The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 4
Day 164
“So what it’s gonna be?” Kenny asked. He placed h… moreis hands on his hips, and moved over and formed a line. Kenny said that there was going to be two lines, one line for the people who are going to go, and a line for people who want to stay and go on the train ride.
Lee, Kenny, Clementine, Carley, Ben, Beatrice went over to the stay line, where Kenny was also at. Adam had the decision to leave, start over. But he felt he belong with Kenny and Lee and Clementine. Adam sighed heavily and walked over to the stay line, standing right next to Beatrice. Manny did the same. Nero also did too. After nobody moved for a second, it seemed as if that was the stay group. Larry looked angry as always and crossed his arms. He started to back up, and it seems like that was his decision. He didn’t really like the old man, but he felt sorry for him. He just missed Lilly. … [view original content]
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 4
Day 164
“So what it’s gonna be?” Kenny asked. He placed h… moreis hands on his hips, and moved over and formed a line. Kenny said that there was going to be two lines, one line for the people who are going to go, and a line for people who want to stay and go on the train ride.
Lee, Kenny, Clementine, Carley, Ben, Beatrice went over to the stay line, where Kenny was also at. Adam had the decision to leave, start over. But he felt he belong with Kenny and Lee and Clementine. Adam sighed heavily and walked over to the stay line, standing right next to Beatrice. Manny did the same. Nero also did too. After nobody moved for a second, it seemed as if that was the stay group. Larry looked angry as always and crossed his arms. He started to back up, and it seems like that was his decision. He didn’t really like the old man, but he felt sorry for him. He just missed Lilly. … [view original content]
I think all of our fanfictions have lost lots of the original audience. I wish it could go back into general discussion since fanfictions arent very popular anymore.
I think all of our fanfictions have lost lots of the original audience. I wish it could go back into general discussion since fanfictions arent very popular anymore.
The Walking Dead: Right or Wrong
Episode 4: Around Every Corner
Part 4
Day 164
“So what it’s gonna be?” Kenny asked. He placed h… moreis hands on his hips, and moved over and formed a line. Kenny said that there was going to be two lines, one line for the people who are going to go, and a line for people who want to stay and go on the train ride.
Lee, Kenny, Clementine, Carley, Ben, Beatrice went over to the stay line, where Kenny was also at. Adam had the decision to leave, start over. But he felt he belong with Kenny and Lee and Clementine. Adam sighed heavily and walked over to the stay line, standing right next to Beatrice. Manny did the same. Nero also did too. After nobody moved for a second, it seemed as if that was the stay group. Larry looked angry as always and crossed his arms. He started to back up, and it seems like that was his decision. He didn’t really like the old man, but he felt sorry for him. He just missed Lilly. … [view original content]
Manny, because, well,...he's my character! But seriously, I really enjoyed his crazy panicking antics (he's sort of like Ben with military training) and how he somehow manages to escape death in badass ways, like when he show up out of nowhere and stabs Brenda in the throat. Definitely one of the most slept on, but he got some decent character development in chapter 3.
Other than my character, Nero is the obvious choice for his charm and lack of an off-switch. Dominic is a cool character too. I miss Sonya, she was my favorite female character.
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how fucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed there was a small little bridge above it. Daniel kept walking once he spotted a small cabin. Daniel started to run towards it, regardless of his feet feeling like shit. He was eager to see what he could find in there. It wasn't that big of a cabin, but it looked like a stable place and place where he could sleep - assuming if there isn't any people living there. Daniel reached the entrance and opened the door. He saw four strangers all resting on the ground.
"Shit!" A man said, alerted once Daniel walked in. He was about to raise his hands up, but he was thinking of reaching for his survival knife. It was too late for that once a woman had reached for her gun and pointed towards Daniel. The woman pointing the gun at him had brown hair that overlayed past her shoulder blades, she had almond eyes and she wore a blue and red crop top, with a white miniskirt with white knee high leather boots.
"Shoot him." The man growled.
"Who are you?" The woman questioned. He looked to the other woman laying on the ground, she was pregnant. Holy shit. He couldn't believe she was pregnant, who would even get pregnant in a world like this?
"I'm Daniel Crelourn - I didn't know anyone was living here, I can just be going!" Daniel said.
"Kerry! Maybe he's tellin' the truth guys." The second man said, who was behind the man who was more aggressive towards Daniel. He had caught a few names, Kerry was the aggressive man and the second man was Elias.
"Elias, you aren't gonna survive out here if you trust people so fucking easily. Get that through your head. Pull the trigger NOW." Kerry growled. Mimi shook her head and walked forward to Daniel, whacking him in the face with the pistol. He fell back, losing consciousness. She hit again this time on the head, hard. It didn't matter because he passed out.
Daniel woke with a groan as he felt the bump on his head. He had a cut on his right cheek. He got up from the couch he was set on. He remembered being knocked out in that cabin they found. They weren't even in a cabin anymore. He was laying on a couch in a campsite. He looked over to the active fire, it seemed to be almost night time because it was starting to get dark out. He looked around for the people he had ran into.
"Oh, you're awake." A voice said, Daniel recognized the voice, as being the man who told that girl who knocked him out to kill him.
"Look, just let me go, alright? I'm not gonna do anything." Daniel sighed. The man had cocked a gun and pointed it to the back of his head. Daniel snapped and quickly knocked the gun out of his head, firing as it flew out of his hand. The gun landed on the ground and Daniel jumped towards it, picking it up and pointing at the man. Daniel remembered his name, Kerry
"Should've let me go. Give me one reason not to shoot you right now." Daniel growled.
"Do it." Kerry retorted. A scream was heard.
"Oh fuck." Kerry muttered.
"What is it?" Daniel asked.
"None of your business!" Kerry yelled as he faced towards the scream but Daniel cocked the gun.
"WHAT. IS. IT!?" Daniel demanded.
"....One of our group members is pregnant six months. She tripped and fell, we're worried the baby didn't survive, so she may come early! I need to get back to her!" Kerry replied.
"We're low on medicine! I....shit!" Kerry growled.
I have medicine.. Daniel thought to himself, surprisingly his backpack was still on him, he would of thought they would have taken it.
[Give them some medicine and stay.] [Give them some medicine and leave.] ["Sorry I don't have any.".]
Adam Stark
Adam sighed. They had been waiting outside for hours. Clem had fallen asleep by Carley, who was also fluttering her eyes to stay awake. Nero was laying on the ground, probably going to hungover once he woke up. Manny was looking at pictures. Adam walked over to him.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Adam asked. Manny was startled as Adam was right there, he put down the picture book where Adam got a quick glance at it before he shut it completely.
"Nothin', just uh... reminiscing.." Manny said, blankly.
"What was that?" Adam asked. Manny sighed as he grabbed the booklet and opened it again, he showed it to Adam. It was six maybe seven man in National Guard uniforms, Adam remembered that Manny was in the National Guard.
"Y'know, I - uh, I couldn't pay through college, so I joined the fucking National Guard. Weird, huh? You'd never expect a fuck up like me to do something like that." Manny chuckled.
"You're not a fuck up, man. If you were, how would you still be alive?" Adam asked.
"Who knows. If I was to die, maybe I could die peacefully... I don't wanna be ripped apart by walkers. A peaceful death, that's all I want. Y'know? Gunshot to the head, gunshot to the stomach. Just I can't be ripped apart." Manny said. Adam was getting worried. Did Manny wanna give up?
"You can't give up." Adam said.
"I'm not giving up. I'm just preparing." Manny replied.
"Anyways, these were my best friends in the whole fuckin' world. Three of them died a few years before all this shit started. We served a year-long tour in the Middle East. It was just me, and five of my friends. Once I came back, we just lost contact with each other, I went to live with my sister. Then this thing started. I hope they're okay..." Manny explained.
"That's rough, uh. I'm sorry, man." Adam replied.
"Just - uh, you've done a lot for me. I think of you as my brother. Just - thanks." Manny smiled. Adam reached down his hand, the two of them high-fived.
"I'm gonna get some rest. Maybe you should check up on Kenny and Lee. They've been in there all goddamn day." Manny said. Adam nodded as he walked towards the train, climbing up the ladder and opening the door to see Kenny having a screwdriver and he seemed to be messing with the wires. Lee stood there, crossing his arms.
"Hey, just thought I'd-" Adam began to say as Kenny cut him off.
"Quiet down! I gotta focus." Kenny growled. Adam rolled his eyes as Lee walked out the door, and Adam followed him.
"What's his problem?" Adam asked.
"I don't even know. We've been there all fucking day. He's trying to fix the train, but I say it's no use. It looks like it's been missing some parts." Lee told him.
"Didn't know he was a train engineer." Adam said.
"He's not. He's hoping he can restore something from the wires. I tried telling him that it's missing some parts, but he doesn't believe it." Lee replied.
"What kind of parts?" Adam asked.
"The dashboard. Well, I think it's called a dashboard. It sounds big, but it's not. The control dashboard, you could probably find it at a hardware store. They'd cost a shit ton of money, good thing that doesn't matter anymore." Lee answered.
"I see. There's a hardware store. I can make a run." Adam said. Referencing to Matthew's place, it was a hardware store. It was stocked with expensive stuff. He could probably find it there.
"Bring someone with you. I don't like you going out there alone." Lee said. Adam looked over to the group and saw almost everyone asleep. Manny? No. Nero? Fuck no. Ava? Maybe. Lee should stay here. Clem, why did that thought even pop into my mind? Carley, she's staying with Clem. Kenny, messing with the thing. Although, it could be a good idea cause he'd probably know what it is. But I don't like Kenny. Ben, if I wanna die, sure. David, no fuck that guy. Beatrice, She's awake. My own choice: Ava
"I'll take Ava." Adam said. He climbed down the ladder to see Ava laying on the ground, staring up at the stars. Adam looked down to her.
"You up for a run?" Adam asked. Ava got up, still wearing that white tank top and blue jeans.
"You bet." Ava said, grabbing a machete that she had recently acquired. Adam grabbed his pistol and combat knife. The two of them walked off.
"Where we heading?" Ava asked.
"Hardware store up by 184th and Shotbottle Kenny needs a configuration dashboard." Adam said.
"Shotbottle? What kind of name is that?" Ava asked.
"Hell if I know. We should be there in an hour or two. I can always do this by myself, in case your - uh, tired." Adam said.
"It's fine. I can't sleep anyways." Ava replied.
2 hours later
The two of them had found some drinks. Adam wasn't much of a drinker, but he figured he'd try it out.
"Damn it. I miss that kid. She would always rave about the motherfucking new Pokemon episodes that came out, begging for me to watch them with her. I did a few times, but it never really interested me." Adam smiled, taking another sip of the beer bottle they found.
"Sounds like a fun kid. I knew this one girl, I had to babysit her every Tuesday. She would always ask me to buy her ice cream. She liked Pokemon too. Didn't really pay that much attention to her. I felt bad after she moved to Tennesse." Ava said. Her eyes fluttered, and she dropped the beer bottle. It broke into glass, spilling all over the floor.
"Shit. Fuck. Fuck." Ava sighed as she reached over to pick up the glass, and Adam did at the same time.
"Here, let me -" Adam began to say, but he looked into her eyes. They were so brown, and beautiful. He never had seen eyes like that, maybe that was just an exaggeration, but he swore he hadn't. He hadn't looked into her eyes before.
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how … morefucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed… [view original content]
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how … morefucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed… [view original content]
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how … morefucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed… [view original content]
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how … morefucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed… [view original content]
[give them some medicine and stay] [let me help you].
He hadn't looked into her eyes before
I might be able to hazard a guess … moreas to why...maybe his eyes were otherwise occupied. Avam: It's no sombrero, but I suppose it'll have to do.
Great chapter overall. Got some nice character insights and got to see Daniel again, which is cool.
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how … morefucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed… [view original content]
Carlos, your writing has gotten alot better, I've really invested in the story. Characters are developed more. I love the Serial Killer Adam storyline. That's awesome. He's Dexter living in the apocalypse.
I'd say Kiss her..... But she's David's ex I think..... David and Adam are kinda enemies..... This would make it worse.... Since Adam is the protagonist that makes David the antagonist.... I don't want my character to die....
(Give meds and stay)
(Let me help you)
Lol my favorite was david? No fu!! that guy.
I'd say Kiss her..... But she's David's ex I thin… morek..... David and Adam are kinda enemies..... This would make it worse.... Since Adam is the protagonist that makes David the antagonist.... I don't want my character to die....
Worth the wait! Your writing has improved a lot since episode one. Good job.
Any thoughts? I wish I had my old audience. About 3 or 4 replies as soon as I posted the new chapter..
Good chapter. It's good that this is back, I've missed it.
I think all of our fanfictions have lost lots of the original audience. I wish it could go back into general discussion since fanfictions arent very popular anymore.
It's harder to let people find your story and I agree it would be a lot better
I see that David and Adam aren't exactly best buddies.... I hope Adam doesn't kill me.
Some people don't really like commenting, but they read your fanfic. I do.
I'll throw out a question, cause why the fuck not?
Would you like to see Thomas return? If so, why?
No. screw him.
Well, as a villain who hopefully will DIE.
Sure. I kind of want to see what happens with him and his group now.
Also, another question. Because I want to, dammit!
Who's your favorite character?
haley from carver's gang i think she is strong and sharp , we want a storyline for carver's group are they gonna back???
I don't know :S
You took less than expected to rewrite it, good job
good chapter also.
Nero. Without a doubt.
Manny, because, well,...he's my character! But seriously, I really enjoyed his crazy panicking antics (he's sort of like Ben with military training) and how he somehow manages to escape death in badass ways, like when he show up out of nowhere and stabs Brenda in the throat. Definitely one of the most slept on, but he got some decent character development in chapter 3.
Other than my character, Nero is the obvious choice for his charm and lack of an off-switch. Dominic is a cool character too. I miss Sonya, she was my favorite female character.
Part 5 will be out August 4th at around 5PM EST
Eh.... Well, Daniel was my character, but he went a little nuts.
Question, will Daniel ever return, because if he doesn't, I'd like to submit a new character.
I'm going to reveal his fate this episode. You can still submit a new character, however. Since nobody really submits characters anymore.
I have a question, what will become of the characters who left on the train?
I'm kinda sick of Thomas, ready for him to go.
Will John Kozlov return? I see he is unknown O0O
He kept walking. His feet felt like they were going to pop off, but he had no other choice. Keep moving. Just keep on moving. No matter how fucking tiresome that was in his mind. He had recently shaved his red beard, and his hair was cut short. He had cleaned himself up after splitting up with Manny. It had been about nine days since he split up with Manny. He wondered if Manny had ever found the group. He regretted his behavior, after losing Beth, he lost it. He wanted to find him again and apologize. He couldn't find them. Daniel looked at his map, and pointed his finger to a town named 'Jamestown'
Creative Daniel muttered, rolling his eyes. He didn't have any more duct tape around his sleeves and jeans. He had to find a store that had duct tape. He still had the same clothing he had the night Beth died. He could still kind of see her blood on his black hoodie. He tried not to think about that. He walked down the train tracks and noticed there was a small little bridge above it. Daniel kept walking once he spotted a small cabin. Daniel started to run towards it, regardless of his feet feeling like shit. He was eager to see what he could find in there. It wasn't that big of a cabin, but it looked like a stable place and place where he could sleep - assuming if there isn't any people living there. Daniel reached the entrance and opened the door. He saw four strangers all resting on the ground.
"Shit!" A man said, alerted once Daniel walked in. He was about to raise his hands up, but he was thinking of reaching for his survival knife. It was too late for that once a woman had reached for her gun and pointed towards Daniel. The woman pointing the gun at him had brown hair that overlayed past her shoulder blades, she had almond eyes and she wore a blue and red crop top, with a white miniskirt with white knee high leather boots.
"Shoot him." The man growled.
"Who are you?" The woman questioned. He looked to the other woman laying on the ground, she was pregnant. Holy shit. He couldn't believe she was pregnant, who would even get pregnant in a world like this?
"I'm Daniel Crelourn - I didn't know anyone was living here, I can just be going!" Daniel said.
"Kerry! Maybe he's tellin' the truth guys." The second man said, who was behind the man who was more aggressive towards Daniel. He had caught a few names, Kerry was the aggressive man and the second man was Elias.
"Elias, you aren't gonna survive out here if you trust people so fucking easily. Get that through your head. Pull the trigger NOW." Kerry growled. Mimi shook her head and walked forward to Daniel, whacking him in the face with the pistol. He fell back, losing consciousness. She hit again this time on the head, hard. It didn't matter because he passed out.
Daniel woke with a groan as he felt the bump on his head. He had a cut on his right cheek. He got up from the couch he was set on. He remembered being knocked out in that cabin they found. They weren't even in a cabin anymore. He was laying on a couch in a campsite. He looked over to the active fire, it seemed to be almost night time because it was starting to get dark out. He looked around for the people he had ran into.
"Oh, you're awake." A voice said, Daniel recognized the voice, as being the man who told that girl who knocked him out to kill him.
"Look, just let me go, alright? I'm not gonna do anything." Daniel sighed. The man had cocked a gun and pointed it to the back of his head. Daniel snapped and quickly knocked the gun out of his head, firing as it flew out of his hand. The gun landed on the ground and Daniel jumped towards it, picking it up and pointing at the man. Daniel remembered his name, Kerry
"Should've let me go. Give me one reason not to shoot you right now." Daniel growled.
"Do it." Kerry retorted. A scream was heard.
"Oh fuck." Kerry muttered.
"What is it?" Daniel asked.
"None of your business!" Kerry yelled as he faced towards the scream but Daniel cocked the gun.
"WHAT. IS. IT!?" Daniel demanded.
"....One of our group members is pregnant six months. She tripped and fell, we're worried the baby didn't survive, so she may come early! I need to get back to her!" Kerry replied.
"We're low on medicine! I....shit!" Kerry growled.
I have medicine.. Daniel thought to himself, surprisingly his backpack was still on him, he would of thought they would have taken it.
[Give them some medicine and stay.]
[Give them some medicine and leave.]
["Sorry I don't have any.".]
Adam Stark
Adam sighed. They had been waiting outside for hours. Clem had fallen asleep by Carley, who was also fluttering her eyes to stay awake. Nero was laying on the ground, probably going to hungover once he woke up. Manny was looking at pictures. Adam walked over to him.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Adam asked. Manny was startled as Adam was right there, he put down the picture book where Adam got a quick glance at it before he shut it completely.
"Nothin', just uh... reminiscing.." Manny said, blankly.
"What was that?" Adam asked. Manny sighed as he grabbed the booklet and opened it again, he showed it to Adam. It was six maybe seven man in National Guard uniforms, Adam remembered that Manny was in the National Guard.
"Y'know, I - uh, I couldn't pay through college, so I joined the fucking National Guard. Weird, huh? You'd never expect a fuck up like me to do something like that." Manny chuckled.
"You're not a fuck up, man. If you were, how would you still be alive?" Adam asked.
"Who knows. If I was to die, maybe I could die peacefully... I don't wanna be ripped apart by walkers. A peaceful death, that's all I want. Y'know? Gunshot to the head, gunshot to the stomach. Just I can't be ripped apart." Manny said. Adam was getting worried. Did Manny wanna give up?
"You can't give up." Adam said.
"I'm not giving up. I'm just preparing." Manny replied.
"Anyways, these were my best friends in the whole fuckin' world. Three of them died a few years before all this shit started. We served a year-long tour in the Middle East. It was just me, and five of my friends. Once I came back, we just lost contact with each other, I went to live with my sister. Then this thing started. I hope they're okay..." Manny explained.
"That's rough, uh. I'm sorry, man." Adam replied.
"Just - uh, you've done a lot for me. I think of you as my brother. Just - thanks." Manny smiled. Adam reached down his hand, the two of them high-fived.
"I'm gonna get some rest. Maybe you should check up on Kenny and Lee. They've been in there all goddamn day." Manny said. Adam nodded as he walked towards the train, climbing up the ladder and opening the door to see Kenny having a screwdriver and he seemed to be messing with the wires. Lee stood there, crossing his arms.
"Hey, just thought I'd-" Adam began to say as Kenny cut him off.
"Quiet down! I gotta focus." Kenny growled. Adam rolled his eyes as Lee walked out the door, and Adam followed him.
"What's his problem?" Adam asked.
"I don't even know. We've been there all fucking day. He's trying to fix the train, but I say it's no use. It looks like it's been missing some parts." Lee told him.
"Didn't know he was a train engineer." Adam said.
"He's not. He's hoping he can restore something from the wires. I tried telling him that it's missing some parts, but he doesn't believe it." Lee replied.
"What kind of parts?" Adam asked.
"The dashboard. Well, I think it's called a dashboard. It sounds big, but it's not. The control dashboard, you could probably find it at a hardware store. They'd cost a shit ton of money, good thing that doesn't matter anymore." Lee answered.
"I see. There's a hardware store. I can make a run." Adam said. Referencing to Matthew's place, it was a hardware store. It was stocked with expensive stuff. He could probably find it there.
"Bring someone with you. I don't like you going out there alone." Lee said. Adam looked over to the group and saw almost everyone asleep. Manny? No. Nero? Fuck no. Ava? Maybe. Lee should stay here. Clem, why did that thought even pop into my mind? Carley, she's staying with Clem. Kenny, messing with the thing. Although, it could be a good idea cause he'd probably know what it is. But I don't like Kenny. Ben, if I wanna die, sure. David, no fuck that guy. Beatrice, She's awake. My own choice: Ava
"I'll take Ava." Adam said. He climbed down the ladder to see Ava laying on the ground, staring up at the stars. Adam looked down to her.
"You up for a run?" Adam asked. Ava got up, still wearing that white tank top and blue jeans.
"You bet." Ava said, grabbing a machete that she had recently acquired. Adam grabbed his pistol and combat knife. The two of them walked off.
"Where we heading?" Ava asked.
"Hardware store up by 184th and Shotbottle Kenny needs a configuration dashboard." Adam said.
"Shotbottle? What kind of name is that?" Ava asked.
"Hell if I know. We should be there in an hour or two. I can always do this by myself, in case your - uh, tired." Adam said.
"It's fine. I can't sleep anyways." Ava replied.
2 hours later
The two of them had found some drinks. Adam wasn't much of a drinker, but he figured he'd try it out.
"Damn it. I miss that kid. She would always rave about the motherfucking new Pokemon episodes that came out, begging for me to watch them with her. I did a few times, but it never really interested me." Adam smiled, taking another sip of the beer bottle they found.
"Sounds like a fun kid. I knew this one girl, I had to babysit her every Tuesday. She would always ask me to buy her ice cream. She liked Pokemon too. Didn't really pay that much attention to her. I felt bad after she moved to Tennesse." Ava said. Her eyes fluttered, and she dropped the beer bottle. It broke into glass, spilling all over the floor.
"Shit. Fuck. Fuck." Ava sighed as she reached over to pick up the glass, and Adam did at the same time.
"Here, let me -" Adam began to say, but he looked into her eyes. They were so brown, and beautiful. He never had seen eyes like that, maybe that was just an exaggeration, but he swore he hadn't. He hadn't looked into her eyes before.
[Kiss her.]
[Let me help you.]
[Give them some medicine and stay.]
And kiss her? Nah, too harsh. [Let me help you.]
[Give them some medicine and stay]
What's wrong with the kiss?
Idk, they barely know each other.
[Give some meds and stay]
[Kiss Her]
[give them some medicine and stay] [let me help you].
I might be able to hazard a guess as to why...maybe his eyes were otherwise occupied.
Avam: It's no sombrero, but I suppose it'll have to do.
Great chapter overall. Got some nice character insights and got to see Daniel again, which is cool.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? You are saying your in favor for Avam, but you pick 'Let me help you?'
[Give some meds and stay]
[kiss her]
Maybe Nero.
[Give them some medicine and stay.] [Kiss her.]
Carlos, your writing has gotten alot better, I've really invested in the story. Characters are developed more. I love the Serial Killer Adam storyline. That's awesome. He's Dexter living in the apocalypse.
(Give meds and stay)
(Let me help you)
Lol my favorite was david? No fu!! that guy.
I'd say Kiss her..... But she's David's ex I think..... David and Adam are kinda enemies..... This would make it worse.... Since Adam is the protagonist that makes David the antagonist.... I don't want my character to die....
Didn't David shoot Adam? lol
Yes, he did. I'd hate the guy too.