. :b
    Also, Luke only raised his hand, while Kenny was faster and he did called us. Clem could easily pretend she didn't saw Luke (even though she did), but pretending she's deaf would be harder.

  • edited April 2014

    Probably because Luke isn't a grudge wielding prick like Kenny. Love you Kenny :p

  • edited April 2014

    Because Luke won't hold it against her, unlike Kenny who will hate you unless you kiss his ass?

  • Maybe its more significant for you to sit with Kenny. Luke may be more understanding that clem wants to catch up with kenny but if you sat with luke kenny will think you've moved on with this new group. so it hurts kenny more to know you've moved on rather than understanding with luke that you want to catch up with a friend you haven't seen in a long time. if you understand me....

  • They did that with Shaun in Season 1. When you tell him about the walker you killed it'll say he'll remember it.

    ya.. I just thought that maybe luke wont have to remember that because he wont be around for long...NOOO NO NO NO! hes not going to die! ugghh... although he could... DARN IT

  • Wait, what!?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Probably because Luke isn't a grudge wielding prick like Kenny. Love you Kenny

  • I sat with Luke, because honestly, I quit caring about Kenny when he called Ben a shitbird again. Fucking Ken.

  • I think Kenny might mention it if you didn't sit next to him. As you can see, he seems pretty pissed in the preview for ep 3 if you give up at the ski lodge.

    That's the Kenny we all know and love, I guess.:)

  • Hey, it's hard to deny isn't it?

    Wait, what!?

  • Oh, sorry I just had trouble understanding what you originally posted. Your original post was:

    Probably because Luke it's a grudge wielding prick like Kenny. Love you Kenny :p

    I assumed that you meant "is" instead of "it's." Which means I thought you were saying that Luke is a grudge wielding prick like Kenny.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Hey, it's hard to deny isn't it?

  • edited April 2014

    I'm thinking that there are going to be a lot more of these small decisions in the series, Eventually leading to something big like whether or not Kenny snaps and flips his shit, or something like that.

  • Yeah sorry, I realized my phones error a bit too late :p

    Oh, sorry I just had trouble understanding what you originally posted. Your original post was: Probably because Luke it's a grudge wie

  • Couldn't agree more, Harpa. He was redeemed for me right up until he said that :/

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I sat with Luke, because honestly, I quit caring about Kenny when he called Ben a shitbird again. Fucking Ken.

  • And the more famous example, is when you get a notification "Carley will remember that"...a couple seconds before her brains are blown out.

    They did that with Shaun in Season 1. When you tell him about the walker you killed it'll say he'll remember it.

  • I had my problems with him from a story perspective, but from a perspective of looking at him as a person, I had only one problem (and a major one at that, with him and the fucking door), but I was willing to let that go (for the most part) if he really did sacrifice himself for Ben. It would make his character complete. Not only did he not sacrifice himself, but he also regrets it. He regrets it. Damn, Ken. I tried. I did.

    That1Guy posted: »

    Couldn't agree more, Harpa. He was redeemed for me right up until he said that

  • I just hope its not like choosing a side like with Kenny and Lilly from series 1. that would be repeating things I think, and I don't want to play that part again.

  • I wouldn't say he regrets it but remember you can still hate somebody or feel contempt even after you forgive them
    Kenny may have forgiven ben but that doesn't mean he forgot what he did

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I had my problems with him from a story perspective, but from a perspective of looking at him as a person, I had only one problem (and a maj

  • Well clem knew kenny longer so.....

  • He said he shouldn't have tried to help him.

    I wouldn't say he regrets it but remember you can still hate somebody or feel contempt even after you forgive them Kenny may have forgiven ben but that doesn't mean he forgot what he did

  • But he's being a bit of a prick. Luke has only done two things that could possibly be seen as bad, and both were when he thought she was going to turn and maybe kill someone.

    Rylee posted: »

    Well clem knew kenny longer so.....

  • Spoiler much?

    And the more famous example, is when you get a notification "Carley will remember that"...a couple seconds before her brains are blown out.

  • edited April 2014

    Quote please?

    As far as i remember he only said: ''For some reason i tried to save that fucking shitbird ben''.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    He said he shouldn't have tried to help him.

  • I think it's acceptable to bring up events from season 1 on a thread about season 2...

    Spoiler much?

  • I'm not saying that it's not, I was commenting on the fact that you didn't use a spoiler tag.

    Toitle_John posted: »

    I think it's acceptable to bring up events from season 1 on a thread about season 2...

  • What the guy above said he didn't say I shouldn't have saved he stated that for some reason he tried to save him
    Like I said he may have forgiven him but that doesn't mean he likes him

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    He said he shouldn't have tried to help him.

  • Point still stands, it's a thread about season 2, not really necessary to tag season 1 spoilers.

    I'm not saying that it's not, I was commenting on the fact that you didn't use a spoiler tag.

  • This thread uses a season 2 spoiler tag. If somebody is looking at this or playing Season 2 without knowledge of season 1, they won't care.

    I'm not saying that it's not, I was commenting on the fact that you didn't use a spoiler tag.

  • I was paraphrasing, and "for some reason" implies heavy regret.

    Quote please? As far as i remember he only said: ''For some reason i tried to save that fucking shitbird ben''.

  • It was clearly regret in his voice and words. Not dislike.

    What the guy above said he didn't say I shouldn't have saved he stated that for some reason he tried to save him Like I said he may have forgiven him but that doesn't mean he likes him

  • For all we know he could've regretted staying behind when he could've shot ben and left with lee he may have regretted it but he knew it was the right thing to do he hated bens guts yet still probably knew it wouldn't be right to just leave him like that
    Either way he still did it for either two reasons
    1) he had forgiven him but still held contempt
    2) he knew that in the end that was the right thing to do

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    It was clearly regret in his voice and words. Not dislike.

  • We know Ken better than that. He always stands behind his decisions, no matter how ridiculous. The only reason he might regret something is his opinions on the people behind it might change.

    For all we know he could've regretted staying behind when he could've shot ben and left with lee he may have regretted it but he knew it was

  • edited April 2014

    Here's what i understood when he said ''for some reason'':

    ''That boy killed my familly and fucked our group. But for some reason i still sacrificed myself to save that kid''.

    ''For some reason'' does not imply heavy regret, it implies ''i can't explain why i did that''.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I was paraphrasing, and "for some reason" implies heavy regret.

  • But think about this though he always wanted ben to die but when the situation came he couldn't let ben suffer (its something I gotta do) while he may regret it I think that deep down he knew that was the right thing to do

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    We know Ken better than that. He always stands behind his decisions, no matter how ridiculous. The only reason he might regret something is his opinions on the people behind it might change.

  • Which, coupled with his tone, and facial expressions, implies regret.

    Here's what i understood when he said ''for some reason'': ''That boy killed my familly and fucked our group. But for some reason i still

  • Thanks for coming to my planet. I disagree that he knew it was right, but you now agree with me. Thank you.

    But think about this though he always wanted ben to die but when the situation came he couldn't let ben suffer (its something I gotta do) while he may regret it I think that deep down he knew that was the right thing to do

  • edited April 2014


    ''For some reason i tried to save (once he gets at this point of the conversation his expression and tone change because he's thinking about the person that ''killed'' his familly) that fucking shitbird Ben.''

    As a Ben fan, i think it's completely reasonable to call him a shitbird and to find weird to save him after all he did.
    And as i said above, he only changes his tone when he thinks about Ben, not about saving him.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Which, coupled with his tone, and facial expressions, implies regret.

  • I mostly say that he knew it was right because of the line he tells lee "it's just something I gotta do"

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Thanks for coming to my planet. I disagree that he knew it was right, but you now agree with me. Thank you.

  • That was in the heat of the moment. While he still felt bad for Ben.

    I mostly say that he knew it was right because of the line he tells lee "it's just something I gotta do"

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