What Happend to this community..?
I'm sorry if this is off topic.. but I coudnt find a better place for it.
What happend to us? The community I knew back when season 1 was released was extremely close knit. Coming up with speculations on what's going to happen next and holding hope out for stuff, sharing our grief for what telltale crafted us..
I remember making friends with a few users, who've sadly moved on now but the point is..we had a community that worked.. that acted as a community.
Season 2 came along. We was all "loosely" together. Same sort of stuff.. but as the waiting and episodes came along.. we started spliting apart.. New users came in, making repeat threads.. People started getting hostile and now all I see every day is some form of hostility or ignorance to a character and hate coming from thoose opinions and downvote trolls It's like a constant battle going on. You only have one person with an opinion and people praising that opinion like god.. it's like people are afraid of discussion and the only thing that matters is one side anymore.
Hell you have people spamming "Lee is still alive" threads now..
What the hell happend to us? I loved this forum andI'm on the verge of leaving. It's not worth it.
Where is the community in telltale community ..?
While I admit there are a lot of threads of people who are being idiots (lee is alive/ nick is gay), I really don't think much has changed. The forums are only good for 2 weeks after the episode comes out while it is fresh in everyones mind, than you see more and more of those threads. However, it still is a good place to discuss the game (if not the only place) so Viva Walking Dead Game Community!
Wow... downvotes really get to people on here lol.
I used to come here a lot more often but people who I made good friends with I hardly see anymore and I just don't think people are as invested any more.
Ignore the dislike troll, the dislikes mean nothing,. They aren't even kept track of.
But I have noticed that from when I first came here, things were different from what they are now. Its like we're slowly falling apart... It sad.
It seems like TWAU forums are apparently what TWD used to be.
People just come on here to hate nowadays... it is getting kind of sad. I hope with the bringing of Tales and GoT, plus with more TWD announced and hopefully more TWAU coming soon, we get more fans who don't feel like completely bashing other people's opinions and actually wanna discuss the game and have fun.
It's almost as if we are amid the ruins.
Leave for a while until things smooth out here.. During the wait for season 3 this kind of crap will hopefully die out..
Hard to stay invested when there are a rough 2 months in between episodes. Hopefully with the speculation of Season 3 there will be some good substance/ material on the forums to fill until Episode 5 is released.
I remember a time when everyone didn't point out the tiniest little flaws and make 5 threads complaining about them.
haha, nice one.
Yeah,one can only hope.
Oh yeah for sure. Now everyone comes here to complain about S2 being a disappointment, or talk about "Cluke" or talk about their fanfictions where Luke and Nick get together or something else.
Why is everyone acting like this place used to have some code of honor. It's a fucking video game forum site for gamers. Haven't we all learned by now that gamers can be very unpredictable? I mean Christ if the people here bother you so bad then don't associate with them. I laugh at the constant flame wars, "Lee isn't dead" theories, and disappointed fans. It's gamers ACTING like gamers.
So in that case, the game is like a metaphor for this forum. :0
I don't really have much history here (joined in March), but I haven't seem that much of a downhill. There's still plenty of speculation and commiseration to go around. Just ignore the dipshit threads, shouldn't really to hard to differentiate them from intelligent/constructive conversation
The threads whining about the community are becoming as annoying as the "Lee is alive and telltale writers eat a dick" threads.
I hope if there is a second season of Wolf, it won't change as drastically as TWD forums apparently did. I hope TFTB and GOT's forums also act like TWAU forums. But I don't mind TWD forums, it's kind of interesting.
i don't know the carly threads were about as bad.
i used to joke to myself and once in a topic that this forum was turning into bsn well look what happend now.
I wasn't around during the Season 1 community going strong, but I kinda wish I had. All these nit-picky, self-righteous complainers that jumped on with Season 2 are kinda pushing me away from the forums. I don't want to belong to a community of assholes.
"One thing about living in the apocalypse is not having to deal with that shit no more!"
Wow seriously? this thread is about others bashing other people's opinion and you say that. Who cares if people hate season 2 or episode 4. Does it really bother you? I so far dislike the season and not even arguing with anybody who says they love it. I doubt anybody who is ranting about it or reviewing it is bothering or starting arguments with people who like it. It's vise verse.
People became elitist douches who complain season 2 sucks thats what happened.
So this community wasn't always so hostile? I thought this place really gave GTAForums's Online section a run for their money, lol.
TWD forums can get really bad because a lot of people complain about "whose side are you on?" That probably won't be a big deal with a S2 of Wolf.
And TFTB and GoT will bring a new wave of players that hopefully don't complain as much.
Isn't GOT fanbase mostly preteens? Like girls who use tumblr? Because I see alot of that stuff on there, and if you are expecting decent people, let me tell you to get prepared for the worse. If you think THIS is bad and how people react to deaths (me) - expect way worse and alot of more petitions and death threats.
I respect other people's opinions. It is nice to see other people's point of views on this season or a specific episode. But it is tiring when you get on and see 5 discussions are the same: just complaining about the season, a couple of characters, or episode.
i'm also getting kinda annoyed that alot of people think that twd is the only thing telltale makes. you guys should be lucky your getting a season 3 the last time anything got more then one season was sam and max. most of telltales stuff tends to be one offs i'm still sad i will never get a season two of tales of monkey island due to lucas arts closeing down and haveing no idea where the rights are atm. it's like people think telltale first game was twd and if it is not that then it is not worthy of their attention.
news flash telltale was founded to bring the adventure game genre back from a zombiefied state and they mostly focus on makeing adventure games based on movies, comics, etc. they should have just taken a break and waited to do season 3 later like they did with sam and max and focused on other things and used what they would have used for those projects to make season 3 great. just like what happend with the devil's playhouse. but no most of the people i see want twd to become cod. a yearly series that will get stale after awhile.
Well expect more of that from now on. you can simple ignore the thread and choose something else, or another forum. This will not end, as long as telltale decides to kill of characters and or kill them off the way they did so far.
I don't go on most social media sites, so I have no idea what the two fan bases look like. But let's be honest, it'll be interesting to see how it works.
I wasnt here for episode 3 but i heard lots of Carley fans were very upset.
didn't CSI get more than one season lol?
i keep forgetting the csi and law and order games when i think of telltale's franchises,
I was gonna make a thread about it when i got the chance but all in all Human nature happened we all came here for 1 reason that i think even trolls can't deny because we love TWDG. What's happening now is the franchise is a success people with different ideas about how the game should be handled joined or people that rooted for a certain character joined etc. So what is happening to this community is people have different views on the game we need to learn to accept others opinions i personally didn't feel season 2 did anything to move forward and telltale should remove the 90 minute cap does that mean i hate it? Hell fucking no i still love the franchise. Anyways I'll make a thread one of these days giving my full on thoughts.
I don't know if others also think like that, but this community started to fall down after the gore/porn troll attacks on May. We couldn't post gifs, pictures and modify our text. Lots of fanfics were abandoned, a lot of users left, and other stuff. This can still be what it used to be 3 months ago, but with different people. We just need to be friendly and stop ranting and fighting all the time, so we can have other people come here and post their opinions/theories..
Yeah, I remember the golden age. When the meme and fun thread wasn't hidden, when there were awesome discussions, and GOUSTTTT was king of the gifs, good times.
Where did GOUSTTT go? I miss that S.O.B.
Still waiting for a new season of Sam & Max....Yep still waiting....
Exactly, a bit of civility goes a long way.
He's still alive, don't worry
Also, pretty much everyone is king of gifs nowadays, it doesn't need to have someone specific. The FOTD Lounge, for example, is FLOODED with gifs and random stuff. It's the shit.