Do YOU have a Racial Preference?
This thread contains racial generalizations that are not meant to hurt anyones feelings
So lately ive seen some cool threads on here like What Religion are you? and What age are you? I was hoping to make another one that asks a question which is slightly deeper, do you have a racial preference? Some say everyone does, and those who say they dont are just lying, but im not totally sure. First off having a Racial Prefermce is not racist, its what you grow up with or more importantly what you dont go up with.
Heres a video that shows many of us do have a racial preference.
If you didnt watch the video it has some crazy statics.. done by the dating website AYI and OkCupid
Among all men (White, Black, Middle Eastern, Latino) generally perfer Asian women (East and South) over any race with the expection of Asian men who overall perfer Latino women the most.
Among all women (White, Asian, Middle Eastern, Latino) generally perfer White men over other races, with the expection of Black women who perfer Black Men.
White woman are 2x more likely to reply to White men than Black Men, but White Men reply to White woman the least compared to most other races.. Black men are way more likely to reply to other races than Black women even though Black Women generally perfer Black Men more. Overall Black women are the least replied to group out of any other race. South Asian men are also the least popular out of all the other races.
When it comes to being picky Black women are the least picky, Middle Eastern men are the least picky replying 49% of the time, White men are the most selective, Asian woman are also the most selective. White woman are the second least popular group but are the second most selective Middle Eastern woman are one of the most popular groups.
I thought this was crazy, personally races dont matter to me its all about personality and if youre a Black Women or South Asian man feeling bad or sad, please dont these are just done by two websites its not set and stone. Its not like nobody replied to Black Women or South Asian men many have/do all the time and this goes for all races.
Anyways i was just wondering
Do You have a racial preference? If so what is it?
Do you think its bad to have a racial preference?
Why do you think these statics are like this? (Why are Asian women so popular? but Black woman arent)
Do these statics suprise you?
Im a white male and if i had to choose one race i perfered the most id say Eastern Asian woman but it doesnt really matter to me.
Yeah i mean it doesnt matter to me a lot, if i had to choose id say Asian woman (im a white male) then Middle Eastern woman. It sucks Black woman are the most unpopular, i think there might be a few reasons they are viewed like that. In North America they can often be generalized as "ghetto" which 94% of them arent. Black women are also generally not very submissive (i know a couple Black Woman and they dont give two shits
) so i guess that could be why too.
But all races are amazing and deserve love
I'm not one for racial preferences. What matters to me is a woman that is attractive, inside and out.
I love all races and it doesn't really matter to be, but if I had to choose I'd say White women and then black women. I don't think it's bad to have racial preferences you're attracted to who you're attracted too. Why do I think the statistics are like that? The reason I think Asian women are so popular well I think this site explains it best.
Since I'm a white guy, I mainly prefer white women.
And I also like Spanish and Mexican women as well.
But like I said, I'm mainly into white women.
Mostly blondes, with big blue eyes.
And I also like redheads.
I will not date black women.
Not because I'm prejudice, which I'm not.
It's just not my thing.
Nor will I date Asian women.
Again not that I'm prejudice, just not my thing.
I like all women but only will marry white woman.
I dont really like Asian woman for any of those reasons, i honestly just really like theyre facial features.
EDIT: I do like Asian woman because theyre submissive not because of sex or anything like that, because all the girls i know who are eastern asian are pretty submissive but being submissive can equal being low maintenance (i find girls who are low maintenance super attractive)
okay i did some research on other races for Asian woman theres a thing it above but to add one many men have an "exotic" fetish or theyre into girls that or exotic girls.. whats exotic though? Woman that are white or black arent seen as exotic woman but woman of mixed races, asian, middle eastern, and sometimes latino are seen as being exotic. Another reason white woman arent very popular is because they are seen as high maintenance and usually arent into sexually exploring as much as other races.
Why are middle eastern woman so popular? Well for one theyre one of the most attractive groups of woman most scientist agree theyre the most attractive race.. and many of them have lots of white features, but they arent as high maintenance and are generally seen as being more "fun". So in a way men who dont like white girls because generally thinks they are rude or something (I know many nice white ladies) will go for a middle eastern woman. Another reason they are popular is because theyre seen as exotic.
Asian > Hispanic > White > Black
White = Black = Hispanic = Asian = Everything else
Don't really have a racial preference. Dated Middle Eastern, African-American (think she was half white, half black) and White
I don't really see it as a problem, it all comes down to preference.
I'm a white girl and I have a thing for asian guys. I also think asian women are naturally beautiful.
I don't see anything wrong with racial preferences. It's not like you're trying to judge people; it's just one of those things you can't really explain.
The statistics surprise me, actually. I had no idea asian women were that popular; my guess would've been white.
I like Hispanic best but I've never actually had a crush on a Hispanic girl before.
I like most women, but if I had to choose I guess, white or asian.
I don't think racial preference is bad, it's actually pretty cool to see these statistics.
I'm not sure about Asian women. And basically what #TeamSarah said about Black women which sucks for them.
Didn't really surprise me.
I must assume we are just talking about dating/sexual attraction etc. I am mostly attracted to black women, then Hispanic/Latin women but I've been attracted to various races/ethnicities so I wouldn't limit myself to previously mentioned.
Probably because all indications lead to yes, and I got made SOOO much fun of growing up...
Also makes it very difficult to answer the wrong question. Logically, not really (depending on how influential it is - race is afterall physical and compare saying 'I'm not into (insert race here) women' and 'I'm not into fat women'). A preference is a preference, and as long as you aren't obnoxiously shallow about it it shouldn't be a problem. Then again, I have to say I emotionally do thing it is wrong, at least considering my own shame and guilt.
To answer your question, Asian women are commonly exoticized and eroticized in American culture - although I'm really curious about where those stats come from and how they vary. IE How big is the difference, and how does the difference vary depending on if you're in a country/state with a high Asian population (IE, are people with a stated preference for Asian women more common in California or Alabama ). The other thing, is some people are under the impression that Asian women are submissive, and that might be part of it (not saying they are, I'm saying that some people think that). I'm not quite sure how to account for the outliers though - for black women it was black men, which makes sense since (I would have thought) most people have a preference for their own race. Not sure why Asian guys would have a preference for latinas though.
I'm attracted mostly to White women, than the others (isn't because of any racist preferences I just find white women more attractive).
I don't think it's bad as long as it isn't based on racism.
I don't know what's so attractive about Asian women, but I like their eyes I guess, still prefer white women overall.
It surprised me yeah, don't see what men find in them so much, but I guess it's because they always make anime girls so hot xD
My soon-to-be-wife is african-american.
Well, black. She's not from America.
I love Asian women the best.
Seacond best would be Latino women.
And I also have a thing for girls with pale skin.
Yep, for about a month now.
Yeah, for about a month now.
Asking a girl to marry you... that takes balls. Hardest thing I've ever done.
I'm sure it takes balls, how did you propose?
Thank you x)
Well, in my hometown, there is a festival every August. So we went to the festival together, and at about 1 AM in the morning, we decided to get back. We passed the street where we first met, and there is a multi-storey parking house. You know, where the cars are.
So we went to the top and from there, you have a pretty great view. I played the 'our' song on my mobile Phone and then asked her straight away on my knees.
Well, we've been dating for five years now, so.. yeah.
I wish you good luck! It's definitely the most... how do I say it? It takes a ton of guts.
It's going to take some time for me to gather the balls to do it, but it's going to happen.
Well, we've been dating for five years now, so.. yeah.
I wish you good luck! It's definitely the most... how do I say it? It takes a ton of guts.
Okay well then you've got plenty of time left :P
Okay, seems you have plenty of time left :P
I have a lot of time to do it, I'm only only 16(ish) x)
Well, then you've got plenty of time left
If I was a guy, I'd probably like Asian women. Specifically Indonesian. It's about their serenety, sobriety and kindness. We have lots of things to learn from them.
White and Hispanic I think.
I like all races, but my preference would be white women.
I live in an area where 99% of people are white, and that's not an exaggeration. So if I see a women who is black or asian and she is't ugly i'm somewhat more attracted to her just because she is different. As for hispanic, I have never met a hispanic women so I don't have an opinion.
A buddy of mine, who dated an Asian woman, said that she was very dominate in their relationship.
I had another buddy of mine, who also had dated an Asian woman, tell me the same thing.
So when you said they're submissive, I started scratching my head, cause that's not what I've heard.
A woman is beautiful no matter what. My preference, however, is African American woman; my girlfriend is black. I'm not saying an Asian woman, Hispanic, White or whomever are ugly because ladies, you are not. I just PREFER Black woman. Thank god she loves White boys! XD
All races to me are beautiful. I'm mostly exposed to whites/blacks/hispanics, so I haven't seen many people outside of those in person. I don't really have a preference. What matters is if they are attractive and have a great personality and there's a spark, not about their ethnicity.
My dick doesnt discriminate.
On a second thought, i really dont find most asian chicks attractive, many of them are quite repulsive.