4 New screenshots/Thoughts
This episode looks damn good. They said Characters dead or alive from 400 days will play a role on this episode, so get ready. Maybe we'll see Nate again . The picture with Carver looks like he's beating Clem. I say this because look closely at his hand it looks as if he's holding onto a ponytail. That could be the result of Clem trying to steal from the camp. Eddie looks like the guy with the blue hat. Will we see a Becca Vs. Clem fight? This episode looks like it will be another Governor Woodberry attack like the show. Hopefully our 90 minutes will be worth the wait. Kenny isn't in any of the pics because I think something crazy will happen. Kenny Vs. Carver death match. I can't wait to see Clem in her puffy war rainbow jacket
. An all out war has begone.
What are your thoughts on the new screens for 203?
So what are your thoughts/predictions on the screens?
Kenny isn't there because spoilers for those who haven't played episode 2.
Wait,is Carver grabbing a Walkie Talkie in his left hand ?
I can't see Carver beating up Clem in such a bloodbath. Though it does seem suspicious that in the achievements it says something like "Got beaten down" and "Gave what you got".. So it's all in the realm of possibility I guess.
What have i missed? Omg, EP3 Screenshots, I'm so excited.
lol, Sarah's face tho.
Sarah! NO!
first picture is Clem and Sarah surrounded inside the camp, the second is presumably outside - possibly Clem makes a run for it or forced to leave. As no one else is shown, must assume that she is isolated again. I don't know who the person holding the AK47 in the left corner of the screen is, but gotta assume that their face and upper body are hidden for a reason. Why else would you show half of a person holding a gun unnecessarily. I don't know if anyone can figure out whose hands they are, but I think they are Vince's or possibly Shel's. Thoughts?
Clem's new jacket=mega badass rainbow level 9000
(i want da trailer.)
I like Clemmy's jacket ^-^
The jacket is really cute! '-'
Screenshot 1-Cease to function
MOLLY 2.0 incomming!
Warm Puffy Rainbows!
Also anyone notice Clem is holding the Hatchet Hammer that Ben took off the door handles in S1EP4 and the bottom part of the walkie-talkie Carver is holding has a piece missing and is pretty messed up, if you zoom in.
I don't think that's Kenny who Carver is beating up, because the person on the ground appears to have a blue cap/hoodie/whatever, and Kenny has a red cap.
The last screenshot worries me. I have a bad feeling that it could be Clementine because this person doesn't look like Kenny to me.
Ah, shit, we're gonna have to deal with Sarah and walkers? I hope she doesn't get in the way. I don't hate her, I hate that Carlos hasn't taught her anything to survive if she were to be separated from them.
It looks like that might be the part when the storm of walkers comes through Carver's camp and you have to try to escape. I agree with you about Sarah, hope she doesn't get in the way, lol.
Clementine in the last picture? No way! She don't have that hair style.
It's probaply Sarita...
Stupid Carver is gonna regret this. Kenny's SaltLick is confirmed for Season2! (No joke, it really is!)
Right *
Kenny isn't in the picture because its too spoilery
1. This looks (and I think it is) the poster shot for the third episode. Looks like Clem gets a new jacket (getting colder?) and Sarah's there so she could play a big part in this episode?
2. I think you're right about Clem smearing blood over her jacket (like Lee taught her! :D) to avoid detection from walkers. I also noticed she had some on her face so she kind of looks like how she does on the "Amid the Ruins" slide.
3. So everyone's here except Kenny (because of spoilers for people who don't know he's alive still as Echopapa said) and Luke (but we know from ep2 that we wasn't captured by Carver). We also see two characters, possibly from 400 days or just people we don't know yet and are just part of the camp. The one who is farther away I think is most likely Eddie but I'm not too sure about the other one.
4. Lastly, I don't know who this is but it could be Clementine or someone else with dark hair (most likely Clem). I think this is after the achievement "Not in Nottingham"- got beaten down because (what I think is that) Carver gets really angry about Clem stealing the walkie-talkie and dare I say it might hit her. Either this or "Always the Quiet Ones" or "Rehabilitated".