Drat, I did mean chapter 9. It's still good without Tez speaking, as it produces tension, because what happened to him after the diner has only be referenced so far, and we can only guess what happened by what Snow went through.
I believe you mean chapter 9, and that was because he was sleeping peacefully after Swineheart gave him some pills and stuff! ;P I promise t… moreo make Tez have plentiful dialogue in the next few chapters, since I'm aware I haven't really been making him say anything in the recent installments.
Georgie Porgie Junior
Part 3
Happy Porging
After I finished shaving, picking out my outfit and contacting my parents, I was ready t… moreo go. The only problem was this-who would watch the kids while I was gone?
"No, its fine, Snow. i don't need you guys to handle anymore than you can."
"Junior, we have dealt with worse before..."
"Yeah well, Peter would kill me if he found out I-"
"Is he still upset? I saw him earlier with Winter..."
"I...I have no idea. I haven't had a chance to call him. He should be there tonight."
"Well, if you do change your mind, call me back."
After I hung up the phone, I took a second to try and think. Who else would be able and willing to watch two demon spawn children? Sheila alone was a hassle and required a lot of patience and love. My parents wouldn't mind but I really needed time away from the kids.
"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." The mirror began to… [view original content]
I guess this is kind of cheating, but I just started a fanfic with several Fables based on real stories, along with a yet to be revealed Fable. Check it out: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10522037/1/The-Heart-Made-of-Clay
Very good, man, very good indeed. The second part was tense! I also remember how the both of them had small talk in that concert when Clay first met her, amazing!
Tezoth is back! (well, kind of) You can view my last chapter of his story back on page 18 of this thread.
Chapter 8: Sudden Awakening
… more 7:09 P.M. - among the hallways of the Woodlands:
"Listen, Snow, are you going to be alright? I mean, with the whole Crooked Man situation we're dealing with here, and--" Bigby felt a growl leave his throat. "--Bloody Mary."
Snow sighed. "Don't worry about me, Sheriff, I'll be fine. I'm just exhausted with all that has been going on, especially when yesterday's 'predicament' happened." She looked at him with kind eyes. "I'm going to turn in for the night, okay? We'll discuss the matter tomorrow."
"Sounds good, Snow." Bigby inhaled the last of his cigarette, throwing it the floor. She couldn't help but be annoyed at the way he still stuck with that habit of his, but, she simply ignored the matter and motioned toward the elevators.
Bigby did the same too - he pressed the buttons to the two eleva… [view original content]
Final Porgie child to introduce. After all of them had their moment to give you a 'taste' into their lives, I will begin the next installment but combine all six into one action packed adventure. I will have Katie narrate the story for the next saga, as you may call it. If there is any confusion OR questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you and enjoy.
Ethan Porgie
Part 1
'All things that glitter and shine'
Dear Diary: Wow, its Monday already. Do not know where the time goes anymore. Seems like the older I get, the shorter my days are. Maybe that's a good thing to some but to me, its a waste. I'm actually in the dressing room right now at the Pudding & Pie, TRYING to get everything neat and prepared for tonight. Emily is allowing me to finally dance on stage and prove to her I can do it. Is it weird that my boss is my older sister? I'd rather have it that way. My last boss was a total dick and a pervert...well, my sister can be that way but at least I know she is safe and I can trust her. At least, I HOPE I can....
I sat in my room, staring outside the window, when I heard a loud crash and several people screaming. I could only imagine what happened, so I placed my pen down and ran out into the lounge. Henry was trying his best to calm down the group of 'dancers' Emily was interviewing. Two of the girls seemed pale and confused, as one of the guys quickly dialed numbers into his phone. I watched as Hans Junior snatched the phone and toss it to the side.
"Everyone-Shut the fuck up and relax! Keep calm!"
I noticed one of the guys seemed familiar, like I had seen him previously in my lifetime. Henry continued to send people pput the door; it was like a rather large group of clowns trying to fit into a single vehicle. When he and Hans Junior succeeded in this rather entertaining attempt, they noticed me continuing to stand by the bar.
"Uh. What is going on? What happened here, Henry?"
"Don't worry about it, Ethan. We....we got it under control, Hans Junior and I-"
"Okay, I can see you both managed to steer the herd back out into the pasture but what made them act like that? For heaven sakes, those girls were screaming and that guy-"
"ETHAN! Shit, dude! Don't you know when to just stop and leave things the way they are?!"
Hans Junior tried to grab my arm and guide me back to the dressing room but despite his stature and my body weight was half of his, I managed to shove him to the side and walk up to Henry; he was backed into the corner and trying to sheild himself. I may have been small but I've been known to swing a fantastic punch or two.
"What do you want from me, Ethan? Shit, dude-we took care of it!"
"Where is my sister? Where is Emily?!"
Henry was silent and his eyes showed me the answer; they seemed heartbroken, devestated and sore. He reminded me of those children that lost their beloved pet and couldn't quite comprehend the meaning of 'life' and why things occured when they did. Again, I asked. "Henry...where is my sister?"
He simply pointed his finger in the direction of the bathroom. I released my grip around his neck and ventured towards the women's restroom. I flipped the switch and watched as the lights flickered. It was silent; I waled carefully towards the final stall and noticed her familiar black converse. She was not moving. I swung open the door and found her face down into the cold surface; there was vomit and what appeared to be blood surrounding her. I became flustered.
"HENRY! HENRY! Get me the first aid kit, now!" I felt for a sign of life; anything that would prove to me my sister was still alive. Then, the familiar man showed up; holy fucking shit, it was Malcom Crenshaw.
"Oh fuck, Emily! Emily, can you hear me?"
"She's out cold, Malcom. I can feel a faint heartbeat. What uh, what are you doing-"
"I uh, applied to be a dancer here, too."
"Huh. I see. You uh, get the position?"
"Yeah, I did. Start tonight...I think. Maybe its tomorrow...I don't know!"
Henry returned with the kit and I frantically searched for the Epinephrine shot. Henry knew exactly what I was looking for and within seconds, grabbed it from the bottom. Malcom, Junior and Henry watched, as I took off her shirt and found the exact location of her heart. Malcom's eyes widened, as he watched me mark the location.
"I have to do this, Malcom! Its going to help her lungs, the blood pressure and her heart to work properly again. She overdosed on Cocaine again....God fucking shit, Emily! What is your problem!?" I could feel the tears forming again; by me yelling at her motionless body, it almos tmade this current situation better. I loved my sister but she could be so selfish.
I took the needle and with one final prayer, I plunged the needle straight into her heart. We all stood back, as Emily awoke screaming, thrashing and trying to tear the needle from her chest. She backed up into the toliet; her eyes were sunk in, faded and appeared lost. She wiped the blood and vomit from her mouth, looked around and came to her senses. She peered at four grown men shivering and simply waiting.
"Emily...can you hear me? Its me, Hans Junior."
"I know who the fuck you are, Hans, you idiotic muthafucker! I can SEE who you are!"
"Hey! Don't yell at him! Not his fault you overdosed again! You're lucky I saved you-" Emily took one look at me and I could already feel them digging my grave and burying what was left of my body.
"LUCKY you saved me, Ethan?!"
"You were dying, Emily! What was I supposed to do!"
"I was fine, you idiot-"
"What?! No! No, you were not! Stop acting like dad and-" I instantly stopped the second I heard myself say those words. Everyone, especially Emily, had their eyes on me. I hated comparing her to dad; she could have easily began her life not continuing where he left off. He STOPPED all of this for a reason.
"What was that, Ethan? Hmmm? STOP ACTIN' LIKE WHO?!" When she coughed, I noticed some blood on her palms. Hm. Serves you right.
"Look, just stop, okay? We were supposed to get ready for mom and dad's but-"
"I'm still going you twat! I never said I ain't goin' to that stupid dinner thing mom is doin'...."
"Really? You are strung out, Emily! I HEARD you got arrested AGAIN because of drugs....AGAIN!"
"Fuck you, Ethan! You don't know a damn thing, do you?"
I watched as Malcom kindly lifted her up but was instantly pushed to the side. She walked to the sink, rinsed out her mouth and stumbled back into the lounge. Hans Junior sighed, for he knew who would be cleaning up this mess. I followed her; Henry and Malcom close behind.
"Well, if you would COMMUNICATE like a normal person, maybe I-"
"What, huh? Come fuckin' save the day? Force me to stop actin' like this, take responsibility and take me away? I'm fine, Ethan!"
"No! I don't WANT to take you away from the Pudding & Pie! This is YOUR place, YOUR business and-"
"Then let's be clear on something-I'M the boss! I'M the one that pours her blood, sweat and tears into this place. I don't need you, or mom, or dad or the fuckin' others comin' in here and telling ME what to do! So what if the cycle is startin' all over? Does it look like I give a fuck? You really think dad got far being 'careful' or being 'nice'?"
"Emily! No one is doing that! You're missing the point. Dad's story was different! You KNOW that! You HAVE a choice, though! You almost died, Emily! What would I have done if I went in there and found you..." The image created was unbearable.
"Look. Your job is to dance, entertain clients and bring me my money. You are NOT my fuckin' babysitter, got that?" I watched as Felicia ran to Emily's side, wrap her arms around her neck and tightly hold on. Emily, however, was not having it and soon, she pushed Felicia to the side and continued walking towards the stage.
"Malcom! Take the rest of the day off and come back tomorrow, so we can have you start. Henry-finish cleaning that bar. Felicia! Get me some asprin, cup of water and a pillow...need to rest for tonight. And you...remember your place, little brother, okay?"
I watched as Felicia assisted Emily into her room; Henry quietly cleaned the bar, as Malcom stood here bewildered. I sighed and returned to the dressing room. I took a seat at the mirror and began fixing my hair and placing teeth whitners on my teeth.
Oh! Can't wait for you to officially start the story about the kids!
This was intense, Pie, like always! I love how everything is all coming together. Something tells me trouble is going to happen at Georgie and Lyla's place, once all the kids are together. I'm sensing that Georgie has kept certain things from the kids in regards to his past. Can't wait to see what he reveals to them. (Or, THEY find out!!!)
I feel bad for Ethan. He seems care deeply about his sister and worries about her. More! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Final Porgie child to introduce. After all of them had their moment to give you a 'taste' into their lives, I will begin the next installmen… moret but combine all six into one action packed adventure. I will have Katie narrate the story for the next saga, as you may call it. If there is any confusion OR questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you and enjoy.
Ethan Porgie
Part 1
'All things that glitter and shine'
Dear Diary: Wow, its Monday already. Do not know where the time goes anymore. Seems like the older I get, the shorter my days are. Maybe that's a good thing to some but to me, its a waste. I'm actually in the dressing room right now at the Pudding & Pie, TRYING to get everything neat and prepared for tonight. Emily is allowing me to finally dance on stage and prove to her I can do it. Is it weird that my boss is my older sister? I'd rather have it that way. My last boss was a total dick and a pervert...well, my sister ca… [view original content]
I arrived in Trenton, New Jersey using the transportation spell. It was dark... I was then greeted by a middle age man with a Ned Flanders mustache and sun glasses. He's been waiting for me.... he must be working for Redd. From a distance I saw Walter faced to face with Redd in front of ta museum. I tried to catch up with them but I am thrown by the man who transform into some kind of monster..
"Jersey... Jersey Devil is the name..." as he begin to approach me. I don't have time for this, I can't fight this thing with to many people close by, so i need to take care of this quick.
So I called Jersey several slurs taunting him. He charges at me and gets his horns stuck into a tree, after that I punch Jersey several times in the face before he could free himself. Annoyed by me, he grabbed me and tried to bite me so I kick him in his groin as hard as I can causing him to let me go.
I take out my sword and hold it over his head. I should kill him...but that's not who I am, so i leave him be.
I look around and too see Walter and Redd gone... they must already be inside I need to get in there and stop Redd before it's too late, and luckily the museum is still opened so Redd won't try anything...,hopefully.
I enter the museum and its a lot bigger than the one before, I should use my bird call to contact Walter if he isn't hurt. After I use my call he replies back, but something does seem right. The call can be heard farther down the hall so I make my way threw quickly as possible avoiding any security guards. I turn left and enter the room where I heard the bird call, my Walter fighting Redd.
I come to my brothers rescue and attack Redd from behind. He retreats and turns to both of us. Who are you exactly? I asked him tightly holding my sword.
Redd then replies, "As I told you before I am a ghost. A black dog ghost who haunted the British Isles, but that was not who I always was. I once had a family who was including myself was killed by our Crooked Father. Oooh how I despise that bastard. My family went to the afterlife, but as for me.. I turned into something else.. the person you see before you."
I ask Redd what does Fabletown got to do with this and he replied; "They took something from, MY REVENGE. I was suppose to kill the Crooked and avenge my family but no who did it instead? A fucking werewolf for Christ sake.. After that was done I was suppose to take all of his riches for myself and start my own empire, in memory of my family.."
I then told Redd he was being selfish and he replies, "The people of Fabletown are selfish, and I'm going to make them pay and claim what is rightfully mine."
He smash the case with the artifact and tells us to enjoy prison. The alarms triggers and every security officer in the museum rushes to the room. Redd then turns into his ghost dog form and disappears. The officers tell us to freeze and we put our hands up.
Chapter 9 Crooked
I arrived in Trenton, New Jersey using the transportation spell. It was dark... I was then greeted by a middle age man … morewith a Ned Flanders mustache and sun glasses. He's been waiting for me.... he must be working for Redd. From a distance I saw Walter faced to face with Redd in front of ta museum. I tried to catch up with them but I am thrown by the man who transform into some kind of monster..
"Jersey... Jersey Devil is the name..." as he begin to approach me. I don't have time for this, I can't fight this thing with to many people close by, so i need to take care of this quick.
So I called Jersey several slurs taunting him. He charges at me and gets his horns stuck into a tree, after that I punch Jersey several times in the face before he could free himself. Annoyed by me, he grabbed me and tried to bite me so I kick him in his groin as hard as I can causing him to let me go.
I take out my sword and hold it ove… [view original content]
Chapter 9 Crooked
I arrived in Trenton, New Jersey using the transportation spell. It was dark... I was then greeted by a middle age man … morewith a Ned Flanders mustache and sun glasses. He's been waiting for me.... he must be working for Redd. From a distance I saw Walter faced to face with Redd in front of ta museum. I tried to catch up with them but I am thrown by the man who transform into some kind of monster..
"Jersey... Jersey Devil is the name..." as he begin to approach me. I don't have time for this, I can't fight this thing with to many people close by, so i need to take care of this quick.
So I called Jersey several slurs taunting him. He charges at me and gets his horns stuck into a tree, after that I punch Jersey several times in the face before he could free himself. Annoyed by me, he grabbed me and tried to bite me so I kick him in his groin as hard as I can causing him to let me go.
I take out my sword and hold it ove… [view original content]
Final Porgie child to introduce. After all of them had their moment to give you a 'taste' into their lives, I will begin the next installmen… moret but combine all six into one action packed adventure. I will have Katie narrate the story for the next saga, as you may call it. If there is any confusion OR questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you and enjoy.
Ethan Porgie
Part 1
'All things that glitter and shine'
Dear Diary: Wow, its Monday already. Do not know where the time goes anymore. Seems like the older I get, the shorter my days are. Maybe that's a good thing to some but to me, its a waste. I'm actually in the dressing room right now at the Pudding & Pie, TRYING to get everything neat and prepared for tonight. Emily is allowing me to finally dance on stage and prove to her I can do it. Is it weird that my boss is my older sister? I'd rather have it that way. My last boss was a total dick and a pervert...well, my sister ca… [view original content]
Chapter 9 Crooked
I arrived in Trenton, New Jersey using the transportation spell. It was dark... I was then greeted by a middle age man … morewith a Ned Flanders mustache and sun glasses. He's been waiting for me.... he must be working for Redd. From a distance I saw Walter faced to face with Redd in front of ta museum. I tried to catch up with them but I am thrown by the man who transform into some kind of monster..
"Jersey... Jersey Devil is the name..." as he begin to approach me. I don't have time for this, I can't fight this thing with to many people close by, so i need to take care of this quick.
So I called Jersey several slurs taunting him. He charges at me and gets his horns stuck into a tree, after that I punch Jersey several times in the face before he could free himself. Annoyed by me, he grabbed me and tried to bite me so I kick him in his groin as hard as I can causing him to let me go.
I take out my sword and hold it ove… [view original content]
Phew, done with this one. I've been currently in the mood for brainstorming more for Tez's tale, enjoy!
Chapter 9: A New Friend
7:37 P.M. - awakening from a nap in the Woodlands interrogation cell:
"Ugh," The dragon thief rubbed his eyes, whispering faintly to himself. "My goddamned brain, must still be groggy from the sleeping pills the doctor gave me." So, after finally stretching his arms out, he got up and scanned the cell to keep note of his surroundings, a sight that used to be all too familiar for him - back before he was cursed.
"Snow? Bigby? Swineheart? Anyone there?" Tezoth called out when he came near the bulky door, to which he was greeted with no response.
"Shit, am I all alone in this fucking dump? Christ…"
Tez sat on the cot again, thinking of the past events that got him here. The diner, the blood-curdling scene in the bathroom, Bloody Mary and her two lackeys, a painful memory that Mary made him see. All of this shit that him and Snow had to go through to get to this fucking place. The so-called 'Woodlands'. "Was this meant to happen? How did Bloody Mary know me? Did I make the right choice by going with Snow? "What did she mean by how I was going to be useful for this government of theirs?"
Numerous questions clouded Tezoth's mind, he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. All he did know is that he was feeling the urge to steal again, something valuable he can get his hands on.
"Hell, maybe they'll pay for whatever job they have in store for me."
"But, no matter, I'll play along." He sighed, looking at his bandaged right hand.
A good chunk of time had passed by after his recent awakening - endlessly walking around in circles, sitting on the cell bed tediously, this type of crap was making the dragon restless. To his avail, however, he started to hear footsteps from behind the door, he pressed the side of his face against the cold steel door to listen.
Tap, tap, tap, an odd jingling was also heard afterward. That didn’t sound like Snow’s heels walking toward the door, and, were those keys?
Perhaps it was Bigby who was coming down to check on him? Though, before thinking any further on the matter - Tez had stepped away from the door, for he didn't want to arouse suspicion of attempted escape if the wolf was coming to check.
More jingling was heard from the other side, and then, a click. The way out began to slide open, and it kept on sliding until the door came to a halt. The person walked over to him, key-ring in hand and a pair of glasses in another.
Tezoth looked at her, and she looked at him. Boy, what an awkward moment that was.
"You must be Tezoth, the dragon I keep hearing so much about." She said as she bit her lip nervously, trying to hide her surprised expression when she saw the thief's eyes for the first time.
Tezoth took a deep breath, calmly noting to himself that this girl seemed to not mean him any harm. "Yes, you are correct, to whom do I owe the pleasure of speaking to?"
"Well, 'mister honeyed words', I am Rose Red. Like, I'm here to break you out."
"Break me out? I mean no disrespect, but I could have easily broke out myself."
"My, you are cocky like me," She giggled. "At least you have manners."
He wanted to smile, but he decided to keep a straight face. He looked at Rose with his dragon eyes, Tezoth had stepped closer to her - while she eyed him back, not moving an inch. "What a brave girl." He thought.
"Well, ahem, Miss 'Rose', I'm tempted to leave with you. Really, I am. However, I fear that we may be in a problematic situation here, you see: I'm afraid that Snow White or Bigby will notice me leaving with you. And, if they do, I'm most likely going to take the blame for it, correct?
"Snow White is probably sleeping and Bigby is in his office. Besides, if we get caught, I'll talk us out of it, you can trust me."
Tezoth felt a bad feeling churn inside his stomach, maybe it was him still getting used to his human body again. Either way, he nodded in agreement on getting out with this supposed rescuer of his. He was tired of being cooped up anyway.
"Alright, obviously you would need these. Don't want any Mundy questioning how your eyes are like that." She stuffs the key-ring away in one of her pockets while she hands him the spiffy sunglasses.
The dragon thief grinned and grabbed the pair, for he willingly put the aviators on.
"Awesome, come with me." Closing the cell door behind them, Rose and Tez quickly went up the staircase, only to step foot into the lobby of the place.
She looked around, making sure that no one was in sight - except for the one guard that was always sleeping. Tezoth couldn't quite recall seeing the desk guard when he entered the Woodlands, in fact: how he got here in the first place was fuzzy to him, trying to remember made his head hurt.
Rose took the keys out and slipped them back into Grimble's shirt pocket, Tezoth was impressed, for she didn't even wake the snoring man.
"Do you do this often?" Tezoth said whilst making the corniest smirk ever.
"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Rose replied back, feeling confident in her words. "Let's get out of this dump."
Tez nodded, letting her lead the way again. The two opened the doors, and finally made their escape through the front gate.
"My apartment is a few blocks from here, we can chill once we get there." She continued onward, while a strong grip latched onto her arm tight, she struggled to break free. Rose turned to look at Tezoth, his entire body was still, she noticed what he was trying to do and sighed, giving in to his grip.
"Before we venture forward, how do I know that I can trust you? I could easily walk away right now."
"By all means, go ahead if you really want to, Tezzy-boy. But do run away - keep in mind that you're just going to make matters worse for yourself. The Big Bad Wolf will hunt you down, Snow will be majorly pissed at you, and..."
"Alright, I get it. I think I'd be lost in a huge village like this, truth be told."
"Uh, yeah, we call these 'huge villages' cities in this world. Now, assuming that you're done interrogating me, I'd reckon that we should be off now, before any other Fables notice us."
The thief nodded, he was still amazed by all the bright lights that this 'city' had to offer when he strolled along the Mundy sidewalks with Rose.
9:01 P.M. - Rose's place, 2nd floor:
Eagerly entering the building, the two of them inevitably stood before the entrance.
"Welcome to my pad, it's about damn time that we finally got here as well. Let me get my key here." Rose dug her hands in both of her jean pockets and wriggled her hands in them furiously, Tezoth couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in response as she grunted at herself for not remembering.
"Shit, I left the goddamn key inside."
He walked over to Rose's side and looked down, finally noticing that he was a little bit taller than her. "...Maybe I can help?"
"How? Wait, that's right, you're a thief and all."
"Used to be, I just need to get back into the complexity of things. I suppose this door can be my training...dummy...thing, so to speak. Erm, do you have a lockpick of some sort?"
"Nah, sorry."
"Well, then," Tezoth continued. "I guess there's only one thing that I can do that'll open this obstacle."
"And what is that?" Miss Red stared at him in puzzlement.
"This." He raised his right leg and hurled it towards the door, forcefully kicking it open. The entrance flew open quick, while the latch and lock broke off in the process.
"Tez! What the fuck?!"
"Sorry, did what I could do, I didn't see any other way." Pondering the thought, perhaps this wasn't the smartest thing he has ever done.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Welcome to my apartment, I guess, wish you hadn't kicked the door in." She tried to close the door completely, but it was no use.
"I'm honored, Rose, nice 'pad'. In all seriousness though, I am truly sorry for my handling on your door, I could have approached it with care."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Listen, I'm really tired, so if you'll excuse me... I'm going to go beddy-bye." The girl rubbed her eyes and stretched.
"You can sleep on my sofa, g'night dragon."
Tez watched as the red-haired beauty went into her room, shutting the door behind her. He looked over at her partially-closed front door and shook his head. "Well, I guess this is it, Tez, in an apartment of some woman you barely know. Better get some rest."
Phew, done with this one. I've been currently in the mood for brainstorming more for Tez's tale, enjoy!
Chapter 9: A New Friend
7:37 P… more.M. - awakening from a nap in the Woodlands interrogation cell:
"Ugh," The dragon thief rubbed his eyes, whispering faintly to himself. "My goddamned brain, must still be groggy from the sleeping pills the doctor gave me." So, after finally stretching his arms out, he got up and scanned the cell to keep note of his surroundings, a sight that used to be all too familiar for him - back before he was cursed.
"Snow? Bigby? Swineheart? Anyone there?" Tezoth called out when he came near the bulky door, to which he was greeted with no response.
"Shit, am I all alone in this fucking dump? Christ…"
Tez sat on the cot again, thinking of the past events that got him here. The diner, the blood-curdling scene in the bathroom, Bloody Mary and her two lackeys, a painful memory that Mary made him see. All of … [view original content]
Aviators! I hope you don't mind me presuming it's a reference to the Vacation story and being rather happy about it!
The 'huge village' w… moreas a nice touch, and the door-kicking oddly comical. I commend you another bit of excellent writing, DragonButter!
It might as well have been! Now that you mention it! Either way, I am super glad you are content with it. :P
And thank you so much, Noir. Again, you made me happy!
Part 2(Part 1 can be found in sections 29 and 30 of this thread)
Hours later, Peter is awakened by the ringing of his phone.
Peter: … This is Caves…
Agent Makowitz: It’s Mak. I’ve got some bad news.
Peter: Of course…
Agent Makowitz: Rohrer and I have been looking every-which-way for this address and it’s just not coming up. It doesn’t exist, man. You sure you gave it to me right?
Peter: Yeah, 1-1-3 A-D-H-A-N Street, Apt 6, New York, NY…
Agent Makowitz: That’s what we’ve been looking for. There’s no history on it. At all. Where’d you get it?
Knowing Makowitz wouldn’t understand or believe how Peter came across the address (something Peter himself was having a difficult time understanding and believing), he half answers.
Peter: I… You know, looking around. So, nothing?
Agent Makowitz: Nothing. It doesn’t exist, man. I’m sorry.
Peter: sighs …
Agent Makowitz: Have you found anything else?
Peter: No. That was it.
Agent Makowitz: What’re you going to do now?
Peter: I don’t know… Ask around, I guess. Maybe by some infinitesimal chance somebody can tell me something. This address has to lead somewhere.
Agent Makowitz: Caveman… If it were real, it would’ve come up in the Bureau’s database.
Peter: Yeah… I’m going to go see Mrs. Pruitt, then the attendant that worked last night.
Agent Makowitz: And after that?
Peter: I have no idea.
Agent Makowitz: You’ll think of something. You always do. Just stay positive.
Agent Makowitz: I know… And if you need anything else, you call me.
Peter: I will, and thanks again.
Agent Makowitz: You got it. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.
Peter: So am I… Alright, Mak, you have a good day. Catch lots of bad guys.
Agent Makowitz: Always!
Peter: smiles Bye.
Agent Makowitz: Bye.
The call ends. Peter hits the shower, gets dressed and checks in on the officers.
Peter: How’re we doing, guys?
Officer Wilson: Going strong, sir.
Officer Hernandez: No sign of the man you described. Nothing out of the ordinary. Folks walking up and down the street, but other than that, nothing’s happened.
Peter: Good job. When does your shift end?
Officer Hernandez: In a while, sir.
Peter: Do you know who’s going to be taking over for you?
Officer Hernandez: Yeah, it’ll be Officers Tipiani and Neal.
Peter: Okay, well, in the event I don’t see you two again, you give them my number and tell them what I told you. Please.
Officer Hernandez: Will do.
Peter: You know what? Just have them call me as soon as they get here.
Officer Hernandez: Alrighty.
Peter: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Officer Hernandez: Not a problem, sir.
Peter leaves the two officers and walks across the street to Mrs. Pruitt’s. He knocks, and she answers.
Peter: I’m sorry to disturb you, ma’am. I’m Agent Caves with the FBI. shows badge I just have some follow-up questions regarding last night’s incident. May I come in, please?
Mrs. Pruitt: FBI? Oh, my. Well, certainly. Come on in, handsome.
Peter: smiles Thank you, ma’am.
Mrs. Pruitt: Sit down, sit down. Have you eaten anything? You law enforcement are always so busy…
Peter: No, I haven’t, but…
Mrs. Pruitt: I’ll whip something up. Come on, we can talk in the kitchen.
Peter: That’s very kind of you, ma’am, but I couldn’t possibly.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, hush now. You’re in my house. You do as I say.
Peter: Yes, ma’am.
Peter follows her into the kitchen. Together they prepare breakfast and sit down to eat.
Mrs. Pruitt: I don’t know what to tell you, dear. I told the police everything I know.
Peter: Yes, I read their report.
Mrs. Pruitt: They didn’t believe me did they?
Peter: Why do you say that?
Mrs. Pruitt: I just got the feeling they didn’t. I’m old, you know? Not crazy. They asked me what I saw and that’s exactly what I told them.
Peter: Well, I believe you, ma’am. That’s why I’m here. I’d rather hear it from you than read it from a report. So, if you can start from the very beginning, from the very first thing you remember to the very last, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Mrs. Pruitt: Anything I can do to help. Okay, well, it started with me having trouble sleeping. That seems to be happening more often.
Peter: I’m sorry to hear that.
Mrs. Pruitt: Why thank you, dear. Where was I? That’s right… I started getting very thirsty, so I got up to get a glass of water. That’s when, from my window, I noticed this light coming from the second floor of the motel across the street. I didn’t pay much attention to it. On most nights there are at least a couple of tenants who stay up late, you see? Anyway, I was about to leave for my water, when I hear a woman
screaming. Now, my hearing isn’t what it used to be, but I’m not deaf yet. I was sure it was a woman screaming. I couldn’t quite make out what she was screaming, but I heard her screaming alright. It frightened me, so I walked over to my window to see if I could see where the screaming was coming from. That’s when I saw three silhouettes moving around in that same room I told you I saw the light coming from? Now, my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, but I’m not blind yet. I knew she was there. And, dear… If I were to tell you that I wasn’t extremely afraid, I’d be lying to you. I was shaking, but I couldn’t just stand there and not do anything. I completely forgot about my glass of water, grabbed my slippers, a jacket, and my heaviest pan before going outside to get a closer look. I walked to the street, crossed it and stood some distance from the room. By then I was positive of what I was hearing and seeing. I –
Peter: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but at that point, what exactly did you see? This is very important, Mrs. Pruitt…
Mrs. Pruitt: I saw three people in that room. I’m sure of it. I’m sorry to say I couldn’t see any faces, but there were definitely three people in there.
Peter: Did you manage to see what they were doing?
Mrs. Pruitt: I didn’t, no, but it didn’t sound good.
Peter: What exactly did you hear? Were you able to make out what the woman was screaming?
Mrs. Pruitt: Yes, I was. She was screaming, “no”, and “stop”, and “please”, over and over again. It was absolutely terrifying. And that’s not all I heard. I heard a man yell, “Get away from her!” I heard glass shatter, things hit the walls… I wanted to call out, but I froze up. I didn’t know what to do… The screams of fear had stopped… Then they were just screams of pain… I didn’t know what to do, dear. What could I do? I was so scared… Next thing I know, it all went silent. Not a sound. I feared the worst, and I don’t know how I did it, but I opened my mouth. “Hello in there?!” I called out. And as soon as I called out, the light went off. Oh, darling… I died inside. I was sure whomever was still in there was coming for me. I turned right around and booked it back to the house. As I was opening the door, I heard glass shatter again. I figured it was the room’s window being broken by whoever was inside. I didn’t want to turn around and find out, to be honest. I locked my door and gunned it for the telephone. I dialed 9-1-1 and hid in my closet until the police arrived. Christ above, that was the longest wait of my life…
Peter: I’m sorry you had to go through that, Mrs. Pruitt. You’re a very brave woman.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, no, dear… I don’t know about that, but… that’s what happened, just as it happened… Something terrible happened inside that room, didn’t it?
Peter: sighs … That’s what I’m trying to figure out… Are you going to be alright?
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, sure… I’m just a little spooked, that’s all.
Peter: I can try and have an officer posted here for a couple of days, if you think that’d help in any way.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, no, dear. There’ll be no need for that. I’ll be fine.
Peter: Just in case, here’s my number. If you happen to need anything, anything at all, give me a call and I’ll see what I can do.
Mrs. Pruitt: That’s very kind of you. Thank you, dear.
Peter: Oh, before I forget. I’m sorry, but do you recognize this address?
Peter shows her the address he found in the motel room.
Mrs. Pruitt: I’m sorry. I can’t say that I do.
Peter: That’s fine… Well, I would love nothing more than to stay longer, but I’m afraid there’s work to be done. Mrs. Pruitt, you’ve been a tremendous help. I can’t thank you enough for your time, and for this delicious midday breakfast. It’s been a pleasure.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, no. The pleasure’s been all mine, handsome. Here, take these cookies for the road.
Peter and Mrs. Pruitt say their goodbyes. With the motel room attendant being next on his to-do list, Peter walks back to the motel and heads to the office.
Peter: Good afternoon. I’m Agent Caves with the FBI. shows badge
Mr. Murphy: Hello. I’m Jared Murphy. I’m the owner.
Peter: Mr. Murphy, I was wondering if you could help me out by giving me the address of one Jeffrey Harris. He worked a graveyard shift last night.
Mr. Murphy: Of course I can. Not a problem. I’ll get you his number, too.
Peter: Thank you.
Mr. Murphy quickly looks through some files and pulls the information.
Mr. Murphy: Here you go… Say, when do you think you’ll all have this wrapped up? I can’t stay closed forever. I’m losing money here.
Peter: Sir, I assure you the FBI is doing everything it can to have this all resolved as quickly as possible. It’ll take as long as it needs to.
Mr. Murphy: In other words, not soon.
Peter: Mr. Murphy, do you recognize this address?
Peter shows Mr. Murphy the address he found in the motel room.
Mr. Murphy: No, I don’t. Sorry.
Peter: Okay. Thank you for your help. You have a good day.
Peter heads to his car, but before entering the vehicle, he turns around and walks back to the office.
Peter: I’m sorry to bother you again, but you might be able to help me out with one more thing.
Mr. Murphy: Sure.
Peter: Do you have any cameras set up around the premises?
Mr. Murphy: There’s just the one here in the office. We don’t exactly have the budget for a security system.
Peter: Would you mind showing me the footage from last night? Specifically from the start of Jeffrey’s shift until the police arrive.
Mr. Murphy: Okay. If you’ll follow me…
Peter follows Mr. Murphy to the back of the office. There, Mr. Murphy shows him the footage. The footage shows Jeffrey arriving to start his shift at 12. A.M. Ten minutes in to his shift, it shows Peter’s parents checking in at the office and leaving for their room. Forty-five minutes in to his shift, it shows Jeffrey sitting behind the desk, but looking and signaling outside as if someone out there, off camera, is calling him. He gets up, and leaves the office. He’s off camera for the next five minutes. When he returns, he switches the neon sign to say “No Vacancy” and then heads to the back of the office for his jacket before turning off the lights and leaving. It’s a dark and lonely motel office until the lights are turned on by Jeffrey who arrives at 1:37 followed by two policemen. The next fifteen minutes consist of the police speaking to Jeffrey, with the rest of the footage showing him sitting there until Mr. Murphy’s arrival.
Peter: Huh… That’s interesting.
Mr. Murphy: I’ll say. I still can’t believe the little **** left in the middle of his shift.
Peter: Okay... That’ll be all, Mr. Murphy. Thanks, again, for your help.
Mr. Murphy: You’re welcome. And do me a favor and tell Jeffrey he’s fired.
Peter leaves the office, enters his car and heads to Jeffrey’s apartment. He arrives and knocks on Jeffrey’s door.
Jeffrey: Who is it?
Peter: FBI.
Jeffrey: You got a badge, or I.D., or something?
Peter shows his badge through the door’s peephole. Jeffrey opens the door.
Peter: Good afternoon, Mr. Harris, I’m Agent Peter Caves with the FBI. I’m here regarding last night’s incident at the motel. May I please come in?
Peter: I won’t take up much of your time. I just have one question.
Jeffrey: Okay…
Peter: Almost an hour into your shift, you leave and head over to your girlfriend’s house –
Jeffrey: Yeah, you can ask her and confirm that if you want.
Peter: That won’t be necessary. The police questioned her and she vouched for you. Although, I wouldn’t doubt that she may be lying to cover up for you for some reason.
Jeffrey: No, it’s the truth. I went to her place. I’m not lying. She’s not lying. I’m serious.
Peter: Relax, Mr. Harris. You seem nervous. Are you nervous, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: What? No, no… I’m not nervous. It’s just you’re – you’re accusing me of lying and stuff.
Peter: I haven’t accused you of anything, Mr. Harris. It’s not like you’re hiding anything, right? It’s not like there’s something you failed to tell the police, right?
Jeffrey: Right, right…
Peter: Good. So, now I can get to my question. My question is… Who came to see you last night?
Jeffrey: What? What do you mean?
Peter: I mean, someone came to see you last night right before you left for your girlfriend’s. This someone didn’t step inside the office. You went outside to meet them. Who was it?
Jeffrey: That’s – That didn’t happen. I don’t – I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t.
Peter: I think you do, Mr. Harris. I think you’re lying to me. Are you lying to me, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: What?! No! No, of course not! I’m not lying to you!
Peter: Mr. Harris, please settle down. You’re sweating. Here…
Peter hands Jeffrey some tissues. Jeffrey wipes his sweat.
Jeffrey: Thank you…
Peter: Are you going to calm down now, Mr. Harris?
Peter: smiles Because that’s your name. Is that not your name, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: Well, yeah, but – but you don’t have to keep saying that all the time…
Peter: What would you like me to say, then?
Jeffrey: I don’t know…
Peter: How long are we going to keep this up, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: …
Peter: You know what I think?
Jeffrey: …
Peter: I think you’re lying to me. You’re lying to me about something that I’m going to find out about eventually, because I’m good. Now, the way I see it, you have two options. You can cooperate, and tell me what really happened last night. And I’ll help you, as well. You have my word on that. Or, you can refuse to cooperate, for whatever reason you’re also keeping secret, thus slowing my investigation. I don’t like being slowed down, Mr. Harris, and if I’m calling you a liar, it’s because I have proof. The camera in the motel’s office recorded you acknowledging someone off camera. We can help each other out, or I can go after you for obstruction of justice. It’s your decision.
Jeffrey: … He said he’d kill me if I told anyone…
Jeffrey begins to cry.
Peter: Who said that to you, Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: The man standing outside of the office…
Peter: Do you know this man?
Jeffrey: No… I’d never seen him before in my life…
Peter: Was this man over six feet, built, wearing a grey hoodie?
Jeffrey: No…
Peter: What did he look like? Did you see his face?
Jeffrey: Yeah… He was around my height… Skinny… Ordinary looking… I can’t – I can’t remember his face. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
Peter: It’s alright, Jeffrey. It’s alright. Now, tell me everything that happened.
Jeffrey: I was sitting at the desk goofing off on the computer. I look up and I see this guy standing outside. He was just looking at me, and then he signaled me to go outside. I got scared. I mean, it was late and it was ******* creepy. I shook my head trying to say no, but he kept calling me over. So then I started waving my hands, trying to tell him to leave, but that must of pissed him off because he pulled a gun out. The only way out of that office is through the front door. I had nowhere to run. There was no way I could leave. I had no choice. I went outside. I thought he was going to kill me... But… He said he wasn’t. He offered me five-hundred bucks to get lost for an hour, and then come back. He told me to give him the master keycard. I just wanted to get out of there, you know? I didn’t know what else to do. I told him I didn’t want the money, that I would just leave, but he made me take it. I went back in for my jacket and the keycard. He took the keycard and put the money in my jacket pocket. He told me he didn’t want to kill me, but he’d do it if I told anyone. I took off for my girlfriend’s. I didn’t know where else to go for an hour.
Jeffrey begins to bawl.
Jeffrey: I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I don’t want to go to prison! Please! I’m scared to go to prison, mister! They’ll take one look at me and… Oh, God! Please!
Peter: You’re not going to prison, Jeffrey. You cooperated, and I said I’d help you out, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to have an officer inconspicuously stationed outside of your apartment in case this guy decides to make good on his threat. Does that sound alright with you?
Jeffrey: nods …
Peter: I’m sorry for being hard on you, but it was very important that you tell me all of this, okay?
Jeffrey: nods …
Peter: Just one more thing before I go… Do you recognize this address?
Peter shows him the address he found in the motel room.
Jeffrey: No… I’m not lying. I swear.
Peter: You’re okay, Jeffrey. I believe you. Here’s my number in case anything comes up. You did the right thing. Get some rest. I’ll show myself out.
Peter leaves Jeffrey’s apartment and heads to his car. He can’t believe that there’s now another person of interest. He sits in his car wondering what really happened, and how. He gets a call.
Peter: This is Caves…
Officer Tipiani: Agent Caves, this is Officer Tipiani. Just calling to let you know we’ve relieved Officers Hernandez and Wilson. They updated us on the potential suspect we should be on the lookout for, and we’ll be sure to give you a call if anything happens.
Peter: Perfect. Thanks for notifying me. I think I’m going to be heading back soon, so I’ll see you boys then.
Officer Tipiani: Sounds good, sir.
The call ends, only for another to come in.
Peter: Peter Caves…
A.D. Westin: Agent Caves, it’s Westin.
Peter: Hello, sir.
A.D. Westin: How goes your investigation?
Peter: It goes…
A.D. Westin: Agent, I’m not trying to be insensitive, but we need to have the scene cleared out. I know you’re going as fast as you can, but just keep that in mind. There’s a procedure, and you still haven’t given me any reason to not follow through with it.
Peter: Yes, sir. I know.
A.D. Westin: When can the local PD take that room off your hands?
Peter: Soon.
A.D. Westin: Agent…
Peter: Soon, sir. I just need a little more time. Soon. I promise.
A.D. Westin: Soon. Okay. You’ll be hearing from me soon, then.
Peter: I’m already looking forward to it.
A.D. Westin: Goodbye, Agent.
Peter: Goodbye, sir.
The call ends. Stressed by not having time on his side, and feeling the frustration and impotence over not knowing what to do next sear inside him, he knows he has to stay in control and not lose it. Needing a place to be still and think, he decides upon Central Park. He drives to the park, and having parked the car, he grabs the cookies given to him by Mrs. Pruitt and looks for a bench near the Lake. Having found one, he sits. He sits and thinks about the hooded man and what his connection to the death of his parents could be. He thinks about the man that showed up at the motel room office, and how, even if he somehow managed to find him, he would be unable to implicate him in the death of his parents as there’s nothing at the scene, or outside of it that could possibly connect him to an event Peter still can’t prove was murder. He thinks about the address he found at the site of his parent’s death and the bizarre
way in which he found it. He thinks about how it truly doesn’t seem to exist or lead to any thing. He thinks about how he may never get past the point he’s at and find out what really happened. Just then, a bevy of swans walks right past him. Trailing far behind the group, one of the swans stops, sits, and looks towards the city. This swan is noticeably more beautiful than the rest. Curious at the way that particular swan sat down to gaze at the city, Peter looks around to make sure no one is watching and throws one of the cookies so that it lands beside the swan. The swan looks at the cookie and then looks at Peter for a good while before finally eating the cookie. Peter smiles. The swan then gets up, walks towards Peter, and sits next to him on the bench.
Peter: backs away from swan Whoa… Too close, too close…
The swan looks at Peter, then the cookies, then back at Peter.
Peter: You liked that? You want more? I haven’t tried them…
Peter tries a cookie.
Peter: These are really good cookies… Here. puts bag of cookies between them both
Both man and bird sit eating cookies until the night arrives.
Peter: … Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know this address, would you?
Peter shows the swan the address he found in the motel room. The swan looks at it and nods.
Peter: laughs I’m talking to a swan. Oh, man… stretches and yawns… You know, it’s funny… I’m not at all physically tired. I’m just tired of not getting anywhere with this… I really am talking to a swan, aren’t I? That’s when you know it’s time to go. Keep the cookies. They’re all yours.
Peter gets up and leaves the swan with the cookies. He walks back to his car, and just as he opens the door, the swan jumps in and nestles itself in the passenger seat.
Peter: Oh, snap! What the heck?! … Are you kidding me? looks around Is anyone else seeing this? …
The swan sits there, staring at Peter.
Peter: … Get out of the car. swan shakes head Yo…
Peter reaches for the swan and the swan starts honking.
Peter: Oh, my – Are you serious? What the…
Peter reaches for the swan again, and, again, the swan starts honking.
Peter: You’re going to get me in trouble. I look like some sort of swan thief.
The swan then starts making itself comfortable. Peter stands there in disbelief. Realizing the swan wasn’t going anywhere, at least not without creating a ruckus, Peter gives in.
Peter: Fine. Fine. But if you bite me, it’s over for you. I’ll find some expensive restaurant and tell them you’re a goose. You got that? swan nods I don’t believe this… This is ridiculous...
Peter gets into the car and, with the swan as his passenger, leaves the park and heads back to the motel. As they’re driving through the night, Peter can’t help but feel uneasy about how crazy the past hours have been. The streets are empty. The night is black. Peter stops at a red light, and crossing the street, in the distance, is the hooded man. Peter can’t believe it. The light turns green, and he drives up to the unaware, hooded man, parks, and exits the vehicle.
Peter: Federal agent! Stay right where you are!
The hooded man takes off running, and Peter follows. The hooded man turns a corner leading into an alley. It’s a dead end.
Peter: That’s it! There’s no building for you to jump off of this time! Put your hands up, take off the hood, and turn around!
The man in the hoodie refuses to face Peter and stands there with his hands in his hoodie’s pockets. Peter notices this and readies his hand for the drawing of his weapon.
Peter: Slowly take your hands out of your pockets, place them behind your head and turn around!
The man in the hoodie slowly takes his hands out of his jacket’s pockets, places them behind his head and turns around.
Peter: The hood! Take it off!
The hooded man refuses to remove the hood.
Peter: I’ll just have to take it off for you…
Peter takes out some handcuffs and approaches the man. He puts him up against a wall, cuffs his hands and frisks him. He proceeds to remove the man’s hood, but the man breaks free from his restraints and attacks Peter. A fight ensues in which the hooded man eventually gains the upper-hand and beats Peter to a pulp. Peter lays there in the alley, his face bloodied and disfigured by the punches, clinging to life by a thread. The man in the hoodie squats to remove Peter’s gun from its holster, stands, and fires four shots at Peter’s chest. He tosses the gun on Peter’s body and walks away. Peter lays gurgling blood and looking up at the night sky. He can’t feel his body anymore. He can no longer hear anything. He sees the stars, and nothing more. Slowly, it all begins to fade, but, just before it all goes black, he sees one last thing… The swan.
Peter: You’re going to get me in trouble. I look like some sort of swan thief.
The swan then starts making itself comfortable. Peter stan… moreds there in disbelief. Realizing the swan wasn’t going anywhere, at least not without creating a ruckus, Peter gives in.
Peter: Fine. Fine. But if you bite me, it’s over for you. I’ll find some expensive restaurant and tell them you’re a goose. You got that? swan nods I don’t believe this… This is ridiculous...
Peter gets into the car and, with the swan as his passenger, leaves the park and heads back to the motel. As they’re driving through the night, Peter can’t help but feel uneasy about how crazy the past hours have been. The streets are empty. The night is black. Peter stops at a red light, and crossing the street, in the distance, is the hooded man. Peter can’t believe it. The light turns green, and he drives up to the unaware, hooded man, parks, and exits the vehicle.
Peter: Federal agent!… [view original content]
Haha, I've been watching The X-Files religiously for the past six or so months. I'm glad that's what you were reminded of, because that's the sort of feel I wanted it to have initially.
Drat, I did mean chapter 9. It's still good without Tez speaking, as it produces tension, because what happened to him after the diner has only be referenced so far, and we can only guess what happened by what Snow went through.
Nice pun at the beginning
and great work as always!
Chapter 2 of the story is now up:
Very good, man, very good indeed. The second part was tense! I also remember how the both of them had small talk in that concert when Clay first met her, amazing!
Was wondering when Tezoth would make a return.
Well, he is back, and is currently recovering from Bloody Mary's mental torture!
I actually have been! i'm on issue 33!
Awesome! (whatever happens in that one, I can't really tell since I bought the comics in volume form, lol)
What's funny is I had no idea Fables existed until I played TWAU. Was not very big on the whole 'fairytale thing' but I must say-not bad at all.
Same here, except I was big on the fantasy genre beforehand, haha.
Final Porgie child to introduce. After all of them had their moment to give you a 'taste' into their lives, I will begin the next installment but combine all six into one action packed adventure. I will have Katie narrate the story for the next saga, as you may call it.
If there is any confusion OR questions, please feel free to ask. Thank you and enjoy.
Ethan Porgie
Part 1
'All things that glitter and shine'
Dear Diary: Wow, its Monday already. Do not know where the time goes anymore. Seems like the older I get, the shorter my days are. Maybe that's a good thing to some but to me, its a waste. I'm actually in the dressing room right now at the Pudding & Pie, TRYING to get everything neat and prepared for tonight. Emily is allowing me to finally dance on stage and prove to her I can do it. Is it weird that my boss is my older sister? I'd rather have it that way. My last boss was a total dick and a pervert...well, my sister can be that way but at least I know she is safe and I can trust her. At least, I HOPE I can....
I sat in my room, staring outside the window, when I heard a loud crash and several people screaming. I could only imagine what happened, so I placed my pen down and ran out into the lounge. Henry was trying his best to calm down the group of 'dancers' Emily was interviewing. Two of the girls seemed pale and confused, as one of the guys quickly dialed numbers into his phone. I watched as Hans Junior snatched the phone and toss it to the side.
"Everyone-Shut the fuck up and relax! Keep calm!"
I noticed one of the guys seemed familiar, like I had seen him previously in my lifetime. Henry continued to send people pput the door; it was like a rather large group of clowns trying to fit into a single vehicle. When he and Hans Junior succeeded in this rather entertaining attempt, they noticed me continuing to stand by the bar.
"Uh. What is going on? What happened here, Henry?"
"Don't worry about it, Ethan. We....we got it under control, Hans Junior and I-"
"Okay, I can see you both managed to steer the herd back out into the pasture but what made them act like that? For heaven sakes, those girls were screaming and that guy-"
"ETHAN! Shit, dude! Don't you know when to just stop and leave things the way they are?!"
Hans Junior tried to grab my arm and guide me back to the dressing room but despite his stature and my body weight was half of his, I managed to shove him to the side and walk up to Henry; he was backed into the corner and trying to sheild himself. I may have been small but I've been known to swing a fantastic punch or two.
"What do you want from me, Ethan? Shit, dude-we took care of it!"
"Where is my sister? Where is Emily?!"
Henry was silent and his eyes showed me the answer; they seemed heartbroken, devestated and sore. He reminded me of those children that lost their beloved pet and couldn't quite comprehend the meaning of 'life' and why things occured when they did. Again, I asked. "Henry...where is my sister?"
He simply pointed his finger in the direction of the bathroom. I released my grip around his neck and ventured towards the women's restroom. I flipped the switch and watched as the lights flickered. It was silent; I waled carefully towards the final stall and noticed her familiar black converse. She was not moving. I swung open the door and found her face down into the cold surface; there was vomit and what appeared to be blood surrounding her. I became flustered.
"HENRY! HENRY! Get me the first aid kit, now!" I felt for a sign of life; anything that would prove to me my sister was still alive. Then, the familiar man showed up; holy fucking shit, it was Malcom Crenshaw.
"Oh fuck, Emily! Emily, can you hear me?"
"She's out cold, Malcom. I can feel a faint heartbeat. What uh, what are you doing-"
"I uh, applied to be a dancer here, too."
"Huh. I see. You uh, get the position?"
"Yeah, I did. Start tonight...I think. Maybe its tomorrow...I don't know!"
Henry returned with the kit and I frantically searched for the Epinephrine shot. Henry knew exactly what I was looking for and within seconds, grabbed it from the bottom. Malcom, Junior and Henry watched, as I took off her shirt and found the exact location of her heart. Malcom's eyes widened, as he watched me mark the location.
"I have to do this, Malcom! Its going to help her lungs, the blood pressure and her heart to work properly again. She overdosed on Cocaine again....God fucking shit, Emily! What is your problem!?" I could feel the tears forming again; by me yelling at her motionless body, it almos tmade this current situation better. I loved my sister but she could be so selfish.
I took the needle and with one final prayer, I plunged the needle straight into her heart. We all stood back, as Emily awoke screaming, thrashing and trying to tear the needle from her chest. She backed up into the toliet; her eyes were sunk in, faded and appeared lost. She wiped the blood and vomit from her mouth, looked around and came to her senses. She peered at four grown men shivering and simply waiting.
"Emily...can you hear me? Its me, Hans Junior."
"I know who the fuck you are, Hans, you idiotic muthafucker! I can SEE who you are!"
"Hey! Don't yell at him! Not his fault you overdosed again! You're lucky I saved you-" Emily took one look at me and I could already feel them digging my grave and burying what was left of my body.
"LUCKY you saved me, Ethan?!"
"You were dying, Emily! What was I supposed to do!"
"I was fine, you idiot-"
"What?! No! No, you were not! Stop acting like dad and-" I instantly stopped the second I heard myself say those words. Everyone, especially Emily, had their eyes on me. I hated comparing her to dad; she could have easily began her life not continuing where he left off. He STOPPED all of this for a reason.
"What was that, Ethan? Hmmm? STOP ACTIN' LIKE WHO?!" When she coughed, I noticed some blood on her palms. Hm. Serves you right.
"Look, just stop, okay? We were supposed to get ready for mom and dad's but-"
"I'm still going you twat! I never said I ain't goin' to that stupid dinner thing mom is doin'...."
"Really? You are strung out, Emily! I HEARD you got arrested AGAIN because of drugs....AGAIN!"
"Fuck you, Ethan! You don't know a damn thing, do you?"
I watched as Malcom kindly lifted her up but was instantly pushed to the side. She walked to the sink, rinsed out her mouth and stumbled back into the lounge. Hans Junior sighed, for he knew who would be cleaning up this mess. I followed her; Henry and Malcom close behind.
"Well, if you would COMMUNICATE like a normal person, maybe I-"
"What, huh? Come fuckin' save the day? Force me to stop actin' like this, take responsibility and take me away? I'm fine, Ethan!"
"No! I don't WANT to take you away from the Pudding & Pie! This is YOUR place, YOUR business and-"
"Then let's be clear on something-I'M the boss! I'M the one that pours her blood, sweat and tears into this place. I don't need you, or mom, or dad or the fuckin' others comin' in here and telling ME what to do! So what if the cycle is startin' all over? Does it look like I give a fuck? You really think dad got far being 'careful' or being 'nice'?"
"Emily! No one is doing that! You're missing the point. Dad's story was different! You KNOW that! You HAVE a choice, though! You almost died, Emily! What would I have done if I went in there and found you..." The image created was unbearable.
"Look. Your job is to dance, entertain clients and bring me my money. You are NOT my fuckin' babysitter, got that?" I watched as Felicia ran to Emily's side, wrap her arms around her neck and tightly hold on. Emily, however, was not having it and soon, she pushed Felicia to the side and continued walking towards the stage.
"Malcom! Take the rest of the day off and come back tomorrow, so we can have you start. Henry-finish cleaning that bar. Felicia! Get me some asprin, cup of water and a pillow...need to rest for tonight. And you...remember your place, little brother, okay?"
I watched as Felicia assisted Emily into her room; Henry quietly cleaned the bar, as Malcom stood here bewildered. I sighed and returned to the dressing room. I took a seat at the mirror and began fixing my hair and placing teeth whitners on my teeth.
This was my life. Welcome to it.
Oh! Can't wait for you to officially start the story about the kids!
This was intense, Pie, like always! I love how everything is all coming together. Something tells me trouble is going to happen at Georgie and Lyla's place, once all the kids are together. I'm sensing that Georgie has kept certain things from the kids in regards to his past. Can't wait to see what he reveals to them. (Or, THEY find out!!!)
I feel bad for Ethan. He seems care deeply about his sister and worries about her. More! Can't wait to see what happens next!
Chapter 9 Crooked
I arrived in Trenton, New Jersey using the transportation spell. It was dark... I was then greeted by a middle age man with a Ned Flanders mustache and sun glasses. He's been waiting for me.... he must be working for Redd. From a distance I saw Walter faced to face with Redd in front of ta museum. I tried to catch up with them but I am thrown by the man who transform into some kind of monster..
"Jersey... Jersey Devil is the name..." as he begin to approach me. I don't have time for this, I can't fight this thing with to many people close by, so i need to take care of this quick.
So I called Jersey several slurs taunting him. He charges at me and gets his horns stuck into a tree, after that I punch Jersey several times in the face before he could free himself. Annoyed by me, he grabbed me and tried to bite me so I kick him in his groin as hard as I can causing him to let me go.
I take out my sword and hold it over his head. I should kill him...but that's not who I am, so i leave him be.
I look around and too see Walter and Redd gone... they must already be inside I need to get in there and stop Redd before it's too late, and luckily the museum is still opened so Redd won't try anything...,hopefully.
I enter the museum and its a lot bigger than the one before, I should use my bird call to contact Walter if he isn't hurt. After I use my call he replies back, but something does seem right. The call can be heard farther down the hall so I make my way threw quickly as possible avoiding any security guards. I turn left and enter the room where I heard the bird call, my Walter fighting Redd.
I come to my brothers rescue and attack Redd from behind. He retreats and turns to both of us. Who are you exactly? I asked him tightly holding my sword.
Redd then replies, "As I told you before I am a ghost. A black dog ghost who haunted the British Isles, but that was not who I always was. I once had a family who was including myself was killed by our Crooked Father. Oooh how I despise that bastard. My family went to the afterlife, but as for me.. I turned into something else.. the person you see before you."
I ask Redd what does Fabletown got to do with this and he replied; "They took something from, MY REVENGE. I was suppose to kill the Crooked and avenge my family but no who did it instead? A fucking werewolf for Christ sake.. After that was done I was suppose to take all of his riches for myself and start my own empire, in memory of my family.."
I then told Redd he was being selfish and he replies, "The people of Fabletown are selfish, and I'm going to make them pay and claim what is rightfully mine."
He smash the case with the artifact and tells us to enjoy prison. The alarms triggers and every security officer in the museum rushes to the room. Redd then turns into his ghost dog form and disappears. The officers tell us to freeze and we put our hands up.
Son of a bitch...
To be continued
Ah, the classic 'get-framed-in-a-museum' scene. Very nice, Stone.
Ahhh! Jersey! XD
God job once more!
Just like that scene from Pulp Fiction. More or less.
Another spot-on bit of writing, and nice British Isles black dog reference!
Phew, done with this one. I've been currently in the mood for brainstorming more for Tez's tale, enjoy!
Chapter 9: A New Friend
7:37 P.M. - awakening from a nap in the Woodlands interrogation cell:
"Ugh," The dragon thief rubbed his eyes, whispering faintly to himself. "My goddamned brain, must still be groggy from the sleeping pills the doctor gave me." So, after finally stretching his arms out, he got up and scanned the cell to keep note of his surroundings, a sight that used to be all too familiar for him - back before he was cursed.
"Snow? Bigby? Swineheart? Anyone there?" Tezoth called out when he came near the bulky door, to which he was greeted with no response.
"Shit, am I all alone in this fucking dump? Christ…"
Tez sat on the cot again, thinking of the past events that got him here. The diner, the blood-curdling scene in the bathroom, Bloody Mary and her two lackeys, a painful memory that Mary made him see. All of this shit that him and Snow had to go through to get to this fucking place. The so-called 'Woodlands'. "Was this meant to happen? How did Bloody Mary know me? Did I make the right choice by going with Snow? "What did she mean by how I was going to be useful for this government of theirs?"
Numerous questions clouded Tezoth's mind, he wasn't quite sure what to make of it. All he did know is that he was feeling the urge to steal again, something valuable he can get his hands on.
"Hell, maybe they'll pay for whatever job they have in store for me."
"But, no matter, I'll play along." He sighed, looking at his bandaged right hand.
A good chunk of time had passed by after his recent awakening - endlessly walking around in circles, sitting on the cell bed tediously, this type of crap was making the dragon restless. To his avail, however, he started to hear footsteps from behind the door, he pressed the side of his face against the cold steel door to listen.
Tap, tap, tap, an odd jingling was also heard afterward. That didn’t sound like Snow’s heels walking toward the door, and, were those keys?
Perhaps it was Bigby who was coming down to check on him? Though, before thinking any further on the matter - Tez had stepped away from the door, for he didn't want to arouse suspicion of attempted escape if the wolf was coming to check.
More jingling was heard from the other side, and then, a click. The way out began to slide open, and it kept on sliding until the door came to a halt. The person walked over to him, key-ring in hand and a pair of glasses in another.
Tezoth looked at her, and she looked at him. Boy, what an awkward moment that was.
"You must be Tezoth, the dragon I keep hearing so much about." She said as she bit her lip nervously, trying to hide her surprised expression when she saw the thief's eyes for the first time.
Tezoth took a deep breath, calmly noting to himself that this girl seemed to not mean him any harm. "Yes, you are correct, to whom do I owe the pleasure of speaking to?"
"Well, 'mister honeyed words', I am Rose Red. Like, I'm here to break you out."
"Break me out? I mean no disrespect, but I could have easily broke out myself."
"My, you are cocky like me," She giggled. "At least you have manners."
He wanted to smile, but he decided to keep a straight face. He looked at Rose with his dragon eyes, Tezoth had stepped closer to her - while she eyed him back, not moving an inch. "What a brave girl." He thought.
"Well, ahem, Miss 'Rose', I'm tempted to leave with you. Really, I am. However, I fear that we may be in a problematic situation here, you see: I'm afraid that Snow White or Bigby will notice me leaving with you. And, if they do, I'm most likely going to take the blame for it, correct?
"Snow White is probably sleeping and Bigby is in his office. Besides, if we get caught, I'll talk us out of it, you can trust me."
Tezoth felt a bad feeling churn inside his stomach, maybe it was him still getting used to his human body again. Either way, he nodded in agreement on getting out with this supposed rescuer of his. He was tired of being cooped up anyway.
"Alright, obviously you would need these. Don't want any Mundy questioning how your eyes are like that." She stuffs the key-ring away in one of her pockets while she hands him the spiffy sunglasses.
The dragon thief grinned and grabbed the pair, for he willingly put the aviators on.
"Awesome, come with me." Closing the cell door behind them, Rose and Tez quickly went up the staircase, only to step foot into the lobby of the place.
She looked around, making sure that no one was in sight - except for the one guard that was always sleeping. Tezoth couldn't quite recall seeing the desk guard when he entered the Woodlands, in fact: how he got here in the first place was fuzzy to him, trying to remember made his head hurt.
Rose took the keys out and slipped them back into Grimble's shirt pocket, Tezoth was impressed, for she didn't even wake the snoring man.
"Do you do this often?" Tezoth said whilst making the corniest smirk ever.
"Oh, wouldn't you like to know?" Rose replied back, feeling confident in her words. "Let's get out of this dump."
Tez nodded, letting her lead the way again. The two opened the doors, and finally made their escape through the front gate.
"My apartment is a few blocks from here, we can chill once we get there." She continued onward, while a strong grip latched onto her arm tight, she struggled to break free. Rose turned to look at Tezoth, his entire body was still, she noticed what he was trying to do and sighed, giving in to his grip.
"Before we venture forward, how do I know that I can trust you? I could easily walk away right now."
"By all means, go ahead if you really want to, Tezzy-boy. But do run away - keep in mind that you're just going to make matters worse for yourself. The Big Bad Wolf will hunt you down, Snow will be majorly pissed at you, and..."
"Alright, I get it. I think I'd be lost in a huge village like this, truth be told."
"Uh, yeah, we call these 'huge villages' cities in this world. Now, assuming that you're done interrogating me, I'd reckon that we should be off now, before any other Fables notice us."
The thief nodded, he was still amazed by all the bright lights that this 'city' had to offer when he strolled along the Mundy sidewalks with Rose.
9:01 P.M. - Rose's place, 2nd floor:
Eagerly entering the building, the two of them inevitably stood before the entrance.
"Welcome to my pad, it's about damn time that we finally got here as well. Let me get my key here." Rose dug her hands in both of her jean pockets and wriggled her hands in them furiously, Tezoth couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in response as she grunted at herself for not remembering.
"Shit, I left the goddamn key inside."
He walked over to Rose's side and looked down, finally noticing that he was a little bit taller than her. "...Maybe I can help?"
"How? Wait, that's right, you're a thief and all."
"Used to be, I just need to get back into the complexity of things. I suppose this door can be my training...dummy...thing, so to speak. Erm, do you have a lockpick of some sort?"
"Nah, sorry."
"Well, then," Tezoth continued. "I guess there's only one thing that I can do that'll open this obstacle."
"And what is that?" Miss Red stared at him in puzzlement.
"This." He raised his right leg and hurled it towards the door, forcefully kicking it open. The entrance flew open quick, while the latch and lock broke off in the process.
"Tez! What the fuck?!"
"Sorry, did what I could do, I didn't see any other way." Pondering the thought, perhaps this wasn't the smartest thing he has ever done.
She scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Welcome to my apartment, I guess, wish you hadn't kicked the door in." She tried to close the door completely, but it was no use.
"I'm honored, Rose, nice 'pad'. In all seriousness though, I am truly sorry for my handling on your door, I could have approached it with care."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Listen, I'm really tired, so if you'll excuse me... I'm going to go beddy-bye." The girl rubbed her eyes and stretched.
"You can sleep on my sofa, g'night dragon."
Tez watched as the red-haired beauty went into her room, shutting the door behind her. He looked over at her partially-closed front door and shook his head. "Well, I guess this is it, Tez, in an apartment of some woman you barely know. Better get some rest."
END, of Chapter 9.
Aviators! I hope you don't mind me presuming it's a reference to the Vacation story and being rather happy about it!
The 'huge village' was a nice touch, and the door-kicking oddly comical. I commend you another bit of excellent writing, DragonButter!
It might as well have been! Now that you mention it! Either way, I am super glad you are content with it. :P
And thank you so much, Noir. Again, you made me happy!
Glad to do so xD and I appreciate the awesome from the Doctor!
You should be appreciative, Sensei Noir. XD
For remembering the Sensei-ness, Acolyte XD
Among The Fables
Part 2 (Part 1 can be found in sections 29 and 30 of this thread)
Hours later, Peter is awakened by the ringing of his phone.
Peter: … This is Caves…
Agent Makowitz: It’s Mak. I’ve got some bad news.
Peter: Of course…
Agent Makowitz: Rohrer and I have been looking every-which-way for this address and it’s just not coming up. It doesn’t exist, man. You sure you gave it to me right?
Peter: Yeah, 1-1-3 A-D-H-A-N Street, Apt 6, New York, NY…
Agent Makowitz: That’s what we’ve been looking for. There’s no history on it. At all. Where’d you get it?
Knowing Makowitz wouldn’t understand or believe how Peter came across the address (something Peter himself was having a difficult time understanding and believing), he half answers.
Peter: I… You know, looking around. So, nothing?
Agent Makowitz: Nothing. It doesn’t exist, man. I’m sorry.
Peter: sighs …
Agent Makowitz: Have you found anything else?
Peter: No. That was it.
Agent Makowitz: What’re you going to do now?
Peter: I don’t know… Ask around, I guess. Maybe by some infinitesimal chance somebody can tell me something. This address has to lead somewhere.
Agent Makowitz: Caveman… If it were real, it would’ve come up in the Bureau’s database.
Peter: Yeah… I’m going to go see Mrs. Pruitt, then the attendant that worked last night.
Agent Makowitz: And after that?
Peter: I have no idea.
Agent Makowitz: You’ll think of something. You always do. Just stay positive.
Peter: I’m trying to…
Agent Makowitz: I know… And if you need anything else, you call me.
Peter: I will, and thanks again.
Agent Makowitz: You got it. I’m sorry it didn’t work out.
Peter: So am I… Alright, Mak, you have a good day. Catch lots of bad guys.
Agent Makowitz: Always!
Peter: smiles Bye.
Agent Makowitz: Bye.
The call ends. Peter hits the shower, gets dressed and checks in on the officers.
Peter: How’re we doing, guys?
Officer Wilson: Going strong, sir.
Officer Hernandez: No sign of the man you described. Nothing out of the ordinary. Folks walking up and down the street, but other than that, nothing’s happened.
Peter: Good job. When does your shift end?
Officer Hernandez: In a while, sir.
Peter: Do you know who’s going to be taking over for you?
Officer Hernandez: Yeah, it’ll be Officers Tipiani and Neal.
Peter: Okay, well, in the event I don’t see you two again, you give them my number and tell them what I told you. Please.
Officer Hernandez: Will do.
Peter: You know what? Just have them call me as soon as they get here.
Officer Hernandez: Alrighty.
Peter: Thank you. I appreciate it.
Officer Hernandez: Not a problem, sir.
Peter leaves the two officers and walks across the street to Mrs. Pruitt’s. He knocks, and she answers.
Peter: Mrs. Pruitt, I presume?
Mrs. Pruitt: Yes…
Peter: I’m sorry to disturb you, ma’am. I’m Agent Caves with the FBI. shows badge I just have some follow-up questions regarding last night’s incident. May I come in, please?
Mrs. Pruitt: FBI? Oh, my. Well, certainly. Come on in, handsome.
Peter: smiles Thank you, ma’am.
Mrs. Pruitt: Sit down, sit down. Have you eaten anything? You law enforcement are always so busy…
Peter: No, I haven’t, but…
Mrs. Pruitt: I’ll whip something up. Come on, we can talk in the kitchen.
Peter: That’s very kind of you, ma’am, but I couldn’t possibly.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, hush now. You’re in my house. You do as I say.
Peter: Yes, ma’am.
Peter follows her into the kitchen. Together they prepare breakfast and sit down to eat.
Mrs. Pruitt: I don’t know what to tell you, dear. I told the police everything I know.
Peter: Yes, I read their report.
Mrs. Pruitt: They didn’t believe me did they?
Peter: Why do you say that?
Mrs. Pruitt: I just got the feeling they didn’t. I’m old, you know? Not crazy. They asked me what I saw and that’s exactly what I told them.
Peter: Well, I believe you, ma’am. That’s why I’m here. I’d rather hear it from you than read it from a report. So, if you can start from the very beginning, from the very first thing you remember to the very last, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Mrs. Pruitt: Anything I can do to help. Okay, well, it started with me having trouble sleeping. That seems to be happening more often.
Peter: I’m sorry to hear that.
Mrs. Pruitt: Why thank you, dear. Where was I? That’s right… I started getting very thirsty, so I got up to get a glass of water. That’s when, from my window, I noticed this light coming from the second floor of the motel across the street. I didn’t pay much attention to it. On most nights there are at least a couple of tenants who stay up late, you see? Anyway, I was about to leave for my water, when I hear a woman
screaming. Now, my hearing isn’t what it used to be, but I’m not deaf yet. I was sure it was a woman screaming. I couldn’t quite make out what she was screaming, but I heard her screaming alright. It frightened me, so I walked over to my window to see if I could see where the screaming was coming from. That’s when I saw three silhouettes moving around in that same room I told you I saw the light coming from? Now, my eyesight isn’t what it used to be, but I’m not blind yet. I knew she was there. And, dear… If I were to tell you that I wasn’t extremely afraid, I’d be lying to you. I was shaking, but I couldn’t just stand there and not do anything. I completely forgot about my glass of water, grabbed my slippers, a jacket, and my heaviest pan before going outside to get a closer look. I walked to the street, crossed it and stood some distance from the room. By then I was positive of what I was hearing and seeing. I –
Peter: I’m sorry to interrupt you, but at that point, what exactly did you see? This is very important, Mrs. Pruitt…
Mrs. Pruitt: I saw three people in that room. I’m sure of it. I’m sorry to say I couldn’t see any faces, but there were definitely three people in there.
Peter: Did you manage to see what they were doing?
Mrs. Pruitt: I didn’t, no, but it didn’t sound good.
Peter: What exactly did you hear? Were you able to make out what the woman was screaming?
Mrs. Pruitt: Yes, I was. She was screaming, “no”, and “stop”, and “please”, over and over again. It was absolutely terrifying. And that’s not all I heard. I heard a man yell, “Get away from her!” I heard glass shatter, things hit the walls… I wanted to call out, but I froze up. I didn’t know what to do… The screams of fear had stopped… Then they were just screams of pain… I didn’t know what to do, dear. What could I do? I was so scared… Next thing I know, it all went silent. Not a sound. I feared the worst, and I don’t know how I did it, but I opened my mouth. “Hello in there?!” I called out. And as soon as I called out, the light went off. Oh, darling… I died inside. I was sure whomever was still in there was coming for me. I turned right around and booked it back to the house. As I was opening the door, I heard glass shatter again. I figured it was the room’s window being broken by whoever was inside. I didn’t want to turn around and find out, to be honest. I locked my door and gunned it for the telephone. I dialed 9-1-1 and hid in my closet until the police arrived. Christ above, that was the longest wait of my life…
Peter: I’m sorry you had to go through that, Mrs. Pruitt. You’re a very brave woman.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, no, dear… I don’t know about that, but… that’s what happened, just as it happened… Something terrible happened inside that room, didn’t it?
Peter: sighs … That’s what I’m trying to figure out… Are you going to be alright?
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, sure… I’m just a little spooked, that’s all.
Peter: I can try and have an officer posted here for a couple of days, if you think that’d help in any way.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, no, dear. There’ll be no need for that. I’ll be fine.
Peter: Just in case, here’s my number. If you happen to need anything, anything at all, give me a call and I’ll see what I can do.
Mrs. Pruitt: That’s very kind of you. Thank you, dear.
Peter: Oh, before I forget. I’m sorry, but do you recognize this address?
Peter shows her the address he found in the motel room.
Mrs. Pruitt: I’m sorry. I can’t say that I do.
Peter: That’s fine… Well, I would love nothing more than to stay longer, but I’m afraid there’s work to be done. Mrs. Pruitt, you’ve been a tremendous help. I can’t thank you enough for your time, and for this delicious midday breakfast. It’s been a pleasure.
Mrs. Pruitt: Oh, no. The pleasure’s been all mine, handsome. Here, take these cookies for the road.
Peter and Mrs. Pruitt say their goodbyes. With the motel room attendant being next on his to-do list, Peter walks back to the motel and heads to the office.
Peter: Good afternoon. I’m Agent Caves with the FBI. shows badge
Mr. Murphy: Hello. I’m Jared Murphy. I’m the owner.
Peter: Mr. Murphy, I was wondering if you could help me out by giving me the address of one Jeffrey Harris. He worked a graveyard shift last night.
Mr. Murphy: Of course I can. Not a problem. I’ll get you his number, too.
Peter: Thank you.
Mr. Murphy quickly looks through some files and pulls the information.
Mr. Murphy: Here you go… Say, when do you think you’ll all have this wrapped up? I can’t stay closed forever. I’m losing money here.
Peter: Sir, I assure you the FBI is doing everything it can to have this all resolved as quickly as possible. It’ll take as long as it needs to.
Mr. Murphy: In other words, not soon.
Peter: Mr. Murphy, do you recognize this address?
Peter shows Mr. Murphy the address he found in the motel room.
Mr. Murphy: No, I don’t. Sorry.
Peter: Okay. Thank you for your help. You have a good day.
Peter heads to his car, but before entering the vehicle, he turns around and walks back to the office.
Peter: I’m sorry to bother you again, but you might be able to help me out with one more thing.
Mr. Murphy: Sure.
Peter: Do you have any cameras set up around the premises?
Mr. Murphy: There’s just the one here in the office. We don’t exactly have the budget for a security system.
Peter: Would you mind showing me the footage from last night? Specifically from the start of Jeffrey’s shift until the police arrive.
Mr. Murphy: Okay. If you’ll follow me…
Peter follows Mr. Murphy to the back of the office. There, Mr. Murphy shows him the footage. The footage shows Jeffrey arriving to start his shift at 12. A.M. Ten minutes in to his shift, it shows Peter’s parents checking in at the office and leaving for their room. Forty-five minutes in to his shift, it shows Jeffrey sitting behind the desk, but looking and signaling outside as if someone out there, off camera, is calling him. He gets up, and leaves the office. He’s off camera for the next five minutes. When he returns, he switches the neon sign to say “No Vacancy” and then heads to the back of the office for his jacket before turning off the lights and leaving. It’s a dark and lonely motel office until the lights are turned on by Jeffrey who arrives at 1:37 followed by two policemen. The next fifteen minutes consist of the police speaking to Jeffrey, with the rest of the footage showing him sitting there until Mr. Murphy’s arrival.
Peter: Huh… That’s interesting.
Mr. Murphy: I’ll say. I still can’t believe the little **** left in the middle of his shift.
Peter: Okay... That’ll be all, Mr. Murphy. Thanks, again, for your help.
Mr. Murphy: You’re welcome. And do me a favor and tell Jeffrey he’s fired.
Peter leaves the office, enters his car and heads to Jeffrey’s apartment. He arrives and knocks on Jeffrey’s door.
Jeffrey: Who is it?
Peter: FBI.
Jeffrey: You got a badge, or I.D., or something?
Peter shows his badge through the door’s peephole. Jeffrey opens the door.
Peter: Good afternoon, Mr. Harris, I’m Agent Peter Caves with the FBI. I’m here regarding last night’s incident at the motel. May I please come in?
Jeffrey: Yeah, sure… Um, please, sit.
They both sit in Jeffrey’s tiny living room.
Jeffrey: Um, what can I do for you?
Peter: I won’t take up much of your time. I just have one question.
Jeffrey: Okay…
Peter: Almost an hour into your shift, you leave and head over to your girlfriend’s house –
Jeffrey: Yeah, you can ask her and confirm that if you want.
Peter: That won’t be necessary. The police questioned her and she vouched for you. Although, I wouldn’t doubt that she may be lying to cover up for you for some reason.
Jeffrey: No, it’s the truth. I went to her place. I’m not lying. She’s not lying. I’m serious.
Peter: Relax, Mr. Harris. You seem nervous. Are you nervous, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: What? No, no… I’m not nervous. It’s just you’re – you’re accusing me of lying and stuff.
Peter: I haven’t accused you of anything, Mr. Harris. It’s not like you’re hiding anything, right? It’s not like there’s something you failed to tell the police, right?
Jeffrey: Right, right…
Peter: Good. So, now I can get to my question. My question is… Who came to see you last night?
Jeffrey: What? What do you mean?
Peter: I mean, someone came to see you last night right before you left for your girlfriend’s. This someone didn’t step inside the office. You went outside to meet them. Who was it?
Jeffrey: That’s – That didn’t happen. I don’t – I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t.
Peter: I think you do, Mr. Harris. I think you’re lying to me. Are you lying to me, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: What?! No! No, of course not! I’m not lying to you!
Peter: Mr. Harris, please settle down. You’re sweating. Here…
Peter hands Jeffrey some tissues. Jeffrey wipes his sweat.
Jeffrey: Thank you…
Peter: Are you going to calm down now, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: Why do you keep calling me that?
Peter: smiles Because that’s your name. Is that not your name, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: Well, yeah, but – but you don’t have to keep saying that all the time…
Peter: What would you like me to say, then?
Jeffrey: I don’t know…
Peter: How long are we going to keep this up, Mr. Harris?
Jeffrey: …
Peter: You know what I think?
Jeffrey: …
Peter: I think you’re lying to me. You’re lying to me about something that I’m going to find out about eventually, because I’m good. Now, the way I see it, you have two options. You can cooperate, and tell me what really happened last night. And I’ll help you, as well. You have my word on that. Or, you can refuse to cooperate, for whatever reason you’re also keeping secret, thus slowing my investigation. I don’t like being slowed down, Mr. Harris, and if I’m calling you a liar, it’s because I have proof. The camera in the motel’s office recorded you acknowledging someone off camera. We can help each other out, or I can go after you for obstruction of justice. It’s your decision.
Jeffrey: … He said he’d kill me if I told anyone…
Jeffrey begins to cry.
Peter: Who said that to you, Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: The man standing outside of the office…
Peter: Do you know this man?
Jeffrey: No… I’d never seen him before in my life…
Peter: Was this man over six feet, built, wearing a grey hoodie?
Jeffrey: No…
Peter: What did he look like? Did you see his face?
Jeffrey: Yeah… He was around my height… Skinny… Ordinary looking… I can’t – I can’t remember his face. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.
Peter: It’s alright, Jeffrey. It’s alright. Now, tell me everything that happened.
Jeffrey: I was sitting at the desk goofing off on the computer. I look up and I see this guy standing outside. He was just looking at me, and then he signaled me to go outside. I got scared. I mean, it was late and it was ******* creepy. I shook my head trying to say no, but he kept calling me over. So then I started waving my hands, trying to tell him to leave, but that must of pissed him off because he pulled a gun out. The only way out of that office is through the front door. I had nowhere to run. There was no way I could leave. I had no choice. I went outside. I thought he was going to kill me... But… He said he wasn’t. He offered me five-hundred bucks to get lost for an hour, and then come back. He told me to give him the master keycard. I just wanted to get out of there, you know? I didn’t know what else to do. I told him I didn’t want the money, that I would just leave, but he made me take it. I went back in for my jacket and the keycard. He took the keycard and put the money in my jacket pocket. He told me he didn’t want to kill me, but he’d do it if I told anyone. I took off for my girlfriend’s. I didn’t know where else to go for an hour.
Jeffrey begins to bawl.
Jeffrey: I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I don’t want to go to prison! Please! I’m scared to go to prison, mister! They’ll take one look at me and… Oh, God! Please!
Peter: You’re not going to prison, Jeffrey. You cooperated, and I said I’d help you out, so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to have an officer inconspicuously stationed outside of your apartment in case this guy decides to make good on his threat. Does that sound alright with you?
Jeffrey: nods …
Peter: I’m sorry for being hard on you, but it was very important that you tell me all of this, okay?
Jeffrey: nods …
Peter: Just one more thing before I go… Do you recognize this address?
Peter shows him the address he found in the motel room.
Jeffrey: No… I’m not lying. I swear.
Peter: You’re okay, Jeffrey. I believe you. Here’s my number in case anything comes up. You did the right thing. Get some rest. I’ll show myself out.
Peter leaves Jeffrey’s apartment and heads to his car. He can’t believe that there’s now another person of interest. He sits in his car wondering what really happened, and how. He gets a call.
Peter: This is Caves…
Officer Tipiani: Agent Caves, this is Officer Tipiani. Just calling to let you know we’ve relieved Officers Hernandez and Wilson. They updated us on the potential suspect we should be on the lookout for, and we’ll be sure to give you a call if anything happens.
Peter: Perfect. Thanks for notifying me. I think I’m going to be heading back soon, so I’ll see you boys then.
Officer Tipiani: Sounds good, sir.
The call ends, only for another to come in.
Peter: Peter Caves…
A.D. Westin: Agent Caves, it’s Westin.
Peter: Hello, sir.
A.D. Westin: How goes your investigation?
Peter: It goes…
A.D. Westin: Agent, I’m not trying to be insensitive, but we need to have the scene cleared out. I know you’re going as fast as you can, but just keep that in mind. There’s a procedure, and you still haven’t given me any reason to not follow through with it.
Peter: Yes, sir. I know.
A.D. Westin: When can the local PD take that room off your hands?
Peter: Soon.
A.D. Westin: Agent…
Peter: Soon, sir. I just need a little more time. Soon. I promise.
A.D. Westin: Soon. Okay. You’ll be hearing from me soon, then.
Peter: I’m already looking forward to it.
A.D. Westin: Goodbye, Agent.
Peter: Goodbye, sir.
The call ends. Stressed by not having time on his side, and feeling the frustration and impotence over not knowing what to do next sear inside him, he knows he has to stay in control and not lose it. Needing a place to be still and think, he decides upon Central Park. He drives to the park, and having parked the car, he grabs the cookies given to him by Mrs. Pruitt and looks for a bench near the Lake. Having found one, he sits. He sits and thinks about the hooded man and what his connection to the death of his parents could be. He thinks about the man that showed up at the motel room office, and how, even if he somehow managed to find him, he would be unable to implicate him in the death of his parents as there’s nothing at the scene, or outside of it that could possibly connect him to an event Peter still can’t prove was murder. He thinks about the address he found at the site of his parent’s death and the bizarre
way in which he found it. He thinks about how it truly doesn’t seem to exist or lead to any thing. He thinks about how he may never get past the point he’s at and find out what really happened. Just then, a bevy of swans walks right past him. Trailing far behind the group, one of the swans stops, sits, and looks towards the city. This swan is noticeably more beautiful than the rest. Curious at the way that particular swan sat down to gaze at the city, Peter looks around to make sure no one is watching and throws one of the cookies so that it lands beside the swan. The swan looks at the cookie and then looks at Peter for a good while before finally eating the cookie. Peter smiles. The swan then gets up, walks towards Peter, and sits next to him on the bench.
Peter: backs away from swan Whoa… Too close, too close…
The swan looks at Peter, then the cookies, then back at Peter.
Peter: You liked that? You want more? I haven’t tried them…
Peter tries a cookie.
Peter: These are really good cookies… Here. puts bag of cookies between them both
Both man and bird sit eating cookies until the night arrives.
Peter: … Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know this address, would you?
Peter shows the swan the address he found in the motel room. The swan looks at it and nods.
Peter: laughs I’m talking to a swan. Oh, man… stretches and yawns… You know, it’s funny… I’m not at all physically tired. I’m just tired of not getting anywhere with this… I really am talking to a swan, aren’t I? That’s when you know it’s time to go. Keep the cookies. They’re all yours.
Peter gets up and leaves the swan with the cookies. He walks back to his car, and just as he opens the door, the swan jumps in and nestles itself in the passenger seat.
Peter: Oh, snap! What the heck?! … Are you kidding me? looks around Is anyone else seeing this? …
The swan sits there, staring at Peter.
Peter: … Get out of the car. swan shakes head Yo…
Peter reaches for the swan and the swan starts honking.
Peter: Oh, my – Are you serious? What the…
Peter reaches for the swan again, and, again, the swan starts honking.
Peter: Okay, Okay. Stop that. swan stops honking …
Peter looks around to make sure nobody has noticed the situation.
Peter: You’re going to get me in trouble. I look like some sort of swan thief.
The swan then starts making itself comfortable. Peter stands there in disbelief. Realizing the swan wasn’t going anywhere, at least not without creating a ruckus, Peter gives in.
Peter: Fine. Fine. But if you bite me, it’s over for you. I’ll find some expensive restaurant and tell them you’re a goose. You got that? swan nods I don’t believe this… This is ridiculous...
Peter gets into the car and, with the swan as his passenger, leaves the park and heads back to the motel. As they’re driving through the night, Peter can’t help but feel uneasy about how crazy the past hours have been. The streets are empty. The night is black. Peter stops at a red light, and crossing the street, in the distance, is the hooded man. Peter can’t believe it. The light turns green, and he drives up to the unaware, hooded man, parks, and exits the vehicle.
Peter: Federal agent! Stay right where you are!
The hooded man takes off running, and Peter follows. The hooded man turns a corner leading into an alley. It’s a dead end.
Peter: That’s it! There’s no building for you to jump off of this time! Put your hands up, take off the hood, and turn around!
The man in the hoodie refuses to face Peter and stands there with his hands in his hoodie’s pockets. Peter notices this and readies his hand for the drawing of his weapon.
Peter: Slowly take your hands out of your pockets, place them behind your head and turn around!
The man in the hoodie slowly takes his hands out of his jacket’s pockets, places them behind his head and turns around.
Peter: The hood! Take it off!
The hooded man refuses to remove the hood.
Peter: I’ll just have to take it off for you…
Peter takes out some handcuffs and approaches the man. He puts him up against a wall, cuffs his hands and frisks him. He proceeds to remove the man’s hood, but the man breaks free from his restraints and attacks Peter. A fight ensues in which the hooded man eventually gains the upper-hand and beats Peter to a pulp. Peter lays there in the alley, his face bloodied and disfigured by the punches, clinging to life by a thread. The man in the hoodie squats to remove Peter’s gun from its holster, stands, and fires four shots at Peter’s chest. He tosses the gun on Peter’s body and walks away. Peter lays gurgling blood and looking up at the night sky. He can’t feel his body anymore. He can no longer hear anything. He sees the stars, and nothing more. Slowly, it all begins to fade, but, just before it all goes black, he sees one last thing… The swan.
End of Part 2
I've returned...to announce that...
I've been taking a break this entire time. I have plans, but whatever, I'm enjoying myself.
Whatever? WHATEVER!? Storytelling is a serious thing!
Just kidding, take all the time you need. Don't take too long now.
Oh shit! What an ending! I really liked the swan car scene in your 2nd part here. And how your story oddly reminded me the of the X-files so far, lol.
That's funny! I watched that and was insipired! XD
Haha, I've been watching The X-Files religiously for the past six or so months. I'm glad that's what you were reminded of, because that's the sort of feel I wanted it to have initially.