The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Hea

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is anyone here? I could use all of your opinions and advice on something.

  • God fuckin dammit.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    If something offended you or hurt you imo it's never blown out of proportion THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Nobody realizes this.

  • Magic Mirror: The Big Bad Wolf?

    Donkey: OR BIGBY!

    Have you ever seen this? It was a bonus feature on one of the DVDs: Go to 4:02 - 4:40 for Shrek's incredibly seductive duet. Simon Cowell even made an ogre pun!

  • Is there a way to block a user? I just don't need this person's drama here. I won't tell their name but I can really use without seeing them anymore.

  • Music is my love! And passions in my blood!

    Rockworm posted: »

    lol when is Cornpopper ever not quoting a song.

  • Thanks. But I feel like it's something I need to do.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    No prob I'm not being arrogant I study psychology a lot and that's a fact too never let hurts feels boil up inside without stating it, it's

  • Man I love supernatural. Its a great show but I'm noticing so many gifs that fit into every situtation lol

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    XD lmao

  • AZLAN, NO!

    Nooo I'm sad because of the dead lion

  • No, it's my fault. I can just feel it. If there is a problem in the forum, I'm related to it in some way. I'm basically Ben...

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Not your fault. It's my choice. You apologized already, and ATR revealed herself. I apologized, and I don't need you to do anything more.

  • Not your fault. It's my choice. You apologized already, and ATR revealed herself. I apologized, and I don't need you to do anything more.

    God fuckin dammit.

  • I feel so sorry for you.

    I shit you not. Yes I have a Spider-Man bowl it's my favorite.

  • WHOA

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  • No way as of right now, sorry :P

    Rockworm posted: »

    Is there a way to block a user? I just don't need this person's drama here. I won't tell their name but I can really use without seeing them anymore.

  • if you can't understand that then leave him alone.

    I was never pestering him.

    what does it matter if there are people like me that don't react like this?

    It matters because you are affecting other people, negativity and stress are contagious.

    And you're currently stressing ComingSoon out, so I find that highly hypocritical.

    How am I stressing him out? Do you even know how he feels? Can you vouch for his current mood?

    This isn't too much for me, I just don't want to hear about this topic, I want it to die, and us discussing it right now is not helping, so let's drop this shit.

    And don't start connecting this to negative thoughts you have about yourself, that's a common thing here, and I don't think anyone wants you to leave, just try not to start a hunt for people who insulted you on the internet, because if you really do have bigger problems in your life, this should shrink.

    Ridiculous? This was a big thing for him, and your opinion on him is irrelevant, I don't care if it's ridiculous, it was a big deal, and if

  • edited September 2014

    Damn dude...Hey Raging I know that feeling man, im glad you came back because if you didnt I would have one less awesome friend.

    @ComingSoon You too man, youre awesome, I hope youre okay. Since before I joined you made me laugh.

    If either of you feel down, talk to me.

    Are you kidding me? Do you know how my life is faring right now? No. I have problems just like ComingSoon does, and yes it has been rough

    edited September 2014

    I wasn't, because I put in under a spoiler tag.

    And being observant still means you're being a dick, if I wanted to say everything I felt like saying, you'd get pissed off long ago.

    Don't try to make me look like a attention-seeking jerk, I won't care if people praise me for my number of likes, I fucking wanted to share it because everyone else seem to do the same, can I not do that?

    Drop it.

    Rockworm posted: »

    So what your saying is you weren't spamming anime just before this? I didn't know making an observation was being a dick. This boils d

  • Last thing I'll say.

    I find it hilariously ironic that you are telling someone else not to overreact to comments made on the internet all while you are overreacting to what I'm saying.

    Have fun.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I wasn't, because I put in under a spoiler tag. And being observant still means you're being a dick, if I wanted to say everything I felt

  • Thanks :)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Awesome bro

  • No prob I might soon to bro sometime everyone needs a break good luck whenever you take it son :)

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Thanks. But I feel like it's something I need to do.

    edited September 2014

    You were not making a joke, you were saying the "truth", so shut the fuck up with this ridiculous excuse of it being a joke, because for a joke to be called a joke, it has to be funny.

    How did I overreact? My comment was equal to yours, look up there and see for yourself.

    This wasn't fun, this was fucking stupid.

    Rockworm posted: »

    Last thing I'll say. I find it hilariously ironic that you are telling someone else not to overreact to comments made on the internet all while you are overreacting to what I'm saying. Have fun.

  • I was never pestering him.

    Sure, okay.

    It matters because you are affecting other people, negativity and stress are contagious.

    Not my fault you responded to me. I was just posting a simple apology, and you had to reply for some reason.

    How am I stressing him out? Do you even know how he feels? Can you vouch for his current mood?

    We were in a chat, and he gave me the idea that he was pretty stressed out, specifically by you at the moment.

    This isn't too much for me, I just don't want to hear about this topic, I want it to die, and us discussing it right now is not helping, so let's drop this shit.

    And replying to me and ComingSoon about it helps it die? K makes sense.

    And don't start connecting this to negative thoughts you have about yourself, that's a common thing here, and I don't think anyone wants you to leave, just try not to start a hunt for people who insulted you on the internet, because if you really do have bigger problems in your life, this should shrink.

    Sorry, it's just the way I am, and if you or anyone else doesn't like that then you can stop talking to me, or deal with it. The forums did perfectly fine while I was gone, and will do the same with ComingSoon gone. A leave, or ban is only but minor. We don't know each other, we're just strangers talking about a game.

    I wanted to know who it was, it was my mission. And this wasn't a big problem, but a problem all the same. This will shrink eventually, and this could have been all avoided under certain circumstances.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    if you can't understand that then leave him alone. I was never pestering him. what does it matter if there are people like me

  • edited September 2014

    I know the feel and it did :'/ but I have a few crushes :)

    Ellias posted: »

    tfw you love somebody so much but you're too afraid to tell them since it can ruin a good friendship and online

  • edited September 2014

    Alt text

    XD BLAST my evil plan has been foiled again by Maddi my code has been hacked and discovered :'/

    OH stoppit U pls it took a genius to connect the dots :'P


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    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You were not making a joke, you were saying the "truth", so shut the fuck up with this ridiculous excuse of it being a joke, because for a j

  • That was probably going to be my last post on that subject, and you just dragged it out longer. What's done is done.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Not my fault you responded to me. I was just posting a simple apology, and you had to reply for some reason. The reason was that you

    edited September 2014

    Not my fault you responded to me. I was just posting a simple apology, and you had to reply for some reason.

    The reason was that you were still talking about it, and I wanted to tell you that if you make a comment about not talking about it, maybe you just shouldn't make the comment in the first place.

    if you or anyone else doesn't like that then you can stop talking to me, or deal with it.

    Don't turn this on me, I didn't say I don't like you.

    We don't know each other, we're just strangers talking about a game.

    This statement does not go hand in hand with how you wanted to hunt whomever did it down, it clearly is more to you than that.

    and this could have been all avoided under certain circumstances.

    Damn right, and if you didn't assign yourself a "mission" in the first place, it would have been a lot easier to avoid this.

    I was never pestering him. Sure, okay. It matters because you are affecting other people, negativity and stress are contagious


    How am I stressing him out? Do you even know how he feels? Can you vouch for his current mood?

    You weren't stressing me, but you weren't making things ANY BETTER FOR ME. I'd appreciate if you fucking let this shit go and stopped being such an asshole who didn't take ANY consideration for me at all. We've ALL had problems. When you're not the one having problems, and you think people are overreacting over something that seems so stupid, it's hard to understand WHY they're freaking out over that ONE SPECIFIC SUBJECT.

    But, once YOU'RE the one in that situation, I'd bet YOU'D UNDERSTAND what it felt like to be down, depressed, and all that fucking shit. I'm going through that right now, and I'm NOT AT ALL BLOWING THINGS OUT OF PROPORTION.

    THANK YOU, and goodbye.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    if you can't understand that then leave him alone. I was never pestering him. what does it matter if there are people like me

  • edited September 2014

    Agreed, I'm trying to stop, but if AWESOMEO replies again, I'm responding. :p

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • Is it someone on the lounge?

    Rockworm posted: »

    Is there a way to block a user? I just don't need this person's drama here. I won't tell their name but I can really use without seeing them anymore.

  • Please.

    Agreed, I'm trying to stop, but if AWESOMEO replies again, I'm responding.

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited September 2014

    So...following up on the crazy Chatzy situation with Chet, revealed to be ATR, and Raging and Gary-Oak, I've decided to take an extended break from the forums. It's the last thing I've wanted to do since joining here, but real life is pretty bad and getting worse and I've made it much worse last night.

    Depression is a scary thing, and I'm trying not to let myself get to that point where I'd consider things I'd never consider in a normal state of mind. I feel it's just something that's necessary for me to do, and that's that.

    Just one more thing. For the record, @AWESOMEO, and many others, I was NOT being "out of proportion" in any way, shape, or form. Don't go saying that I'm being "unrealistic" and that "it was just a joke, don't take it too harsh", or even "that isn't that bad compared to other things I've seen." NOT cool. Uncalled for. Everybody else is supported when they're feeling down and out, they get a "I'll PM and talk about things if you need." But, I'm taking things too far. I'm being unrealistic.

    Thank you for apologizing and revealing yourself, @AllThatRemains. I'm sorry for being such an asshole as of the past 24 hours. I am glad you told me everything, and I'm a cock looking back on it. I don't want this discussion to stick, so I'm leaving. I don't know how long it will be, and when I'll come back, but I'm going to leave when I go to bed tonight. Thank you to all who were involved and apologized, thank you for those who had a heart and stuck with me, and made me feel at least a little bit better. I appreciate it.

    Go ahead and have fun, regroup. I'll regroup myself for a month, or however long. Thanks for the laughs, I'll see you then.

  • When you see someone who used to be your best friend in the hallway at school and they act like they don't even remember you...

  • I am here. But I don't think I could give you any useful advise.

    Deceptio posted: »

    Is anyone here? I could use all of your opinions and advice on something.

    edited September 2014

    You know, for someone who wanted to avoid this, replying to me won't help.

    Agreed, I'm trying to stop, but if AWESOMEO replies again, I'm responding.

  • Everything above water is like space to fish.

    They probably have no idea. But I'm sure the dolphins have some theories.

  • Wait, what's happening? D:

    ComingSoon posted: »

    So...following up on the crazy Chatzy situation with Chet, revealed to be ATR, and Raging and Gary-Oak, I've decided to take an extended bre

  • Don't think so, just ignore them if they bother you

    Rockworm posted: »

    Is there a way to block a user? I just don't need this person's drama here. I won't tell their name but I can really use without seeing them anymore.

  • I'll PM you guys the situation.

  • You know, for someone who said the same thing above, it seems you're sticking with this conversation just as much.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You know, for someone who wanted to avoid this, replying to me won't help.

  • Yet you just replied. And you know what? I don't even care.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You know, for someone who wanted to avoid this, replying to me won't help.

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