For those who played TLOU is it just me?



  • Reach was pretty good, but I couldn't stand 4. The campaign and Spartan Ops seemed repetitive, and multiplayer was fun for a little while, but it's boring if you're not playing with friends.

  • I AGREE.
    (?) Clayton_Boylan agrees with you.

  • edited April 2014

    Thanks for telling me but checked still there can't wait for your st

    @Markd4547 I think the story forum was removed, you got to set up a new one!

  • It is close but I wouldn't call it a complete rip off. Even though I do think there are some things that bothered me like how it's of a man that's taking care of a little girl (even though Joel is older than Lee and Ellie is older than Clem). I know TLOU was being made before the walking dead game was but I just felt like I was playing the walking dead just slightly changed.

  • Keep in mind that these games were being worked on at basically the same time. TLoU was in development for three years, TWD around two with TWD releasing a year earlier.

    Besides, if TLoU has some subtle nods to TWD, is that really the worst thing in the world? I like it when greats nod at greats.

  • edited April 2014

    Absolutely, play it. And I recommend you do your first playthrough on Hard difficulty. It's what I did, and it was harrowing and awesome.

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • Yeah, it's just a coincidence. Like when a rash of movies come out about the same time with similar premises (like the whole body-switching thing in a bunch of 80s movies, or Armageddon and Deep Impact, etc.)

    sos4prez posted: »

    Keep in mind that these games were being worked on at basically the same time. TLoU was in development for three years, TWD around two with

  • Really? I enjoyed the campaign immensely.

    Reach was pretty good, but I couldn't stand 4. The campaign and Spartan Ops seemed repetitive, and multiplayer was fun for a little while, but it's boring if you're not playing with friends.

  • Clear copy? Ben's was a freak accident, Joel's was an attack that he fell down from. Very different to me.

  • Alright.

    First, why would you even get a game that centers around a child when you have a strong distaste of children? In fact why would you have even bought ttg twd for the same premise? That just seems completely counterintuitive. It's like saying I hate the thought of aliens, but I bought mass effect expecting I would enjoy it. What?...

    Secondly, the majority of players found the scene very moving, and I'll explain why. It's a little thing called empathy. While her dying it itself was sad to most people because she was a seemingly nice, innocent, little girl and the way she was attacked was unprovoked, undeserved, and from what seemed like a person who is there to help and protect the innocent peoples, the true touching components were again empathy related. We didn't know her well, not beyond her being friendly and giving to her father, but what we saw when she died was the reflection of who she truly was by empathizing with Joel and his miserable, disheartened, horrifying state. The way he broke down showed us who he had lost and how much she meant to him. In the end while we weren't directly attached to her character we were indirectly attached by Joel and his reaction to losing her. It's much more complex than "We had 15 minutes so we couldn't be attached to her," after all, Joel had 15 (I think?) Years with her.

  • edited April 2014

    Well, there were TWD nods in TLOU. Clem's house made an appearance. :S

    EDIT: ah. saw above.

  • I was actually more curious as to whether the TLOU writers were inspired by the scene where you get to choose whether to give a high five to Duck in Episode 3. There's an almost identical scene with Ellie.

  • edited April 2014

    These assumptions of TLOU copying TWD are getting crazy. The funny thing is most of these things have happened in video games before the creation of either TLOU or TWD.

    I was actually more curious as to whether the TLOU writers were inspired by the scene where you get to choose whether to give a high five to Duck in Episode 3. There's an almost identical scene with Ellie.

  • If anything, Joel's impalement reminded me of a similar scene in the 2013 Tomb Raider game, where Lara ends up impaling her side after falling a great height and landing on a large set of bones, one of them going straight through. Both Lara and Joel even got impaled in the same area (right side of the torso, below the ribcage, above the hip bone).

    Ben's fall appeared to be closer to the center of his chest/torso area. Close, but both his fall and the location are different enough to point out.

  • Give me your complete list of games where you, as an older man, are allowed to either give a high five to a child or leave him/her hanging. Extra points if the game takes place during a zombie apocalypse.

    And notice I said 'inspired', not 'copied.' One has a connotation of putting in a scene as a fun nod to another game, the other has the connotation of ripping off someone else's work. You used the latter and I used the former.

    Lee4ever posted: »

    These assumptions of TLOU copying TWD are getting crazy. The funny thing is most of these things have happened in video games before the creation of either TLOU or TWD.

  • Wtf did you talk about TLOU in the TWD forum

  • There's some thematic similarities - man looks after little girl to earn some form of redemption in an apocalypse... but that's it, in my opinion. I didn't even notice the similarities between Joel and Ben's injury because they're both handled in such different ways.

  • You're probably not going to get a decent answer here, as most of the people are riding the TWD train (and a lot of people hate anything that's similar to it for some stupid reason). You'd probably get a better answer on a different site.

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • edited April 2014

    People think that TLOU copied TWD, but their only basis for this is that TLOU came out at a later date.

    Fun fact, it actually went into production before TWD.

  • I didn't know about a code,since I got the digital version :(

    Rigtail posted: »

    Well the code for multiplayer didn't even come with my copy so now I have no intentions of ever trying it. I bought it used from gamestop for around $50 if that makes a difference, I heard it does though. Yes, I checked the receipt and nope, no code.

  • edited April 2014

    I never bought TWD and to be completely honest, I never wanted to try it, Clem being one of the many reasons. I got it as a gift because I was a huge fan of the show and Telltale proved me wrong, and that's probably a first. I still don't understand how people can be so sensitive to shit like this.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Alright. First, why would you even get a game that centers around a child when you have a strong distaste of children? In fact why would

  • This is a stupid comparison. Both games are different and used the moments to create different emotions. What i feel like your saying is no one else can have J letter in their username cause I have it and used it. Otherwise your just copying me!

  • edited April 2014

    What do you mean sensitive? You gave a reason why you didn't like her death, and I gave a more in depth rebuttal as why most do. I fail to see how that means I was sensitive to the subject. Far from it, I enjoy controversy (a reason I enjoyed tlou so much).

    And you being given the game makes sense. But why did you get tlou? Or was that also conveniently given to you? :p

    Rigtail posted: »

    I never bought TWD and to be completely honest, I never wanted to try it, Clem being one of the many reasons. I got it as a gift because I w

  • The game is damn good, it is personally my game of the year in all honesty. No hate to other games out there, I just really believe the game is a masterpiece

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • edited April 2014

    If you still have access to halo 2 I have a suggestion. Get a friend in coop and go to the level that starts on the bridge (its got a tank and warthog and such on the one side, and you bum rush the cov on the other). One hop in the tank and start trekking down the highway, the other get in a warthog and ram the back side of the tank, try to wedge it up under the tank. Me and my friend spent hours doing that, good fucking times.

    EDIT: It has some unexpected, exciting aftermath

  • No, you're not the only one. And how Ellie wanted to help him so much. Well, unlike Clem, she actually could back then, because she was older. But now, Clem can kick ass. I think Clem's more badass than Ellie.

  • Xbox fans be all like "TLOU sucks." Haha.

    No there's really no comparison between the two incidents. Sure, same injuries, but there's really nothing else to compare.

  • Oh you poor, poor soul..
    I hope you get better soon.

  • Neil Druckmann said that they drew inspiration from TWD, the formulas of both games are very similar with the caretaker and the girl. But they are both good in their own ways.

  • It has it's own pros and cons like every good game. And if it's your thing, the multiplayer is a good part of it.

    I always wanted to play The Last of Us, but I'm too poor. Is it fun?

  • Clementine certainly made a better first-impression.

    Azlyn posted: »

    No, you're not the only one. And how Ellie wanted to help him so much. Well, unlike Clem, she actually could back then, because she was older. But now, Clem can kick ass. I think Clem's more badass than Ellie.

  • Haha now that would have been a blast! Reliving glory days with a new friend :b

    Anyways, when/if you do it tell me how fun you found it :D

  • Both games copied MGS3 when Eva got impailed by a branch. Trolololo

    Seriously OP? TWD isn't the first game who did that.

  • you have 17 accounts?, what a saddo

    Rigtail posted: »

    Nobody would watch it and you'll just waste your time uploading it.

  • No problem.
    By the way you seem really cool.

  • Uh-huh. Despite it all, i actually like Ellie.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Clementine certainly made a better first-impression.

  • I actually went out to get it for myself. All the hype and good reviews convinced me to try it out, and I didn't want to miss out. Now I'm not saying it was a bad game, far from it actually.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    What do you mean sensitive? You gave a reason why you didn't like her death, and I gave a more in depth rebuttal as why most do. I fail to s

  • edited April 2014

    And to think I own this game...

  • Who said i have 17 accounts? ._.?

    you have 17 accounts?, what a saddo

  • TLOU and TWD are like my two favorite games off al time! It's not because you like TWD you have to dislike TLOU?! And NO. That's totally not a copy of when Ben falls off that balcony. 1) Joel got pushed.. Ben didn't get pushed though. TLOU is totally different than TWD. It has some similarities like Joel and Ellie and Lee and Clementine..But that's all can think of. (Sorry if my English isn't that good.)

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