Who is the most annoying character and why?



  • Ha. Hahahahaha. I love this post.

    More like mediocre Lee-wannabe.

  • Spoiler

    Becca and Duck did nothing but piss me off. The only reason I cared about Duck's death or when Kenny called you "Duck" by accident is because I like Kenny

  • You've missed my point.

    Also, I don't see how she's a rebel...?

    She's good natured yes, and doesn't show it all the time, but that's the case with lots of characters.

    Anyway, I was talking about the way she awkwardly leaves the group.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    She's a rebel with a Heart of Gold(TM)! She's mad because her >INSERT SIGNIFICANT PERSON< died! Yeah that's some Dickens right there.

  • Oh come now GOUSTTTT, you should know my position on Kenny this season :p

  • Exactly. Not everybody gets to be the hero, or gets to make the morally good choices. I think that's the strongest part with TWD universe - the living have it worse off than the dead simply for being flawed humans. At least the dead only has a single and simple objective. And in so, we are the walking dead trying to find some semblance of peace, not those walkers. Telltale did such a wonderful job of incorporating that grey area from the comic books. It's not something as simple as survival of the fittest or trying to bring peace to the world, it's about being this flawed human who's selfish and afraid, but has to struggle to make the best choices and live with the regret that comes. And you're right about Nick. He really presents... I'd say a much smoother representation of a cowardly character, in that at least he comes off as less annoying.

    I think the thing with Nick is because we were at least allowed to understand where he's coming from early in the season - an inferiority complex with his Uncle Pete - whereas with Ben, his backstory wasn't explained until much later. When we can't relate to a character like Ben, and he does stupid stuff along the way, it's inevitable that we'd start to be ticked off and stuff.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Very, very good points. I love the end. It's very easy to write a likable character, and it's very easy to write a vicious bastard, bu

  • Heh... Just for the record though, I was referring to Luke when I mentioned the wannabe. I could see why Kenny fans would get confused and thumbed me down. :P

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Oh come now GOUSTTTT, you should know my position on Kenny this season

  • Well that's sad. Although Applicable To both, it meant more when directed at Kenny xD

    Heh... Just for the record though, I was referring to Luke when I mentioned the wannabe. I could see why Kenny fans would get confused and thumbed me down. :P

  • I forgot the pregnant woman name that wanted clem dead when she first laid eyes on her around when clem got bit from that dog, she is very annoying to me. plus she's the reason why all the non-sense started anyway about who she pregnant by....UGH! i wish they hurry up w/the other season I want that intruder dead!

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    Kenny could never strive to be like Lee even if Duck's life is dependent upon it. Like Lee said, 'he's no hero.' Sorry, Kenny fans. :P

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Well that's sad. Although Applicable To both, it meant more when directed at Kenny xD

  • edited April 2014


    Rafoli posted: »

    Even her face makes her look like an asshole

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    Does this describe it?


  • That would be Rebecca.

    Ladiiviix3n posted: »

    I forgot the pregnant woman name that wanted clem dead when she first laid eyes on her around when clem got bit from that dog, she is very a

  • She's not an asshole. She's desensitised. Know the difference.

    gd3232 posted: »

    Because she's an asshole.

  • I bet that backhand stung bad...... xD

    Kenny could never strive to be like Lee even if Duck's life is dependent upon it. Like Lee said, 'he's no hero.' Sorry, Kenny fans. :P

  • *Lady

    Striker707 posted: »

    calm down man, i hope she is alive(she have to be alive)

  • edited April 2014

    " Also, even though Kenny in the game is not really annoying, some of his fans annoy me to no end, which has led me to kinda dislike the character. "

    You dislike a character because you don't like the characters fans? The fans didn't change Kennys character in any way, he is still the same character that he always was and always will be. I understand that you don't like Kenny fans, that's just your personal opinion. But saying that you dislike Kenny for that, doesn't make any sense.

    Anyway, the most annoying character is Nick in my opinion. He nearly killed me the first time i met him and he wasn't nice to me ever since. He keeps screwing up things and just feels like a slighty better version of Ben in my opinion. I know Nick went though alot recently and lost alot of people he cared about, but so did everyone else, that's no excuse for his mistakes. It's a zombie apocolypse after all.

    Mr_Eeuss posted: »

    Ben and his fucking uselessness. Even though my Lee was a good guy, I just couldn't be nice to Ben. I still saved him from the tower though.

  • Hmm.. didn't remember that. Thanks for bringing that up, man!

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    If you go and talk to her after the train station incident, if I remember correctly, she says you made the right decision in taking her with

  • Kenny, because he regrets from saving Ben and called him "shitbird" also he didn't help my Lee in many situations only because I don't help him to kill Larry...

  • Pretty easily Lilly for me. She generally treated the group like crap 24/7.

  • Tie between Lilly and Shitbird

  • Does this describe it?

  • yes rebecca sorry ass..lol thank you

    Rock114 posted: »

    That would be Rebecca.

  • i agree

    Chronos1234 posted: »

    Kenny, because he regrets from saving Ben and called him "shitbird" also he didn't help my Lee in many situations only because I don't help him to kill Larry...

  • there was to many faults when kenny could have done things to help, especially when it came to help get clem back. that why his dumb self got jumped by a bunch of old ppl. lol

    Ladiiviix3n posted: »

    i agree

  • yes ben a punk also an outcast, but i chose to ease up on him, cause thats just me.

    MayorMilk posted: »

    Tie between Lilly and Shitbird

  • edited April 2014


    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I also want to poke Bonnie's eyes out and then force her to eat em with some beans and peaches. What a biatchh. She's ugly too

  • I really hate the people who want Clementine to be a badass or to butcher Carver in cold blood. I'm sure she's got no love for him, but she's still a child. She's been effected by the world, but she isn't heartless. There's a huge line between having little hope in humanity (which is what Clementine amounts to at worst, depending on your choices) and being a blood-letting "badass".

    I see people comparing Ellie and Clementine and I cringe. One's a plausible little girl who develops into a survivor, the other is some wannabe tough bitch who has an almost raped moment thrown in for sympathy.

    Yeah, it is a serious concern. A lot of her hardcore fans are already shouting everywhere how "badass" they want Clementine to be, how th

  • lmfao

    Imsopretty posted: »

    Speaking of Bonnie...She said in episode 2 that she has a child.Do you think that is true? I am sorry if the question is stupid.

  • I miss Doug.

    Greg Miller, most annoying ever!

  • Season 1: Christa and Omid kinda annoy me

    Season 2: Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin,

  • Omid? Really? He's quite loved to most people I see here. He's also (still) on my Top 5 favourite characters.

    PoppyP posted: »

    Season 1: Christa and Omid kinda annoy me Season 2: Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin,

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited April 2014

    Season One Duck & Larry. Both are pretty obvious as to why. I actually liked Duck though mind. But he was annoying in Episode 1 and 2 in particular.

    400 Days Becca. And no, I didn't dislike her as much as most people. But she really did feel like an Anti-Clementine. Which (at the same time) I thought was pretty cool.

    Season Two Carlos. I don't really know why, but I'm just not that fond of him at all. It probably it has something to do with him being an apparent doctor and still not being able to tell the difference between a dog bite and a Walker bite or perhaps when he asked Clementine how big the "Little house" was. Or perhaps the time he had no idea how to turn off the windmill but when the eleven year old girl said she could do it he thought it was fine and put 100% trust in her.

    Honestly, I don't like Carlos too much. Is he annoying though? I found him annoying noticeably in Episode 1 for me. Not as much in Episode 2. In Episode 2 he came across as the idiot of the group, which isn't a good thing when he's a supposed doctor.

  • yeah but he was annoying :)

    CathalOHara posted: »

    Omid? Really? He's quite loved to most people I see here. He's also (still) on my Top 5 favourite characters.

  • And there was also the fact that she had to sell her body.

    Flog61 posted: »

    You've missed my point. Also, I don't see how she's a rebel...? She's good natured yes, and doesn't show it all the time, but that's the case with lots of characters. Anyway, I was talking about the way she awkwardly leaves the group.

  • edited April 2014

    She had sex to obtain medicine in order to keep her sister from dying.

    Is that particularly rebellious?

    And there was also the fact that she had to sell her body.

  • lol You misunderstood. I meant that the whole ordeal might have fucked her up a little bit. Selling sex for a piece of shit like that takes character.

    Flog61 posted: »

    She had sex to obtain medicine in order to keep her sister from dying. Is that particularly rebellious?

  • edited April 2014

    First time I meet Christa I hate her too, he was so much annoying, but then she became cool, Omid was cool from the very beginning :D

    PoppyP posted: »

    Season 1: Christa and Omid kinda annoy me Season 2: Sarah, Rebecca, Alvin,

  • it's the apocalypse get over it

    That's... really not a good line of logic to use. "Lilly killed Carley because she might be a danger? It's the apocalypse! Get over it! The St. Johns cut off someone's legs to eat? It's the apocalypse! Get over it!" All of these things (including stealing the food) could be construed as doing what you have to do to survive. Yes, even cannibalism and protecting your family.

    I'm not saying he was in the right, because he wasn't, but our decision cannot be excused simply by saying, "Well, it's the apocalypse, we had to do it!" That could be used to defend the most vile things.

    stupid dumbass shouldn't of left his car unattended. Oh yeah and I bet he didn't steal anything like you steal his supplies, I'm sure he bought his food legally from the grocery store.

    Well, we don't know how he acquired that food, but it was likely by looting some place. The thing is, what's left behind with no owners is totally up for grabs. Anyone who suffers from it didn't get there fast enough. However, stealing something that is clearly in someone else's possession is quite different, and more of a morally incorrect act. Looting abandoned places with no one left and no system in power is a matter of scraping what you can. Stealing from someone is just that.

    The car was out of gas, so they had no choice but to leave it there unattended while they looked for the Stranger's son. Leaving it open was dumb, sure, but it's not like locking the doors would stop bandits from getting in. They'd just break the windows open. He just assumed no one would be along since he probably didn't even know about the Save Lots assholes running around, and walkers have no interest in his food.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    I have to say The Stranger. After hearing the creepy voice on the radio I was thinking it was gonna be some actual evil bad guy which was

  • Alt text

    Oh, God. Here comes the hatred. Let me explain this. She wasn't annoying in the standard way, she was annoying in that she was wasted potential. She set herself up as a be-all, end-all judging you. but fuck, she was not. You can argue to kill a child, and she'll still say, "YOU SEEM LIKE A NICE GUY." She seems like an idiot after that.

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