Now you know the truthg... I am afraid I will ahve to sent you over to my friend, scarcrow, so he can show you what we will do to you if you ever tell anyone the truth. This is our secret... >:}
Now you know the truthg... I am afraid I will ahve to sent you over to my friend, scarcrow, so he can show you what we will do to you if you ever tell anyone the truth. This is our secret... >:}
We do not intend to hurt you. We will just show you what WILL happen if you tell someone. But after the demontration we will defete all the badies together. >:}
Here's Gustav, I don't know what the fuck happened with the first one, but he wanted people to guess which one is his xD
Goofy on crack:
… more
Darth Vader trying to be quiet because Luke is asleep:
And not Gustav:
We do not intend to hurt you. We will just show you what WILL happen if you tell someone. But after the demontration we will defete all the badies together. >:}
@TDMshadowCP @LeeTheProfessional @JonGon (meaow) @Markd4547
There you go, ayy lmao. I had to do this like, 5 times, because I couldn't stop laughing at myself, lol.
That is why when Barbie is asked ''What do you love the most?" she answers "Pink".
My god..... I.... I.... Don't know what to say I've been waiting for this moment my whole fucking life YESSSSS YESSSSS
XD even mine
Lmao, and when they're talking and not paying attention, he just vanishes and they're left looking confused.
XDDD still awesome
Nah I don't role that way bruh.
That's disturbing xD
You interpreted it that way so it flicked in your mind somewhere xD
Now you know the truthg... I am afraid I will ahve to sent you over to my friend, scarcrow, so he can show you what we will do to you if you ever tell anyone the truth. This is our secret... >:}
xDDDD This dude never gets old.
Lol, how about we just team up and beat all the bad guys? B^]
puts on black shades
That is what I do. B}
I am real perv but no. :}
We do not intend to hurt you. We will just show you what WILL happen if you tell someone. But after the demontration we will defete all the badies together. >:}
The second some sounds like a rapist.
xD see getting to know you already.
Me trying to do my Spanish work. I swear that looks like Chinese
Haha, that's fine. At least we'll kick some ass together. B]
I'm thinking about how my best friend died today. ;(
That shit
killed me
True. X}
Not easy to keep somthing secret around here. :}
But do you even know if I am a guy or a gal? dramtic face
Plot twist
I have finally learned the hidden cat language.
Your voice is pretty.
What de hell is dat
Whatever, I will eat it anyway ;>>
Yeah we introduced each other a couple pages back your name is Konni and you're a girl that serves the illuminaughty.
Wow, really? I'm sorry man.
Stay strong, hopefully you can pull through.
Why am I not I having this?
I'm so sorry. :c Hope you're alright...
Why the fuck do you want people to be depressed? >:|
They are in a way better place than the one we are living in.
I am not illumnati!
I'm so sorry
Stay strong.
What is that?
And you get to see a free horror movie.
Depression intensifies.
ayy lmoa, we're out! B]
Lol, you can't have any. 8)