I thought they were an adorable match too. It took me a while to think of a Fable for Harm, but then TWAU came out with ep. 4 and Tiny Tim was in it and I was like,"OH. MY. GAWD. He's perfect!" And then, I went down with that ship. Lol
Nah you wouldn't want to just rush these kids in like that. Time comes off as a sweetheart both here and the game and as far as Mary goes, … moresomeone jumping from mirror to mirror alone is comical. Thank you. I've had people question Lyla's sanity for having children with Georgie! XD Emily is slowly growing to be my favorite one out of the 4 as well....I have no idea why. Must be her abrasive personality.
NOTE: Before I forget, let me explain. I had someone ask me on WHICH character I'd be writing my fable on. All 6 of the kids; the 'Sextuplets', as I will call them, are my upcoming Fable. Their stories are combined into one; I'm just giving you an idea on WHO they are. Plus, its never hurts to have a face with a name. Without going into too much detail, each of the 6 kids has a prophecy attached to them; only they will determine the fate of Fabletown and eachother. Is everything set in stone or can futures be changed?
Enjoy the last two of the 6 kids.
Ethan Porgie
'The pretty boy'
Age: 17
Powers: Ethan has the ability to heal wounds with a single touch. He absorbs the pain inside and releases a 'medication' through his touch. He, however, can not fix major wounds or anything fatal; he is determined, however to work on his gift and accomplish the task. His parents discovered his ability when Emily fell off her bike and scrapped her knees. Another time when Peter and Katie 'accidentaly' changed and attacked one another.
Job: After highschool, Ethan quickly applied at the 'Pot o' Gold' strip club. He worked there for 6 months before his sister, Emily, offered him a job at the Pudding & Pie. The work is not bad and it's an easy life; he is the main attraction for Thursday night's 'Rodeo Ride 'em' nights and has many loyal clients that bring in the money. Not to mention his boss is his older sister, so that alone has its perks.
Life for Ethan has been nothing but wonderful; great parents, loving siblings and a town fascinated with their existence. Some say he and his older brother Junior were the 'reincarnation' versions of the Georgie Porgie that was lost so many years ago. He is very loyal to his father and adores his mother. He gets along for the most part with his siblings, however, has a special bond with his feternal twin, Peter.
Dear Diary: Emily was arrested again. She needs to be careful...mom and dad can only throw her a life preserver for so long. Its quiet in the club right now; I'm enjoying what little time I have to myself. Its Thursday night and I know it will be insane. Henry wished me luck earlier...I really like him. Wish he would look at me, not as a dancer but as a person. It sucks...oh well. Peter is coming by in a few. He called. Sounds upset. Hate when he is like that....better go. Think I hear him now.
Peter Porgie
'Daddy's little wolf cub'
Age: 17
Job: During the day, Peter attends class at a community college. In the afternoons, however, he is a mechanic in training. He has always had the passion to use his hands for good, not evil.
Abilities: Peter can turn from human to wolf with a single snap of a finger. He, however, does not enjoy this 'gift' and believes its a 'curse.' He was able to blow an entire tree house down at the age of 6; since that incident, Peter watches how he interacts on a daily basis.
Parents: Peter has always believed his father was Georgie and his mother was Lyla. She and his grandfather are wolves, so that must be where he got it from. His siblings, however, seemed to react differently towards him, especially Katie and Penny. He was not allowed in books, go to certain locations in town or even ask too many questions. It wasn't until he found out his biological father at the age of 12. He found out his mother and Sheriff Bigby Wolf had a one night sexual encounter, which led to his conception. Ever since that night, Bigby has not once seen Peter. Since then, Peter's persona quickly changed and now, he wonders through Fabletown questioning his identity.
Peter always knew he was different but never questioned it. He assumed it was jelousy keeping his two older sisters at bay; he never had a problem with Junior or Emily. He is very close to Georgie and adores him with every piece of his heart and soul. Peter and Ethan are very close as well and he confides a lot in his twin brother. Curiosity eventually got the best of Peter and came across a box in his mother's closet containing secrets and information he never knew existed. Anger, confusion, grief and revenge now flood the heart and mind of this young wolf. There is only so much a person can take, though.
Dear Diary: I'm heading to the Business Office. I need answers. I need to know. Mom can't tell me...dad won't say much...perhaps the sheriff will. Fucking bastard needs to explain himself and fast. No one better stop me. I love Ethan to death but he doesn't get it...no one does. Bigby Wolf needs to tell me everything...I'm giving him 5 minutes. After that, its every wolf for themselves. He has the audacity to talk about MY father, when he has no room. Who the hell does he think he is...he has no idea who the FUCK I am. Now, its personal....
I have literally been waiting for this, Pie! You have no idea!! XD Know you are busy, though but.....
First off, can't wait for the next Fable story. I figured it would be about the kids. They alone are a Fable themselves. I'm loving Ethan's hat. That is so random! He reminds me of a combination of John and Georgie! lol
And Peter...that is NOT who I thought fathered him! You want to know WHO I thought-at first, Jersey. Then, you mentioned him about Katie, so there went that. Then, Malcom for a bit. Then, finally, Woody for some fucking reason! lol But, Bigby....no wonder some of the kids feel how they do. Why did he not acknowledge Peter, though? Think he'd be proud. But props to Georgie for stepping up. Now, his story AND Emily's are the one's I'm looking forward to the most!!
Nice pictures, btw. Can't wait, Pie! Hope summer school is going great. College nerd! lol jk
NOTE: Before I forget, let me explain. I had someone ask me on WHICH character I'd be writing my fable on. All 6 of the kids; the 'Sextuplet… mores', as I will call them, are my upcoming Fable. Their stories are combined into one; I'm just giving you an idea on WHO they are. Plus, its never hurts to have a face with a name. Without going into too much detail, each of the 6 kids has a prophecy attached to them; only they will determine the fate of Fabletown and eachother. Is everything set in stone or can futures be changed?
Enjoy the last two of the 6 kids.
Ethan Porgie
'The pretty boy'
Age: 17
Powers: Ethan has the ability to heal wounds with a single touch. He absorbs the pain inside and releases a 'medication' through his touch. He, however, can not fix major wounds or anything fatal; he is determined, however to work on his gift and accomplish the task. His parents discovered his ability when Emily fell off her bike and scr… [view original content]
It was time to go home. The three days I spent in Spain were some of the best days I could remember.
Now back to real life.
The plane ride goes by fast when you sleep the whole time. Tim stayed awake, he told me he watched a few movies and stared out the window. As soon as we seen the earth again under our plane, he reached over and kissed my cheek.
"Time to wake up, Darling." He cooed as I stretched my legs out from underneath me. The flight attendants warned us to put our safety belts on, and we slowly descended toward the landing strip in JFK Airport. After exiting the plane, collecting our baggage, and stopping for a bite to eat, we met Snow standing by her car for us.
"Hey! How was the trip?" Snow called from the drivers side door.
"It was perfect!" I exclaimed. We got to the car and Tim gave me a soft hug as I leaned on the hot metal car. The window behind me opened up and my child-faced mother appeared.
She raised her eyebrow,"Ehem?"
I jumped, startled,"Hey momma!" Tim let go of me and we entered the car. He sat in front while I sat next to Winter.
"So, what'd you guys do?" Snow asked. I looked at the rear view window and saw her staring at me.
"Oh, um," I started.
"We ate a lot of food. It was really good," Tim chimed in,"She tried dragging me to a salsa-dancing venue, but I was resilient and she ended up going alone. Sorry about that, again."
He was lying to cover our real expeditions. "Yeah. I got this hot Spanish dude to help me. I couldn't understand anything he said, but we were able to dance well enough to pass," I said. He smirked at me through the side mirror.
"Sounds interesting," Winter said.
The car ride home was slow and exasperating. Numerous times we were cut off trying to exit the airport's vicinity and then trying to get back to bullfinch street took longer than we wanted. It was well past lunchtime when we rolled up the driveway. Snow tensed when the car stopped.
"I'll get our bags, Tim," I said, opening the door.
"I'll help," My mother said.
We opened the trunk and pulled the luggage out. It felt heavier than when we first traveled over. My bag has 3 new pairs of sandals and a few new dresses. I looked up front, at Snow. She hadn't moved since we got here.
Winter turned her head, whispering,"My dad's statue is gone, Harm. We found out just after you left, although the witches said he'd been gone for longer than that. A few weeks."
I nod, slowly,"Yeah. I, um...."
"It's okay. You didn't have to tell us. I wish she hadn't been told so soon," Winter looked forlornly at Snow.
I yank my bag out and start walking toward the rock steps to the front doors. I give a goodbye wave and me and Tim watch as the car backs out, soon blocked by the fence as it drives away to the corner of Bullfinch. They're gone.
"So," I say.
"So. Should we tell them the truth?" He asks.
"Soon. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not sure how my mother would feel, knowing that we, well..."
"Kissed? It wasn't much, Harm. All we did was just kiss. I don't see how-"
"You don't understand. She....They, have been through enough already. Snow and my mom. I think it's better that we keep it on the down-low, just until this thing with my grandfather is sorted out. God, I hope it gets fixed." I shudder just thinking about it.
We head up on the elevator. My room is locked, so I open it with my keys and we enter the dark space. I drop my bag down and flip on the light switch. Mary is passed out on the couch with some Chinese take-out boxes littered around her.
"Thank God she went back after that night," I say.
"Yeah. I think one day was enough to pass her out for weeks. I just hope she doesn't wake up anytime soon."
"Oh, Tim. You know she'll be up any minute."
Almost as if my words were magic, her head popped up,"Whataya-Who? OH...You two are fuckin' back. Dammit. Harmony, I forgot to clean your apartment."
"Don't worry, I'll let you wake up before I give you a broom and a sponge," I say,"Hey, where'd you put my air fresheners? It doesn't smell like-"
"Lavender? Yeah, I tossed them all in your room. Oh ,yeah, I need to make your bed. I, uh..."
I roll my eyes,"Whatever. Don't tell me, please. Just....Get to cleaning."
Mary groans and flops off the couch in between garbage and the television. She gets up and wipes the crumbs off her pants while simultaneously complaining about the massive hangover she currently has. I pull open the blinds to shine some light in the room, but it won't last for long with the sun setting already.
Several Weeks later. August.
Law and Order SVU, (My new favorite show) blares through the television screen. Elliot and Olivia are investigating a hotel where a rape was committed at the exact same time that Mary starts banging on my apartment door.
"Harm! Let me in!" She wails.
"I'm coming. Chill."
I slide the chain loose and twist the handle,"What is it? Is there something-"
"Wrong? Yeah, there's something fuckin' wrong, Harm." She starts pacing slightly, cursing under her breath. Suddenly, she slams a fist into the wall behind her, knocking my photos down.
"I need to- I.." She trails off. She looks up and enters my bathroom.
"What the hell, Mary?"
She slams the door shut. I can hear her stifle a crying. She's....She's crying. Sobbing. The toughest person I know is locked in a bathroom, crying.
"Mary, let me in!" I call. She either can't hear me or is ignoring me.
"Mary!" I frown. There's only one way I can get in for sure.
I need to change into a Zephyr.
I try to focus. I stand there, focusing on the wind. Running to the windows, I open all of them, letting in the air. The breeze flows in, full force.
It's windy today.
I force myself to become the wind. I start floating above the air, the sensation of having legs, and arms, and a body, are all disappearing. I remember what I'm doing this for.
I am the air.
From here, it's easy to squeeze through the cracks of the door. When I get there, she's sitting against the door. No longer crying, but notices the draft.
"Mary? What's wrong?" I ask.
She jumps in her spot,"Shit! You're..."
"Invisible? Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are."
"I...,"She hangs her head low with shame.
She gets up, walking to my sink. She picks an unfamiliar item up.
"See this?" She asks.
I nod, but then I realize she can't see me nod," Yeah, I see it. What is it?"
"It's a pregnancy test. It's positive. Every goddamn test I've picked up from the store has been positive." She says. She slams it in the trash.
"Shit," I say.
"Yeah." Mary unlocks the door behind her and enters the living room.
"What do you....well. What do you wanna do?" I ask her.
She tilts her head up at me.
"We should talk to Swineheart. See what's going on...with me."
"I should change back into a human. Or at least try. I hope I can turn back."
Mary nods.
Hmm. Well, I wasn't sure how I was going to change things. But here they are. I hope you liked that twist of events, yet again.
Mary is having some troubles. As you can see. And Harmony (As usual) is dragged down with her. What will happen next chapter?
It was time to go home. The three days I spent in Spain were some of the best days I could remember.
Now back to real life.
… more
The plane ride goes by fast when you sleep the whole time. Tim stayed awake, he told me he watched a few movies and stared out the window. As soon as we seen the earth again under our plane, he reached over and kissed my cheek.
"Time to wake up, Darling." He cooed as I stretched my legs out from underneath me. The flight attendants warned us to put our safety belts on, and we slowly descended toward the landing strip in JFK Airport. After exiting the plane, collecting our baggage, and stopping for a bite to eat, we met Snow standing by her car for us.
"Hey! How was the trip?" Snow called from the drivers side door.
"It was perfect!" I exclaimed. We got to the car and Tim gave me a soft hug as I leaned on the hot metal car. The window behind me opened up and my child-faced mother appeared.
S… [view original content]
Georgie and I began packing up to head home. After a week in Portugal, we were actually home sick. We had so many memories, pictures and stories to last a life time. But we were ready and I don't think Georgie's skin could handle another layer of red.
We checked out and headed for the airport. We took one last picture, before departure. We couldn't wait to get home.
The plane ride home seemed long and unending. We arrived just as the sun was peaking over the Atlantic ocean. Georgie and I collected our bags, just as Snow and Bigby pulled up in a cab. Bigby immediatly exited the cab and began assisting Georgie with the luggage. Snow embraced me. She seemed eager to to speak about the tri.
"So, tell me. How was it?"
"We had a wonderful time, Snow. Thank you again, by the way. We really needed that."
We all got into the cab and stopped at a local McDonald's.
"I need something greasy and American," laughed Georgie, as he returned with a BigMac. "The food was great. But I missed this heart stopping, butt plugin', valve gloggin' deliciousness."
Georgie devoured the burger before we pulled up to the club. While Bigby took care of the bags, we were greeted by four babies and an overwhelmed grandma. I hugged my mother, as Georgie collected the toddlers in his arms.
"How was the trip, Lyla," asked my mother, as she kissed my cheek.
"It was beautiful, mom. Georgie and I had a great time. We brought back so many pictures and souviners."
I grabbed each of the babies, hugged and kissed them. Katie ran around in circles, barking and nipping at my feet.
"Mommy, Dada! No go bye bye? Stay here now?"
"Yes, my little wolf puppy. Mommy and Daddy are home now."
As I sat in the lounge with my mom, Georgie continued to play on the floor. He was too busy playing with the quads. The entire club was filled with the thundering shrills of howls and laughter. He was soon on all fours, crawling around with the kids.
"I missed you, daddy," said Penny, as she snuggled in Georgie's lap.
"Daddy missed you too, Penny Wheeny. I missed all of you, kids."
I laughed, as Junior tackled Georgie and Katie began to leave layers of drool all over his face.
"The place still looks the same," my mom said.
"It was so nice over there, mom. I want the kids to see it one day. Georgie even had a good time! Although, not too sure his skin did..."
By the time we arrived home, Georgie was as red as a tomato.
"Well, keep these and when the kids understand, show them."
"How were they, by the way?"
"Well behaved little babies. We had a problem with Katie. She bit Junior on the arm but nothing serious. We gave her time out but nothing else."
"Thank you again for watching them."
"Hey, that's what grandmas are for."
Snow and Bigby come in more a brief moment. I showed her the photos, as Bigby and my mother spoke.
"You picked a beautiful spot," said Snow, as she flipped through the camera.
"It was nice, Snow. Thank you again."
"You're welcome, Lyla. Anytime."
After an hour, all three of them left. Georgie and I fed the babies and attempted to bathe them. They were just so delighted to see us. As the kids settled down, Georgie and I placed the medals in a box. When they were older, they would see the gifts we brought from Portugal. We snuck away and quietly headed to our room.
We both throw ourselves onto the bed. The familiar smell of Gain and roses fill the room. God, I missed this dump.
I roll over and place my chin on Georgie's chest. "Thank you."
He looks confused. "For what, love?"
"Going with me. I know Portugal was NOT your first choice..."
"Eh, it was nice. We got to spend time together, see some sites. Eat delicious food....make love without any interuptions."
I playfully punch Georgie in the chest, as he leans against the head board and closes his eyes. I nestle beside him and wrap my arms around his chest.
Georgie sighs deeply. "Next time you are offered a vacation, let's go to London."
"Been dying for some authentic fish and chips!"
"That does sound good...."
I perched on Georgie and leaned forward; elbows firmly planted into the bed, as I kissed him.
I touched his face and laughed. "You're poor face!"
"I've had fuckin' worse, love."
I'm soon up and heading to the shower. As I return to the bed, however, Georgie is spralled out, with four little babies beside him. I manage to find a spot between him and Junior; Katie slowly crawls beside me, as Emily and Penny snore along with Georgie. I can't tell who is louder but soon, close my eyes and snuggle with Georgie and the quads.
It was nice to be home.
And that was my summer vacation with Georgie and Lyla! This was fun and I enjoyed writing about Portugal. Now, on to the next challange!
Hope you had a blast.
Loved it! Love, love, love! Those quads are too cute and the idea of Georgie being a bad makes me melt. Awwwww! Good job on the summer vacation, Pie. Lyla and Georgie are too cute together! I ship them!!! XD
Until next time, Portugal!
Fabletown, here we come....
"Smile for the camera, dear!"
"Having a blast in Portugal. "
5 da… moreys later
Georgie and I began packing up to head home. After a week in Portugal, we were actually home sick. We had so many memories, pictures and stories to last a life time. But we were ready and I don't think Georgie's skin could handle another layer of red.
We checked out and headed for the airport. We took one last picture, before departure. We couldn't wait to get home.
The plane ride home seemed long and unending. We arrived just as the sun was peaking over the Atlantic ocean. Georgie and I collected our bags, just as Snow and Bigby pulled up in a cab. Bigby immediatly exited the cab and began assisting Georgie with the luggage. Snow embraced me. She seemed eager to to speak about the tri.
"So, tell me. How was it?"
"We had a wonderful time, Snow. Thank you again, by the way. We reall… [view original content]
Until next time, Portugal!
Fabletown, here we come....
"Smile for the camera, dear!"
"Having a blast in Portugal. "
5 da… moreys later
Georgie and I began packing up to head home. After a week in Portugal, we were actually home sick. We had so many memories, pictures and stories to last a life time. But we were ready and I don't think Georgie's skin could handle another layer of red.
We checked out and headed for the airport. We took one last picture, before departure. We couldn't wait to get home.
The plane ride home seemed long and unending. We arrived just as the sun was peaking over the Atlantic ocean. Georgie and I collected our bags, just as Snow and Bigby pulled up in a cab. Bigby immediatly exited the cab and began assisting Georgie with the luggage. Snow embraced me. She seemed eager to to speak about the tri.
"So, tell me. How was it?"
"We had a wonderful time, Snow. Thank you again, by the way. We reall… [view original content]
Nerd.....me?? lol Nah, its good. Overwhelming but good.
I had a hard time desgining Ethan without him looking too much like Junior. My girlfriend is the one that gave me the idea. And yes, it is a combination of Georgie and John.
And as far as Bigby, the story will explain it all. I can't say much now. Hopefully by the middle of July or sooner I will have the next story up and ready to go. Trust me, it will ALL make sense.
I have literally been waiting for this, Pie! You have no idea!! XD Know you are busy, though but.....
First off, can't wait for the next … moreFable story. I figured it would be about the kids. They alone are a Fable themselves. I'm loving Ethan's hat. That is so random! He reminds me of a combination of John and Georgie! lol
And Peter...that is NOT who I thought fathered him! You want to know WHO I thought-at first, Jersey. Then, you mentioned him about Katie, so there went that. Then, Malcom for a bit. Then, finally, Woody for some fucking reason! lol But, Bigby....no wonder some of the kids feel how they do. Why did he not acknowledge Peter, though? Think he'd be proud. But props to Georgie for stepping up. Now, his story AND Emily's are the one's I'm looking forward to the most!!
Nice pictures, btw. Can't wait, Pie! Hope summer school is going great. College nerd! lol jk
Me and Mary waited on a blue bench outside of the doctor's office. It took about a half hour to gather the energy needed to change back. I almost gave up a few times. Mary ended up bursting into tears a few more times periodically while I shut the windows and kept trying. When I did change back, I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight. Mary threw the clothes that sat on the ground at me and started crying. Again. The whole situation was uncomfortable and unbearable.
It was crowded today, since a lot of Fables have been catching the flu or something. Mary was more nervous than I had ever seen her before. She was covering her mouth, afraid of catching whatever cold everyone sitting across from us had. I pretended like I was sick too, coughing periodically. Mary didn't want anyone to know. I was still wrapping my head around the idea myself. I still hadn't asked her who might be the father.
"Bloody Mary? You're next." An unrecognizable Fable from behind the counter said. I followed her in through the double-doors and Swineheart greeted us both.
"So, what're the symptoms? Coughing, sneezing-"
"Puking. Just...That and..." It seemed extremely hard for her to express her feelings about it all.
"Hmm? Well, I'm sure some anti-inflammatory pills will-"
"No, Dr. Swineheart," I interjected,"That's not her...problem."
"I think I'm pregnant," Mary said. I was surprised she didn't start crying again.
"OH. Well, we should take a pee test and go from there." He said.
After she exited the bathroom and handed the nurse her pee cup, she sat down on the wax papered bed and tapped her foot on the floor rapidly.
"It'll only be a few minutes. So, tell me your other symptoms," Swineheart took out a pen and paper.
"I don't know, I guess I've been craving food I don't normally eat, like, um.....Actually. I eat all food. But still, it's fuckin' weird. Like, I wake up at 3 expecting a gourmet meal, except I'm alone and have no food in my fridge. Never happened to me before. And the puking, it's worse than when I have hangovers. Also, I haven't been drinking for weeks, I've lost the appetite to go to the bar," She says.
"I can attest to that. I haven't seen her at the restaurant in forever. Just thought that she wanted to go other places," I shrug.
"Mhm. Well-" A nurse cuts the doctor off with the results to the test.
"Congratulations, Mary." Is all he says.
"The fuckin' sticks I peed on earlier could've been enough to tell me that." She grumbles.
"Well, lets go get a sonogram and see how far along you are."
We exit the office and go down several hallways to a room on the corner. He opens the door up and turns on the light. A chair that reclines sits in the middle, with a screen and some machines sitting next to it. Mary sits on the chair and I pull a stool over by the doctor's seat.
"Alright, here we go. I'm going to put this gel on your belly, just pull your shirt up some."
"Uhm, okay," Mary says. Her belly only bulges a slight bit. I wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't know.
Swineheart takes a weird rounded thing and presses it against her belly, staring at the screen.
A few minutes pass by.
"Aha! Found the little guy. It looks like you're about...hmm...12 weeks." He concludes.
"Twelve?" Mary looks at me.
"3 months ago...that was....May?"
"Right around the time you took your trip."
Mary covers her face,"Jack, fuckin', Horner. Get him on the phone, Harm."
I stick my hand into my pockets,"I don't own a phone."
She sighs exasperated," Here, use mine," and she tosses a touchscreen device the size of my hand.
"How do I?"
"Ugh, just, give it to me. I'll rip him a new asshole." She says, and dials furiously.
She holds it to her head, and waits.
"Jack? Are you there? Yeah, it's me- No, I don't want to come over. No, I don't want you. Actually, I do want you. I want you to come here, RIGHT. FUCKIN' NOW. No, I'm not playing any games. I'm in Swineheart's office- No, It's not an STD. Just...get here. Now."
She clicks the phone off.
"He's in for a rude awakening, I suppose," Swineheart says.
"You have no idea. You're lucky Mary doesn't have any of her weapons," I tell him.
"Oh, believe me. I will find where I misplaced my ax and he's not gonna like it when I do."
"Well, we had better get you cleaned up. I took a few shots of the baby, if you want them."
"Thank you," I say. Mary doesn't seem like she's in the mood to answer.
She gets cleaned up and we wait in his office again. Soon enough, there's a knock.
"Hey! So...what's wrong?" Jack says, strolling in casually.
"What's wrong?" Mary says. Oh no,"What's, Fuckin', WRONG? Look at this!" She jabs the folder into his chest. His worried face shows that he knows she's not playing with him.
"Oh god. A- A baby? Are you sure...it's mine? Please tell me it's not-"
"It's yours, dipshit. I'm 12 weeks. You were the last thing I was with."
"Well- I can't...I can't be a dad! I'm already a dad and my kids hate me! What if-"
"I think now is not the time to be thinking about that. Mary, lets go home. You look exhausted. You can hang him later." I say.
She doesn't protest, so we just go home.
That's it for now. I'm starting to get bored and when I get bored my stories aren't as good as I want them to be. I hope you liked this chapter. I might wait a while before posting another story, since I want to see what happens in the next issue of FABLES so I can see what's going on. I'll still be reading other people stories though, so I won't be gone forever! Another note, though- I'm going down south to see my mom for 2 weeks. I have no idea if I will have internet access, since while we're down we'll be visiting my aunt as well. If you don't hear from me, don't worry. I am most likely just enjoying my time and the heat. So yeah!
Me and Mary waited on a blue bench outside of the doctor's office. It took about a half hour to gather the energy needed to change back. I a… morelmost gave up a few times. Mary ended up bursting into tears a few more times periodically while I shut the windows and kept trying. When I did change back, I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight. Mary threw the clothes that sat on the ground at me and started crying. Again. The whole situation was uncomfortable and unbearable.
It was crowded today, since a lot of Fables have been catching the flu or something. Mary was more nervous than I had ever seen her before. She was covering her mouth, afraid of catching whatever cold everyone sitting across from us had. I pretended like I was sick too, coughing periodically. Mary didn't want anyone to know. I was still wrapping my head around the idea myself. I still hadn't asked her who might be the father.
"Bloody Mary? You're next." An unrecogniza… [view original content]
Thanks! I'm not so sure Jack will be as good as a father as Georgie and Gren though. I'm also thinking about doing something more with Snow and Winter and them, but it's hard not knowing what happens next until the next issue comes out (July 20th T.T) So it'll have to wait.
Haha of Jack! XD All these poor Fable men becoming parents! lol
I liked it! Can't wait to see more. I get where you are coming from. Take the time, relax, enjoy your trip and come back fresh with ideas.
Good job like always!
Me and Mary waited on a blue bench outside of the doctor's office. It took about a half hour to gather the energy needed to change back. I a… morelmost gave up a few times. Mary ended up bursting into tears a few more times periodically while I shut the windows and kept trying. When I did change back, I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight. Mary threw the clothes that sat on the ground at me and started crying. Again. The whole situation was uncomfortable and unbearable.
It was crowded today, since a lot of Fables have been catching the flu or something. Mary was more nervous than I had ever seen her before. She was covering her mouth, afraid of catching whatever cold everyone sitting across from us had. I pretended like I was sick too, coughing periodically. Mary didn't want anyone to know. I was still wrapping my head around the idea myself. I still hadn't asked her who might be the father.
"Bloody Mary? You're next." An unrecogniza… [view original content]
Jack just seems like a big kid himself, though. Just let your imagination take course and go. What I did for both Georgie and Gren. They both seem like they would take charge in that situation. Perhaps Jack as well. Ugh is it July 20th....-.- Well, when you get all the ideas you can handle, will be here waiting to see what happens-either with Jack, Snow or Winter or who ever! XD
Thanks! I'm not so sure Jack will be as good as a father as Georgie and Gren though. I'm also thinking about doing something more with Snow … moreand Winter and them, but it's hard not knowing what happens next until the next issue comes out (July 20th T.T) So it'll have to wait.
Me and Mary waited on a blue bench outside of the doctor's office. It took about a half hour to gather the energy needed to change back. I a… morelmost gave up a few times. Mary ended up bursting into tears a few more times periodically while I shut the windows and kept trying. When I did change back, I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight. Mary threw the clothes that sat on the ground at me and started crying. Again. The whole situation was uncomfortable and unbearable.
It was crowded today, since a lot of Fables have been catching the flu or something. Mary was more nervous than I had ever seen her before. She was covering her mouth, afraid of catching whatever cold everyone sitting across from us had. I pretended like I was sick too, coughing periodically. Mary didn't want anyone to know. I was still wrapping my head around the idea myself. I still hadn't asked her who might be the father.
"Bloody Mary? You're next." An unrecogniza… [view original content]
Pictures! My descriptions can't really do justice to these sights, so I've included some.
Anyway, here's the second part of my Fable Vacation Tale. Hope you like it!
Cambodia! The Soul of south-east Asia; the Jewel of all Asia; home to a city likened to the elegant and natural beauty of a pearl; in short, a country beyond worth.
To this place our five intrepid - or at the very least, five - Fables have gone, all eagerly anticipating what wonders lie ahead.
After rides in planes and rickshaws, we find them travelling by bus, of the old and rickety description, close to the thing they've now been longing for most of all: a comfortable bed.
"I've come to the conclusion that - uff - this bus was not built with the comforts of a pig in mind."
"Sorry, Colin, you're going to have to stay under the seat for now - there's a few Mundies still on board." Mr Weasel's pragmatism is not received happily.
"Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Mundies?"
"Actually, you've said it quite often since we got here."
"Well, you weren't the one that had to be stuck in a crate with a talking monkey whilst flying over the Pacific Ocean, were you!"
"I'm sorry, Colin. It was either that or let Jack fly a small plane for us, and I'm really not sure how good his flying skills are." Having a glance behind him to inspect the self-proclaimed pilot, who sits two seats back, Weasel's doubts are not eased by the sight of Jack, in the attempt of having a drink, jumping as the bus rides over another bump and spilling the water over himself. "He just doesn't seem very... coordinated," Mr Weasel mumbles aloud.
"Anyway," carries on Weasel as he resumes the conversation, a conversation that is only just possible over the loud growls of the engine, "how's Bufkin doing?"
"He's asleep," replies Colin, sounding disgruntled. "I don't know how he can be when - uff! - oh, you get the idea."
"Hey! Look out the window!" calls Rose Red from the seat directly behind. "Now that's a view."
Rose, Weasel and Jack gaze at the sight before them, transfixed by the other-wordly landscape. As a warm breeze brushes their faces through the bus windows, such views of natural majesty remind them of the Homelands, and for a moment they're lost in conjured memories.
"You know, I can't see anything down here!" comes a voice from beneath a seat.
"One second, Colin, I'll take you a picture," and so Mr Weasel does, leaning down to show the screen to the pig.
"That's something, alright. You sure I can't just come up there for five minutes?"
"Oh go on!" says Rose. "We're on vacation. People'll just think we're some weird tourists with a pet pig. It probably happens quite a lot."
"Tourists with pet pigs?" Mr Weasel skeptically questions.
"I promise I won't say anything," comes Colin's ironic response.
"Oh, fine. Come on, Colin, I'll help you out." And so Mr Weasel does help Colin out, both figuratively and literally.
The bus ride lasts not much longer, reaching the village of Tatai in the foots of the Cardamom Mountains, where they disembark. The next mode of transportation will be a boat, which will take them up-river to the unlikely setting of their hotel.
From an azure sky with puffs of cloud, the sun beats down on the group as they sit on a worn bench, and wait for the vessel. In a more arid land the direct heat would burn them dry, however here the air is humid, sticky - almost perceptibly wet - making perspiration an inevitability.
The wide river in front of them seems like an inviting prospect in the almost 40 degree heat, though the dark water betrays the treacherous deepness. Over on the other side, the forest grows to the waters edge, the verdant green leaves and multitude of species more than symbolic of the haven for life that lies within the seemingly impenetrable mass. As well as sight, the sound of life is present, with birds singing exquisite melodies and jarring cries; insects buzzing and humming here and there; amphibians croaking; fish splashing; pigs asking to borrow a pair of sunglasses; and a hitherto locally unknown species of monkey attempting to hold a conversation with a local macaque. Almost unbelievable.
A reconditioned fishing boat creeps into view from a bend in the river, approximately half a mile away. When it reaches the docking area, four stroll on board, with the fifth traveller hidden in the luggage three carry with them, and they are soon en route to their final destination. The wall of trees continues on either side, with only darkness visible through the maze of branches. After some ten minutes, Colin, who is not unlike the others of his species who enjoy a rest, grows weary.
"Where are we? Are we there yet?" he moans.
"The journey only takes about 25 minutes," the pilot of the ship responds, keeping her eyes forward and so unaware from whom the question was posed. Jack, Weasel and Colin share nervous glances, and silence reigns for the remaining distance.
Shortly, the unusual sight of a row of tent-ish lodges supported by and floating on wooden bases is visible, down which a larger construction is connected, hub-like, which in turn connects to another row going off down another bend in the river.
"Here we are!" the pilot tells them, as she brings the boat to rest in a small docking area in the main hub.
Pleased at last to have reached their destination, the travellers are shown to separate cabins - one accommodating Rose Red, and one for Jack and Mr Weasel. Colin, it is assured to the owners, is completely house-trained, and what is more, far better-mannered than any other pet, including dogs. With reluctance, he is allowed to stay in Rose's cabin. Bufkin, meanwhile, is kept strictly confidential, and therefore has the luxury of residing where he wishes.
Despite the daylight hour, all are too exhausted from the strains of travel to give proper appreciation to their new surroundings, and so nothing more can be said until they wake.
Pictures! My descriptions can't really do justice to these sights, so I've included some.
Anyway, here's the second part of my Fable Vaca… moretion Tale. Hope you like it!
Cambodia! The Soul of south-east Asia; the Jewel of all Asia; home to a city likened to the elegant and natural beauty of a pearl; in short, a country beyond worth.
To this place our five intrepid - or at the very least, five - Fables have gone, all eagerly anticipating what wonders lie ahead.
After rides in planes and rickshaws, we find them travelling by bus, of the old and rickety description, close to the thing they've now been longing for most of all: a comfortable bed.
"I've come to the conclusion that - uff - this bus was not built with the comforts of a pig in mind."
"Sorry, Colin, you're going to have to stay under the seat for now - there's a few Mundies still on board." Mr Weasel's pragmatism is not received happily.
"Have I ever mentioned how much… [view original content]
I'm guessing Harmony might provide help there; I can't see Jack becoming father of the year. Then again, you might do something completely different. Either way, I'm sure it'll make a good read!
I've always wanted to go to Cambodia. All that water and open space.
I thought the description of their location was marvelous. Could pi… morecture it all in my head.
Poor Colin-stuck in that crate! lol I'd be mad, too. Good job! Can't wait to read more!
Here's some more. I seem to have made this quite a long tale, so I figured I'd post what I can when I can to keep it going, and I hope it's worth it!
"BUFKIN!" Jack bellows, causing not only Mr Weasel to be rudely awoken, but a group of jacanas to take anxious flight from the lilies at the river edge; their orange wattles aptly reflecting Jack's passion.
"Where is that monkey?!"
In a groggy stupor - one not caused by grog, though - Mr Weasel, from his position on a most comfortable bed, looks across the wall-windowed room to the pulled back curtains that constitute the door, where Jack stands, literally steaming.
"... Jack ... Shut up." Unsurprisingly, this direction has no effect whatsoever and Jack gives another shout.
"What is the matter, man?!" Weasel is now out of bed and decently dressed to be wandering around; his mood clawing to stay up from that of Jack's.
"Are you on fire, or something?" He asks, walking over to his loud friend.
"What?" Jack turns, looking confused and irritated.
"You're steaming."
Looking down at his white t-shirt and tan shorts, Jack slowly becomes aware of the vapour rising from them.
"That stupid monkey!" Apparently the steam only adds to his exasperation.
"What's he done?" Asks Weasel, as Jack glares intently at the trees on the riverbank.
"I caught him stealing my shades. You know, the aviator ones." Mr Weasel nods in acknowledgement of being familiar with that paticular pair of sunglasses. "And so I chased him out here because he wouldn't stop, and I fell into the river."
Mr Weasel stifles a laugh.
"Now the sun's coming out and I'm evaporating, and that monkey's nowhere to be seen."
"What the hell's going on, Jack?" Rose Red demands, as she marches out of her lodge, unaware that her top is on inside out due to the urgency with which she put it on. Her violet shorts are, however, being worn in the dignity-preserving right way out.
"Bufkin's stolen my sunglasses," Jack barks, though with a certain check upon his anger for fear of the surely even greater wrath which Rose could, and very well might, respond with.
Instead, she is merely disbelieving: "sure you didn't just dream it, what with the heat?"
"I swear, Rose, I saw him take them!"
"Well that's not like Bufkin; though I have to admit I fancy seeing the little fella' in those glasses of yours."
Rose and Weasel share a look and smirk, while Jack simply sits himself down on the wooden walkway, and continues his lookout.
The mystery of Bufkin's unlikely theiving continued unsolved throughout breakfast, with Rose, Weasel and Jack being far to occupied with the delicious cuisine to give care to much else. In the restaurant, Mr Weasel ate something of a typical Cambodian breakfast, consisting of rice porridge - known as bobor - with the addition of some of his favourite of edibles: tropical fruit. A more colourful array could scarcely be found. Rose enjoyed nom banh chok: rice noodles topped with a fish-based green curry gravy made with lemongrass, turmeric root, and kaffir lime. Jack busied himself with bai sach chrouk, also known as pork and rice; and finally, Colin was supplied with fruit and rice.
After breakfast the four discuss their plan for the day, and decide on a trek through the jungle; or more accurately, three decide to do that. One actually decides to let them do that while he stays pleasingly away from the possibility of, 'becoming a snack for a bad-mannered tiger.' If it's all the same to the other three, of course.
So three go off into the jungles of the Cardamom Mountains for the day. Birds of myriad colours; plants of an equal variety; a cornucopia of exotic and magical things can be seen within those dense forests. Many a thing that may not be seen lies within there too - rare and endangered, and possibly not-yet-discovered. Asian elephants; sun bears; Javan rhinoceros; Indiochinese tigers; clouded leopards; Siamese crocodiles! A list of so many that one scarcely knows where to begin. It is safe to say that our trio sight many a thing, and have encounters that will last them a life-time. A Mundy one, at least.
Some time later.
"I think I can hear them coming, Bufkin. Are you going to tell them?" Colin asks, as he walks back from doorway.
"Well, yes." Bufkin answers from the top of a dark-wood wardrobe. "Shouldn't I?"
"It's up to you, my flying friend."
Laughter and footsteps can be heard to come closer from outside, and the curtain is pulled to the side by a rather damp looking Rose. Jack and Weasel continue to their own tent.
"Hey, Colin. Excuse me, whudya, I need a shower - I smell worse than some of those weird plants out there."
"Yeah, my nose already knows that."
"Sorry, Mister Sweet Breathe." She cheerily pokes her tongue out and retires to the shower, from where some ten minutes later she returns, smelling more like her namesake.
"I am seriously beat after today. So much heat and mud." She slumps onto a sofa and splays out her arms, taken by the view of the river, in which the sky paints a pink and red reflection. "What a beautiful sunset. Anyway, how's your day been?"
"Oh, a little bit of snoozing here, watching the fish out there, rummaging around for things to eat. My kind of day."
"Is that any different from how you normally spend your time?" Comes a question mixed with laughter.
"Ha, not really; I just don't get to do it in a place like this." Colin lifts himself onto a chair, front trotters first. He tries to get comfortable with the frilly cushion that adorns the seat, yet gives up after a few moments adjusting and simply knocks it to the ground.
"You enjoying it, though?" Rose asks.
"Course I am," he responds, with a piggy smile. "Might have a look around on land a little though, before we move on."
"Fine by me; we'll probably spend a few more days here and then head on out."
Apprehensive in tone, "Erm, hello," breaks the momentary silence.
Rose looks behind her, in the direction from where it came. "Bufkin?"
"Hello, Miss Rose," he replies, and the proceeds to fly from the wardrobe top and land on a coffee table next to the sofa. "How are you?"
"Never mind about me - what about you? Where've you been all day?"
"Out in the jungle," he answers with a nervous smile. "I found some other monkeys."
"Been making friends, have we?"
"Well let us know next time - we don't want to lose you!" She ruffles his head. "Wait a sec - what happened with Jack's glasses?"
Bufkin looks apprehensive again, yet begins to tell Rose what happened.
Mr Weasel waltzes into the restaurant, famished after a day spent trekking. Jack, Rose and he have decided to eat in, so Weasel volunteered to get the food, leaving Jack to sort out a large and unfortunately unwelcome spider which had decided to use their tent as an impromptu hunting ground. It wasn't quite giant slaying, however someone had to do it.
After perusing the menu and making choices, Weasel waits by the brightly tiled counter, and inspects the other guests. There are only three others, all at tables with meals in various states of consumption. In the center, a young couple chat over candlelight, young enough, Weasel supposes, that this might be their honeymoon, and he notices that they hold each other's hand under the table. Over to his left, in a corner only barely visible in the gathering gloom, the shapes and shadows of a man eating can be seen, with his legs stretched out to his side.
Mr Weasel then sees the clock and realises he has forgotten all about dates and times since he arrived. That is, you see, one of the side-effects of being a Fable: time loses a certain urgency. The time of Mundies' is shortly limited, whereas a Fable could survive for many a century - perhaps longer - given the correct circumstances. Regardless, he sets about calculating.
"About a seventeen hour flight - plus about four and a half hours travelling - then add in the time zone - and it was thirty-two hours. That's quite long." The Weasel was not wrong there.
"Here you go," an attendant tells him. "One Fried Fish on the Fire Lake. Enjoy!" Taking the large tray and balancing drinks, Weasel saunters back to the tent-lodge with care, not wanting to drop the fish back from whence it came.
Upon returning he finds all four of his fellow travellers waiting for him, with the room filled by candles, and they all tuck in to the large dish. A whole fish, deep-fried and resting on a hotplate, finished in a coconut curry made from yellow kroeung - a paste made of herbs or spices - and chillies, with vegetables cooked in the curry, and served with rice. A wholesome meal to help recover from the exertion from the day.
While they dine, Bufkin explains to Jack and Weasel that which he has already told most of to Rose, and all of to Colin.
"You see," he says, with a fish bone sticking out of the corner of his mouth, "I was trying to impress one of the other monkey's with the glasses. I've been told that some of them like that."
"Where did you hear that?" Mr Weasel asks, somewhat incredulously and somewhat with a mouth full of food.
"From --" "I told him," interrupts Colin. "I thought it might give him an edge up on the locals, make him seem mysterious and what-not."
"Was there a woman involved?" Asks Weasel.
"Maybe," Bufkin responds, his face turning a shade of red that absolutely complements his green fur.
"Aww, Bufkin!" Coos Weasel.
"You still should have asked," Jack says, sulking a little.
"And would you have said yes?" Wonders Rose.
"That's not the point!" Retorts Jack.
"Let's just drop it, shall we? I'm sure Bufkin will know to ask in the future." Weasel wishes to end any resentment. "Anyway, did the glasses do the job, Bufkin?"
"Erm, no," he admits. "Not really."
"Oh well, there's always next time! Say, could you do me a favour?" Mr Weasel asks, brushing past Bufkin's disappointment a little too quickly for the monkey, who would have liked some more sympathetic remarks.
"What would you like?"
"Could you take some pictures for me? You can get to places I certainly couldn't, and I'm sure you've got an eye for good photos." Mr Weasel wasn't actually entirely sure on the point of Bufkin's photography skills, however he felt that open optimism wouldn't hurt.
"Sure I can!" Bufkin was happy to oblige.
"Excellent - we can do it in the morning. Thanks, Bufkin!"
A little while later.
"Why didn't you let me tell them that he told me? I'm not sure they believed that you told me to take the glasses" Bufkin whispers to Colin, not wanting to wake the sleeping Rose.
Colin, who cannot be certain of Bufkin's location in the darkness, simply directs his reply towards a vague spot up-high, and says, "it'll be a surprise for them when they find out. Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep."
Bufkin isn't sure that the whole thing is right, yet he takes Colin's advice and reclines into a slumber.
All slept peacefully that night. Bufkin dreamed of roaming the woods; Rose of happier times in the Homelands; Jack of successfully asking Rose on a date; Weasel of piloting a sea-plane over a great waterfall - he didn't dream as weasels normally would; and Colin of sprouting wings and teasing a bad-mannered tiger. Because anything can happen when pigs fly.
I'm guessing Harmony might provide help there; I can't see Jack becoming father of the year. Then again, you might do something completely different. Either way, I'm sure it'll make a good read!
Pictures! My descriptions can't really do justice to these sights, so I've included some.
Anyway, here's the second part of my Fable Vaca… moretion Tale. Hope you like it!
Cambodia! The Soul of south-east Asia; the Jewel of all Asia; home to a city likened to the elegant and natural beauty of a pearl; in short, a country beyond worth.
To this place our five intrepid - or at the very least, five - Fables have gone, all eagerly anticipating what wonders lie ahead.
After rides in planes and rickshaws, we find them travelling by bus, of the old and rickety description, close to the thing they've now been longing for most of all: a comfortable bed.
"I've come to the conclusion that - uff - this bus was not built with the comforts of a pig in mind."
"Sorry, Colin, you're going to have to stay under the seat for now - there's a few Mundies still on board." Mr Weasel's pragmatism is not received happily.
"Have I ever mentioned how much… [view original content]
NOTE: I will be switching back and forth with the 6 kids. They will have 4 sections, then I will move on to the next kid. Their stories will be different but come together. You will see as I write on. Hope you enjoy.
Dear Diary: I hope today is not like the past few days have been. Jack seriously needs to get the hint. I'm about to tell Jersey, should he keep up. So tired. I have soooo much homework. Thank god for Tim....he has been such a sweetheart to me lately. Well, gotta get going. Work starts in 20 minutes.
By the time I arrived to the Lucky Pawn, my neatly fixed hair was strands of brown flying in the wind and my clothes no longer wrinkle free. Jack was at the register playing with an old Vase and three wooden soilders. The imature sounds of gun noises and the soilders falling to their 'death' could be heard coming from his mouth.
"Oh no...he's been hit! The Sergeant has been hit! Noooooooooo!!!"
I roll my eyes, drop off my book bag and rush to the back. Thank god, I thought. Jersey is not here yet. The last few times I've been late were not so bad; he took pity on this poor girl trying to work and further her education. My luck was running out, though. Yesterday he sat me down and explained he couldn't keep looking the other way. I understood; he did have a business to run and this poor girl he took such pity on was only getting in the way.
I grabbed all my necessary materials and headed to the front. Jack continued to play toy soilders but grinned when he saw me. He flashed his trademark smile, flipped his hair back and laughed. "POW! POW! Oh, no....nooooooo!"
"Yes, Miss Katie Porgie?"
"Don't....don't do that, please."
"Do what, Katie Porgie?"
"THAT! That....shit you are doing! It's annoying!"
"That's why I do it to ya', Katie."
My head was throbbing at his idiotic, childish behavior. I was in no mood to play foolish games, so I quickly dropped the conversation. Indeed, he would see this as a 'win' but I didn't care.
"You look tired."
"I am, Jack."
"You should probably stop going out and partying so late."
"The fuck? I don't go out....I was at home studying all night. I have this huge Calculus test today-"
"Hey. Whatever. 'Homework' is the way of saying it now, huh?"
Since I began working here, Jack always gave me a difficult time. He reminded me of an annoying cousin that found pleasure in pushing buttons or the sibling that felt the need to constantly have the last word. My ability to ignore his remarks and loud behavior did not go very far; I felt the urge to take the giant axe in the back and swing it against his head. Since then, I have tried to avoid him but with Jack a few feet from my post, it was never possible. My flag was up.
"So, you are late Katie..."
"You're not the boss, Jack. Drop it."
"Well, see. That is the thing-Jersey said you needed to TRY and be here on time. Hell, I am and-"
"I WAS, Jack. There is alot I have to cross in order to get here. I lost track of time..."
"Well, I'm going to have to tell him-"
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bag of trail mix. I reached into the baggy and pulled out a handful of Almonds, cranberries and white chocolate. Jack has his eyes focused on me the entire time; it was making my uncomfortable and felt the need to toss something at his smug face. What gave him the sudden need to have control and power, I would never understand.
"Oh, can I have some?"
"Aw, come on, Katie. I'm hungry! And besides, you can't eat in here-"
"Than why take the risk and have some with me?"
"Because you are Jersey's pet and maybe if he saw me eating some of YOUR snack, he won't yell at me this time."
I ignored his comment, tossed him the bag and continued eating. Perhaps if his mouth was full, he'd stop moving his lips. As Jack began pulling handfuls of the snack out, he continued talking. Ugh, please...just shut the fuck up.
"So, you doing anything tonight?"
"What part of school do you not-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah-school. I get it. You are a book worm! No, silly-AFTER school! What are you doing?"
"Going home and going to sleep."
"Wanna go out with me, tonight? You like sushi?"
"No thank you, Jack. For the hundreth time, no!"
"Aw, come on? Just ONE date and if you are not completly satisfied, I will-"
"JACK! I said no! Now drop it!"
"You know, for a PORGIE, you sure are boring and playing it safe...."
His comment was getting to me, so instead of fueling the fire, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ipod. I scanned the screen, typed in my password and went to the search engine. In the corner of my eyes, however, he still stood still and watched me. He was like a child on the playground; he wanted to jump in and play with the other children but he had no idea how to carry this out. All he could do was stand and wait; wait until either I invited him over or he grew tired. He watched me type in various letters, until I found what I was looking for.
Soon, the Lucky Pawn was filled with Madonna's 'Material Girl.' I blamed my mother and aunt Gina for listening to songs like this. Both of them were 80's fanatics and although my father despised this song, I would still hear it while my mother either cleaned or was putting on her makeup to go out. Now, at the age of nineteen, I would rather listen to this then the bullshit on the radio currently. Jack continued to watch me.
"The fuck? You LIKE this song?!"
"Ugh, God! This is some cheesey bullshit! HOW could you actually listen to this? Material Girl? You are NOT a Material Girl and-"
Sometimes I wondered if he enjoyed the sound of his own voice. He never understand the ability to simply close his mouth and leave it like that-shut.
"Jersey is going to be so mad. He HATES this shit..."
'Cause we are living in a material world and I am a material girl. You know that we are living in a material world and I am a material girl.'
"Ugh, Katie! Please!! Turn that off!!"
I ignored his remarks, as I took a handful of the trail mix and placed it in my mouth. There was a moment of satisfaction, as Jack tried his best to ignore the song, which continued to get louder, as I turned the volume up. Through all the polishing and dusting, I caught him trying to cover is ears. No such luck, pal.
'If they don't give me proper credit, I just walk away-'
Suddenly, the phone began to ring and without hesitation, Jack dashed to it. I guess he was hoping it was Jersey; like I really cared. I took advantage of Jersey taking such a 'liking' to me; hell, I used it when I was younger, I will use it now. Can't tell you HOW many Barbie dream homes I got from Jersey because of it. Judging by Jack's disappointed face, I could tell it wasn't Jersey.
"Yeah, she is here..."
He handed me the phone and walked away. Like a child, he was stomping his feet and mumbling to himself.
"Hey, Katie. Its Tim. Did you get all that homework and the study guides completed?"
"Are you kidding-I was up until almost three this morning doing that shit! I'm so nervous about this test...its like half our grade! I need this to graduate, Tim!"
"You will do fine, Katie. Meet me in the library after work so we can study before class. I can help you."
Thank god for Tim; he was such an intelligent guy and I was honored to have him tutor me in math. I UNDERSTOOD the material but finding the happy medium and concentrating was the challenge. He heled me find that happy medium and focus on what was ahead.
"Great. That sounds good. I'm out of here at one-that gives us an hour before class starts. See you later, Tim."
As soon as I got off the phone with Tim, Jersey walked in and stood perfectly still in the middle of the store. I continued dusting and listening to the music. Jack, however, was rapidly moving back and forth, trying to look busy. I could hear 'shit' and 'fuck' every two seconds.
"Having problems, Jack?"
I tried not to giggle, as Jack nearly slammed himself into the wall.
"Wha-no! No, Jersey. I'm just, uh...."
"You remind me of those chickens that lose their fuckin' head and run 'round in circles 'till they fuckin' fall over and die. KA-BLAM!!"
Jack tried to find the humor in Jersey's comment but when he began laughing, Jersey seemed annoyed and walked away. He stood beside me, watching as I polished a sword and voodoo mask. The music was finishing up; I watched him pick up the ipod and stare at it. My heart was fluttering and I was waiting for him to either throw it down or laugh.
"You like this song?"
"Yes. You know that..."
"Man, this brings me back. Thought maybe you'd be into Justin Timberlake or Dr. Dre or Lil' Wannabe or, whatever the fuck that guy's name is...."
"Jersey. You know better than that. HOW long have you known me?"
Jersey chuckles, as he hands me the ipod. "Yeah, you are right, rabbit. Just messin' with you, sweetie."
Rabbit. Now THAT brings me back. For the longest time, he has called me that. Don't know why. No one knows. My dad HATED that. 'Don't call her that-she's not a fuckin' rabbit!' Maybe its because I saw that movie 'Fatal Attraction' and got nightmares from it...then, the next day, told Jersey about it. Maybe. Who knows. Jersey was something else. It never bothered me, though.
As he turns to walk about, I notice him take out his bottle of colonge and spary a trail behind him. He has done this for years; think it started when I turned twelve or thirteen. Don't understand. I used to think it was because he smoked so much and didn't want anyone to smell it linger on his clothes. But, it was becoming a habit when he was through speaking to me. Wish I knew why.
"Katie was late again, Jersey."
Fuck, Jack! Can't you just stop for once! Jersey turns to look at me.
"This true, Katie?"
I can't lie to the Jersey Devil. I know better than this and shake my head yes. He sighs and tells me to follow him into his office. Fuck. I'm fired. I know it. As I follow him to the back, Jack makes a slice across his neck, indicatiing the 'end' for me. I ignore his actions, as I follow Jersey to the back.
Nerd.....me?? lol Nah, its good. Overwhelming but good.
I had a hard time desgining Ethan without him looking too much like Junior. My gi… morerlfriend is the one that gave me the idea. And yes, it is a combination of Georgie and John.
And as far as Bigby, the story will explain it all. I can't say much now. Hopefully by the middle of July or sooner I will have the next story up and ready to go. Trust me, it will ALL make sense.
It was time to go home. The three days I spent in Spain were some of the best days I could remember.
Now back to real life.
… more
The plane ride goes by fast when you sleep the whole time. Tim stayed awake, he told me he watched a few movies and stared out the window. As soon as we seen the earth again under our plane, he reached over and kissed my cheek.
"Time to wake up, Darling." He cooed as I stretched my legs out from underneath me. The flight attendants warned us to put our safety belts on, and we slowly descended toward the landing strip in JFK Airport. After exiting the plane, collecting our baggage, and stopping for a bite to eat, we met Snow standing by her car for us.
"Hey! How was the trip?" Snow called from the drivers side door.
"It was perfect!" I exclaimed. We got to the car and Tim gave me a soft hug as I leaned on the hot metal car. The window behind me opened up and my child-faced mother appeared.
S… [view original content]
Me and Mary waited on a blue bench outside of the doctor's office. It took about a half hour to gather the energy needed to change back. I a… morelmost gave up a few times. Mary ended up bursting into tears a few more times periodically while I shut the windows and kept trying. When I did change back, I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight. Mary threw the clothes that sat on the ground at me and started crying. Again. The whole situation was uncomfortable and unbearable.
It was crowded today, since a lot of Fables have been catching the flu or something. Mary was more nervous than I had ever seen her before. She was covering her mouth, afraid of catching whatever cold everyone sitting across from us had. I pretended like I was sick too, coughing periodically. Mary didn't want anyone to know. I was still wrapping my head around the idea myself. I still hadn't asked her who might be the father.
"Bloody Mary? You're next." An unrecogniza… [view original content]
Pictures! My descriptions can't really do justice to these sights, so I've included some.
Anyway, here's the second part of my Fable Vaca… moretion Tale. Hope you like it!
Cambodia! The Soul of south-east Asia; the Jewel of all Asia; home to a city likened to the elegant and natural beauty of a pearl; in short, a country beyond worth.
To this place our five intrepid - or at the very least, five - Fables have gone, all eagerly anticipating what wonders lie ahead.
After rides in planes and rickshaws, we find them travelling by bus, of the old and rickety description, close to the thing they've now been longing for most of all: a comfortable bed.
"I've come to the conclusion that - uff - this bus was not built with the comforts of a pig in mind."
"Sorry, Colin, you're going to have to stay under the seat for now - there's a few Mundies still on board." Mr Weasel's pragmatism is not received happily.
"Have I ever mentioned how much… [view original content]
Wait! Does Jersey have a thing for Katie? NOW it makes sense....
I like it when you write like this way. Not saying the last two were bad but....never mind! XD
Good job, Georgie! More, more more!!!! Love that pic btw!
EDIT: I had a question for you, Georgie. Would there be ANYWAY you could continue Gren and Carla's story? Feels like they didn't get much of a chance to explain, like Lyla and Georgie. Plus, the thought of a Grendel baby with a mundy...who wouldn't want to know? Just a question.
Katie Porgie
Part 1
"Material girl, Beanstalk and the Devil"
NOTE: I will be switching back and forth with the 6 kids. They will ha… moreve 4 sections, then I will move on to the next kid. Their stories will be different but come together. You will see as I write on. Hope you enjoy.
Dear Diary: I hope today is not like the past few days have been. Jack seriously needs to get the hint. I'm about to tell Jersey, should he keep up. So tired. I have soooo much homework. Thank god for Tim....he has been such a sweetheart to me lately. Well, gotta get going. Work starts in 20 minutes.
By the time I arrived to the Lucky Pawn, my neatly fixed hair was strands of brown flying in the wind and my clothes no longer wrinkle free. Jack was at the register playing with an old Vase and three wooden soilders. The imature sounds of gun noises and the soilders falling to their 'death' could be heard coming from his mouth.
"Oh no...he's been hit… [view original content]
Lol, I came up with the idea shortly after Harm and Tim's kiss. I was trying to think of something major to do with her for a while, and then the idea popped in my head and I was like,"That is GENIUS." Anywho, in the future I plan on implementing her into the story a little more. It depends on how I decide things should go by then. I'm not sure I want to reveal the gender (And obviously the name) until after the birth. Harm will definitely be by her friend and whatever happens with Jack happens (although it's not looking to good in that department.) I guess everyone will have to see until then.
Haha, well with the lifestyle he lives he's bound to have a few of them. He's already met one of his kids (Below) in Jack of Fables (And I'm sure there are even more than that.)
Haha, well with the lifestyle he lives he's bound to have a few of them. He's already met one of his kids (Below) in Jack of Fables (And I'm sure there are even more than that.)
Wait! Does Jersey have a thing for Katie? NOW it makes sense....
I like it when you write like this way. Not saying the last two were bad… more but....never mind! XD
Good job, Georgie! More, more more!!!! Love that pic btw!
EDIT: I had a question for you, Georgie. Would there be ANYWAY you could continue Gren and Carla's story? Feels like they didn't get much of a chance to explain, like Lyla and Georgie. Plus, the thought of a Grendel baby with a mundy...who wouldn't want to know? Just a question.
Haha, love at first sight, in an odd sort of way.
I'd rather not say. Let's just drop the subject please. :P
Sorry, I dropped it on my foot.
Heh :P
Maybe it's the way you've portrayed Georgie, and then having a kid who had his type of personality...I guess it grows on ya!
NOTE: Before I forget, let me explain. I had someone ask me on WHICH character I'd be writing my fable on. All 6 of the kids; the 'Sextuplets', as I will call them, are my upcoming Fable. Their stories are combined into one; I'm just giving you an idea on WHO they are. Plus, its never hurts to have a face with a name.
Without going into too much detail, each of the 6 kids has a prophecy attached to them; only they will determine the fate of Fabletown and eachother. Is everything set in stone or can futures be changed?
Enjoy the last two of the 6 kids.
Ethan Porgie
'The pretty boy'
Age: 17
Powers: Ethan has the ability to heal wounds with a single touch. He absorbs the pain inside and releases a 'medication' through his touch. He, however, can not fix major wounds or anything fatal; he is determined, however to work on his gift and accomplish the task. His parents discovered his ability when Emily fell off her bike and scrapped her knees. Another time when Peter and Katie 'accidentaly' changed and attacked one another.
Job: After highschool, Ethan quickly applied at the 'Pot o' Gold' strip club. He worked there for 6 months before his sister, Emily, offered him a job at the Pudding & Pie. The work is not bad and it's an easy life; he is the main attraction for Thursday night's 'Rodeo Ride 'em' nights and has many loyal clients that bring in the money. Not to mention his boss is his older sister, so that alone has its perks.
Life for Ethan has been nothing but wonderful; great parents, loving siblings and a town fascinated with their existence. Some say he and his older brother Junior were the 'reincarnation' versions of the Georgie Porgie that was lost so many years ago. He is very loyal to his father and adores his mother. He gets along for the most part with his siblings, however, has a special bond with his feternal twin, Peter.
Dear Diary: Emily was arrested again. She needs to be careful...mom and dad can only throw her a life preserver for so long. Its quiet in the club right now; I'm enjoying what little time I have to myself. Its Thursday night and I know it will be insane. Henry wished me luck earlier...I really like him. Wish he would look at me, not as a dancer but as a person. It sucks...oh well. Peter is coming by in a few. He called. Sounds upset.
Hate when he is like that....better go. Think I hear him now.
Peter Porgie
'Daddy's little wolf cub'
Age: 17
Job: During the day, Peter attends class at a community college. In the afternoons, however, he is a mechanic in training. He has always had the passion to use his hands for good, not evil.
Abilities: Peter can turn from human to wolf with a single snap of a finger. He, however, does not enjoy this 'gift' and believes its a 'curse.' He was able to blow an entire tree house down at the age of 6; since that incident, Peter watches how he interacts on a daily basis.
Parents: Peter has always believed his father was Georgie and his mother was Lyla. She and his grandfather are wolves, so that must be where he got it from. His siblings, however, seemed to react differently towards him, especially Katie and Penny. He was not allowed in books, go to certain locations in town or even ask too many questions. It wasn't until he found out his biological father at the age of 12. He found out his mother and Sheriff Bigby Wolf had a one night sexual encounter, which led to his conception. Ever since that night, Bigby has not once seen Peter. Since then, Peter's persona quickly changed and now, he wonders through Fabletown questioning his identity.
Peter always knew he was different but never questioned it. He assumed it was jelousy keeping his two older sisters at bay; he never had a problem with Junior or Emily. He is very close to Georgie and adores him with every piece of his heart and soul. Peter and Ethan are very close as well and he confides a lot in his twin brother. Curiosity eventually got the best of Peter and came across a box in his mother's closet containing secrets and information he never knew existed. Anger, confusion, grief and revenge now flood the heart and mind of this young wolf. There is only so much a person can take, though.
Dear Diary: I'm heading to the Business Office. I need answers. I need to know. Mom can't tell me...dad won't say much...perhaps the sheriff will. Fucking bastard needs to explain himself and fast. No one better stop me. I love Ethan to death but he doesn't get it...no one does. Bigby Wolf needs to tell me everything...I'm giving him 5 minutes. After that, its every wolf for themselves. He has the audacity to talk about MY father, when he has no room. Who the hell does he think he is...he has no idea who the FUCK I am. Now, its personal....
I have literally been waiting for this, Pie! You have no idea!! XD Know you are busy, though but.....
First off, can't wait for the next Fable story. I figured it would be about the kids. They alone are a Fable themselves.
I'm loving Ethan's hat. That is so random! He reminds me of a combination of John and Georgie! lol
And Peter...that is NOT who I thought fathered him! You want to know WHO I thought-at first, Jersey. Then, you mentioned him about Katie, so there went that. Then, Malcom for a bit. Then, finally, Woody for some fucking reason! lol But, Bigby....no wonder some of the kids feel how they do. Why did he not acknowledge Peter, though? Think he'd be proud. But props to Georgie for stepping up. Now, his story AND Emily's are the one's I'm looking forward to the most!!
Nice pictures, btw. Can't wait, Pie! Hope summer school is going great.
College nerd! lol jk
It was time to go home. The three days I spent in Spain were some of the best days I could remember.
Now back to real life.
The plane ride goes by fast when you sleep the whole time. Tim stayed awake, he told me he watched a few movies and stared out the window. As soon as we seen the earth again under our plane, he reached over and kissed my cheek.
"Time to wake up, Darling." He cooed as I stretched my legs out from underneath me. The flight attendants warned us to put our safety belts on, and we slowly descended toward the landing strip in JFK Airport. After exiting the plane, collecting our baggage, and stopping for a bite to eat, we met Snow standing by her car for us.
"Hey! How was the trip?" Snow called from the drivers side door.
"It was perfect!" I exclaimed. We got to the car and Tim gave me a soft hug as I leaned on the hot metal car. The window behind me opened up and my child-faced mother appeared.
She raised her eyebrow,"Ehem?"
I jumped, startled,"Hey momma!" Tim let go of me and we entered the car. He sat in front while I sat next to Winter.
"So, what'd you guys do?" Snow asked. I looked at the rear view window and saw her staring at me.
"Oh, um," I started.
"We ate a lot of food. It was really good," Tim chimed in,"She tried dragging me to a salsa-dancing venue, but I was resilient and she ended up going alone. Sorry about that, again."
He was lying to cover our real expeditions. "Yeah. I got this hot Spanish dude to help me. I couldn't understand anything he said, but we were able to dance well enough to pass," I said. He smirked at me through the side mirror.
"Sounds interesting," Winter said.
The car ride home was slow and exasperating. Numerous times we were cut off trying to exit the airport's vicinity and then trying to get back to bullfinch street took longer than we wanted. It was well past lunchtime when we rolled up the driveway. Snow tensed when the car stopped.
"I'll get our bags, Tim," I said, opening the door.
"I'll help," My mother said.
We opened the trunk and pulled the luggage out. It felt heavier than when we first traveled over. My bag has 3 new pairs of sandals and a few new dresses. I looked up front, at Snow. She hadn't moved since we got here.
Winter turned her head, whispering,"My dad's statue is gone, Harm. We found out just after you left, although the witches said he'd been gone for longer than that. A few weeks."
I nod, slowly,"Yeah. I, um...."
"It's okay. You didn't have to tell us. I wish she hadn't been told so soon," Winter looked forlornly at Snow.
I yank my bag out and start walking toward the rock steps to the front doors. I give a goodbye wave and me and Tim watch as the car backs out, soon blocked by the fence as it drives away to the corner of Bullfinch. They're gone.
"So," I say.
"So. Should we tell them the truth?" He asks.
"Soon. Maybe. I don't know. I'm not sure how my mother would feel, knowing that we, well..."
"Kissed? It wasn't much, Harm. All we did was just kiss. I don't see how-"
"You don't understand. She....They, have been through enough already. Snow and my mom. I think it's better that we keep it on the down-low, just until this thing with my grandfather is sorted out. God, I hope it gets fixed." I shudder just thinking about it.
We head up on the elevator. My room is locked, so I open it with my keys and we enter the dark space. I drop my bag down and flip on the light switch. Mary is passed out on the couch with some Chinese take-out boxes littered around her.
"Thank God she went back after that night," I say.
"Yeah. I think one day was enough to pass her out for weeks. I just hope she doesn't wake up anytime soon."
"Oh, Tim. You know she'll be up any minute."
Almost as if my words were magic, her head popped up,"Whataya-Who? OH...You two are fuckin' back. Dammit. Harmony, I forgot to clean your apartment."
"Don't worry, I'll let you wake up before I give you a broom and a sponge," I say,"Hey, where'd you put my air fresheners? It doesn't smell like-"
"Lavender? Yeah, I tossed them all in your room. Oh ,yeah, I need to make your bed. I, uh..."
I roll my eyes,"Whatever. Don't tell me, please. Just....Get to cleaning."
Mary groans and flops off the couch in between garbage and the television. She gets up and wipes the crumbs off her pants while simultaneously complaining about the massive hangover she currently has. I pull open the blinds to shine some light in the room, but it won't last for long with the sun setting already.
Several Weeks later. August.
Law and Order SVU, (My new favorite show) blares through the television screen. Elliot and Olivia are investigating a hotel where a rape was committed at the exact same time that Mary starts banging on my apartment door.
"Harm! Let me in!" She wails.
"I'm coming. Chill."
I slide the chain loose and twist the handle,"What is it? Is there something-"
"Wrong? Yeah, there's something fuckin' wrong, Harm." She starts pacing slightly, cursing under her breath. Suddenly, she slams a fist into the wall behind her, knocking my photos down.
"I need to- I.." She trails off. She looks up and enters my bathroom.
"What the hell, Mary?"
She slams the door shut. I can hear her stifle a crying. She's....She's crying. Sobbing. The toughest person I know is locked in a bathroom, crying.
"Mary, let me in!" I call. She either can't hear me or is ignoring me.
"Mary!" I frown. There's only one way I can get in for sure.
I need to change into a Zephyr.
I try to focus. I stand there, focusing on the wind. Running to the windows, I open all of them, letting in the air. The breeze flows in, full force.
It's windy today.
I force myself to become the wind. I start floating above the air, the sensation of having legs, and arms, and a body, are all disappearing. I remember what I'm doing this for.
I am the air.
From here, it's easy to squeeze through the cracks of the door. When I get there, she's sitting against the door. No longer crying, but notices the draft.
"Mary? What's wrong?" I ask.
She jumps in her spot,"Shit! You're..."
"Invisible? Yeah, I'm as surprised as you are."
"I...,"She hangs her head low with shame.
She gets up, walking to my sink. She picks an unfamiliar item up.
"See this?" She asks.
I nod, but then I realize she can't see me nod," Yeah, I see it. What is it?"
"It's a pregnancy test. It's positive. Every goddamn test I've picked up from the store has been positive." She says. She slams it in the trash.
"Shit," I say.
"Yeah." Mary unlocks the door behind her and enters the living room.
"What do you....well. What do you wanna do?" I ask her.
She tilts her head up at me.
"We should talk to Swineheart. See what's going on...with me."
"I should change back into a human. Or at least try. I hope I can turn back."
Mary nods.
Hmm. Well, I wasn't sure how I was going to change things. But here they are. I hope you liked that twist of events, yet again.
Mary is having some troubles. As you can see. And Harmony (As usual) is dragged down with her. What will happen next chapter?
I guess you'll find out when I write it.
Oh crap....Mary pregnant?! 0.o
Totally flipped my mind! Good work and can't wait to read more!
Until next time, Portugal!
Fabletown, here we come....
"Smile for the camera, dear!"
"Having a blast in Portugal.
5 days later
Georgie and I began packing up to head home. After a week in Portugal, we were actually home sick. We had so many memories, pictures and stories to last a life time. But we were ready and I don't think Georgie's skin could handle another layer of red.
We checked out and headed for the airport. We took one last picture, before departure. We couldn't wait to get home.
The plane ride home seemed long and unending. We arrived just as the sun was peaking over the Atlantic ocean. Georgie and I collected our bags, just as Snow and Bigby pulled up in a cab. Bigby immediatly exited the cab and began assisting Georgie with the luggage. Snow embraced me. She seemed eager to to speak about the tri.
"So, tell me. How was it?"
"We had a wonderful time, Snow. Thank you again, by the way. We really needed that."
We all got into the cab and stopped at a local McDonald's.
"I need something greasy and American," laughed Georgie, as he returned with a BigMac. "The food was great. But I missed this heart stopping, butt plugin', valve gloggin' deliciousness."
Georgie devoured the burger before we pulled up to the club. While Bigby took care of the bags, we were greeted by four babies and an overwhelmed grandma. I hugged my mother, as Georgie collected the toddlers in his arms.
"How was the trip, Lyla," asked my mother, as she kissed my cheek.
"It was beautiful, mom. Georgie and I had a great time. We brought back so many pictures and souviners."
I grabbed each of the babies, hugged and kissed them. Katie ran around in circles, barking and nipping at my feet.
"Mommy, Dada! No go bye bye? Stay here now?"
"Yes, my little wolf puppy. Mommy and Daddy are home now."
As I sat in the lounge with my mom, Georgie continued to play on the floor. He was too busy playing with the quads. The entire club was filled with the thundering shrills of howls and laughter. He was soon on all fours, crawling around with the kids.
"I missed you, daddy," said Penny, as she snuggled in Georgie's lap.
"Daddy missed you too, Penny Wheeny. I missed all of you, kids."
I laughed, as Junior tackled Georgie and Katie began to leave layers of drool all over his face.
"The place still looks the same," my mom said.
"It was so nice over there, mom. I want the kids to see it one day. Georgie even had a good time! Although, not too sure his skin did..."
By the time we arrived home, Georgie was as red as a tomato.
"Well, keep these and when the kids understand, show them."
"How were they, by the way?"
"Well behaved little babies. We had a problem with Katie. She bit Junior on the arm but nothing serious. We gave her time out but nothing else."
"Thank you again for watching them."
"Hey, that's what grandmas are for."
Snow and Bigby come in more a brief moment. I showed her the photos, as Bigby and my mother spoke.
"You picked a beautiful spot," said Snow, as she flipped through the camera.
"It was nice, Snow. Thank you again."
"You're welcome, Lyla. Anytime."
After an hour, all three of them left. Georgie and I fed the babies and attempted to bathe them. They were just so delighted to see us. As the kids settled down, Georgie and I placed the medals in a box. When they were older, they would see the gifts we brought from Portugal. We snuck away and quietly headed to our room.
We both throw ourselves onto the bed. The familiar smell of Gain and roses fill the room. God, I missed this dump.
I roll over and place my chin on Georgie's chest. "Thank you."
He looks confused. "For what, love?"
"Going with me. I know Portugal was NOT your first choice..."
"Eh, it was nice. We got to spend time together, see some sites. Eat delicious food....make love without any interuptions."
I playfully punch Georgie in the chest, as he leans against the head board and closes his eyes. I nestle beside him and wrap my arms around his chest.
Georgie sighs deeply. "Next time you are offered a vacation, let's go to London."
"Been dying for some authentic fish and chips!"
"That does sound good...."
I perched on Georgie and leaned forward; elbows firmly planted into the bed, as I kissed him.
I touched his face and laughed. "You're poor face!"
"I've had fuckin' worse, love."
I'm soon up and heading to the shower. As I return to the bed, however, Georgie is spralled out, with four little babies beside him. I manage to find a spot between him and Junior; Katie slowly crawls beside me, as Emily and Penny snore along with Georgie. I can't tell who is louder but soon, close my eyes and snuggle with Georgie and the quads.
It was nice to be home.
And that was my summer vacation with Georgie and Lyla!
This was fun and I enjoyed writing about Portugal. Now, on to the next challange! 
Hope you had a blast.
Haha, yeah. I decided to flip the focus on her more. You'll find out more next chapter.
Loved it! Love, love, love! Those quads are too cute and the idea of Georgie being a bad makes me melt. Awwwww!
Good job on the summer vacation, Pie.
Lyla and Georgie are too cute together! I ship them!!! XD
BTW, nice pictures! Fucks sake....lol
Oh, can't wait!
I thought that was a really great vacation tale. Definitely gets the thumbs up from me!
Nerd.....me?? lol Nah, its good. Overwhelming but good.
I had a hard time desgining Ethan without him looking too much like Junior. My girlfriend is the one that gave me the idea. And yes, it is a combination of Georgie and John.
And as far as Bigby, the story will explain it all. I can't say much now.
Hopefully by the middle of July or sooner I will have the next story up and ready to go. Trust me, it will ALL make sense.
Me and Mary waited on a blue bench outside of the doctor's office. It took about a half hour to gather the energy needed to change back. I almost gave up a few times. Mary ended up bursting into tears a few more times periodically while I shut the windows and kept trying. When I did change back, I can assure you that it wasn't a pretty sight. Mary threw the clothes that sat on the ground at me and started crying. Again. The whole situation was uncomfortable and unbearable.
It was crowded today, since a lot of Fables have been catching the flu or something. Mary was more nervous than I had ever seen her before. She was covering her mouth, afraid of catching whatever cold everyone sitting across from us had. I pretended like I was sick too, coughing periodically. Mary didn't want anyone to know. I was still wrapping my head around the idea myself. I still hadn't asked her who might be the father.
"Bloody Mary? You're next." An unrecognizable Fable from behind the counter said. I followed her in through the double-doors and Swineheart greeted us both.
"So, what're the symptoms? Coughing, sneezing-"
"Puking. Just...That and..." It seemed extremely hard for her to express her feelings about it all.
"Hmm? Well, I'm sure some anti-inflammatory pills will-"
"No, Dr. Swineheart," I interjected,"That's not her...problem."
"I think I'm pregnant," Mary said. I was surprised she didn't start crying again.
"OH. Well, we should take a pee test and go from there." He said.
After she exited the bathroom and handed the nurse her pee cup, she sat down on the wax papered bed and tapped her foot on the floor rapidly.
"It'll only be a few minutes. So, tell me your other symptoms," Swineheart took out a pen and paper.
"I don't know, I guess I've been craving food I don't normally eat, like, um.....Actually. I eat all food. But still, it's fuckin' weird. Like, I wake up at 3 expecting a gourmet meal, except I'm alone and have no food in my fridge. Never happened to me before. And the puking, it's worse than when I have hangovers. Also, I haven't been drinking for weeks, I've lost the appetite to go to the bar," She says.
"I can attest to that. I haven't seen her at the restaurant in forever. Just thought that she wanted to go other places," I shrug.
"Mhm. Well-" A nurse cuts the doctor off with the results to the test.
"Congratulations, Mary." Is all he says.
"The fuckin' sticks I peed on earlier could've been enough to tell me that." She grumbles.
"Well, lets go get a sonogram and see how far along you are."
We exit the office and go down several hallways to a room on the corner. He opens the door up and turns on the light. A chair that reclines sits in the middle, with a screen and some machines sitting next to it. Mary sits on the chair and I pull a stool over by the doctor's seat.
"Alright, here we go. I'm going to put this gel on your belly, just pull your shirt up some."
"Uhm, okay," Mary says. Her belly only bulges a slight bit. I wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't know.
Swineheart takes a weird rounded thing and presses it against her belly, staring at the screen.
A few minutes pass by.
"Aha! Found the little guy. It looks like you're about...hmm...12 weeks." He concludes.
"Twelve?" Mary looks at me.
"3 months ago...that was....May?"
"Right around the time you took your trip."
Mary covers her face,"Jack, fuckin', Horner. Get him on the phone, Harm."
I stick my hand into my pockets,"I don't own a phone."
She sighs exasperated," Here, use mine," and she tosses a touchscreen device the size of my hand.
"How do I?"
"Ugh, just, give it to me. I'll rip him a new asshole." She says, and dials furiously.
She holds it to her head, and waits.
"Jack? Are you there? Yeah, it's me- No, I don't want to come over. No, I don't want you. Actually, I do want you. I want you to come here, RIGHT. FUCKIN' NOW. No, I'm not playing any games. I'm in Swineheart's office- No, It's not an STD. Just...get here. Now."
She clicks the phone off.
"He's in for a rude awakening, I suppose," Swineheart says.
"You have no idea. You're lucky Mary doesn't have any of her weapons," I tell him.
"Oh, believe me. I will find where I misplaced my ax and he's not gonna like it when I do."
"Well, we had better get you cleaned up. I took a few shots of the baby, if you want them."
"Thank you," I say. Mary doesn't seem like she's in the mood to answer.
She gets cleaned up and we wait in his office again. Soon enough, there's a knock.
"Hey! So...what's wrong?" Jack says, strolling in casually.
"What's wrong?" Mary says. Oh no,"What's, Fuckin', WRONG? Look at this!" She jabs the folder into his chest. His worried face shows that he knows she's not playing with him.
"Oh god. A- A baby? Are you sure...it's mine? Please tell me it's not-"
"It's yours, dipshit. I'm 12 weeks. You were the last thing I was with."
"Well- I can't...I can't be a dad! I'm already a dad and my kids hate me! What if-"
"I think now is not the time to be thinking about that. Mary, lets go home. You look exhausted. You can hang him later." I say.
She doesn't protest, so we just go home.
That's it for now. I'm starting to get bored and when I get bored my stories aren't as good as I want them to be. I hope you liked this chapter. I might wait a while before posting another story, since I want to see what happens in the next issue of FABLES so I can see what's going on. I'll still be reading other people stories though, so I won't be gone forever! Another note, though- I'm going down south to see my mom for 2 weeks. I have no idea if I will have internet access, since while we're down we'll be visiting my aunt as well. If you don't hear from me, don't worry. I am most likely just enjoying my time and the heat. So yeah!
Haha of Jack! XD All these poor Fable men becoming parents! lol
I liked it!
Can't wait to see more. I get where you are coming from. Take the time, relax, enjoy your trip and come back fresh with ideas.
Good job like always!
Thanks! I'm not so sure Jack will be as good as a father as Georgie and Gren though. I'm also thinking about doing something more with Snow and Winter and them, but it's hard not knowing what happens next until the next issue comes out (July 20th T.T) So it'll have to wait.
Enjoy your trip, like the Pudding 'n Pie owner said above. Let your brain relax and recharge.
Jack just seems like a big kid himself, though.
Just let your imagination take course and go. What I did for both Georgie and Gren. They both seem like they would take charge in that situation. Perhaps Jack as well. Ugh is it July 20th....-.- Well, when you get all the ideas you can handle, will be here waiting to see what happens-either with Jack, Snow or Winter or who ever! XD
Have fun!
I kind of feel sorry for Mary, though I think she'd make a fine parent - in her own sort of a way.
Hope you enjoy your trip south
Pictures! My descriptions can't really do justice to these sights, so I've included some.
Anyway, here's the second part of my Fable Vacation Tale. Hope you like it!
Cambodia! The Soul of south-east Asia; the Jewel of all Asia; home to a city likened to the elegant and natural beauty of a pearl; in short, a country beyond worth.
To this place our five intrepid - or at the very least, five - Fables have gone, all eagerly anticipating what wonders lie ahead.
After rides in planes and rickshaws, we find them travelling by bus, of the old and rickety description, close to the thing they've now been longing for most of all: a comfortable bed.
"I've come to the conclusion that - uff - this bus was not built with the comforts of a pig in mind."
"Sorry, Colin, you're going to have to stay under the seat for now - there's a few Mundies still on board." Mr Weasel's pragmatism is not received happily.
"Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Mundies?"
"Actually, you've said it quite often since we got here."
"Well, you weren't the one that had to be stuck in a crate with a talking monkey whilst flying over the Pacific Ocean, were you!"
"I'm sorry, Colin. It was either that or let Jack fly a small plane for us, and I'm really not sure how good his flying skills are." Having a glance behind him to inspect the self-proclaimed pilot, who sits two seats back, Weasel's doubts are not eased by the sight of Jack, in the attempt of having a drink, jumping as the bus rides over another bump and spilling the water over himself. "He just doesn't seem very... coordinated," Mr Weasel mumbles aloud.
"Anyway," carries on Weasel as he resumes the conversation, a conversation that is only just possible over the loud growls of the engine, "how's Bufkin doing?"
"He's asleep," replies Colin, sounding disgruntled. "I don't know how he can be when - uff! - oh, you get the idea."
"Hey! Look out the window!" calls Rose Red from the seat directly behind. "Now that's a view."
Rose, Weasel and Jack gaze at the sight before them, transfixed by the other-wordly landscape. As a warm breeze brushes their faces through the bus windows, such views of natural majesty remind them of the Homelands, and for a moment they're lost in conjured memories.
"You know, I can't see anything down here!" comes a voice from beneath a seat.
"One second, Colin, I'll take you a picture," and so Mr Weasel does, leaning down to show the screen to the pig.
"That's something, alright. You sure I can't just come up there for five minutes?"
"Oh go on!" says Rose. "We're on vacation. People'll just think we're some weird tourists with a pet pig. It probably happens quite a lot."
"Tourists with pet pigs?" Mr Weasel skeptically questions.
"I promise I won't say anything," comes Colin's ironic response.
"Oh, fine. Come on, Colin, I'll help you out." And so Mr Weasel does help Colin out, both figuratively and literally.
The bus ride lasts not much longer, reaching the village of Tatai in the foots of the Cardamom Mountains, where they disembark. The next mode of transportation will be a boat, which will take them up-river to the unlikely setting of their hotel.
From an azure sky with puffs of cloud, the sun beats down on the group as they sit on a worn bench, and wait for the vessel. In a more arid land the direct heat would burn them dry, however here the air is humid, sticky - almost perceptibly wet - making perspiration an inevitability.
The wide river in front of them seems like an inviting prospect in the almost 40 degree heat, though the dark water betrays the treacherous deepness. Over on the other side, the forest grows to the waters edge, the verdant green leaves and multitude of species more than symbolic of the haven for life that lies within the seemingly impenetrable mass. As well as sight, the sound of life is present, with birds singing exquisite melodies and jarring cries; insects buzzing and humming here and there; amphibians croaking; fish splashing; pigs asking to borrow a pair of sunglasses; and a hitherto locally unknown species of monkey attempting to hold a conversation with a local macaque. Almost unbelievable.
A reconditioned fishing boat creeps into view from a bend in the river, approximately half a mile away. When it reaches the docking area, four stroll on board, with the fifth traveller hidden in the luggage three carry with them, and they are soon en route to their final destination. The wall of trees continues on either side, with only darkness visible through the maze of branches. After some ten minutes, Colin, who is not unlike the others of his species who enjoy a rest, grows weary.
"Where are we? Are we there yet?" he moans.
"The journey only takes about 25 minutes," the pilot of the ship responds, keeping her eyes forward and so unaware from whom the question was posed. Jack, Weasel and Colin share nervous glances, and silence reigns for the remaining distance.
Shortly, the unusual sight of a row of tent-ish lodges supported by and floating on wooden bases is visible, down which a larger construction is connected, hub-like, which in turn connects to another row going off down another bend in the river.
"Here we are!" the pilot tells them, as she brings the boat to rest in a small docking area in the main hub.
Pleased at last to have reached their destination, the travellers are shown to separate cabins - one accommodating Rose Red, and one for Jack and Mr Weasel. Colin, it is assured to the owners, is completely house-trained, and what is more, far better-mannered than any other pet, including dogs. With reluctance, he is allowed to stay in Rose's cabin. Bufkin, meanwhile, is kept strictly confidential, and therefore has the luxury of residing where he wishes.
Despite the daylight hour, all are too exhausted from the strains of travel to give proper appreciation to their new surroundings, and so nothing more can be said until they wake.
I've always wanted to go to Cambodia. All that water and open space.
I thought the description of their location was marvelous. Could picture it all in my head.
Poor Colin-stuck in that crate! lol I'd be mad, too. Good job! Can't wait to read more!
Yeah. I think she'll end up being a good mother. Of course, she'll need as much help as she can get.
I'm guessing Harmony might provide help there; I can't see Jack becoming father of the year. Then again, you might do something completely different. Either way, I'm sure it'll make a good read!
It looks beautiful. I'm going to get them to Angkor at the end, as I find the temples so enchanting.
Pleased to know the description works; and yeah, I think Colin would probably be more annoyed than I made him haha.
Glad to know you liked it, and thanks for reading!
Here's some more. I seem to have made this quite a long tale, so I figured I'd post what I can when I can to keep it going, and I hope it's worth it!
"BUFKIN!" Jack bellows, causing not only Mr Weasel to be rudely awoken, but a group of jacanas to take anxious flight from the lilies at the river edge; their orange wattles aptly reflecting Jack's passion.
"Where is that monkey?!"
In a groggy stupor - one not caused by grog, though - Mr Weasel, from his position on a most comfortable bed, looks across the wall-windowed room to the pulled back curtains that constitute the door, where Jack stands, literally steaming.
"... Jack ... Shut up." Unsurprisingly, this direction has no effect whatsoever and Jack gives another shout.
"What is the matter, man?!" Weasel is now out of bed and decently dressed to be wandering around; his mood clawing to stay up from that of Jack's.
"Are you on fire, or something?" He asks, walking over to his loud friend.
"What?" Jack turns, looking confused and irritated.
"You're steaming."
Looking down at his white t-shirt and tan shorts, Jack slowly becomes aware of the vapour rising from them.
"That stupid monkey!" Apparently the steam only adds to his exasperation.
"What's he done?" Asks Weasel, as Jack glares intently at the trees on the riverbank.
"I caught him stealing my shades. You know, the aviator ones." Mr Weasel nods in acknowledgement of being familiar with that paticular pair of sunglasses. "And so I chased him out here because he wouldn't stop, and I fell into the river."
Mr Weasel stifles a laugh.
"Now the sun's coming out and I'm evaporating, and that monkey's nowhere to be seen."
"What the hell's going on, Jack?" Rose Red demands, as she marches out of her lodge, unaware that her top is on inside out due to the urgency with which she put it on. Her violet shorts are, however, being worn in the dignity-preserving right way out.
"Bufkin's stolen my sunglasses," Jack barks, though with a certain check upon his anger for fear of the surely even greater wrath which Rose could, and very well might, respond with.
Instead, she is merely disbelieving: "sure you didn't just dream it, what with the heat?"
"I swear, Rose, I saw him take them!"
"Well that's not like Bufkin; though I have to admit I fancy seeing the little fella' in those glasses of yours."
Rose and Weasel share a look and smirk, while Jack simply sits himself down on the wooden walkway, and continues his lookout.
The mystery of Bufkin's unlikely theiving continued unsolved throughout breakfast, with Rose, Weasel and Jack being far to occupied with the delicious cuisine to give care to much else. In the restaurant, Mr Weasel ate something of a typical Cambodian breakfast, consisting of rice porridge - known as bobor - with the addition of some of his favourite of edibles: tropical fruit. A more colourful array could scarcely be found. Rose enjoyed nom banh chok: rice noodles topped with a fish-based green curry gravy made with lemongrass, turmeric root, and kaffir lime. Jack busied himself with bai sach chrouk, also known as pork and rice; and finally, Colin was supplied with fruit and rice.
After breakfast the four discuss their plan for the day, and decide on a trek through the jungle; or more accurately, three decide to do that. One actually decides to let them do that while he stays pleasingly away from the possibility of, 'becoming a snack for a bad-mannered tiger.' If it's all the same to the other three, of course.
So three go off into the jungles of the Cardamom Mountains for the day. Birds of myriad colours; plants of an equal variety; a cornucopia of exotic and magical things can be seen within those dense forests. Many a thing that may not be seen lies within there too - rare and endangered, and possibly not-yet-discovered. Asian elephants; sun bears; Javan rhinoceros; Indiochinese tigers; clouded leopards; Siamese crocodiles! A list of so many that one scarcely knows where to begin. It is safe to say that our trio sight many a thing, and have encounters that will last them a life-time. A Mundy one, at least.
Some time later.
"I think I can hear them coming, Bufkin. Are you going to tell them?" Colin asks, as he walks back from doorway.
"Well, yes." Bufkin answers from the top of a dark-wood wardrobe. "Shouldn't I?"
"It's up to you, my flying friend."
Laughter and footsteps can be heard to come closer from outside, and the curtain is pulled to the side by a rather damp looking Rose. Jack and Weasel continue to their own tent.
"Hey, Colin. Excuse me, whudya, I need a shower - I smell worse than some of those weird plants out there."
"Yeah, my nose already knows that."
"Sorry, Mister Sweet Breathe." She cheerily pokes her tongue out and retires to the shower, from where some ten minutes later she returns, smelling more like her namesake.
"I am seriously beat after today. So much heat and mud." She slumps onto a sofa and splays out her arms, taken by the view of the river, in which the sky paints a pink and red reflection. "What a beautiful sunset. Anyway, how's your day been?"
"Oh, a little bit of snoozing here, watching the fish out there, rummaging around for things to eat. My kind of day."
"Is that any different from how you normally spend your time?" Comes a question mixed with laughter.
"Ha, not really; I just don't get to do it in a place like this." Colin lifts himself onto a chair, front trotters first. He tries to get comfortable with the frilly cushion that adorns the seat, yet gives up after a few moments adjusting and simply knocks it to the ground.
"You enjoying it, though?" Rose asks.
"Course I am," he responds, with a piggy smile. "Might have a look around on land a little though, before we move on."
"Fine by me; we'll probably spend a few more days here and then head on out."
Apprehensive in tone, "Erm, hello," breaks the momentary silence.
Rose looks behind her, in the direction from where it came. "Bufkin?"
"Hello, Miss Rose," he replies, and the proceeds to fly from the wardrobe top and land on a coffee table next to the sofa. "How are you?"
"Never mind about me - what about you? Where've you been all day?"
"Out in the jungle," he answers with a nervous smile. "I found some other monkeys."
"Been making friends, have we?"
"Well let us know next time - we don't want to lose you!" She ruffles his head. "Wait a sec - what happened with Jack's glasses?"
Bufkin looks apprehensive again, yet begins to tell Rose what happened.
Mr Weasel waltzes into the restaurant, famished after a day spent trekking. Jack, Rose and he have decided to eat in, so Weasel volunteered to get the food, leaving Jack to sort out a large and unfortunately unwelcome spider which had decided to use their tent as an impromptu hunting ground. It wasn't quite giant slaying, however someone had to do it.
After perusing the menu and making choices, Weasel waits by the brightly tiled counter, and inspects the other guests. There are only three others, all at tables with meals in various states of consumption. In the center, a young couple chat over candlelight, young enough, Weasel supposes, that this might be their honeymoon, and he notices that they hold each other's hand under the table. Over to his left, in a corner only barely visible in the gathering gloom, the shapes and shadows of a man eating can be seen, with his legs stretched out to his side.
Mr Weasel then sees the clock and realises he has forgotten all about dates and times since he arrived. That is, you see, one of the side-effects of being a Fable: time loses a certain urgency. The time of Mundies' is shortly limited, whereas a Fable could survive for many a century - perhaps longer - given the correct circumstances. Regardless, he sets about calculating.
"About a seventeen hour flight - plus about four and a half hours travelling - then add in the time zone - and it was thirty-two hours. That's quite long." The Weasel was not wrong there.
"Here you go," an attendant tells him. "One Fried Fish on the Fire Lake. Enjoy!" Taking the large tray and balancing drinks, Weasel saunters back to the tent-lodge with care, not wanting to drop the fish back from whence it came.
Upon returning he finds all four of his fellow travellers waiting for him, with the room filled by candles, and they all tuck in to the large dish. A whole fish, deep-fried and resting on a hotplate, finished in a coconut curry made from yellow kroeung - a paste made of herbs or spices - and chillies, with vegetables cooked in the curry, and served with rice. A wholesome meal to help recover from the exertion from the day.
While they dine, Bufkin explains to Jack and Weasel that which he has already told most of to Rose, and all of to Colin.
"You see," he says, with a fish bone sticking out of the corner of his mouth, "I was trying to impress one of the other monkey's with the glasses. I've been told that some of them like that."
"Where did you hear that?" Mr Weasel asks, somewhat incredulously and somewhat with a mouth full of food.
"From --" "I told him," interrupts Colin. "I thought it might give him an edge up on the locals, make him seem mysterious and what-not."
"Was there a woman involved?" Asks Weasel.
"Maybe," Bufkin responds, his face turning a shade of red that absolutely complements his green fur.
"Aww, Bufkin!" Coos Weasel.
"You still should have asked," Jack says, sulking a little.
"And would you have said yes?" Wonders Rose.
"That's not the point!" Retorts Jack.
"Let's just drop it, shall we? I'm sure Bufkin will know to ask in the future." Weasel wishes to end any resentment. "Anyway, did the glasses do the job, Bufkin?"
"Erm, no," he admits. "Not really."
"Oh well, there's always next time! Say, could you do me a favour?" Mr Weasel asks, brushing past Bufkin's disappointment a little too quickly for the monkey, who would have liked some more sympathetic remarks.
"What would you like?"
"Could you take some pictures for me? You can get to places I certainly couldn't, and I'm sure you've got an eye for good photos." Mr Weasel wasn't actually entirely sure on the point of Bufkin's photography skills, however he felt that open optimism wouldn't hurt.
"Sure I can!" Bufkin was happy to oblige.
"Excellent - we can do it in the morning. Thanks, Bufkin!"
A little while later.
"Why didn't you let me tell them that he told me? I'm not sure they believed that you told me to take the glasses" Bufkin whispers to Colin, not wanting to wake the sleeping Rose.
Colin, who cannot be certain of Bufkin's location in the darkness, simply directs his reply towards a vague spot up-high, and says, "it'll be a surprise for them when they find out. Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep."
Bufkin isn't sure that the whole thing is right, yet he takes Colin's advice and reclines into a slumber.
All slept peacefully that night. Bufkin dreamed of roaming the woods; Rose of happier times in the Homelands; Jack of successfully asking Rose on a date; Weasel of piloting a sea-plane over a great waterfall - he didn't dream as weasels normally would; and Colin of sprouting wings and teasing a bad-mannered tiger. Because anything can happen when pigs fly.
I guess you'll just have to see when it comes.
Beautiful. The way you write is so enjoyable to read; so much detail and you describe things so vividly. Keep it up
Then I shall await it with patient excitement.
Thanks for saying so
I'm really pleased people enjoy it, and I do appreciate the compliments.
Looking forward to hearing more of Lehava's tale and how she gets on at the shoe shop, by the way. They've all been a great read so far
Katie Porgie
Part 1
"Material girl, Beanstalk and the Devil"
NOTE: I will be switching back and forth with the 6 kids. They will have 4 sections, then I will move on to the next kid. Their stories will be different but come together. You will see as I write on.
Hope you enjoy.
Dear Diary: I hope today is not like the past few days have been. Jack seriously needs to get the hint. I'm about to tell Jersey, should he keep up. So tired. I have soooo much homework. Thank god for Tim....he has been such a sweetheart to me lately. Well, gotta get going. Work starts in 20 minutes.
By the time I arrived to the Lucky Pawn, my neatly fixed hair was strands of brown flying in the wind and my clothes no longer wrinkle free. Jack was at the register playing with an old Vase and three wooden soilders. The imature sounds of gun noises and the soilders falling to their 'death' could be heard coming from his mouth.
"Oh no...he's been hit! The Sergeant has been hit! Noooooooooo!!!"
I roll my eyes, drop off my book bag and rush to the back. Thank god, I thought. Jersey is not here yet. The last few times I've been late were not so bad; he took pity on this poor girl trying to work and further her education. My luck was running out, though. Yesterday he sat me down and explained he couldn't keep looking the other way. I understood; he did have a business to run and this poor girl he took such pity on was only getting in the way.
I grabbed all my necessary materials and headed to the front. Jack continued to play toy soilders but grinned when he saw me. He flashed his trademark smile, flipped his hair back and laughed. "POW! POW! Oh, no....nooooooo!"
"Yes, Miss Katie Porgie?"
"Don't....don't do that, please."
"Do what, Katie Porgie?"
"THAT! That....shit you are doing! It's annoying!"
"That's why I do it to ya', Katie."
My head was throbbing at his idiotic, childish behavior. I was in no mood to play foolish games, so I quickly dropped the conversation. Indeed, he would see this as a 'win' but I didn't care.
"You look tired."
"I am, Jack."
"You should probably stop going out and partying so late."
"The fuck? I don't go out....I was at home studying all night. I have this huge Calculus test today-"
"Hey. Whatever. 'Homework' is the way of saying it now, huh?"
Since I began working here, Jack always gave me a difficult time. He reminded me of an annoying cousin that found pleasure in pushing buttons or the sibling that felt the need to constantly have the last word. My ability to ignore his remarks and loud behavior did not go very far; I felt the urge to take the giant axe in the back and swing it against his head. Since then, I have tried to avoid him but with Jack a few feet from my post, it was never possible. My flag was up.
"So, you are late Katie..."
"You're not the boss, Jack. Drop it."
"Well, see. That is the thing-Jersey said you needed to TRY and be here on time. Hell, I am and-"
"I WAS, Jack. There is alot I have to cross in order to get here. I lost track of time..."
"Well, I'm going to have to tell him-"
I reached into my pocket and pulled out a bag of trail mix. I reached into the baggy and pulled out a handful of Almonds, cranberries and white chocolate. Jack has his eyes focused on me the entire time; it was making my uncomfortable and felt the need to toss something at his smug face. What gave him the sudden need to have control and power, I would never understand.
"Oh, can I have some?"
"Aw, come on, Katie. I'm hungry! And besides, you can't eat in here-"
"Than why take the risk and have some with me?"
"Because you are Jersey's pet and maybe if he saw me eating some of YOUR snack, he won't yell at me this time."
I ignored his comment, tossed him the bag and continued eating. Perhaps if his mouth was full, he'd stop moving his lips. As Jack began pulling handfuls of the snack out, he continued talking. Ugh, please...just shut the fuck up.
"So, you doing anything tonight?"
"What part of school do you not-"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah-school. I get it. You are a book worm! No, silly-AFTER school! What are you doing?"
"Going home and going to sleep."
"Wanna go out with me, tonight? You like sushi?"
"No thank you, Jack. For the hundreth time, no!"
"Aw, come on? Just ONE date and if you are not completly satisfied, I will-"
"JACK! I said no! Now drop it!"
"You know, for a PORGIE, you sure are boring and playing it safe...."
His comment was getting to me, so instead of fueling the fire, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my ipod. I scanned the screen, typed in my password and went to the search engine. In the corner of my eyes, however, he still stood still and watched me. He was like a child on the playground; he wanted to jump in and play with the other children but he had no idea how to carry this out. All he could do was stand and wait; wait until either I invited him over or he grew tired. He watched me type in various letters, until I found what I was looking for.
Soon, the Lucky Pawn was filled with Madonna's 'Material Girl.' I blamed my mother and aunt Gina for listening to songs like this. Both of them were 80's fanatics and although my father despised this song, I would still hear it while my mother either cleaned or was putting on her makeup to go out. Now, at the age of nineteen, I would rather listen to this then the bullshit on the radio currently. Jack continued to watch me.
"The fuck? You LIKE this song?!"
"Ugh, God! This is some cheesey bullshit! HOW could you actually listen to this? Material Girl? You are NOT a Material Girl and-"
Sometimes I wondered if he enjoyed the sound of his own voice. He never understand the ability to simply close his mouth and leave it like that-shut.
"Jersey is going to be so mad. He HATES this shit..."
'Cause we are living in a material world and I am a material girl. You know that we are living in a material world and I am a material girl.'
"Ugh, Katie! Please!! Turn that off!!"
I ignored his remarks, as I took a handful of the trail mix and placed it in my mouth. There was a moment of satisfaction, as Jack tried his best to ignore the song, which continued to get louder, as I turned the volume up. Through all the polishing and dusting, I caught him trying to cover is ears. No such luck, pal.
'If they don't give me proper credit, I just walk away-'
Suddenly, the phone began to ring and without hesitation, Jack dashed to it. I guess he was hoping it was Jersey; like I really cared. I took advantage of Jersey taking such a 'liking' to me; hell, I used it when I was younger, I will use it now. Can't tell you HOW many Barbie dream homes I got from Jersey because of it. Judging by Jack's disappointed face, I could tell it wasn't Jersey.
"Yeah, she is here..."
He handed me the phone and walked away. Like a child, he was stomping his feet and mumbling to himself.
"Hey, Katie. Its Tim. Did you get all that homework and the study guides completed?"
"Are you kidding-I was up until almost three this morning doing that shit! I'm so nervous about this test...its like half our grade! I need this to graduate, Tim!"
"You will do fine, Katie. Meet me in the library after work so we can study before class. I can help you."
Thank god for Tim; he was such an intelligent guy and I was honored to have him tutor me in math. I UNDERSTOOD the material but finding the happy medium and concentrating was the challenge. He heled me find that happy medium and focus on what was ahead.
"Great. That sounds good. I'm out of here at one-that gives us an hour before class starts. See you later, Tim."
As soon as I got off the phone with Tim, Jersey walked in and stood perfectly still in the middle of the store. I continued dusting and listening to the music. Jack, however, was rapidly moving back and forth, trying to look busy. I could hear 'shit' and 'fuck' every two seconds.
"Having problems, Jack?"
I tried not to giggle, as Jack nearly slammed himself into the wall.
"Wha-no! No, Jersey. I'm just, uh...."
"You remind me of those chickens that lose their fuckin' head and run 'round in circles 'till they fuckin' fall over and die. KA-BLAM!!"
Jack tried to find the humor in Jersey's comment but when he began laughing, Jersey seemed annoyed and walked away. He stood beside me, watching as I polished a sword and voodoo mask. The music was finishing up; I watched him pick up the ipod and stare at it. My heart was fluttering and I was waiting for him to either throw it down or laugh.
"You like this song?"
"Yes. You know that..."
"Man, this brings me back. Thought maybe you'd be into Justin Timberlake or Dr. Dre or Lil' Wannabe or, whatever the fuck that guy's name is...."
"Jersey. You know better than that. HOW long have you known me?"
Jersey chuckles, as he hands me the ipod. "Yeah, you are right, rabbit. Just messin' with you, sweetie."
Rabbit. Now THAT brings me back. For the longest time, he has called me that. Don't know why. No one knows. My dad HATED that. 'Don't call her that-she's not a fuckin' rabbit!' Maybe its because I saw that movie 'Fatal Attraction' and got nightmares from it...then, the next day, told Jersey about it. Maybe. Who knows. Jersey was something else. It never bothered me, though.
As he turns to walk about, I notice him take out his bottle of colonge and spary a trail behind him. He has done this for years; think it started when I turned twelve or thirteen. Don't understand. I used to think it was because he smoked so much and didn't want anyone to smell it linger on his clothes. But, it was becoming a habit when he was through speaking to me. Wish I knew why.
"Katie was late again, Jersey."
Fuck, Jack! Can't you just stop for once! Jersey turns to look at me.
"This true, Katie?"
I can't lie to the Jersey Devil. I know better than this and shake my head yes. He sighs and tells me to follow him into his office. Fuck. I'm fired. I know it. As I follow him to the back, Jack makes a slice across his neck, indicatiing the 'end' for me. I ignore his actions, as I follow Jersey to the back.
Its going to be a long day.
Well, good. Hope everything is okay on your side of the tracks.
Yeah, you can see John in the face and hair. Tell her it was a good idea. That hat still. Random, Pie!
Can't wait for your next Fable stories!! So many posibilities!!
What they....Mary is pregnant! Damn!
Good work!
Freakin' Jack! Wait...he has kids!!! Did I miss something!?
I agree with pie and wolf-that was beautiful and well described.
Good job!
Wait! Does Jersey have a thing for Katie? NOW it makes sense....
I like it when you write like this way. Not saying the last two were bad but....never mind! XD
Good job, Georgie! More, more more!!!! Love that pic btw!
EDIT: I had a question for you, Georgie. Would there be ANYWAY you could continue Gren and Carla's story? Feels like they didn't get much of a chance to explain, like Lyla and Georgie. Plus, the thought of a Grendel baby with a mundy...who wouldn't want to know? Just a question.
Lol, I came up with the idea shortly after Harm and Tim's kiss. I was trying to think of something major to do with her for a while, and then the idea popped in my head and I was like,"That is GENIUS." Anywho, in the future I plan on implementing her into the story a little more. It depends on how I decide things should go by then. I'm not sure I want to reveal the gender (And obviously the name) until after the birth. Harm will definitely be by her friend and whatever happens with Jack happens (although it's not looking to good in that department.) I guess everyone will have to see until then.
Haha, well with the lifestyle he lives he's bound to have a few of them. He's already met one of his kids (Below) in Jack of Fables (And I'm sure there are even more than that.)

And he was a horrible father to the guy.
Yeah, the whole Katie and Jersey thing will be explained, like everything else.
Don't worry....it will all be explained.
And I MIGHT go back and do a mini story about Carla and Rosie but we will see.