I kept looking out anxiously for Bigby and Snow whilst following Veronica through the Woodlands. They wouldn’t be happy seeing me leaving the Woodlands, especially after they’ve just given me the rule.
Veronica was getting a little irritated by my twitching and uncomfortableness. “Relax, child. No one’s going to say anything to you whilst I‘m here.”
As if on cue, a pair of high heels were heard storming up to us. I turned round, swallowing, to see Snow standing there with her hands on her hips and an unimpressed look on her face.
“What do you want?” Veronica asked her coldly.
Snow pursed her lips in annoyance. “I thought I made it clear when I told you Lehava is banished from going out in public. Not when she‘s still-” she lowered her voice but I had ears like a bat, “a danger.”
I flinched at the word “danger”. Snow noticed and looked sorry for a second - and then her expression went back to being dark. “She’s already caused a bit of harm,” she snapped. “We had a Fable running into the business office with burns all on her face.”
I felt myself prickle all over; it was so unfair. I never asked for any of this. I didn’t ask for this stupid fire inside me. I didn’t even mean to attack her - well, not like that - I just wanted to shut her up because the things she was saying were so horribly true that it dug straight under my skin. I hated that I hurt her. But maybe she’ll think twice next time before running her foul mouth again.
“I-” I started, wanting to say all this - but Snow shook her head.
“I don’t want to hear excuses, Lehava,” she said tiredly. “You say you want to want to stop hurting people, to control yourself - but what you’re doing right now, harming Fables, is not the right way to go.”
I’m pretty sure those were the same words she’d used for Bigby once.
“You can’t blame her everything,” Veronica said to my defence. “She’s still only a child; she‘s progressing slowly. I’m sure if you have what she has -”
“You’d know how it feels to be hated and judged all the time,” I finished angrily, and a spit of ember flies out of my mouth. It lands on the floor inches away from Snow’s foot, sizzling and hissing. Agonized, I clamped my hands over my mouth.
“This is exactly what I mean,” Snow sighed, her voice softening now. “If something happens-”
“It won’t,” Veronica said firmly. She stepped forwards nose-to-nose with Snow and pressed her heel down hard on the ember, crushing it. “Not while I’m here.”
Snow looked at her for a long second, a flicker of distrust in her eyes. Then she turned to look at me. I could see the distrust burning brightly now. I tried to stare her down, but ended up glancing at the floor, a seed of doubt starting to grow in the pit of my stomach.
“If anything happens,” Snow said to Veronica, “you’re going to be responsible for it. Do what you have to do, then I want her here in the next ten minutes. She’s not allowed out for a reason.”
I watched her make her brisk exit, chewing my lip so hard I could taste the metallic taste of blood. I anxiously nibbled round my nails as the doubt in my stomach started to grow.
“Nasty habit,” Veronica said, and I suddenly realized what I was doing and quickly balled my hands in my fist.
“Maybe she’s right though,” I whispered quietly as Veronica headed to the door.
“Maybe it is dangerous for me to -”
Veronica waved her hand impatiently, cutting me off. “Listen, dear, they’re all just slow with trusting you. It’s something everyone has to face. Even me.”
“Do you trust me?” I asked her, a little bemused; she hasn’t known me for that long at all but just by looking at me she reads me like a book.
Veronica smiled. “I trust you. But not everyone’s at that point yet.”
Yet, I thought sourly. Whenever Yet is.
The Mundy streets were noisy as anything. People pushed past, elbowed past, walked quickly, swinging their heavy shopping bags. One Mundy bashed her bag right into my ribs, and despite it didn’t hurt that much, a small piece of ember spat out of my fingertip and onto the pavement before I could stop it. My eyes widened in terror.
“Relax, Lehava,” Veronica whispered in my ear. “It’s only down the road.”
There was a CLOSED sign on Cinderella’s shoe store. Veronica pushed open the door whilst I followed, looking at all the different coloured shoes. There was a pair of shiny silver high heels on display. I reached out to lightly touch them.
“Are they real glass?” I asked Veronica.
“Maybe,” she replied, but she wasn’t paying attention. Her face was suddenly creased. It made her look a whole lot older than she looked. I dared cheekily point this out, but Veronica wasn’t listening. She marched up to the empty counter and drummed her long pointy nails impatiently on the desk.
“Um, Lehava?” Veronica called to me after a few minutes, and I sheepishly kicked off some red heels I was trying on. “Why don’t you - uh, go wait outside quickly? Maybe have a wander down the streets? I’ll be waiting here a while. But don’t go too far, okay?”
“Oh, uh,” I said, blinking a bit. “Okay.”
I could see that Veronica was going to be waiting there for ages, so I decided to take a huge risk and have a walk down the shopping centre. I tried not to flinch and explode when people barged past and accidentally elbowed me. I was only nervous because there were so many people around - and they were near me.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should -
“Watch out!”
Something hard suddenly smacked hard into my head, knocking the wind out of me. It took me by such surprise that I stumbled, my feet almost scalding the pavement. I breathed deeply, trying to keep under control. There are mundies around, Lehava …
“Hey! Pass it back!”
Some mundies were waving and shouting at me in the crowd. I looked down at the football at my feet. Reaching down, I touched it tentatively - and pulled my hand back quickly when a small burn appeared on the ball.
The mundies came over; two boys and a girl, all looked around my age. The girl reached down and picked up the ball. Then she winced, immediately dropping it.
“Ow! That’s boiling!”
I swallowed. The two boys laugh.
“Honestly, Kate,” said one of them, picking it back up with no second thoughts. The heat must’ve quickly died down because he showed no signs of pain whatsoever.
They turned to look at me.
“Hey. Who are you?”
I cleared my dry throat. “Lehava,” I stammered, stepping away from them a bit just in case.
“I’ve never met a Lehava before,” said Kate, stepping towards me. She held out her hand. “I’m Kate.”
I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. She only wanted me to politely shake her hand - but I was all too aware that my hand was still cooling down. There were a few seconds of awkward silence.
Then to my relief, one of the boys laughed and smacked her hand away. “How formal is that, Kate?” he said, shaking his head. “I’m Toby, by the way. And that’s Ben.” Ben nodded at me.
I managed a tiny smile.
“So where do you live?” Kate asked. “I mean, we’ve never seen you around before-”
“A bit personal, isn’t it, Kate?” Toby sighed. “Especially as she’s only just met us.”
“I live in the Woodlands,” I said. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I suddenly froze. Shit. I don’t think I was supposed to say that.
“Cool,” said Kate. “We live over there.” She pointed in the distance. “How old are you?”
All these questions. “Um, eleven.”
“Same age as us then,” Ben grinned. “Welcome to the group, Lehava.”
“What does that mean?” I asked.
They laughed. “It means you’re our friend,” Kate chuckled.
I was a little baffled. Baffled … but pleased. The word friend sent a warm glow to my stomach.
So this is what happy feels like, I thought.
“So do you wanna play footy with us?” Ben asked. “Though we are a bit crap.”
Despite I had no idea what that was, I opened my mouth eagerly to say yes - but suddenly remembered I had to get back to Veronica.
“Sorry …” I said sadly. “But I have to get back …”
They shrugged. “Okay then. We’ll catch you another time,” Kate said.
I watched them wistfully as they ran off laughing and kicking the ball to each other. Part of me really wanted to run after them and join in their fun - but I knew deep down that that wouldn’t be a good idea. I didn’t even think Fables were allowed to be friends with Mundies. At least, I knew I wouldn’t be.
Sighing, I went to peer through some more shops before heading back to Veronica. Particularly I liked the video game shops and the bookshops. I sighed, wishing I wasn’t so dangerous to go in. When I pulled away, my fingertips and breath made scalds on the window. Angrily, I scowled. Sometimes I wished I was a Mundy.
Well, you know what I'm going to say about this recent piece of your story. But I do have a question about your Fable (if you don't mind answering), doesn't Lehava have golden eyes? If so, I'm surprised her eyes didn't spook the Mundy kids away, unless she wasn't looking directly at them or something. :P
------ Continued, Part 7
I kept looking out anxiously for Bigby and Snow whilst following Veronica through the Woodlands. They wouldn’t b… moree happy seeing me leaving the Woodlands, especially after they’ve just given me the rule.
Veronica was getting a little irritated by my twitching and uncomfortableness. “Relax, child. No one’s going to say anything to you whilst I‘m here.”
As if on cue, a pair of high heels were heard storming up to us. I turned round, swallowing, to see Snow standing there with her hands on her hips and an unimpressed look on her face.
“What do you want?” Veronica asked her coldly.
Snow pursed her lips in annoyance. “I thought I made it clear when I told you Lehava is banished from going out in public. Not when she‘s still-” she lowered her voice but I had ears like a bat, “a danger.”
I flinched at the word “danger”. Snow noticed and looked sorry for a second - and then her expressio… [view original content]
Katie Porgie
Part 1
"Material girl, Beanstalk and the Devil"
NOTE: I will be switching back and forth with the 6 kids. They will ha… moreve 4 sections, then I will move on to the next kid. Their stories will be different but come together. You will see as I write on. Hope you enjoy.
Dear Diary: I hope today is not like the past few days have been. Jack seriously needs to get the hint. I'm about to tell Jersey, should he keep up. So tired. I have soooo much homework. Thank god for Tim....he has been such a sweetheart to me lately. Well, gotta get going. Work starts in 20 minutes.
By the time I arrived to the Lucky Pawn, my neatly fixed hair was strands of brown flying in the wind and my clothes no longer wrinkle free. Jack was at the register playing with an old Vase and three wooden soilders. The imature sounds of gun noises and the soilders falling to their 'death' could be heard coming from his mouth.
"Oh no...he's been hit… [view original content]
Really good Noir, loved it like always. You have until the end of tomorrow to post whatever thoughts you have left about your summer story. Do take your time, though, as I don't want to give you the impression that I'm rushing you. Besides, if your story does take longer to think up than expected - no biggie, you're listed for other awards.
Here's some more. I seem to have made this quite a long tale, so I figured I'd post what I can when I can to keep it going, and I hope it's … moreworth it!
"BUFKIN!" Jack bellows, causing not only Mr Weasel to be rudely awoken, but a group of jacanas to take anxious flight from the lilies at the river edge; their orange wattles aptly reflecting Jack's passion.
"Where is that monkey?!"
In a groggy stupor - one not caused by grog, though - Mr Weasel, from his position on a most comfortable bed, looks across the wall-windowed room to the pulled back curtains that constitute the door, where Jack stands, literally steaming.
"... Jack ... Shut up." Unsurprisingly, this direction has no effect whatsoever and Jack gives another shout.
"What is the matter, man?!" Weasel is now out of bed and decently dressed to be wandering around; his mood clawing to stay up from that of Jack's.
"Are you on fire, or something?" He asks, walking over to hi… [view original content]
Because I can. Know this image has NOTHING to do with the story but why not add a little humor in the mix.
"Trail mix, huh?"
Jersey dug his hand into the bag of mixed chocolates, nuts and various fruits and placed the handful of snack into his mouth. He didn't appear to be angry with my snack, like Jack had insisted a few minutes ago. As he finished chewing and closed up the bag, he sat back into his chair; his arms beneath his head and his eyes focused the entire time on me.
Jersey didn't terrify me. Since I could remember, he had been around me and my siblings. He and my father were very close; neither one of them could 'recal' how their friendship began or why they continued it. Something 'unacceptable' must have been the back story to their friendship; I never questioned it, though and left it at that. When I did, however, discover WHO he was, my curiosity got the best of me and like all children, I used it to my advantage.
Since grade school, I had gone to a normal 'mundy' school; that was the one thing I did agree was a wonderful trait my father passed down to me. Although I was a 'shape shifter' like my mother, the Fable inherited by my father helped conceal the urge to change at a moment's notice. My intelligence got me far and I recall in my History class during my seventh grade year, the discussion on the Jersey Devil. I nearly flew out of my seat and every essay, group discussion or book report in regards to him, all had a large 'A' in red. The teachers all assumed I was highly intelligent for my age; little did they know the Jersey Devil was currently parked outside waiting to pick me up.
Since the discovery, he has taken me out to the Pine Barrens were local authorities and town folks alike have 'spotted' him and captured his image on either photo or recording.
"Eh, mundies these days," he explained to me, while he flew through the trees. "They will believe anything they see nowadays. Can you BELIEVE they had a reward out for my capture? Like I'm going to let THAT happen!"
His apperance never frightened me; he looked like a road kill on the side of the road that had been there for weeks. His wings grew back and his antlers were always fun to decorate and play with. THAT look didn't scare me; his glamoured self at this moment, however, made me uneasy. He was silent and continued to look at me. 'Say something,' I thought. 'Anything. Please. Speak.'
Finally, I spoke; think he was waiting for me to answer his previous question. "You are not mad about it, right?"
"Did you make a mess?"
"No, but Jack said-"
"Jack is a fuckin' idiot sometimes and he's gettin on my last fuckin' nerves. The kid came in here one time, with a 44ounce cup of soda and you know what that buffon did? He was flirtin' with some blonde bimbo and when he went to stretch, or whatever the fuck he was doin,' he procceds to knock the same drink down and make a mess! I had fuckin' ants for days after that!"
He tossed the bag at me and while I placed it in my book bag, he continued to speak.
"A little trail mix ain't gonna kill me. Not like you dumped the fuckin' bag on the floor. Am I right?"
I was silent, as I found a small space located beside my binder a math book. Before I could close the bag, Jersey stuck his hand inside and pulled out the text book. He flipped through the various pages and looked at the areas marked in pink; I highlighted EVERY section I needed help with from Tim. That was about half the fucking page he was on alone. Jersey slammed the book shut and placed it on his desk. He took a seat in front of me. His eyes looked concerned and seem to be searching mine. For what, I have no idea.
"This why you are late, rabbit?"
"School gettin' to you, Katie? You know, I can cut your hours back. It won't affect your pay but-"
"Please. Don't. I...I need this money, Jersey. I really do."
I didn't want sympathy, or charity or someone stopping their lives to rescue poor little me. Learned that from my father; was it always a good thing to know? Not too sure. Was it the BEST trait and quality I could have learned from Georgie Porgie? Probably not. But that was one thing I DID respect from my father. He never accepted a handout, no matter how tough the situation got. I didn't want Jersey's help. Not like this, at least.
"Katie, I KNOW you need the money. If this is too much for you, I need you to tell me-"
"Its not too much, okay? I can't...I can't have you cutting corners and losing YOUR time just to assist me and my fucked up problems."
"So you have a fuckin' math test to do! Big fuckin' deal! Take the rest of the month off, study and go ace that test and-"
"NO! No, no, no, NO!"
Jersey did not flinch, even as I began to growl and show my fangs. Fuck. It had been months since my wolf came out. I tried to picture something different: baby animals, a quiet stream, Emily running into the wall. Anything to get my mind off the anger building inside. Heaven knows I was trying.
"Please, Jersey. I'm fine. I will get through this, graduate and call it good. Just, do me one favor-please have Jack grow up and participate in the 'real' world. Those wooden soilders he was messing with are old and very rare...."
Jersey leaned forward, grabbed my head and held it against his chest. I could smell his strong colonge plummeting into my nostrils; it was so intoxicating and as I inhaled, my mind began to drown in his smell. The fuck is wrong with you, I thought. Get it together, Katherine Ann Porgie! He's the fucking JERSEY DEVIL; the man that had a large part in you growing up and becoming who YOU are!
"Relax, Georgie. It will be fine."
He chuckled, as I tried to smile. Yeah. Georgie. Couldn't ignore it. Can only do that for so long.
"I will talk to him. Right now I'm talking to YOU! Have you been wearing that relic I gave you?"
When I was thirteen, Jersey gave me a very old and ancient relic. A witch pawned it years ago and it was supposed to give the individual wearing it strength and agility. It was a silver necklace with a deer symbol in the middle and a hook below it. Attatched to the hook, was a wolf's tooth, a deer antler and rabbit fur. Story goes, the wolf's tooth gave you speech, deer antler gave you agility and the rabbit fur allowed you luck and protection. Must have lost its powers years ago, though. Damn thing never worked on me. I'd carry around just to humor Jersey.
"Yes. Its in my bag."
"Are you wearing it?"
That was a lie; I stopped wearing it three years ago but he didn't have to know that. Jersey sighed and gave me a friendly smile.
"You have school today?"
"Go ahead and study. Leave early. This will not dock your pay or any of that fuckin' shit, okay? GO STUDY!"
I wrapped my arms around the Jersey Devil and gave him a rather large constricting hug; he was beaming, as I released my grip, gathered my belongings and thanked him. As I turned to leave, however, he was spraying his office again. He grabbed a can of carpet freashner and sprayed every inch, especially where I sat. I walked out the door; my feelings were devestated and the sting only worsened, the more I thought about it. I didn't even hear Jack call my name. Yeah. More salt to the wounds.
"HEY! How come she gets to leave early?"
"She has school you fuckin' dipshit! Now get back to work or I swear, I will hang you upside down by your fuckin' toes and leave you there for the birds!"
I was already heading to the bus stop when the urge to cry showed its ugly head. 'Keep it together, girl,' I thought, trying to focus on something else. 'You are a Porgie...act like one. He's always done this....always....'
By the time I reached the library, my eyes were puffy and swollen. When Tim saw me, I know he would have questions to ask and not all of them about math.
Haha, well with the lifestyle he lives he's bound to have a few of them. He's already met one of his kids (Below) in Jack of Fables (And I'm sure there are even more than that.)
Katie Porgie
Part 1
"Material girl, Beanstalk and the Devil"
NOTE: I will be switching back and forth with the 6 kids. They will ha… moreve 4 sections, then I will move on to the next kid. Their stories will be different but come together. You will see as I write on. Hope you enjoy.
Dear Diary: I hope today is not like the past few days have been. Jack seriously needs to get the hint. I'm about to tell Jersey, should he keep up. So tired. I have soooo much homework. Thank god for Tim....he has been such a sweetheart to me lately. Well, gotta get going. Work starts in 20 minutes.
By the time I arrived to the Lucky Pawn, my neatly fixed hair was strands of brown flying in the wind and my clothes no longer wrinkle free. Jack was at the register playing with an old Vase and three wooden soilders. The imature sounds of gun noises and the soilders falling to their 'death' could be heard coming from his mouth.
"Oh no...he's been hit… [view original content]
I have a question to ask. Shut me up if you do not wish to answer. I'm starting to understand something. Georgie never told his kids about ANYTHING he went through back at the homelands, did he? I'm guessing the kids only know WHAT Fabletown remembers. Seems like some of the kids shrug it off, while the others take it to heart. That's just a hunch.
Now, this whole smell with Jersey-WHAT is going on there, Pie?! Poor thing! Feel bad for the girl! Can't wait to read the rest of Katie's story! This WAS a good idea! Keep going with it! Now you have my curiosity!
Katie Porgie
Part 2
'The devil went down to Fabletown...'
Because I can. Know this image has NOTHING to do with the story but … morewhy not add a little humor in the mix.
"Trail mix, huh?"
Jersey dug his hand into the bag of mixed chocolates, nuts and various fruits and placed the handful of snack into his mouth. He didn't appear to be angry with my snack, like Jack had insisted a few minutes ago. As he finished chewing and closed up the bag, he sat back into his chair; his arms beneath his head and his eyes focused the entire time on me.
Jersey didn't terrify me. Since I could remember, he had been around me and my siblings. He and my father were very close; neither one of them could 'recal' how their friendship began or why they continued it. Something 'unacceptable' must have been the back story to their friendship; I never questioned it, though and left it at that. When I did, however, discover WHO he was, my cu… [view original content]
Yeah, the whole Katie and Jersey thing will be explained, like everything else.
Don't worry....it will all be explained.
And I MIGHT go back and do a mini story about Carla and Rosie but we will see.
Okay. I was just wondering. I'm a freaking HUGE fan of Gren and Carla now, thanks to you! I know she is a fan made character but I love them… more together!
That is what I thought! There is MAJOR sexual tension between them! Can't wait to see where this goes! MORE!!!
Well, without going into too much, Georgie did it for a reason. Sadly, people will believe almost everything they hear, including those you love. The kids have no idea. They don't know, which causes confusion.
Now the smell thing, I'm sure you have some ideas about it. It will make sense, once I get more into the story.
I have a question to ask. Shut me up if you do not wish to answer. I'm starting to understand something. Georgie never told his kids about … moreANYTHING he went through back at the homelands, did he? I'm guessing the kids only know WHAT Fabletown remembers. Seems like some of the kids shrug it off, while the others take it to heart. That's just a hunch.
Now, this whole smell with Jersey-WHAT is going on there, Pie?! Poor thing! Feel bad for the girl! Can't wait to read the rest of Katie's story! This WAS a good idea! Keep going with it! Now you have my curiosity!
Katie Porgie
Part 1
"Material girl, Beanstalk and the Devil"
NOTE: I will be switching back and forth with the 6 kids. They will ha… moreve 4 sections, then I will move on to the next kid. Their stories will be different but come together. You will see as I write on. Hope you enjoy.
Dear Diary: I hope today is not like the past few days have been. Jack seriously needs to get the hint. I'm about to tell Jersey, should he keep up. So tired. I have soooo much homework. Thank god for Tim....he has been such a sweetheart to me lately. Well, gotta get going. Work starts in 20 minutes.
By the time I arrived to the Lucky Pawn, my neatly fixed hair was strands of brown flying in the wind and my clothes no longer wrinkle free. Jack was at the register playing with an old Vase and three wooden soilders. The imature sounds of gun noises and the soilders falling to their 'death' could be heard coming from his mouth.
"Oh no...he's been hit… [view original content]
Another compelling part. I've pretty much ran out of praising adjectives at the moment, so I'm going to be honest and say that it had me gripped from beginning to end! And I do not grip easily. xD
------ Continued, Part 7
I kept looking out anxiously for Bigby and Snow whilst following Veronica through the Woodlands. They wouldn’t b… moree happy seeing me leaving the Woodlands, especially after they’ve just given me the rule.
Veronica was getting a little irritated by my twitching and uncomfortableness. “Relax, child. No one’s going to say anything to you whilst I‘m here.”
As if on cue, a pair of high heels were heard storming up to us. I turned round, swallowing, to see Snow standing there with her hands on her hips and an unimpressed look on her face.
“What do you want?” Veronica asked her coldly.
Snow pursed her lips in annoyance. “I thought I made it clear when I told you Lehava is banished from going out in public. Not when she‘s still-” she lowered her voice but I had ears like a bat, “a danger.”
I flinched at the word “danger”. Snow noticed and looked sorry for a second - and then her expressio… [view original content]
Like always, pleased to hear it I wanted to ask you about the time limit, as while I've decided the rest of the story, it's taking me a while to get it written, and I'd like to make it award-worthy even if it's too late for an award, if you see what I mean? I might get it finished in time.
Really good Noir, loved it like always. You have until the end of tomorrow to post whatever thoughts you have left about your summer story. … moreDo take your time, though, as I don't want to give you the impression that I'm rushing you. Besides, if your story does take longer to think up than expected - no biggie, you're listed for other awards.
Here is part 4, I think, of my Fable Vacation tale. I'm quite certain the whole thing isn't going to be completed by the end of the day, however if Dragon permits it I will finish it off over the next few days, and forfeit the awards. Hope it's a fine read
Another awakening in a floating tent-lodge, another morning in Cambodia. This morning had the benefit of not being disturbed by Jack's loud shouting, though gibbons boisterously calling to each other could be heard, along with yelping deer.
All were soon breakfasted and ready for the day ahead, which they planned to spend riding on a boat to the nearby waterfall; Colin, however decided he wished to go with them, and Bufkin, having a strange aversion to fast flowing water, didn't want to be left alone. Jack, therefore, agreed to take Bufkin with him in a kayak and go somewhere else, while the others went on a tour. This, it was unanimously agreed, was very kind of Jack.
Before they set off, Mr Weasel knew he would be in need of another glamour. He had packed many, keenly aware that being without one and turning into his true, weasel-y self would not make things particularly easy for any concerned. Which was all five of them. As he removes from a bottom drawer the bag in which he packed them, and opens it, he fancies that something isn't quite right. It would seem that for every one glamour tube he takes out, another is removed. He lays them all out on his bed and counts each one, knowing precisely how many he brought with him, and how many he's used. Sure enough, there are twice the amount missing than there should be. Where were they going?
The most logical explanation was that either Bufkin or Colin was taking them, however under scrutiny that seemed unlikely, as they'd never regularly glamoured themselves in the past. Weasel didn't reckon they'd start doing so now. Still, who else could it be? Rose and Jack didn't need glamour.
He decided to tentatively ask Bufkin about it before they all set out, as the monkey had been acting a little unusual lately. Mr Weasel proceeds to top up his glamour, not wishing to revert to his normal state and change back again, and then puts the bag with the glamours in back into the draw; he also plucks one of his hairs and sticks it securely inside the front of the draw rollers. That way, he thinks, if the hair moves he'll have sure proof that someone is taking the glamours, and he can rule out any of his companions if it takes place while they're gone.
Mr Weasel mentions to Bufkin, before they get on their water vessels, whether or not he has ever considered glamouring of late. Keenly observing the monkey's response, Weasel is certain that the monkey knows nothing of the missing supplies, and is stumped as to what could be happening. However, with another day of adventure ahead of him, he puts it to the back of his mind, and gives Bufkin his camera.
"You know," says Colin, as he, Rose and Weasel meander downstream on a wooden long-boat, powered by a surprisingly hushed outboard motor, "I'm quite enjoying this." (The keen reader might note Colin's remark and wonder how the Mundy pilot of the boat can miss - once again - a talking pig. This is because it is Mr Weasel who pilots the boat - weasels have many as-of-yet undiscovered talents - and there are no Mundies with them.)
"I'm glad to hear it," Weasel responds with sincerity.
"You can see over the side okay?" Asks Rose.
"I'm taller than I look, you know." The pig gives a wink.
Rose and Colin lean over the side of the slow moving boat, entertained by the wildlife on display. Turtles swim in rhythmic lunges; where the water's clear, fish weave in and out of swaying reeds, some flashing colour as they pass, others being noticeable simply for their enormous size. Oddly, a familiar green light breaks through the murky depths, its source somewhere below them, when suddenly: There! Rose spies an Irrawady dolphin, it's grey nose and back shining as it breaks the water surface. At the same time, three purple sunbirds fly over-head, their iridescent coats dazzling in the sunlight, and the the light is forgotten.
"I wonder how everyone's getting on back home," Weasel pontificates aloud.
"Ahh, who cares," Replies Rose. "You gotta live in the moment, Weasel. Don't worry about things you can't know." This wasn't the reply Weasel had expected, causing him to pause and consider the seemingly enlightened response. It was Colin, therefore, who next spoke.
"I hope Bigby's doing okay; I left him a note to water my plant."
"You have a plant?" Rose asks.
"Yeah. I'm the pig who built his house out of straw, remember? I like the freshness they bring to a place."
"Fair enough."
Now to New York, in the night-time.
"Yeah, Snow. Sure. Don't worry, I'll get it all done." Bigby closes his apartment door behind him with deliberate softness, resisting the urge to slam it.
"Pff. Summer with Snow White - it's just all work! You'd think she'd mellow in the heat, or something." He mumbles, making his way over to the fridge, which hums loudly in the corner, as if pleased at it's efforts to deny the hot temperature access to it's valuables. Which in this fridge's case, would be beer.
The door is opened and yellow light shines on Bigby's features. He reaches for the cool glass bottle, the condensation moistening his hard, leathery hands. "Haven't had chance for one of these in days - hang on. What's this." An orange post-it note is stuck, with tape, on the side of the bottle. 'Water plant, please - Colin' it reads, in something of a scrawl.
"Uh-oh." Bigby walks quickly to the living room - beer in hand - and inspects the plant on the window-ledge. Even though the only source of illuminating light enters from outside the window, things do not look good for the plant. Wilted and browning is a simple description that saves all heart-ache, for the poor thing has suffered in the hot weather.
"Oh great. Now what am I going to do?" Bigby wonders, stroking his chin. Then: "and why the hell am I talking to myself!?"
And back to Cambodia, in the day-time.
"Something tells me he might forget, though," shares Colin.
"Do what Rose said," Weasel says, "and don't worry about it."
"Since when did you two become hippies?"
"It's not that." Rose responds. "It's just that this country has a certain effect."
And here the trio become unusually philosophical about many things, and we leave them to do so. After a while they will reach a waterfall, and have a charming day by it.
It is pleasing to say that Jack and Bufkin, who ventured up-river in a kayak, also had an enjoyable day. After going for about 30 minutes, they came across a river-side village, and decided to have a look around. Due to moments of heavy rain, they conceived to hide Bufkin's wings by dressing him in a makeshift rain coat, and claiming him to be a whim of a pet. They are, for the most part, successful in this ruse.
The locals are entirely accommodating, showing Jack and his momentary-pet monkey around their village. No anthropologist is this foreigner, yet he shows an interest, and is refreshed with sweet iced coffee.
Bufkin, meanwhile, snaps plenty of pictures for Mr Weasel, and is thrilled that his ability to properly wield a camera should delight the locals.
It is towards the end of the day that this tale takes a new turn; an unexpected direction, if you will. Things become afoot.
Rose Red, Colin, and Mr Weasel return to the tent-lodges after a day spent on, or next to, the river upon which said accommodation floats. Not long after, Jack Horner and Bufkin - Business Office assistant extraordinaire - also return from a day spent kayaking, and spending time with local Cambodians.
Three decide to take their evening meal in the restaurant, who should look normal doing so; two are to have theirs in their room. The three, after their meal, decide to take an evening stroll and marvel one final time at this place that is so full of life, as tomorrow they will move to somewhere new. The two are informed of this, and are untroubled by it.
When the three return from their stroll, during which Weasel is pelted with branches by an inexplicably irked macaque - perhaps it could sense past his glamour? - Rose retires to her tent-lodge. There she finds the two missing. Strange, she considers, for it is late, and they are normally sleeping by now. She goes and inquires with the Fables next door, to see if Colin and Bufkin are snoozing there; they are not, and this causes Rose worry.
"It's not like them to go off, not when it's getting this dark." For the light was rapidly fading.
"Colin probably fancied something more to eat and Bufkin's gone with him to make sure he doesn't get caught," Mr Weasel tries to assure her.
"Give it ten minutes or so," Jack says.
Fifteen minutes later and there is still no sign.
"Maybe they left a note?" Suggests Weasel.
"I looked." Rose replies.
"Sure you didn't miss anywhere?" Questions Jack.
"Yes! Though I'll look again seeing as you two are no help."
"Would you be happy if me and Weasel look around?" Jack puts forward, him and Weasel both beginning to become nervous in response to Rose's concern.
"Yes! Go do that." The two hurry off, and Rose searches her room.
There is nothing on the table, naught on the draws; no paper rests on the top of the wardrobe. Then, exasperation setting in, she notices a piece of paper sticking out from behind the frilly cushion to which Colin took a dislike. Moving over and unfolding the smooth white paper, writing of the most hard to discern lies on the surface, along with black ink in blotches and seeps where the pen has clearly been used with difficulty.
"Yove... Yive ... gone... ...Have gone!" Rose attempts to read the note, not without difficulty. After trying a moment longer she goes to find the two searches, and locates them further down the walkway, staring into the water.
"We've had a thought," says Weasel. "They might have gone into the water. You know how Colin gets after a drink. Bufkin might have gone in after him, or something."
"You're wrong," Rose responds.
"Really?" Asks Weasel, looking pleased that his pink and green friends are not lying in the water.
"Here." Rose thrusts the note in front of Mr Weasel's face, and Jack has a go at reading it over his shoulder.
"Fovc... Yilve..."
"It says 'have'!" Rose informs him. "Have gone!"
"To Liem Reop? No!" Cries Weasel. "To Siem Reap!"
"That's where we were planning on going next!" answers Jack. "They haven't gone ahead without us, have they?"
"I don't think so, look." Rose takes back the note. "There's more writing."
The three spend ten minutes deciphering the words, during which they have to retreat to Rose's room, such does the dark become so very dark. Finally, they figure most of it out:
'Have gone to Sieam Reap with Colin. Pczah. P.S. have taken the monkey.'
"What's that 'Pczah' bit?" Wonders Jack.
"Might be a Russian name," puts forward Weasel.
"I don't care right now," responds Rose. "Some bastard's stolen Colin and Bufkin, and I'm not going to sit around and let them get away with it!"
"We can't do anything till morning, though," Weasel informs. "We won't be able to take a boat at this hour."
Rose, angry in both appearance and manner, simply responds, "fine. Just make sure you're both ready to go first thing." And ready to go they will be.
As the trio pack their things and prepare for an early start in the morning, Bufkin and Colin can be found travelling through the darkness to Siem Reap. They are on the back of a pick-up; Colin is lying down, asleep, dreaming pleasing dreams of a comfortable tropical tree house. Bufkin, meanwhile, sits on the side of that snoozing pig, happily munching on a banana.
Here is part 4, I think, of my Fable Vacation tale. I'm quite certain the whole thing isn't going to be completed by the end of the day, how… moreever if Dragon permits it I will finish it off over the next few days, and forfeit the awards. Hope it's a fine read
Another awakening in a floating tent-lodge, another morning in Cambodia. This morning had the benefit of not being disturbed by Jack's loud shouting, though gibbons boisterously calling to each other could be heard, along with yelping deer.
All were soon breakfasted and ready for the day ahead, which they planned to spend riding on a boat to the nearby waterfall; Colin, however decided he wished to go with them, and Bufkin, having a strange aversion to fast flowing water, didn't want to be left alone. Jack, therefore, agreed to take Bufkin with him in a kayak and go somewhere else, while the others went on a tour. This, it was unanimously agreed, was very kind of Jack.
Before th… [view original content]
Well, you know what I'm going to say about this recent piece of your story. But I do have a question about your Fable (if you don't mind ans… morewering), doesn't Lehava have golden eyes? If so, I'm surprised her eyes didn't spook the Mundy kids away, unless she wasn't looking directly at them or something. :P
Nice, Colin now has a dead plant - thanks to Biggs. Btw, you are allowed to proceed in posting the rest of your story, as I am eager to see what's next. You should totally make Rose go all Rambo in the jungle too. XD
Here is part 4, I think, of my Fable Vacation tale. I'm quite certain the whole thing isn't going to be completed by the end of the day, how… moreever if Dragon permits it I will finish it off over the next few days, and forfeit the awards. Hope it's a fine read
Another awakening in a floating tent-lodge, another morning in Cambodia. This morning had the benefit of not being disturbed by Jack's loud shouting, though gibbons boisterously calling to each other could be heard, along with yelping deer.
All were soon breakfasted and ready for the day ahead, which they planned to spend riding on a boat to the nearby waterfall; Colin, however decided he wished to go with them, and Bufkin, having a strange aversion to fast flowing water, didn't want to be left alone. Jack, therefore, agreed to take Bufkin with him in a kayak and go somewhere else, while the others went on a tour. This, it was unanimously agreed, was very kind of Jack.
Before th… [view original content]
Whenever you add in transformation scenes, it always tenses me up to see whether or not they're going to turn. It is good that Katie hasn't given in to her wolf side.
Katie Porgie
Part 2
'The devil went down to Fabletown...'
Because I can. Know this image has NOTHING to do with the story but … morewhy not add a little humor in the mix.
"Trail mix, huh?"
Jersey dug his hand into the bag of mixed chocolates, nuts and various fruits and placed the handful of snack into his mouth. He didn't appear to be angry with my snack, like Jack had insisted a few minutes ago. As he finished chewing and closed up the bag, he sat back into his chair; his arms beneath his head and his eyes focused the entire time on me.
Jersey didn't terrify me. Since I could remember, he had been around me and my siblings. He and my father were very close; neither one of them could 'recal' how their friendship began or why they continued it. Something 'unacceptable' must have been the back story to their friendship; I never questioned it, though and left it at that. When I did, however, discover WHO he was, my cu… [view original content]
Here is part 4, I think, of my Fable Vacation tale. I'm quite certain the whole thing isn't going to be completed by the end of the day, how… moreever if Dragon permits it I will finish it off over the next few days, and forfeit the awards. Hope it's a fine read
Another awakening in a floating tent-lodge, another morning in Cambodia. This morning had the benefit of not being disturbed by Jack's loud shouting, though gibbons boisterously calling to each other could be heard, along with yelping deer.
All were soon breakfasted and ready for the day ahead, which they planned to spend riding on a boat to the nearby waterfall; Colin, however decided he wished to go with them, and Bufkin, having a strange aversion to fast flowing water, didn't want to be left alone. Jack, therefore, agreed to take Bufkin with him in a kayak and go somewhere else, while the others went on a tour. This, it was unanimously agreed, was very kind of Jack.
Before th… [view original content]
Trouble just seems to always follow Fables - and Folkers - around.
I'm pleased it's proving gripping - it means a lot coming from a writer such as yourself! And yeah, I figure that the pictures help the descriptions, because if I start trying to describe some specific aspect of the trees, for example, you know what the trees generally look like in the first place.
We went from having a good time to Colin and Bufkin getting taken away! 0.0 Nice!
This is getting very good and with such suspense! Can't wait to read more. The pics by the way, besides the description, really paints an image.
You can leave him to watch over a town, yet he cannot be trusted with any sort of shrubbery :P Thanks for the green light, and Rambo Rose - which, incidentally, works as a great name - could totally get away with having a whole comic series to herself. Probably.
Nice, Colin now has a dead plant - thanks to Biggs. Btw, you are allowed to proceed in posting the rest of your story, as I am eager to see what's next. You should totally make Rose go all Rambo in the jungle too. XD
Thanks. I do the same when I throw them in. She has learned to 'control' that side. She kinda hates it at times. It will be explained, like everything else.
Whenever you add in transformation scenes, it always tenses me up to see whether or not they're going to turn. It is good that Katie hasn't given in to her wolf side.
Haha so I was thinking about Jack's family tree (Since if you've read all the comics, you would find out more about everyone's family ties and what not) And I remembered that Jack's father was Prince Charming (Way before he left the homelands, he traveled around and met the lady who was jack's mom...so yeah)
After I remembered that, I realized that Jack is Harmony's brother then. Well, half-brother. Which would make Mary's baby Harmony's niece/nephew(s) (Haha, yeah. Who knows if I'll make her have multiples. Literally anything can be possible at this point. I'm still deciding on it.)
Anywho, I thought you'd all get a kick out of that.
Haha so I was thinking about Jack's family tree (Since if you've read all the comics, you would find out more about everyone's family ties a… morend what not) And I remembered that Jack's father was Prince Charming (Way before he left the homelands, he traveled around and met the lady who was jack's mom...so yeah)
After I remembered that, I realized that Jack is Harmony's brother then. Well, half-brother. Which would make Mary's baby Harmony's niece/nephew(s) (Haha, yeah. Who knows if I'll make her have multiples. Literally anything can be possible at this point. I'm still deciding on it.)
Anywho, I thought you'd all get a kick out of that.
If you consider adding such a scene, I would definitely approve. I can picture it now... Rose Red dual-wielding submachine guns whilst swinging from a vine, inevitably shooting at the captors of Bufkin and Colin.
You can leave him to watch over a town, yet he cannot be trusted with any sort of shrubbery :P Thanks for the green light, and Rambo Rose - … morewhich, incidentally, works as a great name - could totally get away with having a whole comic series to herself. Probably.
If you consider adding such a scene, I would definitely approve. I can picture it now... Rose Red dual-wielding submachine guns whilst swinging from a vine, inevitably shooting at the captors of Bufkin and Colin.
Head band flapping in the wind and glinting knife clamped between her teeth. This stuff writes itself!
scribbles over plot notes and starts drawing guns in the margins
Thanks. I do the same when I throw them in. She has learned to 'control' that side. She kinda hates it at times. It will be explained, like everything else.
Here is part 4, I think, of my Fable Vacation tale. I'm quite certain the whole thing isn't going to be completed by the end of the day, how… moreever if Dragon permits it I will finish it off over the next few days, and forfeit the awards. Hope it's a fine read
Another awakening in a floating tent-lodge, another morning in Cambodia. This morning had the benefit of not being disturbed by Jack's loud shouting, though gibbons boisterously calling to each other could be heard, along with yelping deer.
All were soon breakfasted and ready for the day ahead, which they planned to spend riding on a boat to the nearby waterfall; Colin, however decided he wished to go with them, and Bufkin, having a strange aversion to fast flowing water, didn't want to be left alone. Jack, therefore, agreed to take Bufkin with him in a kayak and go somewhere else, while the others went on a tour. This, it was unanimously agreed, was very kind of Jack.
Before th… [view original content]
Shit guys, I just realized that today was the last day of June. I honestly thought that Tuesday would be the last day, well, I should be posting the F.S.A. sometime soon then.
Shit guys, I just realized that today was the last day of June. I honestly thought that Tuesday would be the last day, well, I should be posting the F.S.A. sometime soon then.
NOTE: Damn! It didn't post for some reason, so, here we go again. -.-;
'Dancing with danger'
"Katie. You okay?"
I sat there twirling my pencil around. The thought was still flooding my thoughts and images. All I could see was Jersey bringing out the bottle of spray and covering his surroundings with the smell of Dasiy and Sandlewood. Why did this bother me so much? I was nearly falling out of my seat; my teeth grinding against my head, my heart pounding against my chest.
The disturbing feeling deep inside was brewing again. I could feel the anger fluttering about like caged butterflies in a child's room. I cringed in my seat; my hands wrapped firmly around the pencil now and my breathe becoming short. Tim's face said enough; the color in my face was flushed and my palms became clamy. The thought of changing was deep inside. Calm down. Just, stop. 'Why does this bother you, Katie,' I thought to myself. 'Calm. Down. Now.'
I began counting. 1. 2. 3....10. When I finished, the process repeated. Tim sat quietly and patiently waited. He was beaming; God how annoying are you right now. I can lunge across this table and you wouldn't have a single chance to escape the ravenous beast inside. You'd be a pile of blood and hair before you could even stand up.
"Tim. Hey..."
I was finally down to earth once more. This poor guy, I thought. Tim was always so kind and caring towards me. Think he kind of understands the situation. He was a great friend and 'crutch' to me. We dated two years ago. Don't get me wrong; it was wonderful and care free but we soon came to an agreement we were better off as friends. Since then, he's always been there.
"Katie. Are you okay? You don't look so good..."
"I uh. Yeah. Sorry. Long night. And this test...its been-hard."
"Well. That is the thing, Katie. YOU know this stuff. I've seen the grades; seen the comments and discussions the professor left on your tests. Since when did Calculus give you so many problems?"
I was now doodling along the edges of the study guide. I drew flowers, stick figure birds and a tiny cat on each corner. Tim's eyes were focused on the paper; he looked concerned and soon, reached a hand out. He took the pencil from my hand. 'Really,' I thought to myself. 'Can't you just leave it alone, Tim?'
"You need to talk, Katie? C'mon. What is going on?"
"Nothing, Tim. Just. Nothing. Let's get this started."
I opened my text book and pointed the areas needed for 'improvement.' He scanned the text and problems. Soon, he was looking over at me. He didn't seemed determined of my situation; I think he could see past the bullshit.
"Katie. You KNOW this stuff. Maybe your way of solving the equation is different but...what is giving you so many problems?"
I had to think of an excuse and quick. Tired. Angry. Uh...overwhelmed. Yeah. That works.
"Its just been...a long day. Work and school. Guess maybe I lost all information this week."
"Ask Jersey for some time off. I've heard him offer it to you. Maybe you can take it and-"
"NO! No, no, NO!"
Before long, students surrounding our table were looking over in my direction. The librarian looked over at me; she lowered her glasses to get a better look at the 'wild' child sitting in her building. Tim's eyes were wide and bewildered; he was trying to cover our conversation with the book bags.
"Katie. What has gotten into you? You show up like you've been crying. You deny that. Then, you scream and shout. What is going on?"
"I told you, Tim. Just...a lot. And no. I will not ask Jersey for time off. Jack-"
"DOES NOT need a babysitter, Katie! You are there for JERSEY, not him. I've seen the way he looks at you, Katie. Don't think time off would be an issue-"
"Wait-what do you mean he-"
"Promise me you will at least sit down with him, okay?"
I leaned back into my seat and sighed. Tim looked so pathetic. Uh, God. Really? Just...stop looking at me like a scared little kid that just lost their goldfish. 'You are a Porgie,' I whispered to myself. 'Be strong. Don't you cry...'
I sighed and simply smiled at Tim. "Sure. I will sit down with him later on."
Tim looked befuddled at my answer. The hell did I do now, I thought. He tried to clear his throat; he furiously grabbed his bag and began digging inside the dark compartment. He was trying to either look for something or avoid me. I think the second was the choice. Ding ding! We have a winner.
"You work tonight, Katie?"
"Uh, no. I go in tomorrow at the same time. Why?"
"You just said...uh. Nothing. Forget it. Hey. You in the mood for some food before class? Hear they opened the new cafeteria on campus. Supposed to be so much better in food quality..."
He carefully stood up and slowly cleaned his area. Confused and afraid to ask, I too did the same thing. He refused to make eye contact with me the entire time we cleaned up. As I bent down to pick up my book, the relic fell out of my pocket and landed with a thud on the table. Tim's eyes were broad and startled, as he continued to look at the relic. I quickly picked it up and shoved it into the bag.
"What? Hello? Tim?!"
"You..you DO have it...when, when did you-"
"What? Tim, you are making no sense! What the fuck are you saying? I hate when you mumble, Tim!"
"The legend is true then...."
"What the hell are you-"
Tim quickly changed the subject. "I'm in the mood for some burgers and fries. You like animal style? Hear its the best ingredient to ANY food here on campus."
He tried his hardest to move away from me; think he could sense the frustration in my voice. I sighed loudly and insisted on assisting him. Last thing I needed was Tim falling...or even worse. Hurting himself in front of so many people. He was smiling at me; guess it wasn't too bad. I'd ask him later what that was back there. But for now, my stomach began to rumble and with the librarian looking at me, assume she could hear it as well.
We finished eating our lunch and soon, we both sat in the classroom ready to slave away for the next two hours. Indeed, the information before me were things that came naturally to me. I answered each question with the best of my knowledge. Fuck. Tim was right. I DID know all of this. Why did I act so defensless then?
When I finished, I stood outside waiting for Tim. While waiting, my phone began to vibrate. It was Jack. I ignored it real quick; was not in the mood for his stupid ass right now. A few seconds later, a picture message appeared and when I opened it, there he stood with a rose and box of chocolates. 'Date with me 2nite' was all it said. 'Really,' I said, as I deleted the photo. 'I said NO!'
As I placed my phone inside my pocket, there he was. Malcom. He looked so exhausted and alone. Since his banishment from 'that side,' he had been staying with my grandparents. Guess he had fallen on hard times; my papa took pity on the old wolf, I guess. Or, perhaps he felt the need to do it. Not too sure. In his hand, however, he held a flyer from my sister's club, the Pudding & Pie. Why was he going there? Stress. Yeah. Why else would he go there. Hell, I would too, if that was me.
Tim grabbed my arm, just as I watched him enter the bus and drive away.
"Come on, you! Let's go get a milkshake and celebrate our test taking. Hopefully I passed. It seemed too easy! How do you think you did, Katie?"
I was too focused on Jersey once more. Did I smell bad? Was it offending him? Was he just being an ass?
"Rabbit-" Whoa...that brought me back. I looked at Tim; he was currently smiling and laughing.
"That ALL I need to do to get your attention?"
He continued to laugh, as we walked down the street and towards a Sonic. Fuck, man. I needed an Oreo splendid cookie crumble now.
Haha so I was thinking about Jack's family tree (Since if you've read all the comics, you would find out more about everyone's family ties a… morend what not) And I remembered that Jack's father was Prince Charming (Way before he left the homelands, he traveled around and met the lady who was jack's mom...so yeah)
After I remembered that, I realized that Jack is Harmony's brother then. Well, half-brother. Which would make Mary's baby Harmony's niece/nephew(s) (Haha, yeah. Who knows if I'll make her have multiples. Literally anything can be possible at this point. I'm still deciding on it.)
Anywho, I thought you'd all get a kick out of that.
Katie Porgie
Part 3
NOTE: Damn! It didn't post for some reason, so, here we go again. -.-;
'Dancing with danger'
"Katie. You oka… morey?"
I sat there twirling my pencil around. The thought was still flooding my thoughts and images. All I could see was Jersey bringing out the bottle of spray and covering his surroundings with the smell of Dasiy and Sandlewood. Why did this bother me so much? I was nearly falling out of my seat; my teeth grinding against my head, my heart pounding against my chest.
The disturbing feeling deep inside was brewing again. I could feel the anger fluttering about like caged butterflies in a child's room. I cringed in my seat; my hands wrapped firmly around the pencil now and my breathe becoming short. Tim's face said enough; the color in my face was flushed and my palms became clamy. The thought of changing was deep inside. Calm down. Just, stop. 'Why does this bother you, Katie,' I thought to myself. 'Ca… [view original content]
------ Continued, Part 7
I kept looking out anxiously for Bigby and Snow whilst following Veronica through the Woodlands. They wouldn’t be happy seeing me leaving the Woodlands, especially after they’ve just given me the rule.
Veronica was getting a little irritated by my twitching and uncomfortableness. “Relax, child. No one’s going to say anything to you whilst I‘m here.”
As if on cue, a pair of high heels were heard storming up to us. I turned round, swallowing, to see Snow standing there with her hands on her hips and an unimpressed look on her face.
“What do you want?” Veronica asked her coldly.
Snow pursed her lips in annoyance. “I thought I made it clear when I told you Lehava is banished from going out in public. Not when she‘s still-” she lowered her voice but I had ears like a bat, “a danger.”
I flinched at the word “danger”. Snow noticed and looked sorry for a second - and then her expression went back to being dark. “She’s already caused a bit of harm,” she snapped. “We had a Fable running into the business office with burns all on her face.”
I felt myself prickle all over; it was so unfair. I never asked for any of this. I didn’t ask for this stupid fire inside me. I didn’t even mean to attack her - well, not like that - I just wanted to shut her up because the things she was saying were so horribly true that it dug straight under my skin. I hated that I hurt her. But maybe she’ll think twice next time before running her foul mouth again.
“I-” I started, wanting to say all this - but Snow shook her head.
“I don’t want to hear excuses, Lehava,” she said tiredly. “You say you want to want to stop hurting people, to control yourself - but what you’re doing right now, harming Fables, is not the right way to go.”
I’m pretty sure those were the same words she’d used for Bigby once.
“You can’t blame her everything,” Veronica said to my defence. “She’s still only a child; she‘s progressing slowly. I’m sure if you have what she has -”
“You’d know how it feels to be hated and judged all the time,” I finished angrily, and a spit of ember flies out of my mouth. It lands on the floor inches away from Snow’s foot, sizzling and hissing. Agonized, I clamped my hands over my mouth.
“This is exactly what I mean,” Snow sighed, her voice softening now. “If something happens-”
“It won’t,” Veronica said firmly. She stepped forwards nose-to-nose with Snow and pressed her heel down hard on the ember, crushing it. “Not while I’m here.”
Snow looked at her for a long second, a flicker of distrust in her eyes. Then she turned to look at me. I could see the distrust burning brightly now. I tried to stare her down, but ended up glancing at the floor, a seed of doubt starting to grow in the pit of my stomach.
“If anything happens,” Snow said to Veronica, “you’re going to be responsible for it. Do what you have to do, then I want her here in the next ten minutes. She’s not allowed out for a reason.”
I watched her make her brisk exit, chewing my lip so hard I could taste the metallic taste of blood. I anxiously nibbled round my nails as the doubt in my stomach started to grow.
“Nasty habit,” Veronica said, and I suddenly realized what I was doing and quickly balled my hands in my fist.
“Maybe she’s right though,” I whispered quietly as Veronica headed to the door.
“Maybe it is dangerous for me to -”
Veronica waved her hand impatiently, cutting me off. “Listen, dear, they’re all just slow with trusting you. It’s something everyone has to face. Even me.”
“Do you trust me?” I asked her, a little bemused; she hasn’t known me for that long at all but just by looking at me she reads me like a book.
Veronica smiled. “I trust you. But not everyone’s at that point yet.”
Yet, I thought sourly. Whenever Yet is.
The Mundy streets were noisy as anything. People pushed past, elbowed past, walked quickly, swinging their heavy shopping bags. One Mundy bashed her bag right into my ribs, and despite it didn’t hurt that much, a small piece of ember spat out of my fingertip and onto the pavement before I could stop it. My eyes widened in terror.
“Relax, Lehava,” Veronica whispered in my ear. “It’s only down the road.”
There was a CLOSED sign on Cinderella’s shoe store. Veronica pushed open the door whilst I followed, looking at all the different coloured shoes. There was a pair of shiny silver high heels on display. I reached out to lightly touch them.
“Are they real glass?” I asked Veronica.
“Maybe,” she replied, but she wasn’t paying attention. Her face was suddenly creased. It made her look a whole lot older than she looked. I dared cheekily point this out, but Veronica wasn’t listening. She marched up to the empty counter and drummed her long pointy nails impatiently on the desk.
“Um, Lehava?” Veronica called to me after a few minutes, and I sheepishly kicked off some red heels I was trying on. “Why don’t you - uh, go wait outside quickly? Maybe have a wander down the streets? I’ll be waiting here a while. But don’t go too far, okay?”
“Oh, uh,” I said, blinking a bit. “Okay.”
I could see that Veronica was going to be waiting there for ages, so I decided to take a huge risk and have a walk down the shopping centre. I tried not to flinch and explode when people barged past and accidentally elbowed me. I was only nervous because there were so many people around - and they were near me.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe I should -
“Watch out!”
Something hard suddenly smacked hard into my head, knocking the wind out of me. It took me by such surprise that I stumbled, my feet almost scalding the pavement. I breathed deeply, trying to keep under control. There are mundies around, Lehava …
“Hey! Pass it back!”
Some mundies were waving and shouting at me in the crowd. I looked down at the football at my feet. Reaching down, I touched it tentatively - and pulled my hand back quickly when a small burn appeared on the ball.
The mundies came over; two boys and a girl, all looked around my age. The girl reached down and picked up the ball. Then she winced, immediately dropping it.
“Ow! That’s boiling!”
I swallowed. The two boys laugh.
“Honestly, Kate,” said one of them, picking it back up with no second thoughts. The heat must’ve quickly died down because he showed no signs of pain whatsoever.
They turned to look at me.
“Hey. Who are you?”
I cleared my dry throat. “Lehava,” I stammered, stepping away from them a bit just in case.
“I’ve never met a Lehava before,” said Kate, stepping towards me. She held out her hand. “I’m Kate.”
I bit my lip, not knowing what to do. She only wanted me to politely shake her hand - but I was all too aware that my hand was still cooling down. There were a few seconds of awkward silence.
Then to my relief, one of the boys laughed and smacked her hand away. “How formal is that, Kate?” he said, shaking his head. “I’m Toby, by the way. And that’s Ben.” Ben nodded at me.
I managed a tiny smile.
“So where do you live?” Kate asked. “I mean, we’ve never seen you around before-”
“A bit personal, isn’t it, Kate?” Toby sighed. “Especially as she’s only just met us.”
“I live in the Woodlands,” I said. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I suddenly froze. Shit. I don’t think I was supposed to say that.
“Cool,” said Kate. “We live over there.” She pointed in the distance. “How old are you?”
All these questions. “Um, eleven.”
“Same age as us then,” Ben grinned. “Welcome to the group, Lehava.”
“What does that mean?” I asked.
They laughed. “It means you’re our friend,” Kate chuckled.
I was a little baffled. Baffled … but pleased. The word friend sent a warm glow to my stomach.
So this is what happy feels like, I thought.
“So do you wanna play footy with us?” Ben asked. “Though we are a bit crap.”
Despite I had no idea what that was, I opened my mouth eagerly to say yes - but suddenly remembered I had to get back to Veronica.
“Sorry …” I said sadly. “But I have to get back …”
They shrugged. “Okay then. We’ll catch you another time,” Kate said.
I watched them wistfully as they ran off laughing and kicking the ball to each other. Part of me really wanted to run after them and join in their fun - but I knew deep down that that wouldn’t be a good idea. I didn’t even think Fables were allowed to be friends with Mundies. At least, I knew I wouldn’t be.
Sighing, I went to peer through some more shops before heading back to Veronica. Particularly I liked the video game shops and the bookshops. I sighed, wishing I wasn’t so dangerous to go in. When I pulled away, my fingertips and breath made scalds on the window. Angrily, I scowled. Sometimes I wished I was a Mundy.
Well, you know what I'm going to say about this recent piece of your story. But I do have a question about your Fable (if you don't mind answering), doesn't Lehava have golden eyes? If so, I'm surprised her eyes didn't spook the Mundy kids away, unless she wasn't looking directly at them or something. :P
Really glad you're doing this, man. I'm personally ecstatic to see what Penny's part of the story will be like!
Really good Noir, loved it like always. You have until the end of tomorrow to post whatever thoughts you have left about your summer story. Do take your time, though, as I don't want to give you the impression that I'm rushing you. Besides, if your story does take longer to think up than expected - no biggie, you're listed for other awards.
Katie Porgie
Part 2
'The devil went down to Fabletown...'
Because I can.
Know this image has NOTHING to do with the story but why not add a little humor in the mix. 
"Trail mix, huh?"
Jersey dug his hand into the bag of mixed chocolates, nuts and various fruits and placed the handful of snack into his mouth. He didn't appear to be angry with my snack, like Jack had insisted a few minutes ago. As he finished chewing and closed up the bag, he sat back into his chair; his arms beneath his head and his eyes focused the entire time on me.
Jersey didn't terrify me. Since I could remember, he had been around me and my siblings. He and my father were very close; neither one of them could 'recal' how their friendship began or why they continued it. Something 'unacceptable' must have been the back story to their friendship; I never questioned it, though and left it at that. When I did, however, discover WHO he was, my curiosity got the best of me and like all children, I used it to my advantage.
Since grade school, I had gone to a normal 'mundy' school; that was the one thing I did agree was a wonderful trait my father passed down to me. Although I was a 'shape shifter' like my mother, the Fable inherited by my father helped conceal the urge to change at a moment's notice. My intelligence got me far and I recall in my History class during my seventh grade year, the discussion on the Jersey Devil. I nearly flew out of my seat and every essay, group discussion or book report in regards to him, all had a large 'A' in red. The teachers all assumed I was highly intelligent for my age; little did they know the Jersey Devil was currently parked outside waiting to pick me up.
Since the discovery, he has taken me out to the Pine Barrens were local authorities and town folks alike have 'spotted' him and captured his image on either photo or recording.
"Eh, mundies these days," he explained to me, while he flew through the trees. "They will believe anything they see nowadays. Can you BELIEVE they had a reward out for my capture? Like I'm going to let THAT happen!"
His apperance never frightened me; he looked like a road kill on the side of the road that had been there for weeks. His wings grew back and his antlers were always fun to decorate and play with. THAT look didn't scare me; his glamoured self at this moment, however, made me uneasy. He was silent and continued to look at me. 'Say something,' I thought. 'Anything. Please. Speak.'
Finally, I spoke; think he was waiting for me to answer his previous question. "You are not mad about it, right?"
"Did you make a mess?"
"No, but Jack said-"
"Jack is a fuckin' idiot sometimes and he's gettin on my last fuckin' nerves. The kid came in here one time, with a 44ounce cup of soda and you know what that buffon did? He was flirtin' with some blonde bimbo and when he went to stretch, or whatever the fuck he was doin,' he procceds to knock the same drink down and make a mess! I had fuckin' ants for days after that!"
He tossed the bag at me and while I placed it in my book bag, he continued to speak.
"A little trail mix ain't gonna kill me. Not like you dumped the fuckin' bag on the floor. Am I right?"
I was silent, as I found a small space located beside my binder a math book. Before I could close the bag, Jersey stuck his hand inside and pulled out the text book. He flipped through the various pages and looked at the areas marked in pink; I highlighted EVERY section I needed help with from Tim. That was about half the fucking page he was on alone. Jersey slammed the book shut and placed it on his desk. He took a seat in front of me. His eyes looked concerned and seem to be searching mine. For what, I have no idea.
"This why you are late, rabbit?"
"School gettin' to you, Katie? You know, I can cut your hours back. It won't affect your pay but-"
"Please. Don't. I...I need this money, Jersey. I really do."
I didn't want sympathy, or charity or someone stopping their lives to rescue poor little me. Learned that from my father; was it always a good thing to know? Not too sure. Was it the BEST trait and quality I could have learned from Georgie Porgie? Probably not. But that was one thing I DID respect from my father. He never accepted a handout, no matter how tough the situation got. I didn't want Jersey's help. Not like this, at least.
"Katie, I KNOW you need the money. If this is too much for you, I need you to tell me-"
"Its not too much, okay? I can't...I can't have you cutting corners and losing YOUR time just to assist me and my fucked up problems."
"So you have a fuckin' math test to do! Big fuckin' deal! Take the rest of the month off, study and go ace that test and-"
"NO! No, no, no, NO!"
Jersey did not flinch, even as I began to growl and show my fangs. Fuck. It had been months since my wolf came out. I tried to picture something different: baby animals, a quiet stream, Emily running into the wall. Anything to get my mind off the anger building inside. Heaven knows I was trying.
"Please, Jersey. I'm fine. I will get through this, graduate and call it good. Just, do me one favor-please have Jack grow up and participate in the 'real' world. Those wooden soilders he was messing with are old and very rare...."
Jersey leaned forward, grabbed my head and held it against his chest. I could smell his strong colonge plummeting into my nostrils; it was so intoxicating and as I inhaled, my mind began to drown in his smell. The fuck is wrong with you, I thought. Get it together, Katherine Ann Porgie! He's the fucking JERSEY DEVIL; the man that had a large part in you growing up and becoming who YOU are!
"Relax, Georgie. It will be fine."
He chuckled, as I tried to smile. Yeah. Georgie. Couldn't ignore it. Can only do that for so long.
"I will talk to him. Right now I'm talking to YOU! Have you been wearing that relic I gave you?"
When I was thirteen, Jersey gave me a very old and ancient relic. A witch pawned it years ago and it was supposed to give the individual wearing it strength and agility. It was a silver necklace with a deer symbol in the middle and a hook below it. Attatched to the hook, was a wolf's tooth, a deer antler and rabbit fur. Story goes, the wolf's tooth gave you speech, deer antler gave you agility and the rabbit fur allowed you luck and protection. Must have lost its powers years ago, though. Damn thing never worked on me. I'd carry around just to humor Jersey.
"Yes. Its in my bag."
"Are you wearing it?"
That was a lie; I stopped wearing it three years ago but he didn't have to know that. Jersey sighed and gave me a friendly smile.
"You have school today?"
"Go ahead and study. Leave early. This will not dock your pay or any of that fuckin' shit, okay? GO STUDY!"
I wrapped my arms around the Jersey Devil and gave him a rather large constricting hug; he was beaming, as I released my grip, gathered my belongings and thanked him. As I turned to leave, however, he was spraying his office again. He grabbed a can of carpet freashner and sprayed every inch, especially where I sat. I walked out the door; my feelings were devestated and the sting only worsened, the more I thought about it. I didn't even hear Jack call my name. Yeah. More salt to the wounds.
"HEY! How come she gets to leave early?"
"She has school you fuckin' dipshit! Now get back to work or I swear, I will hang you upside down by your fuckin' toes and leave you there for the birds!"
I was already heading to the bus stop when the urge to cry showed its ugly head. 'Keep it together, girl,' I thought, trying to focus on something else. 'You are a Porgie...act like one. He's always done this....always....'
By the time I reached the library, my eyes were puffy and swollen. When Tim saw me, I know he would have questions to ask and not all of them about math.
Fuck. It was going to be a long day.
Wow....yeah! I need to catch up then! XD
Thanks for the info btw!
Agree with Dragon. Glad you decided to do something with the kids.
I'm actually looking forward to not only Emily but Peter and even Junior as well. You know what....all of them!!!!
I have a question to ask. Shut me up if you do not wish to answer.
I'm starting to understand something. Georgie never told his kids about ANYTHING he went through back at the homelands, did he? I'm guessing the kids only know WHAT Fabletown remembers. Seems like some of the kids shrug it off, while the others take it to heart. That's just a hunch.
Now, this whole smell with Jersey-WHAT is going on there, Pie?! Poor thing! Feel bad for the girl! Can't wait to read the rest of Katie's story! This WAS a good idea! Keep going with it! Now you have my curiosity!
Okay. I was just wondering. I'm a freaking HUGE fan of Gren and Carla now, thanks to you! I know she is a fan made character but I love them together!
That is what I thought! There is MAJOR sexual tension between them! Can't wait to see where this goes! MORE!!!
Well, good. Glad you and everyone else reading is enjoying it. I too, have a soft spot for the Grendel and the mundy.
Now, the sexual tension...NOT sure if we are there yet. They care for eachother, yes and there is a connection but we are not quite there just yet.
Well, without going into too much, Georgie did it for a reason. Sadly, people will believe almost everything they hear, including those you love. The kids have no idea. They don't know, which causes confusion.
Now the smell thing, I'm sure you have some ideas about it. It will make sense, once I get more into the story.
You really nailed the dialogue in this, it seemed very natural. As for your picture at the beginning, it's par excellence!
Another compelling part. I've pretty much ran out of praising adjectives at the moment, so I'm going to be honest and say that it had me gripped from beginning to end! And I do not grip easily. xD
Thanks, dude
Like always, pleased to hear it
I wanted to ask you about the time limit, as while I've decided the rest of the story, it's taking me a while to get it written, and I'd like to make it award-worthy even if it's too late for an award, if you see what I mean? I might get it finished in time.
Here is part 4, I think, of my Fable Vacation tale. I'm quite certain the whole thing isn't going to be completed by the end of the day, however if Dragon permits it I will finish it off over the next few days, and forfeit the awards. Hope it's a fine read
Another awakening in a floating tent-lodge, another morning in Cambodia. This morning had the benefit of not being disturbed by Jack's loud shouting, though gibbons boisterously calling to each other could be heard, along with yelping deer.
All were soon breakfasted and ready for the day ahead, which they planned to spend riding on a boat to the nearby waterfall; Colin, however decided he wished to go with them, and Bufkin, having a strange aversion to fast flowing water, didn't want to be left alone. Jack, therefore, agreed to take Bufkin with him in a kayak and go somewhere else, while the others went on a tour. This, it was unanimously agreed, was very kind of Jack.
Before they set off, Mr Weasel knew he would be in need of another glamour. He had packed many, keenly aware that being without one and turning into his true, weasel-y self would not make things particularly easy for any concerned. Which was all five of them. As he removes from a bottom drawer the bag in which he packed them, and opens it, he fancies that something isn't quite right. It would seem that for every one glamour tube he takes out, another is removed. He lays them all out on his bed and counts each one, knowing precisely how many he brought with him, and how many he's used. Sure enough, there are twice the amount missing than there should be. Where were they going?
The most logical explanation was that either Bufkin or Colin was taking them, however under scrutiny that seemed unlikely, as they'd never regularly glamoured themselves in the past. Weasel didn't reckon they'd start doing so now. Still, who else could it be? Rose and Jack didn't need glamour.
He decided to tentatively ask Bufkin about it before they all set out, as the monkey had been acting a little unusual lately. Mr Weasel proceeds to top up his glamour, not wishing to revert to his normal state and change back again, and then puts the bag with the glamours in back into the draw; he also plucks one of his hairs and sticks it securely inside the front of the draw rollers. That way, he thinks, if the hair moves he'll have sure proof that someone is taking the glamours, and he can rule out any of his companions if it takes place while they're gone.
Mr Weasel mentions to Bufkin, before they get on their water vessels, whether or not he has ever considered glamouring of late. Keenly observing the monkey's response, Weasel is certain that the monkey knows nothing of the missing supplies, and is stumped as to what could be happening. However, with another day of adventure ahead of him, he puts it to the back of his mind, and gives Bufkin his camera.
"You know," says Colin, as he, Rose and Weasel meander downstream on a wooden long-boat, powered by a surprisingly hushed outboard motor, "I'm quite enjoying this." (The keen reader might note Colin's remark and wonder how the Mundy pilot of the boat can miss - once again - a talking pig. This is because it is Mr Weasel who pilots the boat - weasels have many as-of-yet undiscovered talents - and there are no Mundies with them.)
"I'm glad to hear it," Weasel responds with sincerity.
"You can see over the side okay?" Asks Rose.
"I'm taller than I look, you know." The pig gives a wink.
Rose and Colin lean over the side of the slow moving boat, entertained by the wildlife on display. Turtles swim in rhythmic lunges; where the water's clear, fish weave in and out of swaying reeds, some flashing colour as they pass, others being noticeable simply for their enormous size. Oddly, a familiar green light breaks through the murky depths, its source somewhere below them, when suddenly: There! Rose spies an Irrawady dolphin, it's grey nose and back shining as it breaks the water surface. At the same time, three purple sunbirds fly over-head, their iridescent coats dazzling in the sunlight, and the the light is forgotten.
"I wonder how everyone's getting on back home," Weasel pontificates aloud.
"Ahh, who cares," Replies Rose. "You gotta live in the moment, Weasel. Don't worry about things you can't know." This wasn't the reply Weasel had expected, causing him to pause and consider the seemingly enlightened response. It was Colin, therefore, who next spoke.
"I hope Bigby's doing okay; I left him a note to water my plant."
"You have a plant?" Rose asks.
"Yeah. I'm the pig who built his house out of straw, remember? I like the freshness they bring to a place."
"Fair enough."
Now to New York, in the night-time.
"Yeah, Snow. Sure. Don't worry, I'll get it all done." Bigby closes his apartment door behind him with deliberate softness, resisting the urge to slam it.
"Pff. Summer with Snow White - it's just all work! You'd think she'd mellow in the heat, or something." He mumbles, making his way over to the fridge, which hums loudly in the corner, as if pleased at it's efforts to deny the hot temperature access to it's valuables. Which in this fridge's case, would be beer.
The door is opened and yellow light shines on Bigby's features. He reaches for the cool glass bottle, the condensation moistening his hard, leathery hands. "Haven't had chance for one of these in days - hang on. What's this." An orange post-it note is stuck, with tape, on the side of the bottle. 'Water plant, please - Colin' it reads, in something of a scrawl.
"Uh-oh." Bigby walks quickly to the living room - beer in hand - and inspects the plant on the window-ledge. Even though the only source of illuminating light enters from outside the window, things do not look good for the plant. Wilted and browning is a simple description that saves all heart-ache, for the poor thing has suffered in the hot weather.
"Oh great. Now what am I going to do?" Bigby wonders, stroking his chin. Then: "and why the hell am I talking to myself!?"
And back to Cambodia, in the day-time.
"Something tells me he might forget, though," shares Colin.
"Do what Rose said," Weasel says, "and don't worry about it."
"Since when did you two become hippies?"
"It's not that." Rose responds. "It's just that this country has a certain effect."
And here the trio become unusually philosophical about many things, and we leave them to do so. After a while they will reach a waterfall, and have a charming day by it.
___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________
It is pleasing to say that Jack and Bufkin, who ventured up-river in a kayak, also had an enjoyable day. After going for about 30 minutes, they came across a river-side village, and decided to have a look around. Due to moments of heavy rain, they conceived to hide Bufkin's wings by dressing him in a makeshift rain coat, and claiming him to be a whim of a pet. They are, for the most part, successful in this ruse.
The locals are entirely accommodating, showing Jack and his momentary-pet monkey around their village. No anthropologist is this foreigner, yet he shows an interest, and is refreshed with sweet iced coffee.
Bufkin, meanwhile, snaps plenty of pictures for Mr Weasel, and is thrilled that his ability to properly wield a camera should delight the locals.
It is towards the end of the day that this tale takes a new turn; an unexpected direction, if you will. Things become afoot.
Rose Red, Colin, and Mr Weasel return to the tent-lodges after a day spent on, or next to, the river upon which said accommodation floats. Not long after, Jack Horner and Bufkin - Business Office assistant extraordinaire - also return from a day spent kayaking, and spending time with local Cambodians.
Three decide to take their evening meal in the restaurant, who should look normal doing so; two are to have theirs in their room. The three, after their meal, decide to take an evening stroll and marvel one final time at this place that is so full of life, as tomorrow they will move to somewhere new. The two are informed of this, and are untroubled by it.
When the three return from their stroll, during which Weasel is pelted with branches by an inexplicably irked macaque - perhaps it could sense past his glamour? - Rose retires to her tent-lodge. There she finds the two missing. Strange, she considers, for it is late, and they are normally sleeping by now. She goes and inquires with the Fables next door, to see if Colin and Bufkin are snoozing there; they are not, and this causes Rose worry.
"It's not like them to go off, not when it's getting this dark." For the light was rapidly fading.
"Colin probably fancied something more to eat and Bufkin's gone with him to make sure he doesn't get caught," Mr Weasel tries to assure her.
"Give it ten minutes or so," Jack says.
Fifteen minutes later and there is still no sign.
"Maybe they left a note?" Suggests Weasel.
"I looked." Rose replies.
"Sure you didn't miss anywhere?" Questions Jack.
"Yes! Though I'll look again seeing as you two are no help."
"Would you be happy if me and Weasel look around?" Jack puts forward, him and Weasel both beginning to become nervous in response to Rose's concern.
"Yes! Go do that." The two hurry off, and Rose searches her room.
There is nothing on the table, naught on the draws; no paper rests on the top of the wardrobe. Then, exasperation setting in, she notices a piece of paper sticking out from behind the frilly cushion to which Colin took a dislike. Moving over and unfolding the smooth white paper, writing of the most hard to discern lies on the surface, along with black ink in blotches and seeps where the pen has clearly been used with difficulty.
"Yove... Yive ... gone... ...Have gone!" Rose attempts to read the note, not without difficulty. After trying a moment longer she goes to find the two searches, and locates them further down the walkway, staring into the water.
"We've had a thought," says Weasel. "They might have gone into the water. You know how Colin gets after a drink. Bufkin might have gone in after him, or something."
"You're wrong," Rose responds.
"Really?" Asks Weasel, looking pleased that his pink and green friends are not lying in the water.
"Here." Rose thrusts the note in front of Mr Weasel's face, and Jack has a go at reading it over his shoulder.
"Fovc... Yilve..."
"It says 'have'!" Rose informs him. "Have gone!"
"To Liem Reop? No!" Cries Weasel. "To Siem Reap!"
"That's where we were planning on going next!" answers Jack. "They haven't gone ahead without us, have they?"
"I don't think so, look." Rose takes back the note. "There's more writing."
The three spend ten minutes deciphering the words, during which they have to retreat to Rose's room, such does the dark become so very dark. Finally, they figure most of it out:
'Have gone to Sieam Reap with Colin. Pczah. P.S. have taken the monkey.'
"What's that 'Pczah' bit?" Wonders Jack.
"Might be a Russian name," puts forward Weasel.
"I don't care right now," responds Rose. "Some bastard's stolen Colin and Bufkin, and I'm not going to sit around and let them get away with it!"
"We can't do anything till morning, though," Weasel informs. "We won't be able to take a boat at this hour."
Rose, angry in both appearance and manner, simply responds, "fine. Just make sure you're both ready to go first thing." And ready to go they will be.
As the trio pack their things and prepare for an early start in the morning, Bufkin and Colin can be found travelling through the darkness to Siem Reap. They are on the back of a pick-up; Colin is lying down, asleep, dreaming pleasing dreams of a comfortable tropical tree house. Bufkin, meanwhile, sits on the side of that snoozing pig, happily munching on a banana.
We went from having a good time to Colin and Bufkin getting taken away! 0.0 Nice!
This is getting very good and with such suspense! Can't wait to read more. The pics by the way, besides the description, really paints an image.
Their actually more of an amber with a slight hint of gold and brown
Nice, Colin now has a dead plant - thanks to Biggs.
Btw, you are allowed to proceed in posting the rest of your story, as I am eager to see what's next. You should totally make Rose go all Rambo in the jungle too. XD
Very nice! Amber is a great choice for Lehava's eye color, she-wolf.
Whenever you add in transformation scenes, it always tenses me up to see whether or not they're going to turn. It is good that Katie hasn't given in to her wolf side.
Look at dat monkey ;]
Trouble just seems to always follow Fables - and Folkers - around.
I'm pleased it's proving gripping - it means a lot coming from a writer such as yourself! And yeah, I figure that the pictures help the descriptions, because if I start trying to describe some specific aspect of the trees, for example, you know what the trees generally look like in the first place.
You can leave him to watch over a town, yet he cannot be trusted with any sort of shrubbery :P Thanks for the green light, and Rambo Rose - which, incidentally, works as a great name - could totally get away with having a whole comic series to herself. Probably.
I do the same when I throw them in. She has learned to 'control' that side. She kinda hates it at times. It will be explained, like everything else. 
Yeah, Bufkin surprised it xD
Haha so I was thinking about Jack's family tree (Since if you've read all the comics, you would find out more about everyone's family ties and what not) And I remembered that Jack's father was Prince Charming (Way before he left the homelands, he traveled around and met the lady who was jack's mom...so yeah)
After I remembered that, I realized that Jack is Harmony's brother then. Well, half-brother. Which would make Mary's baby Harmony's niece/nephew(s) (Haha, yeah. Who knows if I'll make her have multiples. Literally anything can be possible at this point. I'm still deciding on it.)
Anywho, I thought you'd all get a kick out of that.
Wow, that's some unexpected relatives. Does Harmony know her relation to Mary's child/ren yet, or will you introduce it?
If you consider adding such a scene, I would definitely approve. I can picture it now... Rose Red dual-wielding submachine guns whilst swinging from a vine, inevitably shooting at the captors of Bufkin and Colin.
Head band flapping in the wind and glinting knife clamped between her teeth. This stuff writes itself!
scribbles over plot notes and starts drawing guns in the margins
I think we're onto something here.
I shall wait patiently, all while I bottle up my excitement inside.
I will most likely introduce it. God, she's got more relatives than I can keep track of.
Another beautifully written tale
I hope Bufkin and Colin are okay.
Shit guys, I just realized that today was the last day of June. I honestly thought that Tuesday would be the last day, well, I should be posting the F.S.A. sometime soon then.
Sounds good. Can't wait to see them.
It is posted!
Katie Porgie
Part 3
NOTE: Damn! It didn't post for some reason, so, here we go again. -.-;
'Dancing with danger'
"Katie. You okay?"
I sat there twirling my pencil around. The thought was still flooding my thoughts and images. All I could see was Jersey bringing out the bottle of spray and covering his surroundings with the smell of Dasiy and Sandlewood. Why did this bother me so much? I was nearly falling out of my seat; my teeth grinding against my head, my heart pounding against my chest.
The disturbing feeling deep inside was brewing again. I could feel the anger fluttering about like caged butterflies in a child's room. I cringed in my seat; my hands wrapped firmly around the pencil now and my breathe becoming short. Tim's face said enough; the color in my face was flushed and my palms became clamy. The thought of changing was deep inside. Calm down. Just, stop. 'Why does this bother you, Katie,' I thought to myself. 'Calm. Down. Now.'
I began counting. 1. 2. 3....10. When I finished, the process repeated. Tim sat quietly and patiently waited. He was beaming; God how annoying are you right now. I can lunge across this table and you wouldn't have a single chance to escape the ravenous beast inside. You'd be a pile of blood and hair before you could even stand up.
"Tim. Hey..."
I was finally down to earth once more. This poor guy, I thought. Tim was always so kind and caring towards me. Think he kind of understands the situation. He was a great friend and 'crutch' to me. We dated two years ago. Don't get me wrong; it was wonderful and care free but we soon came to an agreement we were better off as friends. Since then, he's always been there.
"Katie. Are you okay? You don't look so good..."
"I uh. Yeah. Sorry. Long night. And this test...its been-hard."
"Well. That is the thing, Katie. YOU know this stuff. I've seen the grades; seen the comments and discussions the professor left on your tests. Since when did Calculus give you so many problems?"
I was now doodling along the edges of the study guide. I drew flowers, stick figure birds and a tiny cat on each corner. Tim's eyes were focused on the paper; he looked concerned and soon, reached a hand out. He took the pencil from my hand. 'Really,' I thought to myself. 'Can't you just leave it alone, Tim?'
"You need to talk, Katie? C'mon. What is going on?"
"Nothing, Tim. Just. Nothing. Let's get this started."
I opened my text book and pointed the areas needed for 'improvement.' He scanned the text and problems. Soon, he was looking over at me. He didn't seemed determined of my situation; I think he could see past the bullshit.
"Katie. You KNOW this stuff. Maybe your way of solving the equation is different but...what is giving you so many problems?"
I had to think of an excuse and quick. Tired. Angry. Uh...overwhelmed. Yeah. That works.
"Its just been...a long day. Work and school. Guess maybe I lost all information this week."
"Ask Jersey for some time off. I've heard him offer it to you. Maybe you can take it and-"
"NO! No, no, NO!"
Before long, students surrounding our table were looking over in my direction. The librarian looked over at me; she lowered her glasses to get a better look at the 'wild' child sitting in her building. Tim's eyes were wide and bewildered; he was trying to cover our conversation with the book bags.
"Katie. What has gotten into you? You show up like you've been crying. You deny that. Then, you scream and shout. What is going on?"
"I told you, Tim. Just...a lot. And no. I will not ask Jersey for time off. Jack-"
"DOES NOT need a babysitter, Katie! You are there for JERSEY, not him. I've seen the way he looks at you, Katie. Don't think time off would be an issue-"
"Wait-what do you mean he-"
"Promise me you will at least sit down with him, okay?"
I leaned back into my seat and sighed. Tim looked so pathetic. Uh, God. Really? Just...stop looking at me like a scared little kid that just lost their goldfish. 'You are a Porgie,' I whispered to myself. 'Be strong. Don't you cry...'
I sighed and simply smiled at Tim. "Sure. I will sit down with him later on."
Tim looked befuddled at my answer. The hell did I do now, I thought. He tried to clear his throat; he furiously grabbed his bag and began digging inside the dark compartment. He was trying to either look for something or avoid me. I think the second was the choice. Ding ding! We have a winner.
"You work tonight, Katie?"
"Uh, no. I go in tomorrow at the same time. Why?"
"You just said...uh. Nothing. Forget it. Hey. You in the mood for some food before class? Hear they opened the new cafeteria on campus. Supposed to be so much better in food quality..."
He carefully stood up and slowly cleaned his area. Confused and afraid to ask, I too did the same thing. He refused to make eye contact with me the entire time we cleaned up. As I bent down to pick up my book, the relic fell out of my pocket and landed with a thud on the table. Tim's eyes were broad and startled, as he continued to look at the relic. I quickly picked it up and shoved it into the bag.
"What? Hello? Tim?!"
"You..you DO have it...when, when did you-"
"What? Tim, you are making no sense! What the fuck are you saying? I hate when you mumble, Tim!"
"The legend is true then...."
"What the hell are you-"
Tim quickly changed the subject. "I'm in the mood for some burgers and fries. You like animal style? Hear its the best ingredient to ANY food here on campus."
He tried his hardest to move away from me; think he could sense the frustration in my voice. I sighed loudly and insisted on assisting him. Last thing I needed was Tim falling...or even worse. Hurting himself in front of so many people. He was smiling at me; guess it wasn't too bad. I'd ask him later what that was back there. But for now, my stomach began to rumble and with the librarian looking at me, assume she could hear it as well.
We finished eating our lunch and soon, we both sat in the classroom ready to slave away for the next two hours. Indeed, the information before me were things that came naturally to me. I answered each question with the best of my knowledge. Fuck. Tim was right. I DID know all of this. Why did I act so defensless then?
When I finished, I stood outside waiting for Tim. While waiting, my phone began to vibrate. It was Jack. I ignored it real quick; was not in the mood for his stupid ass right now. A few seconds later, a picture message appeared and when I opened it, there he stood with a rose and box of chocolates. 'Date with me 2nite' was all it said. 'Really,' I said, as I deleted the photo. 'I said NO!'
As I placed my phone inside my pocket, there he was. Malcom. He looked so exhausted and alone. Since his banishment from 'that side,' he had been staying with my grandparents. Guess he had fallen on hard times; my papa took pity on the old wolf, I guess. Or, perhaps he felt the need to do it. Not too sure. In his hand, however, he held a flyer from my sister's club, the Pudding & Pie. Why was he going there? Stress. Yeah. Why else would he go there. Hell, I would too, if that was me.
Tim grabbed my arm, just as I watched him enter the bus and drive away.
"Come on, you! Let's go get a milkshake and celebrate our test taking. Hopefully I passed. It seemed too easy! How do you think you did, Katie?"
I was too focused on Jersey once more. Did I smell bad? Was it offending him? Was he just being an ass?
"Rabbit-" Whoa...that brought me back. I looked at Tim; he was currently smiling and laughing.
"That ALL I need to do to get your attention?"
He continued to laugh, as we walked down the street and towards a Sonic. Fuck, man. I needed an Oreo splendid cookie crumble now.
Rabbit. Fucking Jersey.
Up next: Emily Porgie
Hope you enjoyed this section.
oh wow! That is a lot of information you could use to your advantage. Can't wait to see how this plays out in the end.
Uh! I just missed you!
I loved this, Pie!!! More! Think Tim knows something...
Can't wait for Emily!