What language(s) do you speak?

I speak English, a little Spanish and I'm taking my second level of Arabic this summer. The class is really long (4 1/2 hours every weekday), but it's going pretty well.
ana atekellem al-ingelizia wa l-isbania wa l-3arabiya.
What languages can you speak? English? Russian? Elvish?
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English (duh) and French.
Like a true 'Murican, I speak English, and like a true Cajun descendant, I know French.
And what is this
supposed to mean?
It means "I speak" in Arabish, which is a way to quickly write arabic on a regular QWERTY keyboard. 2 is the symbol for hamza and 7 is the symbol for a sharp H sound that doesn't exist in English. In academia it would probably be written as 'ataHad. Come to think of it, I don't think I need to write out the hamza, whatevs.
I also got the word wrong, it's actually atekellem. Oops.
Portuguese, English, and a little Spanish and Italian.
Portuguese, Swedish, English, and a little bit of French and Spanish.
Ah. I'd like to learn Arabic or Hebrew one day. IDK which to choose...
I'd go for Arabic. There are a lot more Arabic speakers, and a lot of people who speak Hebrew already know pretty good English. I don't remember that well (I was 5), but when my dad took us to Israel for a business trip almost everyone we spoke to knew English. Either way, they have a lot of similarities.
Portuguese and Swedish, an interesting mix you got there!
Italian, English and some French.
Ok. So how hard is Arabic to learn?
All these Portuguese speakers in here...
Writing it isn't too bad, it's a bit like writing cursive. Speaking it is hard for a lot of people, since the language has a lot of sounds that we don't have in English. Reading it is the most difficult part for me. Missing one little dot above a letter can completely change a word. For instance, it's really easy to mistake (ع) for (غ), etc. also, Arabic is almost never written with short vowels, (the name Muhammad would be spelled mHmd in the Arabic alphabet). That means you can't really read a word out loud unless you already know the words or you're experienced enough to recognize the patterns.
tl;dr. It's harder than Spanish or Russian, but easier that Chinese or Japanese. Knowing French ahead of time can make speaking easier sometimes.
How would French help with speaking Arabic? Is it because of the French influence in North Africa?
Not exactly, but they have a sound or two in common. For instance, the letter (غ) in Arabic is the same odd sound as the French R, just a bit more pronounced.
Okay. So it would be like 'uh'?
English (SURPRISE!), Russian, Ukrainian.
C, C++, C#, FORTRAN, . . .
Oh, sorry.
C family Master Race
English, Portuguese and a bit of Spanish :V
Yeah, somewhere between saying "ugh" and gargling. :P
Pretty language, yeah?
About as pretty as Carver's face :P
I only know English ;-;
Just English, I know a bit of Spanish and Portugease. But that's it. I used to know sign language for like a month but it's completely gone from my head now.
Ha same here
English and a little Spanish.
Am I the only one here who speaks.. um.. Asian?
What kinda Asian?
Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, Korean
Some more fluent than others.
I actaully speak Japanese.
Also English (Shocker, right?) and a little French.
lol English is always a shocker.
I speak a little bit of french too, since its mandatory to learn it in schools in Canada, but I forgotten most of it.
Are you Japanese though? I think its interesting to know what languages people can speak, and if they actually are of the ethnicity
No, I'm actually learning it in highschool. Third year in August, infact.
Russian, Latvian and English.
Lithuanian, English, a bit of Russian.
Polish, English, used to know some German and Norwegian words, school level I guess. If it counts, I can curse in High Valyrian (GoT fans will understand).
Polish, English and German. I speak all of them very well. : 3
Czech sounds very funny. But I don't have many opportunities to talk to someone from your country, because I live near Russia and Lithuania. Although your language is still funny and interesting. xD
I'm rubbish with languages, I got an F in Spanish at Gcse XD The only language I know is English.