And how exactly would you suffer? You wouldn't even know, that the release was pushed back, because of some regions.
Or are you implying that you are more privileged than others?
Nice to see PSN users in Europe getting no information. AGAIN. You'd think by now telltale MIGHT have realised it'd be better for customer s… moreatisfaction if they kept customers a bit better informed. But no, we get a "it's coming soon" followed by a guy who works for telltale getting retweeted saying "it's coming soon". Then once it's released next Wednesday or Friday, fully a week after most other platforms have got it, someone from the telltale team will wail "oh but it's so complicated with PSN in Europe, it's completely different from North America". While it may have been excusable the 1st time, after the 4th and 5th time the EXACT SAME THING happens, customers in Europe get the impression you're not actually that bothered. Consolation prize this time round, it doesn't sound as though the episode has been that well received, so at least we're not having to wait around for anything good.
I've heard otherwise, people claim that it's on steam for NA, which would be weird as Steam doesn't really do region-releases.
Might be people lying though, either way, only thing to do is wait and see.
I've heard otherwise, people claim that it's on steam for NA, which would be weird as Steam doesn't really do region-releases.
Might be people lying though, either way, only thing to do is wait and see.
I've heard otherwise, people claim that it's on steam for NA, which would be weird as Steam doesn't really do region-releases.
Might be people lying though, either way, only thing to do is wait and see.
Is the episode released tommorrow in EU? Can't be too hard to answer such a simple question! Please, TTG, we do not complain, we just want to be informed, cause we pay you enough money to be treated as valuable customer and not ignored and forgotten, even in EU.
I agree. I am waiting for EU release because it affects Australian release as well. I wish they could've just said something about it. I am fine with waiting, just as long as we know at least. I appreciate the game and enjoy it, and of course that means being keen to play the next episode.
Is the episode released tommorrow in EU? Can't be too hard to answer such a simple question! Please, TTG, we do not complain, we just want t… moreo be informed, cause we pay you enough money to be treated as valuable customer and not ignored and forgotten, even in EU.
You know what? I agree. We need to give them a break, they're doing the best that they can. I think they're still trying to figure out how to please the public all at once, but I'm okay with it. At least they're putting forth the effort for us.
I also agree. Telltale has really stepped up their game since the Walking Dead season 1. Back then we were lucky to get a episodes within two months of each other. And now we are getting two episodes in one month. Ep 3 of The Walking Dead and now Ep 4 of The Wolf Among Us.
You know what? I agree. We need to give them a break, they're doing the best that they can. I think they're still trying to figure out how to please the public all at once, but I'm okay with it. At least they're putting forth the effort for us.
deleting posts ? no i flag them for double posting/ or flag the idiot who i was replying to, or i think of something to say and then think no better not say that cos it'll make 'said idiot' cry/shit their pants therefore i cancel the comment all together, wouldn't want to get banned for some petty shit again...
I guess sarcasm and sassiness is completely going over your head..
and since you bothered to 'stalk' me why not take a look at my posts that actually are about psn eu stuff ? oh wait your cherry picking my activity on here in an attempt to discredit me...
And i do believe that topic/thread you've highlighted was not made by a mod or staff member it was some normal forum user who apparently doesn't think this topic was good you are wrong in saying telltale is to blame... it is sony...when telltale said they are waiting for sony... unless you're living in opposite land that can only mean one thing...
If you used your skills in deduction you'd discover that psn Europe is the only platform not mentioned . Which funny enough, is the only pla… moretform that hasn't got a release date, which is why many of 'us' have been wanting a release date.
I don't even know why I'm explaining this to you after looking at your bio, are you even allowed to play this game? And as for posts, I don't delete mine like a certain ''superspesh" when they get disliked.
erm someone would be likely to leak the info, some staff give in to email spammers and release info under the rather flimsy 'don't share it' please..
or some of the more eagle eyed internet surfers among us find out when it's been classified/certified.. and they post it on here.
so instead of pissing in the psn eu gamers cornflakes they are instead pissing in everyone elses..
and thus the forums would have some users complaining about that..
fact is when telltale have the game ready to test/certify they ship it/upload it.. after that they wait for those companies to inform them this is such a simple concept i really do wonder how people can still misunderstand it...
it's as simple 2+2 = 4.. but some of you psn eu users seem to REALLY SUCK AT MATH.
And how exactly would you suffer? You wouldn't even know, that the release was pushed back, because of some regions.
Or are you implying that you are more privileged than others?
After hearing this now I'm not sure if i stay around for S2 if it happen and S1 ends not without a Cliffhanger. Didn't get into the whole Thing as much as i first thought.
Just wanted to give the heads up that Episode 4 of TWAU is available on PS3 for download. For whatever reason, it is not showing up in the PS store, but you can download it from the menu screen in-game. 72% right now...I'll let you all know how it turned out later.
Telltale you fucked up the forums...I tried posting this as a thread in the TWAU forum and was given the message "You do not have permission to post in this part of the forum". What the hell is this?
So here's what it is: sometimes people post threads without clicking the spoiler box(indeed, sometimes they can make a title that makes it redundant). With the recent release of episode 4 on PC and Steam, it's perfectly reasonable. They don't have a filter or someone who reads what's typed up before a thread gets posted, it just gets posted. If they'd rather not put people on watch to take down thread after spoilery thread, more power to them. They already have mods and self-motivated users who patrol the posts, and that requires some dedication. Even then, timing is everything, so they're just looking out for guest visitors. We will probably get to post new threads later.
Just wanted to give the heads up that Episode 4 of TWAU is available on PS3 for download. For whatever reason, it is not showing up in the P… moreS store, but you can download it from the menu screen in-game. 72% right now...I'll let you all know how it turned out later.
Telltale you fucked up the forums...I tried posting this as a thread in the TWAU forum and was given the message "You do not have permission to post in this part of the forum". What the hell is this?
I am so mad at Telltale right now... I still haven't played the episode but 70 minutes? Really!!!???
I miss the days when I spend hour… mores and hours on The Walking Dead Season 1... This just killed my hype, really.
Stop rushing for those games and focus on the ones you still have! DUH!!!
And how exactly would you suffer? You wouldn't even know, that the release was pushed back, because of some regions.
Or are you implying that you are more privileged than others?
I also agree. Telltale has really stepped up their game since the Walking Dead season 1. Back then we were lucky to get a episodes within … moretwo months of each other. And now we are getting two episodes in one month. Ep 3 of The Walking Dead and now Ep 4 of The Wolf Among Us.
I hope they release it soon on PSN EU (so that its out in Aus too), but I get the feeling it may be a couple more days. Here is hoping Sony will pull through quick enough.
If so I'm gonna have Job the Liar's head on a plate. ;)
Let's hope it gets released within the next few minutes.
Or are you implying that you are more privileged than others?
Might be people lying though, either way, only thing to do is wait and see.
Is the episode released tommorrow in EU? Can't be too hard to answer such a simple question! Please, TTG, we do not complain, we just want to be informed, cause we pay you enough money to be treated as valuable customer and not ignored and forgotten, even in EU.
I say no need to be harsh on TTG. They are pushing for shorter release dates and problems are bound to happen. Nobody is perfect.
I hope it releases for PS3 soon. I really want to play it before I go to work today.
I agree. I am waiting for EU release because it affects Australian release as well. I wish they could've just said something about it. I am fine with waiting, just as long as we know at least. I appreciate the game and enjoy it, and of course that means being keen to play the next episode.
You know what? I agree. We need to give them a break, they're doing the best that they can. I think they're still trying to figure out how to please the public all at once, but I'm okay with it. At least they're putting forth the effort for us.
im downloading now on steam. (EU)
I also agree. Telltale has really stepped up their game since the Walking Dead season 1. Back then we were lucky to get a episodes within two months of each other. And now we are getting two episodes in one month. Ep 3 of The Walking Dead and now Ep 4 of The Wolf Among Us.
Yep, it's available for PSN NA now
in store? i just checked it wasnt there ill go back tho and c
ah yes it is there thank u
oh right so i'm the one at fault here ? pffft..
deleting posts ? no i flag them for double posting/ or flag the idiot who i was replying to, or i think of something to say and then think no better not say that cos it'll make 'said idiot' cry/shit their pants therefore i cancel the comment all together, wouldn't want to get banned for some petty shit again...
I guess sarcasm and sassiness is completely going over your head..
and since you bothered to 'stalk' me why not take a look at my posts that actually are about psn eu stuff ? oh wait your cherry picking my activity on here in an attempt to discredit me...
And i do believe that topic/thread you've highlighted was not made by a mod or staff member it was some normal forum user who apparently doesn't think this topic was good you are wrong in saying telltale is to blame... it is sony...when telltale said they are waiting for sony... unless you're living in opposite land that can only mean one thing...
sorry but poor effort salt VERY POOR indeed.
erm someone would be likely to leak the info, some staff give in to email spammers and release info under the rather flimsy 'don't share it' please..
or some of the more eagle eyed internet surfers among us find out when it's been classified/certified.. and they post it on here.
so instead of pissing in the psn eu gamers cornflakes they are instead pissing in everyone elses..
and thus the forums would have some users complaining about that..
fact is when telltale have the game ready to test/certify they ship it/upload it.. after that they wait for those companies to inform them this is such a simple concept i really do wonder how people can still misunderstand it...
it's as simple 2+2 = 4.. but some of you psn eu users seem to REALLY SUCK AT MATH.
here's an idea...
don't believe everything you hear..
not everyone plays the same way..
these reviewers may of skipped options/dialogue and just speed ran it..
or they just happen to figure stuff out really quickly..
if you fail a qte or decide to explore everything available then it'll be around 90 minutes i reckon.
how much more news than
do you brainiacs want ?
i mean seriously...
restart steam if it's not automatically updating.
steam is worldwide.
but of course it may take some minutes to an hour for all steam servers to have the episode.
restart steam every 30 mins or so to check for it.
Just wanted to give the heads up that Episode 4 of TWAU is available on PS3 for download. For whatever reason, it is not showing up in the PS store, but you can download it from the menu screen in-game. 72% right now...I'll let you all know how it turned out later.
Telltale you fucked up the forums...I tried posting this as a thread in the TWAU forum and was given the message "You do not have permission to post in this part of the forum". What the hell is this?
Don't listen to the complaining. This episode might not be as long as the others by a significant interval, but it's good. You get what you pay for.
So here's what it is: sometimes people post threads without clicking the spoiler box(indeed, sometimes they can make a title that makes it redundant). With the recent release of episode 4 on PC and Steam, it's perfectly reasonable. They don't have a filter or someone who reads what's typed up before a thread gets posted, it just gets posted. If they'd rather not put people on watch to take down thread after spoilery thread, more power to them. They already have mods and self-motivated users who patrol the posts, and that requires some dedication. Even then, timing is everything, so they're just looking out for guest visitors. We will probably get to post new threads later.
any new on ps3 EU
I miss those days too, I would spend hours on my iPad that the battery would run out nowadays it's different.
As an EST person, do I have too wait for Hawaii to reach Wednesday May 28 for the episode to download on Xbox?
Does anyone know when it'll be released officially on the xbox 360? It shows the option to download it, but when I go to do so it won't let me.
Privileged? Your the one that wants Telltale to push back releases to make you feel better
Are we europeans getting a delay again?
still no sign of it on psn uk
Very true i agree with that good point we're getting two eps in one months and people are complaining of a slight delay just chill and all will appear
I hope they release it soon on PSN EU (so that its out in Aus too), but I get the feeling it may be a couple more days.
Here is hoping Sony will pull through quick enough.