Has anyone not died once?

I don't know why but I much sharper in reactions when playing as Clem, due to the fact she isn't someone you want to see hurt. Don't think I've failed a QTE once.
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I don't know why but I much sharper in reactions when playing as Clem, due to the fact she isn't someone you want to see hurt. Don't think I've failed a QTE once.
I don't think so...I died a bunch of times as Lee, though.
I fell off the bridge once, that was it... and that was a subtle death scene.
I got mauled by Sam
Well i did not die once in episode 3,4 and 5, but besides that i have died once in every episode XD
Well mine PS3 controller had some problems so I died a few times with Clem at Episode 1 and when it was ficked never again and with Lee never.
I think I've died at leaste once in every episode. Episode 3 at the motor Inn with the bandits, like 10 times.. It was a rough day!
Nah, I never died.
Never with Clementine, thankfully.
My Lees've died a bunch of times, particularly when replaying Episode 2.
(?) Grab the gun! Dies
and of course:
PUT THE GUN DOWN, BITCH!! ^2xinfinity
I've been mauled by the zombie in the shed, but that's about all.
How the fuck 10 times?
Damned Obama is good in the game
Not as clem so far
me too.
As Clem, no. I've always had a pretty bad fear of seeing harm done to children in any way, so I tend to be trying very hard not to die. :S
because I was overthinking the senerio. I thought I was missing something rather than just shoot them.
I only died one on the bridge being Clem just because I didn't see the arrow, completely forgetting about QTEs for whatever reason... Other than that I try my best to not ever see a Clem death scene
That Brenda social boss was the best. I was so tempted to say that, already told her "You're all sick. Sick in the head."
Surprisingly, nooope!
In Season 1,
The police zombie. Wasn't adjusted to the controls yeah that was it, yeaah!
only once but wasn't my fault the controller got stuck and caused me to de.
I haven't failed a QTE as Clem yet, at least not on my canon playthrough. The fact that she's a little girl means you really gotta stay on edge. You have to always be prepared to evade walkers, as well as quickly scope out makeshift weapons. More than half of the QTE in season 1 was just mashing X because he mainly used his physical might.
Season 1 a couple times mostly due to my game lagging. As Clem I believe I died at the beginning when fighting Winston. I moved the stick thing in the direction I was supposed to and it didn't work
I died so many times with Brenda my first play through
Console players know the pain of having to shoot walkers in first person, especially at the motel.
When i first did a asshole Lee playthrough i chose "put the gun down bitch" without thinking and she shot me, it made me lol :P
I have never died as Clementine but i did have a few dumb Lee deaths like the first zombie cop and during the puzzle at the motor inn in episode 1 where i needed to kill the walker near the RV.
That part brings back the scary feel. I remember dying at that just trying to time the door, just for the immersion.
As Lee, I died once. I can't remember where, but it was a walker fight. I use the minimal GUI setting so I had no idea where to hit it. As Clem, I haven't had a single death. I felt like such a boss after the bridge scene.
As Clementine i didn't die yet but as Lee i died lots of times especially at one specific point. The building where you enter to get the blowtorch. I couldn't figure out how to get back the weapon you use to hold the door open. Literally facepalmed when i found out how.
As Clementine I died in the shed.... Very tragic death... The zombie picks you up and bites your neck... all you see is Clem wiggling her legs and then they stop moving.
Never died MASTER RACE.
Just like on the bridge dam those death scenes are brutal.
My only death when Andy pointed a gun at me when escaping the meat locker.
I didn't die a single time in Season One.
I think I've died maybe 4 or 5 times in Season 2. The QTEs are much harder...
walker in the shed like 30 times cause i didn't know i had to pick up the hammer, other than that none other time
Maybe you should take him on your boat.
You're right, this son of a bitch is slightly better at QTE than me anyway...
Danny kill me more than 5 time lol
How botchu you stop runnin yo mouth Kenny before I get the cancer patients to whoops yo ass.