[Scream for help] and [Try to help him] both go with this part
You starred at the building at the far end of the facility. One l… moready went in and three men come out, one covered in blood. It doesn't seem right to you.
The three men joined the group and no one noticed that they were even gone.
You heard a scream when they were still in there but you don't think anyone else did. You've faced this too many times already.\, they wouldn't believe you, because you were just a kid.
You heard another scream, loud, and blood curdling. One of the men walk back for the room.
You pull on the leader's arm, hoping to get his attention but he just ignores you. You find another man named Adam, you pull him to the side.
"That man over there" you say as you point to the man walking towards the room
"Yeah, what about him?" Adam looks at you, confused.
"He's hiding something in that room" Adam looks back at the room "I need your he… [view original content]
Cole One Month into the apocalypse
"You know, when you told me to come with you,I didn't expect to trip to be a month long." You say to P… moreuncake
"I didn't expect you to stick around for a month" He responds, looking around for walkers.
"Yeah, because I'm going to let some eight-year-old go missing and not give a fuck" You say in a sarcastic tone.
You hear a gunshot and two screams coming from somewhere nearby, you look at him and nod. You both run towards the scream.
The scream leads you to a gate where a group of people are gathered around. Someone in the group notices you and informs the leader.
The leader opens the gate, offering you the chance to come in or leave.
[Go inside] or [Leave]
[Let Kara shoot him]
"She should shoot him" Paul says, pointing to Kara
"My name isn't she, it's Kara." She looks over at him and then back down at KJB
"Come on, Kara, how about we let bygones be bygones? There's no n… [view original content]
You and Cole go inside the gates, seeing at least 30 people. The leader calls someone named Mitchell over and instructs him to show you around.
You see two girls in the back, a little boy talking to an older man, and a man walking towards a room.
"So, you guys could probably tell that my name is Mitchell, the man who let you in is Fox, there's a second leader somewhere... Oh well, we'll eventually run into them." Mitchell says to you before walking "You have names?"
"Puncake, that's Cole." You say while following him
He goes to a storage unit and lifts the door. "This is where you'll be sleeping" He tells you "It started with four people. They decided to come here and hold out for the winter. Winter turned into Spring and they stayed here. They turned simple storage units like these into housing areas."
"Smart." Cole says
"What about the people?" You ask Mitchell
"They're pretty cool I guess. Fox tends to keep to himself, that's why we have two leaders. There's only one person you should watch out for and that's--" Another gunshot is heard and Mitchell runs away, leaving you and Cole.
You sit in the medical station with Devyn when Zack comes in with a bunch of newcomers, covered in bruises and blood.
"What is this?" You ask Zack
"Your next job." He says to you as he and Devyn leave the station.
You pull out some papers and a pen. "Names?" You ask the newcomers
"Paul, Richard, Gia, ATR, Lana, Lucy" Lana says while standing against the wall
"Why are you here?" You ask them as you continue to write your notes.
"Because they made us" Lana continues to answer the questions
"Alright, let's get started."
(?) This is going to take a while
You help Kara down to the medical station and are on your way back to the kitchen when you notice a woman looking over the walls.
You walk towards the wall, noticing the woman has a gun in hand, you take off and run towards the group.
You try and warn the first person you see, Santiago, he acknowledges you but doesn't make a sound.
The man standing next to him, Harry, looks at you "Kid, what are you trying to do? Santiago's mute. He can't talk to you."
"I need to talk to someone now! It's important!" You yell at Harry
"Anyone who can help you with something important is checking out the murder or is at the medical station" He says before facing the front again
The medical station. The woman was ready to fire at the first person she saw. You had to get there before someone in the medical station made a mistake.
You begin running back to the medical station and notice one of the girls from the kitchen walking out.
[Yell for her to stop] or [Push her back into the station]
[I can handle this myself]
You decide to leave the girls out of this and talk to the kid yourself.
"Hey, uh, kid" You say to the girl "I know you just witnessed two shootings and all but would you mind explaining to me how you and your group got here?"
The girl doesn't respond to you
"Will you at least tell me your name?" You say while looking at the door.
"Cle--Cementine.." She says quietly
"Clementine, I'm Fox. I'm trying to help you." You kneel down next to her
"Where are your parents?" The question brings her to tears but she still answers
"My... my mommy died. She left me with those girls. We went to find my daddy but then we got taken." She tries to hold back the tears.
"It's okay to cry, kid." You stand up "Let's get you checked out in the medical station, I'll take you." You say as she stands up and walks towards the door.
You begin walking back to Clementine. You see the little boy, Willy, running towards the station. He sees you and increases his speed, hitting you head on, and pushing you back into the station.
"What the fuck?!" Katie jumps up and yells at Willy.
Gia catches you before you fall and looks at Willy.
"There's a woman! She's got a gun!" Willy yells at Katie.
Katie gets up and walks towards the door "I'll be back." She says as she walks out.
Willy, Paul, and you run out to stop her. Katie makes her way towards the kitchen.
A shot is fired and it hits her. She gets shot in the left hip.
Devyn sees from the opposite side and lets out a scream.
Peggy Ma
You shot the girl, the medic to be exact. You reload your gun and take aim again, waiting for her help to arrive.
A girl runs to her aid and just as you fire, the man who came after the medic (Paul) warns her to stay out of the way. Someone from the other side then pulls the girl back.
You jump down from your area and run into the town you came from where you stop at a small gas station. You walk inside and set your gun down.
"I shot the medic. Where's my part of the deal?" You say to a man
"Patience is key, Peggy." The man responds to you
"Reynold, I've been tracking these people down for a month, learning their roles, how important they are, who they're friends with. I've been more than patient and this is bullshit!" You yell at Reynold
He then holds up a hand, his way of telling you to be quiet.
(This chapter shall be called "All is Fair in Love and War")
[Push her back into the station]
You begin walking back to Clementine. You see the little boy, Willy, running towards the station.… more He sees you and increases his speed, hitting you head on, and pushing you back into the station.
"What the fuck?!" Katie jumps up and yells at Willy.
Gia catches you before you fall and looks at Willy.
"There's a woman! She's got a gun!" Willy yells at Katie.
Katie gets up and walks towards the door "I'll be back." She says as she walks out.
Willy, Paul, and you run out to stop her. Katie makes her way towards the kitchen.
A shot is fired and it hits her. She gets shot in the left hip.
Devyn sees from the opposite side and lets out a scream.
Peggy Ma
You shot the girl, the medic to be exact. You reload your gun and take aim again, waiting for her help to arrive.
A girl runs to her aid and just as you fire, the man who came after the medic (Paul) warns her to stay out of the … [view original content]
[Kara should shoot him]
Gotta say, I'm loving the story so far! It's funny that you have me with Clem, since I work with kids irl.
I submitted a character on the form to you already so let me know if you read it, okay?
added a guy
Tyler Jenks
[Go inside]
[I can handle it myself.]
Goin w/ the majority
I got it, let me add you to the list
Part 11, we've had our very first death but we can't keep our 42 characters forever. Let's start with part 12
ok question, I just submit and you all write for that character???
You can give ideas if you want but there haven't been many ideas
Nuff said
lol XD
cool thnx
Side note: Every 10 parts will be considered a chapter so we're on chapter 2 now
Achievement Unlocked: Survived Chapter 1 or The Calm before the Storm.
oooooo the chills
No problem, every character will be accepted and make it in but it will take some time
[Go inside]
You and Cole go inside the gates, seeing at least 30 people. The leader calls someone named Mitchell over and instructs him to show you around.
You see two girls in the back, a little boy talking to an older man, and a man walking towards a room.
"So, you guys could probably tell that my name is Mitchell, the man who let you in is Fox, there's a second leader somewhere... Oh well, we'll eventually run into them." Mitchell says to you before walking "You have names?"
"Puncake, that's Cole." You say while following him
He goes to a storage unit and lifts the door. "This is where you'll be sleeping" He tells you "It started with four people. They decided to come here and hold out for the winter. Winter turned into Spring and they stayed here. They turned simple storage units like these into housing areas."
"Smart." Cole says
"What about the people?" You ask Mitchell
"They're pretty cool I guess. Fox tends to keep to himself, that's why we have two leaders. There's only one person you should watch out for and that's--" Another gunshot is heard and Mitchell runs away, leaving you and Cole.
You sit in the medical station with Devyn when Zack comes in with a bunch of newcomers, covered in bruises and blood.
"What is this?" You ask Zack
"Your next job." He says to you as he and Devyn leave the station.
You pull out some papers and a pen. "Names?" You ask the newcomers
"Paul, Richard, Gia, ATR, Lana, Lucy" Lana says while standing against the wall
"Why are you here?" You ask them as you continue to write your notes.
"Because they made us" Lana continues to answer the questions
"Alright, let's get started."
(?) This is going to take a while
You help Kara down to the medical station and are on your way back to the kitchen when you notice a woman looking over the walls.
You walk towards the wall, noticing the woman has a gun in hand, you take off and run towards the group.
You try and warn the first person you see, Santiago, he acknowledges you but doesn't make a sound.
The man standing next to him, Harry, looks at you "Kid, what are you trying to do? Santiago's mute. He can't talk to you."
"I need to talk to someone now! It's important!" You yell at Harry
"Anyone who can help you with something important is checking out the murder or is at the medical station" He says before facing the front again
The medical station. The woman was ready to fire at the first person she saw. You had to get there before someone in the medical station made a mistake.
You begin running back to the medical station and notice one of the girls from the kitchen walking out.
[Yell for her to stop] or [Push her back into the station]
[I can handle this myself]
You decide to leave the girls out of this and talk to the kid yourself.
"Hey, uh, kid" You say to the girl "I know you just witnessed two shootings and all but would you mind explaining to me how you and your group got here?"
The girl doesn't respond to you
"Will you at least tell me your name?" You say while looking at the door.
"Cle--Cementine.." She says quietly
"Clementine, I'm Fox. I'm trying to help you." You kneel down next to her
"Where are your parents?" The question brings her to tears but she still answers
"My... my mommy died. She left me with those girls. We went to find my daddy but then we got taken." She tries to hold back the tears.
"It's okay to cry, kid." You stand up "Let's get you checked out in the medical station, I'll take you." You say as she stands up and walks towards the door.
Remember the first part of last sentence that Fox said, that will play key sometime
[Push her back into the station]
R.I.P me
I can imagine a giant juice box standing with a bear that just says sorry over and over again.
I'm fucking weird I keep imagning that Kara looks like this
and I keep thinking Cole looks like this
I keep thinking the same thing. I went a full part putting Joel instead of Cole and I had to go correct it XD
lol that must have been frustrating XD
[Push her back into the station]
You begin walking back to Clementine. You see the little boy, Willy, running towards the station. He sees you and increases his speed, hitting you head on, and pushing you back into the station.
"What the fuck?!" Katie jumps up and yells at Willy.
Gia catches you before you fall and looks at Willy.
"There's a woman! She's got a gun!" Willy yells at Katie.
Katie gets up and walks towards the door "I'll be back." She says as she walks out.
Willy, Paul, and you run out to stop her. Katie makes her way towards the kitchen.
A shot is fired and it hits her. She gets shot in the left hip.
Devyn sees from the opposite side and lets out a scream.
Peggy Ma
You shot the girl, the medic to be exact. You reload your gun and take aim again, waiting for her help to arrive.
A girl runs to her aid and just as you fire, the man who came after the medic (Paul) warns her to stay out of the way. Someone from the other side then pulls the girl back.
You jump down from your area and run into the town you came from where you stop at a small gas station. You walk inside and set your gun down.
"I shot the medic. Where's my part of the deal?" You say to a man
"Patience is key, Peggy." The man responds to you
"Reynold, I've been tracking these people down for a month, learning their roles, how important they are, who they're friends with. I've been more than patient and this is bullshit!" You yell at Reynold
He then holds up a hand, his way of telling you to be quiet.
(This chapter shall be called "All is Fair in Love and War")
It seemed like it took forever
Exciting stuff
I hope I didn't get someone killed though 
You actually saved more than one person
Now hold on! Good story, love the character Fox, whoever's character that is, but what exactly happened to Leroy? Was he with KGB and evil or...?
Hey! Fox is my character, I'm glad you like him! :^)
Leroy is evil and alive. The only people who know this are ATR, Clementine, Gia, Paul, Richard, Lana, Kara, and Lucy.
Everyone loves Fox
Actually, this part will be up to you guys. Which three character's POV do you want to see?