Metal Gear fan thread
All the other games get fan threads, why not Metal Gear?
I also would throw some polls in here, but I don't know where I can find a website I can use.
Edit: Fuck the polls, I'll just type the questions in.
Edit: Now has polls. Yay.
Big Boss or Solid Snake?
Favorite Metal Gear game?
Liquid or Solidus?
Favorite Metal Gear?
Favorite character? (Can't make a poll for this one, sorry)
EVA or Meryl?
MGS2 Raiden or Cyborg Raiden?
Old Ocelot or Young Ocelot?
Old Solid Snake or Young Solid Snake?
David Hayter or Kiefer Sutherland?
Gun Shop Prank
YAY! Someone commented here! I feel so alone being the alone Metal Gear fan here.
Never played any only watched a lets play of the first. XD
You should play them, or at least watch a let's play of all of them. (Now I feel alone again)
I might watch the rest...I tried to watch the second but Rayden bored me.
It's Raiden, yeah Snake>Raiden.
Yeah I tried to skip to the third games LP but it didnt feel right.
Try to watch all the cutscenes in all of them, but they are LONG, the 4th one in particular.
One question, do these two look the same to you?
Yes the above one looks like a older version of the bottom one.
Well, I'm about to BLOW YOUR MIND.
(So many people confuse those two)
Wow...Who are each...One is Snake the other is?
Aw, I love that Vid so much
Bottom one= Solid Snake
Top one= Naked Snake/Big Boss
Saltlick, I never knew you were a fan. Let's talk about the game then.
Saltlicks know a lot...
Saltlicks are love, Saltlicks are life
Now I ask the question I ask every Metal gear fan. Who do you prefer, Big Boss or Solid Snake?
People and Snakes in that universe...Wait did Snake actually die in the beginning of MGS2?
No, he faked it, he's in MGS2, you can contact him as Raiden
Oh then wait?...Im going to watch this sometime! XD
There are 4 Snakes
Solid Snake
Naked Snake/Big Boss
Liquid Snake
Solidus Snake
Big Boss/Naked Snake is their father
Solid, Liquid, and Solidus are all brothers.
Which games feature which Snakes?
The first is Solid and Liquid, what about the others?
MGS1: Solid=Hero Liquid=Villain
MGS2: Solid=Supporting character Solidus=Villain Liquid=Villain
MGS3: Big Boss/Naked Snake=Hero
MGS4: Solid=Hero Liquid=Villain Naked Snake/Big Boss=Supporting character
Those Snakes, all one big happy family
Yup you arent a family unless you try to murder each other to achieve nuclear war! ^_^
Solid, Liquid, and Solidus are all clones of Big Boss/Naked Snake
If you shot Kenny...
Roy Campbell: Clementine, you've created a time paradox! You can't go changing the future like that!
Reggie-"his body wasnt ready" XD I literally cried laughing!
G.I. Jane-" a strong independent woman" I loved that one too
Kenny-"A fallen legend" Those Kenny shots were awesome!
Yeah thats told in MGS1
Do you know who their mother is?
Snake eaaaaaater!
I liked your old club better 'cause I had first post :`(
Yeah a Metal Gear fan thread I've got MGS 2, MGS 2 substance and MGS 3 I've played MGS2 and MGS 3 Subsistence Euro PAL. I would also like to play the first MGS it's too expensive though, as for MGS 4 I don't have a PS3 only a PS2
I hope to get a PS4 for MGS 5.
That Clem pic reminds me when Snake is looking at The Boss's grave in MGS 3
Can you put up Metal Gear Awesome Series too!
Sorry, I don't know how to work the You Tube mojo in these posts.