Who's death affected you most? (excluding Lee)



  • I can't just chose one... damn... Ok i'll say Omid. Ben is actually a close second (both of his deaths are sad) but I recall whenever Omid died it completely ruined my week :I

  • PloopPloop Banned


  • I love dogs but I never cried at Sam's death because he hurt Clem, which is just something he couldn't really help but I didn't find it sad. The only thing that brought me to tears in that part would be Clem's emotions afterward.

    Strangely enough, Sam. Just...the whole scene, the look on Clementine's face and the complete heartbroken way she says "I'm sorry, Sam..." bah. I have no emotional fortitude when it comes to dogs.

  • I didn't even get to give him water in my canon playthrough because I gave it to Victor :(

    Fucking Victor screws me over AGAIN. And I thought Winston was a jackass...

    Same man, Pete's death was too early.

  • Yeah Larry probably would've done it

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    This was the moment that indirectly killed Carley. If Larry hadn't died Lilly wouldn't have done what she did.

  • edited April 2014

    It might have been for completely meta reasons for me as well; my dog died about a week before All that Remains came out, so that scene punched me in the gut way more than it might have otherwise.

    Kind of blew.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I love dogs but I never cried at Sam's death because he hurt Clem, which is just something he couldn't really help but I didn't find it sad. The only thing that brought me to tears in that part would be Clem's emotions afterward.

  • Omid, his great personality and jokes made living in the apocalypse that much easier, and now that he died, everything is cerainly alot less happy.

    1. Omid
    2. Ben
  • edited April 2014

    Pete (If you saved him). Just seeing him like that and Nick and Luke's reaction....

    Alt text

    If not Ben. I mean either death he fell from a building and either broke his legs while he was eaten or he was impaled while he was eaten, besides when he said he wanted to die....

  • Oh god, all those feels when Pete died.

    Juice-Box posted: »

    Pete (If you saved him). Just seeing him like that and Nick and Luke's reaction.... If not Ben. I mean either death he fell from a bu

  • Omid for season 2, for sure. Telltale welcomes you back to The Walking Dead Game with a quick little funny scene and then a slap in the face. Uncle Pete's death was so sad, too... I saved him at the stream and hearing him realize that he didn't want to die and hearing him talk about Nick ("Oh Nick, that stupid kid...") and then him sacrificing himself for Clem was just :'( Season 1 was probably Ben and Kenny's (supposed) death in the alley. Katjaa's death, too, was just a huge shock for me and I couldn't believe what she had done.

  • Season 1, it was Ben and Kenny.

    Season 2 , it was Alvin. Because it honestly could have been avoided, I felt like a complete idiot when I made the mistake to tell Kenny to shoot.
    Rebecca crying and screaming for him made me feel so bad :c

  • Mine was Kenny. It's just me and him were cool so when he pushed me in the gate and locked it.l just started staring at my tv screen,tears rapidly streaming down my cheeks no sounds just silence.

  • Ben. Regretted dropping him for the rest of the first season.

  • Omid, he was a good guy, and died trying to protect a little girl. I got mad respect for that man.

  • Kenny's death was meaningful and heroic and after that sequence I was filled with respect. But then, y'know...

  • Would you feel better if she'd have a romance with a girl? :)

    In my opinion it doesn't really matter if we're a girl dating a boy, or a boy dating a girl, or all of the mixes, I would just want the chance to keep a romance going.

    Deceptio posted: »

    But most players of the Walking Dead are boys, and I don't think people want to be in a relationship with a boy in the game... :P

  • If only that was the case :). they'd have to come up with so many stories to tell I think they'd run out after 4-5 seasons, but you never know, telltale seems to be able to amaze a lot :)

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    Yeah they'd have to skip time loads. That's why we should have 10 seasons of this superbly written masterpiece

  • Omid, just because of how sweet he was was! Telltale you know how to hit me RIGHT in the feels.

  • Ben ... He was a good kid.

  • edited April 2014

    Duck and Katjaa's death were just so sad. You spend 30 minutes talking about Duck dying and then even more shit hits the fan...

  • Larry was a complete idiot. But killing Carley, nah he would've killed Lee if he was going to kill anyone.

    Yeah Larry probably would've done it

  • Pete died knowing how much you cared for him Rock114.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I didn't even get to give him water in my canon playthrough because I gave it to Victor Fucking Victor screws me over AGAIN. And I thought Winston was a jackass...

  • Carley's and Omid's.

  • Good point. Finish at series 5 maybe with closure for Clementine and her future. A happy ending would be nice.

    If only that was the case . they'd have to come up with so many stories to tell I think they'd run out after 4-5 seasons, but you never know, telltale seems to be able to amaze a lot

  • Can you please remove spoiler from title? There still may be some users that didn't coplete season 1.

  • I had actually forgotten about Sam but yes, for the moment that it happened Sam's death took the cake for hardest for me. No matter if he attacked Clem or not, I could watch Lee tell her he'll miss him a hundred times over before I'll put myself through the dogs pained writhing and whimpering.

    Strangely enough, Sam. Just...the whole scene, the look on Clementine's face and the complete heartbroken way she says "I'm sorry, Sam..." bah. I have no emotional fortitude when it comes to dogs.

  • edited April 2014

    this is about kenny ihes not making it out of season 2 rember if you can die you will die they brought him back for some more fans beacuse belive me lots of people did stop playing but yeah guys im sorry but kenny is MARKED FOR DEATH

  • omid for sure

  • Are you one of those people who, in a scene where meteors are falling on Downtown New York and killing thousands, if not millions, of people, screams "Oh no! There's a dog there!"? It not a bad thing if you are :).

    Strangely enough, Sam. Just...the whole scene, the look on Clementine's face and the complete heartbroken way she says "I'm sorry, Sam..." bah. I have no emotional fortitude when it comes to dogs.

  • OMID's.... i still think it totally sucks now,i was all set for a new fresh start with Christa and Omid and looking forward to continuing the old group in the countryside and seeing the new baby....i hate it...i hate how it felt rushed...i hate it

  • Carley, Duck and Omid.

  • Yeah, I hope there is not a sad ending to the series. Would love it to end on a more happy note. but that wouldn't be very walking dead-ish so we'll see. Atleast it's not over yet. :)

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    Good point. Finish at series 5 maybe with closure for Clementine and her future. A happy ending would be nice.

  • Omid's death was the worst for me. I just was not expecting it, especially so soon. I also had mentally prepared myself for Christa's death prior to S2 (I was convinced she would die during childbirth, and Omid would have been the one to become cold and bitter), so Omid's death was a complete shock. Plus the way it affected Christa and Clem just killed me.

  • Clementine in the... oh no wait you're not suppose to know this yet, just forget it please.
    But honestly now I would go with Chuck, when i saw his body in the sewers, I'm not sure why but it just broke my heart.

  • edited April 2014

    Carley's for sure. It was just totally unexpected and sudden...
    However considering season 2, I would say Matt's death. He appeared to be a nice and friendly guy. And that chat between him and Clem, which I just loved:

    • M: (...) Are you assholes? No offense or anything. But you know how it is out here.
    • C: You're the one holding a gun.
    • M: Touche.

    Damn you, Nick...

  • Carley's too for the first season and Pete's for the second season :(

  • I would argue that if Carley had stopped running her mouth for a second, she may not have been shot. I mean, come on, telling an angry, distraught person a gun in her back pocket to "get the fuck over it", on top of all the suspicion that was already surrounding her, was a terrible idea on Carley's part.

    TWD_1992 posted: »

    This was the moment that indirectly killed Carley. If Larry hadn't died Lilly wouldn't have done what she did.

  • Katjaa and Duck's death

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