ATTENTION! Question for you all.
If you felt your life had been completely destroyed, and the only thing that awaited you was pain and misery, would you kill yourself?
First of all,Creepypastas are fucking awesome and if you are easily scared you shouldn't read them.Second of all,Pewds is a cool dude so don't be a hater
creepy pastas have to be one of the most retarded things ever invented, it's right behind pewdiepie.
please don't shit on something i love and that's so great. this should be illegal
First of all,Creepypastas are fucking awesome and if you are easily scared you shouldn't read them.Second of all,Pewds is a cool dude so don't be a hater
Nope. One thing I promised myself is that I'll never politely agree to my own demise. Neither will I allow myself to get slaughtered without a fight. And like I've said, I'm stubborn as hell.
ATTENTION! Question for you all.
If you felt your life had been completely destroyed, and the only thing that awaited you was pain and misery, would you kill yourself?
ATTENTION! Question for you all.
If you felt your life had been completely destroyed, and the only thing that awaited you was pain and misery, would you kill yourself?
Nope. Lived in The Bronx all my life and never seen a game in person. I went once in 2011, but it was rained out. I maayyyy have a chance this year, though. Have you been to a game here?
Yup.Without friends or fun what other reason is there to live for?
First of all,Creepypastas are fucking awesome and if you are easily scared you shouldn't read them.Second of all,Pewds is a cool dude so don't be a hater
omg blocked reported and burned with fire.
Yep. Tore his tongue out an everything. Tragic. But, you know... stuff happens...
Because [reason]
Omg me tooooo
Nope. One thing I promised myself is that I'll never politely agree to my own demise. Neither will I allow myself to get slaughtered without a fight. And like I've said, I'm stubborn as hell.
Because fuck the police?
The best blowjobs.
Nope, I always hated that people think killing themselves is the answer. You stick around, and be there for people who need you.
That is as explicit as a teacher who secretly doesn't know the answer and says:Why don't you do a little research?
But now,seriously....
No ,fuck wall street!
Cool! I used to live in Okoshi!
Oh that's awfully nice of you...
Because fuck Greg miller!
I don't know. We have wolves here, but I decided to make my wolf white.
You have strange taste in women...
Don't criticize.
In all seriousness though, that would scare the shit out of me if I actually saw it lol.
Sir Goose, when thy creepypasta shall be out?
Not sure. Sunday, at best, but I have to do a lot of research.
Don't rush him, let the man do his thing.

I didn't, I was just curious as I didn't check the thread in a long time.
Thank you my friend and saturday a Playing Dead Episode and that means why are going to have fun.
I can't wait to see that asshole's face
This is going on in my mind

You're a Yankees fan? Awesome!
You should post who you chose to be in the Creepypasta
I put them in as I go along. If I need a certain personality type for a certain scene, then the closest person is put in.
Oh okay
Sweet! Have you ever been to a Yankees game before?