So busy wasn't on the forum recently but seen this now AWESOME you delivered isn't Lenny(puncake) YES!! can't wait for more.
Spark so many kills and he manipulates spot on good sir perfection
The screams fill the empty air with horror. Jennifer pulls her gun out and runs through the forest and she sees Raging. You gasp and fall onto you're knees. What sick monster would do this? Raging_Blades is up against a tree. He has an arrow sticking out of both knees, and in both hands. There is a paper on his chest and Jennifer pulls it down, and on it the words ‘GO AWAY’ are written in blood.
Rafoli appears and he gasps. “Don’t look.” He said. He knew she had already seen but she turned around and walked back while Rafoli brought down the body. Could it have been Jaedon, or Lewis? Probably not. She was already contemplating leaving; she couldn’t put Emily in that danger. Once Rafoli got back she told him, and they both agreed it was too dangerous.
Rafoli argued to go to this church he saw, but Jennifer said to find Lewis, and Jaedon, they were strongest together. Emily reluctantly agreed, and Rafoli gave up. They gathered their belongings and went on their way…
The others had locked Lenny up even though he said he didn’t do it. They left it to Spark to decide his fate. The people from the fort suggested voting as they did before, but Spark disagreed, he said they needed a strong leader to guide them, and they had to agree, since it was keeping them alive better then it was before.
Spark walks over to Lenny’s room and finds him cuffed to his bed. “How could you Simon? It wasn’t me I swear!” Lenny says. Spark ignores his words and unlocks his cuffs. Lenny rubs his wrists and looks Spark in the eye. “Thanks… But why? I would never hurt Shu, we made a pact back at the fort.” Lenny says.
Spark still says nothing, handcuffs both his hands together and shoves him outside. He gags Lenny’s mouth with something, and makes him kneel. “Luis… If you would please assemble the group.” Spark tells Luis who has just arrived. Luis hesitates but does so. In a few minutes everyone is gathered around Spark and Lenny, including the newest member Gengar.
Gengar had informed Spark about the problem, and Spark said they could handle it fine, and Gengar should not tell anyone to worry them. Gengar finally agreed, but he didn’t like it. He spoke up now confused. “What are you doing?”
Spark looks at everyone, at the faces of his community. “This man is a traitor. For those of you who did not know, he was the one who murdered AWESOMEO, Shu, and Charles.” Spark began. The people looked confused, everyone liked Lenny and found it hard to believe. “Secretly he has been conspiring to kill everyone in this community, I saw it with my own eyes. If you do not believe me then you distrust, and disrespect me. If this is the case then you no longer can be trusted by us, and will be forced to leave.” Spark said.
Everyone is silent except for Rylee who steps up. “Lenny is a good person, he would never kill those men.” She says
“Do you not believe me? Maybe you were helping him? Xavier! I would like you put her in the Hole. Maybe that will teach her some manners.” Spark says. Xavier pushes Rylee, and she reluctantly does, as he says not wanting to cause any more trouble then they’re needs to be.
“Anyone else? Good. I would like you all to know that we are a family now. Lenny is one of our brothers but he has chose to betray us. We can no longer accept him as our own. If we release him, we chance him coming back to kill us. There is only one way we can end this.” Spark says pulling out his gun and putting it to Lenny’s head.
Ellie walks away with Dawn and Miles so that they do not witness what is about to happen. The people remaining are afraid and watch as Lenny closes his eyes. “This is the punishment you will receive if you deny your sins, and cause the doom of our family. Know that this insolence will not be tolerated.” Spark finishes pulling the trigger…
Eli Conner
Gustav and Devyn were already asleep. Eli dropped on the couch and got some shuteye. He awoke in the middle of the night after a reoccurring nightmare he had of Kharkand shooting that guy. Eli felt he could have saved the guy, and felt guilty that he didn’t try hard enough to stop Kharkand. He went upstairs to see how Devyn, and Gustav were doing.
Eli opens the door to Devyn's room and sees the window open. He flips a chair and walks out of the room. They left him… They actually left him. Just to be sure, he checked Gustav’s room and it was also empty. He smashes his fist onto the wall and went outside. The car was gone as well. Eli swore under his breath and knew he couldn’t go after them without a vehicle.
It was too much. First Xavier ditches him with all his supplies. Then Kharkand goes crazy, and him and James leave. Gengar and Mateo are gone. And now Devyn, and Gustav left him. He couldn’t trust anyone anymore…
Ruby walks down a dirt trail with about three bandits. Sebastien and Ruby are tied up. One man starts beating Sebastien on the ground. "You're going to stay nice and quiet okay? You have a big job tomorrow." One says laughing. Ruby is pushed forward and you see Sebastien bleeding. Ruby runs to help him but someone holds him back...
After a minute, they all get up and then stop after another few minutes of tiring marching. They set up camp, and Ruby can see a small community below. “ We’ll be waiting for Shane until tomorrow. Best get some sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” The leader says to him.
Somebody shakes Ruby awake and Ruby looks to see one of the bandits. He pulls off his mask. “It’s not safe here. Come on get out of here! I can’t save you’re friend he’s being guarded more closely. But run while you can, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” The bandit says.
Trust him and leave without Sebastien. Maybe I can save Sebastien later, and I have the least chance of becoming It.
I don’t trust him. Stay at the bandit camp with Sebastien, we are on the same team after all.
Say nothing.
Pretend you are leaving then come back and sabotage the man who is trying to “help” him. Maybe Ruby might get something in return.
Jennifer Sax
The screams fill the empty air with horror. Jennifer pulls her gun out and runs through the forest and she sees Raging. You … moregasp and fall onto you're knees. What sick monster would do this? Raging_Blades is up against a tree. He has an arrow sticking out of both knees, and in both hands. There is a paper on his chest and Jennifer pulls it down, and on it the words ‘GO AWAY’ are written in blood.
Rafoli appears and he gasps. “Don’t look.” He said. He knew she had already seen but she turned around and walked back while Rafoli brought down the body. Could it have been Jaedon, or Lewis? Probably not. She was already contemplating leaving; she couldn’t put Emily in that danger. Once Rafoli got back she told him, and they both agreed it was too dangerous.
Rafoli argued to go to this church he saw, but Jennifer said to find Lewis, and Jaedon, they were strongest together. Emily reluctantly agreed, and Rafoli gave up. They gath… [view original content]
Jennifer Sax
The screams fill the empty air with horror. Jennifer pulls her gun out and runs through the forest and she sees Raging. You … moregasp and fall onto you're knees. What sick monster would do this? Raging_Blades is up against a tree. He has an arrow sticking out of both knees, and in both hands. There is a paper on his chest and Jennifer pulls it down, and on it the words ‘GO AWAY’ are written in blood.
Rafoli appears and he gasps. “Don’t look.” He said. He knew she had already seen but she turned around and walked back while Rafoli brought down the body. Could it have been Jaedon, or Lewis? Probably not. She was already contemplating leaving; she couldn’t put Emily in that danger. Once Rafoli got back she told him, and they both agreed it was too dangerous.
Rafoli argued to go to this church he saw, but Jennifer said to find Lewis, and Jaedon, they were strongest together. Emily reluctantly agreed, and Rafoli gave up. They gath… [view original content]
Trust him and leave without Sebastien. Maybe I can save Sebastien later, and I have the least chance of becoming It.
I understand. It's the only smart thing to do. Plus, Sebastien would totally die for Ruby to be safe, so even if it results in death, at least Ruby will be okay. I hope. And the whole "maybe I can save him later" thing is slightly reassuring.....
Jennifer Sax
The screams fill the empty air with horror. Jennifer pulls her gun out and runs through the forest and she sees Raging. You … moregasp and fall onto you're knees. What sick monster would do this? Raging_Blades is up against a tree. He has an arrow sticking out of both knees, and in both hands. There is a paper on his chest and Jennifer pulls it down, and on it the words ‘GO AWAY’ are written in blood.
Rafoli appears and he gasps. “Don’t look.” He said. He knew she had already seen but she turned around and walked back while Rafoli brought down the body. Could it have been Jaedon, or Lewis? Probably not. She was already contemplating leaving; she couldn’t put Emily in that danger. Once Rafoli got back she told him, and they both agreed it was too dangerous.
Rafoli argued to go to this church he saw, but Jennifer said to find Lewis, and Jaedon, they were strongest together. Emily reluctantly agreed, and Rafoli gave up. They gath… [view original content]
Jennifer Sax
The screams fill the empty air with horror. Jennifer pulls her gun out and runs through the forest and she sees Raging. You … moregasp and fall onto you're knees. What sick monster would do this? Raging_Blades is up against a tree. He has an arrow sticking out of both knees, and in both hands. There is a paper on his chest and Jennifer pulls it down, and on it the words ‘GO AWAY’ are written in blood.
Rafoli appears and he gasps. “Don’t look.” He said. He knew she had already seen but she turned around and walked back while Rafoli brought down the body. Could it have been Jaedon, or Lewis? Probably not. She was already contemplating leaving; she couldn’t put Emily in that danger. Once Rafoli got back she told him, and they both agreed it was too dangerous.
Rafoli argued to go to this church he saw, but Jennifer said to find Lewis, and Jaedon, they were strongest together. Emily reluctantly agreed, and Rafoli gave up. They gath… [view original content]
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Kordas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with his Stache and all.” Kordas says a little jokingly.
Xavier chuckles a bit but turns to look around. “Listen, I think he was innocent, but I think Simon knows what he’s doing. But if he pulls another stunt like the one he did yesterday, we might need to consider taking over.” Xavier said.
Kordas nodded. “I’m going to get some water…” He says walking back to his quarters leaving Xavier by the wall. Kordas passes by the armory and sees Adrian slumped on the desk, his head on the desk. “Are you okay?” Kordas says.
Adrian looks up tears on his face, and red eyes. “Both the people I worked with are dead, both my friends. I might be next…” He says wiping his face.
“Hey man. It’s okay, we’ll catch this guy soon. Just stay on you’re guard and try to stay in sight of me and Xavier alright?” Kordas tells him.
Adrian nods and motions for him to leave. Kordas does so and get to his room. He picks up the water bottle on the table, and there is a letter beside it. Kordas didn’t have the time to read Pavel’s letter as he was usually busy, and he thought if he ever found Asim, he would give it to him.
He walks outside and climbs the tower, and hears Luis talking to Simon in his office. "Calvin, Shu, and AWESOMEO were murdered, bandits have been sighted in the vicinity, and a killer is on the loose inside. I...We want answers." Luis tells you. Kordas continues up the ladder. Everyone wanted answers…
After an hour of watch he climbed down for a break. He decided to check on the kids, Miles had actually taken a liking to him. He knocks on the door but no one answers. He turns the knob and surprisingly the door is open. Kordas hears Miles crying. His cries seem to get louder as he walks inside and sees blood on the floor trailing towards the bed...
On the bed is Ellie. She is bleeding and there are cut wounds around her body. A knife is on the floor. Kordas runs to pick her up and runs to the medical tent. He screams for someone to get Miles. He whispers to her as he runs.“You’re going to be okay… You’re going to be okay…”
Lewis James
He and Jaedon had been traveling for a couple of days, and there was no sign of human life, only lurkers… Jaedon was always awake, he had bags under his eyes, and he exhausted himself. He was trying so hard, and was so determined to find his sister. Lewis tried to convince him to get some rest, but he would stay awake and wait for Lewis to awake so they could continue.
Lewis didn’t blame him. If it were Emily out here, Lewis would probably have done the same. They were now walking by the highway. They caught a glimpse of three guys, but Jaedon didn’t want to go towards them. Lewis agreed and they went on without being spotted. “Stop. Let’s take a break.” Lewis says sitting down on a tree stump.
“You know what? You have been slowing me down. Always taking breaks, and telling me to get some rest. My sister is out there, and she might be dead because you’re holding me back. You’re wasting my time, and you’re going to pay.” Jaedon says pushing Lewis to the ground.
"No Jaedon. Please don't do this. You're better then this! Do it for Emily. Please." Lewis says on the ground, an angry Jaedon holding a long knife in his hand.
“You’re only going to get her killed.” Jaedon says his foot on Lewis’ chest as he plunges his knife into Lewis’ head.
"Now what?" Tyranitar asks a pacing Jordan. Azlyn is sitting down hands in her face, and Puncake is comforting her. “We need to find them.” Jordan says.
“It’s all you’re fault Puncake, you should have went back. Now we lost Ruby and Sebastien. Good job, and I thought my decisions were reckless.” Tyranitar says. Puncake stands up and tackles him down. The two wrestle around. “STOP!” Azlyn yelled pushing them away.
“Azlyn’s right. We need to work together. We’re not splitting up anymore. We’re looking for them together.” Jordan says.
“And which way do you suggest we go?” Puncake asks.
“We follow those.” Jordan says pointing at a trail of candy, a significant distance apart, but with a closer look, can be found easily. “Well done Ruby.” Jordan says smiling.
Gustav Paul
They walked along the railroad for a couple of days passing by a bridge, with a knocked over truck, and a train station. Eventually they got to Savannah, and find a train. “Ben must have taken this!” Gustav exclaimed happily.
Devyn and Gustav look across Savannah. They stand beside the train and watch a herd roaming around, dust flying up into the air. "I'm going to find him. No matter what it takes.” Gustav says.
“Where will we look?” Devyn asks.
I heard of a place called Crawford…
Let’s check the docks. Maybe him and his group were looking for a boat?
There’s no way he would be safe with that herd around. Maybe he’s underground, or he took the high ground?
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Ko… morerdas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with h… [view original content]
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Ko… morerdas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with h… [view original content]
Hey Ragin! I am back I am going to start a fan fic this weekend. Rodriguez was cool as hell. Actually working behind the scenes and being a member of the creative writing team for From Dusk Til Dawn the series was epic! 3 of my ideas made it to film.
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Ko… morerdas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with h… [view original content]
I heard of a place called Crawford…
I got a baaaaad feeling about this. ;_;
When the herd is out, wouldn't he be at the high ground? I'm confused. Is the herd IN Savannah already? If so, I might change my vote.
Hey Ragin! I am back I am going to start a fan fic this weekend. Rodriguez was cool as hell. Actually working behind the scenes and being … morea member of the creative writing team for From Dusk Til Dawn the series was epic! 3 of my ideas made it to film.
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Ko… morerdas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with h… [view original content]
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am unsure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Ko… morerdas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with h… [view original content]
Find the characters but no interactions. Also THIS IS AWESOME!! I love how you portrayed my character!! He was just like I imagined him in my head!! Thank you!
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Like maybe we find Ben dead.
that's just my opinion, though!
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Find the characters but no interactions. Also THIS IS AWESOME!! I love how you portrayed my character!! He was just like I imagined him in my head!! Thank you!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Like maybe we find Ben dead.
that's just my opinion, though!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
I had to edit it.. I really want Gustav to find his brother alive.
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Eli Conner(tntlee2099) meets with Gustav Paul(Gustav_Kenny). Eli catches Gustav sneaking up on the house, but soon lets him in, thinking he was a good guy. Gustav and Devyn talk on the couch, Eli goes outside, and wonders if he should tell them about his past.
Cody(Carthero_2010) finds Glinda’s dead body and moves on and also finds LeeTheProfessional dead, and joined the school group consisting of Ashley Parkinson(Shumisha), Ben(PoopBrown. This Ben is not the same as the Game Ben), Allena(imighthavebrokenit), and Clarice Chang(Purugly). Apparently there was a bigger group before, but the school they were at was safe, and their leader Ben was good. Ben tells Cody about what happened before. Clarice said they were all dead, but Ben said they had separated from Gustav, Ben Paul, Travis, and David Parker, after a girl suicided in the bathroom.
Ruby(RubyMoon), Sebastien(maxbear28), and Tyranitar(Tyranitar) have waited 2 months for Azlyn, and Jordan to arrive. Tyranitar goes out to find them, leaving Sebastien and Ruby at the hotel. Ruby is playing outside at night time, and a man attacks him. Ruby defends himself and lets the man get eaten by the zombies.
Azlyn(Azlyn) and Jordan(Arsun97) have been at Greg Harper’s(Rock114) place for 2 months. Azlyn has been pushing to leave and go to the hotel. Greg argues it is too dangerous and they should at least wait. They have waited and Azlyn and Greg argue. Jordan does not pick any sides until this moment where he says it should be time they should find their friends.
Randy Snow(ComingSoon) is walking down the highway recently betrayed by his old group for killing his uncle. A man named Luis approaches him asking him to join their community. This tests Randy’s trust in people, but he decides to not join and go his own way.
Kharkand (Herodriver), James(PowerfulStache), Eli Conner(tntlee2099), Gengar(Gengar), and Matteo(Carlos_HD) are in a group and live at the airport. James recalls past events. They find WeMissYouCarley beating up Shu, and Kharkand shoots WeMissYouCarley. Shu and Larry run away. Eli tries to stop Kharkand but fails. James watches the whole time. Eli leaves. Kharkand and James find Matteo and Gengar gone. They decide to leave the city and find a safer place.
Jordan and Azlyn go out to look for Sebastien, Ruby and Tyranitar.
AWESOMEO remembers Glinda’s death and feels sad about it. They were surrounded, but they were picked up by Charles and his group from a helicopter. It was a miracle. They had stayed there for 2 months later joined by Pavel’s group which included Chase, Rylee, Adrian, Shu, Larry, Lenny, and Kordas. Some other members were Simon, Charles, Luis, David, and Xavier.
Spark had been with Charles for a while. Charles explained his real identity and past, about his murdering days, but he was convinced it was over. Spark goes out on a run for survivors and he finds a injured Shu, and Larry. He brings them to the community…
He returns to find AWESOMEO was murdered. Charles sends him to find the killer. After burying AWESOMEO, Spark decides that maybe Luis may know something about it, since they flew the helicopter together.
Puncake lived by himself for months, but he wanted to find the others again, and he ended up finding Tyranitar who was by himself. Tyranitar is trying to find Jordan and Azlyn. Puncake in a decision decides to go with Tyranitar, instead of going back to Sebastien, and Ruby.
Bandits catch Matteo, and Gengar. They are sent on foot to this community, where the bandits will use them. They are escorted by one bandit and he turns his back on them doing his business. Matteo signals for them both to take out Shane.
Kharkand and James head out of the city, and find bandits attacking Randy. Randy refuses to give them food, and they continue attacking him. James, and Kharkand flank the bandits and knock them out, Randy has also taken out three by himself.
Emily, Lewis(Lost_Innocence), and Raging join Jennifer(PertuuLaulaa), Rafoli, and Jaedon(InfiniteDawn), and they live together on a farm for a month. Lewis talks to Rafoli, and goes on a run with Jaedon. Raging is feeding the zombie guards, and Jennifer is inspecting supplies. Emily goes with Jennifer in a decision.
Clarice Chang goes outside. Someone puts a hand over her mouth telling her to bring him to his group, so he can get food.
Gustav tells of his past to Devyn. He left the school immediately, but remembered his brother Ben was inside. Him and his brother never really got along but they’re brothers, and family comes first to Gustav. He waited outside hoping that he was still alive. Suddenly everyone comes bursting out, a bunch of people dieing and separating. He found his brother and joined with his group of Mr Parker, and Travis. Bandits attacked and they were separated. Gustav wants to find his brother, and Devyn does as well. Gustav asks Devyn if they should tell Eli about it or not.
After inspection, Rafoli tells Emily about what her brother told him. He said Rafoli is to take care of her until he returns, as he goes with Jaedon to find his little sister. Emily is upset, and Rafoli brings her to her room and comforts her. A scream is heard outside, and Rafoli goes to investigate.
Puncake goes with Tyranitar to find Jordan and Azlyn. They end up saving them from zombies, and they head back to the hotel. Azlyn and Jordan tell them about why they didn’t come to the hotel, on the way there. They finally arrive, and Sebastien, and Ruby are gone.
Matteo, and Gengar sneak up on Shane. Shane shoots Matteo, but Gengar gets the jump on him and kills him. Matteo is dead, Gengar moves on to the community to warn them.
Devyn, and Gustav follow the path of Ben. They find the broken down Motel, and follow the road to a train track. They follow the track on foot, which is headed towards Savannah.
Warning. Contains sexual themes.
Clarice refuses, and the man tries to sexually abuse her, but before he can do anything, Ben kills him. He brings Clarice back to the school.
Spark talks to Luis learning nothing. He heads back to Calvin’s office, to find him and Shu fighting. Shu wants to lead. Spark has the gun. They both try to convince Spark to shoot the other and let them lead, or at the very least live. Spark kills them both, and decides he will lead. However he does not want to be seen as the one who kills them so he hurts himself pretending he was one of the victims so he could put the blame on the killer, and says that Lenny did it.
Jennifer follows the screams and finds a dead Raging_Blades, and a paper saying Go Away in his blood. Rafoli buries him, and they decide to leave the farm.
Lenny is locked up, and Spark recovers. Spark brings out Lenny and prepares to execute him in front of everyone to show that he is not messing around. He shoots Lenny, and before that makes a speech of how he must be respected, and how traitors like Lenny will not be tolerated and will be killed.
Eli finds Devyn, and Gustav left him, with the car. Eli feels he can no longer trust anyone.
Ruby and Sebastien head to the community. Sebastien gets beaten and Ruby can only watch. They stop, and one of the bandits try to help Ruby escape, but Sebastien cannot come.
Kordas talks to Adrian, and Xavier about what happened before. Adrian is upset his friends are dead, and thinks he is next. Xavier still trusts Simon as he had saved him before. Kordas goes on watch and he decides to visit Miles. He finds Ellie bloody, and cut up, and Miles crying. He brings Ellie to Chase hoping she will live.
Lewis and Jaedon are going down the road. Lewis tries to tell Jaedon to get some rest and stop for breaks, but he rarely does so. Jaedon decides Lewis is trying to hold him back so he kills him.
Tyranitar, Azlyn, Jordan, and Puncake follow the trail of Ruby and Sebastien.
Gustav and Devyn are on the utskirts of Savannah beside the train. A herd roams in Savnnah and they wonder where Ben could be.
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am un… moresure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Summary Five: Adrift
Eli Conner(tntlee2099) meets with Gustav Paul(Gustav_Kenny). Eli catches Gustav sneaking up on the house, but soon l… moreets him in, thinking he was a good guy. Gustav and Devyn talk on the couch, Eli goes outside, and wonders if he should tell them about his past.
Cody(Carthero_2010) finds Glinda’s dead body and moves on and also finds LeeTheProfessional dead, and joined the school group consisting of Ashley Parkinson(Shumisha), Ben(PoopBrown. This Ben is not the same as the Game Ben), Allena(imighthavebrokenit), and Clarice Chang(Purugly). Apparently there was a bigger group before, but the school they were at was safe, and their leader Ben was good. Ben tells Cody about what happened before. Clarice said they were all dead, but Ben said they had separated from Gustav, Ben Paul, Travis, and David Parker, after a girl suicided in the bathroom.
Ruby(RubyMoon), Sebastien(maxbear28), and Tyranitar(Tyranitar) have waite… [view original content]
Yeah I'm really like to write how he is manipulating them
Puncake is Puncake.
Lenny is TheWalkingMustache!
Jennifer Sax
The screams fill the empty air with horror. Jennifer pulls her gun out and runs through the forest and she sees Raging. You gasp and fall onto you're knees. What sick monster would do this? Raging_Blades is up against a tree. He has an arrow sticking out of both knees, and in both hands. There is a paper on his chest and Jennifer pulls it down, and on it the words ‘GO AWAY’ are written in blood.
Rafoli appears and he gasps. “Don’t look.” He said. He knew she had already seen but she turned around and walked back while Rafoli brought down the body. Could it have been Jaedon, or Lewis? Probably not. She was already contemplating leaving; she couldn’t put Emily in that danger. Once Rafoli got back she told him, and they both agreed it was too dangerous.
Rafoli argued to go to this church he saw, but Jennifer said to find Lewis, and Jaedon, they were strongest together. Emily reluctantly agreed, and Rafoli gave up. They gathered their belongings and went on their way…
The others had locked Lenny up even though he said he didn’t do it. They left it to Spark to decide his fate. The people from the fort suggested voting as they did before, but Spark disagreed, he said they needed a strong leader to guide them, and they had to agree, since it was keeping them alive better then it was before.
Spark walks over to Lenny’s room and finds him cuffed to his bed. “How could you Simon? It wasn’t me I swear!” Lenny says. Spark ignores his words and unlocks his cuffs. Lenny rubs his wrists and looks Spark in the eye. “Thanks… But why? I would never hurt Shu, we made a pact back at the fort.” Lenny says.
Spark still says nothing, handcuffs both his hands together and shoves him outside. He gags Lenny’s mouth with something, and makes him kneel. “Luis… If you would please assemble the group.” Spark tells Luis who has just arrived. Luis hesitates but does so. In a few minutes everyone is gathered around Spark and Lenny, including the newest member Gengar.
Gengar had informed Spark about the problem, and Spark said they could handle it fine, and Gengar should not tell anyone to worry them. Gengar finally agreed, but he didn’t like it. He spoke up now confused. “What are you doing?”
Spark looks at everyone, at the faces of his community. “This man is a traitor. For those of you who did not know, he was the one who murdered AWESOMEO, Shu, and Charles.” Spark began. The people looked confused, everyone liked Lenny and found it hard to believe. “Secretly he has been conspiring to kill everyone in this community, I saw it with my own eyes. If you do not believe me then you distrust, and disrespect me. If this is the case then you no longer can be trusted by us, and will be forced to leave.” Spark said.
Everyone is silent except for Rylee who steps up. “Lenny is a good person, he would never kill those men.” She says
“Do you not believe me? Maybe you were helping him? Xavier! I would like you put her in the Hole. Maybe that will teach her some manners.” Spark says. Xavier pushes Rylee, and she reluctantly does, as he says not wanting to cause any more trouble then they’re needs to be.
“Anyone else? Good. I would like you all to know that we are a family now. Lenny is one of our brothers but he has chose to betray us. We can no longer accept him as our own. If we release him, we chance him coming back to kill us. There is only one way we can end this.” Spark says pulling out his gun and putting it to Lenny’s head.
Ellie walks away with Dawn and Miles so that they do not witness what is about to happen. The people remaining are afraid and watch as Lenny closes his eyes. “This is the punishment you will receive if you deny your sins, and cause the doom of our family. Know that this insolence will not be tolerated.” Spark finishes pulling the trigger…
Eli Conner
Gustav and Devyn were already asleep. Eli dropped on the couch and got some shuteye. He awoke in the middle of the night after a reoccurring nightmare he had of Kharkand shooting that guy. Eli felt he could have saved the guy, and felt guilty that he didn’t try hard enough to stop Kharkand. He went upstairs to see how Devyn, and Gustav were doing.
Eli opens the door to Devyn's room and sees the window open. He flips a chair and walks out of the room. They left him… They actually left him. Just to be sure, he checked Gustav’s room and it was also empty. He smashes his fist onto the wall and went outside. The car was gone as well. Eli swore under his breath and knew he couldn’t go after them without a vehicle.
It was too much. First Xavier ditches him with all his supplies. Then Kharkand goes crazy, and him and James leave. Gengar and Mateo are gone. And now Devyn, and Gustav left him. He couldn’t trust anyone anymore…
Ruby walks down a dirt trail with about three bandits. Sebastien and Ruby are tied up. One man starts beating Sebastien on the ground. "You're going to stay nice and quiet okay? You have a big job tomorrow." One says laughing. Ruby is pushed forward and you see Sebastien bleeding. Ruby runs to help him but someone holds him back...
After a minute, they all get up and then stop after another few minutes of tiring marching. They set up camp, and Ruby can see a small community below. “ We’ll be waiting for Shane until tomorrow. Best get some sleep. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” The leader says to him.
Somebody shakes Ruby awake and Ruby looks to see one of the bandits. He pulls off his mask. “It’s not safe here. Come on get out of here! I can’t save you’re friend he’s being guarded more closely. But run while you can, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” The bandit says.
Trust him and leave without Sebastien. Maybe I can save Sebastien later, and I have the least chance of becoming It.
I don’t trust him. Stay at the bandit camp with Sebastien, we are on the same team after all.
Say nothing.
Pretend you are leaving then come back and sabotage the man who is trying to “help” him. Maybe Ruby might get something in return.
Trust him and leave without Sebastien. Maybe I can save Sebastien later, and I have the least chance of becoming It
Best option it's the only chance to survive for me
Trust him and leave without Sebastien. Maybe I can save Sebastien later, and I have the least chance of becoming It.
Trust him and leave without Sebastien. Maybe I can save Sebastien later, and I have the least chance of becoming It.
I understand. It's the only smart thing to do. Plus, Sebastien would totally die for Ruby to be safe, so even if it results in death, at least Ruby will be okay. I hope. And the whole "maybe I can save him later" thing is slightly reassuring.....
We are the biggest aholes, lol.
WE REALLY ARE. Justt up and left him. xD AND TOOK THE CAR, TOO
Trust him
Voting Closed! Ruby will trust the man and leave.
The events of the past ravaged the group. Life was uneasy but still people trusted Simon, believing he was still a good person. Kordas didn’t want to leave, as the place was safe, and moving on right now wouldn’t be a good idea. They had supplies to last them months. Xavier now touches his shoulder. “Can you pass me the hammer?” He says. Xavier never spoke about his past, but he was in the medical tent for while when he arrived, he would have been dead if Simon hadn’t found him.
Kordas passes him the hammer, and wonders if Xavier still trusts their leader. "This place isn't what I thought it would be..." Kordas says to Xavier, by the wall. Xavier sighs and continues with his work. “What do you think about the Lenny incident?” Kordas continues. Xavier stops, looks down, and then to Kordas. “I trust Simon knows what he’s doing. He saved me, and he must have some good reason…” Xavier said.
“But Lenny? We all loved the guy, with his Stache and all.” Kordas says a little jokingly.
Xavier chuckles a bit but turns to look around. “Listen, I think he was innocent, but I think Simon knows what he’s doing. But if he pulls another stunt like the one he did yesterday, we might need to consider taking over.” Xavier said.
Kordas nodded. “I’m going to get some water…” He says walking back to his quarters leaving Xavier by the wall. Kordas passes by the armory and sees Adrian slumped on the desk, his head on the desk. “Are you okay?” Kordas says.
Adrian looks up tears on his face, and red eyes. “Both the people I worked with are dead, both my friends. I might be next…” He says wiping his face.
“Hey man. It’s okay, we’ll catch this guy soon. Just stay on you’re guard and try to stay in sight of me and Xavier alright?” Kordas tells him.
Adrian nods and motions for him to leave. Kordas does so and get to his room. He picks up the water bottle on the table, and there is a letter beside it. Kordas didn’t have the time to read Pavel’s letter as he was usually busy, and he thought if he ever found Asim, he would give it to him.
He walks outside and climbs the tower, and hears Luis talking to Simon in his office. "Calvin, Shu, and AWESOMEO were murdered, bandits have been sighted in the vicinity, and a killer is on the loose inside. I...We want answers." Luis tells you. Kordas continues up the ladder. Everyone wanted answers…
After an hour of watch he climbed down for a break. He decided to check on the kids, Miles had actually taken a liking to him. He knocks on the door but no one answers. He turns the knob and surprisingly the door is open. Kordas hears Miles crying. His cries seem to get louder as he walks inside and sees blood on the floor trailing towards the bed...
On the bed is Ellie. She is bleeding and there are cut wounds around her body. A knife is on the floor. Kordas runs to pick her up and runs to the medical tent. He screams for someone to get Miles. He whispers to her as he runs.“You’re going to be okay… You’re going to be okay…”
Lewis James
He and Jaedon had been traveling for a couple of days, and there was no sign of human life, only lurkers… Jaedon was always awake, he had bags under his eyes, and he exhausted himself. He was trying so hard, and was so determined to find his sister. Lewis tried to convince him to get some rest, but he would stay awake and wait for Lewis to awake so they could continue.
Lewis didn’t blame him. If it were Emily out here, Lewis would probably have done the same. They were now walking by the highway. They caught a glimpse of three guys, but Jaedon didn’t want to go towards them. Lewis agreed and they went on without being spotted. “Stop. Let’s take a break.” Lewis says sitting down on a tree stump.
“You know what? You have been slowing me down. Always taking breaks, and telling me to get some rest. My sister is out there, and she might be dead because you’re holding me back. You’re wasting my time, and you’re going to pay.” Jaedon says pushing Lewis to the ground.
"No Jaedon. Please don't do this. You're better then this! Do it for Emily. Please." Lewis says on the ground, an angry Jaedon holding a long knife in his hand.
“You’re only going to get her killed.” Jaedon says his foot on Lewis’ chest as he plunges his knife into Lewis’ head.
"Now what?" Tyranitar asks a pacing Jordan. Azlyn is sitting down hands in her face, and Puncake is comforting her. “We need to find them.” Jordan says.
“It’s all you’re fault Puncake, you should have went back. Now we lost Ruby and Sebastien. Good job, and I thought my decisions were reckless.” Tyranitar says. Puncake stands up and tackles him down. The two wrestle around. “STOP!” Azlyn yelled pushing them away.
“Azlyn’s right. We need to work together. We’re not splitting up anymore. We’re looking for them together.” Jordan says.
“And which way do you suggest we go?” Puncake asks.
“We follow those.” Jordan says pointing at a trail of candy, a significant distance apart, but with a closer look, can be found easily. “Well done Ruby.” Jordan says smiling.
Gustav Paul
They walked along the railroad for a couple of days passing by a bridge, with a knocked over truck, and a train station. Eventually they got to Savannah, and find a train. “Ben must have taken this!” Gustav exclaimed happily.
Devyn and Gustav look across Savannah. They stand beside the train and watch a herd roaming around, dust flying up into the air. "I'm going to find him. No matter what it takes.” Gustav says.
“Where will we look?” Devyn asks.
I heard of a place called Crawford…
Let’s check the docks. Maybe him and his group were looking for a boat?
There’s no way he would be safe with that herd around. Maybe he’s underground, or he took the high ground?
I heard of a place called Crawford…
I heard of a place called Crawford…
Hey Ragin! I am back
I am going to start a fan fic this weekend. Rodriguez was cool as hell. Actually working behind the scenes and being a member of the creative writing team for From Dusk Til Dawn the series was epic! 3 of my ideas made it to film. 
Have to say this...we need more of the school group or unite another group with it. There was 3 parts in total of the school group. Anyway
Let’s check the docks. Maybe him and his group were looking for a boat?
I heard of a place called Crawford…
I got a baaaaad feeling about this. ;_;
When the herd is out, wouldn't he be at the high ground? I'm confused. Is the herd IN Savannah already? If so, I might change my vote.
Yeah it's in Savannah.
(Hopefully no one else changes their vote!)
We all know for sure Ben is not at the docks. The herd was in town when he was in the attic, or at Crawford so... we will see!)
Awesome! I'm glad, because it sounds like you had fun
. Welcome back!
I heard of a place called Crawford
Just sounds fascinating Crawford like in TWD YES go there
We are all aware the Gustav Paul, adopted brother of The Walking Dead Game's own Ben Paul, are close to each other in the story. Now I am unsure as to whether or not I should do a crossover, and change the plot, making the future of the game no longer exist. I would not like this, as I don't want to change the story of the game, however, it is up to you guys. You don't have to listen to my opinion as I don't really care. Please vote, as this thread is a democracy!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Hopefully this was clear enough! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Is there a just Clem option? Nah just kidding. Don't meet with game characters
Don't meet up with Game characters. Let the game continue it's course.
I heard of a place called Crawford…
Find the characters but no interactions. Also THIS IS AWESOME!! I love how you portrayed my character!! He was just like I imagined him in my head!! Thank you!
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Like maybe we find Ben dead.
that's just my opinion, though!
I thought.. I.. Sardines how could you do this.
Meet up with Game characters. Have the Game characters in the story, making everything beyond that point, no longer in sync with the game.
I had to edit it.. I really want Gustav to find his brother alive.
That's great! I'm glad that you think that
. Thanks for thanking me 
So the first one right?
Also, in the one by TinyCarlos they met the ingame characters.. It's actually quite amazing.
Find them or see them just as cameos, that would be cool
Yeah I know. I'm not sure if I should so that's why I put this as a vote. If it does go to finding Game characters, I hope you find Ben
Summary Five: Adrift
Eli Conner(tntlee2099) meets with Gustav Paul(Gustav_Kenny). Eli catches Gustav sneaking up on the house, but soon lets him in, thinking he was a good guy. Gustav and Devyn talk on the couch, Eli goes outside, and wonders if he should tell them about his past.
Cody(Carthero_2010) finds Glinda’s dead body and moves on and also finds LeeTheProfessional dead, and joined the school group consisting of Ashley Parkinson(Shumisha), Ben(PoopBrown. This Ben is not the same as the Game Ben), Allena(imighthavebrokenit), and Clarice Chang(Purugly). Apparently there was a bigger group before, but the school they were at was safe, and their leader Ben was good. Ben tells Cody about what happened before. Clarice said they were all dead, but Ben said they had separated from Gustav, Ben Paul, Travis, and David Parker, after a girl suicided in the bathroom.
Ruby(RubyMoon), Sebastien(maxbear28), and Tyranitar(Tyranitar) have waited 2 months for Azlyn, and Jordan to arrive. Tyranitar goes out to find them, leaving Sebastien and Ruby at the hotel. Ruby is playing outside at night time, and a man attacks him. Ruby defends himself and lets the man get eaten by the zombies.
Azlyn(Azlyn) and Jordan(Arsun97) have been at Greg Harper’s(Rock114) place for 2 months. Azlyn has been pushing to leave and go to the hotel. Greg argues it is too dangerous and they should at least wait. They have waited and Azlyn and Greg argue. Jordan does not pick any sides until this moment where he says it should be time they should find their friends.
Randy Snow(ComingSoon) is walking down the highway recently betrayed by his old group for killing his uncle. A man named Luis approaches him asking him to join their community. This tests Randy’s trust in people, but he decides to not join and go his own way.
Kharkand (Herodriver), James(PowerfulStache), Eli Conner(tntlee2099), Gengar(Gengar), and Matteo(Carlos_HD) are in a group and live at the airport. James recalls past events. They find WeMissYouCarley beating up Shu, and Kharkand shoots WeMissYouCarley. Shu and Larry run away. Eli tries to stop Kharkand but fails. James watches the whole time. Eli leaves. Kharkand and James find Matteo and Gengar gone. They decide to leave the city and find a safer place.
Jordan and Azlyn go out to look for Sebastien, Ruby and Tyranitar.
AWESOMEO remembers Glinda’s death and feels sad about it. They were surrounded, but they were picked up by Charles and his group from a helicopter. It was a miracle. They had stayed there for 2 months later joined by Pavel’s group which included Chase, Rylee, Adrian, Shu, Larry, Lenny, and Kordas. Some other members were Simon, Charles, Luis, David, and Xavier.
Spark had been with Charles for a while. Charles explained his real identity and past, about his murdering days, but he was convinced it was over. Spark goes out on a run for survivors and he finds a injured Shu, and Larry. He brings them to the community…
He returns to find AWESOMEO was murdered. Charles sends him to find the killer. After burying AWESOMEO, Spark decides that maybe Luis may know something about it, since they flew the helicopter together.
Puncake lived by himself for months, but he wanted to find the others again, and he ended up finding Tyranitar who was by himself. Tyranitar is trying to find Jordan and Azlyn. Puncake in a decision decides to go with Tyranitar, instead of going back to Sebastien, and Ruby.
Bandits catch Matteo, and Gengar. They are sent on foot to this community, where the bandits will use them. They are escorted by one bandit and he turns his back on them doing his business. Matteo signals for them both to take out Shane.
Kharkand and James head out of the city, and find bandits attacking Randy. Randy refuses to give them food, and they continue attacking him. James, and Kharkand flank the bandits and knock them out, Randy has also taken out three by himself.
Emily, Lewis(Lost_Innocence), and Raging join Jennifer(PertuuLaulaa), Rafoli, and Jaedon(InfiniteDawn), and they live together on a farm for a month. Lewis talks to Rafoli, and goes on a run with Jaedon. Raging is feeding the zombie guards, and Jennifer is inspecting supplies. Emily goes with Jennifer in a decision.
Clarice Chang goes outside. Someone puts a hand over her mouth telling her to bring him to his group, so he can get food.
Gustav tells of his past to Devyn. He left the school immediately, but remembered his brother Ben was inside. Him and his brother never really got along but they’re brothers, and family comes first to Gustav. He waited outside hoping that he was still alive. Suddenly everyone comes bursting out, a bunch of people dieing and separating. He found his brother and joined with his group of Mr Parker, and Travis. Bandits attacked and they were separated. Gustav wants to find his brother, and Devyn does as well. Gustav asks Devyn if they should tell Eli about it or not.
After inspection, Rafoli tells Emily about what her brother told him. He said Rafoli is to take care of her until he returns, as he goes with Jaedon to find his little sister. Emily is upset, and Rafoli brings her to her room and comforts her. A scream is heard outside, and Rafoli goes to investigate.
Puncake goes with Tyranitar to find Jordan and Azlyn. They end up saving them from zombies, and they head back to the hotel. Azlyn and Jordan tell them about why they didn’t come to the hotel, on the way there. They finally arrive, and Sebastien, and Ruby are gone.
Matteo, and Gengar sneak up on Shane. Shane shoots Matteo, but Gengar gets the jump on him and kills him. Matteo is dead, Gengar moves on to the community to warn them.
Devyn, and Gustav follow the path of Ben. They find the broken down Motel, and follow the road to a train track. They follow the track on foot, which is headed towards Savannah.
Warning. Contains sexual themes.
Clarice refuses, and the man tries to sexually abuse her, but before he can do anything, Ben kills him. He brings Clarice back to the school.
Spark talks to Luis learning nothing. He heads back to Calvin’s office, to find him and Shu fighting. Shu wants to lead. Spark has the gun. They both try to convince Spark to shoot the other and let them lead, or at the very least live. Spark kills them both, and decides he will lead. However he does not want to be seen as the one who kills them so he hurts himself pretending he was one of the victims so he could put the blame on the killer, and says that Lenny did it.
Jennifer follows the screams and finds a dead Raging_Blades, and a paper saying Go Away in his blood. Rafoli buries him, and they decide to leave the farm.
Lenny is locked up, and Spark recovers. Spark brings out Lenny and prepares to execute him in front of everyone to show that he is not messing around. He shoots Lenny, and before that makes a speech of how he must be respected, and how traitors like Lenny will not be tolerated and will be killed.
Eli finds Devyn, and Gustav left him, with the car. Eli feels he can no longer trust anyone.
Ruby and Sebastien head to the community. Sebastien gets beaten and Ruby can only watch. They stop, and one of the bandits try to help Ruby escape, but Sebastien cannot come.
Kordas talks to Adrian, and Xavier about what happened before. Adrian is upset his friends are dead, and thinks he is next. Xavier still trusts Simon as he had saved him before. Kordas goes on watch and he decides to visit Miles. He finds Ellie bloody, and cut up, and Miles crying. He brings Ellie to Chase hoping she will live.
Lewis and Jaedon are going down the road. Lewis tries to tell Jaedon to get some rest and stop for breaks, but he rarely does so. Jaedon decides Lewis is trying to hold him back so he kills him.
Tyranitar, Azlyn, Jordan, and Puncake follow the trail of Ruby and Sebastien.
Gustav and Devyn are on the utskirts of Savannah beside the train. A herd roams in Savnnah and they wonder where Ben could be.
This vote is a tie. 2 on 2 on 2
Someone please be the tiebreaker, or someone change their vote!
Ummm Find Game characters, but don't interact with them, only give them a brief cameo. The game will continue it's course.
Awh.. I wanted to be with my brother.. Well it's fine anyway.
Voting Closed. They're will be a brief cameo, and the game will continue it's course.
ah frick. Sorry, I didn't think :c
Can we like, have most of them be a cameo and leave Ben with this story? He doesn't matter to most of the story in Episode 5 anyway.
Oh yeah BTW I forgot to mention but Ben's last name is Davis. So it might be a little less confusing on which Ben you're talking about
Thank you for thanking me for thanking you