Is anyone else mildly irritated that Bigby was visually upgraded from the comics?
Part of Bigby's lady problems from the comics is that he's just not a very good-looking guy.
Apparently they had to make him a more handsome ladies man for the game.
I mean, come on, do game developers think less people will be able to relate to Bigby if he looks as miserable as he acts most of the time?
And as far as I can tell, he's the only character they did this to. Snow and Beauty, for instance, are substantially less attractive in the game than in the comic. That may be arguable, though.
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Well TWAU takes place 20 years before the comics so it makes sense to make him look younger.
Yeah, but these guys are hundreds of years old. Would they really start to show visible wrinkles in a mere 20 years? And why don't the girls look any older?
Doesn't really make sense.
Yeah, none of them age beyond their storied age. Pinocchio is still a child after hundreds of years, for instance. The only ones in Fabletown who age are those born in Fabletown.
Yeah your right sorry. But Bigby in a trench coat looks insanely old compared to bigby wearing his regular dress shirt. Just something I noticed.
Okay that makes more sense. Sorry I didn't know :P
I guess Bigby does look better in the game. Still, the way he looks in the comics may vary from time to time. I also agree that Beauty looks far better in the comics, but I prefer her personality in the game by far.
I also like how Bigby barely changed his clothes in twenty years after the events of the game:).
His appearance does vary from time to time depending on the penciler. Once in a great while a penciler will make him half-way decent looking. But it's really a part of his identity that he's not an attractive guy and that he acknowledges it.
No, that doesnt bother me at all, and yes, I do think you have to visually make the main characters somewhat appealing to attract fans. I dont think there's anything wrong with that. It took me awhile to get used to the way Bigby's drawn too. I really didnt like it at first. His face can look kind of punched in.
Guys , Bigby is not that handsome compared to prince Charming or other highborn (etc) . Other than that , he is a normal looking guy as far as I can tell . He never had any reason to care for his looks anyway . He didnt shave , he didnt wear fancy clothes . Even in the comics the one time that he does shave and wear nice clothes (i won't spoil the momment cause its a pretty big one) he looks nice tbh .
I noticed he's drawn without a mouth sometimes
You never really see his whole face once he's cleaned up and shaved. And he still looks pretty rough, in my opinion.
If you fill in his eyes with a shadow to the point where you cant see them there really isn't a difference.
They changed his appearance to appeal to Solid Snake fans. Put a bandana on him and the resemblance is unmistakeable.
Wolf? WOOOLF??
Oh come on, that just because of the artist.
But Buffkin and his girlfriend grown old
She was a Barleycorn Bride, right?
And maybe Buffkin was able to grow old because he was back in Oz where he came from. I'm not sure.
I am familiar with the comics, and I appreciate the choices that Telltale made when making A Wolf Among Us.
The telltale character looks healthier, in my opinion. Considering Bibgy's true nature as a giant wolf demigod it seems more appropriate to me. I think the later illustrations of Bigby in the comic books look quite similar as well.
Or just because the author :-|
The characters look alot better then the comics. Bigyb looks out of shape and not as threatening in the comics imo.
Differences? In the game, his hair is stiff and his clothes are tight. Tight clothes and stiff hair make it way easier to animate as far as 3D goes. Perhaps some of his "scruffiness" is lost because he appears neater because his hair and clothes aren't all over the place. Other than that I'd say they're pretty close in looks especially considering there's a lot of different styles the comics use.
Nah, it's just a different artist and a different art style. I don't ever recall them saying that Bigby is regarded as particularly unattractive, he's just more rugged and rough around the edges. Not a pretty boy like Charming or whatever. Anyway, I think that while he was obviously made to be rather attractive for the game, his look still works. If someone said that this game was about Fables and showed me that character, I'd know instantly that it was Bigby (medium brown hair, stubble, scowl, ever present cigarette, lol). So the little details are all there.
He looks different in the comics depending on the artist drawing him as well. To me, Telltale's Bigby looks similar to how he's drawn in the comics sometimes. It's just that Buckingham, who's the regular artist, tends to draw him as a bit gruffer and older. Same thing for the girls. Some artists draw them as pretty in a down to earth way, others draw them as pin-up pretty. Of course different artists will have different interpretations of the characters.
Still recognizable to me.
My favorite shape of him is when he climbing the beanstalk and afraid of heights,his facial expression is so cute lol
Haha, I know. I was laughing out loud when I read that part.
You have to sell game, if his face was like in the comics in Steam promotion pictures, I wouldn't have bought TWAU.
Here is another artist's interpretation (also shows Flycatcher and Bufkin). Obviously, the style is much more "cartoony," but all of the hallmarks of Bigby's look are there. Medium-length brown hair, stubble, scowl, cigarette, and in this case you see the shirt and tie too. Artists just play within the boundaries of the characters' basic looks and each one makes Bigby his or her own.
Oh,and when Ghost told Snow that he had "lovey stuff" with Sarah. XD
His "second werewolf form"is not as cool as the comic :-S
LOL. Not a fan of this style.
Yeah, I like the other styles better.
This one was just a little side story done by a different artist, though.
I do think Bigby in the comic cleans up well. In the one or two occasions when he had to get really dressed up, he looked good.
He does.
At that time I shouted "who's this guy!?where is Bigby!?Does Snow married to someone else!?"in my head
Only his beard hints that he might still have one.
And the explanation of no stubble is that he shaved 10 seconds before the wedding.
Pinocchio is still a child because the witch took his wish too seriously
He looks like X-Men Evolution' version of Wolverine.
Or super squinty eyes.
I was looking at the relevant differences without factoring in comic book and video game differences. Sure the colors are more saturated, hair looks more free, and his collar is larger but Telltale uses different proportions and textures. His facial hair is longer in the comics but it isn't long enough to really be a beard but at the same time telltale cant bring that same detail otherwise it would appear like a full beard so they had to trim it to give it the same representation as the comics. To be honest, I wish they would have kept the shadow in his eyes.
Those are pictures from earlier issues, I think. His appearance (as well as the art style between issues) is not 100% constant.
The first picture I posted was from an earlier issue (one of the first ones). Buckingham became the regular artist after that, and he draws him a particular way. Grizzled, older. That's one of the pics that the OP posted. But a lot of artists have drawn him and I agree that he changes a lot. I do like the look that Telltale gave him.
I really liked the way he looked in Werewolves of the Heartland (second pic).
Actually Telltale's Bigby reminds me of him in that story, as well as reminding me of how he looked in the very beginning of the comics.