Why Does Bigby Love Snow?
I've seen a lot of people so for this pairing, but I just don't see why. I haven't read the comics but based on what I've read from the wiki, Bigby is attracted to Snow because of her scent but there's got to be more to it.
Same thing with Snow, because of the fact that Charming cheated on her, she built up this ice exterior so that she wouldn't be hurt again and I don't know if she was always aware of Bigby's feelings for her or until this century. I don't know. I just know it took her a while to finally accept Bigby's feelings.
If anyone can give me a brief but detailed explanation, maybe I could appreciate the pairing more.
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I gathered it was just because she smelled good. XD
Well its all because of the Lady of the Lake, she can assign fates to people and she gave Bigby a bad one because he messed with her back in the homelands, long before the adversary I think. After finding out what she said would actually come to pass he went back to her and threatened her, she then switched his fate with that of some noble who she promised "fairest of them all, Snow White as his bride.And 7 children who would be gods. " I forget the exact details but thats pretty much what happened? He became fated to marry Snow and have 7 kids, along with some other stuff
Also he said that wolves meet their mates they know they're the right one because they smell a certain way. He's been obsessing over Snow after he freed her back in the homelands instead of eating her.
I could be wrong on some stuff as my memory isnt the best and the wiki is actually pretty bare, but that's my understanding of the situation.
Bigby really loves Snow. And ohhh boy read the comics, their relationship is so well written out and their chemistry is wonderful.
Clearly it's because of her amazing butt and frontal chest region.
because of her bouncy boobs.
Agreed. I've been reading the comics (at issue 89 I think) and I want to see more of snow and Bigby because they are so good and my favorite characters.
I wanna read the comics but there's some stuff that I'm very uncomfortable with, mainly with the whole Bigby and Snow thing: specifically how they were under an enchantment spell and had sex with no memory of it; and then there's Snow giving birth to seven children at once, which made me very uncomfortable as a woman.
Like I said there's got to be more of why Bigby loves her than just because of her scent; to me that paints him as a stalker or something, I know he's a wolf but still... What I wanna know is what is the realistic aspects of the relationship between the two of them?
Personally I would've preferred if Red Riding Hood was Bigby's love interest, just because of their story and I've always been fond of the Big Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hood pairing.
The comics makes sense of the snow/Bigby enchantment thing and it turns out surprisingly sweet
. And as for red riding hood.....Flycatcher that is all.
I know about Red and Flycatcher; in fact, if I was forced to choose a canon pairing, it would definitely be them. When I played Episode 3, I just fell in love with Flycatcher and he's my favorite guy behind Bigby of course.
Bigby actually courts Snow White and becomes really honest with her towards the part with the enchantment thing, it does make her uncomfortable but she doesnt blame him. He actually avoided bringing it up becuase he knew it would, and he feels really bad about it even though he couldn't control it. He never actually forces her to do anything, and leaves when he thinks shes not interested. it and the sex thing wasnt Bigby's fault cause hey he was under the same spell. It makes a lot more sense if you read the comics, and everything Bigby does to show how he cares about Snow is very sweet. (like asking her to dance on remembrance day and getting the band to play her favorite song) For the kid having thing, I mean it was a magical pregnancy anyway, and one kid was a wind so I doubt she had any complications. There's probably some kinda abortion spell...or she could of gotten a mundy one, I don't really thinks she states her beliefs on that kinda thing though so I don't know if its something she considered.
Just in the end the feelings are requited, and they get married and have a very nice life together. Bigby is a good husband and dad.
As for the red riding hood thing? Nah I can't really see it, especially since he kinda ate her grandma. I'm actually kinda sad that Blue and Red's thing wasnt real, and that the real red riding hood never even met him.
Her and Fly are really adorable though
It is sad that Boy Blue didn't have a good love life. I thought that he and Rose Red could have been a good couple, if she didn't have her problems with relationships.
As far as the prophecy is concerned , it doesn't mention Snow White but a woman with very very similar characteristics . Now some people would think " Does that mean that Bigby's reform , his love for Snow is smoke and mirrors created by a woman whose task is to give out fates ? " . Personally , considering the lore of Fables universe , I doubt it .
I finished reading issue #139 on the end of this April . Having nothing to do on that time , I sat down and created a theory on what would happen in the last arc (100% correct till now -happy guy-) based on specific pages of some issues . Meanwhile I also searched lore-parts . In some page of some issue , the Lady of the Lake takes dead people's fates . She mentions "This one would end up hanged in about a year" . My question was , if that's his fate , how did he end up dead on a battlefield . I reached the conclusion that fate is the product of a deep analysis of a person's true character . However , people often change , thus their fates also change . A mistake in battle or a deep change in one's character can turn the tables . On the other hand , Bigby was assigned a very powerful prophecy (Lake's master mention this (with other 6) the most powerful fates ever assigned) . A prophecy is not subject to change , especially a strong one . Bigby is bonded to his future . You see ,almost no matter what he did (I don't consider an absolute degree here), he would end up marrying Snow and they would have 7 kids . His change , his true love and everything else is not forged by the prophecy , but hinted . Thus Bigby's character is not smoke and mirrors .
I last checked my theory about a couple months ago , so I may have writen sth wrong (although I doubt it) . The general idea is this .
He loves that nice smell of hers.
Bigby: sniff sniff Tasty, if you know what I mean...
I read about that prophecy and I was like "Why would Bigby force the Lady of the Lake to change his fate it if he already has Snow White and the children?" Plus given his nature, I'd imagine that he would make his own destiny without her help.
Since you brought that up, could you explain to me what 'wild magic' is? Bigby wrote that he would fall in love with "a woman strong in wild magic, who will eventually confess her love for him."
She puts Bigby in his place.
Nuff said. XD
I understand that both of them were under no fault because of that spell; it was consensual but they had no memory of it is all I'm saying. But that still doesn't give me a full detail of why Bigby is attracted to Snow: is it because he admires her independent nature, is it the way she's dedicated to make Fabletown a better place? Something like that. Like for Red Riding Hood and Flycatcher, Red became attracted to Flycatcher because he was the only one (besides Boy Blue) to bear no animosity toward her after the whole Baba Yaga thing; almost every Fable hated her even though it wasn't her fault (Surely Bigby had no hard feelings for her since he knew that Baba Yaga impersonated her). And Flycatcher couldn't accept Red's feelings because he wasn't ready to let go of his dead wife, but eventually he returns her feelings. This is what is kind of what I'm looking for in Bigby and Snow's relationship, the details of the attraction and I'm having a difficult time seeing it with these two.
I've read that when Snow discovered that she was pregnant, she was understandably distraught and was worried about a scandal breaking out because of her position as Deputy Mayor, but when Swineheart offered her the abortion, she immediately threatened him to exile him if he ever brought that up that again.
Like I said the pregnancy bothers me because it's not natural for a human woman to bear six children at once (Ghost doesn't really count for he doesn't have a body). Now if Snow was a wolf, then that's different; wolves can carry that many cubs at one time. Snow at least should've had twins since she and Rose are twin sisters, but that's just how I feel.
As far as I know, Bigby and Red Riding Hood have never interacted with each other (she didn't even recognized him in his human form at his and Snow's wedding) and I don't think Red ever expressed any hatred or animosity towards Bigby of when he ate her grandma and her in the past, their relationship was never developed. I still see her as a potential love interest for Bigby if the idea was explored, and I'm not the only one who thinks so.
I would love to see Boy Blue and Rose Red in the next game, if Telltale makes another season (which I hope they do).
He's not a stalker, he's a wolf. He is attracted to females the way a wolf would be. But as a man, and working with Snow for so long, he has gained a lot of respect and fondness for Snow over the centuries. Also, Bigby and Red? She's scared of him because he ate her. That would be weird lol
Dr Swineheart did bring up abortion and she shot him down quick. It is rare but people have had sextuplets before.
That's true but it's still uncomfortable for me because women aren't really designed to carry that many kids at one time. But that's not the worse pregnancy I've read in literature (ahem Breaking Dawn), plus I do find the cubs adorable.
I know he's not a stalker, it just looks like that because I haven't seen any other evidence of why he's so attracted to her other than scent; I'm having difficulty seeing that and I wish it was better explained on the wiki. Red and Flycather's relationship is better explained which is why I like that couple better than Bigby and Snow.
I want to read the comics but the relationship between Bigby and Snow is what's keeping me from buying the series, I want to understand their relationship better and why a lot of people favor them as a couple.
Bigby and Red's relationship has never been developed as far as I know; she didn't recognized him at his and Snow's wedding, so we don't really know if she's still afraid of him or hates him for eating her and her grandma.
I still think that Red could be a potential love interest for Bigby if the idea was explored (I think it would've made the series much more interesting if there was love triangle); I think the relationship between the two would be much more impactive than if he was with Snow because of their story and I'm not the only one who thinks so, but that's my opinion.
thats a good idea didnt think of it until now!
How far have you read?
Snow is magically powerful , as well as Rose . If you are reading the current and final art , it should be obvious .
She did confess her love for him in issue 50 .(and sooner)
The only way you can understand them is if you read the comics. Its not easy to explain but there is a lot of history between them.
Officially I've read the first two story arcs: 'Legends of Exile' and 'Animal Farm' from the library but I mostly read from Wikipedia.
You have to read Fairytale Love. I think that's the next one. The volumes that explore Bigby and Snow's relationship will really help you understand their chemistry, I think, and why they're drawn together.
I would also love to see other characters from the comics like Cinderella, Briar Rose, Charming, Mayor Cole, Pinocchio, and so on.
So does that mean she can do spells or something like a witch can or is she limited to certain kinds of magic like either black or white magic or something?
it would be good to see most of the characters from the comics in the game, well... if they make a season 2 or a DLC...
Do you mean 'Storybook Love'?
I hope so, this game was the reason I got into the comic series and after the game's ending, there has to be a season 2.
What was Bigby's actual fate before the lady of the lake changed it?
Yeah, that's it.
To die an early death or something like that is what I remember, I really shouldn't be the person to ask as my memory is terrible
Really all I got to say is read all the comics, I've got a terrible memory for details and others could probably provide them better then me. And for the pregnancy thing Snow really isnt human in our sense. She's a fable. She got shot in the head and lived through it, saying stuff isn't natural is just calling out her entire existence really. If octomom could do it and be fine Snow with all her fablely powers can be more then fine.
And if it took the Woodsman and Bigby centuries to *sorta *be ok with eachother, no doubt it'd be the same if not more for Red. And thats if she even wants to be ok with him, she can go one hating him forever if she wants.
If you say so, I don't remember but it was probably less then a page that it took up. Thanks.
I want to understand their relationship before I buy the comics; I'll read the comics online if I can find them for free and without downloading a zipfile.
Snow is a human Fable, she's able to live through being shot in the head because her story is well-known amongst the Mundies (but she can still die), but I'm just saying that women aren't really designed to carry that much in one setting (if she was a wolf or magically changed into one, that's different); Snow at least should've given birth to twins since and Rose are fraternal twins. I'm sorry for pointing it out so much but that and the pro-life thing are very sensitive subjects to me.
Well what I read on Red, she's a lot different than the Woodsman and she doesn't seem to too hung up on what happened in the story; like I said: she and Bigby never interacted in the comics so we don't know what their views on each other are.
Think what you want then, I obviously can't provide what you want. If the topics are so sensitive then isnt it something you'd like to avoid? I mean Im a person who could possibly pop out babies, Snow having a lot of kids didn't shake me up. From how its explained/looked it seemed like it was?? negative space? like her uterus was a bag of holding? because from what Swineheart could tell she was only going to have 1 before she actually had them I think, plus the cubs could of only taken a physical form as they were being born instead of being in a physical form in her; If that makes sense? Its shown later in the comics that the cubs have the potential to become incorporeal.
I just don't like discussing it in public, but Snow's pregnancy is not the worst I've read in fiction (Breaking Dawn wins that). I never been pregnant but if I was in her position and carrying six children, I'd be fucking worried; sextuplets are born prematurely and one or so are unlikely to survive infancy (I know some sextuplets can all survive past infancy but still). But despite all that, I do find Bigby and Snow's children adorable.
The Wolf Among Us game is what got me into the comics, but despite certain things I don't like in the plot, I still love the story and the characters. Bigby is my favorite character and I love/hate Snow but I'm still not sure about the pairing; but like you said, I need to read the comics.
She literally didnt know she was carrying six babies until they were born. Technically seven but the last one was a special case. She always thought she was only having one. Dr. Swineheart didnt know it because the magical nature of her pregnancy messed with his equipment. She didnt look any bigger than normal and the babies all came out normal size. Its really not that much like a normal human pregnancy.