
  • Yeah :)

    I was a little disappointed to be honest, i thought we would learn more about the settlement.
    The new character seems okay but i don't really find him that interesting to be honest.
    Rafoli posted: »

    He's back, you know? You could continue it now :) So, what do you think about the new playing dead? I personally didn't like it.

  • Lol can you imagine if they pulled a Season 1 on us again and made his 'death' a mystery till Season 3 ? XD

    I hope Clem survives, one because i don't really want to play as anyone else in S3 and two because i don't think i could handle her death T_T
  • Do you think Carver is gonna kill Reggie ?
    xValkyx posted: »

    I really hope it will be. I don't remember Job's exact words from Twitter but it was along the lines of ''No trailer.. just yet" it's

  • He's probably the one that gets murdered. Poor new version of Omid/Walter :/
    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah :) I was a little disappointed to be honest, i thought we would learn more about the settlement. The new character seems okay but i don't really find him that interesting to be honest.

  • I honestly don't know.

    Reggie seems like a nice guy and it wouldn't surprise me if he tries to help us later on (maybe he helps us with stealing whatever it is we steal) so perhaps he will, but i really don't know.

    your thoughts?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Do you think Carver is gonna kill Reggie ?

  • If he doesn't i will be a bit surprised given that in The Walking Dead if you're a really nice person you seem to be cursed with death early on.
    Rafoli posted: »

    He's probably the one that gets murdered. Poor new version of Omid/Walter :/

  • Imagine if this happens.

    Reggie turns out to be Pete's cousin, the one he mentioned in Ep.1 when he said he cut off his arm and survived.

    When he sees Nick, he tried to help the group but Carver sees him and kills him/Beats him down.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I honestly don't know. Reggie seems like a nice guy and it wouldn't surprise me if he tries to help us later on (maybe he helps us with stealing whatever it is we steal) so perhaps he will, but i really don't know. your thoughts?

  • Oh...yeah that as well xD

    I hope we get more info tomorrow. If we get a trailer i think i'm going to cry of happiness and pass out.
  • Yes, that would be an overused principle, in my opinion. It's wrecking the atmosphere for me.
    xValkyx posted: »

    If he doesn't i will be a bit surprised given that in The Walking Dead if you're a really nice person you seem to be cursed with death early on.

  • Wow i never thought of that.

    That's a good theory and i could see it working but didn't Pete say his cousin lived down in (insert name here)? he could of ended up there of course but still. Your theory is good though and it would be a nice twist if it turned out to be true. It seems he hasn't been there for long anyways as the group seem to not know him.

    I wonder what would happen though if you got Nick killed?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Imagine if this happens. Reggie turns out to be Pete's cousin, the one he mentioned in Ep.1 when he said he cut off his arm and survived. When he sees Nick, he tried to help the group but Carver sees him and kills him/Beats him down.

  • The way they speak of him though makes me think he will actually survive. I bet the image on the achievement is just to throw us off. Like something may be going to hit him but he moves out the way and it hits someone else, idk (just using examples) he may be part of the scene itself but not actually the one who dies, you know?

    they can't keep using the nice ones always die too soon method or it just gets repetitive and expected.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Yes, that would be an overused principle, in my opinion. It's wrecking the atmosphere for me.

  • He's my favourite superhero! :D i love reading the comics and i used to love watching Batman:The Animated Series as a kid x3
  • Clem probably ends up telling him how he met the group anyway and how Pete trusted her. My guess.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Wow i never thought of that. That's a good theory and i could see it working but didn't Pete say his cousin lived down in (insert name

  • Good point. I think i'm going to like this guy :3
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Clem probably ends up telling him how he met the group anyway and how Pete trusted her. My guess.

  • The comics are so much more darker than the movies :)
    I LOVE Mark Hamil's joker the most, that laugh is amazing x33 i also adore Harley Quinn
  • I made a thread about it. Check it out :)
    xValkyx posted: »

    Good point. I think i'm going to like this guy :3

  • He is, he just has that perfect voice for him.

    I liked her in the games as well :3 she's also one of the few characters i ship in a yuri relationship xD (HarleyxIvy, but Harley and the Joker are the bomb x3) i don't like her 'new 52' outfit though. It just seems so out of character and is just there for fan service :/

    the many laughs of Mark Hamil's joker x3
  • Ha, it seems a lot of people also think it's possible :3
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I made a thread about it. Check it out :)

  • edited May 2014
    I'm a fan of Deadpool as well x3 i also like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but i dunno if they count xD

    Yuri = Relationship of 2 girls
    Yaoi = Relationship of 2 guys (basically gay and lesbian ships xD)

    I'm a fan of both :P
  • Haha Yeah. It all fits. That would be cool if it happened.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Ha, it seems a lot of people also think it's possible :3

  • It better happen now or i'll be rather disappointed xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Haha Yeah. It all fits. That would be cool if it happened.

  • You like it that much ? Lol.
    xValkyx posted: »

    It better happen now or i'll be rather disappointed xD

  • Well i would prefer it to him just being a really nice random person we meet at the camp xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You like it that much ? Lol.

  • I can't trust Telltale to stop doing that, unfortunately :/
    xValkyx posted: »

    The way they speak of him though makes me think he will actually survive. I bet the image on the achievement is just to throw us off. Like s

  • I really wish they would ._.
    Rafoli posted: »

    I can't trust Telltale to stop doing that, unfortunately :/

  • Yeah, I think we've had enough of random people XD.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Well i would prefer it to him just being a really nice random person we meet at the camp xD

  • I mean random people are cool and all but you know...variety is nice XD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, I think we've had enough of random people XD.

  • I like his references to things x3

    lol i never thought i would be explaining that to someone XD
  • We are getting a Trailer this coming week.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I mean random people are cool and all but you know...variety is nice XD


    i have NO idea what i'm going to do for the wait, but at least we know now when we will get the trailer x3
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    We are getting a Trailer this coming week.

  • I'm not that happy :/ I was expecting it today or tomorrow. This means no Episode until the other week.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I KNOW I READ ABOUT IT AND I AM A HAPPY BUNNY RIGHT NOW! TwT i have NO idea what i'm going to do for the wait, but at least we know now when we will get the trailer x3

  • edited May 2014
    UHH damn i'm on the spot now xD i don't want to write a huge ass list of my interests sooo...

    i like reading (pretty much any books so long as it's good, though i like to avoid teen romance fiction =_=)
    I like learning Japanese, i like to bake (not sure if i mentioned that or not), i love Asian horror movies and old school horror movies (like old Dracula movies,ect), i like cartoons (yes i watch all the cartoons i used to when i was a kid xD) i also like Adventure Time and Gravity Falls (2 modern cartoons which are actually good), Tea, watching some Tv Shows, i have an interest in the supernatural and mythology and that's all i have from the top of my head XD

    you? :3 (i basically ended up writing a lot after all lol)
  • Longest conversation ever...

    And still going.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm not that happy :/ I was expecting it today or tomorrow. This means no Episode until the other week.

  • To be honest, after seeing what we got today and thinking about it, i lost hope for us getting a trailer tomorrow after all. I was reading other peoples opinions on it and i guess it helped ease the disappointment for me xD;

    I know it's annoying, but at least we have been confirmed it now ^^; *hugs* i'm sure the week will go by in a flash, we just have to stay positive! :) besides the trailer might give us a lot to speculate on so it won't feel as if the days are dragging as much.

    I do hope though they are faster for the release Ep4 though, since we have already been given achievements for it.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm not that happy :/ I was expecting it today or tomorrow. This means no Episode until the other week.

  • I just realized i accidentally cut a huge part of my list off, oops xD (lawl enjoy reading that)

    I read manga :3

    I've watched a few episodes of it and i like it but i never had time to watch the rest xD
  • Telltale releasing Fast ? You're crazy lol. It's all worth the wait though.
    xValkyx posted: »

    To be honest, after seeing what we got today and thinking about it, i lost hope for us getting a trailer tomorrow after all. I was reading o

  • Right :3

    lol yeah, i guess i can be overly optimistic sometimes xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Telltale releasing Fast ? You're crazy lol. It's all worth the wait though.

  • You remind me of Azlyn a bit.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Right :3 lol yeah, i guess i can be overly optimistic sometimes xD

  • How so?
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    You remind me of Azlyn a bit.

  • I don't know. Just some of the things you say. You're both really sweet as well and I love you both.
    xValkyx posted: »

    How so?

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