You couldn't believe that you basically helped you best friend murder someone, but it felt right. They attacked her first.
You walk … moreover to the person and finally get the knife out of them.
You look at Gia, who had her hands on her knees, panting hard.
You look back up and see a little girl and a woman walking up.
"Can you help us, please?" The little girl calls out to you and Gia.
"Who are you?" You ask the women
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The older lady responds to you. You inspect the lady further and notice a bite on her arm. You tap Gia's arm and point at the lady
"I need you to take Clementine out of here. Away from the town, away from me." Christine says, already tearing up.
Clementine looks up at Christine, who releases her hand.
Christine kneels down next to Clementine and wipes away her tears "It's not safe anymore, you need to get out of here. If these girls … [view original content]
You couldn't believe that you basically helped you best friend murder someone, but it felt right. They attacked her first.
You walk … moreover to the person and finally get the knife out of them.
You look at Gia, who had her hands on her knees, panting hard.
You look back up and see a little girl and a woman walking up.
"Can you help us, please?" The little girl calls out to you and Gia.
"Who are you?" You ask the women
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The older lady responds to you. You inspect the lady further and notice a bite on her arm. You tap Gia's arm and point at the lady
"I need you to take Clementine out of here. Away from the town, away from me." Christine says, already tearing up.
Clementine looks up at Christine, who releases her hand.
Christine kneels down next to Clementine and wipes away her tears "It's not safe anymore, you need to get out of here. If these girls … [view original content]
I gotta agree with me here, killing the kid would be really cruel. Even if he's bitten, can't we take a little kid?? (This choice might very well get me killed... oops.)
You couldn't believe that you basically helped you best friend murder someone, but it felt right. They attacked her first.
You walk … moreover to the person and finally get the knife out of them.
You look at Gia, who had her hands on her knees, panting hard.
You look back up and see a little girl and a woman walking up.
"Can you help us, please?" The little girl calls out to you and Gia.
"Who are you?" You ask the women
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The older lady responds to you. You inspect the lady further and notice a bite on her arm. You tap Gia's arm and point at the lady
"I need you to take Clementine out of here. Away from the town, away from me." Christine says, already tearing up.
Clementine looks up at Christine, who releases her hand.
Christine kneels down next to Clementine and wipes away her tears "It's not safe anymore, you need to get out of here. If these girls … [view original content]
You couldn't believe that you basically helped you best friend murder someone, but it felt right. They attacked her first.
You walk … moreover to the person and finally get the knife out of them.
You look at Gia, who had her hands on her knees, panting hard.
You look back up and see a little girl and a woman walking up.
"Can you help us, please?" The little girl calls out to you and Gia.
"Who are you?" You ask the women
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The older lady responds to you. You inspect the lady further and notice a bite on her arm. You tap Gia's arm and point at the lady
"I need you to take Clementine out of here. Away from the town, away from me." Christine says, already tearing up.
Clementine looks up at Christine, who releases her hand.
Christine kneels down next to Clementine and wipes away her tears "It's not safe anymore, you need to get out of here. If these girls … [view original content]
Introduced characters: ATR is 16
Puncake is 37
Ricard is 23
Paul is 26
Gia is 17
Clementine is 8
Cole is 35
Kaden is 19
KJB is 20
K… moreara is 18
Leroy is 19, going on to 20
Devyn is 16
and those are the introduced, eventually the age question will come into play
You couldn't believe that you basically helped you best friend murder someone, but it felt right. They attacked her first.
You walk … moreover to the person and finally get the knife out of them.
You look at Gia, who had her hands on her knees, panting hard.
You look back up and see a little girl and a woman walking up.
"Can you help us, please?" The little girl calls out to you and Gia.
"Who are you?" You ask the women
"My name is Christine... This- This is Clementine. We need your help." The older lady responds to you. You inspect the lady further and notice a bite on her arm. You tap Gia's arm and point at the lady
"I need you to take Clementine out of here. Away from the town, away from me." Christine says, already tearing up.
Clementine looks up at Christine, who releases her hand.
Christine kneels down next to Clementine and wipes away her tears "It's not safe anymore, you need to get out of here. If these girls … [view original content]
"Listen, Spark, I know you don't like the ways that Kaden is running things and it's no secret that I don't either." You say to a new member of the group, Spark.
"Can you leave me alone? I was trying to do something that a weak human mind like you wouldn't understand." Spark says while looking down at his hand.
You scoff at him and grab his arm. You stand up and pull him towards the door.
"You're coming with me. Whether you want to or not"
You get in a car and shove him in the passenger seat.
"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is tell me what we're doing." He says as he puts his feet on the dashboard.
"We're going to "recruit" more people to be in the group. If there are more people who are on our side then there are more people to go against him." You tell him while hunching forward in the seat
"If we go about it the way I think you're going to then he'll have more back up" He leans back in his seat.
"Shut the fuck up, you don't know that" You look at him then back at the road.
You stop the car and get out next to a police cruiser with a creep trapped under it.
You kick open doors to house after house, seeing things that you wish you didn't.
Suddenly, Spark calls you out to the street where he has his gun aimed at two men.
"I told you it was a bad idea to leave" Said one of the men, the taller one
"Shut up, Dick" The other man said
You shake your head and speak up "We can do this my way and you come with us without a problem, or we can do it the hard way."
The men looked at each other and back at you "No way, we're not going with you. You're a fucking psycho." The shorter man said
"What are your names?" Spark said to the boys
The boys look at the gun and at each other "I'm Paul and this is Richard." Paul said to him
"Wouldn't it be a shame is one of you wasn't to come with us?" Spark said while sending off a creepy smile.
The men threw their weapons on the ground before finally going to the car. You tie their hands and Spark picks up the weapons.
The man puts you and your brother in the backseat of the car.
"This is so fucked. Why did we give up so easily?" You say to Paul
"He was going to kill one of us if we didn't.." He responds to you.
The two men get in the car and one looks back at the two of you and begins talking, you tone him out for a little bit until he mentions his name "I'm Spark and I will kill you if you try anything funny. Understand?" You look out the window instead of responding to him.
The driver slams on the breaks "Shit! They're back from the run!" You see two men, a woman, and a kid walk into an abandoned storage facility and another woman walks up to them.
"We'll have to get them in from the back." The driver says and looks back at you.
The group gathers towards the front where Devyn, Fox, and Leroy had returned with an unexpected guest. You look over and notice that Spark and KJB were gone.
The rest of the group members argue among themselves over the bitten little boy.
Devyn asks your opinion on the little boy.
You hesitate to answer "We'd be worse than the freaks out there if we killed him without at least trying to help him." The boy looks up at you and his smile widens.
You leave the group and head back to the kitchen where you find Lucy and Lana.
"What are they arguing about now?" Lana asks you as you walk towards the pantry.
"A kid. Devyn found a little boy on the run and he was bitten, he says it was a dog. People want to kill him." You tell her
"That's fucked up, what if it isn't a lurker bite? What if it is a dog? They'd be murdering an innocent child." Lucy speaks up
You grab some food and walk over to the girls.
"Put down the knife." You hear a familiar voice and hear a gun click. "Kara, being stubborn won't help you this time." It was KJB.
You turn around, knife still in hand and see him aiming for you, Spark bring in two men, shutting the door and locking it.
Lucy looks at her Hunting Rifle, ready to make a run for it as Spark walks over to the gun and grabs it first. He walks over to Lucy and hits her with the butt of the rifle, Lucy leans against the counter and holds onto her head.
You and Lana look at KJB who is still aiming at the pair of you.
"I said drop the knife. Now." KJB directs towards you.
"Listen, Spark, I know you don't like the ways that Kaden is running things and it's no secret that I don't either." You say… more to a new member of the group, Spark.
"Can you leave me alone? I was trying to do something that a weak human mind like you wouldn't understand." Spark says while looking down at his hand.
You scoff at him and grab his arm. You stand up and pull him towards the door.
"You're coming with me. Whether you want to or not"
You get in a car and shove him in the passenger seat.
"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is tell me what we're doing." He says as he puts his feet on the dashboard.
"We're going to "recruit" more people to be in the group. If there are more people who are on our side then there are more people to go against him." You tell him while hunching forward in the seat
"If we go about it the way I think you're going to then he'll have more back up" He leans back … [view original content]
"Listen, Spark, I know you don't like the ways that Kaden is running things and it's no secret that I don't either." You say… more to a new member of the group, Spark.
"Can you leave me alone? I was trying to do something that a weak human mind like you wouldn't understand." Spark says while looking down at his hand.
You scoff at him and grab his arm. You stand up and pull him towards the door.
"You're coming with me. Whether you want to or not"
You get in a car and shove him in the passenger seat.
"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is tell me what we're doing." He says as he puts his feet on the dashboard.
"We're going to "recruit" more people to be in the group. If there are more people who are on our side then there are more people to go against him." You tell him while hunching forward in the seat
"If we go about it the way I think you're going to then he'll have more back up" He leans back … [view original content]
"Listen, Spark, I know you don't like the ways that Kaden is running things and it's no secret that I don't either." You say… more to a new member of the group, Spark.
"Can you leave me alone? I was trying to do something that a weak human mind like you wouldn't understand." Spark says while looking down at his hand.
You scoff at him and grab his arm. You stand up and pull him towards the door.
"You're coming with me. Whether you want to or not"
You get in a car and shove him in the passenger seat.
"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is tell me what we're doing." He says as he puts his feet on the dashboard.
"We're going to "recruit" more people to be in the group. If there are more people who are on our side then there are more people to go against him." You tell him while hunching forward in the seat
"If we go about it the way I think you're going to then he'll have more back up" He leans back … [view original content]
"We should probably go to the cops, why would we want to go in the woods? It's creepy in there..." You say ATR and Clementine as you start leading the way to where the sirens were coming from.
"My daddy is a police officer, what if it's him?" Clementine says and looks over to you
"Well that would be a coincidence." You say back to her
You continue walking and that walk turns into a run as you see a shaded figure behind you. The figure cuts you off and knocks you out, you hear ATR and Clementine scream just before everything goes black.
You grab onto Clementine before the person does. The person calls for someone named Reynold.
A second person comes up from behind with a baseball bat. The person takes a swing at you but you dodge it.
You grab Clementine's hand and make a run for it, you keep looking back at the men. You run into a third man who backhands you, knocking you to the ground. The third man grabs Clementine and covers her mouth to keep her from screaming.
The second man, Reynold, grabs Gia who was knocked out from being hit.
The first man grabs you and you go voluntarily, attempting to stay with Gia and Clementine. The man blindfolds you and takes you the opposite way of the officers.
[Call out to the figures]
You call out to the figures, one of them looks your way, one of them begins to run away from the rest of the group, the other three begin to walk after them.
"Dammt, they probably got freaked" You say to Richard
He shrugs and walks towards the river side. "We could stay here, people think it's safer in an area like this because it's away from the town and those things." Richard suggests
You follow behind him "We could stay here, for a little rest." You tell him
"I left something behind, I should probably go get it." He tells you
You sit down "Don't get lost, Dick." You tell him in a sarcastic tone
He scoffs "I know where the fuckin' river is." He walks away.
[Drop the knife]
"I'm not going to tell you again. Drop it, Kara. Don't be stupid." KJB tells Kara again.
You look over at Kara who throws the knife down.
"Good girl." KJB says with a smirk
Kara crosses her arms and looks at me "Are you alright?" You nod slightly and look over at your Hunting Rifle.
Spark took your rifle and set it on top of the stove. KJB unties the two men and tells them to stand over with us and they do.
Spark looks out the door and flags someone down. Leroy comes in with a set of keys. He unlocks a door that was locked since we got here. The three men pull out three more girls. Two who looked to be high school students, one who didn't even look to be ten.
He tells them to go stand with us as well. We're all lined up. The two men, you, Kara, Lana, and the three girls.
"Why?" Kara asks KJB "Why do this?"
He looks at her and fires a shot, hitting her in the leg. She lets out a scream and falls down.
Spark, KJB, and Leroy exit the room and join the rest of the group. The two men, the three girls, you, Lana, and Kara remain in the room.
[Go to the police]
"We should probably go to the cops, why would we want to go in the woods? It's creepy in there..." You say ATR … moreand Clementine as you start leading the way to where the sirens were coming from.
"My daddy is a police officer, what if it's him?" Clementine says and looks over to you
"Well that would be a coincidence." You say back to her
You continue walking and that walk turns into a run as you see a shaded figure behind you. The figure cuts you off and knocks you out, you hear ATR and Clementine scream just before everything goes black.
You grab onto Clementine before the person does. The person calls for someone named Reynold.
A second person comes up from behind with a baseball bat. The person takes a swing at you but you dodge it.
You grab Clementine's hand and make a run for it, you keep looking back at the men. You run into a third man who backhands you, knocking you to the ground. The… [view original content]
Who are those guys? :O. Why are they swinging bats at little kids . Not even sure Carver would do that! Maybe a slap but a baseball bat!
[Scream for help]
It can't get any worse at this rate, just call for help.
Dang, so the voice in the woods must have been better ? I knew it was too obvious.... And I thought dropping the knife would make things easier but nah... So our votes are not going so well . Come on guys!
"Y'all keep going on like this, and that girl ain't gonna make it."
[Go to the police]
[Try and help him]
So, what do you guys think about the story so far? What about the characters?
It's good
Thank you
Added my characters!
While you guys vote on that I will work on a very twisted part 7
|] Go to the police [|
|] Try and help him [|
Let me add the second to the list : )
[Go to the police] at least they have guns.
[Save the kid] by locking him inside a shed.
[Go to the police] & [Try and help him]
Romantic lol. Looks like someone wants to get boated.
wink wink nudge nudge
Oh Puncake you
[Go to the voice]
Bleh, doubt police will be much help.
[Try and help him]
I gotta agree with me here, killing the kid would be really cruel.
Even if he's bitten, can't we take a little kid?? (This choice might very well get me killed... oops.)
Another fan fic! Yay! Character submitted
[Go to the police]
[Try and help him]
Great work so far. I just submitted my own character
[Go to Police]
[Try and help the kid]
LOL! My characters name is supposed to be Zack Lockwood, but it got autocorrected to Zack Santiago. Damn auto correct!
Thank you!
I see you fixed it, Let me fix it on here then
Thanks for letting me know though
[Go to the police]
[Try and help him]
O I messed that up, I was trying to do two at once and put Santiago instead of Lockwood WOW
"Listen, Spark, I know you don't like the ways that Kaden is running things and it's no secret that I don't either." You say to a new member of the group, Spark.
"Can you leave me alone? I was trying to do something that a weak human mind like you wouldn't understand." Spark says while looking down at his hand.
You scoff at him and grab his arm. You stand up and pull him towards the door.
"You're coming with me. Whether you want to or not"
You get in a car and shove him in the passenger seat.
"If you're going to kidnap me, the least you can do is tell me what we're doing." He says as he puts his feet on the dashboard.
"We're going to "recruit" more people to be in the group. If there are more people who are on our side then there are more people to go against him." You tell him while hunching forward in the seat
"If we go about it the way I think you're going to then he'll have more back up" He leans back in his seat.
"Shut the fuck up, you don't know that" You look at him then back at the road.
You stop the car and get out next to a police cruiser with a creep trapped under it.
You kick open doors to house after house, seeing things that you wish you didn't.
Suddenly, Spark calls you out to the street where he has his gun aimed at two men.
"I told you it was a bad idea to leave" Said one of the men, the taller one
"Shut up, Dick" The other man said
You shake your head and speak up "We can do this my way and you come with us without a problem, or we can do it the hard way."
The men looked at each other and back at you "No way, we're not going with you. You're a fucking psycho." The shorter man said
"What are your names?" Spark said to the boys
The boys look at the gun and at each other "I'm Paul and this is Richard." Paul said to him
"Wouldn't it be a shame is one of you wasn't to come with us?" Spark said while sending off a creepy smile.
The men threw their weapons on the ground before finally going to the car. You tie their hands and Spark picks up the weapons.
The man puts you and your brother in the backseat of the car.
"This is so fucked. Why did we give up so easily?" You say to Paul
"He was going to kill one of us if we didn't.." He responds to you.
The two men get in the car and one looks back at the two of you and begins talking, you tone him out for a little bit until he mentions his name "I'm Spark and I will kill you if you try anything funny. Understand?" You look out the window instead of responding to him.
The driver slams on the breaks "Shit! They're back from the run!" You see two men, a woman, and a kid walk into an abandoned storage facility and another woman walks up to them.
"We'll have to get them in from the back." The driver says and looks back at you.
The group gathers towards the front where Devyn, Fox, and Leroy had returned with an unexpected guest. You look over and notice that Spark and KJB were gone.
The rest of the group members argue among themselves over the bitten little boy.
Devyn asks your opinion on the little boy.
You hesitate to answer "We'd be worse than the freaks out there if we killed him without at least trying to help him." The boy looks up at you and his smile widens.
You leave the group and head back to the kitchen where you find Lucy and Lana.
"What are they arguing about now?" Lana asks you as you walk towards the pantry.
"A kid. Devyn found a little boy on the run and he was bitten, he says it was a dog. People want to kill him." You tell her
"That's fucked up, what if it isn't a lurker bite? What if it is a dog? They'd be murdering an innocent child." Lucy speaks up
You grab some food and walk over to the girls.
"Put down the knife." You hear a familiar voice and hear a gun click. "Kara, being stubborn won't help you this time." It was KJB.
You turn around, knife still in hand and see him aiming for you, Spark bring in two men, shutting the door and locking it.
Lucy looks at her Hunting Rifle, ready to make a run for it as Spark walks over to the gun and grabs it first. He walks over to Lucy and hits her with the butt of the rifle, Lucy leans against the counter and holds onto her head.
You and Lana look at KJB who is still aiming at the pair of you.
"I said drop the knife. Now." KJB directs towards you.
[Drop the knife] or [Take a risk and go for him]
[Drop Knife] Don't let us die o.o
[Drop the knife]
|] Drop the knife [|
Good boy
But I'm a girl ;n;
Good Girl
Shit got real!
I'm still hoping Cole can slam somebodies head into a counter Joel style lol XD
Haha everyone wants to save me
[Drop the knife]
Tgese are only details :v
[Drop the knife]
Better safe then sorry, I'm not risking it.
Because you're fabulous, just like that gif
[Take a Risk]
[Go to the police]
"We should probably go to the cops, why would we want to go in the woods? It's creepy in there..." You say ATR and Clementine as you start leading the way to where the sirens were coming from.
"My daddy is a police officer, what if it's him?" Clementine says and looks over to you
"Well that would be a coincidence." You say back to her
You continue walking and that walk turns into a run as you see a shaded figure behind you. The figure cuts you off and knocks you out, you hear ATR and Clementine scream just before everything goes black.
You grab onto Clementine before the person does. The person calls for someone named Reynold.
A second person comes up from behind with a baseball bat. The person takes a swing at you but you dodge it.
You grab Clementine's hand and make a run for it, you keep looking back at the men. You run into a third man who backhands you, knocking you to the ground. The third man grabs Clementine and covers her mouth to keep her from screaming.
The second man, Reynold, grabs Gia who was knocked out from being hit.
The first man grabs you and you go voluntarily, attempting to stay with Gia and Clementine. The man blindfolds you and takes you the opposite way of the officers.
[Call out to the figures]
You call out to the figures, one of them looks your way, one of them begins to run away from the rest of the group, the other three begin to walk after them.
"Dammt, they probably got freaked" You say to Richard
He shrugs and walks towards the river side. "We could stay here, people think it's safer in an area like this because it's away from the town and those things." Richard suggests
You follow behind him "We could stay here, for a little rest." You tell him
"I left something behind, I should probably go get it." He tells you
You sit down "Don't get lost, Dick." You tell him in a sarcastic tone
He scoffs "I know where the fuckin' river is." He walks away.
[Drop the knife]
"I'm not going to tell you again. Drop it, Kara. Don't be stupid." KJB tells Kara again.
You look over at Kara who throws the knife down.
"Good girl." KJB says with a smirk
Kara crosses her arms and looks at me "Are you alright?" You nod slightly and look over at your Hunting Rifle.
Spark took your rifle and set it on top of the stove. KJB unties the two men and tells them to stand over with us and they do.
Spark looks out the door and flags someone down. Leroy comes in with a set of keys. He unlocks a door that was locked since we got here. The three men pull out three more girls. Two who looked to be high school students, one who didn't even look to be ten.
He tells them to go stand with us as well. We're all lined up. The two men, you, Kara, Lana, and the three girls.
"Why?" Kara asks KJB "Why do this?"
He looks at her and fires a shot, hitting her in the leg. She lets out a scream and falls down.
Spark, KJB, and Leroy exit the room and join the rest of the group. The two men, the three girls, you, Lana, and Kara remain in the room.
[Scream for help] or [Don't do anything]
Who are those guys? :O. Why are they swinging bats at little kids
. Not even sure Carver would do that! Maybe a slap but a baseball bat!
[Scream for help]
It can't get any worse at this rate, just call for help.
Dropping the knife seemed good but not anymore! No one is safe now that we've reached part 10
man KJB is pissing me off I want him to get his ass kicked!
Dang, so the voice in the woods must have been better ? I knew it was too obvious.... And I thought dropping the knife would make things easier but nah... So our votes are not going so well
. Come on guys!
"Y'all keep going on like this, and that girl ain't gonna make it."