This took me all night and most of the morning to think up. I hope that you guys enjoy it.
Chapter 7: Snow White
6:39 P.M. - at the Woodlands Business Office:
"It was horrible, she tortured us in our minds, over and over again. Especially when it involved him. I never asked for this to happen, Bigby. If I could rewind it all - back to the moment where I first laid my eyes on the towering creature, believe me, I would. We shouldn't have walked into that diner in the first place, now he's the one who is broken because of me."
Bigby lit a cigarette, slowly huffing the sweet, sweet smoke as he finally exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Snow, there was nothing that you could have done to prevent it."
"I should have done something, Bigby. I should've..."
"Snow, stop it. If anything, I am to blame. I shouldn't have let my injuries get the best of me."
Snow sighed and rubbed her forehead out of exhaustion. "You were shot with a silver bullet, while your arm bone got positively snapped out of place. That was different then and it is different now. I expected no more from you, Sheriff. Besides, I am grateful that you came to our rescue."
Chuckling, he rubbed his left arm, which was starting to sting a little from before. "Thank you, Snow." Bigby smiled at her as he leaned against Crane's desk, while she did the same. "So, are you ready to go over what truly happened over at the factory? I'm going to need every detail for the report, maybe something to add to the library, even."
"Yes, yes, give me a moment." Snow walked behind her desk, casually sitting down. She couldn't help but notice that Bigby was smiling sheepishly at her, Miss White smirked in return, thinking how funny he looked. "Okay, I think I'm ready, do we really have to do this?"
"Yes, we do. I'm sorry Snow, I know you're traumatized about this as well. But we have to do this, feel free to take your time." He looked at Snow with the utmost concern, taking another huff from the cig. Snow sighed and nodded. "Fine. It all started when--"
A few hours earlier...
"Ugh, why do I have to carry the heavy one?"
"Because I said so. How do you think Mary would treat us if she saw us switching bodies to carry, huh? She would fucking disintegrate us, that's what she'll do, now shut up with your fucking whining and put him in the room there. Remember to properly tie the straps this time, Mary says that he might be a problem if he gets angry."
"He didn't look like much of a threat to me, John, we beat the shit out of him outside of the Mundy diner, remember? He was still groggy when he tried to take a few swings at us, fucking hilarious."
John ignored Mike as he carried Snow into the opposite room, Mike shrugged and did the same. After doing what they were tasked to do, the two henchmen walked out of the rooms, Mary was already waiting in the hall for them.
"Well? Are my 'guests' all snug and tight?"
"Yes, your captives are restrained in the way you requested, boss." Noted John.
"Good, good. Now, I want the both of you patrolling the perimeter of the factory. Make sure that no one enters the building or leaves, unless granted by my permission.
"Understood, Mary." Their fleshy forms turned into spirits once more, disappearing without a trace.
"Hmmm, choices, choices, whom to choose? Should I torture the dragon first, or Fabletown's 'Director of Operations'?"
"Ah, maybe the vulnerable Snow White. Yes, she'll do." She thought to herself as she entered Snow's 'room'.
Snow glared at Bloody Mary when she entered, the tempted figure slowly circled around her chair, smiling evilly as she wrapped her hands around Snow's neck.
"Wow, I must say, I'm jazzed to have the ever-so-popular Snow White in my presence like this. Really, it's an honor." Snow had felt her grasp tighten. She had let out a pained groan, Mary let go after that.
"...Really, you gave out that fast?" Mary cackled. "You are not the infamous Snow that I had imagined, where's your oomph?"
Snow paused and tried to clear her throat.
"Mary, I gave you Crane, what more could you want from us?"
"Oh, I dunno. I feel like the new Fabled dragon should get redemption, y'know? Do you recall stabbing his hand with a fork? I bet he still feels sore after that. Poor, poor him."
"Anyways, I'm not here to answer your petty questions. I am here to make you suffer, on behalf of my own orders. Ol' Crooky wanted you alive, but that doesn't mean you have to be mentally stable. I'm sure he'll understand." Snow widened her eyes in fear. "What?"
Mary's eye color turned blood-red, her body slowly turning into a ghostly-like figure, with the only light in the room flickering on and off.
"My, that felt good, I'm so going to enjoy tampering with your brain."
Snow was downright scared out of her mind, she didn't expect this at all. Panicking, she tried to break free from her straps, but it was to no avail.
Mary laughed as she lunged herself into Snow White's head, completely taking over her mind. Snow felt a sudden, stimulated rush inside of her brain, she started to feel a little woozy. The worst had yet to come.
"Mary, please, don't do this..."
"...Nah." A piercing scream then shrieked inside of her head. Snow tried to ignore it, but she succumbed to the devilish noise quickly, causing her to scream out of agony.
Snow sobbed, her eyeliner trickling down her cheeks. "Please..."
"Oooo, what if I play around with THIS."
Everything went quiet, Snow assumed Mary was done toying with her brain, boy, she thought wrong.
"What a shame, a real shame, I miss her." A voice echoed throughout the now pitch-black room.
Snow looked around desperately. "...Rose? Is that you?"
A figure wearing a white shirt with a red rose painted in the middle emerged from the shadows and sighed. "Yes, it's me, sis."
"How did you get in here, Rose? H-how did you even know I was here?"
"I didn't, you're dead Snow."
A blanket of grief covered Snow in disbelief. "What do you mean, 'I'm dead'"? Come on, stop joking and untie me, Rose!"
"I’m sorry, sis, I don't save dead people. In fact: you were never a good sis 'nor a good friend."
"What do you mean? We played building blocks together for god's sake! We even helped mom bake a pie when we were 7! Don't you remember?!"
Rose Red sighed and leaned against the door. "I-I'm sorry, Snow, I need to go. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing." She opened the door handle and carefully closed it shut behind her.
"Rose? ROSE! COME BACK, I NEED YOU! ...Don't leave me, please..."
Complete silence.
"--And that was the last I saw of my sister, Bigby. Bloody Mary, um, stopped 'peering' into my brain after that. I mean, it felt so surreal, like my sister was actually there! God... I miss her, Bigby, I really do. I just wish that Tezoth didn't suffer a far worse fate than me, if you hadn't come along, she, she-!"
"Snow, please, you're here now. That's what matters most. You were lucky to be still sane when I first found you, Tezoth on the other hand, not so much."
"Did Swineheart say what his condition was?" Snow looked at Bigby out of worriment.
"No, not yet, I'll be sure to check with him again. In the meantime, get some rest, and Hell, give your sister a call. It certainly sounds like you need it, I bet she misses you dearly in the material world."
"Oh, I don’t know about that. But thanks anyway, Wolf. I definitely needed that."
Bigby smiled again - she did too. The both of them had got up and walked together as they soon exited the Business Office.
This took me all night and most of the morning to think up. I hope that you guys enjoy it.
Chapter 7: Snow White
6:39 P.M. - at the W… moreoodlands Business Office:
"It was horrible, she tortured us in our minds, over and over again. Especially when it involved him. I never asked for this to happen, Bigby. If I could rewind it all - back to the moment where I first laid my eyes on the towering creature, believe me, I would. We shouldn't have walked into that diner in the first place, now he's the one who is broken because of me."
Bigby lit a cigarette, slowly huffing the sweet, sweet smoke as he finally exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Snow, there was nothing that you could have done to prevent it."
"I should have done something, Bigby. I should've..."
"Snow, stop it. If anything, I am to blame. I shouldn't have let my injuries get the best of me."
Snow sighed and rubbed her forehead out of exhaustion. "You were shot with a sil… [view original content]
This took me all night and most of the morning to think up. I hope that you guys enjoy it.
Chapter 7: Snow White
6:39 P.M. - at the W… moreoodlands Business Office:
"It was horrible, she tortured us in our minds, over and over again. Especially when it involved him. I never asked for this to happen, Bigby. If I could rewind it all - back to the moment where I first laid my eyes on the towering creature, believe me, I would. We shouldn't have walked into that diner in the first place, now he's the one who is broken because of me."
Bigby lit a cigarette, slowly huffing the sweet, sweet smoke as he finally exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Snow, there was nothing that you could have done to prevent it."
"I should have done something, Bigby. I should've..."
"Snow, stop it. If anything, I am to blame. I shouldn't have let my injuries get the best of me."
Snow sighed and rubbed her forehead out of exhaustion. "You were shot with a sil… [view original content]
I'm writing you this letter in hopes it reaches you in time. I miss you terribly but understand why you are doing what you do. Swineheart, Bigby and Snow explained everything to me. I was delighted when Snow allowed me to venture to the back of the office where all the books of Fables are located. She joked that I needed to brush up on my Grendel knowledge and what to expect when well, expecting a Grendel. The book is full of so much information; I had no idea how impressive and complicated your kind can be during this time. I'm close to two months now. Swineheart makes daily checkups on me now. At first, I didn't feel the need for the constant visitations from the doctor but when the cocoon began to harden up and I was in severe pain, he made it a point to visit. Plus, me being a mundy and all...Holly came by two weeks ago; I was surprised she wanted to see me and do her best to help in my time of need. God bless her; she managed to get me into your apartment, where I've been staying. It makes me feel like you are there; like you never left. I miss you so much, Gren. Every night, I leave a light on in the kitchen, so I don't feel so alone. I sleep with your jacket; it smells so much like you. But I know you are doing this for US and for that, I thank you. Hope this letter get's to you. Be nice to Bigby; he is doing his best. Love you so much.
Dr. Swineheart sat beside Carla, while she continued reading the book. She was fascinated with the Grendel population and the characteristics they possessed. She was used to the doctor being there now; it had almost become a routine for the both of them these past few weeks. He was pleased; her body was taking the pregnancy very well and besides the usual discomfort with a Grendel baby, she had no problems. Her saving grace was the wolf in her; normally, mundy woman couldn't use the restroom without some kind of assistance.
Carla jumped when Swineheart stuck a needle into her arm. This part, however, was never easy. He pulled the plunger and soon, the barrel was full of blood. He quickly moved to a few test tubes; one full of clear liquid, the other yellow. He dropped half the blood in the first, then moved to the other. They both watched as the first turned a creamy peach color, the second solid pink. Carla watched as Swineheart smiled.
"That must be good, right," asked Carla, quickly sitting up. "You are beaming, doctor."
"Indeed," replied Swineheart, as he cleaned his area. "I'm very pleased to see your body is taking this pregnancy so well. There is nothing wrong with the baby. In fact, it is as strong as an Ox and quickly growing. Not going to lie. I was worried about you when I tested you the first time and found out you were pregnant by Grendel."
"Yeah," voiced Carla. "I...we all were worried, too."
"Well. You are out of the woods now. From here on out, as long as you continue to rest and eat plenty of fish, the baby will be happy and so will mommy."
That word was still so foreign to Carla-mommy. The other day, while on the phone with Nancy, she mentioned 'how is the mommy to be?' and Carla had a moment; the hell was she talking about?
"What was the second test for, doctor," asked Carla.
"Oh, of course," laughed Swineheart. "It determines the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?"
"Congratulations, Carla. You are having a baby girl."
Carla was pleased; in the the chapter, it stated pregnancy with a female Grendel was much easier then a boy; it stated girls tend to be more 'relaxed' and 'satisfied' with the choices the mother does from beginning to end. Boys had a nasty habit of making the mother constantly sick and on edge; made since now why they pregnancy had gone so smoothly. She couldn't wait to tell Gren; she already had a name picked out.
"Thank you, doctor. I can't wait to tell everyone...tell Gren..."
Swinheart smiled.
"Well, I'll leave you to it then, Carla. I will be back in the morning to check on you two again. By the way, I can't remember the last time Grendel's apartment looked this clean and organized. You've done an amazing job making this place look like-"
"Like home."
Swineheart's eyes seem to twinkle, as he thanked Carla and left. She got up and reached for the lock. Gren's apartment was not in a very guarded neighborhood; although no one has bothered her since the move in, she was still cautious of her surroundings. Eventually, they would have to get a bigger place; a tiny studio apartment was no place to raise a Grendel baby. When Gren comes back and mentions leaving, she wouldn't hesitate. Carla pictured wide open fields; a tiny country home, bubbling river and sunshine above. She could see her daughter running among the forest of green. She was never glamoured in her visions, as she skipped, played and danced in the open. All she wanted was a normal life with her, Gren and their little girl.
That night, Bigby arrived to the apartment. Carla greeted him with a hug and handed him the letter.
"So, a little girl, huh?"
"My dad tell you?"
"Well, no offense. He won't shut up about it. Lyla wanted to advise you tomorrow she will make a visit. She has some clothes from the girls that she wants you to have. Georgie, your dad and I want to come by soon and help you with the crib, as well."
"Thank you, Sheriff but that won' be necessary right now. I do, however, need someone to check the bathroom. The shower is barely giving me any water."
"I will check it out when Lyla comes over," replied Bigby. "Get some rest, Carla."
"I will, Bigby. Tell him I said hi and I love him...."
Bigby grinned and soon, headed to the forest. Before he did, however, Carla stopped him. She was grasping his arm; her tiny fingers digging deep into his flesh, a doleful look in her eyes.
"Bigby. How-how much longer will this go on? I was told it varied; the book mentioned it varies, as well."
"I can't tell you that," answered Bigby. "I...I can't. Gren is his own; he needs to do this, Carla. You know he HAS to do this. You just need to keep a strong head on those shoulders and take care of little missy in there."
Bigby turned and headed down the streets, leaving Carla behind with a single light beaming from the inside. She knew that time WOULD come, patiently, she would wait.
Bigby's form was massive; he was a rather large black wolf when he turned and he used it to his advantage. He sprung through the trees, grasped the dirt as his mighty paws hit the soil. He ran until he found the Mere; the moon was bright tonight, as he found him. Gren, in his beast form, swam around a section, throwing various sticks, rocks and decomposing logs to the side. He carefully walked up to Gren and placed the letter down. Gren turned to face Bigby; the mighty wolf sat down and waited. Gren climbed out of the water and took the note; he read it carefully. Bigby could see the tears streaing down his face, as he finished the letter.
"How is she, Bigby," asked Gren, while cleaning his face. " is the baby?"
"Carla is TOO much like John," chuckled Bigby. "She is strong, healthy and the baby growing like a weed. She is out of danger, Gren. We don't have to worry now know..."
Gren hung his head. That is what concerned him the most when she became pregnant. Would his baby, HIS kind, be the one to kill her? He couldn't live himself if anything happened to her. Living wouldn't be an option.
"Do they know yet? Am I having a son or daughter?"
"Congratulations, Gren. It's a perfect, healthy baby girl."
Bigby watched as the mighty titan fell to his knees, closed his eyes, and began mumbling something ancient from the homelands. Bigby found out that male Grendels did this as a thank you for a healthy pregnancy and the birth of their future offspring. He too, like Carla, was still learning.
"So," asked Bigby, as he stood up. "How is the nest and birthing center coming along?"
He walked to the edge of the area Gren was working on and peered down. From what he could tell, Gren had created a missive gap near the banks and into the cave that hid behind some brush.
"The birthing center in the water is complete," replied Gren. "However, I'm still trying to get the nest just right. It has to be absolutely perfect, for when she arrives."
"She misses you, Gren," said Bigby, as he turned to look at Gren. "She...she misses you but knows this has to be done. She loves you, Gren. Perhaps when you are almost complete, I can bring her out here to visit you and see the results?"
Gren simply nodded his head; he too, missed Carla. His heart ached to be beside, to make passionate love, to feel her quickly growing belly. This, however, needed to be complete; he may look mundy but you can't ignore thousands of years of tradition.
"I will let you know when it's complete, Sheriff. Te..tell...tell everyone thank you. For everything. You, you really came through for me, Bigby. You finally helped the strays..."
Bigby left Gren to his duties; the giant wolf would be back soon with yet, another update. He trotted on to the city, now in his glamoured self.
As Gren continued to dig and push massive logs in an angle, he clutched the letter tightly against his chest. He knew that sweet day would come.
This was my favorite chapter so far because of these reasons: Your creativity in regards to Grendel and the process it takes to prepare for the baby. The whole writing letter idea and having Bigby take it to him, despite their past, was beautiful. The picture, too is nicely done. Carla and Gren are now my favorite couple.
I hope they reunite soon; I feel so bad for Carla. Keep up the good work, Georgie. I'm pleased with this story and can't wait to read more.
Chapter 22
July 25th, 2012
**Dear Gren-
I'm writing you this letter in hopes it reaches you in time. I miss you ter… moreribly but understand why you are doing what you do. Swineheart, Bigby and Snow explained everything to me. I was delighted when Snow allowed me to venture to the back of the office where all the books of Fables are located. She joked that I needed to brush up on my Grendel knowledge and what to expect when well, expecting a Grendel. The book is full of so much information; I had no idea how impressive and complicated your kind can be during this time. I'm close to two months now. Swineheart makes daily checkups on me now. At first, I didn't feel the need for the constant visitations from the doctor but when the cocoon began to harden up and I was in severe pain, he made it a point to visit. Plus, me being a mundy and all...Holly came by two weeks ago; I was surprised she wanted to see me and do her best t… [view original content]
The hell? XD Georgie dancing with the broom was pricless.
'In memory of the broken stools that gave their lives. We salute you!'
This is good, dude. Keep it up. And no problem about Henry.
Chapter 22
July 25th, 2012
**Dear Gren-
I'm writing you this letter in hopes it reaches you in time. I miss you ter… moreribly but understand why you are doing what you do. Swineheart, Bigby and Snow explained everything to me. I was delighted when Snow allowed me to venture to the back of the office where all the books of Fables are located. She joked that I needed to brush up on my Grendel knowledge and what to expect when well, expecting a Grendel. The book is full of so much information; I had no idea how impressive and complicated your kind can be during this time. I'm close to two months now. Swineheart makes daily checkups on me now. At first, I didn't feel the need for the constant visitations from the doctor but when the cocoon began to harden up and I was in severe pain, he made it a point to visit. Plus, me being a mundy and all...Holly came by two weeks ago; I was surprised she wanted to see me and do her best t… [view original content]
I am currently in graduate school majoring in writing and we have to critique each other's stories (which takes more time than writing one). I can officially say you're an excellent writer, Cordelia!
But that's just the beginning of a good story! Continue it. You might want to consider bringing her back into fabletown. I can attest from personal experience that after a few years of being a hermit in a cave the woods, it gets boring (see my profile). I suggest changing it so no one knows about her necklace and having her work in town. She tries not to love anyone, and rejects a couple of guys when she starts to have feelings for them. Then she meets this guy...
It would make a sellable romance novel, literally. But maybe change it so the first man she loves DIES, because it makes absolutely no sense not to want someone you love live forever. If I were critiquing it for Advanced Creative Writing (which I'm taking now) I'd point that out as a big plot hole. The character has no visible motivation NOT to fall in love, only to make sure it's with someone who deserves to live forever. But that's such a unique story, it could work in any way you want to do it.
I'm not kidding about expanding and publishing that as a romance novel, BTW. Lots of people do that, publish on smashwords or Kindle, and make a few thousand dollars. I did it (book link on my blog. It's porn though). When people buy your book it feels like free money raining from the sky (don't expect to get rich, though).
You have what it takes, both writing-wise and unique plot-wise.
...But as much as I like your drawing, you might want to get someone else to do the cover art! (joke—it's actually a very nice drawuing)
As for me, I'd love to write a fable. It would start with Blackbeard capturing me stripping me naked and chaining me to his huge, expensive bed while I blush. But with school, writing that here would be like the girl who tests pie flavor quality at work all day coming home and making pie.
I want to contribute to this thread by sharing my fable character. I intended to do a fanfiction with this but never got around to doing it … morebut I did write the fable backstory for this character. She's a human character who looks Twenty years old. I'll try to post my drawing of her. So here's the short backstory of my character when she was living in the homelands.
Back in the homelands, I was just an ordinary girl living a normal life in a village. But one day when I went on an errand. I came across a witch who gave me a free charm necklace. I didn't know better and put it on my neck. The necklace glowed in red before my very eyes and I thought it was beautiful. The witch then told me that the charm necklace has chosen me as the host and its impossible to take off. I didn't believe her but when I tried taking off the necklace I couldn't. I tried ripping it off but it didn't work either. The witch laughed at my efforts and revealed to me t… [view original content]
Very Violent and intelligently written with descriptions which made me picture each moment perfectly. but because of that it was so tense because of all the drama just superb. It even had a villain in Mary who doesn't love a villain. Any way of all your stories this is my favourite chapter so far your getting better and better your really a great talent just awesome.
It was horrible, she tortured us, over and over again
.Nah." A piercing scream then shrieked inside of her head. Snow tried to ignore it, but she succumbed to the devilish noise quickly, causing her to scream out of agony.
Snow sobbed, her eyeliner trickling down her cheeks. "Please..."
"Oooo, what if I play around with THIS."
I hope I inspired some of this violence because I LOVE THIS!! MORE PLEASE!!
This took me all night and most of the morning to think up. I hope that you guys enjoy it.
Chapter 7: Snow White
6:39 P.M. - at the W… moreoodlands Business Office:
"It was horrible, she tortured us in our minds, over and over again. Especially when it involved him. I never asked for this to happen, Bigby. If I could rewind it all - back to the moment where I first laid my eyes on the towering creature, believe me, I would. We shouldn't have walked into that diner in the first place, now he's the one who is broken because of me."
Bigby lit a cigarette, slowly huffing the sweet, sweet smoke as he finally exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Snow, there was nothing that you could have done to prevent it."
"I should have done something, Bigby. I should've..."
"Snow, stop it. If anything, I am to blame. I shouldn't have let my injuries get the best of me."
Snow sighed and rubbed her forehead out of exhaustion. "You were shot with a sil… [view original content]
Wolven does his best to hold Talia off, but she overpowers him and managed to cut his neck with a sharp object. He whimpers for a moment then bounces back at her. Draco is gets up and transforms into his dragon, he is surrounded by the group of men ready to kill him. They are hesitant while approaching Draco for his size and sheer power intimidates them. Draco covers the cage in flames and flies up to the area where Marco is being held.
The two creatures holding him captive stands in front of Marco threatening to kill him if Draco approaches. Draco roars furiously at the two and suddenly, Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood. He wipes and mouth looks at Draco and says " What? I was thirsting"
Marco: Alright Draco, time to bounce. Giddyup!
Marco hops on Draco's back and they burst through the wall and leaves the warehouse. Wolven and Talia are still fighting until debris fall from the ceiling separating the two.
Talia: This isn't over wolf, NOT BY A LONG SHOT.
Talia flies away and Wolven looks around to make sure Draco and Marco made it out, he jumps up on several platforms and climb through a hole and makes it out of the burning building.
Outside, Draco and Marco awaits for Wolven to emerge from the building. Suddenly dark mist surrounds Draco and Marco. This causes Draco to transform back into his human form and made him so weak he could barely stand. Marco wasn't affected by the mist but from behind him, Boogey appears behind him and stabs him through the heart with a silver dagger.
Draco stares in horror as he watches his best friend fall to the ground. Marco final words before he dies is "Look.... after and Irene and the.. kid's..and tell them I... love them.." Marco turns to dust and fades into the wind...
He gets up and charges towards Boogey with all the strength and makes a fist of fire. He is stoped by Boogey and is lifted up by Boogey's power and slammed to the ground. Boogey walks over and whispers into Draco's ear and says "This is what happens when your playing with fire, this what happens when you cross the boogeyman. All you had to do was let Gillian kill you and no one else would of gotten hurt... Marco would still be alive if you just laid down and die.."
Draco: No, this.. can't be happening... what do you want with me? Why are you doing this?
Boogey: I'm just tying up loose ends. You were a threat to my plans so I had no choice... I could of told you directly and maybe you would of cooperated but... that would of be drag so.. But not going to kill you.. I'm just going to trap you in your deepest darkest fears and watch you ascend into madness. It's much worse than death if you ask me. It's my style.
Draco: You won't get away with this.. you fucking monster..
Boogey: Watch me, Tomorrow, the city will be shrouded in darkness and all of its inhabits haunted by their fears. Then by a week the whole hemisphere, in 3 weeks.. THE WORLD!
Draco: You are just like... Aizaax.
Boogey: Aizaax, wish he had power like me, but no matter. I will go out of my way and show you a glimpse of the near future, it's the least I can do...
Draco: No... I won't let this happen...
Boogey: Poor Draco, how do expect to save anyone if you can't save yourself?
Draco: There are things stronger than fear..
Boogey: What is that?
Draco: Hope...
Boogey: Mhmhmhmhm right..., it's time for bed Draco, Now sleep FOREVER!!!!
Draco drifts away in a deep sleep, falling into the darkness of his own conscious. He is all alone....
Chapter 2
Again, thanks for pudding_pie for allowing me the gift of using Henry. Thanks, dude!
I walked outside, still holding Woody's… more picture. I liked him; had nothing bad or negative to say about him. Last time I saw him, however, he looked terrible. Rumor has it he and the Sheriff got into it again. Uh, the Sheriff. What a waste. I couldn't stand Bigby.
I climbed the walls, jumped onto the roof and was soon off into the night. I jumped from top to top, nearly gliding in the air. The city below looked so tiny, so harmless. Soon, I thought. You would be nothing more than a distant memory.
I jumped down and found myself at the Trip Trap's entrance. I knocked three times; the door was locked tight. I heard rustling behind the door; a deep, voice spoke, while another laughed.
When it opened, there he stood-Gren. I had nothing with him, except the time he and I exchanged some words a few months back. Let's just saw, Beowulf was no… [view original content]
Violence violence and more violence.
Chapter 7 Fight Club Part 3
Draco and Gillian took their fighting stances and began to circle eac… moreh other, and then the crowd cheered louder waiting for the two to make a move. Draco moved in and landed a punch on Gillian's jaw barely hurting him, but there was signs of bleeding. Gillian wiped his mouth and grinned. He grabbed Draco and slammed him to the ground with his fearsome strength. Draco tried to go for Gillain's legs but is kicked away by him.
Gillian leaps into the air towards the downed Draco and misses him. He turns around and catches Draco's attempted punch and headbutts him. His face is then covered in blood as he falls back. He shakes it off and continues to go for Gillian.
Gillian: I admire your determination dragon, but you are going to have to hit harder than that....
Talia: Without turning into a dragon!
Draco thought to himself how in the world was going to defeat this… [view original content]
Chapter 21
'I want arms that know how to rock me safe in the arms of love. I wanna fall and know that love has caught me sa… morefe in the arms of love.'
Carla could see him standing before her, his arms reached out. His grin was hypnotizing her, like a moth to a flame. The wind around them picked up; the hair flowing carelessly through his hair invading her nose. She swore he was there; it was clear as day. Carla inhaled and took in the moment. He continued to stand perfectly still, arms still reaching towards her.
She suddenly heard the rustle and chatter of people surrounding her. The voices sounded familiar; she could make her father's voice, while the other man speaking sounded similar to Swineheart. As she turned back, Gren was gone; the sky above turned a dark gray and the rain came. She peered down and saw an enormous belly. Carla began to panic, as she witnessed Nate, Malcom and Sam surrounding her.
"Give us the … [view original content]
Very Violent and intelligently written with descriptions which made me picture each moment perfectly. but because of that it was so tense be… morecause of all the drama just superb. It even had a villain in Mary who doesn't love a villain. Any way of all your stories this is my favourite chapter so far your getting better and better your really a great talent just awesome.
It was horrible, she tortured us, over and over again
.Nah." A piercing scream then shrieked inside of her head. Snow tried to ignore it, but she succumbed to the devilish noise quickly, causing her to scream out of agony.
Snow sobbed, her eyeliner trickling down her cheeks. "Please..."
"Oooo, what if I play around with THIS."
I hope I inspired some of this violence because I LOVE THIS!! MORE PLEASE!!
I like this. I'm pretty sure you already knew that I was going to say that, though. What with the dialogue that changes in style depending on who's saying it; the intelligent descriptions; the pace and intrigue; plus the Rose Red reference; and a bunch of other stuff, it's a winner. It's top quality. I'm impressed xD
This took me all night and most of the morning to think up. I hope that you guys enjoy it.
Chapter 7: Snow White
6:39 P.M. - at the W… moreoodlands Business Office:
"It was horrible, she tortured us in our minds, over and over again. Especially when it involved him. I never asked for this to happen, Bigby. If I could rewind it all - back to the moment where I first laid my eyes on the towering creature, believe me, I would. We shouldn't have walked into that diner in the first place, now he's the one who is broken because of me."
Bigby lit a cigarette, slowly huffing the sweet, sweet smoke as he finally exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Snow, there was nothing that you could have done to prevent it."
"I should have done something, Bigby. I should've..."
"Snow, stop it. If anything, I am to blame. I shouldn't have let my injuries get the best of me."
Snow sighed and rubbed her forehead out of exhaustion. "You were shot with a sil… [view original content]
I like this. I'm pretty sure you already knew that I was going to say that, though. What with the dialogue that changes in style depending o… moren who's saying it; the intelligent descriptions; the pace and intrigue; plus the Rose Red reference; and a bunch of other stuff, it's a winner. It's top quality. I'm impressed xD
When I was reading it I never thought it felt particularly rushed. To me it gave quite a bit of bang for buck, in the sense that it wasn't too long and yet it moved the story along nicely. I consider my pacing to be terrible though, and you're the second person to ask for my opinion on it, so another opinion might help haha.
Out of curiosity, how would you slow the pace down? Because I'd always lean towards pace over unnecessary filler, and if as a writer you feel like you're shoehorning extra in, the reader might pick that up. That said, if you've got more description or dialogue or something else that you think would set the scene more, the reader may become more immersed.
Whoa, really? It hadn't crossed my mind!
...Only joking with ya, Noir. I am glad you think so, do you think I'm pacing the story well? Sometimes I think I am rushing it a little.
How would 'I' slow it down? I just add lots of calm conversational situations without constantly using action scenes, as you already noticed. Sorry if I'm not any more specific. I don't think your pacing is terrible, either. You are really descriptive, which is good! That is a very blue Snow White in your picture as well. Did she stray away from the group at Willy Wonka's? ;P
When I was reading it I never thought it felt particularly rushed. To me it gave quite a bit of bang for buck, in the sense that it wasn't t… moreoo long and yet it moved the story along nicely. I consider my pacing to be terrible though, and you're the second person to ask for my opinion on it, so another opinion might help haha.
Out of curiosity, how would you slow the pace down? Because I'd always lean towards pace over unnecessary filler, and if as a writer you feel like you're shoehorning extra in, the reader might pick that up. That said, if you've got more description or dialogue or something else that you think would set the scene more, the reader may become more immersed.
Until we meet again
Chapter 8 Reckoning
Wolven does his best to hold Talia off, but she overpowers him and managed to cut his neck wit… moreh a sharp object. He whimpers for a moment then bounces back at her. Draco is gets up and transforms into his dragon, he is surrounded by the group of men ready to kill him. They are hesitant while approaching Draco for his size and sheer power intimidates them. Draco covers the cage in flames and flies up to the area where Marco is being held.
The two creatures holding him captive stands in front of Marco threatening to kill him if Draco approaches. Draco roars furiously at the two and suddenly, Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood. He wipes and mouth looks at Draco and says " What? I was thirsting"
Marco: Alright Draco, time to bounce. Giddyup!
Marco hops on Draco's back and they bu… [view original content]
Hmm, perhaps try going with how you think the characters would act in the situations you'd put them in, and then the conversation might still feel relevant, yet slow it down a touch. I don't know, I think your doing great as it is and thanks for saying so!
Yeah, you've got to watch where you go in that factory. The amount of work-related lawsuits that guy gets is unbelievable :P I was going to do her in normal colours and then, seeing as she looked worried, I thought blue seemed an appropriate twist.
How would 'I' slow it down? I just add lots of calm conversational situations without constantly using action scenes, as you already noticed… more. Sorry if I'm not any more specific. I don't think your pacing is terrible, either. You are really descriptive, which is good! That is a very blue Snow White in your picture as well. Did she stray away from the group at Willy Wonka's? ;P
Hmm, perhaps try going with how you think the characters would act in the situations you'd put them in, and then the conversation might sti… morell feel relevant, yet slow it down a touch. I don't know, I think your doing great as it is and thanks for saying so!
Yeah, you've got to watch where you go in that factory. The amount of work-related lawsuits that guy gets is unbelievable :P I was going to do her in normal colours and then, seeing as she looked worried, I thought blue seemed an appropriate twist.
'Show me how the world looks through your eyes. Tell about the sunrise; let me see the stars shine. Show me, how the world looks through your eyes. And I can show you how it looks through mine.'
-Martina Mcbride
July 27th, 2012
My dearest Carla-
I miss you so much. Every night, I've had marvelous dreams; nothing but you and our daughter. I picture her looking like you. Would hate to know she will have this face! Can't believe its been two months now. Bigby tells me you are going wonderful and the pregnancy has been easy on you. You have no idea how much weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Was worried the pregnancy was going to put you on bed rest until the birth. Things here are a moving at a very nice pace; I won't go into details but I hope you like the area I have cleared up for the birth. I know you adore flowers, so as we get closer, I will pick some wild one and your favorite, Lilies. I will decorate the area to make it feel more comfortable for you. I'm so sorry, Carla, I never told you about all of this. Never thought I had to. Never imagined myself with someone, let alone a father to be. I TRIED coming home, I really did but you can't avoid basic instincts and so, with a heavy heart, I did what comes naturally for us. Soon. We will be together soon. Until then, leave the light on, take care of yourself and the baby and continue writing these letters. I, believe or not, look forward to seeing Bigby. By the way, I was thinking about Rosie for the name. What do you think? Love you always, Carla.
Carla was up before the sun touched the sky. She slowly got up and made herself breakfast. Normally, the smell of fish repulsed her; Carla never enjoyed the taste or texture of sea food. Now, here she was frying up Sardines. The smell was heavenly; the putrid, vile creature was appetizing to the rapidly growing baby inside. A chapter in the book explained it, as did Snow and Swineheart. Grendels love to live and hide in the waters; they are capable of staying underneath for two hours. During this time, they hunt in search of food. Fish is their main source of protein and energy.
Carla took a seat on the couch with a plate full of very crunchy, very well done pieces of fish. She tore the crispy head off of one and gnawed it it, while she picked through the body for bones. Carla would tear off the flesh and devour every bit; this was scrumptious at the moment and nothing could top it. About two minutes into her meal, she heard a loud knocking on her door. Carla didn't want to get up; she was very comfortable and enjoying her meal. The knocking, however, didn't stop so, she slowly lifted herself up, placed the plate down and walked to the door.
At the door was Bigby, Snow and Lyla. In the sheriff's hands, he held a tool box. That's right, thought Carla. My bathroom. Carla closed the door behind them, as she watched Snow head to the couch. She seemed fascinated with her breakfast, as was Lyla. Bigby headed to the bathroom to take on the challenge of fixing up her bathroom.
"Hm. So, how long has this craving been taking place," asked Snow, as she took a seat.
Carla returned to the plate, took a seat next to Snow and quickly picked at the flesh. The entire time she devoured the fish, Snow simply sat quietly and smiled. Her worries about Carla's pregnancy were no longer a concern; she was doing wonderful.
"Since two weeks ago. I tried ignoring it. Normally, I don't eat sea food but...she seems to enjoy it. Read up on their unusual obsession with the stuff. Then, Swineheart told me to EAT more fish, so, here we are."
Snow beamed as she reached over and placed a hand on Carla's belly. The texture and feel was slowly hardening up; it felt like a tiny brick wall was being built around her uterus. Lyla took a seat; cup of coffee in her right hand.
"Where are the quads," asked Carla, while chewing on a crispy fish tail.
"Georgie has them right now," replied Lyla, taking a sip. "I was going to bring them, just so he can get some work done but he insisted I take some time off from my 'mommy' duties, so, here I am. when I left, he had all four with him in his office. PRETTY sure either Hans or Henry will be helping him out, though."
The three women began laughing at not only the idea of Georgie taking on all four babies but this whole ordeal of Gren and Carla. she too, never pictured them bringing a child into this world. Gren voiced he didn't want it; she at the time, didn't have the time or desire either.
"Any names picked out yet," asked Snow.
"Yes...we have one...Rosie. Gren came up with the name. I love it..."
"You spoke to him?"
Carla reached under the seat cushions and pulled out the letter. She handed it to Lyla; her sister scanned over the letter. When she was complete, she handed Snow the letter. Her sister didn't say much; Lyla sat very still, continuing to nurse her cup of coffee.
"He's sending you letters, Carla," said Lyla. There was an annoyance in her tone. Carla was uneasy.
"Lyla. You knew this..."
"No. No, I didn't. Maybe SNOW did, sure the sheriff knows, as well, since he's the one sending these to him. What, he can't see you in person? I'm sure Bigby can take you down there with him..."
"Lyla, it's not that easy," vocalized Snow, while trying to calm Carla down. "Grendels do things SO much more different then mundies or any other Fable. He never abandoned her. He has to have complete silence, in solitary and with no assistance. this is the only way he can communicate until everything is complete and ready for the baby..."
Lyla was having a hard time understanding. She saw it as an excuse; an excuse to play Carla and everyone else stupid and when he thought they had trusted him enough, he'd vanish into the night. She would get the call from her distraught sister that Gren abandoned them both.
"Seems like an excuse to me..."
Cara stood up, just as Bigby entered the room. He felt the tension between the sisters; Snow was on her feet, trying her best to keep Carla relaxed. She too, had been reading up on the Grendel population and the pregnancy Carla was going through. It stated that if the mother was in any form of distress, the baby felt it and caused sever pain. It never meant to hurt the mother; the unborn child simply was defeating while still encased in the cocoon. Unfortunately, the mother felt these actions. Indeed, Carla showed she was strong enough to handle a pregnancy with a Grendel baby; however, she wasn't capable of dealing with this. It would surely do some sever damage to her.
"What did you say," shouted Carla, as she tried stepping closer to Lyla. "You are starting to sound A LOT like dad did, like the Mary!"
"I don't give a fuck what the book states, Carla," shrieked Lyla. "I don't WANT to hear it. HE ran away from Bigby AND dad; they mentioned your pregnancy, he took off and has been gone since-"
"BECAUSE he is preparing for this baby, Lyla! He ran off like that because this was unexpected! We were not TRYING for a baby! She just happened!"
"Hm. Yeah. Just like you two were TRYING avoid it, TRYING to keep him glamoured...oh wait. I forgot. My sister likes to FUCK when he is in his true form! How exciting that must be! Knowing not only do you have wolf in you but his kind is a fucking walking sperm bank on legs! OOoohh yeah, you two were REALLY trying to avoi-"
Carla swung at her sister and knocked Lyla to the ground. Snow pulled Carla back; Bigby picked Lyla up and tried holding her back. He could feel her muscles tightening up, her growling, the fine hair forming on her arms. 'Relax,' he thought. 'Please. You can kill her, Lyla. Restrain yourself...'
"How DARE you come into MY home and talk to me like this! You of all people should understand where I'm coming from!"
"That baby is going to need a glamour for the rest of her life, Carla! No, you're right-I DON'T understand! You have NO idea how much the Council is going to feed off of this...They have lookouts all over this fucking city! Always watching...waiting..."
"Least mine has respect for his fellow Fables and women alike. Didn't see you becoming the bitch of Georgie Porgie-"
Bigby clung to Lyla tight; he was finding it difficult to hold her back. Lyla began kicking and even turned to bite Bigby. He was prepared-prepared to change and take her down if necessary.
"Get her out of her, Bigby," shouted Snow. "Please! Get her out! She can't have this silly childish feud upset the baby..."
Bigby dragged Lyla out, still kicking and screaming like a child in a tantrum.
"You have no idea what you've done," screamed Lyla, as Bigby dragged her down the hall. "You have no idea, what this means for you, Carla...."
Carla sat down; she was feeling sick. The baby was not happy and she could feel it. Snow forced her to sit. She went to the kitchen and fetched Carla a glass of water. Carla instantly finished the beverage. She was having a hard time understanding her sister's abrupt outbursts.
"You okay, Carla," asked Snow. She worried about her sometimes. Carla was indeed taking on more than she could handle. Snow could see the devastation in her eyes; the anguish and fretfulness. Snow didn't know how else to make this less stressful for her. All she could do was give the contentment she needed.
"Carla," continued Snow. "This has been a stressful experience for ALL of us. You must understand where we are all coming from. You can't get mad at her or anyone for being nervous about your condition; for our concern about Gren and his state of mind. Normally, Grendels prepare for this in advantage; this happened so quick, Carla. For all of us..."
Lyla and Carla didn't speak the rest of the afternoon. When she called the Pudding & Pie earlier to discuss what occurred earlier, Lyla refused to talk. She didn't want to waste her time; there was enough on her mind. Bigby was gone with the note; Carla couldn't wait to receive his next letter Her heart fluttered as she pictured Gren. She had his image as clear as day; his massive form holding her gently in his arms. Carla could feel his icy flesh pressed against her bare body, her breasts compressed on his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck.
Carla closed her eyes, as she opened the window. A frigid wind blew into the apartment; a clean, crisp smell surrounding herself. The wind danced along her hair, as she stood naked under the moonlight. She knew rest was in order; Swineheart would be back in the morning, along with the sheriff, Snow and John.
For now, Carla was in blithe, as she held her rapidly growing belly, until she heard a loud pounding at the door. She was startled; surely this was a mistake. She waited; hopefully who ever it was would go away. It was late. No one she knew would be visiting. The pounding, however, continued. It grew louder with each pounding. Carla became fearful, as she reached for her phone. As she found it difficult to dial her father's number, the door gave way. She saw a foot smash through the hole; shards of wood flying violently into the air. Carla froze, as she watched Sam, Nate and Malcom enter the apartment.
"Hello, Carla," Sam said, in a terrifying voice. "Long time, no see. Things sure have changed in these last few months, haven't they?"
Carla glanced over at Nate, who held a large amount of rope. Malcom, like always did nothing; she was beginning to think he just did this to please Sam and not be punished. She found it hard to move, to breathe.
"Gren," she uttered. "Gren...Gren....."
"Gren! Gren, Gren," mocked Sam, as he began laughing. "Fuck Carla, you are too predictable. Too bad for you though your night in shining armor is not here! Tie her up...not like she can defend herself..."
Oh wow, pudding! I LOVE where this is going! The end..what the hell man! PLEASE tell me you have an idea on where this is going! Poor thing! And no Gren to save her! Keep going, dude!!!!
Chapter 23
"True colors part 1"
'Show me how the world looks through your eyes. Tell about the sunrise; let me see the stars shine. Sh… moreow me, how the world looks through your eyes. And I can show you how it looks through mine.'
-Martina Mcbride
July 27th, 2012
My dearest Carla-
I miss you so much. Every night, I've had marvelous dreams; nothing but you and our daughter. I picture her looking like you. Would hate to know she will have this face! Can't believe its been two months now. Bigby tells me you are going wonderful and the pregnancy has been easy on you. You have no idea how much weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Was worried the pregnancy was going to put you on bed rest until the birth. Things here are a moving at a very nice pace; I won't go into details but I hope you like the area I have cleared up for the birth. I know you adore flowers, so as we get closer, I will pick some wild one and your favorite, Lilies… [view original content]
Violence, action and emotional scenes this is perfection my favorite chapter so far just so good. The villain(boogey) so intimidating and intelligently written.
The gruesome scenes are just so cool
Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood
The tension between Draco and Boogey had me on the edge of my seat so intense and the writing I was just fascinated and in awe of some of the lines in that section so badass. A rollercoaster ride from start to finish I LOVE THIS
This must be a major contender for story of the month and definitely one of the best stories I read recently your so talented MORE PLS!!
Until we meet again
Chapter 8 Reckoning
Wolven does his best to hold Talia off, but she overpowers him and managed to cut his neck wit… moreh a sharp object. He whimpers for a moment then bounces back at her. Draco is gets up and transforms into his dragon, he is surrounded by the group of men ready to kill him. They are hesitant while approaching Draco for his size and sheer power intimidates them. Draco covers the cage in flames and flies up to the area where Marco is being held.
The two creatures holding him captive stands in front of Marco threatening to kill him if Draco approaches. Draco roars furiously at the two and suddenly, Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood. He wipes and mouth looks at Draco and says " What? I was thirsting"
Marco: Alright Draco, time to bounce. Giddyup!
Marco hops on Draco's back and they bu… [view original content]
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
Boogey has the world in his hands right now, and he just trap the only person who can stop him in their own mind and fear. This enemy is to strong to face individualy. In this time of need, enemies need to unite to take down this terrible threat.
Let this be a hint to what is to come in second part. Also these last chapters will be the last story for Draco. I am planning on starting a new character sometime.
Violence, action and emotional scenes this is perfection my favorite chapter so far just so good. The villain(boogey) so intimidating and in… moretelligently written.
The gruesome scenes are just so cool
Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood
The tension between Draco and Boogey had me on the edge of my seat so intense and the writing I was just fascinated and in awe of some of the lines in that section so badass. A rollercoaster ride from start to finish I LOVE THIS
This must be a major contender for story of the month and definitely one of the best stories I read recently your so talented MORE PLS!!
Her eyes remained closed; it felt like an eternity but Carla was aware of the situation taking place. The walls felt enclosed around her, encasing her in a forever tomb. The air was still and frigid. She could hear the world outside; the window was still open and they icy winds were circling around her naked body. She wanted to move but her hands were tied and feet felt heavy, like stones tied to her ankles. Carla wanted to scream. Let out a piercing, blood curdling scream. Carla desperately pressed the rope against the floor, hoping the wood would splinter the rope and release her from this hell.
Carla was instantaneously awaken with a bucket of water pouring on her body. She sat up and wailed. The frosty water dripped down her skin, creating a puddle around her. Her body was furiously shaking from the shock of the cool water. Carla gasped when her sudden pain began in her lower abdomen. Carla entwined against her chest; the only way this seemed to take away the pressure and calm Rosie down was this. She tried talking to her belly; the baby was not pleased and was letting Carla know. It felt like a million knives plunging deep into her flesh.
"Well, there you go, girl," laughed Sam, as he took a seat before her. In his hand, he smoked a cigarette. Carla watched as he inhaled and exhaled in her direction. creating a large cloud around her head. Sam and Nate chuckled; Malcom sat back, trying to avoid eye contact.
"You bastards," shrieked Carla, still trying to free herself. The ropes were digging into her wrists; the pain of raw flesh scrapping against the rope was unpleasant. "Let me go!"
Sam doubled over, still continuing to smoke. He was having fun playing with this girl's life. If only she had stayed with her own kind; he would take pity but with the idea of a Grendel baby growing inside her womb, he brushed that thought to the side. It was one thing to fuck a mundy or hell, even a Fable. Georgie LOOKED human and he could walk out the door and skip down the yellow brick road with no problems. A Grendel, however, was an ugly beast in Sam's book. They had no other option but to purchase a glamour and hide their true identity. 'How wretched,' though Sam, as he watched Carla squirm on the floor. 'We could have had something you and me....'
"Let me go, please," begged Carla, with tears streaming down her eyes. "Don't hurt her! You want me, take me! Just please...leave Rosie."
Sam got down to Carla's level. He placed the smoking butt out on the floor; a small trail of gray slowly making its way to the ceiling. Carla looked over and noticed Nate had a gun pointed against her head.
"Wow, never thought I'd hear a SMITH plead for their lives," laughed Sam. "You have not learned a damn thing, have you Carla? All those years in school STILL couldn't prepare you for this world. You are a fucking idiot for trailing over to this side! There are fucking reasons why we don't breed with them, Carla! Our blood is STRONG! A proud, powerful species! Should have kept your damn legs closed..."
"Sam, I'm sorry! Things between us were never meant to be! I never had an interest in being with someone on the Council-"
Sam threw his hand back, slapping Carla in the face. She tumbled to the side, her stomach tender and in discomfort. Carla wanted to vomit. Rosie, although the size of her thumb, was threatened and letting Carla know. Sam grabbed Carla by her throat and wrapped his thick fingers around her neck. He closed enclosed around and dug deep, her gasps filling the silent room.
"Sam," yelled Malcom. "Take it easy! You said nothing about killing her!"
Sam smiled while releasing Carla. She fell to the floor gasping, trying to catch her breathe.
"Wha...What are you going to do to me," gasped Carla. "Are you going to rape me, Sam? Never pictured the son of a Superior falling so low. Thought this was a proud, superior race?"
Sam, annoyed with her sarcastic tone, back handed Carla again. Carla landed against the wall, her head hitting the panel. It was throbbing; the pain too much for her to bare. She tried calling for him again. Although he was nowhere near the apartment, much less in Fabletown, she was out of ideas.
"Gren," mumbled Carla. "Gren...Gren...please..."It had become a habit she created to protect herself.
The room was full of the snickers coming from both Sam and Nate; Sam picked Carla back up and placed her on both feet planted to the ground and against the wall.
"Oh Carla, you are so pathetic. Look at you; weak like your mother. Fucking mundies can't just leave well enough alone. You really think that beast will charge through that door and rescue you? He LEFT you alone, a mundy, to defend yourself! Huh! And you LOVE him, Carla?, sweetie. I'm not going to rape you. Too easy if you ask me..."
Carla hurled a large ball of spit at Sam's face. Nate cocked the gun and dug it deep into her head. Malcom continued looking on like a frightened child. Sam slammed Carla back against the wall, her head colliding with the paneling. Rosie continued thrashing inside; Carla's head was spinning and all she wanted to do was fall down and close her eyes; this had to be a nightmare.
"You fucking bitch," roared Sam. "You think you're so fucking hilarious! HUH? DO YOU!? MALCOM! Get the tools..."
Carla's eyes widened, as she watched Malcom bring out various operating tools. She watched as Sam held up a variety of surgical tools: Restractors, Clamps, scalpels, and injection needles, just to name a few.
"Wh-What are you going to do to me, Sam!? What is this!?"
"We must cleanse you, Carla," replied Sam, as he cleaned the scalpel. "That atrocity growing inside of you has to be dealt with. John wants to close his eyes and avoid the truth, then so be it. But not us....not me. The Grendel has to go, Carla...."
"Waaah?! No! NOOOOOOOO! No, no, no! Please, Sam! Not my baby!"
Nate held her down. Sam gagged her with a towel. His horrific laugh filled the room, as he watched Carla struggle to move.
"Poor you," whispered Sam. "Damn fucking shame. You would have made a fine wife, Carla. Now who would want you, huh? Nothing but a pathetic, miserable beast with nothing in this world but his usual bar stool and a bottle of Whiskey to sing him to sleep."
'I'm sorry,' thought Carla as she closed her eyes. 'I'm sorry....I failed you...'
Without warning, the front door closed in and nearly flew in the direction of Sam. He dodged the blunt object and the various shards of wood flying in his direction. Nate took cover behind the counter, as Malcom crawled to the corner. Sam tried to look in the cloud of dust. He couldn't see or hear anyone until a pair of red eyes peered through the cloud.
"Who is there," shouted Sam, throwing scalpels and plungers at the dust. "SHOW YOURSELF, you fucking pussies!"
A large paw slammed against Sam, causing the man to fly into the window, shattering it. A rather large piece stabbed him in the arm. Gushes of blood escaping the wound and forming a crimson red pool on the floor. Nate shook in his spot, as he watched Malcom carefully grab Carla and pull her away from the commotion.
"MALCOM, you dirty traitor," shrieked Nate.
Suddenly, Carla and Malcom could clearly see who was in the dust. Bigby continued fighting with Sam, while a larger figure grabbed Nate and held him into the hair. He large hand grasped his neck, slowly chocking the life out of Nate. He struggled to grasp the hand and pull away. While Malcom untied Carla and gave her a robe, she was astonished to see who was holding Nate back; the large woman in the burgundy dress continuing to hold Nate up. She wasn't glamoured, as she continued growling.
"Holly...," whispered Carla.
She was not glamoured, as she continued holding Nate up, pressing him against the wall now.
"Fu...Fuck you, Fables-"
Holly dug her claws into Nate's throat and tore it open. He began choking on blood, as she threw his lifeless body to the side. Sam watched in horror, as his friend and partner let the last bit of life escape his eyes. Sam looked to the window and before Bigby could grab him, he jumped out and landed on the street; he was gone into the darkness before anyone could stop him.
Holly and Bigby ran to Carla, who was still is disbelief. She could hear them calling her name, feel Holly tug at her robe to get her attention. Carla continued starring into space, into darkness, into the eyes of her beloved, Gren.
John was the one to deliver the letter tonight; he wanted to speak to Gren and try to get to know the man that fathered his grandchild. He was lifting a large pile of wood, when he looked over to Gren. The giant beast was still; the crickets seemed to stop chirping, the air was still and silent. He watched as baby frogs scattered into the Mere and frantically swim into the tall Cattails growing on the edges. The giant wolf came to a hault, as he slowly made his way to Gren.
Before John could finish, the beast threw his head back and let out a loud roar. The trees began to shake, the rivers ran silent, the moon appearing to hid behind a cluster of clouds. Gren threw his giant fists into the ground, causing the earth to mover for a second. He continued to roar, as he tossed several logs and pulled up tree stumps.
"Gren! Gren, what are you-"
"SHE'S IN PAIN, JOHN," bellowed Gren. "I can FEEL her agony, her fucking pain! I thought you said SHE WAS OKAY?!"
Gren couldn't ignore it; the thoughts jabbing at his mind, his inability to go stop this. He wanted to help her; to run into the streets and the shadows of Fabletown until he reached her. But these stupid instincts, the horrible ways of his kind, holding him back as if he was trapped in mud. Gren, despite his stature, strength and size, felt so small; powerless against the very thing he couldn't change. He wanted to stand in front of her, hold Carla and take away whatever was causing her such pain, such heartache.
Gren fell to his knees, as her anguish cries continued filling his mind; her continuing sobs and his name she continued to repeat.
"Carla," he whispered into the night. "Carla, don't be afraid. I love you...I'm here..."
Gren continued whispering her name, as he curled into a ball and closed his eyes.
Chapter 24
"True colors part 2"
Her eyes remained closed; it felt like an eternity but Carla was aware of the situation taking place. … moreThe walls felt enclosed around her, encasing her in a forever tomb. The air was still and frigid. She could hear the world outside; the window was still open and they icy winds were circling around her naked body. She wanted to move but her hands were tied and feet felt heavy, like stones tied to her ankles. Carla wanted to scream. Let out a piercing, blood curdling scream. Carla desperately pressed the rope against the floor, hoping the wood would splinter the rope and release her from this hell.
Carla was instantaneously awaken with a bucket of water pouring on her body. She sat up and wailed. The frosty water dripped down her skin, creating a puddle around her. Her body was furiously shaking from the shock of the cool water. Carla gasped when her sudden pain began in her lower abdomen. Carla entwine… [view original content]
Chapter 24
"True colors part 2"
Her eyes remained closed; it felt like an eternity but Carla was aware of the situation taking place. … moreThe walls felt enclosed around her, encasing her in a forever tomb. The air was still and frigid. She could hear the world outside; the window was still open and they icy winds were circling around her naked body. She wanted to move but her hands were tied and feet felt heavy, like stones tied to her ankles. Carla wanted to scream. Let out a piercing, blood curdling scream. Carla desperately pressed the rope against the floor, hoping the wood would splinter the rope and release her from this hell.
Carla was instantaneously awaken with a bucket of water pouring on her body. She sat up and wailed. The frosty water dripped down her skin, creating a puddle around her. Her body was furiously shaking from the shock of the cool water. Carla gasped when her sudden pain began in her lower abdomen. Carla entwine… [view original content]
Boogey calls the league back to the office building. As he awaits for everyone to arrive he skims through the book of black magic he had Talia steal for Draco. He stops on a page and touches the symbols that are covered in Latin texts.
Talia, Mett, and Chupa enters the room, and before Talia sits down Boogey ask her how Gillian's injuries are coming along. She responds " He took a strong kick to the skull, it should of killed him... but he's doing well and slowly healing." Boogey nods then walks over to the window.
Boogey: It's time to make our move, it's time to take this city. These people will cower in fear once I release the beast and unleash the fear spell and they will be torn asunder by their own pathetic fears then either enslaved to the new world or killed off.
They will know true fear. Gentlemen as reward for your loyalty, you will be offered to rule your own domain in the new world. It's the least I can do for your outstanding loyalty.
Chupa: .....
Mett: ....
Talia: Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: Alright, Talia take this. This will accelerate Gillian's healing. We will need him for this final mission.
Talia: Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: Once that's finished all of you will go to the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island area. Once you arrive to the locations await for my instructions. I will cover the Manhattan area.
Everyone: Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: Now off you go my loyal servants.
Talia, Mett and Chupa leaves preparing for their destinations. Boogey closes the book and walks over to the elevator. He takes the elevator down to the level where Mett's brother is being held. He walks down the long dreary hallway and sings a song..
"Hush, hush, hush
Here comes the Bogeyman!
Don't let him come too close to you
he'll catch you if he can.
Just pretend,
that you're a crocodile,
and you will find that Bogeyman will run away a mile."
He reaches the end of the hallway and rubs his hand on the door. Black fog spews from the door and he enters. The boy is still asleep so Boogey picks the boy up and carries him down the hallway and boards the elevator taking up to the roof. The sun and clouds are still, birds are chirping and the sound of cars and trucks honking can be heard down below. The wind is still and calm...
Boogey places the boy down by candles and opens the book of black magic. His eyes glow as he begins to read the Latin text. The sun disapears as the clouds grow dark. Lighting strikes once but not again. Boogey look's at the boy and says "You are going to make so powerful the devil himself wouldn't dare to challenge me.."
Meanwhile, Draco is still trapped in his conscious, stilling falling and falling.. He lands in water.. and struggles to stay afloat. He swims and swims looking for a sign land. After a short period he manages to make it onto land. He finds himself on beach covered in black sand. He yells out into the open seeing if there's anyone there, but there isn't.
Draco continues to walk the beach and is visited by past memories from when he was young and up until now. He is hunting by the dread memories of burning his house down by mistake when he was 9 and injuring his mother and nearly destroying his school and exposing his dragon form to people. Then he see's Marco, being murdered by Boogey... These terrible memories are so painful they cause Draco to fall to the ground and scream in horror. He want's them to stop, they are so painful.. But suddenly, he hears a familiar voice.
Aizaax: Draco...
Draco: Aizaax, but your dead.. how..
Aizaax: Yes, I am. You set me free from my own curse Draco. Now I'm going to do the same for you.
Draco: How..?
Aizaax: You must take control of your fear. Do not let it control you. Fear is what makes Boogey powerful. He can do anything with it. Trap you in you're own fear or manipulate people... like me.
Draco: But I...
Aizaax: Get a hold of yourself Draco!!! You are stronger than this. You are the bridge of hope for not only mankind but fables as well. You can save both. You have the power Draco, use it.
Draco: How??
Draco is transported to a wasteland, Aizaax appears beside him and says "In order to shred your fears and unleash your true power Draco you must face one the most powerful Dragon's that is alive to date. Your father, the dragon prince Delphantez."
The gigantic dragon descended down onto the wasteland's and roared at Draco. He is frozen in fear and doesn't recall his father being this large.
He holds his ground and prepare to face his father.
Aizaax: Remember what is precious to you, remember what you lost and remember what he took from YOU! Let that be your strength Draco. Become the hero the world needs!!!
Draco transforms into his dragon and charges after his father with determination in his eyes,
Carla sat completely still, looking directly into the eyes of darkness. She watched as the shadows danced frantically along the walls, jumped from section to section, calling her into their realm with unknown words. She couldn't pull herself away from looking. These walls had become her friends since his departure; since the last time they spent a night together, wrapped up and coiled in sheets.
She didn't seem to mind the frantic pacing of Holly and the Sheriff. Her father had arrived ten minutes later. He tried to awake her from the dark's stare, bring her back down to his level, his world. Her eyes never budged. They remained focused solely on the walls. Carla never made a peep. The young lady with the Auburn hair sat very still. She could, however, make out the terrified voices in the room. It didn't matter now; Nate's lifeless corpse still sat in a pool of his own blood. Sam managed to escape, despite his serious injuries he endorsed during the battle with Bigby and Malcom continued to be the bump on a log. The Council would get wind of this, she was sure of it.
But in her mind and heart, all she wanted was Grendel; to have the beast take her away to the middle of the wooded area, her body and mind entangled in his embrace, as the sun, sky and earth kissed her body. Carla wanted nothing more than to feel the earth between her toes, the cool waters splashing against her face. She longed for him to return to her.
"This has to stop, Bigby," she could hear her father. He was faintly speaking; perhaps he didn't want his daughter to hear the concern and worry in his voice. Carla wished for years he would stop that foolish behavior. After all, she was no longer a little girl in a yellow sundress and pigtails.
"The Council has gone to far," he continued. "I...I can't sit here and wait for their next move! They almost killed her, Bigby! Do you know how worried Gren is...."
Carla's ears perked the second she heard his name. Her attention was focused on her father. 'Please,' she begged to herself. 'Please, say his name once more...'
"Thank God Holly and you were here to stop them. I have THIS on my hands to fucking deal with..."
John slowly lifted up the remains of Nate and tossed him to the side. He grabbed a large towel, soaked it in the sink filled with hot water and frantically began cleaning the blood. The less they found, the better. Holly tried giving Carla a glass of cold water; she looked down and watched the ice cubs bounce up and down. She was not interested in the drink.
"Carla," whispered Holly, as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Please, sweetie. you need to drink something...."
"She won't do it," said Bigby. "She's in shock or, something. Just leave her be."
Carla looked at her father, who was finishing up the process of cleaning. The words were ready to launch; she could feel the sentences ready to leap out of her mouth. The fear kept her from speaking. The images continued to replay in her mind; the horrific, disturbed faces Nate and Sam showed. She was sure they would accomplish what they came here for; her daughter, however, was still safe growing inside her womb.
"Dad....," mumbled Carla. "Gr...Gren...where-"
John dropped the spray bottle and literally crawled to his daughter's side. Holly had to move away from the giant wolf man. He grabbed her hands and squeezed them.
"Carla, sweetie! Look at me! You're going to be are safe, now."
"Gren," repeated Carla. "Where...where is he, dad?"
"Sweetie, you know he can't...he's...god damn it! I don't know how to explain this to you, Carla! He can't just leave, sweetie. His people...their kind has to focus on this huge task and complete it. It's not an overnight thing. takes time..."
"Tell him I'm fine. I..I felt his anguish. I think he could feel the stress I was under."
" want me to lie to him?"
Carla's eyes were quickly filling with tears. John sighed. He couldn't bare to see his daughter in such pain but what options did he have? Her daughter knew Grendel better than anyone in this room. He simply gave her a nod. Carla reached out and grabbed Holly's hand.
"Why did you come here," she asked.. "Why...why did you stop them?"
Holly leaned forward and grabbed Carla's head, pushing it against her face. Holly gave her cheek a kiss, as she felt the hot streams of Carla's tears hit her face.
"You are family, Carla," replied Holly. "You have always been one of us..."
Carla continued to sit in silence, as Holly wrapped an arm around her neck and held on tight. She was numb and had nothing more to say. Holly's other hand laid gently on her belly; Rosie began sending a calming sensation throughout Carla's body. She felt at ease. John tossed the blood soaked towels into a plastic bag and Bigby tied them up. As a final touch, John sprayed a mixture of bleach and water along the areas.
"Hopefully this will cover all this shit up," said John. "What are you going to do with that, Bigby?"
Bigby threw the plastic bag over his shoulders. Carla could make out the pool of blood forming to the bottom, bits and ends of Nate's remains trying to poke through.
"Witching Well....its as simple as that...."
Carla carefully stood up with the help of Holly.
"We can't leave her alone anymore, John," said Holly with concern. "This time we got lucky; they could have killed both of them."
John turned away. He didn't want that image in his mind, to cloud his thoughts, his very dreams. He couldn't handle the idea of losing his daughter to ruthless, cold blooded cowards; they only had the nerve to attack his family at their weakest moments. The Council was playing dishonest. John couldn't remember them being like this but then again, his eyes were covered the entire time.
"For now on, someone has to be here with you at all times. Whenever you leave, go shopping or walk down the streets, you will always be with someone."
Carla thought the idea was preposterous; she didn't need a babysitter. Her mornings would be at the Business office; she would be under the watchful eyes of Snow and Bigby. After work, she could have one of her sisters or even her father stop by. Or, she thought to herself, there was another option she had been thinking about.
"What about Gren, Carla?"
She just wanted to see him, ignore the troubles and the forgotten world outside these walls. She looked out into the room filled with worried eyes; the blackness engulfing her mind, the loneliness she felt all these nights Gren was absent. He couldn't leave; she clearly understood this but she could go to him. All she wanted was him. To touch his face, feel his flesh against her.
"Take me to him," she begged John. "Take me...."
Carla dug her hands into her father's fur, as the giant wolf dodged large trees and boulders. The moon hung above; the neon white struck her skin, causing an eerie glow to it. The owls could be heard in the trees; the scurry of little creatures trying to take shelter from the wolf heading their direction. They didn't know better; simply their basic instincts taking over. A blanket of stars covered their bodies, as John continued pushing forward. Behind them, she could hear Holly and Bigby following; the sounds of heavy feet and crushing tree branches each time they moved. Carla could hear a waterfall ahead. Gren, she thought.
John came to a halt near an opening in the rocks. With Holly's help, Carla jumped down and walked around the bend; Gren was pushing several logs into the cave. She was beatific; the sight of her beloved beast, creating a loving environment for her and Rosie, was gratifying. Carla carefully walked in Gren's direction; he continued holding his head down, moaning in anguish. All he could think about was Carla; his heart ached for her. He felt a sudden warmth pressed against his shoulders; he assumed it was Bigby or John. Then, he caught wind of that familiar smell. The intoxicating aroma of Apples and rainwater.
He turned to face her; the moon glowed off her body, her hair blowing in the wind, entangling in the night and surrounding her round face. Her green eyes twinkled like the stars.
She charged in his direction; the beast stood in disbelief. Surely this was a dream; she looked too perfect in this time of grief. She looked marvelous in the simple faded pink nightgown. She held her arms out, as Carla wrapped her arms around his neck; the familiar icy flesh she adored piercing her warmth. He nuzzled his face into her hair, burying his nostrils in her hair and inhaling the smell.
"Look at you...its really you..."
There was something about Carla that night; she had a glow to her. I tried so hard not to get so caught up in her, as I ran my claws through her hair. She took my hand and we walked to the Mere; she was so taken back by the work. She was fearless, as I watched her dip her body into the water. John, Bigby and Holly stood back; I could see them taking in the beauty they witnessed. I'm usually not like this; this creature that felt content and blissful. I didn't knowhow it could get better than this, as I joined her in the water, holding her close, while we twirled under the moon.
I have this to say: The story of Georgie and Lyla was well done; the idea of Georgie being abused and having no choice but to take the club was brilliant. I have a whole new look on the pimp, thanks to you. I love the quads. They are too damn cute!
However, this story between Carla and Gren has taken my heart. Its amazing how you have taken your character and created a relationship with the Grendel. The art is brilliant. BTW what is the story behind the picture on this chapter? He looks so sad! And Bigby looks angry! 0.o I look forward to reading these chapters. It is my addiction. Don't are doing great. Please continue. Can't wait to meet Rosie. Good job, Georgie. MORE!!!
Chapter 25
Carla sat completely still, looking directly into the eyes of darkness. She watched as the shadows danced fra… morentically along the walls, jumped from section to section, calling her into their realm with unknown words. She couldn't pull herself away from looking. These walls had become her friends since his departure; since the last time they spent a night together, wrapped up and coiled in sheets.
She didn't seem to mind the frantic pacing of Holly and the Sheriff. Her father had arrived ten minutes later. He tried to awake her from the dark's stare, bring her back down to his level, his world. Her eyes never budged. They remained focused solely on the walls. Carla never made a peep. The young lady with the Auburn hair sat very still. She could, however, make out the terrified voices in the room. It didn't matter now; Nate's lifeless corpse still sat in a pool of his own blood. Sam managed to escape, despite hi… [view original content]
Thank you, Jones. Sadly, this story will be ending soon but on good terms. The idea behind the picture never happened but I wanted to add it for dramatic effect. Gren was going to tell Bigby she was better off without him; she didn't need to added on stress. Don't worry. I've come this far and will finish it. Glad you and everyone else is enjoying it.
I have this to say: The story of Georgie and Lyla was well done; the idea of Georgie being abused and having no choice but to take the club … morewas brilliant. I have a whole new look on the pimp, thanks to you. I love the quads. They are too damn cute!
However, this story between Carla and Gren has taken my heart. Its amazing how you have taken your character and created a relationship with the Grendel. The art is brilliant. BTW what is the story behind the picture on this chapter? He looks so sad! And Bigby looks angry! 0.o I look forward to reading these chapters. It is my addiction. Don't are doing great. Please continue. Can't wait to meet Rosie. Good job, Georgie. MORE!!!
No problem. I'm just glad you are deciding to end it on good terms. Keep up the brilliant work. Carla + Gren= 4ever. LOVE these two. I REALLY hope to see future pictures with them.
Thank you, Jones. Sadly, this story will be ending soon but on good terms. The idea behind the picture never happened but I wanted to add i… moret for dramatic effect. Gren was going to tell Bigby she was better off without him; she didn't need to added on stress. Don't worry. I've come this far and will finish it. Glad you and everyone else is enjoying it.
Draco breathes flames at the vastly white dragon, but it brushes it off like it never happen. It claws towards Draco attempting to knock it out of the sky. It tails whips Draco knocking him into the ground then it exhales it's own mighty fires at Draco. The heat from the fires is too much for him to bare causing him to fly away into a nearby waterfall to cool off from the flames.
He breathes heavily then snarls and has another flashback of his past when he was a youth and how rebellious he was during that time. He didn't care for much, he hated everything and everyone.. Draco was not the man as we see today during that time. He felt like the world was against him. Like he wasn't meant be here. He was so angry at himself and at the world he nearly jump off a cliff in frustration, but that all changed when he met his best friend Marco, who talked him out of his own demise.
Draco remembers the words Marco said that day, how they snapped Draco out of his sorrow and gave him hope. He remembers the day when hecalled Marco his brother... He remembers when the adventures him and Marco had over the years. Chasing after girls,getting involved with the mafia, sneaking into Fabletown, evading the the wrath of an evil genie. and joining Wolvens crusade to stop Aizaax from merging the Fable homelands with the Mundy world. These precious memories gives him strength, and hope.
He storms out of the waterfall cave flies up high and lands on a mountain while the sun sets...
The large white dragon turns around, to see his son waiting for him. It let's out a roar and slowly approaches the mountain. It tail whips the mountain into pieces destroying it. Draco avoids the ruble and rams into the white dragon with all of it's strength causing it to fall back. It lays down for a brief moment and get's up and fires one final fireball that can easily be measured as the size as a meteorite directly at Draco. It's certain that this will kill Draco if it touches him, but he pauses for a moment and thinks.
He looks into the wasteland and then into the direction where the white dragons attack is approaching. He reverts back into his human form and spread his arms wide and the accepts his so called fate. The massive fireball passes through him. The white dragon is pleased by his courage and says "Well done my son. You have passed your test. You set aside your fears and gained new powerful.. With this you can send Boogeyman back to his realm where he can never harm or manipulate anyone again.. I knew you where truely special the day i held you in my arms.. No words express how proud I am of you.."
Draco: Dad.. I
Delphantez: Draco do not doubt yourself, you freed yourself from Boogey's mind tricks and now you will free the world from his reign of terror. Go... my son. Your destiny awaits...
A beam of light appears in front of Draco. He jumps in and is brought back to the Mundane world and wakes up inside Wolvens apartment. He is greeted by Wolven and Viera who are relieved to see him up and well after being asleep for 12 hours.
Viera: Draco!
Draco: Viera! What are you doing here?
Viera: I came soon as Wolven called me. I brought Irene with me..
Draco: Oh... did you tell her what happened...
Irene: I already know.. Draco.. how did he... did Marco suffer..when he..?
Draco is silently looks at the ground and closes his eyes in sadness for a brief moment. He looks at Irene and tells her" We are going to get the bastard that did this to Marco, we will make him pay for this Irene." Irene nods and looks out of the window into the sky shedding a tear..
Wolven: Draco, i've spoken with my brother, Bigby. He was able to pull some strings with the business office and manages to pull some info on Boogey. His real name is Troy Holder. He was a resident of Fable town for years living under the radar. He worked with someone by the name of the 'Crooked Man' over twenty years ago collecting money for him. After awhile he left Fabletown to settled in lower New York and-
Draco: He could of scooped shit up from ogre, I could care less. I just what to find the fucker and make him pay for everything he has done..
Wolven: Was hoping you would say that.. My brother also sent me this.
Draco: Whats that?
Wolven: Fabletown has been keeping track of Boogey's purchases of property. And as of last year he sold all of his buildings except one..
Draco: The one he's hiding in.
Wolven: Yes. Get ready Draco, we're going hunting...
With only 3 more chapters left, our Hero's prepare for the final showdown against Boogeyman. Can they overcome this threat or will Boogey get is wish and trap the world in fear and chaos?
Chapter 25
Carla sat completely still, looking directly into the eyes of darkness. She watched as the shadows danced fra… morentically along the walls, jumped from section to section, calling her into their realm with unknown words. She couldn't pull herself away from looking. These walls had become her friends since his departure; since the last time they spent a night together, wrapped up and coiled in sheets.
She didn't seem to mind the frantic pacing of Holly and the Sheriff. Her father had arrived ten minutes later. He tried to awake her from the dark's stare, bring her back down to his level, his world. Her eyes never budged. They remained focused solely on the walls. Carla never made a peep. The young lady with the Auburn hair sat very still. She could, however, make out the terrified voices in the room. It didn't matter now; Nate's lifeless corpse still sat in a pool of his own blood. Sam managed to escape, despite hi… [view original content]
It's called the "internet".
This took me all night and most of the morning to think up. I hope that you guys enjoy it.
Chapter 7: Snow White
6:39 P.M. - at the Woodlands Business Office:
"It was horrible, she tortured us in our minds, over and over again. Especially when it involved him. I never asked for this to happen, Bigby. If I could rewind it all - back to the moment where I first laid my eyes on the towering creature, believe me, I would. We shouldn't have walked into that diner in the first place, now he's the one who is broken because of me."
Bigby lit a cigarette, slowly huffing the sweet, sweet smoke as he finally exhaled. "It wasn't your fault, Snow, there was nothing that you could have done to prevent it."
"I should have done something, Bigby. I should've..."
"Snow, stop it. If anything, I am to blame. I shouldn't have let my injuries get the best of me."
Snow sighed and rubbed her forehead out of exhaustion. "You were shot with a silver bullet, while your arm bone got positively snapped out of place. That was different then and it is different now. I expected no more from you, Sheriff. Besides, I am grateful that you came to our rescue."
Chuckling, he rubbed his left arm, which was starting to sting a little from before. "Thank you, Snow." Bigby smiled at her as he leaned against Crane's desk, while she did the same. "So, are you ready to go over what truly happened over at the factory? I'm going to need every detail for the report, maybe something to add to the library, even."
"Yes, yes, give me a moment." Snow walked behind her desk, casually sitting down. She couldn't help but notice that Bigby was smiling sheepishly at her, Miss White smirked in return, thinking how funny he looked. "Okay, I think I'm ready, do we really have to do this?"
"Yes, we do. I'm sorry Snow, I know you're traumatized about this as well. But we have to do this, feel free to take your time." He looked at Snow with the utmost concern, taking another huff from the cig. Snow sighed and nodded. "Fine. It all started when--"
A few hours earlier...
"Ugh, why do I have to carry the heavy one?"
"Because I said so. How do you think Mary would treat us if she saw us switching bodies to carry, huh? She would fucking disintegrate us, that's what she'll do, now shut up with your fucking whining and put him in the room there. Remember to properly tie the straps this time, Mary says that he might be a problem if he gets angry."
"He didn't look like much of a threat to me, John, we beat the shit out of him outside of the Mundy diner, remember? He was still groggy when he tried to take a few swings at us, fucking hilarious."
John ignored Mike as he carried Snow into the opposite room, Mike shrugged and did the same. After doing what they were tasked to do, the two henchmen walked out of the rooms, Mary was already waiting in the hall for them.
"Well? Are my 'guests' all snug and tight?"
"Yes, your captives are restrained in the way you requested, boss." Noted John.
"Good, good. Now, I want the both of you patrolling the perimeter of the factory. Make sure that no one enters the building or leaves, unless granted by my permission.
"Understood, Mary." Their fleshy forms turned into spirits once more, disappearing without a trace.
"Hmmm, choices, choices, whom to choose? Should I torture the dragon first, or Fabletown's 'Director of Operations'?"
"Ah, maybe the vulnerable Snow White. Yes, she'll do." She thought to herself as she entered Snow's 'room'.
Snow glared at Bloody Mary when she entered, the tempted figure slowly circled around her chair, smiling evilly as she wrapped her hands around Snow's neck.
"Wow, I must say, I'm jazzed to have the ever-so-popular Snow White in my presence like this. Really, it's an honor." Snow had felt her grasp tighten. She had let out a pained groan, Mary let go after that.
"...Really, you gave out that fast?" Mary cackled. "You are not the infamous Snow that I had imagined, where's your oomph?"
Snow paused and tried to clear her throat.
"Mary, I gave you Crane, what more could you want from us?"
"Oh, I dunno. I feel like the new Fabled dragon should get redemption, y'know? Do you recall stabbing his hand with a fork? I bet he still feels sore after that. Poor, poor him."
"Anyways, I'm not here to answer your petty questions. I am here to make you suffer, on behalf of my own orders. Ol' Crooky wanted you alive, but that doesn't mean you have to be mentally stable. I'm sure he'll understand." Snow widened her eyes in fear. "What?"
Mary's eye color turned blood-red, her body slowly turning into a ghostly-like figure, with the only light in the room flickering on and off.
"My, that felt good, I'm so going to enjoy tampering with your brain."
Snow was downright scared out of her mind, she didn't expect this at all. Panicking, she tried to break free from her straps, but it was to no avail.
Mary laughed as she lunged herself into Snow White's head, completely taking over her mind. Snow felt a sudden, stimulated rush inside of her brain, she started to feel a little woozy. The worst had yet to come.
"Mary, please, don't do this..."
"...Nah." A piercing scream then shrieked inside of her head. Snow tried to ignore it, but she succumbed to the devilish noise quickly, causing her to scream out of agony.
Snow sobbed, her eyeliner trickling down her cheeks. "Please..."
"Oooo, what if I play around with THIS."
Everything went quiet, Snow assumed Mary was done toying with her brain, boy, she thought wrong.
"What a shame, a real shame, I miss her." A voice echoed throughout the now pitch-black room.
Snow looked around desperately. "...Rose? Is that you?"
A figure wearing a white shirt with a red rose painted in the middle emerged from the shadows and sighed. "Yes, it's me, sis."
"How did you get in here, Rose? H-how did you even know I was here?"
"I didn't, you're dead Snow."
A blanket of grief covered Snow in disbelief. "What do you mean, 'I'm dead'"? Come on, stop joking and untie me, Rose!"
"I’m sorry, sis, I don't save dead people. In fact: you were never a good sis 'nor a good friend."
"What do you mean? We played building blocks together for god's sake! We even helped mom bake a pie when we were 7! Don't you remember?!"
Rose Red sighed and leaned against the door. "I-I'm sorry, Snow, I need to go. Good luck with whatever it is you're doing." She opened the door handle and carefully closed it shut behind her.
"Rose? ROSE! COME BACK, I NEED YOU! ...Don't leave me, please..."
Complete silence.
"--And that was the last I saw of my sister, Bigby. Bloody Mary, um, stopped 'peering' into my brain after that. I mean, it felt so surreal, like my sister was actually there! God... I miss her, Bigby, I really do. I just wish that Tezoth didn't suffer a far worse fate than me, if you hadn't come along, she, she-!"
"Snow, please, you're here now. That's what matters most. You were lucky to be still sane when I first found you, Tezoth on the other hand, not so much."
"Did Swineheart say what his condition was?" Snow looked at Bigby out of worriment.
"No, not yet, I'll be sure to check with him again. In the meantime, get some rest, and Hell, give your sister a call. It certainly sounds like you need it, I bet she misses you dearly in the material world."
"Oh, I don’t know about that. But thanks anyway, Wolf. I definitely needed that."
Bigby smiled again - she did too. The both of them had got up and walked together as they soon exited the Business Office.
END, of Chapter 7.
John is my favorite
Haha, thank you very much, Stone! I'll definitely include more shenanigans with them in the later chapters!
Rose Red...0.0
Nice, dude! Damn, Bloody Mary! Glad I didn't say your name 5 times now! XD This is good!
Chapter 22
July 25th, 2012
**Dear Gren-
I'm writing you this letter in hopes it reaches you in time. I miss you terribly but understand why you are doing what you do. Swineheart, Bigby and Snow explained everything to me. I was delighted when Snow allowed me to venture to the back of the office where all the books of Fables are located. She joked that I needed to brush up on my Grendel knowledge and what to expect when well, expecting a Grendel. The book is full of so much information; I had no idea how impressive and complicated your kind can be during this time. I'm close to two months now. Swineheart makes daily checkups on me now. At first, I didn't feel the need for the constant visitations from the doctor but when the cocoon began to harden up and I was in severe pain, he made it a point to visit. Plus, me being a mundy and all...Holly came by two weeks ago; I was surprised she wanted to see me and do her best to help in my time of need. God bless her; she managed to get me into your apartment, where I've been staying. It makes me feel like you are there; like you never left. I miss you so much, Gren. Every night, I leave a light on in the kitchen, so I don't feel so alone. I sleep with your jacket; it smells so much like you. But I know you are doing this for US and for that, I thank you. Hope this letter get's to you. Be nice to Bigby; he is doing his best.
Love you so much.
Dr. Swineheart sat beside Carla, while she continued reading the book. She was fascinated with the Grendel population and the characteristics they possessed. She was used to the doctor being there now; it had almost become a routine for the both of them these past few weeks. He was pleased; her body was taking the pregnancy very well and besides the usual discomfort with a Grendel baby, she had no problems. Her saving grace was the wolf in her; normally, mundy woman couldn't use the restroom without some kind of assistance.
Carla jumped when Swineheart stuck a needle into her arm. This part, however, was never easy. He pulled the plunger and soon, the barrel was full of blood. He quickly moved to a few test tubes; one full of clear liquid, the other yellow. He dropped half the blood in the first, then moved to the other. They both watched as the first turned a creamy peach color, the second solid pink. Carla watched as Swineheart smiled.
"That must be good, right," asked Carla, quickly sitting up. "You are beaming, doctor."
"Indeed," replied Swineheart, as he cleaned his area. "I'm very pleased to see your body is taking this pregnancy so well. There is nothing wrong with the baby. In fact, it is as strong as an Ox and quickly growing. Not going to lie. I was worried about you when I tested you the first time and found out you were pregnant by Grendel."
"Yeah," voiced Carla. "I...we all were worried, too."
"Well. You are out of the woods now. From here on out, as long as you continue to rest and eat plenty of fish, the baby will be happy and so will mommy."
That word was still so foreign to Carla-mommy. The other day, while on the phone with Nancy, she mentioned 'how is the mommy to be?' and Carla had a moment; the hell was she talking about?
"What was the second test for, doctor," asked Carla.
"Oh, of course," laughed Swineheart. "It determines the sex of the baby. Would you like to know?"
"Congratulations, Carla. You are having a baby girl."
Carla was pleased; in the the chapter, it stated pregnancy with a female Grendel was much easier then a boy; it stated girls tend to be more 'relaxed' and 'satisfied' with the choices the mother does from beginning to end. Boys had a nasty habit of making the mother constantly sick and on edge; made since now why they pregnancy had gone so smoothly. She couldn't wait to tell Gren; she already had a name picked out.
"Thank you, doctor. I can't wait to tell everyone...tell Gren..."
Swinheart smiled.
"Well, I'll leave you to it then, Carla. I will be back in the morning to check on you two again. By the way, I can't remember the last time Grendel's apartment looked this clean and organized. You've done an amazing job making this place look like-"
"Like home."
Swineheart's eyes seem to twinkle, as he thanked Carla and left. She got up and reached for the lock. Gren's apartment was not in a very guarded neighborhood; although no one has bothered her since the move in, she was still cautious of her surroundings. Eventually, they would have to get a bigger place; a tiny studio apartment was no place to raise a Grendel baby. When Gren comes back and mentions leaving, she wouldn't hesitate. Carla pictured wide open fields; a tiny country home, bubbling river and sunshine above. She could see her daughter running among the forest of green. She was never glamoured in her visions, as she skipped, played and danced in the open. All she wanted was a normal life with her, Gren and their little girl.
That night, Bigby arrived to the apartment. Carla greeted him with a hug and handed him the letter.
"So, a little girl, huh?"
"My dad tell you?"
"Well, no offense. He won't shut up about it. Lyla wanted to advise you tomorrow she will make a visit. She has some clothes from the girls that she wants you to have. Georgie, your dad and I want to come by soon and help you with the crib, as well."
"Thank you, Sheriff but that won' be necessary right now. I do, however, need someone to check the bathroom. The shower is barely giving me any water."
"I will check it out when Lyla comes over," replied Bigby. "Get some rest, Carla."
"I will, Bigby. Tell him I said hi and I love him...."
Bigby grinned and soon, headed to the forest. Before he did, however, Carla stopped him. She was grasping his arm; her tiny fingers digging deep into his flesh, a doleful look in her eyes.
"Bigby. How-how much longer will this go on? I was told it varied; the book mentioned it varies, as well."
"I can't tell you that," answered Bigby. "I...I can't. Gren is his own; he needs to do this, Carla. You know he HAS to do this. You just need to keep a strong head on those shoulders and take care of little missy in there."
Bigby turned and headed down the streets, leaving Carla behind with a single light beaming from the inside. She knew that time WOULD come, patiently, she would wait.
Bigby's form was massive; he was a rather large black wolf when he turned and he used it to his advantage. He sprung through the trees, grasped the dirt as his mighty paws hit the soil. He ran until he found the Mere; the moon was bright tonight, as he found him. Gren, in his beast form, swam around a section, throwing various sticks, rocks and decomposing logs to the side. He carefully walked up to Gren and placed the letter down. Gren turned to face Bigby; the mighty wolf sat down and waited. Gren climbed out of the water and took the note; he read it carefully. Bigby could see the tears streaing down his face, as he finished the letter.
"How is she, Bigby," asked Gren, while cleaning his face. " is the baby?"
"Carla is TOO much like John," chuckled Bigby. "She is strong, healthy and the baby growing like a weed. She is out of danger, Gren. We don't have to worry now know..."
Gren hung his head. That is what concerned him the most when she became pregnant. Would his baby, HIS kind, be the one to kill her? He couldn't live himself if anything happened to her. Living wouldn't be an option.
"Do they know yet? Am I having a son or daughter?"
"Congratulations, Gren. It's a perfect, healthy baby girl."
Bigby watched as the mighty titan fell to his knees, closed his eyes, and began mumbling something ancient from the homelands. Bigby found out that male Grendels did this as a thank you for a healthy pregnancy and the birth of their future offspring. He too, like Carla, was still learning.
"So," asked Bigby, as he stood up. "How is the nest and birthing center coming along?"
He walked to the edge of the area Gren was working on and peered down. From what he could tell, Gren had created a missive gap near the banks and into the cave that hid behind some brush.
"The birthing center in the water is complete," replied Gren. "However, I'm still trying to get the nest just right. It has to be absolutely perfect, for when she arrives."
"She misses you, Gren," said Bigby, as he turned to look at Gren. "She...she misses you but knows this has to be done. She loves you, Gren. Perhaps when you are almost complete, I can bring her out here to visit you and see the results?"
Gren simply nodded his head; he too, missed Carla. His heart ached to be beside, to make passionate love, to feel her quickly growing belly. This, however, needed to be complete; he may look mundy but you can't ignore thousands of years of tradition.
"I will let you know when it's complete, Sheriff. Te..tell...tell everyone thank you. For everything. You, you really came through for me, Bigby. You finally helped the strays..."
Bigby left Gren to his duties; the giant wolf would be back soon with yet, another update. He trotted on to the city, now in his glamoured self.
As Gren continued to dig and push massive logs in an angle, he clutched the letter tightly against his chest. He knew that sweet day would come.
He would always be there for Carla.
This was my favorite chapter so far because of these reasons: Your creativity in regards to Grendel and the process it takes to prepare for the baby. The whole writing letter idea and having Bigby take it to him, despite their past, was beautiful. The picture, too is nicely done. Carla and Gren are now my favorite couple.
I hope they reunite soon; I feel so bad for Carla.
Keep up the good work, Georgie. I'm pleased with this story and can't wait to read more.
Thanks, man! I hope you're enjoying every bit of it.
I really loved the letter bit!
I am currently in graduate school majoring in writing and we have to critique each other's stories (which takes more time than writing one). I can officially say you're an excellent writer, Cordelia!
But that's just the beginning of a good story! Continue it. You might want to consider bringing her back into fabletown. I can attest from personal experience that after a few years of being a hermit in a cave the woods, it gets boring (see my profile). I suggest changing it so no one knows about her necklace and having her work in town. She tries not to love anyone, and rejects a couple of guys when she starts to have feelings for them. Then she meets this guy...
It would make a sellable romance novel, literally. But maybe change it so the first man she loves DIES, because it makes absolutely no sense not to want someone you love live forever. If I were critiquing it for Advanced Creative Writing (which I'm taking now) I'd point that out as a big plot hole. The character has no visible motivation NOT to fall in love, only to make sure it's with someone who deserves to live forever. But that's such a unique story, it could work in any way you want to do it.
I'm not kidding about expanding and publishing that as a romance novel, BTW. Lots of people do that, publish on smashwords or Kindle, and make a few thousand dollars. I did it (book link on my blog. It's porn though). When people buy your book it feels like free money raining from the sky (don't expect to get rich, though).
You have what it takes, both writing-wise and unique plot-wise.
...But as much as I like your drawing, you might want to get someone else to do the cover art! (joke—it's actually a very nice drawuing)
As for me, I'd love to write a fable. It would start with Blackbeard capturing me stripping me naked and chaining me to his huge, expensive bed while I blush. But with school, writing that here would be like the girl who tests pie flavor quality at work all day coming home and making pie.
Very Violent and intelligently written with descriptions which made me picture each moment perfectly. but because of that it was so tense because of all the drama just superb. It even had a villain in Mary who doesn't love a villain. Any way of all your stories this is my favourite chapter so far your getting better and better your really a great talent just awesome.
It was horrible, she tortured us, over and over again
.Nah." A piercing scream then shrieked inside of her head. Snow tried to ignore it, but she succumbed to the devilish noise quickly, causing her to scream out of agony.
Snow sobbed, her eyeliner trickling down her cheeks. "Please..."
"Oooo, what if I play around with THIS."
I hope I inspired some of this violence because I LOVE THIS!! MORE PLEASE!!
Until we meet again
Chapter 8 Reckoning
Wolven does his best to hold Talia off, but she overpowers him and managed to cut his neck with a sharp object. He whimpers for a moment then bounces back at her. Draco is gets up and transforms into his dragon, he is surrounded by the group of men ready to kill him. They are hesitant while approaching Draco for his size and sheer power intimidates them. Draco covers the cage in flames and flies up to the area where Marco is being held.
The two creatures holding him captive stands in front of Marco threatening to kill him if Draco approaches. Draco roars furiously at the two and suddenly, Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood. He wipes and mouth looks at Draco and says " What? I was thirsting"
Marco: Alright Draco, time to bounce. Giddyup!
Marco hops on Draco's back and they burst through the wall and leaves the warehouse. Wolven and Talia are still fighting until debris fall from the ceiling separating the two.
Talia: This isn't over wolf, NOT BY A LONG SHOT.
Talia flies away and Wolven looks around to make sure Draco and Marco made it out, he jumps up on several platforms and climb through a hole and makes it out of the burning building.
Outside, Draco and Marco awaits for Wolven to emerge from the building. Suddenly dark mist surrounds Draco and Marco. This causes Draco to transform back into his human form and made him so weak he could barely stand. Marco wasn't affected by the mist but from behind him, Boogey appears behind him and stabs him through the heart with a silver dagger.
Draco stares in horror as he watches his best friend fall to the ground. Marco final words before he dies is "Look.... after and Irene and the.. kid's..and tell them I... love them.." Marco turns to dust and fades into the wind...
He gets up and charges towards Boogey with all the strength and makes a fist of fire. He is stoped by Boogey and is lifted up by Boogey's power and slammed to the ground. Boogey walks over and whispers into Draco's ear and says "This is what happens when your playing with fire, this what happens when you cross the boogeyman. All you had to do was let Gillian kill you and no one else would of gotten hurt... Marco would still be alive if you just laid down and die.."
Draco: No, this.. can't be happening... what do you want with me? Why are you doing this?
Boogey: I'm just tying up loose ends. You were a threat to my plans so I had no choice... I could of told you directly and maybe you would of cooperated but... that would of be drag so.. But not going to kill you.. I'm just going to trap you in your deepest darkest fears and watch you ascend into madness. It's much worse than death if you ask me. It's my style.
Draco: You won't get away with this.. you fucking monster..
Boogey: Watch me, Tomorrow, the city will be shrouded in darkness and all of its inhabits haunted by their fears. Then by a week the whole hemisphere, in 3 weeks.. THE WORLD!
Draco: You are just like... Aizaax.
Boogey: Aizaax, wish he had power like me, but no matter. I will go out of my way and show you a glimpse of the near future, it's the least I can do...
Draco: No... I won't let this happen...
Boogey: Poor Draco, how do expect to save anyone if you can't save yourself?
Draco: There are things stronger than fear..
Boogey: What is that?
Draco: Hope...
Boogey: Mhmhmhmhm right..., it's time for bed Draco, Now sleep FOREVER!!!!
Draco drifts away in a deep sleep, falling into the darkness of his own conscious. He is all alone....
End of Book 1
To be continued.
I'd pay to see that broom scene in the game :P
Brutal! You really conveyed the fight in an unflinching way.
That was an interesting read, especially all the details of Grendels you put in. Nice job!
Yes. I think my mind is turning psycho like yours now. Bwhahaha!
I like this. I'm pretty sure you already knew that I was going to say that, though. What with the dialogue that changes in style depending on who's saying it; the intelligent descriptions; the pace and intrigue; plus the Rose Red reference; and a bunch of other stuff, it's a winner. It's top quality. I'm impressed xD
Whoa, really? It hadn't crossed my mind!
...Only joking with ya, Noir.
I am glad you think so, do you think I'm pacing the story well? Sometimes I think I am rushing it a little.
When I was reading it I never thought it felt particularly rushed. To me it gave quite a bit of bang for buck, in the sense that it wasn't too long and yet it moved the story along nicely. I consider my pacing to be terrible though, and you're the second person to ask for my opinion on it, so another opinion might help haha.
Out of curiosity, how would you slow the pace down? Because I'd always lean towards pace over unnecessary filler, and if as a writer you feel like you're shoehorning extra in, the reader might pick that up. That said, if you've got more description or dialogue or something else that you think would set the scene more, the reader may become more immersed.
How would 'I' slow it down? I just add lots of calm conversational situations without constantly using action scenes, as you already noticed. Sorry if I'm not any more specific. I don't think your pacing is terrible, either. You are really descriptive, which is good! That is a very blue Snow White in your picture as well. Did she stray away from the group at Willy Wonka's? ;P
Lord Boogey is so sinister, I love it!
Hmm, perhaps try going with how you think the characters would act in the situations you'd put them in, and then the conversation might still feel relevant, yet slow it down a touch. I don't know, I think your doing great as it is
and thanks for saying so!
Yeah, you've got to watch where you go in that factory. The amount of work-related lawsuits that guy gets is unbelievable :P I was going to do her in normal colours and then, seeing as she looked worried, I thought blue seemed an appropriate twist.
His reign of terror has just begun.
Thanks again man, like I said for the 2000th time probably! You're also welcome!
Excellent, most excellent.
Chapter 23
"True colors part 1"
'Show me how the world looks through your eyes. Tell about the sunrise; let me see the stars shine. Show me, how the world looks through your eyes. And I can show you how it looks through mine.'
-Martina Mcbride
July 27th, 2012
My dearest Carla-
I miss you so much. Every night, I've had marvelous dreams; nothing but you and our daughter.
I picture her looking like you. Would hate to know she will have this face! Can't believe its been two months now. Bigby tells me you are going wonderful and the pregnancy has been easy on you. You have no idea how much weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Was worried the pregnancy was going to put you on bed rest until the birth. Things here are a moving at a very nice pace; I won't go into details but I hope you like the area I have cleared up for the birth. I know you adore flowers, so as we get closer, I will pick some wild one and your favorite, Lilies. I will decorate the area to make it feel more comfortable for you. I'm so sorry, Carla, I never told you about all of this. Never thought I had to. Never imagined myself with someone, let alone a father to be. I TRIED coming home, I really did but you can't avoid basic instincts and so, with a heavy heart, I did what comes naturally for us. Soon. We will be together soon. Until then, leave the light on, take care of yourself and the baby and continue writing these letters. I, believe or not, look forward to seeing Bigby.
By the way, I was thinking about Rosie for the name. What do you think? Love you always, Carla.
Carla was up before the sun touched the sky. She slowly got up and made herself breakfast. Normally, the smell of fish repulsed her; Carla never enjoyed the taste or texture of sea food. Now, here she was frying up Sardines. The smell was heavenly; the putrid, vile creature was appetizing to the rapidly growing baby inside. A chapter in the book explained it, as did Snow and Swineheart. Grendels love to live and hide in the waters; they are capable of staying underneath for two hours. During this time, they hunt in search of food. Fish is their main source of protein and energy.
Carla took a seat on the couch with a plate full of very crunchy, very well done pieces of fish. She tore the crispy head off of one and gnawed it it, while she picked through the body for bones. Carla would tear off the flesh and devour every bit; this was scrumptious at the moment and nothing could top it. About two minutes into her meal, she heard a loud knocking on her door. Carla didn't want to get up; she was very comfortable and enjoying her meal. The knocking, however, didn't stop so, she slowly lifted herself up, placed the plate down and walked to the door.
At the door was Bigby, Snow and Lyla. In the sheriff's hands, he held a tool box. That's right, thought Carla. My bathroom. Carla closed the door behind them, as she watched Snow head to the couch. She seemed fascinated with her breakfast, as was Lyla. Bigby headed to the bathroom to take on the challenge of fixing up her bathroom.
"Hm. So, how long has this craving been taking place," asked Snow, as she took a seat.
Carla returned to the plate, took a seat next to Snow and quickly picked at the flesh. The entire time she devoured the fish, Snow simply sat quietly and smiled. Her worries about Carla's pregnancy were no longer a concern; she was doing wonderful.
"Since two weeks ago. I tried ignoring it. Normally, I don't eat sea food but...she seems to enjoy it. Read up on their unusual obsession with the stuff. Then, Swineheart told me to EAT more fish, so, here we are."
Snow beamed as she reached over and placed a hand on Carla's belly. The texture and feel was slowly hardening up; it felt like a tiny brick wall was being built around her uterus. Lyla took a seat; cup of coffee in her right hand.
"Where are the quads," asked Carla, while chewing on a crispy fish tail.
"Georgie has them right now," replied Lyla, taking a sip. "I was going to bring them, just so he can get some work done but he insisted I take some time off from my 'mommy' duties, so, here I am. when I left, he had all four with him in his office. PRETTY sure either Hans or Henry will be helping him out, though."
The three women began laughing at not only the idea of Georgie taking on all four babies but this whole ordeal of Gren and Carla. she too, never pictured them bringing a child into this world. Gren voiced he didn't want it; she at the time, didn't have the time or desire either.
"Any names picked out yet," asked Snow.
"Yes...we have one...Rosie. Gren came up with the name. I love it..."
"You spoke to him?"
Carla reached under the seat cushions and pulled out the letter. She handed it to Lyla; her sister scanned over the letter. When she was complete, she handed Snow the letter. Her sister didn't say much; Lyla sat very still, continuing to nurse her cup of coffee.
"He's sending you letters, Carla," said Lyla. There was an annoyance in her tone. Carla was uneasy.
"Lyla. You knew this..."
"No. No, I didn't. Maybe SNOW did, sure the sheriff knows, as well, since he's the one sending these to him. What, he can't see you in person? I'm sure Bigby can take you down there with him..."
"Lyla, it's not that easy," vocalized Snow, while trying to calm Carla down. "Grendels do things SO much more different then mundies or any other Fable. He never abandoned her. He has to have complete silence, in solitary and with no assistance. this is the only way he can communicate until everything is complete and ready for the baby..."
Lyla was having a hard time understanding. She saw it as an excuse; an excuse to play Carla and everyone else stupid and when he thought they had trusted him enough, he'd vanish into the night. She would get the call from her distraught sister that Gren abandoned them both.
"Seems like an excuse to me..."
Cara stood up, just as Bigby entered the room. He felt the tension between the sisters; Snow was on her feet, trying her best to keep Carla relaxed. She too, had been reading up on the Grendel population and the pregnancy Carla was going through. It stated that if the mother was in any form of distress, the baby felt it and caused sever pain. It never meant to hurt the mother; the unborn child simply was defeating while still encased in the cocoon. Unfortunately, the mother felt these actions. Indeed, Carla showed she was strong enough to handle a pregnancy with a Grendel baby; however, she wasn't capable of dealing with this. It would surely do some sever damage to her.
"What did you say," shouted Carla, as she tried stepping closer to Lyla. "You are starting to sound A LOT like dad did, like the Mary!"
"I don't give a fuck what the book states, Carla," shrieked Lyla. "I don't WANT to hear it. HE ran away from Bigby AND dad; they mentioned your pregnancy, he took off and has been gone since-"
"BECAUSE he is preparing for this baby, Lyla! He ran off like that because this was unexpected! We were not TRYING for a baby! She just happened!"
"Hm. Yeah. Just like you two were TRYING avoid it, TRYING to keep him glamoured...oh wait. I forgot. My sister likes to FUCK when he is in his true form! How exciting that must be! Knowing not only do you have wolf in you but his kind is a fucking walking sperm bank on legs! OOoohh yeah, you two were REALLY trying to avoi-"
Carla swung at her sister and knocked Lyla to the ground. Snow pulled Carla back; Bigby picked Lyla up and tried holding her back. He could feel her muscles tightening up, her growling, the fine hair forming on her arms. 'Relax,' he thought. 'Please. You can kill her, Lyla. Restrain yourself...'
"How DARE you come into MY home and talk to me like this! You of all people should understand where I'm coming from!"
"That baby is going to need a glamour for the rest of her life, Carla! No, you're right-I DON'T understand! You have NO idea how much the Council is going to feed off of this...They have lookouts all over this fucking city! Always watching...waiting..."
"Least mine has respect for his fellow Fables and women alike. Didn't see you becoming the bitch of Georgie Porgie-"
Bigby clung to Lyla tight; he was finding it difficult to hold her back. Lyla began kicking and even turned to bite Bigby. He was prepared-prepared to change and take her down if necessary.
"Get her out of her, Bigby," shouted Snow. "Please! Get her out! She can't have this silly childish feud upset the baby..."
Bigby dragged Lyla out, still kicking and screaming like a child in a tantrum.
"You have no idea what you've done," screamed Lyla, as Bigby dragged her down the hall. "You have no idea, what this means for you, Carla...."
Carla sat down; she was feeling sick. The baby was not happy and she could feel it. Snow forced her to sit. She went to the kitchen and fetched Carla a glass of water. Carla instantly finished the beverage. She was having a hard time understanding her sister's abrupt outbursts.
"You okay, Carla," asked Snow. She worried about her sometimes. Carla was indeed taking on more than she could handle. Snow could see the devastation in her eyes; the anguish and fretfulness. Snow didn't know how else to make this less stressful for her. All she could do was give the contentment she needed.
"Carla," continued Snow. "This has been a stressful experience for ALL of us. You must understand where we are all coming from. You can't get mad at her or anyone for being nervous about your condition; for our concern about Gren and his state of mind. Normally, Grendels prepare for this in advantage; this happened so quick, Carla. For all of us..."
Lyla and Carla didn't speak the rest of the afternoon. When she called the Pudding & Pie earlier to discuss what occurred earlier, Lyla refused to talk. She didn't want to waste her time; there was enough on her mind. Bigby was gone with the note; Carla couldn't wait to receive his next letter Her heart fluttered as she pictured Gren. She had his image as clear as day; his massive form holding her gently in his arms. Carla could feel his icy flesh pressed against her bare body, her breasts compressed on his chest, her arms wrapped around his neck.
Carla closed her eyes, as she opened the window. A frigid wind blew into the apartment; a clean, crisp smell surrounding herself. The wind danced along her hair, as she stood naked under the moonlight. She knew rest was in order; Swineheart would be back in the morning, along with the sheriff, Snow and John.
For now, Carla was in blithe, as she held her rapidly growing belly, until she heard a loud pounding at the door. She was startled; surely this was a mistake. She waited; hopefully who ever it was would go away. It was late. No one she knew would be visiting. The pounding, however, continued. It grew louder with each pounding. Carla became fearful, as she reached for her phone. As she found it difficult to dial her father's number, the door gave way. She saw a foot smash through the hole; shards of wood flying violently into the air. Carla froze, as she watched Sam, Nate and Malcom enter the apartment.
"Hello, Carla," Sam said, in a terrifying voice. "Long time, no see. Things sure have changed in these last few months, haven't they?"
Carla glanced over at Nate, who held a large amount of rope. Malcom, like always did nothing; she was beginning to think he just did this to please Sam and not be punished. She found it hard to move, to breathe.
"Gren," she uttered. "Gren...Gren....."
"Gren! Gren, Gren," mocked Sam, as he began laughing. "Fuck Carla, you are too predictable. Too bad for you though your night in shining armor is not here! Tie her up...not like she can defend herself..."
"Gren..." she continued to utter. "Gren...."
Oh wow, pudding! I LOVE where this is going! The end..what the hell man! PLEASE tell me you have an idea on where this is going! Poor thing! And no Gren to save her! Keep going, dude!!!!
Violence, action and emotional scenes this is perfection my favorite chapter so far just so good. The villain(boogey) so intimidating and intelligently written.
The gruesome scenes are just so cool
Marco breaks free of his captives snapping one of their necks and injuring the other. He walks over towards the injured creature and drinks it's blood
The tension between Draco and Boogey had me on the edge of my seat so intense and the writing I was just fascinated and in awe of some of the lines in that section so badass. A rollercoaster ride from start to finish I LOVE THIS
This must be a major contender for story of the month and definitely one of the best stories I read recently your so talented MORE PLS!!
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.
Boogey has the world in his hands right now, and he just trap the only person who can stop him in their own mind and fear. This enemy is to strong to face individualy. In this time of need, enemies need to unite to take down this terrible threat.
Let this be a hint to what is to come in second part. Also these last chapters will be the last story for Draco. I am planning on starting a new character sometime.
Chapter 24
"True colors part 2"
Her eyes remained closed; it felt like an eternity but Carla was aware of the situation taking place. The walls felt enclosed around her, encasing her in a forever tomb. The air was still and frigid. She could hear the world outside; the window was still open and they icy winds were circling around her naked body. She wanted to move but her hands were tied and feet felt heavy, like stones tied to her ankles. Carla wanted to scream. Let out a piercing, blood curdling scream. Carla desperately pressed the rope against the floor, hoping the wood would splinter the rope and release her from this hell.
Carla was instantaneously awaken with a bucket of water pouring on her body. She sat up and wailed. The frosty water dripped down her skin, creating a puddle around her. Her body was furiously shaking from the shock of the cool water. Carla gasped when her sudden pain began in her lower abdomen. Carla entwined against her chest; the only way this seemed to take away the pressure and calm Rosie down was this. She tried talking to her belly; the baby was not pleased and was letting Carla know. It felt like a million knives plunging deep into her flesh.
"Well, there you go, girl," laughed Sam, as he took a seat before her. In his hand, he smoked a cigarette. Carla watched as he inhaled and exhaled in her direction. creating a large cloud around her head. Sam and Nate chuckled; Malcom sat back, trying to avoid eye contact.
"You bastards," shrieked Carla, still trying to free herself. The ropes were digging into her wrists; the pain of raw flesh scrapping against the rope was unpleasant. "Let me go!"
Sam doubled over, still continuing to smoke. He was having fun playing with this girl's life. If only she had stayed with her own kind; he would take pity but with the idea of a Grendel baby growing inside her womb, he brushed that thought to the side. It was one thing to fuck a mundy or hell, even a Fable. Georgie LOOKED human and he could walk out the door and skip down the yellow brick road with no problems. A Grendel, however, was an ugly beast in Sam's book. They had no other option but to purchase a glamour and hide their true identity. 'How wretched,' though Sam, as he watched Carla squirm on the floor. 'We could have had something you and me....'
"Let me go, please," begged Carla, with tears streaming down her eyes. "Don't hurt her! You want me, take me! Just please...leave Rosie."
Sam got down to Carla's level. He placed the smoking butt out on the floor; a small trail of gray slowly making its way to the ceiling. Carla looked over and noticed Nate had a gun pointed against her head.
"Wow, never thought I'd hear a SMITH plead for their lives," laughed Sam. "You have not learned a damn thing, have you Carla? All those years in school STILL couldn't prepare you for this world. You are a fucking idiot for trailing over to this side! There are fucking reasons why we don't breed with them, Carla! Our blood is STRONG! A proud, powerful species! Should have kept your damn legs closed..."
"Sam, I'm sorry! Things between us were never meant to be! I never had an interest in being with someone on the Council-"
Sam threw his hand back, slapping Carla in the face. She tumbled to the side, her stomach tender and in discomfort. Carla wanted to vomit. Rosie, although the size of her thumb, was threatened and letting Carla know. Sam grabbed Carla by her throat and wrapped his thick fingers around her neck. He closed enclosed around and dug deep, her gasps filling the silent room.
"Sam," yelled Malcom. "Take it easy! You said nothing about killing her!"
Sam smiled while releasing Carla. She fell to the floor gasping, trying to catch her breathe.
"Wha...What are you going to do to me," gasped Carla. "Are you going to rape me, Sam? Never pictured the son of a Superior falling so low. Thought this was a proud, superior race?"
Sam, annoyed with her sarcastic tone, back handed Carla again. Carla landed against the wall, her head hitting the panel. It was throbbing; the pain too much for her to bare. She tried calling for him again. Although he was nowhere near the apartment, much less in Fabletown, she was out of ideas.
"Gren," mumbled Carla. "Gren...Gren...please..."It had become a habit she created to protect herself.
The room was full of the snickers coming from both Sam and Nate; Sam picked Carla back up and placed her on both feet planted to the ground and against the wall.
"Oh Carla, you are so pathetic. Look at you; weak like your mother. Fucking mundies can't just leave well enough alone. You really think that beast will charge through that door and rescue you? He LEFT you alone, a mundy, to defend yourself! Huh! And you LOVE him, Carla?, sweetie. I'm not going to rape you. Too easy if you ask me..."
Carla hurled a large ball of spit at Sam's face. Nate cocked the gun and dug it deep into her head. Malcom continued looking on like a frightened child. Sam slammed Carla back against the wall, her head colliding with the paneling. Rosie continued thrashing inside; Carla's head was spinning and all she wanted to do was fall down and close her eyes; this had to be a nightmare.
"You fucking bitch," roared Sam. "You think you're so fucking hilarious! HUH? DO YOU!? MALCOM! Get the tools..."
Carla's eyes widened, as she watched Malcom bring out various operating tools. She watched as Sam held up a variety of surgical tools: Restractors, Clamps, scalpels, and injection needles, just to name a few.
"Wh-What are you going to do to me, Sam!? What is this!?"
"We must cleanse you, Carla," replied Sam, as he cleaned the scalpel. "That atrocity growing inside of you has to be dealt with. John wants to close his eyes and avoid the truth, then so be it. But not us....not me. The Grendel has to go, Carla...."
"Waaah?! No! NOOOOOOOO! No, no, no! Please, Sam! Not my baby!"
Nate held her down. Sam gagged her with a towel. His horrific laugh filled the room, as he watched Carla struggle to move.
"Poor you," whispered Sam. "Damn fucking shame. You would have made a fine wife, Carla. Now who would want you, huh? Nothing but a pathetic, miserable beast with nothing in this world but his usual bar stool and a bottle of Whiskey to sing him to sleep."
'I'm sorry,' thought Carla as she closed her eyes. 'I'm sorry....I failed you...'
Without warning, the front door closed in and nearly flew in the direction of Sam. He dodged the blunt object and the various shards of wood flying in his direction. Nate took cover behind the counter, as Malcom crawled to the corner. Sam tried to look in the cloud of dust. He couldn't see or hear anyone until a pair of red eyes peered through the cloud.
"Who is there," shouted Sam, throwing scalpels and plungers at the dust. "SHOW YOURSELF, you fucking pussies!"
A large paw slammed against Sam, causing the man to fly into the window, shattering it. A rather large piece stabbed him in the arm. Gushes of blood escaping the wound and forming a crimson red pool on the floor. Nate shook in his spot, as he watched Malcom carefully grab Carla and pull her away from the commotion.
"MALCOM, you dirty traitor," shrieked Nate.
Suddenly, Carla and Malcom could clearly see who was in the dust. Bigby continued fighting with Sam, while a larger figure grabbed Nate and held him into the hair. He large hand grasped his neck, slowly chocking the life out of Nate. He struggled to grasp the hand and pull away. While Malcom untied Carla and gave her a robe, she was astonished to see who was holding Nate back; the large woman in the burgundy dress continuing to hold Nate up. She wasn't glamoured, as she continued growling.
"Holly...," whispered Carla.
She was not glamoured, as she continued holding Nate up, pressing him against the wall now.
"Fu...Fuck you, Fables-"
Holly dug her claws into Nate's throat and tore it open. He began choking on blood, as she threw his lifeless body to the side. Sam watched in horror, as his friend and partner let the last bit of life escape his eyes. Sam looked to the window and before Bigby could grab him, he jumped out and landed on the street; he was gone into the darkness before anyone could stop him.
Holly and Bigby ran to Carla, who was still is disbelief. She could hear them calling her name, feel Holly tug at her robe to get her attention. Carla continued starring into space, into darkness, into the eyes of her beloved, Gren.
John was the one to deliver the letter tonight; he wanted to speak to Gren and try to get to know the man that fathered his grandchild. He was lifting a large pile of wood, when he looked over to Gren. The giant beast was still; the crickets seemed to stop chirping, the air was still and silent. He watched as baby frogs scattered into the Mere and frantically swim into the tall Cattails growing on the edges. The giant wolf came to a hault, as he slowly made his way to Gren.
Before John could finish, the beast threw his head back and let out a loud roar. The trees began to shake, the rivers ran silent, the moon appearing to hid behind a cluster of clouds. Gren threw his giant fists into the ground, causing the earth to mover for a second. He continued to roar, as he tossed several logs and pulled up tree stumps.
"Gren! Gren, what are you-"
"SHE'S IN PAIN, JOHN," bellowed Gren. "I can FEEL her agony, her fucking pain! I thought you said SHE WAS OKAY?!"
Gren couldn't ignore it; the thoughts jabbing at his mind, his inability to go stop this. He wanted to help her; to run into the streets and the shadows of Fabletown until he reached her. But these stupid instincts, the horrible ways of his kind, holding him back as if he was trapped in mud. Gren, despite his stature, strength and size, felt so small; powerless against the very thing he couldn't change. He wanted to stand in front of her, hold Carla and take away whatever was causing her such pain, such heartache.
Gren fell to his knees, as her anguish cries continued filling his mind; her continuing sobs and his name she continued to repeat.
"Carla," he whispered into the night. "Carla, don't be afraid. I love you...I'm here..."
Gren continued whispering her name, as he curled into a ball and closed his eyes.
Even the mighty were capable of falling.
Wow, that had be gripped from start to finish.
That was really brilliant! LOVED it! Can't wait for more!!!!
Discard your fears and acquire new power.
Chapter 9 Draco Rises
Boogey calls the league back to the office building. As he awaits for everyone to arrive he skims through the book of black magic he had Talia steal for Draco. He stops on a page and touches the symbols that are covered in Latin texts.
Talia, Mett, and Chupa enters the room, and before Talia sits down Boogey ask her how Gillian's injuries are coming along. She responds " He took a strong kick to the skull, it should of killed him... but he's doing well and slowly healing." Boogey nods then walks over to the window.
Boogey: It's time to make our move, it's time to take this city. These people will cower in fear once I release the beast and unleash the fear spell and they will be torn asunder by their own pathetic fears then either enslaved to the new world or killed off.
They will know true fear. Gentlemen as reward for your loyalty, you will be offered to rule your own domain in the new world. It's the least I can do for your outstanding loyalty.
Chupa: .....
Mett: ....
Talia: Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: Alright, Talia take this. This will accelerate Gillian's healing. We will need him for this final mission.
Talia: Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: Once that's finished all of you will go to the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island area. Once you arrive to the locations await for my instructions. I will cover the Manhattan area.
Everyone: Yes, Lord Boogey.
Boogey: Now off you go my loyal servants.
Talia, Mett and Chupa leaves preparing for their destinations. Boogey closes the book and walks over to the elevator. He takes the elevator down to the level where Mett's brother is being held. He walks down the long dreary hallway and sings a song..
"Hush, hush, hush
Here comes the Bogeyman!
Don't let him come too close to you
he'll catch you if he can.
Just pretend,
that you're a crocodile,
and you will find that Bogeyman will run away a mile."
He reaches the end of the hallway and rubs his hand on the door. Black fog spews from the door and he enters. The boy is still asleep so Boogey picks the boy up and carries him down the hallway and boards the elevator taking up to the roof. The sun and clouds are still, birds are chirping and the sound of cars and trucks honking can be heard down below. The wind is still and calm...
Boogey places the boy down by candles and opens the book of black magic. His eyes glow as he begins to read the Latin text. The sun disapears as the clouds grow dark. Lighting strikes once but not again. Boogey look's at the boy and says "You are going to make so powerful the devil himself wouldn't dare to challenge me.."
Meanwhile, Draco is still trapped in his conscious, stilling falling and falling.. He lands in water.. and struggles to stay afloat. He swims and swims looking for a sign land. After a short period he manages to make it onto land. He finds himself on beach covered in black sand. He yells out into the open seeing if there's anyone there, but there isn't.
Draco continues to walk the beach and is visited by past memories from when he was young and up until now. He is hunting by the dread memories of burning his house down by mistake when he was 9 and injuring his mother and nearly destroying his school and exposing his dragon form to people. Then he see's Marco, being murdered by Boogey... These terrible memories are so painful they cause Draco to fall to the ground and scream in horror. He want's them to stop, they are so painful.. But suddenly, he hears a familiar voice.
Aizaax: Draco...
Draco: Aizaax, but your dead.. how..
Aizaax: Yes, I am. You set me free from my own curse Draco. Now I'm going to do the same for you.
Draco: How..?
Aizaax: You must take control of your fear. Do not let it control you. Fear is what makes Boogey powerful. He can do anything with it. Trap you in you're own fear or manipulate people... like me.
Draco: But I...
Aizaax: Get a hold of yourself Draco!!! You are stronger than this. You are the bridge of hope for not only mankind but fables as well. You can save both. You have the power Draco, use it.
Draco: How??
Draco is transported to a wasteland, Aizaax appears beside him and says "In order to shred your fears and unleash your true power Draco you must face one the most powerful Dragon's that is alive to date. Your father, the dragon prince Delphantez."
The gigantic dragon descended down onto the wasteland's and roared at Draco. He is frozen in fear and doesn't recall his father being this large.
He holds his ground and prepare to face his father.
Aizaax: Remember what is precious to you, remember what you lost and remember what he took from YOU! Let that be your strength Draco. Become the hero the world needs!!!
Draco transforms into his dragon and charges after his father with determination in his eyes,
To be continued
Chapter 25
Carla sat completely still, looking directly into the eyes of darkness. She watched as the shadows danced frantically along the walls, jumped from section to section, calling her into their realm with unknown words. She couldn't pull herself away from looking. These walls had become her friends since his departure; since the last time they spent a night together, wrapped up and coiled in sheets.
She didn't seem to mind the frantic pacing of Holly and the Sheriff. Her father had arrived ten minutes later. He tried to awake her from the dark's stare, bring her back down to his level, his world. Her eyes never budged. They remained focused solely on the walls. Carla never made a peep. The young lady with the Auburn hair sat very still. She could, however, make out the terrified voices in the room. It didn't matter now; Nate's lifeless corpse still sat in a pool of his own blood. Sam managed to escape, despite his serious injuries he endorsed during the battle with Bigby and Malcom continued to be the bump on a log. The Council would get wind of this, she was sure of it.
But in her mind and heart, all she wanted was Grendel; to have the beast take her away to the middle of the wooded area, her body and mind entangled in his embrace, as the sun, sky and earth kissed her body. Carla wanted nothing more than to feel the earth between her toes, the cool waters splashing against her face. She longed for him to return to her.
"This has to stop, Bigby," she could hear her father. He was faintly speaking; perhaps he didn't want his daughter to hear the concern and worry in his voice. Carla wished for years he would stop that foolish behavior. After all, she was no longer a little girl in a yellow sundress and pigtails.
"The Council has gone to far," he continued. "I...I can't sit here and wait for their next move! They almost killed her, Bigby! Do you know how worried Gren is...."
Carla's ears perked the second she heard his name. Her attention was focused on her father. 'Please,' she begged to herself. 'Please, say his name once more...'
"Thank God Holly and you were here to stop them. I have THIS on my hands to fucking deal with..."
John slowly lifted up the remains of Nate and tossed him to the side. He grabbed a large towel, soaked it in the sink filled with hot water and frantically began cleaning the blood. The less they found, the better. Holly tried giving Carla a glass of cold water; she looked down and watched the ice cubs bounce up and down. She was not interested in the drink.
"Carla," whispered Holly, as she brushed a strand of hair out of her face. "Please, sweetie. you need to drink something...."
"She won't do it," said Bigby. "She's in shock or, something. Just leave her be."
Carla looked at her father, who was finishing up the process of cleaning. The words were ready to launch; she could feel the sentences ready to leap out of her mouth. The fear kept her from speaking. The images continued to replay in her mind; the horrific, disturbed faces Nate and Sam showed. She was sure they would accomplish what they came here for; her daughter, however, was still safe growing inside her womb.
"Dad....," mumbled Carla. "Gr...Gren...where-"
John dropped the spray bottle and literally crawled to his daughter's side. Holly had to move away from the giant wolf man. He grabbed her hands and squeezed them.
"Carla, sweetie! Look at me! You're going to be are safe, now."
"Gren," repeated Carla. "Where...where is he, dad?"
"Sweetie, you know he can't...he's...god damn it! I don't know how to explain this to you, Carla! He can't just leave, sweetie. His people...their kind has to focus on this huge task and complete it. It's not an overnight thing. takes time..."
"Tell him I'm fine. I..I felt his anguish. I think he could feel the stress I was under."
" want me to lie to him?"
Carla's eyes were quickly filling with tears. John sighed. He couldn't bare to see his daughter in such pain but what options did he have? Her daughter knew Grendel better than anyone in this room. He simply gave her a nod. Carla reached out and grabbed Holly's hand.
"Why did you come here," she asked.. "Why...why did you stop them?"
Holly leaned forward and grabbed Carla's head, pushing it against her face. Holly gave her cheek a kiss, as she felt the hot streams of Carla's tears hit her face.
"You are family, Carla," replied Holly. "You have always been one of us..."
Carla continued to sit in silence, as Holly wrapped an arm around her neck and held on tight. She was numb and had nothing more to say. Holly's other hand laid gently on her belly; Rosie began sending a calming sensation throughout Carla's body. She felt at ease. John tossed the blood soaked towels into a plastic bag and Bigby tied them up. As a final touch, John sprayed a mixture of bleach and water along the areas.
"Hopefully this will cover all this shit up," said John. "What are you going to do with that, Bigby?"
Bigby threw the plastic bag over his shoulders. Carla could make out the pool of blood forming to the bottom, bits and ends of Nate's remains trying to poke through.
"Witching Well....its as simple as that...."
Carla carefully stood up with the help of Holly.
"We can't leave her alone anymore, John," said Holly with concern. "This time we got lucky; they could have killed both of them."
John turned away. He didn't want that image in his mind, to cloud his thoughts, his very dreams. He couldn't handle the idea of losing his daughter to ruthless, cold blooded cowards; they only had the nerve to attack his family at their weakest moments. The Council was playing dishonest. John couldn't remember them being like this but then again, his eyes were covered the entire time.
"For now on, someone has to be here with you at all times. Whenever you leave, go shopping or walk down the streets, you will always be with someone."
Carla thought the idea was preposterous; she didn't need a babysitter. Her mornings would be at the Business office; she would be under the watchful eyes of Snow and Bigby. After work, she could have one of her sisters or even her father stop by. Or, she thought to herself, there was another option she had been thinking about.
"What about Gren, Carla?"
She just wanted to see him, ignore the troubles and the forgotten world outside these walls. She looked out into the room filled with worried eyes; the blackness engulfing her mind, the loneliness she felt all these nights Gren was absent. He couldn't leave; she clearly understood this but she could go to him. All she wanted was him. To touch his face, feel his flesh against her.
"Take me to him," she begged John. "Take me...."
Carla dug her hands into her father's fur, as the giant wolf dodged large trees and boulders. The moon hung above; the neon white struck her skin, causing an eerie glow to it. The owls could be heard in the trees; the scurry of little creatures trying to take shelter from the wolf heading their direction. They didn't know better; simply their basic instincts taking over. A blanket of stars covered their bodies, as John continued pushing forward. Behind them, she could hear Holly and Bigby following; the sounds of heavy feet and crushing tree branches each time they moved. Carla could hear a waterfall ahead. Gren, she thought.
John came to a halt near an opening in the rocks. With Holly's help, Carla jumped down and walked around the bend; Gren was pushing several logs into the cave. She was beatific; the sight of her beloved beast, creating a loving environment for her and Rosie, was gratifying. Carla carefully walked in Gren's direction; he continued holding his head down, moaning in anguish. All he could think about was Carla; his heart ached for her. He felt a sudden warmth pressed against his shoulders; he assumed it was Bigby or John. Then, he caught wind of that familiar smell. The intoxicating aroma of Apples and rainwater.
He turned to face her; the moon glowed off her body, her hair blowing in the wind, entangling in the night and surrounding her round face. Her green eyes twinkled like the stars.
She charged in his direction; the beast stood in disbelief. Surely this was a dream; she looked too perfect in this time of grief. She looked marvelous in the simple faded pink nightgown. She held her arms out, as Carla wrapped her arms around his neck; the familiar icy flesh she adored piercing her warmth. He nuzzled his face into her hair, burying his nostrils in her hair and inhaling the smell.
"Look at you...its really you..."
There was something about Carla that night; she had a glow to her. I tried so hard not to get so caught up in her, as I ran my claws through her hair. She took my hand and we walked to the Mere; she was so taken back by the work. She was fearless, as I watched her dip her body into the water. John, Bigby and Holly stood back; I could see them taking in the beauty they witnessed. I'm usually not like this; this creature that felt content and blissful. I didn't knowhow it could get better than this, as I joined her in the water, holding her close, while we twirled under the moon.
I have this to say: The story of Georgie and Lyla was well done; the idea of Georgie being abused and having no choice but to take the club was brilliant. I have a whole new look on the pimp, thanks to you. I love the quads. They are too damn cute!
However, this story between Carla and Gren has taken my heart. Its amazing how you have taken your character and created a relationship with the Grendel. The art is brilliant. BTW what is the story behind the picture on this chapter? He looks so sad! And Bigby looks angry! 0.o I look forward to reading these chapters. It is my addiction. Don't are doing great. Please continue.
Can't wait to meet Rosie. Good job, Georgie. MORE!!!
Thank you, Jones. Sadly, this story will be ending soon but on good terms.
The idea behind the picture never happened but I wanted to add it for dramatic effect. Gren was going to tell Bigby she was better off without him; she didn't need to added on stress. Don't worry. I've come this far and will finish it. Glad you and everyone else is enjoying it.
No problem.
I'm just glad you are deciding to end it on good terms. Keep up the brilliant work. Carla + Gren= 4ever.
LOVE these two. I REALLY hope to see future pictures with them.
Come to, and fly back to us.
Chapter 10 Escape From Madness
Draco breathes flames at the vastly white dragon, but it brushes it off like it never happen. It claws towards Draco attempting to knock it out of the sky. It tails whips Draco knocking him into the ground then it exhales it's own mighty fires at Draco. The heat from the fires is too much for him to bare causing him to fly away into a nearby waterfall to cool off from the flames.
He breathes heavily then snarls and has another flashback of his past when he was a youth and how rebellious he was during that time. He didn't care for much, he hated everything and everyone.. Draco was not the man as we see today during that time. He felt like the world was against him. Like he wasn't meant be here. He was so angry at himself and at the world he nearly jump off a cliff in frustration, but that all changed when he met his best friend Marco, who talked him out of his own demise.
Draco remembers the words Marco said that day, how they snapped Draco out of his sorrow and gave him hope. He remembers the day when hecalled Marco his brother... He remembers when the adventures him and Marco had over the years. Chasing after girls,getting involved with the mafia, sneaking into Fabletown, evading the the wrath of an evil genie. and joining Wolvens crusade to stop Aizaax from merging the Fable homelands with the Mundy world. These precious memories gives him strength, and hope.
He storms out of the waterfall cave flies up high and lands on a mountain while the sun sets...
The large white dragon turns around, to see his son waiting for him. It let's out a roar and slowly approaches the mountain. It tail whips the mountain into pieces destroying it. Draco avoids the ruble and rams into the white dragon with all of it's strength causing it to fall back. It lays down for a brief moment and get's up and fires one final fireball that can easily be measured as the size as a meteorite directly at Draco. It's certain that this will kill Draco if it touches him, but he pauses for a moment and thinks.
He looks into the wasteland and then into the direction where the white dragons attack is approaching. He reverts back into his human form and spread his arms wide and the accepts his so called fate. The massive fireball passes through him. The white dragon is pleased by his courage and says "Well done my son. You have passed your test. You set aside your fears and gained new powerful.. With this you can send Boogeyman back to his realm where he can never harm or manipulate anyone again.. I knew you where truely special the day i held you in my arms.. No words express how proud I am of you.."
Draco: Dad.. I
Delphantez: Draco do not doubt yourself, you freed yourself from Boogey's mind tricks and now you will free the world from his reign of terror. Go... my son. Your destiny awaits...
A beam of light appears in front of Draco. He jumps in and is brought back to the Mundane world and wakes up inside Wolvens apartment. He is greeted by Wolven and Viera who are relieved to see him up and well after being asleep for 12 hours.
Viera: Draco!
Draco: Viera! What are you doing here?
Viera: I came soon as Wolven called me. I brought Irene with me..
Draco: Oh... did you tell her what happened...
Irene: I already know.. Draco.. how did he... did Marco suffer..when he..?
Draco is silently looks at the ground and closes his eyes in sadness for a brief moment. He looks at Irene and tells her" We are going to get the bastard that did this to Marco, we will make him pay for this Irene." Irene nods and looks out of the window into the sky shedding a tear..
Wolven: Draco, i've spoken with my brother, Bigby. He was able to pull some strings with the business office and manages to pull some info on Boogey. His real name is Troy Holder. He was a resident of Fable town for years living under the radar. He worked with someone by the name of the 'Crooked Man' over twenty years ago collecting money for him. After awhile he left Fabletown to settled in lower New York and-
Draco: He could of scooped shit up from ogre, I could care less. I just what to find the fucker and make him pay for everything he has done..
Wolven: Was hoping you would say that.. My brother also sent me this.
Draco: Whats that?
Wolven: Fabletown has been keeping track of Boogey's purchases of property. And as of last year he sold all of his buildings except one..
Draco: The one he's hiding in.
Wolven: Yes. Get ready Draco, we're going hunting...
With only 3 more chapters left, our Hero's prepare for the final showdown against Boogeyman. Can they overcome this threat or will Boogey get is wish and trap the world in fear and chaos?
To be continued
That, sir, is a mighty fine job of writing.