What did you tell _____?


What did you tell Carver? in the cabin, he seems to the type of person who will turn your words against you. also if you jump and protect Alvin I am guessing that is going to come back and bite us.

my results:
In the cabin I try to tell there was a large number in this group and they would be back any sec, also I ask Carver why I couldn't trust them. I also told him I had a gun and try to lock the door - it didn't work.



  • I really up played the group I was with, while still withholding all vital information. Even my name.

    I'm not as sure on the running to Alvin's aid situation like you are. I have a feeling Carver may respect her courage.

  • I said I was I was with a large group, but didn't mention carlos, didn't say they were my friends, and when Sarah's photo came up I said it must have been a girl who lived here.

    all I know about with Alvin, it said Carver will remember that. it might be the fact you try to save Alvin and he would use that against Clem, or that Clam try to stop him

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I really up played the group I was with, while still withholding all vital information. Even my name. I'm not as sure on the running to Alvin's aid situation like you are. I have a feeling Carver may respect her courage.

  • Well, i told him my name, i have awesome adorable name so i want praise it to the world!

  • lol
    I didn't I just ask who his name was and he said George. he lied and Clem had a option saying Carly

    Well, i told him my name, i have awesome adorable name so i want praise it to the world!

  • I didnt give him any information, but i was pretty rude to him, saying i dont care when he mentioned carlos.

  • lol to you too, my Clem isn't a lier : )

    lol I didn't I just ask who his name was and he said George. he lied and Clem had a option saying Carly

  • edited April 2014

    laughs I didn't have the nerve to that. what did he said after you were rude to him, did he got mad or something.

    Rylee posted: »

    I didnt give him any information, but i was pretty rude to him, saying i dont care when he mentioned carlos.

  • No my Clem isn't a lair I was honest with all my replies. its just Carver was a stranger and I didn't want to give him my real name, if he could be trusted (and I don't he can be, seem to be a sick guy) I would tell him the truth but until that I am not giving my details to someone I didn't know.

    lol to you too, my Clem isn't a lier : )

  • I tried to make it seem like I was wary of him as a stranger but I tried to hide the fact that I knew about who he was or how much of a threat he pose. I shook his hand but I didn't tell him my name and I told him I was with my dad and that we were just passing through.

  • It could go either way. Carver likes control, so I can see him holding that against her. Carver is also intelligent. So I can see him admiring her spunk, courage, and do ability. Personally I lean towards th e latter. My theory is he will try to indoctrinate her into his culture.

    I said I was I was with a large group, but didn't mention carlos, didn't say they were my friends, and when Sarah's photo came up I said it

  • I didn't went with Carly thro, I just ask who his name was and he said he was George. I was trying to find more about him but if I didn't I would have said Carly. no details to strangers that's all.

    lol to you too, my Clem isn't a lier : )

  • I told Carver my name. But I did try to keep my distance by telling him that I'm not with the Cabin group.

    And of course I don't care if saving Alvin had consequences. Remember the watch in the drawer? A lot of us thought that it was gonna get back at us somehow.

  • true that's a good point.

    Gengar posted: »

    I told Carver my name. But I did try to keep my distance by telling him that I'm not with the Cabin group. And of course I don't care if

  • I said I was Carley. Not entirely sure why.

  • don't give your name to a stranger...that's a pretty good reason why.

    I said I was Carley. Not entirely sure why.

  • My theory is he will try to indoctrinate her into his culture.

    This shit seems rather familiar...an evil dude using a child so he could raise a kid under his power to create another tyrant in his image...pretty familiar...

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It could go either way. Carver likes control, so I can see him holding that against her. Carver is also intelligent. So I can see him admiri

  • I know, but if I personally was in that position I would have just asked him what his name was.

    I just felt obligated to choose the Carley option for some reason. :S

    don't give your name to a stranger...that's a pretty good reason why.

  • I lied until I realized it was futile. Said it was me and my dad, and kept to that story. Eventually I said, "Get out." And, once I figured he knew without a doubt, I said, "I trust them."

  • Me, too. I wanted to keep my name unknown, but I didn't want to tip him off about it. I just wonder why she'd say Carley, because she only knew Carley for one night in my game. Christa'd be more in the forefront of her mind, or even Molly.

    I said I was Carley. Not entirely sure why.

  • I told him that uncle Pete trusted me!

    (And i obviously was very rude to him and didn't tell him anything about the cabin group, because i wanted to protect my BFF Sarah!)

  • because it was a link to the past series, and maybe you save Carley or something.
    I ask for Carver's name and he lied and said his name was George. George is the man Alvin killed and maybe Carver's friend???? not sure.

    I know, but if I personally was in that position I would have just asked him what his name was. I just felt obligated to choose the Carley option for some reason. :S

  • because i wanted to protect my BFF Sarah!

    I'm guessing this is because of the pinky swear XD

    I told him that uncle Pete trusted me! (And i obviously was very rude to him and didn't tell him anything about the cabin group, because i wanted to protect my BFF Sarah!)

  • " I'm guessing this is because of the pinky swear XD "

    Well yes, obviously! You can't break the unbreakable pinky swear! :D

    Gengar posted: »

    because i wanted to protect my BFF Sarah! I'm guessing this is because of the pinky swear XD

  • Because a pinky swear is forever...and unbreakable...

    Alt text

    " I'm guessing this is because of the pinky swear XD " Well yes, obviously! You can't break the unbreakable pinky swear!

  • It does?

    Gengar posted: »

    My theory is he will try to indoctrinate her into his culture. This shit seems rather familiar...an evil dude using a child so he could raise a kid under his power to create another tyrant in his image...pretty familiar...

  • It does?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It does?

  • I just don't remember a similar situation taking place... Even outside the game let alone in it.


    It does?

  • Woo MOLLY!!

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Me, too. I wanted to keep my name unknown, but I didn't want to tip him off about it. I just wonder why she'd say Carley, because she only knew Carley for one night in my game. Christa'd be more in the forefront of her mind, or even Molly.

  • I acted like a smarta** toward him lol. he also hit clem in my play through and it said: Carver will remember that

    so that going to bite me in the butt

  • He said
    "for a kid you're not very polite"
    Then clem replied "you're not polite for an adult, this is my house"

    laughs I didn't have the nerve to that. what did he said after you were rude to him, did he got mad or something.

  • edited April 2014

    ...pretty familiar...
    Alt text

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I just don't remember a similar situation taking place... Even outside the game let alone in it. Kony2014?

  • lol she said that in my play through and I was like OOOOHHHH GET SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN!!!!

    Rylee posted: »

    He said "for a kid you're not very polite" Then clem replied "you're not polite for an adult, this is my house"

  • yup

    because it was a link to the past series, and maybe you save Carley or something. I ask for Carver's name and he lied and said his name was George. George is the man Alvin killed and maybe Carver's friend???? not sure.

  • I'm so dumbfounded.

    ...pretty familiar...

  • If only that was an option to say..... :D

    lol she said that in my play through and I was like OOOOHHHH GET SOME ICE FOR THAT BURN!!!!

  • He can hit her?? What did you say to him??

    I acted like a smarta** toward him lol. he also hit clem in my play through and it said: Carver will remember that so that going to bite me in the butt

  • I told him my name was Carley, that I was there with my Dad, then said we'd been there for a year. I was trying to convince him that the cabin group wasn't anywhere in the area, or at least not at the cabin. When he asked about them, I just told him it was a lot of people to lose. I did pretty well, I think, except for when I went for the knife in the kitchen. I figured he already knew, or at the very least strongly suspected, that his missing people were staying in the cabin, so I figured I'd give it a shot.

  • Flabbergasted even.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I'm so dumbfounded.

  • edited April 2014

    I was slightly passive-aggressive when Carver showed up, told him only her and Ed lived in the cabin, reversed the question and asked his name, and I used options like "I do mind" when he wanted in the cabin, DIDN'T mention Christa because if Carver somehow did capture her it might be bad news for her.

    And he didn't hold my Clem at gunpoint because I went out to find Kenny.

  • Same may say confounded.

    Flabbergasted even.

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